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File: 72 KB, 625x775, DVkHQ6fVMAEyM0_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19108106 No.19108106 [Reply] [Original]

Why is IPA and hot sauce ridiculed

>> No.19108125

because its redditcore
I will not elaborate further

>> No.19108126

It’s mainstream and overpriced.
I still drink them anyways

>> No.19108150

Retards pretend like it's some fancy new shit like cigar clubs back in the day but in reality it's the same lemon flavored beers 90% of the time amongs like hundreds of thousands of different brands. People who hold IPAs in high regard are just retarded insecure soyfags.
>Hot sauces
More or less the same. Personally I like different hot sauces but the whole ghost pepper and million scollvile idiocy is retarded, apart from jeetube and tiktok bullshit there is no real culinary use of these sauces. Are you really going to make, lets say, a spicy curry dish with one drop of that?

>> No.19108164

Neither IPA or hot sauce are inherently bad, it's retard "enthusiasts" who are ridiculed

>> No.19108241
File: 179 KB, 1200x1358, craft-beer-final-boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IPA, because picrel. Hot sauce assholes are the same way,

>> No.19108283

idk why hot sause is ridicule, i usually keep a bottle of lousiana or tiger sauce next to the salt & pepper on the table

>> No.19108315

Because the people who post in IPA generals and Hotsauce generals craft their entire personality around how hoppy their beer is and how good their hotsauce is

>> No.19108326

you can probably throw vapefags in with them as well

>> No.19108444

>Are you really going to make, lets say, a spicy curry dish with one drop of that?
Yeah sure why not

>> No.19108456

>Let's take the worst part of beer, hops, and add 10 times the amount and slap the most obnoxious, quirky reddit branding on our cans or bottles
Only faggots drink IPAs. Every brewer with taste does the opposite of thus

>> No.19108458
File: 53 KB, 500x500, boomersauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just a marketing scheme to get people to buy shitty beer.

>hot sauce
Optimizes for hot, but ends up being a shitty sauce. Instead of hot sauce, try putting actual chili peppers in your food instead. It's much better than some crappy sauce with cringe boomer-bait branding.

>> No.19108464

>obnoxious, quirky reddit branding
Very true.

>> No.19108468

If you ever see anyone drinking shit like Dogfish Head you automatically know to keep your distance

>> No.19108489

At least vapes are contemporary. Mocking IPA these days is like ridiculing the tulip fad.

>> No.19108493

Good/great/best taste consists of 2 elements: layered taste profiles and longevity. Fast food doesn't have either.

>> No.19108563

>Yeah sure why not
Nice trips but I dare you to splash some DaBomb into a curry dish. Enjoy your battery acid flavor overpowering every other ingredient.

>> No.19108583

Because Americans ruin everything
>MMMMMM this IPA is wonderful this hops is so bitter it denatures the alcohol
>OMG *soyface* this suace is so hot it burns more than mace more than CS gas.
Its soyboy faggots doing retarded shit as ironic manlyness.

>> No.19108595

Because hipsters turned them into memes.

>> No.19108656

There's a million types of IPA nowadays, might as well just make fun of beer in general. Still laugh at people that order the only IPA on the menu at a chain place, and then act shocked that it can taste completely different than what they consider to be an IPA.

>> No.19108911
File: 201 KB, 852x581, 1597653953326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hot sauce isn't really ridiculed. It just seems that way on /ck/ because some schizo spent a couple years spamming soyjaks in every thread trying to force a meme. There's also a ton of yuros and 'strayans who watch way too much American youtube and don't seem to understand that shitty clickbait is not the same as real life.

IPA is a little more complicated. It's true that something like 25-30% of the population legitimately just doesn't like the taste of hop forward beers, but everyone recognizes that and it's really not a big deal. And yuros only recently started importing the style, which in addition to having a piss poor range of things to try grates completely against their palate, which was raised primarily on lagers. But the main people ridiculing IPAs are Americans shitting on other Americans, which is for the most part just another extension of the culture war bullshit. (IPA shitposting probably went up 500% in 2016, despite the fact that the "IPA craze" had pretty much died out by then.) Most rural, conservative anons grew up with macro lagers being a symbol of authenticity, and view "craft" beer as some shitty coastie thing trying to ruin their way of life; it's basically a form of picky eating reinforced by an outdated notion of manliness (yes, the irony is palpable - but most of these people have no sense of irony whatsoever).

