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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.02 MB, 1175x1142, 1680736830771974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19131064 No.19131064 [Reply] [Original]

What do we drink now?

>> No.19131069

have a gansett, neighbor

>> No.19131071

Water would be a good start.

>> No.19131072
File: 412 KB, 1147x1599, shiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

humanity's last stand

>> No.19131076

bottom shelf gin from some distillery in kentucky, apparently an obscure subsidiary of the sazerac company

>> No.19131082

That's the spirit!

>> No.19131085

mom's gonna flip when she finds out dad's been sippin on queer beer

>> No.19131108

Return to monke and HOMEBREW. Just be careful who you buy your grains/sugar from, numerous corporate conglomerates cannot be trusted to avoid poison (e.g. Conagra).

>> No.19131125
File: 161 KB, 1172x634, shinji_asuka-3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lidl's strong lager never put no rainbow bullshit on the cans.
Their priority is to bring me cheap and effective ethanol, not to make some bullshit idpol statement they probably don't even really believe in.

>> No.19131130

Ruby Red bird is LGBT friendly tho

>> No.19131131 [DELETED] 

Don't put it in a ((Sam Adams)) glass, that's insulting.

>> No.19131144

I like Miller Lite
they do have some gay stuff on their website but I don't really care
all major corporations support that kind of stuff anyway

>> No.19131157
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I prefer Miller Lite anyway. Boycotting is for women.

>> No.19131162

Says the insect.

>> No.19131167
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>> No.19131173

>drinking alcohol

>> No.19131174

Tecate, Corona, Modelo

>> No.19131179

i don't really do my political activism by my purchases.

>> No.19131180


>> No.19131184

We already had a gay month I thought? Why is there another gay month?

>> No.19131187
File: 1.47 MB, 2700x2069, Old Style.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old Style is the new style

>> No.19131205
File: 359 KB, 500x517, gay wolves.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All beer is now gay. You can't drink wine because that's gay too. So are mixers.
Hard liquor seems to be your only remaining option.
Or you can stop being such a faggot.

>> No.19131214

Alcohol is for fags. Alcohol, weed, opioids, sugar, all goyslop for fags.

>> No.19131216
File: 187 KB, 1600x1600, desperados_tequila_lager_beer_650ml_bottle_66347_T517.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19131223

pride month is still june as far as i'm aware

>> No.19131230

>Acquired by Stroh Brewing Company
>The Stroh's brand is currently owned and marketed by Pabst Brewing Company
>On November 13, 2014, Pabst announced that it had completed its sale to Blue Ribbon Intermediate Holdings, LLC. Blue Ribbon is a partnership between Russian-American beer entrepreneur Eugene Kashper and TSG Consumer Partners
>TSG Consumer Partners is an American private equity company based in San Francisco
And you wonder why it tastes like shit now.

>> No.19131232
File: 405 KB, 1023x767, gay rat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All light is gay. There's a rainbow hiding in every photon. Turn off your lights and live in darkness. It's the only way.

>> No.19131234

Try Yuengling. The Chinese would never go for that woke shit.

>> No.19131247

>doesn't know how photons work
fembrained and gay

>> No.19131249

why are rainbows gay when they are gods promise to man

>> No.19131259

>the Chinese

>> No.19131265

Smoke weed everyday.

>> No.19131269

Are the fags going to forget Budweiser was one of the biggest sponsors of the World Cup in Qatar?

>> No.19131270

Why do rightoids insist on shoving their tranny shit down everyone else's throats? I literally never would have seen or heard about this if it weren't for the half a dozen threads you've posted on /ck/ in the past day, and nothing about my life would have been affected in any way.

We get it, you watch Fox News. And when they tell you what random thing you're supposed to get scared and upset about each week you run out onto the street and start screeching about it to anyone passing by like the village idiot. Nobody outside of your little bubble cares. And nobody spends as much time thinking about and obsessing over trannies and gay sex as you do.

>> No.19131277

Both of those suck ass
guiness 4 lyfe

>> No.19131278

Everybody is sick of trannies. Not that difficult of a concept.

>> No.19131283

brands do not have opinions or beliefs

>> No.19131284

Guiness is truly the stout of fags. Tastes so watery.

