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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19102495 No.19102495 [Reply] [Original]

konbanwa, /ck/!

Doing some donabe cooking tonight, using recipe's from Naoko-chan-sensei's book.

>> No.19102496
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Kamado-san got a girlfriend, Misoshiru-san.

>> No.19102504

The Weeb is strong with this one.

>> No.19102509

*pulls eyelids back with fingers*
>oh ni-hao kamado-san you-a very involuntarily celibate gaijin

>> No.19102510
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She's cooking up some chicken dashi.

I was going to do a regular nabe meal tonight, but it called for chicken dashi, and there wasn't enough time.

That's Ken-sama to you, gomennasai!

>> No.19102520
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Therefore, the regular nabe menu will be tomorrow night (stay tuned ^_^). Tonight, I did something easier, shio kombu and ginger rice. This time, I got some proper shio kombu, and it turned out much better than last time.

>> No.19102524
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Very nice donabe. I like the rustic look of it.

I got my special rice today, left. Waiting a bit on the chicken to cook before I cook up my first batch in my kumoi gama donabe.

The rice has a genetic mutation in it that makes the grains 1.5x bigger than normal.

>> No.19102527
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Itadakimasu! (Tl Note: "Rub-a-dub-dub, let's eat some grub!")

Somewhere, there's a McDonald's drive-thru with one too few cars in it. Go find it.

>> No.19102532

That's a tagine

>> No.19102533

>I got my special rice today, left. Waiting a bit on the chicken to cook before I cook up my first batch in my kumoi gama donabe.
>The rice has a genetic mutation in it that makes the grains 1.5x bigger than normal.
How does that affect flavor or cooking?

>> No.19102534
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Got a bunch of fun "add to rice" meal things. They look to be exceptional quality.

Also got a couple Japanese deenz, and the sweet fish cooked in soy sauce and packed with their roe. Very very excited to try these lil dudes.

What cookbook are you using?

>> No.19102536 [DELETED] 

*is still holding eyelids back*
>Somewhewew, thwoos a mac-adonoods with hwan too fwe caws een it. Gohh... find eet.

>> No.19102541
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>> No.19102543

>What cookbook are you using?
The one underneath my bowl in the OP image. "Donabe" by Naoko Takei Moore

>> No.19102544 [DELETED] 
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and just to be clear i'm doing this thing, but with my fingers instead of naturally

>> No.19102548
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Here is a closer shot of the sweet fish and the two deenz cans I got.

Not sure. I know the texture will be different of course. I'll post about it when I'm done cooking it up.

Cool. Ty.

>> No.19102557

What are you going to make with the deenz?

>> No.19102559

Has anyone tried the book "Mastering the Art of Japanese Cooking" by some celeb chef?

>> No.19102566

Probably just on rice to enjoy them for what they are. Do you have any good Japdeenz recipes?

>> No.19102568 [DELETED] 

watto aah yuu dorinkingu wisso yooaah miiru, sensei

>> No.19102707
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My nukadoko seems to be doing well for anyone that cares. It has picked up a clove/bubblegum aroma over the past couple days. The carrots I have been using are still very salty with little fermented flavor.

I've grown to really enjoy my daily ritual of turning the bed, and every 2 days replacing the carrots within.

Expecting 2-3 more weeks before it starts to actually make real pickles. Very excited. I will enjoy it for a while and then double the recipe, so I can fill out this casserole dish. After adding more unfermented rice bran it will take a couple more weeks for the nukadoko to become fully active again, but then I will be able to make a lot more pickles with it.

I'll be growing a couple Japanese cucumbers this year to make pickles with.

>> No.19102747
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It's been about an hour since I turned off the heat, and the chicken dashi is still literally steaming hot. It's getting late and I'll probably just pour it into a mixing bowl to cool before pouring it into a container to save for tomorrow.

>> No.19102750
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It begins.

>> No.19102796

What’s about to happen? Mustard gas?

>> No.19102803

This seems terribly boring. Sorry; I’m trying to bring some interest to the thread, but I just can’t bring myself to care about a box of fucking sand.

>> No.19102806

I don’t get the joke

>> No.19102810
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SHE'S ANGRY! Only 18 more minutes until I get a taste. Hope it came out okay... First time cooking a new cultivar usually needs a bit of tuning... we shall see.

I'm preparing a very special rice cultivar that is used in three star michelin restaurants in Japan using the exact donabe that would be used in said restaurants. Peak rice, baby.

>> No.19102819

I totally understand. If these Jap cooking threads continue for a few more weeks things will get interesting. Look up nukadoko/nukazuke if you want. If you like fermenting stuff it's actually really cool.

>> No.19102823

Keep me posted.

>> No.19102824

so when i buy a donabe, how do i prepare it for first usage? clean with water and soap?

>> No.19102845

You basically simmer stale rice in it for like an hour until it turns into a porridge if you're getting one like a kamado san.

Look up seasoning donabe and you'll find instructions. It basically seals the pores to prevent and leaking.

>> No.19102870

ooo ok thanks

>> No.19102879
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Beautiful toasted rice aroma is emanating from my donabe as it rests for 10 mins. Once you turn the heat off you can really smell how you did.

I'm guessing a mildly toasted bottom to this rice.

>> No.19102930
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They usually come with instructions. The cheaper ones say use a slurry of water and flour, but the ones made out of Iga clay, like in the OP, are supposed to be seasoned by cooking porridge. I must have messed up seasoning my miso soup donabe for the first time (I did cook up rice porridge in it, just maybe not long enough) because I heard a lot of water coming through the bottom as I cooked in it, which left a lot of black spots. Kamado-san is well seasoned at this point, although had its share of seepage on first use. No more water seepage in Kamado-san after seasoning it twice. Fortunately, these things seem pretty forgiving.

>> No.19102939
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Okay. I had my first bites of this rice. Came out great. It is totally unique compared to all other Japanese short grain I've ever had because of the grain size. Extremely satisfying texture because of the larger grain. Excellent flavor to the rice as well, but the texture is what makes it so delicious.

I am going to experiment with this rice to make the texture a bit firmer. Great care would need to be taken if I was going to use this to make sushi if I were to make it woth this exact recipe. I did a .93:1 water to rice ratio with a 40 minute soak.

>> No.19102951
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Almost doesn't look like short grain it is so big.

>> No.19103001

ahh, thanks ill probably buy a kamadosan

>> No.19103007


Kamado san makes excellent rice. Def worth it if you think you're going to use it regularly.

>> No.19103011
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Pic -_-

>> No.19103030

too glossy
needs some work on plating

>> No.19103054

Bro it's tuesday night...

Like I said I may reduce the water:rice ratio even more than the .93:1 I started with. I was very gentle fluffing the rice as well. The larger size makes it more delicate. I almost threw it in my wooden sushi mixing bowl thing just to fluff it dry.

>> No.19103077

Try 9.3:10?

>> No.19103108

Anon... my donabe only fits 3 go of rice...

>> No.19103227

It’s relatively unknown for some reason, but it makes perfect rice so easily. Cook time is also pretty quick, only about 15 minutes, and no need to adjust the heat.

>> No.19103279

>Bro it's tuesday night...
huh? what? Do tuesday nights affect the grain's emotion and make them extra glossy or something?

>> No.19103296
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Anon... I just made a bowl of chicken thighs n rice for myself. I'm not trying to impress my dog with a nicely plated bowl or anything like that!

>> No.19103521

>Pot Japan

>> No.19103672

Yeah. These people don't realise that whatever their locally made clay pot is more or less the same as the ones imported from the other half of the globe. Shameful.

>> No.19103713

How different is furikake made with spent kombu and katsuobushi compared to the store bought one?

>> No.19103735

do you even realize how cringe this is?

>> No.19103750

from his posts, I assume the answer will be a definitive "no". It was pretty funny seeing the donabe autist taking over the "japan food pic" autist, though.

