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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 125 KB, 560x410, 04_BODEGON_WEB_560X410_TACOS_CRUNCHY_09FEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19135904 No.19135904 [Reply] [Original]

Why the fuck do these exist?
I am 30% sure the creation story went like this:
>Miguel goes to a seedy shithole of bar somewhere deep in the heart of Mehhiko
>It has a mud floor and there's a dog chained to a post in front that won't stop barking
>He orders a burriro
>Gonzales, the barkeep, apologizes profusely 'Sorry, pendejo but I am all out of tortillas!'
>'But aha! What if I put it inbetween some doritos instead? I know it will be as dry as your grandmother's cono and difficult to eat with it all crumbling, but I have no fork to give you.'
>And then Miguel went 'Gonzales, you son of a puta, I am going to make a million pesos!'
>And the stunned Gonzales replied 'Que?'

Please stop ordering them, so that they go away. Thanks.

>> No.19135912

I will not because they are delicious
Put some hot sauce on there, yum

>> No.19135935

Burrito is better in every way. Please, I urge you.

>> No.19136079

I prefer hard tacos and dont care about mexicans whining about it

>> No.19136086

TexMex tacos are perfectly enjoyable, go crawl back to /pol/, retard.

>> No.19136146

Just have them heat up the tortilla if you don't like them soft. Tacos need to go away and it's everyones duty to contribuyr.

>> No.19136463

I'll eat what I like. Stop acting like an italian

>> No.19136468

If you've ever made tortillas it's easy to overcook them if you then create said taco with overcooked tortilla it hardens up, instead of having them harden up flat people thought hey why don't we have it harden up where it is easier to eat thus crunchy taco

>> No.19136490

So you think a taco is defined by having a hard shell.

>> No.19136527

I like both crunchy taco and proper taco. But then, I'm a culinary heathen who eats homemade Indian food with corn tortillas. Something about spice +soft corn tortilla that just works.

>> No.19136549

Only good hard taco, ironically, is the literal dorito taco from Taco Bell
Otherwise, traditional soft tacos are 200x better (meat, white onion, cilantro, etc)
I also want to fucking skin the people at chains like Chipotle and Qdoba for retarded shit like having pickled red onion, grilled onion, but no fucking raw white

>> No.19137085

Hard shell tacos are literally my favourite food. They are superior to soft tacos. No one gives a fuck about Mexican food being authentic.

>> No.19137107

this is the strangest Blood Meridian fanfic i've ever seen

>> No.19137111

You choked on a hard shell taco at tbell when you were five. Get over it and let everyone else live their lives in peace!

>> No.19137133

>You're retarded for enjoying things
Man I just like the texture. I also like those Mexican restaurants here in Colorado that deep fry the whole taco and everything melts together.
Hard tacos are just what I like and it's obviously what most people like because its what most people eat.
Soft tacos are fine, I'll eat them. Just not my favorite. Idk why brown people get so angry about region variations of foods.

>> No.19138087
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>Please stop ordering them, so that they go away
properly made tacos are one of the best foods you can ever eat. hell no I won't stop ordering them

>> No.19138128

I haven't eaten them in years. But looking at that picture, I really get the urge. Will grab some later, thanks anon :-)

>> No.19138146

IF the hard corn tortilla is from taco bell and is left sitting for half an hour so the beef juice soaks into it making it soft, that's when i'll eat a hard shell taco.
Any other taco or tortilla, like a chip used for nachos, frozen taquitos, fresh mehican corn tortillas just fried, to bags of takis, that corn tastes burnt and awful. Only taco bell doesn't have that burnt corn taste

>> No.19138187

i use both hard and soft together to make super tacos.
please do not embarrass yourself by replying that you never thought of it

>> No.19138193

you didn't think of it. taco bell did it 15 years ago

>> No.19138210

i invented tacos in 2002

>> No.19138287
File: 221 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pre-made shells aren't that great, but not liking crispy fried tacos in general is retarded, and OP is retarded and gay. It's probably more common to find them rolled, but folded are just as good and I could probably eat ten in one sitting

>> No.19138296

Believe it or not, it is enturely possible to enjoy both hard and soft shell tacos. I love making both at home although I will admit to a slight bias to the crunch a hard shell taco provides.
As for how authentic any of it is? Jesus christ who cares. Food is meant to be enjoyed, and different people can enjoy different kinds of food without infringing on your ability to enjoy whatever you want to.
Stop being a purity spiralling faggot.

>> No.19138300

purity is better though. it's what the dumb illegal mexicans we hate invading our country like to eat, so it's obviously superior to what our lame country they came to makes.

>> No.19139330

Why Spock wearing that blinging earring?

>> No.19139359

needs more scalps

>> No.19139397
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>> No.19139602

This style is my jam

>> No.19139891

Boys. Always competing.

>> No.19139901

I too enjoy my food collapsing the minute I take a bite into it and getting my hands all messed up
What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.19139904

Ever considered you might be incompetent? If this happened to everyone they would stop being sold. So, the real question is what's wrong with you?

>> No.19139913

spics literally created the "gringo" hardshell tacos with ground beef and cheddar cheese you fag
it was what was available in the 1940s in california
the guy who started taco bell took it from a mexican restaurant

>> No.19139944

It doesn't do that. What kind of hard shells are you using? I only seen that with the cheap yellow corn shells from walmart. Get some of the higher end blue corn shells or better yet make your own.
Or is it not a product problem and you have to death grip your food?

>> No.19140009

I want my crunch

t. Mexican

>> No.19140209

People like you just like licking your fingers like the filthy animal that you are.

>> No.19140325

You might just be too retarded to eat hardshell tacos, because that's not really a thing for anyone else

>> No.19140343

It's Uhuru's communications earpiece--
yeah, StarTrek predicted the blutooth earpiece.

>> No.19140348

>Only good hard taco, ironically, is the literal dorito taco from Taco Bell
I've never seen a worse take, in almost 20 years on this God forsaken site.

>> No.19140350

sounds like a skill issue

>> No.19140359
File: 91 KB, 1024x768, 601b96c6b7f7e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumbass. Tostadas have existed for a long time, and that's just a taco-shaped tostada.

>> No.19140367

That bitch needed some CORNTHENTICITY
Too bad they changed the formula back when they changed Coke as well...

>> No.19140419
File: 99 KB, 1050x1200, 941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When you cook a tortilla in oil, it turns crispy and delicious. You put stuff on that to make tostadas. Sometimes they fall apart and you have to sandwich the ingredients like a taco, which is part of the fun of eating them. Someone wondered what if they started like that? So a hard shell taco is basically a folded tostada.

>> No.19140673

Only here could you see someone so slovenly and retarded that they can't eat a fucking taco without dropping it all over themselves, and arrogant enough to call it a flaw of the thing they had total control over. Break off a bit of the shell and jab it in your eye you stupid fuck.