>> No.19131292

of course, for the same reason that everyone flipping out over gay beer has forgotten that. it isn't actually about principles for anyone involved, it's just culture war bullshit of the day so people can kill time

>> No.19131297
File: 97 KB, 1001x563, pouring-one-out-for-MLK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not even them we're sick of. It's the media constantly shoving them in our faces.
Reasonable people don't like having any kind of politics crammed down their throats 24/7

>> No.19131303
File: 710 KB, 844x675, 1659132069892549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good move. it makes more people hate trannies even more

>> No.19131311

That dude looks like he smells good. What's his secret.

>> No.19131314

I’m so sick of seeing that rainbow and the pastel tranny version is even worse. Those pastel colors make me physically ill regardless of what they represent. This is not about gays, I hate the obnoxious overuse of the colors such that we need to just go back to banning gays from everything. I’ll suck a bag of dicks to make it happen. It’s either look at these stupid color patterns on everything or shove them back in the closet. Because nobody comprehends moderation and its just non stop virtue signaling to the point of all loss of taste and decency.

>> No.19131323

>Those pastel colors make me physically ill regardless of what they represent.
The rainbow is a symbol of God's love, embrace it, and whenever you see a queer flag let it bring you closer to God

>> No.19131332

I’m not religious and I’ve never had religion pushed on me like the cult of pastel pushes their shit.

>> No.19131340

i don't know if they still do it but growing up every child said the pledge of allegiance 5 days a week until they reach adulthood. propaganda is everywhere you're just mad at current thing

>> No.19131342

If you don't want to support companies that shill for gays and trannies, your only option is to eat grass clippings and drink pond water.

If conservatives want this to change, they should actually go after the wealthy bourgeoisie pushing this, rather than licking their boots and giving them tax cuts.

>> No.19131343
File: 615 KB, 695x634, Screenshot_2021-07-11_131259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cobes pouring out a Bud Light in the shape of the Monster logo

A particular soap, perhaps?

>> No.19131348

Blackwater pays them, too

>> No.19131351

>everybody is sick of trannies
Most people never encounter trannies, never think about trannies, don't really care about their existence or even consider them a relevant issue in their lives. The only time "everybody" ever hears about trannies is when /pol/tards are plastering the internet and right wing media with tranny shit. You seriously have a mental illness. Like, do you jerk off to Shapiro x Walsh yaoi fanfiction for 11 months of the year and then just watch sissy hypno videos on a loop for no-nut November? I honestly don't understand how someone ends up with this kind of a complex.

>> No.19131354

getting sloshed on girly drink and $50 small pizzas whil working on a lathe is the most bravest thing man has done. fuck the moon landing.

>> No.19131356

Maybe all you faggots should quit drinking so much beer and not simping for companies in general. Personally I think it is hilarious they put this tranny on a can. How many real women have they celebrated? None. Dudes are better at literally everything, even being women. Women need to get their shit together.

>> No.19131369

I don’t know if you are illiterate or replying to someone else. But its not the thing thats the problem. It’s the eye cancer symbolism. The rainbows and especially the vomit inducing pastel rainbows. Regardless of what they represent. If they represented chocolate and ice cream, i’d still find the symbols revolting.

>> No.19131370

>growing up every child said the pledge of allegiance 5 days a week until they reach adulthood
How fucking old are you? I'm 38 and we stopped doing the pledge of allegiance when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade. (Still pretty fucked up that I can still recite it word for word.)

>> No.19131374

Nah I'm sick of them.

>> No.19131378

>Most people never encounter trannies, never think about trannies, don't really care about their existence or even consider them a relevant issue in their lives.
Bullshit I used to work in primary education and there are trans kids everywhere, it's a disease and needs to be stamped out
If I can help do this by not spending money on pro-trans garbage I will, it's so easy

>> No.19131380

I'm 32 and we said it every day til high school, then it was once a week

>> No.19131381

>there are trans kids everywhere
i don't think the numbers back that up. they're less than one percent of the population.

>> No.19131394

You don't get it. When I was in school it was popular to be bisexual. It was usually harmless with no long lasting issues for most kids. Now it's popular to be trans. Taking hormones and cutting tits off results in permanent damage because parents are to retarded to correct their child.

>> No.19131411

1.4 percent of children 13-17, which means even in a small school 2-3 kids
The number has doubled in the past 10 years and shows signs of doubling again soon

>> No.19131416
File: 421 KB, 2000x1333, tranny fluid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19131427

it's so ugly

>> No.19131440

he wasnt even ugly, he was just a regular looking twink. idk what sparked this whole bullshit but he could have led a normal life just being a cute gay guy.