>> No.19103756

rent free

>> No.19103844

This, you can get a semiglazed pot that functions almost identically to a donabe, without having to pay the premium for "exotic" cookware.

>> No.19103867
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It's true. You don't see the "japan food pic" anon often anymore. Now it's just rice, grains, kamado-san big clay dick inside anon's ass, and close-up pics of overly-glossy rice grains.

>> No.19104315

Thanks for the bump! The last thread died prematurely because you didn't help out bumping it,.

What are you trying to accomplish here?

>> No.19104321


>> No.19104351
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me and the boys on our way to order cheese gyuudons

>> No.19104359

Why don't you go do that now, and report back once you've cooked something in it?

>> No.19104384

>more asian meme shit

I already have a wok, I don't need the other garbage

>> No.19104397
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Be on notice, /jrg/, you are not to have fun whatsoever in this thread using any sorts of authentic ingredients or cooking tools. If anon catches you doing so, then he will promptly poop his pants. And it will be YOUR FAULT for having fun!!

>> No.19104501

>weakest chigyu enjoyers

>> No.19104596

Pure stupidity on many levels. Contribute something of value, loser. Oh wait...

>> No.19104605

>people getting mad about japanese food
wtf is this 2012 /ck/?

>> No.19104606
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this here japanesey food is too durn fancy fer me

>> No.19104631

struck quite a few nerves there, huh?
calm down, rice anon, you still have a lot to learn.
they dont hate japanese food, and 'fish on rice' is just a harmless meme shitpost. What they hate is an autist who cant stop flaunting their imported pots made from clay everytime anything rice is mentioned. And eventually the same autist took over what was an actual comfy japanese food thread, even as far as making a shitty /general/ that offers nothing useful.

>> No.19104647

I must have missed something, maybe I should take another break from this board

>> No.19104650

Ricelets don't bother me. Never have. It's stupid because you seemed to have picked up on one possibly very stupid, criticism of my rice. Post rice moments after you open the lid and show me what it should look like.

I've never created threads about my rice pots either. On the other hand I wouldn't be suprised if you were the anti rice cooker autist who continuously spammed threads about it the past few months.

I will always have a lot to learn. Don't be stupid.

>> No.19104716

>stop being triggered!!
>Reeeee your clay pots are triggering me beyond words, now read my wall of text as I rant about it

>> No.19104740
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Lol. They're so silly, and probably lack any sort of passion or excitement in their lives.

>This triggers the ricelet.

>> No.19104741

in all fairness, rice cookers are useless and a crutch for anyone too stupid to prepare tasty rice with just a saucepan and lid

>> No.19104750


Do not fall for it people. This isn't the thread to btfo ricelets like this guy.

>> No.19104871

I have no use for a shitty misshapen dutch oven that's lower quality. I've moved off of making slant food. At this point the wok is a legacy item I'll use for frying or as a huge saucepan.

>> No.19104906

fuck off faggot i'll reply to any bait i want. that poorfag is just coping because he can't afford a fuzzy logic rice cooker

>> No.19104911

Ask ye mum if I'm a faggot, son.

>> No.19104920

>just a saucepan and lid
You do realize you're in a fringe minority among people who steam, not boil, their rice, right?

>> No.19104922

>I've moved off of making slant food.
Why are you in this thread? Fuck off back to the Taco Bell thread.

>> No.19104932

Do you have any real proof or evidence that more people steam their rice in Japan? I've never seen a single sushi joint that steams their rice.

>> No.19105068

Germans literally cook their rice like pasta, pouring off the excess water after 10 minutes of boiling.. The correct way to cook rice is by adding the exact amount of rice and water to Kamado-san and cooking it on med-high for 13-15 minutes.

>> No.19105274

to sexually roleplay as a recliner salesman, obviously.
Now lay back and let la-z-boy take your cares away...

>> No.19105307

I have it and like it. The layout is odd, he seemingly expects you to treat it like a textbook or something and do easier recipes to learn techniques, etc. This results in: if you want to browse all the "simmered" dishes you have to check two different parts of the book.
It's also a fairly old book so some vocab is a bit weird, like he calls tofu "bean curd" since that word wasn't common in English yet.

I like the book though, it covers a lot of dishes, particularly stuff you won't see as often in a modern pop recipe book or whatever. Like lots of sides, small plates, etc that you'd expect in a classic Japanese restaurant or ryokan, but isn't like a well known standalone dish. If that makes sense.

>> No.19105332



I previously got https://toirokitchen.com/products/hokkaido-shio-kombu?variant=32640130351164 but shipping kind of sucks. $5 for one pack or $30 for 10 packs (for reference, each pack is about 1 ounce in weight, so gross package weight is only 10-11 ounces and they aren't fragile at all). I could probably email them and ask for a custom shipping quote if they just tossed it in a padded envelope, but not sure I want to deal with asking for a favor every time I buy this stuff. I thought I'd be able to source it locally, but so far, haven't found anywhere that sells it.

Does /ck/ use shio kombu in her cooking, or is this a pretty niche, weeb ingredient?

>> No.19105563

how would you use it?

>> No.19105569


>> No.19105640

Sorry, meant to quote you >>19105569

>> No.19106223
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>> No.19106250
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>TL Note

>> No.19106387
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habbening again


/jrg/, meet Hakeme-chan. She's only 1.2 liters, about half the size of what all my recipes call for in terms of a donabe for hot pot meals, which doesn't really make sense in terms of ingredient conservation (some ingredients will essentially be wasted, like the other half of the napa cabbage, unless you make the same thing the following night). Unfortunately, the resulting meal for tonight won't really keep in tupperware, so sizing the donabe to the number of people at the table is important. This size donabe makes about 2-3 portions. Maybe more if you finish off the food and add some stuff to the remaining broth.

Here, you can see the chicken dashi I made last night in Misoshiru-san >>19102510, as well as some awase dashi, sake, mirin, soy sauce and sliced parts from the base of the napa cabbage simmering up some stock base for tonight's meal.

>> No.19106390
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Here's what's going inside of her.

>> No.19106397
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She did a great job taking almost all of it (not everything fit!).

>> No.19106401
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I used the portable stove for this meal, even though I have a gas range, just because I know that my home stove is underpowered, and I wanted to get an idea for how it's supposed to boil up before fucking around with it on my range in the future. This wasn't my first hot pot, but the first one that I prepared all myself, so wasn't sure how best to grab the ingredients. It turned out that the ladle was all I needed.

>> No.19106408
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It was delicious, by the way. The broth, with chicken dashi, awase dashi, soy sauce, mirin, sake and the flavors from all the vegetables, was incredibly complex. I think I enjoyed the broth as much or more than the vegetables.

>> No.19106415
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The maitake mushrooms were my favorite part. Next time, I will definitely use more mushrooms and less tofu.

>> No.19106422
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The recipe called for mizuna, also known as "Japanese mustard greens," which I could not source locally and I have no idea what flavors they are supposed to bring, so I substituted for cilantro, but forgot to add it until I was done. It wasn't a bad addition at all.

>> No.19106445
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The recipe also called for yuzu kosho, "for serving," which is this thick green paste, and I have no idea how I'm supposed to season a liquid food for serving with something like this other than mixing it into the broth and trying to get it dissolved. That didn't work out, just ruined the broth by making it incredibly sweet and salty--but mostly just salty. Fortunately I waited until I was done to try it. Maybe there are other things it will go better on, since the shit was extremely expensive.

>> No.19106559

It seems to be common for these izakaya style meals that none of the bowls or plates match in style. Why is that?

>> No.19106568

>yuzu kosho
I lived in Japan for a year and I literally never heard of it.

>> No.19106581

Its to make the food more appealing to the eyes first.