>> No.19108915

You can read through the 20 posts in this thread and see all the exact same regurgitated talking points, which are all /pol/ tier projection.
>ipas are a hipster thing
Blatantly false. Hipsters don't even exist anymore, and when they did they drank shit like PBR. If you go to any tap room you're going to see a bunch of boomers.
>ipas all taste the same
It's probably the most diverse style, after something like sours, which can be all over the place.
>people think it's manly to get the most ibus, as though it's a challenge and not something that actually tastes good
There was maybe 2 years when it seemed like new breweries were all trying to make the most EXTREME IPA...and then most of those places shut down because people can tell the difference between a good product and something that's just trying to jump on the hype train without anything to back it up. You can put a stupid name and a pop culture reference cartoon on your beer, but if it's not good people aren't going to buy it. A funny label might get someone to buy a bottle once, but when they realize it's shit they're never going to buy it again. People who shit on IPAs reverse the narrative and act like what's on the outside of the bottle is more important than what's on the inside, when most people into beer will buy a beer they like IN SPITE OF the stupid label.
>ipas are the easiest style to brew because you can just cover up a bad beer with hops/brewers don't like ipas
This is probably the dumbest one, but it always gets posted. Most brewers love IPAs, and view them as the most complex and nuanced style you can make with the 4 basic ingredients and traditional brewing methods. You literally cannot make a good IPA without first making a good wort; it’s all about creating a balance between the malts and hops.

>> No.19108944
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same reason why soilent is ridiculed

>> No.19108960


>> No.19108961

As someone who enjoys IPAs and hot sauce, it's because we're fat neckbeards

>> No.19108963

>Most rural, conservative anons grew up with macro lagers being a symbol of authenticity, and view "craft" beer as some shitty coastie thing trying to ruin their way of life
If you mean boomers and gen-xers sure. If you are dumb enough to believe the non-costal millennials aren't also guzzling IPA then you're dumb. Your notion that rural people are missing the irony just shows that you're untraveled and ignorant. Many craft breweries are in small towns. In my very rural county the one beer store in town has many craft beers available. Young ruralites drink IPA. They just don't go full reddit and only drink IPA, and talk about IPA constantly, and build a personality around IPA, and come up with arbitrary IPA measurements. It's not the left right culture war so much as it is making fun of the most fake and gay culture out there. Reddit tier obsessive fixation on consumer goods to hide the fact that their lives are meaningless.

>> No.19109025

>many craft breweries are in small towns
Yes, I intentionally used "rural/conservative" instead of "flyover" because it's more of a cultural thing rather than a geographical thing.
>they just don't go full reddit and only drink IPA, and talk about IPA constantly, and build a personality around IPA, and come up with arbitrary IPA measurements
>reddit tier obsessive fixation on consumer goods to hide the fact that their lives are meaningless
And there you go with the exact projection I was talking about.

>> No.19109055
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The problem with most IPAs is the same problem that hot sauce has, just for a different flavor. Most IPAs are horsepiss beers with no actual noteworthy flavors that are masked with an unholy amount of bitterness. There's no actual thought put into any depth or complexity of taste, most are made with a "more hops = better" attitude. The epitome of this kind of beer is Bear Republic Racer 5 IPA; it's *terrible*.

Hot sauces have a similar problem, although a lot of these are a lot more honest in what they're trying to do: just deliver the highest amount of scovilles they can into a bottle. That's the whole point, it's a novelty of introducing a shitload of pain to your tongue.

You can find hot sauces that have actual flavor profiles, chipotle sauces (the pepper, not the fast food chain) are *great* for this. Similarly, you can find a few IPAs that are hoppy and actually do something interesting with the hoppy flavors, I personally like pic related for this. That said, I'll take a good lager over this any day of the week.

>> No.19109068

>And there you go with the exact projection I was talking about.
I don't go on Reddit. I don't have obsessions about consumer goods. Sounds like you're the one with the problem.

>> No.19109213

>i don't go to reddit
>i'm not obsessed
Dude, you're literally the only one talking about reddit and these imaginary IPA drinkers who make it their entire personality and apparently live everywhere other than your small town. You're exactly the same as a /pol/ tard who spends all day talking about trannies, obsessing about their sex lives, and "hate" watching tranny porn, when in reality most people really don't care. It's a thing that most people rarely even encounter and doesn't affect them in any way, but because you spend all your time in an echo chamber with people constantly posting these things you get the idea that it's some huge problem that is infecting your life, when in fact you're literally creating your own boogeyman.

>> No.19109713

im about to pick up a 12 pack of IPAs

>> No.19109733

My condolences.