>> No.19131446

How can you honestly say that when there's so much social discourse regarding the topic? Imo it sounds like you're used to being in your /lgbt/ thread of choice and believing what they tell you about every day people, instead of socializing outside of the Internet.

>> No.19131454

I just minimize "culture wars" threads. I'm too lazy to set up a filter

>> No.19131456

>they're less than one percent of the population
And the more this severe mental illness is pushed as being brave, acceptable, and common is when you see the numbers rise, as they currently are. Hence why people are getting pissed off at seeing rainbow shit EVERYWHERE.

>> No.19131460

Sober life for me

>> No.19131462

>Hard liquor seems to be your only remaining option.
Tell that to Smirnoff. They originated this fag marketing shit on TV.

>> No.19131463

almost like some sort of evil ruling power behind the world wants to lure retards into damnation for teh lulz

>> No.19131466

No, he looked like an unstable man who tries to stay skinny to appear smaller and prances around in what he assumes are effeminate ways. He's fucking disgusting.

>> No.19131481
File: 501 KB, 634x1200, Screenshot_20230405_203118_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already brew my own cider, guess it's time to start making my own pro-lolicon ale. You fellas thirsty?

>> No.19131501

Yeah, real Aryans pick up sticks and watch paint dry. Put a sock in it, faggot.

>> No.19131506

>there's so much social discourse regarding the topic
i actually go outside. depending on what social circle you move in, results in the social discourse you're exposed to.
if you primarily interact with people who are really into gardening, you might assume that most people talk a lot about rainfall and compost and shit.
when in reality, you are just exposed to people who discuss those things.
you know how often people i'm around talk about trannies? not at all. nobody gives a shit. 4chan talks about them, probably more regularly than many other online communities.

>> No.19131525

The TH400 – A legendary driveline component was introduced in 1964 with the introduction of GM’s “Turbo 400” transmission. The three speed automatic was designed to be a heavy duty piece and was the largest RWD automatic transmission in the GM family for an extended period of time. In stock form the Turbo 400 can handle about 500 lb/ft of torque. It is probably the best tranny to ever be mass-produced in America.

>> No.19131530

Anon, these people are complete morons. I saw that guy who made the "What is a Woman" documentary on Joe Rogan (who everyone knows has a reputation for his hard hitting interviews and gotcha questions, lol), and Rogan asked him something like how many teens under the age of 18 start hormone therapy every year, and his answer was, "I don't have the exact number in front of me, but it's definitely in the tens of thousands". And then they looked it up and it was actually in the low hundreds. This guy literally spent a year of his life making a documentary exposing the "tranny problem" and he wasn't even remotely in the ballpark when asked what should have been one of the most basic statistics for his entire argument.

Another time I saw Rogan tell a story that he said was told to him by the wife of one of his close friends who was supposedly an elementary school teacher, and according to the story she was really concerned because she had a furry in her class who demanded a litter box in the classroom because they identified as a cat, and the school was going to do it. I guess a bunch of people pointed out how similar the story was to something a couple republican politicians had also said, and a week later he admitted that it was just a thing he heard "somewhere", but not from anyone he knew.

These people just make shit up and believe whatever fits their narrative because they thrive on being constantly afraid, and define their entire personality and sense of worth from being "in the know" about the conspiracy of the week (your Tucker/Shapiro/Peterson/Walsh/Rogan types don't actually believe any of the nonsense they spew, or have any real firm beliefs they wouldn't be willing to reverse on a dime depending which way the wind blows; they're all nothing but grifters).

>> No.19131543

>These people just make shit up
That's how you win the culture war. Getting bogged down in facts is a loser's game.

>> No.19131548

>Most people never encounter trannies
If you have any dealing with young people you encounter trannies all the fucking time.

>> No.19131552

>it was actually in the low hundreds
That's interesting. Do you have a source for that?

>> No.19131557

So let's say it's in the hundreds. What's the increase compared to even 5 years ago I'm curious. And even if it is hundreds, that's still hundreds of children choosing to alter their life permanently, physically and emotionally. Anyone turning a blind eye to that or supporting that is genuinely evil.

>> No.19131560
File: 440 KB, 632x453, tranny_fluid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your high-effort post to normalize groomers can be taken out by a simple meme.