>> No.19106594

I was told by an old Japanese woman that when they have tea, it's common to talk about the pottery. Same as how people in America make small talk about the weather. Cups and plates and stuff like that is as much a part of the meal as the lighting and the temperature inside.

>> No.19106600

The onion looks wilty and overcooked. How did it taste?

>> No.19106641

It was good. I might have left everything in there too long just to make sure that the chicken was cooked through.

>> No.19106658

>Cups and plates and stuff like that is as much a part of the meal as the lighting and the temperature inside.
Haha, it sounds like those retards have never eaten a proper meal at McDonald's
Fucking kek

>> No.19106956


>> No.19106982
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In the case of nabe, you usually dissolve the yuzu gosho in the soup. You can do this in the whole pot, or in your individual bowl. In other cooking such as tempura or yakiniku, it's used as a dip or topping. It's good stuff - I hope you try it again.

>> No.19107004

Yuzu kosho is excellent in tuna salad. Just be sure not to use too much.

>> No.19107601

Anyone else cooking Japanese food, or just the OP and the rice cooker dude who posts overly close photos of shiny rice?

>> No.19107611

Yeah there's a guy in my town that does it for a restaurant

>> No.19107650

I do on occasion, but nothing super complicated. Mostly one-pot dishes like curry, nikujaga, sukiyaki, miso soup, or oyakodon. Also shogayaki and kinpira gobo. Things like that.

>> No.19107687

Want to make a full Japanese dinner tomorrow; any dish recs? I don't really have many ideas
Miso. Non negotiable. I don't know which kind of miso is best but miso; maybe with tofu
>Main dish
Grilled mackerel, miso/teriyaki glazed salmon or kakuni.
>side dishes:
sunomomo, miso vegetables, coleslaw
rice or zaru soba


>> No.19107690

The Japanese love pizza, burgers, and pasta, you know.

>> No.19107697

your mom loves my pizza too

>> No.19107838

I made Gyoza twice

>> No.19107841

Why can't I just do the same thing in a dutch oven?

>> No.19107847

But your zit covered face isn't attractive anon.

>> No.19107860

I'd like you to call me dad, champ

>> No.19107900

Both cast iron and ceramic can do a wide range of things easily, and both are specialized at holding a lot of heat, but cast iron is capable of rapidly transferring heat to food, which is what makes it so good for searing, whereas ceramics transfer heat very slowly.

For food served out of a pot at the table, as Japanese hot pots are traditionally eaten, it allows the food to stay steaming hot through the meal. The slow heat transfer also tends to mitigate any hot spots from forming during cooking, preventing the potential overheating of any ingredients that may otherwise stick to the bottom. I can't give an extensive list, but I do know that there are certain ingredients used in Japanese cooking that become basically unpalatable when heated too much, so clay pot cooking has an advantage when such ingredients are used.

>> No.19107904

And where is your chawan mushi?

>> No.19108102

I never post pictures but I have made the following:
miso soup
kara age
miso salmon
shoyu ramen
chicken katsu and curry
salmon and tuna nigiri

>> No.19108122

Isn't this basically American-Japanese fusion that was invented in Hawaii?

>> No.19108239

Please dont forget that I post my nukadoko occasionally also.

>> No.19108245

>Please dont forget that I post my nukadoko occasionally also.

My fault for the overslight. I thought you were the rice polisher.

>> No.19108258

I am, and I still have my doubts that the rice is "too glossy".

>> No.19108299

Can I used an enameled dutch oven?

>> No.19108319

You can use anything you want, but cast iron is cast iron, regardless of enamel or seasoning. If you're using metal, I'm not sure if there is really a difference between cast iron, stainless, aluminum, etc.

If you want a less expensive clay pot than a Nagatani-en, go to your local Chinese grocery store and you should be able to find something for around $15-20. Or you can get a Ginpo brand donabe off Amazon or somewhere like Korin or ebay for around $40-50. Just pay attention to capacity. They are all really small, although that's because they're intended to be completely filled and then completely emptied by the end of the meal. Like a lot of Japanese cooking, you're intended to cook the exact amount of food--no more, no less. Even the big ones are only like 3 liters. For 1-2 people, you want about 1 liter capacity. For 3-4 people, around 2-2.5 liters. 1.5 liters feeds 3 people comfortably.

>> No.19108424

yes i believe you're right but i figured I'd list it anyway
which reminds me i also made spam musubi and onigiri

>> No.19108565
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Should I get a steamer like pic related? The metal ones I see on Amazon are either very cheap (and seemingly flimsy/badly fitted), or have small steam trays (area and height), or are otherwise really expensive ($150-200 for what seems higher quality). I would love to get just a universal steamer insert for my existing pots and pans, but not sure about sizing and none of them look *that* good.

I can get one of these aluminum pots and bamboo steamer like in pic related for like $90 shipped from Japan. Are they really essential, though? There are ways to cook traditionally steamed items without a steamer, for example, like in this video where the guy just uses an ordinary soup pot with water in the bottom: https://youtu.be/fVwqrP7PERk?t=702

>> No.19108577

If you have a decently sized wok you can just buy the bamboo steamer and place it on top of your wok. No need to buy a new pot for it.

>> No.19108581

Because of how a wok is shaped it basically always has a good seal and you can get one that is only a couple inches smaller than your wok.

>> No.19108589

That won't rust it?

>> No.19108605

Just dump water and heat it up until it's dry right after.

>> No.19108637

One thing that westerners are generally oblivious to about Japanese food culture is they actually consume a lot more wheat than rice these days and that trend has been continuing to increase over the last few years.

And not just wheat for pasta and noodles, but they have grown to love bread a lot more, especially in the mornings.

>> No.19108653
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Yes, they do consume bread, mostly as toast in the mornings. They don't really *understand* bread, though. Otherwise, they wouldn't sell it in odd numbers of slices, lol.

>> No.19108663

Open-faced sandwiches are a thing. They also love foods like French toast (Furenchi tostu) and even just eating it plain.

And sandwiches (sandos) besides egg sandwiches are plenty popular in Japan. They definitely understand bread, unless if you're talking about Japan in the 90's, in which case I'd like to remind you that it's the year 2023 and Japan is a lot different than the old days.

>> No.19108683

Japan food culture is often affected by trends that come and go in the bat of an eye A couple of years ago there was a huge maritozzo craze.

>> No.19108690

I was there 2011-2012. Japanese sandwiches were, in my estimation, best appreciated as an onigiri replacement - small pieces of fluffy, crustless bread with a "filling" of a tiny amount of meat, egg, cucumber, cream cheese, etc. The kind of sandwiches we are used to in America where the bread is merely a delivery mechanism for 18-20 ounces of cured meat, cheese, vegetables and sauces were not common, or at least I don't think I ever saw them (I didn't seek them out, though).

They also had breads at bakeries with filling, although the filling was often just another complex carbohydrate, like yakisoba noodles. I guess that would be the other big source of bread wheat in Japanese people's diets, but most of that shit is really junk-foody, especially the more sweet or oily ones, like melonpan or chocolate-filled breads.

The 5-slice pack of bread I posted was, IMO, a perfect illustration of the Japanese understanding of bread because, if you view it as the main ingredient for toast, it's perfect. The slices are much thicker than sandwich bread slices would be, and the texture was very fluffy. When toasted, you'd have a very satisfying, deep crunch. Five slices makes no sense if you're buying to make sandwiches, but it makes perfect sense for toast (5 business days in the week, assuming you have wa-shoku breakfasts on the weekends when you have more time to prepare them).

>> No.19108692

I know but looking at the trend of wheat vs rice in Japan, it's been continuing to grow for the last decade and shows now signs of slowing. The nips love their wheat. Bread, burgers, spaghetti, noodles, pizza, pancakes, french toast, and so on.

Corn consumption has also been increasing recently but it's not clear if that trend will continue.

