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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19109575 No.19109575 [Reply] [Original]

>you can't trust a skinny chef

Is this true?

>> No.19109582


>> No.19109589

I can trust them not to over-indulge

>> No.19109621
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>high end restaurants
skinny or fit chefs
>chains and diners
gigantic lardass chefs

>> No.19109628

After busting your ass for 12 hours in a fucking triple-digit hot box and literally sweating out a gallon of your insides, all you have the energy to make is a microwaved candy bar sandwich, and the candy bars aren't even big anymore
>calories: 318
Fat chefs are a meme and I fucking love Paul Prudhomme, he helped my dad start his first restaurant

>> No.19109631

no, you have to move around a lot if you're cooking in a restaurant

>> No.19109680

fat people invariably have the worst taste

>> No.19109682

fat here

fuck all you faggots. I could cook any dish better than any skinny fag with one arm behind my back and blindfolded

>> No.19109683

The best thing I ever tasted was made by some maritime Canadian who worked out (it was a cioppino)

>> No.19109688

you probably cant even reach your back

>> No.19109694

oof, gottem

>> No.19109698

Fat people aren't fat because they eat good food. They're fat because they eat junk food. Mostly sugar and sweets.

>> No.19109703
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>> No.19109717
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>> No.19109762
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>> No.19109830

Fat people are smelly, lazy, greedy, untrustworthy, ugly, gross, unhygienic, and just all around unpleasant to be around. I refuse to have any dealings or interactions with people of size.

>> No.19109844

the sight of a big gross fatty is highly offensive. I treat fat people with disrespect because I know I can get away with it

>> No.19109855
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me and the boys laughing at all these buttmad skinny /cucks/

>> No.19109881

For me it’s loudly sniffing and coughing around fatkin. Even if they don’t stink like fat people bacteria sweat it gives them a “do I smell”? complex and they never know if they stink or not.

>> No.19109886

I won't trust a fat "chef."
He clearly doesn't care what he eats so long as he's eating.

>> No.19109890

Why would you blindfold your arm?

>> No.19109910

Same queer

>> No.19110067

i still have no idea what that movie is actually about

>> No.19110073

Nope, I'm only one of 'em

>> No.19110078

as long as he's cooking on meth I would trust him

>> No.19110083


>> No.19110726

can't trust any kitchen wagie

>> No.19110727

I've noticed that all my best culinary teachers were just a little bit chubby. Not quite fat, but just sort of in dad bod territory

>> No.19110776

Well the theory is theyre supposed to be tasting as they cook, leading to them getting fat. The reality is they shouldnt be eating enough while tasting to get fat unless they are a chocolatier.

>> No.19110783

only if theyre younger. mid career, they get larger, then, after decades of perfecting their craft and realizing they dont want to be a lard ass, they get fit again

>> No.19110793

Anyone can follow directions, even meth-addled cooks who don't enjoy eating food.

What do you mean by "trust"? Will the food make you sick or be prepared incorrectly? A skinny chef or cook is as trustworthy as anyone else in this regard.

Will the food a skinny chef prepares give you a boner and make you believe in god? No. They follow directions rather than their heart, or stomach.

>> No.19110794

skinny/fit chefs suck all the fun out of cooking/eating and turn it into a pretentious fart-fest where it's not even about the food anymore. example: salt bae, gordon ramsay
fat chefs love to eat and make food delicious enough to make somebody fat.

>> No.19110806

lmao, even

>> No.19110841

Well it depends on what do you consider fat, OP.
I normally draw the line at about 145kg for a person. Why is the line so high, you may ask? Purely for personal reasons, those aren't objective, so take them with a pinch of salt.

I know this guy that was super fucking ripped at age 16-24. Easily 100kg, 3% fat, all muscle. He's 30 now and he's 120kg. He cooks very good, despite being considered obese, but not looking like it. The fact he carries extra weight around does little to deter his strength to perform in the kitchen.

Then there's this other guy, 145kg, always has been that way. The guy looks like a chunk of lard, but it does little to diminish his resolve. Good in the kitchen, good in tug of war. He's alright by me.

I'm 120kg myself. Have been obese most of the time and this is the most I have weighed ever. I'm alright with cooking, even worked in a 3 star restaurant. I'm very strict with procedure, but I'm really lazy and I can come up with a recipe that will make you question either my sanity, or your bravery. Most of the time these recipes are met with glowing reviews from daring eaters. On the contrast to the other 2 cooks, I suck at every sport that isn't table tennis.

So, make of it what you will. I think there's a line until your fat speaks for your love of the craft, and it becomes to sing gospels of gluttony.

>> No.19110956


>> No.19110964

I get the other ones, but why are they untrustworthy?

>> No.19111269
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What about a ripped chef?

>> No.19111292

So long as he's in the bulking phase.

>> No.19111335

no, skinny chefs usually don't tolerate bad food

>> No.19111337
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This you?

>> No.19111500

skinny chefs are the most pretentious and treat food like russian gymnastic coaches treat their athletes

>> No.19111513
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how did you guess?