>> No.19131562
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>> No.19131563

I've worked in blue collar environments and tech environments that were understandably more left leaning. This is spanning the past 10 years, I've never had a workplace that isn't buzzing with this commentary. We could argue about this forever but you're dead wrong if you don't think many average people are at least on the radar for being concerned about trans shit. It's been the most radical shit since gay marriage.

>> No.19131567

>"I don't have the exact number in front of me, but it's definitely in the tens of thousands"
Because it's all so very new, there are not many people alive currently who can provide long term data.

>> No.19131572

heh... don't worry there is no slippery slope
*eyes your animals and child corpses with impatience*

>> No.19131575

Prove it

>> No.19131576

Yep, al rights have been provided yet anyone who disagrees is partaking in genocide.

>> No.19131588

This is the shit I'm talking about. Most people would have absolutely no clue who this tranny is if you showed them a picture or said their name, but these guys who claim that the media is constantly forcing some tranny agenda on them have been following his entire fucking transition and are casually making water cooler gossip about it like it's the latest episode of Lost.

NOBODY CARES, AND NOBODY WANTS TO HEAR ABOUT IT. Just because you're a superfan of the latest shitty cable show about chicks with dicks and can't go 5 minutes without talking to someone about it, most people just find it annoying, and maybe you should learn to hide your power level a little better.

>> No.19131593


>> No.19131608

>not drinking guiness if your a beerfag
you brought this upon yourself.

>> No.19131611

Imagine drinking light beer

>> No.19131613

>Most people would have absolutely no clue who this tranny is if you showed them a picture or said their name
Really? They stand out pretty clearly, let alone Dylan lol.
>Just because you're a superfan of the latest shitty cable show
Mad assumption as most younger people don't even own cable TV. Every corporation has latched onto LGBT rights (by the way, there was no T until a few years ago, and the acronym has grown since then), you walk into a store and you're confronted with rainbow merchandise.
You're completely right, do whatever the fuck you want with your rights just don't meet the president on the pretense you've spent "X DAYS AS A GIRL!!11", don't create drag shows for children, stop forcing your ideology on other people so they can validate you and you can finally pretend you're comfortable with being a freak.

>> No.19131619

Budweiser literally approved an ad campaign with an obvious tranny. What do ad campaigns do? Spread awareness.

>> No.19131629

>No one would have heard of this.
>Literally printing the gross face of a tranny on one of the most popular beer cans in the us.

>> No.19131632

This is why corpos suck tranny dick and spit the cum out in your face.

>> No.19131633

Don't worry their conglomerate will get one of their small brands to market towards righties to keep siphoning money from both ends of the culture war

>> No.19131636

Imagine being partisan lol. Most people just want to exist without indoctrination.

>> No.19131637

underrated kek

>> No.19131639

It's about making the people in these companies pushing this shit get fired for making an ad campaign that actually causes a decrease in sales.

>> No.19131640

>nobody gives a shit. 4chan talks about them, probably more regularly than many other online communities
Exactly. The thing is that these people are terminal shut-ins and don't even understand the difference between going outside and playing an online video game, watching their favorite youtube "friends", or browsing 4chan at this point. In their head's they are well adjusted and a respectable member of their community. They're also all multimillionaires and small business owners with multiple properties, because otherwise there would be too much cognitive dissonance when they vote red. I mean, just think about the whole incel thing. I thought that was just a joke for the longest time, but it isn't. These people actually spend all day every day sitting in front of a computer and then get confused when they somehow haven't met the girl of their dreams who falls immediately in love with them and is still a virgin at 22 but for some reason wants some random neckbeard who hasn't bathed in 2 weeks to be their first. You could make a movie about this shit and everyone would walk out of the theater because the premise is just that dumb.

>> No.19131643

I can't even get past your first few sentences. This discourse is not exclusive to the internet.

>> No.19131645


>> No.19131650

>Statistics showing a dramatic rise in tranny's over the past decade
>Lol you guys are dumb none of this adds up

>> No.19131651

I told you the source, but I don't even remember what the exact statistic was. It could have been how many girls under 18 get top surgery or just how many kids start counseling about sexuality. It really doesn't matter, because I wasn't making a point about the numbers. I was making a point about how the guy who is supposed to be the expert on this stuff has no clue what he's talking about.