>> No.19108703
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>Japan food culture is often affected by trends that come and go in the bat of an eye
You can say the same thing about a lot of food cultures. It's sometimes just easier to notice when on the outside looking in.

>> No.19108968

>One thing that westerners are generally oblivious to about Japanese food culture is they actually consume a lot more wheat than rice these days
What? Most people in Japan have rice for every meal, or almost every meal.

I was with a friend and we went to a western cafe, he got this chicken and salad. Literally every bite he said "this is good but I wish I had rice" "I should've gotten a side of rice" "I feel like this needs rice"

>> No.19109192
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Don't forget that bread sushi is a thing in Japan now as well. People whose entire knowledge of Japanese food comes from anime are not to be trusted.

>> No.19109325
File: 711 KB, 2000x1333, IMG_0449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived there for over a year and you are saying something like "America has bacon milkshakes now, so therefore, Americans are consuming bacon milkshakes in ever increasing numbers. There's a clear upward trend, and soon, all milkshakes will have bacon in them, nay, all beverages will be bacon milkshakes."

Access to more variety in their food doesn't mean bread is going to replace rice. Calm your tits.

>> No.19109353
File: 1.37 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_5221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third night in a row (I think?) of donabe. Since I'm halving my recipe, I realized I had about twice the amount of dashi I was supposed to have last night, so hopefully this won't overflow tonight.

>> No.19109401
File: 974 KB, 1500x2000, IMG_5222[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, still kind of overflowing out of the pot. Going to have to adjust the quantity of what I prepare.

>> No.19109402

Ever try chanko nabe? The chicken meatballs are really tasty and pretty easy to make.

>> No.19109412

I had a donabe meal a total of one time when I was in Japan. Really wish I'd been better versed at the time. 11 years later, I'm finally learning to cook real Japanese food.

>> No.19109454

:[ I'm on a similar quest to learn and cook Japanese food as well. I'm planning on getting whole fish to learn how to filet them, age in kombu, and make edomae style sushi with. It's all quite daunting, but I'm really excited to try my hand at it. I have all the knives, tools, and ingredients to make amazing sushi. Just gotta hone those skills.

That classic soy, dashi, mirin, ginger, chicken stock kinda broth is so deliciously savory. It makes sense why the combo is so foundational to the cuisine.

>> No.19109510

Can anyone help a lowly gaijin enjoy these? I had one with bites of rice, but it was only somewhat decent.

>> No.19109515
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PIC. My B.

>> No.19109551
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Chop 'em up (not the pit) and use them as a flavoring. Popular on chicken and cucumbers especially.

>> No.19109568
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Steamed pork belly with bean sprouts and plum on top. You can look up 梅肉 (bainiku) for more ideas.

>> No.19109620
File: 1.52 MB, 1800x3310, 20230330_181036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tonight I am trying out one of these "add to rice" things I got. The veggie packet smells amazing and the scallops look delectable. 30 min soak on the rice and everything goes in the kamado san for cooking. Really looking forward to see how these are. Expensive, so hopefully they are worthwhile because they could be very high level convenience/deliciousness.


>> No.19109651

I never said bread sushi is popular. Just that it's a thing, which means it exists. To be specific, it is only thing in a few restaurants in the trendy parts of Sapporo, Tokyo, and Osaka.

But yeah the one who needs to calm your tits is you because you misunderstood what I meant.

>> No.19109735
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>> No.19109783
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Here we go!

>> No.19109812

Wait, are you using Kamado-san? Adding any dashi, sesame oil or sake?

>> No.19109827

Yes I am. I felt like bringing it out and letting the kumoi have a rest.

The veggie packet has all the seasoning. I did add a bit of soy sauce because it said the salt was only moderate. May add some sesame oil after cooking.

>> No.19109841
File: 1.25 MB, 1800x2741, 20230330_191106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how great this pacific saury looks. Apparently these packs use pretty great quality ingredients.

20 mins to go. The rice smells quite toasty. May have gone a touch too long, but we'll see...

>> No.19109853
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Information slip that was inside for anyone interested.

>> No.19109870

NPO Ihatov Torimoto

We deliver safe, secure and genuine deliciousness from Iwate.

You can feel the deliciousness of each ingredient.

Chew well and enjoy.

Made with fresh ingredients.

Our products are carefully selected, safe and secure, where you can see the faces of the producers.

Safe and secure additive-free principle.

Ajinoichi Brewery Co., Ltd. Ajinoha

Extra, fermented seasoning Sayama City, Saitama Prefecture

Proudly made by lively producers in the Miyako area

Seven, suki kelp, etc.

Deep-fried whole soybeans from Iwate Prefecture

6. Deep-fried tofu Morioka Heian Shoten Co., Ltd.

Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award Winning Farmer

Ms. Haga's log-dried shiitake mushrooms

5. Dried Shiitake Mushroom Yamada Town, Iwate Prefecture,

4. Vegetables Iwate Junjo Vegetables

3. Fresh seafood Landed at Miyako Port, Iwate Prefecture

Whole soybeans from Iwate Prefecture, wheat soy sauce

2. Soy Sauce Morioka Asanuma Soy Sauce Store Co., Ltd.

Salt Osaka Construction Co., Ltd. Miyako Salt


Discerning ingredients

Iwate's delicious cooked rice

Add salt or soy sauce if you like.

Less salty,

Follow the instructions on the rice cooker for how to cook the rice.

only. Do not mix.

How to cook deliciously Put the contents of the bag on top of the rice that has been polished and adjusted to the desired amount of water.

The amount of water in the polished rice should be moderate.


Put the vegetables into the rice cooker, put the rice paddy on top of it, then the ingredients from the bag in that order, and turn on the switch.

Take out the contents of the bag, and add 2 cups of rice that has been polished and watered down

How to serve


>> No.19109877

Google Translate from taking a photo of my computer screen and then copying and pasting the resulted translation. Not great, and the text being vertical is a little overwhelming for the system, but better than nothing if you're interested.

>> No.19109909

I got similar results. I am still a bit unsure as to whether I was supposed to add the scallops to the rice before or after cooking...

>> No.19109932

Scallops cook really quickly, don't they? I'd be tempted to add halfway through cooking

>> No.19109934

I've heard the intent is to match the food to the silverware.

>> No.19109940

oops, *tableware not silverware

>> No.19109945
File: 1.13 MB, 1800x2435, 20230330_193914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is. It is very delicious. Think scallop fried rice. You can definitely taste the good quality ingredients. The scallop is sweet with a really nice ocean flavor.

The toasted rice from the donabe is excellent with everything. I'm happy. Added a tiny bit too much soy sauce, so next time I won't add any until after cooking. Overall I give this an 8/10 for what it is. Would buy again.

>> No.19109951

It looks good, but next time use some barkeeper's friend on your rice grains before cooking them.

>> No.19109965
File: 1.04 MB, 1800x2266, 20230330_194936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like that they included all the extra bits of the scallop. Nice chewy texture and a variety of scallopy flavors.

That's flavor, baby! No need to clean my rice!

>> No.19110045


>> No.19110085

Uwah! B-but why? I enjoyed the flavor, but those lil dudes were mega salty and mega sour.

>> No.19110095

It says to add the rice, veg, konbu, and ither ingredients (in that order) to the rice cooker, so I assume it's before. You usually want the juices from the scallops to be absorbed by the rice.

>> No.19110150

You can buy bread in a number of slices here, mostly 5,6,7, and 8
You only need one piece of toast in the morning. That is nearly 200kcal per slice

>> No.19110158


>> No.19110366

it's not terrible I just don't like it, even mixed into rice.

I used to live in a known for umeboshi so i'd bring all my japanese friends in tokyo/osaka the umeboshi as an omiyage. The local store owners got a kick out of the fact that I'd buy it all the time but didn't eat it myself

>> No.19110387

If you prepare it properly does it have a more balanced flavor? Or is it always super salty/sour?