>> No.19109764
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>hops is so bitter it denatures the alcohol

>> No.19109795

IPA soiface fags exist in all major cities. It isn’t a meme. Although sours and weird gay fruity beers are supplanting IPA in popularity among hipster soifags. You would know this if you interacted with people IRL. PBR hipsters were late 2000s btw. Those hipsters were very quickly replaced by IPA fag hipsters in the early 2010s. You’re probably suffering from early onset dementia or you’re a retard zoomer if you don’t know this you out of touch flyover fuck.

>> No.19109833
File: 76 KB, 640x632, 0f391fb4ee1dedd466d4b89fa0940227[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I enjoy intense flavors. An IPA, especially double/imperial+ IPA without a high IBU is going to just taste sweet and flat. A strong, well made IPA is very enjoyable in a different way than a refreshing lager.

>> No.19109859

>Go to a brewery
>1 stout
>1-2 lagers
>1 sour
>Maybe a Belgian-style if you're lucky
>20 IPA's, of which 8-10 are hazy and thus totally indistinguishable from one another

It's so tiresome.

>> No.19109866

The stinky people like them.

>> No.19109901

>IPA soiface fags exist in all major cities
You're literally just talking about normies. IPA and craft beer in general is not, and never has been, "hipster". This should be obvious to you from the fact that you keep associating this kind of person with reddit. You might as well be complaining about people who follow a sports team and actually wear their shit outside, or people who drive pickups when it isn't required for their job, or people who conceal carry everywhere they go. The difference is that those people actually make their thing their entire personality and take it with them wherever they go and shove it in your face, whereas people who like IPAs maybe order them 4 out of 5 times, but unless you're literally going to a tap room with one of them you would never know and it wouldn't affect you in any way.

>> No.19110449

Yeah, the OP image doesn't make any sense. If I ordered an IPA without knowing that it was 55 IBU I'd probably take one sip and walk back to the bar to tell the bartender that he poured me the wrong beer. Based on the common complaints people have in threads like this I really think that most people who whine about IPAs have only ever tried really mediocre singles, and probably ones that have been sitting on a shelf for months. All you're going to get with that is a one note, stale bitter flavor on top of a mediocre ale. I always tell people they should try a good double, but because they don't understand how beer works they always assume that higher IBUs means it's going to taste even more bitter. I know plenty of people who have tried everything and just don't really like IPAs, but I know even more people who are too scared to even give them a chance.

>> No.19110469

I like IPAs because it's the only >8% ABV option available. Cry about it ABVlet.

>> No.19110473
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I used to enjoy ipas when I was younger.
I bought a six pack from a local brewery a few weeks ago, tasted like fucking soap.

>> No.19110486

>IPA and craft beer in general is not, and never has been, "hipster"
Agreed, the other dude is a confused zoomer trying to piece together pop culture from before his time from things he's read.
Hipsters liked PBR because it was cheap and shitty like mainstream lagers, but it was not the "popular" choice so it was cool. The peak of this trend was in 2012, not late 00s.
"Craft beers" are enjoyed by soyfags that enjoy spending extra money on things they deem to be their hobby. They spend money on comic book merchandise, niche hot sauce collections, pizza stones, funko pops etc. This became pop culture in the mid '10s.

And obviously hipsters had nothing to do with reddit, only a zoomer could possibly come up with that. Whereas soyfags were born on reddit.

>> No.19110516
File: 35 KB, 435x580, f2b41e34df93fd8f7366a63fe324128a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol. Is this pasta? I've seen this, or some variation of it, posted so many times and it always makes me laugh. It's almost perfect bait, almost on par with that guy who used to post webms of himself pouring really good beers down the drain.

>> No.19110518

There are plenty of great IPAs that are sub-55 IBU. Lagunitas is an old brand that more or less defined the style and is around 51 IBU.

>> No.19110533

Huh, I guess you're right. Lagunitas is more like a gas station beer these days and not something you're going to see on tap, so I guess I haven't really paid attention to the IBUs.

>> No.19110549

It was hipster for a while. But pre-covid, so long dismissed.

>> No.19110561

Hipsters stopped being a thing once smart phones and social media became ubiquitous, which was like a decade before covid.

>> No.19110566

The only place it is ridiculed is on this website. a good seventy five percent of the opinions here are from worthless weebs whose opinions don't matter because they don't go outside. Nobody irl cares about your preference in drinks or hot sauce.
I hate you people so fucking muxh

>> No.19110688

Lottie's for me

>> No.19110690

It isn't that it is bad it is that it is pathetic to base personality around no matter how much you love it, and many do. They aren't criticizing the substance, they are criticizing your lack thereof and elitist attitude despite.