>> No.19131657

Not that anon but I assume asking for a source was a joke
>It could have been how many girls under 18 get top surgery or just how many kids start counseling about sexuality
It could have been how many girls under 18 get top surgery or just how many kids start counseling about sexuality
>how the guy who is supposed to be the expert on this stuff has no clue what he's talking about
Not a proclaimed expert but he seems to know more than you

>> No.19131668

>life is boring if you're not an alcoholic or drug addict
spoken like a true alcoholic or drug addict

>> No.19131671

I'm really sick of having to hear about trannies here. Somehow everyone is a tranny and everything is about trannies and it's annoying as fuck. I'd barely hear anything about trannies if it wasn't for this site mentioning them a thousand times a day.

>> No.19131675

Legit, we're on a cooking board and a tranny felt it was right to defend themselves lmao. Fuck off.

>> No.19131686

Gays are almost all alcoholics. It makes sense for a booze company to virtue signal to them n

>> No.19131688

Impressive. Very nice.
Now, let's see the stats of how many children and teens under 18 identify as "non-binary".

>> No.19131694

>top surgery
Translator's note: this is a tranny expression for the practice of surgically removing a girl's breasts.

>> No.19131695

>I pledge of allegiance to the flag
>Of the United States of America
>And to the republic
>One nation
>Under God
>In Divisible
>With liberty and justice for all

>> No.19131697

>hundreds of children choosing to alter their life permanently, physically and emotionally
>turning a blind eye to that or supporting that is genuinely evil
Okay, then how about this:
>nobody should be allowed to get married under the age of 25
>nobody should be allowed to get married if they are a virgin
>in order to get married a couple must have been dating for at least a year, and living together for an additional 2 years
>any child conceived out of wedlock will be aborted
>there is a limit of 2 children for newly wed couples, with the option to have a third child if the couple is still together and happy after 5 years since the second child was born
I know that sounds a little oppressive, but if you look at divorce rates, poverty rates of people having more children than they can afford to take care of, and just generally everything associated with a large portion of society growing up in a single family home or, "without a father figure", you'd find that all of those things are far more prominent and destructive than are the number of people who get a sex change and later regret it. If you actually care about children rucking up their lives by making life altering decisions without understanding the consequences there's lots of other places you can look that actually affect a significant portion of the population. But of course you don't think those are even remotely similar, right?

>> No.19131704

Sometimes they don't even have to be far gone enough to be on hormones to cut their tits off. Irreversible btw.

>> No.19131710

This board is almost all alcoholics too, really makes you think.

>> No.19131713

Are you honestly arguing that society should let children make irreversible changes to themselves?

>> No.19131717

>sex change
Translator's note: this is a tranny expression for a group of practices involving different forms of genital mutilation, sometimes including hormone abuse.

>> No.19131718

when i went to sun dance i met dudes who know Lakota Man from Rapid City and i guess he's kind of a primadonna. and the gay beer thing is just to make the blue collar + rural Americans who drink these domestic macrobrews feel alienated and under attack. it's literal psychological warfare intended to increase tension and get people to hate each other instead of the bankers.

>> No.19131723

Those are certainly some interesting points! Stand up against the wall, please

>> No.19131734


>> No.19131736

We're on a cooking board in a thread that has nothing to do with cooking. You don't think there's anything wrong with that?

>> No.19131740

What? You don't double fist double downs and alcohol? Are you lost??

>> No.19131741

Your logic is sound and flawless. I can't argue against any of your points. Truly the perfect argument

>> No.19131746

Anon this is a thread about a Twitter post about a company, it's not about alcoholic beverages.

>> No.19131748

>posts beer
>says thread is not about alcohol

>> No.19131750

The data is all available. Hospitals keep track of all the procedures that are performed. Is there a huge underground market of 13 year old girls getting top surgery that I haven't heard about? Is it taking place in the basement of a pizzeria?

>> No.19131751

>The data is all available
Nothing long term

>> No.19131754

This is like talking about a sporting event because a food company advertised in it, it's not a food or cooking topic.

>> No.19131759

Even one is too many.
Do you regard yourself as non-binary or trans?

>> No.19131772

I'm glad salvia and jenkem are still untouched by big gay

>> No.19131775


>> No.19131780

I'm always thankful for being a man and I accept your concession.

>> No.19131798

>literally printing the gross face of a tranny on one of the most popular beer cans in the us
If you can go out and find a can of Bud Light with a picture of a tranny printed on it and post a picture I will literally shoot myself in the face and livestream it.

>> No.19131807

Consider it done

>> No.19131817


>> No.19131826

>thing doesn't exist if we don't include it in our statistics
Lol. Trump logic.

