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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19106152 No.19106152 [Reply] [Original]

What do fat people eat?

>> No.19106154

lots of addictive, processed foods. obesity is generally a food addiction problem

>> No.19106156

Those dishes look delicious shame that fat cow and her expression ruin a good picture

>> No.19106159

Salad and water

>> No.19106165

In my experience they tend to be picky eaters with the palate and mentality of a child. if it's something unfamiliar they go eeeew yuckeeee but if that action jackson guy says it's epic they'll do a 180 and say it's the best thing ever

also they will do the weirdest food combinations, stuff that makes absolutely no sense except to them, and multicourse meals are just a huge drawn out anxiety attack for them because they're worried the whole time about is there more, where's the rest of the food, etc

>> No.19106168
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T. Fat person here

For breakfast I ate two microwaved frozen burritos

For lunch I ate a frozen pizza

For dinner I think I am going to eat pizza rolls.

Plus I have drank a 2lt of Diet Pepsi

>> No.19106169

More than that

>> No.19106176
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>when they post a ja/ck/able topic

>> No.19106189


>> No.19106207
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>> No.19106211

>if it's something unfamiliar they go eeeew yuckeeee but if that action jackson guy says it's epic they'll do a 180

literally who?

>> No.19106212

what don't fat people eat?

>> No.19106213

it's crazy that fraser didn't even have to act for this movie

>> No.19106224

I once watched a friend's sister who was as big as a wall eat peanut butter and a frosting cup with her fingers, would dip two fingers in the peanut butter and then dip them in frosting and eat
She didn't even care that we were there, horrified

>> No.19106226
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sloppy joes

>> No.19106228

oh fuck yeah, have any more stories of her?

>> No.19106245
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>> No.19106254
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What do they not eat?

>> No.19106256
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Not even a sloppy Joe, Pulled pork maybe but not a sloppy Joe

>> No.19106257

Seek help you retard

>> No.19106284
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true but it is still sloppy

>> No.19106290

Vegetables and pussy

>> No.19106291

Wow, I am neurodivergent. Way to be ableist.

>> No.19106293

protip: soda is a candy.

>> No.19106295

fat youtube guy with the beard

>> No.19106297

I don't know what that means and I will not learn what it means. clown

>> No.19106315

means he's a weirdo and can't help it, just like everyone else here

>> No.19106335
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just throw a bunch of food into a pot and call it a day

>> No.19106339

Didn't read lol

>> No.19106352


>> No.19106377

Funnily enough /fph/ threads of fit do track what fat people eat.

>> No.19106382

>I'm ignorant and won't change

Rednecks, everyone.

>> No.19106393

The very first casino buffet I went to was with a lard ogre, I sat down with two plates of food and a bowl of salad, he sat down with a tray of food. I repeat, a tray of food. There were no plates, plates merely limited the amount of food he could pile onto the tray. The buffet had 9 stations, supposedly to represent 9 different types of cuisine from around the world; he had a tray full of chinese food, sandwiches, italian pasta, basically he hit every food station at the buffet and told the servers to pile food onto the tray. He ate two full trays of food.

>> No.19106399

Mentioning of casino brought to mind Las Vegas and the Heart Attack Grill.

Wonder if it is basically the Mecca for fat people.

>> No.19106404
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um... homemade? cranberry sauce

>> No.19106412

>What do fat people eat?

>> No.19106433


lots of carbs/breading
Little to no fiber
No exercise
No fruits or vegetables, unless covered in sugar and/or fat
Fried fatty foods, such as fried chicken or french fries
Lots of cheese and dairy fats
Lots of vegetable oils

Basically shit that provides little nutritional value and no exercise = fat. Then they wake up sad and wonder why.

If you are fat and you cut out alcohol, stop eating most sugars, replace 1 meal a day with a salad, limit your carbs to 150-200g a day, and walk 3x a week for 30 minutes, you WILL lose weight.

>> No.19106452
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>> No.19106455

Oh i gotta see that fucking movie

>> No.19106468
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>> No.19106470

How much did this person weigh? I weigh nearly 600lbs and I dont eat anywhere close to this.

>> No.19106518

He's literally me

>> No.19106532

Wtf was jack trying to make there?

>> No.19106608

It's not what, it's how much. It can be anything, but it will always be too much of whatever it is.

>> No.19106611

Fix yourself

>> No.19106616

the fatest rothschild

>> No.19106617

>He's literally me
You don't need to tell us that you literally made a post. We can typically figure that out when we see the post.

>> No.19106618
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"garbage stew"
it's a mishmosh of random stuff. in theory it's supposed to use up leftovers but I think he just threw random stuff in a pot

>> No.19106623

It's a prison thing. You wouldn't understand.
We think it is cool to turn edible foodstuffs into garbage and eat them because we are retards, felons, and the scum of the earth.

>> No.19106632

>I weigh nearly 600lbs

you're in good company here on this board.

>> No.19106637

Why do fat people eat?

>> No.19106642

mental issues

>> No.19106644

i hope you are praying for him bro. We cannot lose this board treasure.

>> No.19106647

When will fast food be held accountable for it's encourament of the obesity crisis? We can blame people as much as we want but it doesn't change the fact they're marketing a highly addictive substance to impressionable people.

>> No.19106650
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I pray for all /ck/ browsers, specifically that they will never die and always stay juicy.

>> No.19106651

Dr pepper

>> No.19106657
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if he does kick it though we do have a guy nearly ready to take the lich king whigger cap though. There must always be a Jack Scalfani.

>> No.19106667

I agree that it is a food addiction problem but not necessarily because of the food itself. People with a food addiction just don’t have enough hobbies to keep them busy so they eat out of boredom, that is why obesity is such a bigger problem for women and blacks, they are too stupid to be good at things so they have less hobbies.

>> No.19106668


>> No.19106671
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our board is a mighty board

>> No.19106680


>> No.19106689

You don't realize it's not necessarily the proportions either. Eating an entire pizza is like 3000-6000 calories depending on toppings. But if they add ranch dressing, extra butter, extra sugar, and drink 4 liters of soda, that 6000 is now 12000

Ever seen the calories in a milkshake be like 2000 calories? You can easily drink 2.

>> No.19106711

This could literally be said about any and all addictions

>> No.19106712

Whatever they want

>> No.19106725

Not really though

>> No.19106734

I wouldn't say it's all about the calories, I doubt people this obese really move around or excercise at all, but I did just practically double the calories in my huge ass banana by slapping a teaspoon of peanut butter on it.

>> No.19106747
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For me? It would be her

>> No.19106987


>> No.19107020

carbs, lots of them.

>> No.19107035

For me, my problem was fats. I would eat highly fatty meats and cheeses and add as much butter and oil as I could to everything, and most nights I would have some form of noodle or mac and cheese.

I'm getting help now, eating a lot more beans and vegetables and salted baked potatoes and stuff like that. Down 40 pounds.

>> No.19107098

I'm fat. I do it because nobody loves me and I have no other thing in my life that gives me satisfaction the way food does.

>> No.19107103

I feel you. One day jews willing I will be fat too, still coping that I might be loved someday though

>> No.19107108

fat people are funny. just stop eating like a fat cunt and you won't be a fat cunt, it's not exactly difficult.

>> No.19107122

>Down 40 pounds.
Nice, YGMI bro.

The main thing when I was fat, and that I notice most fat people do, is not really savoring their food, it’s just a couple chews/swallow/next mouthful.