>> No.19110721

Chuds craft their entire personality over ridiculing things and getting angry that people enjoy things

>> No.19110798

they hated him because he spoke the truth

>> No.19110799

Radler is nothing like IPA

>> No.19110804

Try to find barley wine. Anchor makes good ones. Old foghorn is good and you should be able to get it year round. They also make great spiced Christmas editions.
Very heavy and sweet in the 10-14 ish percent range

>> No.19110928

I agree with you except on the Hipster part
the Hispters just got old. People who were in late 20s in 2010 (when the term become popular to describe these types) are now in their 40s

>> No.19111052

>he cant obtain trappist ales

>> No.19111080
File: 1.14 MB, 2711x2689, Whop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IPAs just taste like fucking fruit to me, like someone poured 50/50 beer/cider mix into a glass and charged extra for the privilege. Fucking scam I tell ya.

>> No.19111109

Both are widely agreed to be acquired tastes that most people don't like without putting in a few attempts. Even historically, beer was more used for water purification and hot sauce more to hide rancid meat. So a lot of people see people that brag about this stuff as bragging about, like, cutting yourself. That would be annoying on its own, but what really makes it annoying is the faggots that say you're not man enough for liking that shit. They usually do it because it's the closest they've ever come to feeling masculine since they're total soyfags otherwise.

>> No.19111111
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Liking hot sauce and having a bottle or two or a favorite brand is fine. It's these fags that get ridiculed.

>> No.19111117
File: 105 KB, 388x388, hotsoy261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hot sauce isn't really ridiculed. It just seems that way on /ck/ because some schizo spent a couple years spamming soyjaks in every thread trying to force a meme. There's also a ton of yuros and 'strayans who watch way too much American youtube and don't seem to understand that shitty clickbait is not the same as real life.

>IPA is a little more complicated. It's true that something like 25-30% of the population legitimately just doesn't like the taste of hop forward beers, but everyone recognizes that and it's really not a big deal. And yuros only recently started importing the style, which in addition to having a piss poor range of things to try grates completely against their palate, which was raised primarily on lagers. But the main people ridiculing IPAs are Americans shitting on other Americans, which is for the most part just another extension of the culture war bullshit. (IPA shitposting probably went up 500% in 2016, despite the fact that the "IPA craze" had pretty much died out by then.) Most rural, conservative anons grew up with macro lagers being a symbol of authenticity, and view "craft" beer as some shitty coastie thing trying to ruin their way of life; it's basically a form of picky eating reinforced by an outdated notion of manliness (yes, the irony is palpable - but most of these people have no sense of irony whatsoever).

>> No.19111121

why do you guys keep posting this photo of jason blaha?

>> No.19111122


>> No.19111126

I wouldn't ridicule them if you didn't phrase the thread this way.
You are asking for this.

>> No.19111127

fuck you asshole

>> No.19111159

Sextuple of truth

>> No.19111248

That's MY reaction pic of a hot girl smoking and looking away in mild disdain

>> No.19111259

In my country (the UK) there's also a kind of fear that the IPA craft brewery craze would crowd out and kill off the pre-existing "real ale" brewery tradition. Luckily the obvious happened and instead real ale breweries just experimented with the new American style of IPA while still having a bunch of traditional ales, porters, stouts etc.
Really I just want a fucking barleywine.

>> No.19111321

>Local store stopped stocking the barleywine I liked years ago
It still hurts. And now they removed my favourite stout. At least that one is still available to order

>> No.19111352

I have to go to Waitrose to get some very basic and not even expensive beers just because nobody else stocks them. Who knows why. Waitrose continues to be the best supermarket by far but you pay for that by having to pay extra for basic shit.
I used to live near an Aldi and a Waitrose next door to each other which made it very easy to do basics in Aldi and "fancy" stuff in Waitrose.

Nobody does barleywine. A local brewery did it one (1) time and never again. It was delicious.

>> No.19111405

I see this mostly in the USA, both the people who make hot sauce and IPAs their personality and the people who like making fun of them. I think it's mostly a marketing thing- the crazy label designs and names are designed to appeal to manchildren.
Something tells me a bottle of "DR. RECTUM BLASTER'S DIABOLICAL PROLAPSE BOURBON BARREL AGED SLAVA UKRAINI MANDALORIAN DEATH SAUCE" would sell faster in a US supermarket than in a Tesco.