>> No.19131871

>don't really do my political activism by my purchases
every purchase you make is a vote with your dollars, anon.
you're not able to be apolitical, it's just not part of the human experience.
welcome to the fold.

we drink water because getting drunk lost it's luster.

>> No.19131873

It's been 7 years and the election tourists still haven't figured out that everyone else here views /pol/ as a containment board.

>> No.19131876

>I’m not religious
you religiously come here and post.

>> No.19131880

you should have allegiance to the flag, anon.
it's literally God's country.

>> No.19131889

>Statistics showing a dramatic rise in tranny's over the past decade
they're still less than 1% of the population, some figures putting them at 0.5%

>> No.19131902

>day 805 of biden in office
>trump is still rent free in anon's head

>> No.19131910

>everyone else here views /pol/ as a containment board
it's becuase they're 100% wrong and refuse to accept that /pol/ won.
the entire internet is /pol/ now.
has been since 2014.

>> No.19131937

i lol'd

>> No.19131943

>a tranny expression for the practice of surgically removing a girl's breasts
Translator's note for people who live in reality: "top surgery" is the preferred term used on the right. They know they can't explicitly say "surgically removing a girl's breasts" when their entire argument is "stop those evil [insert boogeyman] from mutilating our children!", because they know even the most senile Fox viewer is going to realize 13 year old girls don't even have developed breasts. It's a lot easier to just show them a before and after picture of Ellen Page and remind them of how young and pretty she was, and then it's almost effortless to make them think "children".

>> No.19131959

>angry, falsetto tranny noises

>> No.19131967

real reality translation: tv is fucking stupid and so are you for watching it. being trans is fucking stupid and they should be ignored since they're literally only seeking attention. asylums should be re-opened and everybody that supports allowing americans to own and operate businesses outside of american borders (other than shipping) should be thrown in the asylums and never let out.

>> No.19131980

My favorite trannys are the women who act like men because I think it's kind of cute when they speak with an obviously exaggerated deep voice to sound more manly but they still have cute female bone structures and no body hairs plus they never wear bras and for some reason I'm attracted to small weird-looking tittys.

>> No.19132000

Why are people on the right so afraid of engaging in honest argument? I used your own premise and then drew an absurd conclusion from it that is both backed up by facts (the ratio of people in the US growing up in a single mother household compared to people who identify as transgender - not transitioned, just identify as - is something like ten to one), and I knew you wouldn't agree with. It's not a very complicated argument. All you have to do is change your premise to be more specific, argue how my suggestion doesn't logically follow form your premise, or admit that there's a logical inconsistency in your worldview, and while you absolutely support one position and not the other, you do not in fact have a rational argument or moral/ethical principle you're basing it on. There, I just did half the work for you.

>> No.19132001

if you're going to drink at all, drink straight liquor like a man.

>> No.19132025

As much as I find most tattoos ugly, especially on someone young, I believe that adults should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as it doesn't harm or otherwise infringe on the freedom of anyone else. Does that make me a libertarian? Are libertarians okay with giving everyone equal rights? Seems to make sense.

>> No.19132070
File: 9 KB, 193x245, 1406653178458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Should children (as in minors/under the age of 18) have sex changes?

>> No.19132082

>nothing long term
Where was that ever mentioned? And how is it even relevant? One guy on a podcast was talking about how it's a problem how many children are becoming trannies, the host asked him how many children this is affecting per year, and the supposed expert had no clue what the figures are and just took a wild guess which was orders of magnitude off. Even if you're just trying to move the goalposts, people have been getting sex changes long enough that we have a good amount of rough data of how many people either regret the decision or detransition, and the numbers are smaller than the people who regret getting something like a hip replacement.

>> No.19132102

>one of the most popular beers in the country put a picture of a tranny on the can and is forcing their queer agenda on millions of people who are sick of politics everywhere they go!
>really? go out and take a picture of one of these cans in the wild; it shouldn't be hard since they're everywhere
>consider it done!
>*5 minutes later*
>well...just look at this single picture i saw on the internet. you can see it yourself. it's totally real!
Well that was anticlimactic.

>> No.19132127

Damn. Trump basically had 3 rhetorical moves he used over and over for 4 years. You got called out for using one of them, and then replied using another one. Let's see if we can go 3 for 3. This one is the easiest. Here's a hint: just try to do a Trump impression and say something about yourself in one sentence; whatever pops into your head. That should be enough to get it. (This is actually kind of fun.)

