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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19115785 No.19115785 [Reply] [Original]

Tonight we eat like kings

>> No.19115796

good for you buddy. one time i found sirloin strips at a now closed and defunct grocery store for $4 a pound that were unmistakably australian wagyu

>> No.19115810

good job pre-salting them
so many people salt right when they cook it's stupid
It takes time for the salt to pass through the meat

>> No.19115934

Those are some great looking slabs, scallops look good too

>> No.19115975

Doesn't matter you dumb nig

>> No.19116088

why no orange part on the scallops

>> No.19116129

Scallops are very underrated
Someone with a better palate describe them. They’re like a nice chewy buttery slightly sweet flavor.

>> No.19116145

They key is that they are fresh. If they're fresh, they're sweet and don't need anything besides a quick sear in butter.

>> No.19116148

>3/4" slices

>> No.19116430
File: 440 KB, 845x1500, PSX_20230401_172704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wa la

>> No.19116437

>Tonight we eat like kings
kings ate raw shit?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19116444

>cooking your steaks on a pan instead of a grill


>> No.19116463

>salting your scallops before cooking with large grain sea salt
Thats a big yikes for me youngster

>> No.19116472

imagine biting into a scallop and grinding a huge grain of coarse sea salt between your teeth

>Bruh messed up there

>> No.19116492

Who are you quoting?

>> No.19116497

Still eat it

>> No.19116505

The great Gordon Ramsey
Hells Kitchen s6 ep 9 Spot 32min 47 second

>> No.19116506

>I was born with glass bones and paper skin. Every morning I break my legs, and every afternoon I break my arms, at night I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep

>> No.19116507 [DELETED] 

If you're actually eating this shit, I hope you fucking choke on it

>> No.19116510

Mate, nobody wants to taste a straight pill of pure sea salt, its just about taste and that fails on all counts.

>> No.19116517

I mean you could have put it into a cup and grinded it further then only lightly added AFTER cooking.

Why would you wanna leech moisture out of the scallops before cooking them when they sear fine on their own?

>> No.19116529

You don't have to grind salt because it dissolves in your mouth, anon. You'll get one bit of crispiness and then it dissolves away into your mouth, assuming you have saliva. You do have saliva, don't you?

>> No.19116534

Look at the size of grain used in the first picture.

>> No.19116540

Go into your kitchen, assuming you have one, and put a grain of that size of salt into your mouth, assuming you have that. Feel it dissolve and stick your head in your oven. Assuming you have one.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19116541

What is saliva? Also I heard we are supposed to have belly buttons? Lol where are those again? jw

>> No.19116549

Yeah its an overbearing bitterness and it would completely take me out of the moment eating a dish if I encountered it. There's a reason those things usually come with a grinder.

>> No.19116559

I want to taste the succulently sweet and tender scallop meat...
Not get some bitter foul overbearing taste.

>> No.19116562

>overbearing bitterness
We're talking about salt, anon. In the amounts used in OP picture you're fine. Scallops are rather thick and need to seasoned well around the outside. You would know this if you've ever cooked scallops before, but you don't even have an oven to kill yourself with because you're still posting.

>> No.19116567

Op is mad he ruined his scallops with huge grains of salt that overpowered the sweetness.
Its okay brother, you can buy them at walmart when they come on sale again.

>> No.19116574
File: 53 KB, 640x416, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, retard

>> No.19116589

I'm done arguing with you.
You ruined those scallops end of story.
They would have tasted better with no seasoning then that absurd amount of salt.

>> No.19116600
File: 103 KB, 1197x892, in you go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not OP anon, you're just a retard and I like calling people retards. I'm sure your one of your neighbors has an oven you can use for a bit.

>> No.19116603

The salt dissolves into the moist scallop before you cook it, smart guy

>> No.19116608

i agree it's a bit much, but it'll probably taste fine after a nice sear

>> No.19116648

>everybody talking about the scallops being over salted
>nobody mentions the visibly under-seasoned steaks

>> No.19117147

why even bother seasoning steaks cooked on the stove. they're just gonna go into the garbage disposal anyway

>> No.19117148

pizza rolls and turkey bacon?

>> No.19117158

>new york strip

>> No.19117195

You can cook a good steak in a pan. OP obviously fucked his up since he was too scared to even post a money shot.