>> No.19111437
File: 57 KB, 680x384, ad6-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was even an episode of American Dad making fun of it.

>> No.19111473

nta but hes right. you think these onionfaggots are just memes for a australian beetle sumo forum until you see them at the store and theyve got a pack of blueberry and prune ipa next to a mold tea box and those weird looking sprouts.
verification not required.

>> No.19111485

As previous posters have said its very r*ddit. I personally enjoy the bitter taste of IPAs but I only buy them if I go to a brewery with friends and on top of the flavor I just like IPAs have a higher ABV I'd prefer to get drunk rather than a mild buzz and be pissing all night.

>> No.19111520

>verification not required.
Imagine not having a pass.

>> No.19111580

dont have to. i neither pay nor fear the tranny janny

>> No.19111593

I just hate capchas more than life itself. I don't have anything specific against the current one I guess, but I don't understand how anyone could stomach having to help train a google AI for free in order to post here.

>> No.19111620

thats life, a series of choices between unpalatable options of varying degrees. many such cases

>> No.19111627

I mean, 20 dollars for a year was pretty palatable to me.

>> No.19111691

kek good find anon, I haven't seen that episode yet

>> No.19111699
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>Retards pretend like it's some fancy new shit
The only people who pretend its "new" are the same people who irrationally hate craft beer.
>in reality it's the same lemon flavored beers 90% of the time
Are you confusing IPAs with sours?

>> No.19111724
File: 584 KB, 1342x755, understanding sarcasm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love American Dad. Season premiered this week, but that one's from one or two seasons ago. I get a lot of use out of this reaction image.

>> No.19111735

If you regularly eat spicy, regular hot sauce or jalapenos and even up to habaneros don't give the same subjective kick

Adding half or a whole Carolina reaper to a recipe kicks it back up to what you've come to expect

>> No.19111742

Most 4chan haters couldn't handle sauce or fresh hot peppers. See all the fast food and sweettooth oriented threads. They hate that it suggests that they're less of a man. Most people just can't accept that others have different preferences

>> No.19111744

Hot sauce is totally modern. What you were thinking of was spices, and even that doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Medieval cuisine was just as seasoned as modern Indian food if they could afford it, because it was a status symbol. European food shouldn't be marked by its blandness. And there were plenty of food preservation alternatives prior to refrigeration.

>> No.19111746

The weird thing to me about that is that no other food is like that or treated like that. No one says that they need meatier meat because they can't taste the meat. Even coffee fags don't constantly look for higher concentrations. The only people that do that are drug and alcohol addicts as their tolerance grows, and that is also something that people ridicule.

>> No.19111749

>No one says that they need meatier meat
Have you never heard of dry aged steak, or why you should make your own stock or resort to umami bombs if using store bought stock when making soups or stews?

>> No.19111769

>Even coffee fags don't constantly look for higher concentrations.
Retard... this is what coldbrew is. Do you even pay attention to the world around you?

>> No.19111771

>Even historically, beer was more used for water purification
This is one of those reddit "history" "facts", and is stupid. People in Europe had access to clean water, it's one of the most abundant regions in the world. Especially considering the low seasonal temperatures keeping shit bacteria from proliferating in rivers and streams like it does in tropical freshwaters.
Beer was invented (in the middle east) because it allowed surplus grain yields to have their caloric content preserved in a relatively shelf stable form. You could have grain calories over the winter without having to worry about the grain going moldy in storage. Nobody was drinking beer because they had no access to water, unless you're talking about weeks-long maritime travel, which was obviously very rare and doesn't factor into the equation.

>> No.19111775

IPAs are complex piles of shit that any brewer can make - yes thanks for proving anons point

>> No.19111780

To be quite fair, capsaicin is basically a drug. Eating a lot of hot peppers gives me a "warm glow" feeling all over my body, similar to having a drink. Personally I don't pursue greater and greater doses of it, nor do I with beer, but I can understand why some people would.

>> No.19111792

>People in Europe had access to clean water, it's one of the most abundant regions in the world.
It really depends on the time and place. Particularly who was upstream of you, and what the local population density was.

> Beer was invented (in the middle east) because it allowed surplus grain yields to have their caloric content preserved in a relatively shelf stable form. You could have grain calories over the winter without having to worry about the grain going moldy in storage. Nobody was drinking beer because they had no access to water
I think you're misrepresenting the claim. The claim ISN'T that beer was invented to sanitize water. Rather, the popular claim is that beer was in fact safer than water because making beer involved boiling the water. They did not understand this effect (Louis Pasteur figured it out in the 19th century), but you don't have to understand or even recognize the effect to benefit from it.