>> No.19111766

C'mon fat

>> No.19111783

Excuse me? Everywhere I worked has always been much cold in the kitchen. All the air is sucked like wind from the dining and office area and up into the vents. The only thing I get is radiant heat from the flames which is nice because we are cold this time of year. Who the fuck is working in a sweatbox without ventilation? Don't you have hoods and fans?

>> No.19111802

i hate nu-/ck/

>> No.19111805

Mixing up a bunch of different fats and corn syrup isn't cooking, lardass

>> No.19111852

I quit working in kitchens over 15 years ago
The only cold kitchens was pastries, and that was like a fridge, and a butcher shot for literally one day and lolnope, stick me back in the sweatbox

>> No.19111859

I was told by the people I worked with/for that the colder the kitchen is, the better. You shouldn't be leaving anything to sit anyways. Strange.

>> No.19111899

I would say most kitchens are hot and your experience was a little different, but again, I got out of the game a long time ago
Now I do it at home for fun and have the energy to eat dinner after making it

>> No.19111917

There are exceptions to every rule, but someone who hates food is not likely to be skilled at making good food people like to eat.

>> No.19112527

The fattest fuck at my work has the best taste in food.

>> No.19112554

I don't typically storm into the kitchen with a measuring tape taking the chef's dimensions before ordering

>> No.19112566

I definitely wouldn't trust a fat chef. They clearly have no standards and will eat anything in sight.

>> No.19112593

you have to use measuring tape to tell if someone is fat?

>> No.19112621

no but my late 90s pokemon master dreams never took off so have to do something with it

>> No.19112664

>being skinny means you hate food

>> No.19112671

No, if you're in a legit restaurant being fit is essential given it's extremely fast paced and taxing on the body. OP should apply moreso to chefs that smoke.

>> No.19112679

>OP should apply moreso to chefs that smoke
Jamie Oliver is not a chef, fren

>> No.19112690

>yeah I like food
>looks like he barely eats a broccoli or two

>> No.19113449

i like food not corn syrup slop that turns you into a blob

>> No.19113517

If he's thin it means he doesn't eat and isn't devoted enough to the craft. Entire thread of full of thin cope. Sorry, but if you don't know what food taste like, I don't trust you to serve it to me.

>> No.19113527

You act as if sugar and sweets don't require skill in order to make correctly. When you're serving customers you need to make things that have the proper texture and flavor, not whatever protein powder nonsense you slurp down. I know you don't enjoy food but chefs need actual taste buds in order to know what they're doing.

>> No.19113546

Every italian place I ever been to that was worthwhile had a head chef that weighed over 300lbs.

>> No.19113638

You’re a fat faggot. The people you know are fat faggots. Fuck off and be a fat faggot somewhere else. This is fat free zone, tubby

>> No.19113672

If the main waiter at a high end is pencil thin it'll be kino regardless.

>> No.19113770

If a chef isn’t fat then he probably does a shitload of drugs.

>> No.19113787

Or he just fucking works for a living, Jesus
I used to work at a French bakery, there were all these fat ladies who would be like
>omg youre so skinny, how can you be skinny in a room full of pecan rolls
Bitch, I literally carried one ton, 2,000 pounds of sacks this morning before you hobbled your ass onto your toilet for a first breakfast shit
I had one lady who was like,
>yeah gimme the extra frosting, that shit's delicious
She understood

>> No.19114216

Never trust a skinny Baker is my motto.

>> No.19114227

Without listing the person’s height and whether they’re naturally built due to their genetic makeup these arbitrary numbers are almost completely useless. There’s so much more to an individuals health like diet and exercise levels such that metrics like these without any context can be very misleading to an uninformed reader.

>> No.19114235

>t. starving marvin

>> No.19114324
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My grandma who died of Alzheimer's left me a embroidery that she had hung on her fridge that says this. I think about her frequently. My BMI is 17ish

>> No.19114808

I wouldn't trust food workers in general

>> No.19114916

no skinny, but not excessively fat either
I think being a bit overweight is the way to go for a good chef

>> No.19114920

No. Haven't you seen what absolute shit the fatties eat.

>> No.19114946
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The chef eats his mistakes

>> No.19114996

You wouldn't want to be his children

>> No.19115036
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>Obesity development is associated with a significant reduction in taste buds. Impaired taste bud sensitivity may play a causal role in the pathophysiology of obesity in children and adolescents. In addition, genetic variation in taste receptors has been linked to body weight regulation.
>Obesity has been linked to a about 25% reduction in taste bud abundancy.
>After receiving bariatric surgery to lose weight, obese patients were more sensitive to sweet-tasting food
>Taste changes after bariatric surgery may be exacerbated by weight loss suggesting a causal relationship between weight and taste perception
Basically fatties can’t taste sugar, salt or fat as well as normal people and so they eat more. I’ve also noticed fat people prefer meals with a diverse taste profile, they can’t enjoy the taste of a single type of food as much as normal people. That’s why they’re always piling different ingredients onto each other.

>> No.19115050

fat people are low-quality humans, it'd be naive to believe they can do anything better than people who know how to take care of themselves.

>> No.19115076

he never implied that youre just a seething fatass making up shit to cope with being a big round ball of lard who considers cheesecake factory cheesecakes to require skill

>> No.19116491

I would trust young Marco Pierre White
Unless he was selling me Knorr