>> No.19132136

>still rent free

>> No.19132144

Wow, that might be the worst Trump impression I've ever seen. We both know that word is a few grades above his vocabulary level. I'll give you another try. It's really not that hard.

>> No.19132151

>implying a display of national solidarity is the same as being reminded every time I want a beer or some ice cream that a tiny minority of men like to get the shit of other men on their dicks

>> No.19132176


>> No.19132188

I wish companies were apolitical and just sold their shit, but in the current year they are not. You have Dems to thank for that bullshit.

>> No.19132225

As long as they don't change the beer I don't care

>> No.19132228

Landshark and bud lite are both owned by Anheuser-Busch.

>> No.19132242

We are absolutely fucked. America is now in full Babylon mode and the ship is sinking faster by the day. When will this clown show finally come to a halt?

>> No.19132276

Based beanswill enjoyer. For me, it's Nigger Modelo

>> No.19132298

Counterpoint: Suckstart a shotgun you semantic arguing monkey. Logically follow your tongue across my taint.

>> No.19132300

Is tranny infestation such a big problem in the US? I've never seen a tranny in real life.

>> No.19132305

Yuengling, same as I always drink.
Corona is owned by the same parent company that owns Budweiser.

>> No.19132312

He's an opportunistic narcissist, he's simply riding this retard train as far as it'll take him.

>> No.19132324
File: 69 KB, 1200x1200, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats this "we" shit faggot. i drink whatever I feel like

>> No.19132336

Literally any other beer, Coors and Bud (light) taste like wet cardboard you goyslop devourer

>> No.19132339

Jeremy's liquor when

>> No.19132343

I wish my local liquor store would endorse gays so i could finally stop drinking.

>> No.19132347

All conservatives would have to do to undo this is pretend to be flamboyantly gay for one day
Like running down the street one hand on their eagle shaped belt buckle and the other dramatically shoeing the air and bending over to gush and hello at people
Especially exceedingly straight people that gay people hate
Just encroach on their territory and see how upset they become immediately

>> No.19132382

Statistics show that couples who were both virgins at the time of marrying have the lowest divorce rate retard. Your abortion rule doesnt make sense because thats already happening. No married couple is aborting kids. Abortion happens because women are allowed to have 0 accountability in todays society. Feminism is so popular because it caters to womens need to live in world where they can do whatever they want without getting stigmatized for it. Your no father figure rhetoric almost entirely applies to blacks that have a 76% single parent upbringing on average. That is across the board when it involves a black father, no matter the race combination (black male, x race female). Certain combinations push that in the 90%, black male white female. If you want to actually preserve marriage you will find your answer with women who do the most divorcing (around lower 80%).

>> No.19132389

When nazi germany introduced T4 laws some doctors euthanized alcoholics.

>> No.19132454

>oh shit!
>he said fox news!
>he watches msm and doesn't do his own research!
>what a fucking drone!
>it's not even worth arguing with someone so uninformed!
>i get all my info from [insert less charismatic and slightly more edgy tucker clone #643343 who wants nothing more than to have his own show on fox but has to settle for being a second rate e-celeb who parrots every fox news talking point to a tee, but also wears a gun on camera and occasionally drinks mid-shelf whiskey and smokes a cigar to let everyone know that he doesn't give a fuck how triggered the libs get when he larps as a manly man in his private studio with nobody around other than his bros laughing along with his bad jokes because that's literally their job]!

>> No.19132461

Isn't Pride a sin?

>> No.19132483
File: 42 KB, 636x358, 44238767-0-image-a-50_1623743630734[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19132503

This tranny thing is infecting the minds of Boomers and Zoomers... the people obsessed with internet clout and some kind of major fear that our culture is being overrun. It's so fucking dumb. I'm in my mid 30s, my mom is a complete shut-in, and she assumes everyone is chopping off their dicks. It's because all she does is engage in outrage culture.

It's nothing but internet fear mongering. Real people don't give a fuck.

>> No.19132504

>are you honestly arguing that society should let children make irreversible changes to themselves?
>well, i do think a lot of young people go out and get really dumb tattoos on a whim, but it really doesn't affect me in any way, and trying to force my own personal idea of how people should act on others, whether adults or teens who's parents give them permission, sets a horrible precedent
>i don't want anyone to tell me how to live my life, or tell me how to raise my children
How the fuck is that confusing to you? It's not like a seventeen year old can go get drunk with their friends and then walk into a doctor's office and get their dick cut off because it sounded like a good idea in the moment. They spend years in counseling before they're even allowed to start a hormone regimen, and then only get surgery after that goes well. I absolutely think a high schooler getting an Iron Man tattoo is a bigger issue than a high schooler getting a sex change. One is making a dumb decision they're going to have to live with for the rest of their life, while the other is doing something closer to getting braces or fixing a cleft lip.