>> No.19111796

I had a pass for the first couple of years, and then they changed it so you had to pay with bitcoin. I'm not THAT stupid.

>> No.19111808

Also, fermenting grains was done moreso to preserve the economic value of that grain, rather than to preserve the caloric value. People generally weren't hurting for calories back then, except during famine conditions of course, but there is little reason to believe that beer was invented to address famines, or that beer was stockpiled in case of famine.

>> No.19111809

So what?

Everything you put in your body is "basically a drug"

Capsaicin isn't even metabolized by the body, it triggers very specific pain and heat receptors, you have to eat an unpleasant amount to get a high

People are eating peppers for the burn and any sort of "addiciton" to your endogenous pain killers is incidental

>> No.19111816

"Drugs" don't have to be metabolized by the body for people to derive pleasure from them. Just look at huffing canned air, gasoline, etc. The mechanism of action in those cases is simply brain damage, but some people like that and seek that effect.

>any sort of "addiciton"
I haven't claimed that it's addicting in the same was as alcohol. Only that some people "chase the high" by consuming ever increasing quantities of it. Which you don't seem to dispute, so I'll shoot your "so what?" question right back at you.

>> No.19111823

Any IPA I've tasted was like used dishwater. Bitter, and not in a good way like coffee, more like the coatings they put on batteries so kids ont eat them. I don't know why they caught on.

>> No.19111839

Why do zoomers love Seth MacFarlane gargbage so much? It's like the lowest of the low brow, and isn't even done ironically. It's literally r****t humor.

>> No.19111935

>even coffee fags don't constantly look for higher concentrations
You are retarded. The "drug" part of coffee is the caffeine, and I've seen middle schoolers walking to class with two giant cans of energy drinks (and have been told that they will literally drink both of them during a single class). This was not the case 20 years ago. With something like IPAs the analogy would be the move from robusta to arabica. You might be too young to remember, but people used to drink robusta (think Folgers), and then everyone realized that coffee can actually taste good and everyone switched to arabica. That happened around the same time with beer in America; it was basically just macro lagers (e.g. Budweiser), and then "imports", which were considered fancy (e.g. Heineken). Then a few small breweries popped up on the coasts and people realized that American beer can actually be good, and IPA followed shortly on the West Coast and was immediately popular before anyone had even heard the expression "craft beer".

>> No.19111962

IPAs are entry-level beerfag stuff. If you're a seasoned beerfag you probably have moved on to craft lagers and pilsners as your go-to now.

You come full circle unless you're an alcoholic. Good craft lager and pilsner is much harder to get right. It's still better macrobrews and you only oppose it if you're a poorfag or never developed good taste in the first place and find it all intimidating.

>> No.19112018
File: 2.00 MB, 1920x1080, gw7RfEU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best hot sauce ever made

>> No.19112416

Of all the fancy froufrou craft beer styles, IPA is the worst and obnoxious dudebros/wannabe hipsters love it

Hot sauce hate is either flyovers that find ketchup spicy or directed at the same obnoxious faggots as the IPA hate.

>> No.19112419

Sounds more like he's never had a shandy

>> No.19112425

What’s the cutoff, because clearly most people fall in the middle. 5 hot sauces? 10? 20?

>> No.19112464
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>muh zoomers
Family Guy first aired in 1999 and American Dad in 2005. Also Seth McFarlane doesn't have influence on AD's writing.

>> No.19112480

It's funnier when you realize that he probably doesn't actually eat these- oh my science, no! They are far too collectible for that! Instead, he keeps them on display and regularly photographs his latest bottles of Dr. Buttblast's Colonic Cataclysm Ninja Turtle Sewer Ooze (Extra-Turbulent Edition) for updoots.
I'm guessing.

>> No.19112521

not really.
zoomers act like it's "cringe" to get anything beyond tabasco or tapatio. they're like that with everything, really

>> No.19112929

>Family Guy first aired in 1999 and American Dad in 2005
Yeah...so it's literally what zoomers grew up watching.

>> No.19112947
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>like used dishwater
That's how my dad always used to describe macro-lagers like Bud or Coors; as "dirty dishwater". It's one of the few things he used to say when I was growing up that stuck with me. A good IPA is more like smelling a bouquet of flowers through audiophile tier headphones.