My face was contorted and I was sweating when I first took a bite.

>> No.19110537
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>> No.19110541

Wow a one course plate. Uncommon.

>> No.19110648
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It's not that they weren't prepared properly. There are a number of different varieties of umeboshi, and they all have their own flavors and textures. It depends largely on what they were pickled in.

>> No.19111300

That's pretty cool, but I meant like when you make a meal with the umeboshi is it supposed to keep it's intensity?

>> No.19111320

They are supposed to be. They're meant to be eaten with rice.

>> No.19111331

the TL note made me laugh lmao

>> No.19111341

If your entire meal has the intensity of an umeboshi you have fucked up immensely. They are nearly 20% salt.
Using umeboshi as an ingredient isn't the common way to eat them. They are overwhelmingly eaten as an accompaniment to plain rice or for chazuke.
There's various recipes that you can use umeboshi in as a flavoring and to provide salt for the dish if you don't enjoy simply eating them as is. Do a search for some.

>> No.19111373

looks like a tagine

>> No.19111533

So I basically got a non beginner friendly umeboshi? I could only eat very tiny pieces of it with rice before it got too salty/sour.

>> No.19111543

Gross, boiled chicken

>> No.19111556

Imagine outing yourself as a cooklet this badly. Holy crap.

>> No.19111577

That's a fair assessment, yes. Most of the ones you will find in the supermarket are non-traditional and use sugar, honey, and various other flavorings so they are usually less than half the saltiness and sweeter. You might like those.

>> No.19111579
File: 109 KB, 512x1247, itadakimasu translations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You probably just don't like it, they are all pretty intensely sweet/sour.
plenty more translation choices, choose your favorite

>> No.19111583

I feel sorry for you eating boiled chicken and crying on the internet. I hope your tough times will end and you can afford fried chicken anon, I really do

>> No.19111607

He's stupid as well lmao.

Your mother allowed me to enter her anus after I fed her my "boiled chicken" becuase it was so good. I took the opportunity to forcefully cram both my fists in there, and she squealed with joy like the slutty little whore pig she truly is.

>> No.19111611

Wipe your tears, sweaty.

>> No.19111621

t. flyover larry

>> No.19111748

Not even samefagging can save the chicken boilers weeb thread

>> No.19111801

Here's the thing... There is one idiot who made an even bigger fool of himself, and three people laughing at your retard ass.


>> No.19111863

>who made an even bigger fool of himself
>identifies as they/xerm
That's where you messed up.

>> No.19112101

Is there any real difference between tonkatsu, okonomi and yakisoba sauce?

>> No.19112186

Ummmmm excuse me! Stop pretending to be me BITCH! My pronouns are clown/clownself. Please get it right!

The name?

>> No.19112199

Don't they just call all brown sauces ソース? I could never figure out what the hell it was. Brown and sugary goop.

>> No.19112217

brown sauce is dangerous. fucking stab u at starbucks.

>> No.19112223

You can't say "chan" and "sensei" on the same noun. Baboso.....

>> No.19112228
File: 41 KB, 300x450, well ackshully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't say "chan" and "sensei" on the same noun. Baboso.....

>> No.19112235

Lol chickenboiler got called out by another weeb, now they are sharpening their katanas and simmering their poultry while glaring at each other trhing to find historical inaccuracies in the others clay pot

>> No.19112288

Eh I will stick with more traditionally made ones. Maybe try a couple others next time I get a rice shipment.

I still haven't tried it with recipes yet. I imagine it may actually be pretty nice in a salad dressing if done right. Oily fish as well.

>> No.19112409
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Speaking of muh boiled chikkinz, I finally found a use for the wings I boiled to make the chicken dashi a few days ago. Some leftover shio kombu/ginger rice plus chicken becomes a really quick (and good) donburi lunch.

This is the Japanese cooking food. Post some pictures of the Japanese food you cooked or ate?

>> No.19112422

Looks really good. I love bowls of food like that.

>> No.19112451

>This is the Japanese cooking food.
*Japanese cooking food thread

>> No.19112784

tonkotsu is supposed to be more gingery. yaki and okonomi are much more similar to each other, but yakisoba is less so and okonomiyaki is the sweetest, but I'm sure some places that serve okonomi and yakisoba may use their house sauce interchangeably.

If you're home cooking and you just want to make a lot of one that's understandable though

>> No.19112956
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This evening, I will be introducing you to Ibushi Gin-kun, which is a "mini" size smoker donabe. It's really quite small--only enough space for a few shrimp or small pieces of cheese. I got it because I'm not sure I want to spend $300 on a full size one (this is half the price), and I'm sure I will always have a use for the mini size for smoking up small amounts of cheese, which I always enjoy.

>> No.19112963
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It came with a small bag of sakura chips. The bag is small, but the chips are very finely shredded and you don't need many, so it should last a pretty long time. You're supposed to spread them out on a layer of foil in the bottom like this. No water should be added. You literally heat the donabe so hot that they singe from the intense IR heat.

>> No.19112970
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You're supposed to heat it like this (but with food in it, I took the photo before adding food) on HIGH heat until the wood chips start to smoke. Then, you put the cover on and pour water into the lip around the rim of the lid for an airtight seal.

>> No.19112975
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It's not a perfectly airtight seal. Smoke still managed to bubble out and I added additional water once. I also had my smoke detector disconnected just in case.

>> No.19112983
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I smoked soft-boiled eggs for my first try.

>> No.19113012
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The smokey flavor is *very* pronounced, especially considering that this is something I prepared on the stovetop, and sakura wood is supposed to be on the milder side. I don't think I've ever had smoked eggs before this. This is something that would be a hit as a side dish served to others, but not really my favorite flavor.

>> No.19113096

Because of the foil, cleanup was very easy. The only thing I had to clean is around the rim, which got sticky.

>> No.19113097

That's awesome. Try smoking beets. It's very delicious.

How many 'abes do you have? I love functional art, but am sorely lacking space for such big pieces of pottery.

>> No.19113109

Smoked beets, dill, greek yogurt, lemon dressing with walnuts and peeled mandarins, and arugula or curly endive would make an awesome salad. Not Japanese at all, but still delicious.

>> No.19113168

>How many 'abes do you have?
I have self-diagnosed DAS.

>Kamado-san - 3-go
Most useful, even if just for white rice. I'm not sure how I ever lived without it. I also have a steam grate for it ordered. So far, I think 3-go is a great size, but if I were cooking a main course for more than two people, I'd want a larger one. If cooking a side dish, 3-go should be fine for 4-5 people.

>Classic - medium
IMO, 1.5 liters is about the right size for me, even with 1 or 2 other people at the table.

>Miso Shiru - large
To my uses, this might be a little superfluous, but it looks so cool with the rustic yellow glaze that I can always just display it on a shelf. It has a very heavy base, so it keeps food steaming hot for hours.

>Ibushi Gin - mini
Jury is still out, which is part of why I got the mini size. It's REALLY quite small. It does have a second grate (I just used the lower grate), but you really can't fit much food in it at all. If I end up liking the results after a few months using it, I might get the large one. Maybe.

>Classic - small
Look forward to meeting this little guy in the next installment of my blog when I attempt to make homemade tofu from soy milk and nigari ^_^

I think these 5 are about all I could ever want, and even then, my only justification for the miso soup one is to have two donabe cooking up liquids simultaneously. You can cook soups in a regular donabe or anything else, obviously. I think all that any sane person ever would need are two: a rice cooker and a classic style. A lot of people get a steamer donabe and take the grate off when doing hot pot meals, but the steamer donabe has a very thick bottom, so it will be slow to warm up and then have a lot of carry-over heating, so your hot pot may be more likely to overcook after you take it off the stove when using one.