>> No.19132507

imagine caring this much about shit nobody cares about.

>> No.19132512

>How does the collective physical and mental wellbeing of society affect you in any way lmao. Mind your own biz.


>> No.19132513

Please be trolling.

>> No.19132521

Prime example of how libertarianism fails

>> No.19132534

ok ruskie

>> No.19132535

>literally provides an outline of the argument
>tells you exactly what the agreed upon premise is using your own words, how the conclusion logically follows from it, and provides you with the three most obvious avenues to put forward a counter argument
Why even bother replying? You could literally just close the thread and move on to something else. Nobody but you would ever know.

>> No.19132543

Crazy that anybody considered a beer describing itself as "light" to be masculine. Fact is that the people who think this are dying of old age, so of course they have to shift the brand messaging to stay profitable.

>> No.19132580

I'm going to drink whatever I want to drink, regardless of its political stance.

Like companies don't care about trans people they care about profit so why does it matter?

>> No.19132600

good rebuke

>> No.19132610

>not brewing your own beer

>> No.19132618

It matters because the intention behind the agenda does not change the fact that the agenda has an effect on society.

>> No.19132653

No. Not at all. Our political system is just really fucked up, and it makes us all look crazy. The tl;dr version is that we're a huge country, and our constitution was written in a different era that makes no sense anymore. The main problem is that we have a two party system. That was never the intention, but it happened organically both in spite of and because of the checks and balances that were originally intended to ensure a fair democratic process. We also have capitalism as an ingrained part of our culture, with the narrative of the self made man who pulled himself up from nothing and became a king, which is in turn good for everybody. That's basically our national fairy tale and religion.

The problem is that when the country formed into two separate political parties one of them was able to have equal influence despite representing a minority of the people. That party represented the interests of the wealthy, who used the fairy tale of the self made man to naturalize their standing and pull the strings of the government to both entrench and expand their power. Think Ayn Rand before Ayn Rand nonsense, but people bought the narrative in spite of the palpable disconnect.

Fast forward to 40 or so years ago when the right realized that the post-war boom was dwindling and people were going to catch on when there aren't enough scraps to keep the masses placated. That's when they invented right wing media. The basic idea was to keep people both uninformed and entertained, but more importantly, scared. It didn't mater what they were scared of, as long as it wasn't the people with the money.

It used to be a platitude that republicans vote against their own economic interest. The reason was because they were always blaming someone else for their problems instead of the people responsible, and those were the same people who were telling them to look the other way while they basically robbed them blind.

>> No.19132656

Fast forward to today, when an entire generation was raised on fear and propaganda, and the right doesn't even care about their "economic interests" anymore, or really anything that would make their lives better. It's nothing but fear now. Whatever the metaphorical chip inside their brain tells them to be afraid of, they're afraid of, and whoever they're told to hate, they hate with a passion, and find purpose in that hate.

Trump was the ultimate result of this dynamic. He wasn't anything special, but he was in the right place at the right time, and fit perfectly as a symbol and figurehead of this faux populism and worship of capital that had been festering for decades. Everybody knew that he was a fake, and a grifter, and a reality tv star long before reality tv. He was basically a simulacrum of the self made man, and was so brazen and open with his lies and disregard for keeping up the façade that the right actually saw him as more genuine and relatable than your typical politician. He ran on draining the swamp and did the opposite, said he'd help the working man and gave unprecedented amounts of money to the rich while tanking the economy, and basically took advantage of any opportunity to nickel and dime the tax payers, right out in the open, and the people who were hurt the most started worshiping him because of it.

So yeah. America is actually a very conservative country. Most of the democrats are right of center, and bought and paid for by corporate interests. But the republicans are just out and out "we love rich people and will give our last penny to our oppressors if it makes whoever we're told to hate mad. The current boogeyman is trannies. There's probably one in a million people who own a maga hat who have ever encountered a tranny in real life, but they're so brainwashed that they're convinced that is the enemy, and the reason they're worse off than their parents and grandparents.