>> No.19112962

I would say 10 is a reasonable number.
>3 that everyone should have in their pantry because of how common they are in cooking
>3 daily drivers
>2 alternatives for specific use cases
>2 that are just things you picked up to try

>> No.19112978

no idea what kind of IPAs you guys are drinking they all have a predominant taste of mango, which is ok, not my thing but it's ok
if I have to choose I'll pick one of those monks and shit make, like franziskaner dunkel, paulaner, leffe, st. bernardus, or aventinus

>> No.19113111

people born in the early 90's are zoomers now?

>> No.19113121

none of these are abbey beers

>> No.19113127

most of them have a monk painted in them

>> No.19113128

because 99% of the time the "fanatics" are sad lost men who think it makes them look masculine. just look at the marketing on the stuff, they know exactly who their audience is. same sort of people who drink that liquid death shit. ever notice how that's always advertised alongside knock off viagra in podcasts/radio?

>> No.19113176

oh ok i stand corrected

>> No.19113189

>kids don't watch cartoons before the age of 15
>people don't watch shows if they didn't watch the first season when it first aired, even if there's non-stop reruns on multiple channels
I was around 15 when Spongebob first started and I was just a little too old to get into it. Same thing with Pokemon. Kids get into cartoons at a young age and continue watching them. Not many people start watching in high school and keep watching for the next 20 years.

>> No.19113194

I don't know what you've been drinking, but mango isn't exactly a common way people describe the taste of IPAs.

>> No.19113196

I mean, I have no idea if monks are making them but the monk is there painted, except for the abentius, which has a king

>> No.19113204

I don't care, I've drank plenty of ipas, people can descrived them however they want, each and every single ipa I've tried tasted like mango, more or less intense but mango nonthelese

>> No.19113212

maybe but i'd hardy call it zoomer shit when i'm in my 30's and watched american dad in middle school
is futurama zoomer shit too?

>> No.19113235

don't know about all the others but st. bernardus was brewed in a commercial brewery from the start but they did so under licence from monks from the nearby abbey westvleteren so i'm being slightly pedantic
true monk beers are kind of rare and are almost always trappists unless i'm mistaken

>> No.19113249

The cutoff is dependent on how many you'll actually use.

If they're just sitting on your shelf and rotting, then you're a soi chugging numale who can't appreciate something for what it is.

>> No.19113264

What's "cringe" about hotsauce is when people spout that they love the bullshit like "Uncle Hot Tamales Visceral Volcano: Secret Formula Edition" that just burns your mouth to the point where you can't even taste the food anymore.

>> No.19113278

Most IPAs are disgusting if you drink more than one or two because under the bitterness they're floral and fruity as fuck, and meme hazy IPAs are often sickly sweet too. The average IPA consumer will drink anything, which means you can't just order one you've never had before and expect it to be good.

That being said I still drink them sometimes.

>> No.19113463

>most IPAs are disgusting if you drink more than one or two because under the bitterness they're floral and fruity as fuck, and meme hazy IPAs are often sickly sweet too
>the average IPA consumer will drink anything, which means you can't just order one you've never had before and expect it to be good
What in the actual fuck are you even trying to say?

>> No.19113497

You're practically a zoomer yourself.

>> No.19113563

shit i'd better make a tiktok account now

>> No.19113593

In the early 2010s trust fund hipsters latched onto IPA really hard. It then filtered down to normies through aggressive marketing by breweries to bars and word of mouth. The poverty chic PBR hipsters were roughly 2005-2010.

>t. worked in the bar scene in NYC during that time.

>> No.19113790

I'll translate for you.
>most IPAs are disgusting if you drink more than one or two because under the bitterness they're floral and fruity as fuck
Jamming a beer full of hops makes the flavour more intense. If you drink a lot of something with an intense flavour, like an IPA, it's not always nice. More intense flavour is not always better.
>meme hazy IPAs are often sickly sweet too
This is even worse if you drink a type of IPA called a hazy IPA which has relatively high sugar. It isn't just an intense flavour anymore, it's also sugary.
>the average IPA consumer will drink anything, which means you can't just order one you've never had before and expect it to be good
Let's say you walk up to the bar, see a beer on tap, and order it. With some types of beer you're more likely to get something that's okay, because otherwise nobody would drink it. Because people who drink IPAs mostly don't differentiate between good and bad beer, most of them won't refuse to drink an IPA if it's bad. Randomly choosing an IPA means you're less likely to get something good than randomly choosing other types of beer.