>> No.19113231

Donabes are a meme lol.

>> No.19113255

That's really cool. I really like the idea of a smoker donabe. Seems like a fun way to do indoor bbq kinda thing. May look into getting one just for the heck of it.

Looking forward to seeing the classic as well! :D

You are a meme.

>> No.19113269
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Also, the portable butane stove is more essential than I thought. Two main benefits:
-point of reference for heat levels that donabe recipes will refer to, if your home stove is underpowered or too overpowered
-continue cooking food table-side, if you want to add more ingredients to the broth for a second course

>> No.19113287

Do you think that iwatani burner is worth the 100 bucks? The burner looks to have a smaller diameter than the one I have, which is a touch wide for my rice cookers.

Any chance you could measure the diameter of the brass burner piece?

>> No.19113294
File: 1.79 MB, 3000x3000, IMG_20230325_115448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KoJ (king of Japan) here. Just checking in to remind you of how fucking pathetic and worthless you are.
Imagine taking pictures of your shit cooking to give your life the semblance of having some kind of meeting lmao.
Who me? I'm taking a fat shit then the toilets going to spray my asshole clean.
Check out the bento I had one the shinkansen the other week. You will never, ever get to experience eating one, that's how worthless you are lmao.

>> No.19113327

Like I said, I have DAS (donabe acquisition syndrome), so don't take my example, but I ended up getting the EcoPremium one too (see >>19112970), which has a forcing cone over the burner to make the hot spot smaller, which I can confirm. Just measuring the brass burner doesn't give the whole picture (2.75"). The EcoPremium's 4" burner produces a smaller, more focused hot spot. The EcoPremium stove goes for about $70 on Amazon, and I'd go with this one for donabe use if I had to choose one, although any portable gas stove would be fine, honestly.

>> No.19113332
File: 1.19 MB, 1800x2302, 20230331_175559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nukadoko update:

It has been 11 days I think. The carrots I have been adding have turned from just really salty tasting to actually being quite tasty. Savory, slight lactic flavor, nicely seasoned and not too salty.

Added some cucumber slices that I will remove in like 4-5 hours for fun.

2-3 more weeks and it should be running at full steam and I can start having fresh pickles everyday!

>> No.19113336

Are you supposed to eat the carrot with the tan crust?

>> No.19113355

The eco premium does look like it will be better for donabes. Tyvm for the advice!

The one I have is quite strong, but the flame size is too big, so most of it just goes over the sides and very little flame hits the middle unless I have it on like medium, medium low.

>> No.19113364

The tan crust is the toasted rice bran the nukadoko is made from. I added kombu, hot pepper flakes, shiitake mushroom, and salt to mine.

You mix the bed up and pack it down once or twice everyday depending on the temperature. Adding new carrots every other day. You taste the carrots to see how your nukadoko is doing.

The bran is fine to eat, but you want to leave as much in your container as possible to extend the time it takes for you to have to add more rice bran, salt, and water.

>> No.19113469

Well yeah. Literally the only reason why someone will like something in this thread is that it's Japanese. It can be objectively worse or more tedious and cumbersome, but if it's Japanese people here will pay $500 for it and try to get other people to use it too.

>> No.19113473

Stupidest post in the entire thread. Nicely done.

>> No.19113489

? Fuck off retard. All of your posts are gay as fuck.

>> No.19113496

Do you go to an Italian restaurant, walk in the front door, and announce, "the only reason why someone will like something in this restaurant is that it's Italian!"

>> No.19113498

Your mother was gay until I dicked her so good she became an addict. Started pimping her out after that. Biggest earner until she got pregnant. Dropped that cunt whore faster than a hot donabe. Lmao.

>> No.19113552

Imagine being an adult and writing out that. Literally meaningless. Hope you feel better about yourself. I'll get back to my delicious cooking thank you very much. Do you even know how to cook? I highly doubt it.

>> No.19113575

Weebs don't know what to do when they see Japanese chefs cooking rice without rice cookers.

>> No.19113578

Words from a retard mean nothing to me. If you're as stupid as you've proven yourself to be I know you can't cook and I also know you wont contribute to this thread. Thanks for laughs, dummy. I'll get back to posting and doscussing Jap food now.

>> No.19113606

You'll go back to being a complete fucking loser lol. K bye now, I'm off to eat some real Japanese food. You enjoy your shitty cooking though LMAO

>> No.19113609

I can't tell if you are samefagging as the guy you're replying to or if you are genuine and are arguing with another anon, but that anon (>>19113489) is trolling. He is not me, the guy who made this post >>19113469

>> No.19113626

Your father sucks me of on the regular, he a good boy, always swallow

>> No.19113649

I don't samefag. I have obviously triggered someone tho. Consider this main difference. A good ye mum joke has atleast some creativity and originality. I have fun coming up with them.

Edgy little 60 IQ preteen words are pure NPC behaviour and it's hilarious how triggered they get.

Believe it or not this isn't me lol. You are based tho.

>> No.19113773

Just finished eating my japanese lunch, in Japan. Have you finished being a complete loser yet? Oh wait I forgot that will never happen.
Sure it was only food from the combini, but that's something you will never, ever experience.
The cherry blossom is in bloom at the moment. You'd like to see that, wouldn't you?

>> No.19113799
File: 1.26 MB, 1800x3304, 20230331_211048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that noise? The distant squealing of a poor person? Haha. Lol. Lmao. How quaint.

>> No.19113856

I'm at work retard. Quick walk to the conbini is more than enough. You keep coping with your faggot whiskey though lmao.
Whyre you sat around alone posting so much anyway? Oh wait because you're a fucking lonely loser who talks like a faggot from redit and posts the most boring pictures possible.
You're nothing to me. You're nothing, full stop. Lmao enjoy

>> No.19113866

why are foreigners in japan seething little shits

>> No.19113872

Who's seething lmao. Got everything I need, just laughing at the other loser who unironically posts pictures of rice in a rice cooker like anyone gives a fucking shit lmaooooo.
You're nothing to me aswell. Bunch of retarded amerimutts LMAO what a disgusting shit hole of a country you live in. Truly pathetic.

>> No.19113882
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My musings have triggered the poor! Lool how he copes! Hilarious! What a spectacle!

Ever seen 10k+ in Japanese rocks and knives? Now you have. Not even all of them lol! I'd show you pictures of the multi million dollar farm I own, but I don't want to dox myself too badly. :D

Take my word for it, poor boy?

>> No.19113886

Imagine being so poor you have to live in a little cube. Lmfao.

>> No.19113887

The reason you don’t tell people your job is because then, you wouldn’t even be able to talk down to anonymous people on the internet…if they knew you got paid to be a human tape recorder. I assume you’re working with kids and not at an eikaiwa for adults, lol. Since if you were working with adults, you’d constantly be reminded how menial your “job” is.

>> No.19113896

King of Japan here. Turd with a sludge like consistency is currently oozing out of my anal hole. The toilet seat is heated and once I finish sludging the toilet will spray my asshole clean (I like to turn it on full power and angle it so it's basically a mini colonic).
Not that ameritards can understand the concept of a clean asshole lmao.
Then I think I'll go chill at the window for a bit looking at the Sakura. Aaaah yeah that's the life.

>> No.19113898

You have no idea how degrading his job is. He is basically being paid to act like a clown in front of a classroom. His students call their Japanese teachers by their last name, but they call him by his first name. His Japanese colleagues do it too. He’s not “Smith-sensei.” He’s “Alex-san,” as if he’s the faculty kid brother. He tries to to escape into his realm of fantasy when he roleplays in this thread as “king” of Japan. It’s tragic.

