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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19111171 No.19111171 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck is cowboy kent rollins more popular than him?

This dude was rage in 2017. Surprised he didn’t get his own cooking show.

>> No.19111206

Townsend should have put "Cowboy" in his channel name to clarify that he is actually a manly man who wrangles cows. His fault for thinking that his content could speak for itself.

>> No.19111211

This, Kent Rollins probably sells himself on his mustache alone

>> No.19111215

I'm disappointed.

>> No.19111217

colonial america is boring

>> No.19111218

literally who is more popular than figuratively who?

>> No.19111226

me thinks thou doest protest too much...

>> No.19111227

Rollins is all about showmanship and excess. Plus he has dogs.

I honestly like Townsends better though.

>> No.19111252
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never heard of cowboy kent rollins but from skimming his channel a few vids I don't like him. He seems like a grifter
>le cowboy coffee
>le cowboy burger
>le manly man omelette
I prefer Townsend, his recipes are just more interesting and he gives you a history lesson

>> No.19111289

>Jas. Townsend & Son
wtf is a "Jas period"???

>> No.19111301


>> No.19111315

Obviously, that is jaspilite.

>> No.19111339


>> No.19111345

Kent is a legit good cook and most of his career has been spent doing actual chuck wagon cooking. He's just leveraging his e-fame from his recipe videos to sell cookbooks and stuff.

>> No.19111369

Because Kent Rollins makes delicious recipes you actually want to eat and this guy makes the trash tier food that is no longer around fir one big damn reason - it sucked.

Townsend is good entertainment but it attracts people into history vs Rollins who attracts viewers who actually like to cook and eat good shit which there are far more of than history nerds.

>> No.19111375

>He's just leveraging his e-fame from his recipe videos to sell cookbooks and stuff.
To keep that young Shan pussy around and dripping

>> No.19111539

The fact that both guys are getting popular means more great content coming our way

>> No.19111558

Townsends has some good recipes though. I made his steak pie and it was nice. My wife loves his colonial Mac and cheese recipe. The episode with early slave BBQ looked good too.
Kent always does make wonderful looking food though, you're right about that.

>> No.19111565

i still can't believe he got way with it

>> No.19111847


>> No.19111860

His channel is antiwestern, misandrist, antiwhite postmodern drivel dripping with CRT and groomer ideology, I'm as apolotical as they come (don't care if your purple brown pink blue or rainbow as long as you keep that shit in the bedroom) but the one video when he did slave food and I completely lost it, why should i feel guilty just because my ancestor's invented science? I reported it to youtube but its still up where our children can see it

He would probably be a lot more successful if he stoped pandering to BLM and antifa terrorists, just my 02 cents

>> No.19111994

>historic cooking

The latter has an exponentially bigger audience and he can shill shit sold by globohomo companies. What's Townsend gonna shill, nutmeg and tallow?

>> No.19112026

the problem is that he isn't. he's a new england liberal and the furthest thing from a cowboy chronologically or geographically possible with some vague similarity

>> No.19112039

Uh, he's super-conservative and kinda OK with slavery

>> No.19112427

wrong, he is pro trump and anti gay

>> No.19112445

Where do you see that? I just see a guy who likes to cook old dishes using old tools.

>> No.19112452

holy fuck dude get a life and have sex

>> No.19112473

>actual recipe from the 18th century or earlier
>making people seethe in the modern era because lolitics has become cults of personality and retarded directionbrain tribalism
Feels good not being retarded. I might make myself an orange fool tonight and not feel an ounce of bitterness over a perceived schizophrenic connection to a grifter.

>> No.19112479

Jasmine is his first name.

>> No.19112486

From an interview some Anon posted here a while back
It's not like he was saying black people should still be slaves, more like, it was a thing and we shouldn't apologize for what other people did

>> No.19112612


>> No.19112653

Unironically how do you function in life being this fragile?

>> No.19112766

>we shouldn't apologize for what other people did
A simple principle of ethics, now a politically radical position. O tempora o mores.

>> No.19112861

he's out of ideas

>> No.19113200

I know nothing except that I've never watched a townsends video I didn't like

>> No.19113205


>> No.19113218

this is the truth right here...it started going down hill when he'd have the nutmeg show with the fat guy cause there was nothing less to explore

>> No.19113240
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>> No.19113280

Didn't he say actually ran out of recipes that are documented from back then? Unless he starts hiring translators to dig through out of print cookbooks from hundreds of years ago

>> No.19113293


>> No.19113301

I'm convinced there's some sort of leftist troll going on in these threads trying to discredit Townsend's. Either that or everyone is retarded.
Dude is from Indiana and the farthest thing from a liberal.