>> No.19113891
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>if you drink a lot of something with an intense flavour, like an IPA, it's not always nice
I guess with triples and some doubles they can be pretty heavy, but it's not like they start tasting bad. If anything they kind of overwhelm your tastebuds so if you try a different beer you're not going to be able to judge it very well. Most people aren't having more than 2 beers anyways, and if they do it's probably going to be the same beer so it doesn't matter.
>it isn't just an intense flavour anymore, it's also sugary
The hoppiness of a hazy doesn't come through anywhere near as intense as a regular IPA, even at high IBUs. Hazies do tend to be a little too sweet for my taste, and are more like drinking a fruity cocktail rather than a beer, which I assume is why they've become so popular (because they're easy drinking). Then again, I can't even finish a can of soda before I get sick of the sugar, so I'm not exactly normal.
>people who drink IPAs mostly don't differentiate between good and bad beer
>most of them won't refuse to drink an IPA if it's bad
Well that's just blatantly not true, and doesn't even make sense, on multiple levels. A bar with rotating taps will occasionally get something that's weird or just not good, but that's because they're always trying new things and can't always sample everything before ordering a keg. They'll usually ask you if you want a sample first when you order one of those, but that's nothing specific to IPAs, other than that it's a more diverse style than most other things. If anything it's people who mostly order lagers who don't differentiate between different beers, because they're not exactly a complex style, and the flavor profile is pretty homogenous across the board (which is why most places will only put one or two on tap while there might be 8 different IPAs).

I guess the reason I needed a translation is because behind the ESL almost nothing that anon said was even true.

>> No.19113941

most peppers have good flavor to impart that you dont get with the miniscule amount of pepper you can use when its bred to be retardedly hot. habaneros especially have a great flavor, and you;re fucked in the head if you need to use too many habaneros to be reasonable to get a desirable level of heat

>> No.19113943

IPAs increase the amount of every ingredient in beer by volume. only the shitty ones overpower any other flavor with hops

>> No.19114684

People keep trying to expand the definition of zoomer because they like the word. I was in my late twenties when zoomer was coined and now all of a sudden everyone under 30 is a zoomer kek.

>> No.19114694

You know the zoomers are gonna keep getting older right

>> No.19114719

Yeah but the year they were born doesn't move back retard.

>> No.19114738

No, it doesn't retard

>> No.19114758

can perhaps understand why IPAs get memed cause of the hipster association but how did hot sauces end up getting similar treatment (on 4channel anyway; I never see this shit anywhere outside of here)?

>> No.19115664

>can perhaps understand why IPAs get memed cause of the hipster association
> but how did hot sauces end up getting similar treatment
You've got things exactly backwards. IPA only has a "hipster association" on 4chan, whereas hot sauce has become a giant cringe thing on social media and youtube.

>> No.19115728

i'm over 30 and apparently a zoomer as well
still need to work on my tiktok dances

>> No.19115738

It's okay anon, you can say basedlent here.

>> No.19115859

Blatantly false. Hipsters drove the IPA trend. They discovered it before everyone else and made it popular. Then trust fund normies who thought all the poor PBR hipsters were the height of cool appropriated hipsterism and turned it into the gay lumberjack shit of the 2010s.

>> No.19115900

They're both on the race to be the most specialist boy in the whole wide sauce/beer market

>> No.19116014

>trust fund normies who thought all the poor PBR hipsters were the height of cool appropriated hipsterism and turned it into the gay lumberjack shit of the 2010s
Yes, that is a pretty accurate description of how fashion works. Hipsters wear a thing. 10 years later it becomes mainstream. Next thing you know middle schoolers are asking their mom to buy them skinny jeans from Target. The problem is that most people here don't understand that dynamic because they never go outside, so when they see some Instagram influencer or redditor wearing flannel while having a beard they think they're looking at a hipster, when it's literally the polar opposite.

I'm still confused as to when hipsters supposedly "discovered" IPA and "made it popular". Are you talking about the hipsters that came before the poor PBR ones? Like in the 90's? I'm pretty certain that it was mostly middle aged dads homebrewing in their garage and trading bottles with their friends who were the ones who "discovered" IPA at that time and spread it around.

>> No.19116339

Hot dauce is the soyest trend in foods currently. It's for manchildren who collect tastless vapid consumerist and overpriced garbage.
It's for redditors and should be ridiculed as such.
IPA's okay if you're bot being autist about it, beer is beer.

>> No.19116342

>beer is beer.
There's so many different kinds and they're quite different from each other

>> No.19116344

The defining characteristic of an IPA is its hop content