>> No.19117199

>You can cook a good steak in a pan.
I think I will save that for my non-good steaks though

>> No.19117209

Looks great enjoy

>> No.19117233

The other anons that are bitching are most likely eating frozen pizza and hotpockets and playing vidya till mommy tells them to go to bed

>> No.19117234

Cooking steak and scallops is on par with cooking frozen pizza in terms of effort.

>> No.19117243

>Scallops are very underrated
Shut the fuck up Ramsey. Scallops taste like nothing unless you drown them in a gallon of sauce. Preferably ranch.

>> No.19117248

Why hound the man then?

>> No.19117393

I'd rather cook a good steak in a pan than spend money on a non-good steak in the first place. Unless you're one of those weirdos who buys a cow and keeps it in a couple chest freezers in your garage to eat throughout the year.

>> No.19117402
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Whataboutism is just another form of cope.

>> No.19117403

>saving is for weirdos
Just american moments

>> No.19117412

Is someone else on /ck/ bragging about cooking a frozen pizza? No? Then here I am.

>> No.19117612

You one of those retards? Everybody knows a 24hr dry brine is superior you jogger.

>> No.19117626

They're like a super tender and nuttier version of prawns. It's by far my favorite seafood, and pairs amazingly with bacon. They got more of a grain on them than shrimp though; which makes them a very easy entry into shellfish as the grain makes it relatable.

>> No.19117634

>not buying butchers cuts for fajitas and shit
I don't want a tenderloin steak every time I'm hungry for beef though. stuffed flank is delicious

>> No.19117640

ohohoho oh no no no no no

>> No.19118074

I bet the marbling on that steak is amazing. The intramuscular fat is what melts down and creates flavour. Did you know you can tell the quality of a steak by its marbling?

Also whats up with anons saying pan is no good for steak? What the fuck are you using? Dont tell me you turn them into shoe soles in the grill like white trash

>> No.19118099

>membrane visible on two steaks
bad cuts unfit for a king you fucking peasant piece of shit. guards, kill him

>> No.19118178

Go away, semiliterate mong

>> No.19118550
File: 485 KB, 1500x1141, PSX_20230402_074048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got distracted

>> No.19118562


>> No.19119608

nobody answered this
answer my question

>> No.19120136

They were stolen

>> No.19120216

>slightly chewy
M8 I had some scallops recently that were so tender you didn’t even need teeth to chew them. Good stuff

>> No.19120233

>whatabout no salt
>whatabout sear

>> No.19120250

I prefer pan over grill

>> No.19120251

>a gallon of sauce. Preferably ranch.
credible internet opinion

>> No.19120257

Wow, you have no idea what whataboutism means, and yet you still managed do use it while thinking you were criticizing the other anon.

>> No.19120495

>still managed do use it
>whatabout you tho

>> No.19120519

>whatabout you tho
I called you an idiot as based on my assessment of your argument. If I'd done so as a premise that would have been ad hominem, which is still not the same thing as whataboutism.

>> No.19120604

biggest faggot on the entire board. AND youre bad at cooking kek

>> No.19120708

>I called you an idiot
>that's not an ad hominem tho

>> No.19120726

Yes it does retard, it's one of the fundamental basics of cooking

>> No.19120735

ad hominem means that they made an argument based on your personal attributes, not a law requiring them to be nice to you retard

>> No.19120737

I explained why it wasn't, and if you'd actually read the post you would have seen that I didn't actually call you that, or anything attacking your character. I just assumed it should have been implied by my dismissive tone. I could have written a short essay going over everything you got wrong, and the two anons other than you who actually read it would probably come to the conclusion that you are in fact an idiot, but it really didn't seem worth the effort.

>> No.19120839

It's either salt right before or well before, just not 10 minutes before.

>> No.19120849

That's it? You created a thread for 2 pictures? What a cunt m8.

>> No.19120859
File: 103 KB, 1080x1282, bigpapasloppa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would eat this even though it's not sloppa

>> No.19121286

Pan searing is superior. Especially if you're doing a garlic butter baste

>> No.19121317


>> No.19121331

Butter cannot sear a steak, it can only boil it
You are arguing for boiled steak

>> No.19121979

Not that anon, but you lack reading comprehension. Also if he was searing it in butter, wouldn’t it technically be a light fry or sauté? Boiling makes me think of water or stock, frying makes me think of cooking in fat.

>> No.19121993

>australian wagyu
australian wagyu is trash though.

>> No.19122053

Thread got real quiet since OP blew his money load all over the thread...

>> No.19122096

>RedX steaks

>> No.19122178

Lel cooklet