>> No.19113304

I tried his roasted onion recipe and it was everything I expected

>> No.19113310

That's why he started building that shitty cabin

>> No.19113468

Get woke go broke

>> No.19113487

>all those words

>> No.19113509

Fuck this leftist fuck

>> No.19113519

The troll is the one who keeps spamming threads with low grade content. I don't know how many times I see "I'm frustrated" in the catalog. Jannies nuke one and 3 more sprout up.

>> No.19114014

I was gonna go to bed half an hour ago but I’ve been scrolling through Kent Rollin’s recipes instead. Amazing to think that about this time last year it would be for something to masturbate too. I haven’t fapped since probably October or September. Food truly is life’s greatest pleasure.

>> No.19114020

John Townsend gives off creepy closet nazi vibes. Like he's just hinting life was so much better back in the good old days when gays were closeted. It skeeves people out, and correctly so. He's just another far-right Christian loony behind the costumes and old timey pots and pans.

>> No.19114073

If you want a real answer it's because a lot of streamers/youtubers have been using Kent in reaction videos because he has a funny mustache, does funny dances, cooks food that goyslop addicts would actually eat. Townsend's content just isn't built to go viral or attract reactandys.

>> No.19114075

You will never be a woman.

>> No.19115520


>> No.19115537

>cowboy kent rollins
This dude is fun to listen to, but his recipes are very often retarded.
>cowboy coffee with Folger's
>hot toddy with his shitty coffee
>cowboy remedies just old wives tales and half not even American
>half halt the food is just random Walmart shit made on old stove

>> No.19115543
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>> No.19115645

>what if Ben Franklin wanted a cheeseburger?
I laughed when I saw how desperate he has gotten.

>> No.19115652


the channel has been going for almost 10 years now plus there is nothing wrong with taking a modern dish and trying to see if you could make it way back when. No more wrong than taking an old dish and 'modernizing' it.

>> No.19115661

>the channel has been going for almost 10 years

The problem with youtube: it pays fuckall so you got to keep ploughing on. 10 years on TV and you'd have fuck you money and retire

>> No.19115681


dude runs a store, pretty sure that's his main source of income. YT is likely advertising or just for fun.

>> No.19116007
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>> No.19116706
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Stone toucher!

>> No.19116721

Friendly reminder that in real life, Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.

That's why the orange fool thing was confusing. It was the woman's idea (he co-hosted that episode with a woman who works on a living history place), not his. He is deeply homophobic (hence his appeals to tradition and a prior time when gay people were coincidentally all pressured even more so than now to be closeted), and knows if his personal political beliefs got out, he would be cancelled, so he couldn't come out and say "yeah orange fool was her idea I love Trump", and that's why it got messy.

He's obsessed with tradition because white straight men feel threatened that now they aren't the only ones allowed to have power.

The odds that this man supports the prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation in places of public accommodation (businesses open to the general public with physical storefronts) - ARE NIL

>> No.19116750
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ever see this guy?

>> No.19116757

Yeah. His original videos are all product pitches. 18th Century Cooking and the Nutmeg Tavern are passion projects.

>> No.19116814

Kent Rollins seems inauthentic as fuck to me

>> No.19116840

Remember your subject-verb agreement, nigga.

>> No.19116845

>Unless he starts hiring translators to dig through out of print cookbooks from hundreds of years ago
That's actually not a bad idea

>> No.19116846

Kent Rawlins? Literally who? If I heard that name out of context, I'd just assume he was some country singer. Regardless, I don't give a shit about him.
Townsends on the other hand is based and nutmegpilled.

>> No.19116854

Can you explain why? He was a legit cowboy chef that ran a chuck wagon for a long time - long before he got famous. Lives in SW Oklahoma in the middle of fucking nowhere. About as authentic as a cowboy can get besides actually on the ranch as a hand. But if you're doing that you're not learning to cook.

>> No.19116861

I like that old fat guy more, the one that larps with lots of people
Forgot his name, he does the colonial thing too
Not american, racist and not white

>> No.19116874

He is good

>> No.19116892

>shill, nutmeg and tallow
Dry Goods and Poultry Factor est. 1782

>> No.19116901


You sound like a fag and your shits all retarded. Browns are bothersome and don't belong in white spaces.

>> No.19116908

Walter Staib? This guy >>19116750 from A Taste of History.