>> No.19113903

I don't tell my job because I have absolutely no desire to share such information with you. It truly does not matter to me if you wish to believe I'm an English teacher, it doesn't matter in the slightest.
I have no desire to impress retarded amerimutts like you or "flex" my wealth by posting $100 bottles of whiskey LMAO.
ah man you guys are worthless.
Ok I've finished washing my bumhole now and it's time to dry it off and then back to doing what I do. Which is what you might ask? I'll never tell LMAO.

I had to laugh at that story you've made up in your head to help yourself cope. You finally made a good post, well done.

>> No.19113905
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He's so poor he doesn't even own blossoming fruit trees. What a goddamned loser.

Yes this is one of my plum trees. It's decades old and the flowers scatter on my garden as Im preparing for the growing season each year.

This year I harvested many of the flowers to extract their flavor from. The syrup is still aging in my fridge. Delicious stuff.

>> No.19113913


Think it was 800 usd for the yamazaki 18, but you can continue your cope. Coward.

Incredibly based and is now canon.

>> No.19113916

Just realized I'm the only one keeping you company during your pathetic, lonely night.
You don't deserve the grace of that so I'll be leaving now. Don't worry, I'll pop in again sometime with some more pictures of actually decent food.
You and that other guy can spend your evening writing more fanfics about me LMAO ah man the worst thing about the internet is realizing that people as truly pathetic and worthless as you exist. Buh bye now.

>> No.19113923

Poor people really do make me laugh. The cope and extreme bitterness is remarkably funny.

>> No.19113945

I know your type. I met many, many foreigners like you. You don’t have actual skills, but receiving constant praise for doing nothing inflates your sense of self-worth to the point where you live in your own fantasy world. Yes, you are an English teacher. There aren’t any other jobs in Japan for such low value foreigners.

>> No.19113964

Probably best to just ignore him honestly. He sure is angry about something in his sad little life and lashes out at normal reasonable people because it only knows how to get attention one way.

It thinks it's cool or whatever to just buy food. Hasnt posted a single thing about any cooking he has done what so ever. I doubt he even has a kitchen in the copecube he can barely afford to "live" in. It is fun to mock him tho and the spectactle he creates sure is amusing... Regardless denying it attention is probably the best way to hurt it.

>> No.19113990
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Picked up one of these after seeing them advertised on TV. It's essentially plum liqueur, vodka, and carbonated water. Not bad, but not really worth buying imo.

>> No.19114003

M’kay. Keep the thread from 404ing overnight, ok

>> No.19114015

Sorry, tomod8. I'm not that invested in this thread.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19114054

Very fitting april 1st day goof. Lol

>> No.19114072

how do I into GPT-4chan

>> No.19114081

It's all the posters signed in to 4chan passes

>> No.19114094

Software engineer ey

>> No.19114328

>my japanese clay folded 1000 times
>muh japanese whiskey aged 18 times
Posturing with bottle of whiskey or cooking utensil tells me you are poor as fuck chicken boiler, ill be in my pool eating proper fried chicken

>> No.19114836

It all makes sense now.

>> No.19115080
File: 1.31 MB, 3474x1618, 20230216_065614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nono. It's the 20 acre farm in an extremely desireable location to own a farm, and the 30k+ in Japanese natural whetstones and knives I own. Or my investment portfolio, but we won't get into that lmao. Poor people wouldn't understand. You're confusing two people due to a lack of reading comprehension and a very very low iq, btw.

It makes me laugh when an NPC parrots the folded 1000 times thing at least you have a touch of originality in you. You are still a complete and utter cooklet retard, but there may be hope for you.

>> No.19115115

And let me just clarify something to you. The thing was going on about how I would never be able to go to Japan or whatever. I could fly there whenever the fuck I wanted, buy a nice house with cash if I wanted/could.

Please notice how it changed his tune from saying "I have something you will never have." to "you're a loser."

I'll be ignoring all trolls from here on out. Just wanted to clarify because I know how incredibly stupid you are.

>> No.19115185

>reddit paragraphs
Didnt read lol

>> No.19115196

imagine drinking such an expensive bottle alone lmao

>> No.19115264

Does that matter? He who drinks alone, drinks more. And this is expensive alcohol, imagine wasting it on others

>> No.19115294
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Nukadoko update: My cucumbers spent roughly 15 hours fermenting. I can definitely tell that this thing needs more time to increase its power level, and for the flavors to balance out more. Promising flavors, but not quite there yet.

It is only expensive to the poor. Availability is more of a concern. I would buy a case of chartreuse green VEP for roughly 3k dollars at the drop of a hat. I love that stuff, but it is sold in such limited supplies.

Anyways... It's better to just ignore the lowly dreggs of society.

>> No.19115308

Can you actually taste the difference when you pay 300$ for a bottle instead of 20-40$? Gotta have diminishing returns at some point..<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19115324

stoooop, I write exactly like this

>> No.19115327

If the bottle is really great stuff you can definitely tell the difference.

Price does not always correlate with quality when talking about booze, so research is important. Some bottles are absolutely worth a very steep price. Some are definitely not, especially if you're buying off the secondary market(don't).

There's a french apple brandy that uses only 50+ year stock with a majority of it being a lot older than that. Only 6 bottles sold in US, price is around 1k for it. I was able to get a bottle and it was one of the most incredible tasting things I've ever had.

Same with the $1500 1982 mouton rothschild wine I served my mom for her birthday. Just a completely different level of goodness.

>> No.19115346
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>lives on a farm
>"trust me, I'm rich!"

>> No.19115360
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20 acre farm in sonoma county, bud.

>> No.19115369

A reply within 5 minutes. My-oh-my, aren't we defensive.

>> No.19115376

Nah, Im watching the thread for a reply to my other more interesting posts.

Purchased outright with a lump sum of cash, btw. No mortgage lmao.

>> No.19115380

I'm reviewing my earlier posts to try to find where I asked.

>> No.19116119

King of Japan here. Just woke up (it's 5.40am).
Look at how unhinged this guy is, not even talking about cooking anymore just going on about all his m...m...m..money. Lmao
I'm a software engineer in Tokyo, retard. A masters degree and fluency in a second language gets me plenty of m...m...m....money. I'd imagine more than you lmao.
Keep crying into your bottle of Yamazaki though, eh?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19116126

You're supposed to use that when expecting epic drama

>> No.19116202

It's just random you idiot.

>> No.19116478

Underrated dish:
Cucumbers in spicy sauce
I got a recipe by just searching きゅうりのたれ
it's basically miso, soy, and sesame but oishii af
if you're in japan you can just buy it from a bottle too

>> No.19116481
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forgot pick

>> No.19116483
File: 900 KB, 2247x1800, 20230401_152405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Making butter shoyu chicken wings soon. First reply chooses the sake I cook with and drink tonight.

Love that stuff.

>> No.19116486

Cook with the cheaper one and drink the more expensive one.

>> No.19116490

Generally I like to drink what I cook with because it's always a tasty paring.

Left is 75.
Right is 50ish.

>> No.19116495

I guess you decided tho. Right it is! Ty.

>> No.19116623

He owns 20 acres just north of San Francisco and flaunts his money for clout to anonymous strangers on 4chan. He doesn't need to save money with his alcohol.

>> No.19116644

I don't do it normally, or for clout. This was a special circumstance because some special boy kept saying I could never go to Japan. Changed his tune quick lol.

>> No.19116658

I've also made the conscious decision to ignore all trolls from here on out. There's this cool feature that lets you hide posts.

>> No.19116672

Those look so awesome. Where did you get them?

>> No.19116913
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Wings are frying.

>> No.19116945
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And done. The sauce tasted great, but the wings need to cool a bit before tasting. That sake is pretty tasty.

Made >>19116478 as a nice side to the wings.

>> No.19116984

King of Japan here, taking a fat morning shit.
I like how the other guy conceded, made him realize just how boring and pathetic he was, and ther was no coming back from that for him.
It's a beautiful day here, and I'll be going out to enjoy it.
Just think, for all that guys supposed riches, he still spends his nights alone, posturing on 4chan with his expensive trinkets, hoping to impress complete strangers LMAO. truly have I never seen someone so pathetic.

