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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19113961 No.19113961 [Reply] [Original]

>ketolards actually believe eating any plant based food is killing you
That's it; keto is officially more stupid than veganfags.

>> No.19113968

Veganfags are about to stop eating vegetables because plants "scream" at them, they are beyond retarded.

>> No.19113977

It literally is but ketotards don't understand what they're talking about you have to eat only raw meat

>> No.19113994

I've known three keto retards in my life. One of them didn't learn how to tie his shoes until he was 23, the second one's hair started falling out at an early age, and the third one thinks dinosaurs never really existed.

>> No.19114021

>dinosaurs never really existed
They never did the whole thing was a conspiracy between scientists making their 9wn fake bones to claim discoveries of shit.

>> No.19114108

All food is plant based
Non plant life forms(mushroomfags fuck off) can't synthesize energy from the sun

>> No.19114132 [DELETED] 

I ate lots of veggies on keto. What are you on about. Do research, idiot.

>> No.19114236

That's not what ketards believe, keto is just a low-carb diet and the idea is that it puts your body in a metabolic state called ketosis which may offer health benefits and help you lose weight through things like eliminating blood sugar/insulin spikes and lowering food cravings. I did keto in addition to one meal a day (OMAD) and I don't even know if it's more effective than other diets, but it worked for me to lose weight. If nothing else it's more simple and easy to follow than other diets or counting calories, especially because it really works to lower cravings. That means it's intuitive to only eat as much as you really need. Oh also you can eat vegetables and even include fruits because you can eat a non-zero amount of sugar and remain in ketosis. My limit was 20g of carbs a day and that's fairly conservative.

The propaganda that it's some absurd meat-only diet or whatever seems like it's disseminated to throw people off a potential diet that could fit them just right. You're not helping anyone to do anything besides stay as a fatass by saying this shit.

>> No.19114242

Fuck you asshole, soy and tofu rules.

>> No.19114250
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i don't do keto but i genuinely cannot sleep if i eat too much plant matter due to the gut pain it causes me
meat fish nuts eggs dried fruit and maple syrup are basically all that is tolerable
i am withering away because i can't gorge myself on easy to eat calorie bombs like bread and dairy without suffering
how will i ever become a powerlifter when i can't afford 5000 calories of pure protein and natural fats a day
fuck you body

>> No.19114251

>not solely eating a slurry of extremophile bacteria found near deep see hydrocarbon vents that have never felt the sun's rays

>> No.19114275
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>i don't have the self-respect and restraint to put the fork down even though it's destroying my body and sending me to an early grave
>but wait there's this special diet that lets me eat as much meat and salt and cheesae and grease as I want!
>yeah i'm eating a quadruple bacon cheeseburger but i replaced the bun with lettuce so it's healthy!

>> No.19114394

Oddly egotistical view on the world. If managers all the way up to the top guys in multi billion dollar corporations thought like you do they wouldn't have had the success they did.
If a car falls off a lift at Firestone a few times there's no sense in insulting the mechanics in hopes they'll try harder, what you do is find solutions to problem that they might follow.
For example, have a second party check the lift points. Your solution of tell them to try harder would end in hard failure. Amazing that you call others brainlets yet haven't observed these realities when they're presented to you on a daily basis.

>> No.19114499

I literally eat that all the time lmao I think even if I was still on keto I could eat that
You'll say "put down the fork" but talk shit about something that literally helps them put down the fork.
>meat and salt and cheesae and grease
You say this like it's a bad thing. I bet you're a paid shill who's just using these as a scapegoat for food full of trash grains and sugar.

>> No.19114504

there's literally less blood flowing to your brain because your heart has to work extra hard to pump it to your extremities, so I don't have to take anything you say seriously

>> No.19114507

I'm not obese retard. Actually I change my mind I bet you're just a projecting fatty

>> No.19114513

I wasn't the original anon. And I'm also not fat nor am I pro keto/have ever tried a diet at all really I always eat what I want and it works out.
Anyway, my point about high earners actually tracks with this new egotistic veiw you've shared. Those of us with a modicum of success do actually listen to the guys on the ground, it's a direct understanding of the problem and solution we want. Pretty funny that your every reply is about how you agree with me and that you're not a very useful person.

>> No.19114600

But Anon most vegetables are keto friendly, it's the carb heavy ones like potatoes who aren't. Almost all greens are keto friendly.
The problem is ketolards who think they will still lose weight while eating 10 pounds of bacon a day.

>> No.19114603

Or you could simply fast and get better results. Keto is bullshit.
Here's the real always work diet:
Remove goyslop and include fasting.
It's that fucking simple.

>> No.19114627
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>> No.19114635

My method is free. Just don't eat fatty. There is no way you can fuck it up and it cost nothing.
Miss me with your ketoshit, I'll eat pasta potatoes and rice and there's nothing you can do about it.

>> No.19114683

>no protein
What a fag lmao, eat a fucking shotgun slug you cuck

>> No.19114691

I eat meat you fucking nigger it's 60% of my diet. And I get more than enough protein daily. I simply said I'll eat the carbs unlike the fucking keto trannies.
Now shoot yourself fucking dumb gorilla nigger

>> No.19114692

lmao is that Ragusea soyjak