>> No.19116997

is that an entire cow leg?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19117031

unless you're autisitc in which case it's actually pretty interesting

>> No.19117059

Kent Rollins is better if you want recipes for food people will actually eat.
That other history cooking guy that looks younger is better if you want to learn about historical recipes that don't taste like boiled cat vomit.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19117067

Maybe stop being a fragile little bitch

>> No.19117111

Kent has actually good recipes you can make at home. Townsends is pretentious.

>> No.19117663
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>*tastes bowl of salt pork and oats mixed with water*
>*shakes head*
>*looks at camera*
>*puts hands up*
>*clasps hands*
>*continues to shake head*

>> No.19117967
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>in real life, Jon Townsend is a far-right conservative gay hating bigot.

I will now buy your $125 reproduction leather dutch retard settler shoe.

>> No.19117974

Yeah I have no idea why he was clearly trying to get people not to like him
This place is basically an extension of /pol/ but with recipes

>> No.19117979

>How the fuck is cowboy kent rollins more popular than him?
Most normies aren't food nerds interested in historic recipes.

>> No.19117984

Kent knows that to sell 6million cookbooks you got to dumb it down and ham it up, retard townsend went hyper niche for autists and then tried to monetise it with a webstore full of retard shit for neckbeards.

>> No.19117988

Because he only cooks some old poorfag shit?

>> No.19117989

>extension of /pol/
If your definition of "extension of /pol/" is someplace that isn't an echo chamber for your progressive liberal ideology, than sure. I very much disagree and find /ck/ to have one of the most diverse user bases on 4chan. Although, it does seem a bit hyperbolic; either one extreme or the other. I wish there were more moderates.

>> No.19117990
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>a webstore full of retard shit for neckbeards.

They see me rollin, they hatin

>> No.19117991

I'm not a liberal that shit's gay

>> No.19118001

being gay is ok

>> No.19118004

Only if you're not tricked into being gay by soy beans.

>> No.19118041
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>tried to monetise it with a webstore

>> No.19118057

but I love delicious goy beans!<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19118079

Dunno what youre going on about m8, but by webstore i mean all this garbage;

>> No.19118103
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>How the fuck is cowboy kent rollins more popular than him?
deez nutmeg on your niche scope that now have to get outside of. Get rekt nerd

>> No.19118107

So the kind of stuff they've been selling since 1973.

>> No.19118110

she got big gums, suh

>> No.19118116

That's why she has to settle for a guy nearly 30 years older than her.

>> No.19118124

Selling stuff they've been selling since 1973 online isn't "trying to monetise with a webstore"

>> No.19118135

>Surprised he didn’t get his own cooking show.
Why? No one watch TV.

>> No.19118138

I forgot which video was it, but I remember he say he wouldn't nutmeg or that nutmeg is not needed. But while he said this, while looking at the camera, he still add nutmeg while saying this.

>> No.19118274


>> No.19118295

It's not his. He literally reads from the original sources most videos.

>> No.19118303

I can enjoy Townsends and Salty Cracker. He does animal conservation for snapping turtles and catch and cooks of invasive species. Let him sell his dry rub and his Walmart promotion.

>> No.19118312

Townsend is based as fuck

>> No.19118535

He had quite a few videos whining about Youtube comments, he is very insecure. Put me off his content.

>> No.19118546

Yea he's for YT faggots that just want to be entertained, 95% of his audience won't actually cook anything they just want to watch a ridiculous boomer do shitty dances and be a caricature of a cowboy.

>> No.19118570


>> No.19118571
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>selling since 1973 online

>> No.19118573

>No one watch TV.
Yet tv budgets for shit like this are still $450k/episode +$50k talent fee wheras youtube is $0k production budget + $4k ad revenue.

>> No.19118586
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>> No.19118587

Got any punctuation in there m8?

>> No.19118601

>since 1973
The guy only looks 50ish, has he been selling reproduction tricorn hats since he was a fetus?

>> No.19118609
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His name is Jasinder, he's sikh-american and can trace his lineage back to the 1st punjabi settlers that discovered america

>> No.19118613

>So the kind of stuff they've been selling since 1973.
What kind of retards were buying this stuff in 1973 before the internet invented manchildren in 2008?

>> No.19118620
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This is Jonathan

>> No.19118633

>This is Jonathan
Okay cool, is this supposed to mean something to me, is he not a townsend or something? I'm a Rollins chad

>> No.19118690

He's not James >>19118041