>> No.19117001

The wings came out absolutely delicious. The cucumbers were a great accompaniment to the super savory wings.

I followed this recipe to a T and the wings came out perfectly cooked.


Side note: good sake and those cucumbers are an incredible combo. Could eat those lil dudes all day.

>> No.19117104

clay pot anon recommend me some books

>> No.19117140

Check OP image for your first recc.

>> No.19117142

Toiro Kitchen

>> No.19117175
File: 1.54 MB, 1800x3165, 20230401_184027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nukadoko update because I know you all love them.

It really isn't ready to be fermenting stuff yet, but I added radishes and a jalapeno for fun.

My thinking is that I could make a very delicious and unique salsa with the pickled jalapenos. Only time will tell.

>> No.19117314
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I got a late start, but tonight I will be making fresh tofu following Mrs. Donabe's recipe. You use Banrai soymilk, which has a higher percent of soy solids than typical beverage soymilk, as well as nigari, which is a coagulant.

>> No.19117321
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Basically, you heat the soymilk over medium heat until it reaches 176-180F, then kill the heat and add the nigari.

>> No.19117326
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Yup. We're there.

>> No.19117328
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>uwaaa, onii-chan spilled his thick stuff all over me
Sorry, donabe-chan. Next time, I'll prepare the nigari in a small sauce dish in advance.

>> No.19117335

If this turns out well are you going to make your own soy milk using real good beans?

>> No.19117342
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While heating, the recipe instructed to constantly stir so as not to burn the soymilk. Then, to kill the heat, stir in the nigari (instantly coagulated), and immediately cover with foil and the lid. Due to carry-over heating, I heard some simmering along the edges, which I assume will be slightly burnt.

>let sit for 30 minutes
Don't go anywhere, /jrg/! Be back in a bit.

I already have picked out a breeder to acquire some mature soysows from. They even artificially inseminate them at the farm, so all I have to do when I get them home is milk them every day, like the nikocado guy is stirring his sandy carrots every day.

>> No.19117372

Do soysows require a lot of land? What will you do with the babies?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19117405
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Ready to go. I've prepared a few different condiment combinations.

-roasted sesame seeds and soy sauce
-yuzu salt and olive oil
-katsuobushi, ginger and green onion (like hiya yakko, although lacking a few ingredients)

>> No.19117413
File: 1.07 MB, 1500x2000, IMG_5310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This recipe doesn't make shelf stable tofu. It will slowly uncoagulate.

This is after 30 minutes of sitting. It's possible that the very small donabe cooled off faster than the recipe would have called for and it already started to separate by the time I opened it, but regardless, there's still plenty of the white stuff to go around.

>> No.19117420
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I prepared 250 mL, which gave me 5 servings of this size.

This is the katsuobushi, ginger and green onion. The ginger was way overpowering but it was otherwise a little bland. This wasn't in the recipe, just my own experiment, but maybe next time I'll try to make proper hiya yakko.

>> No.19117424
File: 1.13 MB, 1500x2000, IMG_5312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuzu salt and olive oil. Probably put a little too much salt on this. Good combination, but the sesame seeds and soy sauce was better.

>> No.19117427
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The presentation leaves something to be desired, but the sesame seeds and soy sauce tasted incredibly good. I had seconds and thirds of this combo.

>> No.19117435
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The donabe afterwards had this clear liquid remaining with some coagulated tofu bits floating around. I didn't drink it. Very unappetizing and disgusting-looking.

>> No.19117489

You going to make soycotta?

>> No.19117501

I figured it out. He's literally autistic. That's why even with all his land and his riches, he has no one to share it with, because no one likes him.
I mean look at the way he speaks, would you want to be friends with someone like that?
I know I should feel pity for disabled people, but he just disgusts me so much that I feel absolutely no pity at all for his condition. Look at him, another night alone posting about himself on 4chan, because he has no one else to listen bahahahahah ah man, pathetic.

>> No.19117512
File: 1.31 MB, 2000x1500, IMG_5302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clay pot anon here. I am by no means rich, and don't think I'm autistic, either. The person who said he owns 20 acres and has millions of dollars is someone else. I assume he doesn't do his own cooking, but instead has hired help to prepare all his food for him, being so rich.

>> No.19117525

I made those wings earlier. I love cooking so I haven't even considered hiring a chef to cook for me... How much you think Jiro would charge to come over and cook me a meal?

>> No.19117566

Who is Jiro?

What is soycotta?

>> No.19117581

I've had dassai but not 山田錦
How is it?

>> No.19117583
File: 15 KB, 320x180, mqdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jiro! From Jiro dreams of sushi. The real king of Japan aka the sushi samurai aka the nigiri ninja.

When making cheese you take the curd out of the congealed milk and you can make ricotta with the leftover whey. Just a thought you may be able to get a little more out of your soymilk, but I have no idea if it's possible with tofu making.

>> No.19117591

Quite good. Nicely rich, smooth, rounded flavor. More on the savory/minerally side than the melony/fruity flavors.

Perfect with the salty butter shoyu wings and seasoned cucumbers.

>> No.19117747

I see. I was wondering why you were posting pictures from both iphone and android. I shall have to review the posts and see who spoke how.
Ok I have reviewed and he is definitely a massive autist, but you still talk like a bit of a fag. I will forgive you though as you seem to have a good heart.

>> No.19117779

nice. craving it just listening.

>> No.19117805

Get a room faglets and suck on each other's nicely rich, smooth balls lmao fucking queermos. I literally get paid to drink such 日本酒 (bet you can't read that can you spakka boi?). Literally paid on the clock lmaooooo
獺祭 isn't even that good. It's only expensive because abe gave a bottle to Obama or some shit. But money bags over here thinks expensive thing=good. Lmao pathetic. You can have all the money in the world, but your personality is worthless.<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19117810

How's the dassai 23? I have a couple bottles, and have heard good things, but haven't had it yet. Maybe when I make sushi next...

>> No.19117854

It's exceptionally fruity. A little too much for my acquired taste. I prefer the older ones such as 21. Still I find myself simply having to try all that I can, in order to enunciate my pallet to its fullest extent.

>> No.19117856


I haven't had it in a long time, and I'm not an expert but from what I remember it's pretty good imo. It's a bit fruity and not too much after taste, so pretty easy to drink.

>> No.19117896

I'm not reading your faggoty japanese lmao. You're nothing to me.
Go post on /int/, pretty sure there's a japanese practice thread on there for weeaboos like you

>> No.19117906

>I bet you can't speak Japanese
>I'm "not" reading your Japanese
>still mad about some dumb slight in a cooking board

>> No.19117929

Ok so why do you "speak" japanese with an accent? You're not japanese, you weren't raised in a particular area to have an accent. Writing like that is even more cringe than just talking japanese normally lmao. Again, you can't win, I'm king of Japan, I know everything.
Explain why you write with an accent, can you do that?<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19118397

Can't reply? Figures.
An American mutt vs the king of Japan, you'll lose every time. Little bitch.

>> No.19118426

which book is that?

>> No.19118511

It's the book of love faggot

The book of love is long and boring
No one can lift the damn thing
It's full of charts and facts some figures and instructions for dancing
But I
I love it when you read to me
And you
You can read me anything

>> No.19118517

Why does no one actually look at the OP image?

>> No.19118628

King of Japan here. Pooing again. Seems I've blown the fuck out the fag op and autistic rich boi. So I once again lay claim to king of this thread.

>> No.19118694

i saw that one, any others you recommend?

>> No.19118960

Anyone have experience with binchotan charcoal?

Psychological trickery.

Haven't gotten into jap cookbooks yet