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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19105368 No.19105368 [Reply] [Original]

Clean. Your. Fucking. Shit.

Found a small work in fixing people appliance and stuff, and the shit i see in dishwasher is beyond human comprehension. What the fuck are you retards doing ? Do you think it's some sort of magical black hole or something ?

>> No.19105401

No. And don't tell me what to do, you little subhuman gimp

>> No.19105406

You disgusting subhuman mongrel. No wonder you smell like shit.

>> No.19105413

I'm told O smell like daffodils.

>> No.19105416

You don't like the smell, little nancy-boy? Little milktoast castrated effeminate ugly gimp. Why don't you come a little closer?
>*farts straight into your mouth*

>> No.19105460

>Do you think it's some sort of magical black hole or something ?
my mom does. she thought as long as you could close the door, everything inside should get clean. she didn't want to hear that you had to put things in certain places inside and you could only wash so many dishes at a time.

>> No.19105502
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Can't relate. I rinse a lot of what I put in the dishwasher. I never even check the drain since everything always comes out clean.

>> No.19105509

Leaving whole pieces of pasta on the plate is going too far but the dishwasher actually needs some bits of food on the plate otherwise it won't work properly.

>let me just waste time and water washing the dishes so I can waste water again when they actually get washed in the thing that its purpose is to make it so you don't have to waste time washing them
Absolute fucking retard.

>> No.19105515

do you live in a desert?

>> No.19105517
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>> No.19105529

Calm your tits. A lot of that is a result of rinsing and cleaning after myself in the middle of cooking. No time wasted getting hot water if I'm already doing something else. Rinse for a few seconds, stack, then in the dishwasher afterwards. And the hot water on its own isn't going to get the grease off.

>> No.19105532

So he's too fucking dumb to realize the purpose of the "really nice" thing he already owns that's "better than mine" makes it so you don't have to "waste time doing no dishes?" Maybe you should build some generational functioning brain cells before the wealth you fucking moron.

>> No.19106230

I don’t understand, he has a dishwasher. It literally washes dishes for him. It doesn’t take any time to do anything and all he has to do is rinse the plate and throw it in and press a button. He wasted more time don’t this stupid video than it takes to run a dishwasher.

>> No.19106236
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anons please get your eyes checked this man is clearly a swarthy and coonlike individual

>> No.19106357

my dishwasher takes half an hour on the wussiest baby setting

>> No.19106434

I don’t use the dishwasher. I just wash every dish, pot, pan, etc and utensil I use with dish soap and sponge after use.

>> No.19106510

Guys what you're failing to understand is that the dishwasher doesn't do 100% of the work for you. Maybe a spoon you use to stir your coffee would be fine to just throw right in but a bowl you used for mac and cheese last night isn't gonna come out clean if you don't scrub it a bit beforehand

>> No.19106552


Based retard

>> No.19106558
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You just have to rinse the dishes immediately after using them before the sauce and other shit dries and sticks onto them. Take a break in the middle of eating and it takes 10 seconds. That's seriously all you have to do.

>> No.19106648

So he doesn't ever cook either? Unless he cooks with paper and plastic too, he'll still have to do dishes unless he only eats premade/microwave food.

>> No.19106659

I can be critical of both, use fucking dishes like a responsible adult.

>> No.19106661

>I don't take the 5 minutes to do my dishes because I'm too busy trying to make money
You don't "build" generational wealth moron, you're either born with it or you get lucky. You're wasting your time if you think working hard will make you a millionaire.

>> No.19106735

>You don't "build" generational wealth moron, you're either born with it or you get lucky.
then how were those that were born with it attain it if not getting it from somebody that built it?
you're fucking stupid.

>> No.19106812

based "cooking is a waste of time" poser brethren

>> No.19106872

Christ, all y'all be acting like the dish bitch be some special snowflake that can't handle the tiniest bit of food or it will have a fit and protest you on twitter and reddit.

You just have to scrape all the excess food into the trash and the washer does the rest. I don't even have to soak pans if I don't want to, but I do it when not running the washer so stuff doesn't dehydrate into cement while waiting for it's turn.

The only thing you gotta watch for is dish orientation, lest you get a cup full of standing shit water when it is done.

>> No.19107233

I'm proud of myself; that in my 10 months at my new apartment despite being super busy I have not put a dish in the dishwasher with food on it :)

>> No.19107281

Dishwashers are fucking gay when you have to rinse you might as well just wash manually. The most sane solution is to use a mix of dishes and paper plates to reduce the amount and frequency of washing required.

>> No.19107335

He already explained it, if you could read. They got lucky.

>> No.19107337

>I'm trying to build "intergenerational wealth"
>So I wasted money on a dishwasher I'll never use and a shit ton of disposable plates and cups
If his time is that precious then why'd he waste it making that stupid ass video

>> No.19107344

lmao get 'im

>> No.19107566

It will if your dishwasher is working properly and you use the right amount of detergent.

>> No.19107813

They got lucky with their investments. You literally cannot work yourself into wealth it needs to be handed to you whether it's passively or generationally.

>> No.19107821

Lmao where can I find the original

>> No.19107823

Lol blue collar workers. Your entire industry is supported by that fact that people don't know how to/are too lazy too/have the money not to do it themselves.

>> No.19107837

I'd say half the problem is the marketing or Dawn, cascade, etc. Who market their products as so good you can just put it in the dishwasher. This assumes you have a top of the line brand new efficient washer. Some shit from '03 isn't going to have the same effect

>> No.19107859

>but the dishwasher actually needs some bits of food on the plate otherwise it won't work properly.


>> No.19107865

>poorfag can't afford milqe

>> No.19107871

Its tribute for the tiny elves who wash the dishes in there duh

>> No.19107889

Ah yes, let me listen to profound advice from the appliance repairman.
Fuck off bro and be thankful you have a gig.

>> No.19107896

Putting visibly dirty plates in the dishwasher is disgusting, why would you want it to "clean" your plates while it's still filled with food? You may as well just wash your plates in dirty water.

>> No.19107903

>puts plate into sink
>grabs new plate for another serving

>doesn't rinse the fucking plate and lets everything dry

>> No.19107939

>can't afford u
There's a joke in there about u being a slave unable to buy ur freedom

>> No.19107950

I'm not british, we yanks throw out the extra U's

>> No.19107983

the dishwasher's time is not your time. you're allowed to leave while it runs.

>> No.19107988

you're wasting all the detergent in the pre-rinse. use the dishwasher as designed and it will get your stuff clean.

>> No.19108000

clearly a braindead gymcel who would lose a footrace to a gamer and will die of heart disease before retirement because he's eating high profit margin slop instead of quality home cooking

>> No.19108372

Most houses and apartments are going to come with a dishwasher installed already.

>> No.19108387

Making videos about building wealth is what he does to build generational wealth.

>> No.19108932

Mine does. It's like fucking magic. I used to think there was no point in a dishwasher because it was easier to just scrub by hand. Turns out I just grew up with a shitty dishwasher.

>> No.19109153

>Doesn't know how dishwasher works.
Why would you need to clean clean plates moron?
I'm a escaped poor, so my favorite trick is when I have my yuropoors over to visit, make some sort of crusty casserole and load it right up in the washer in front of them. They freak out every time and are amazed by the magic burger box that actually cleans your dishes.
Poors have the shitty kind where all the solids get stuck in a screen and it clogs up if you don't pre wash, picrel.
AFAIK Bosch sells those shitty poor washers in burgerland.

>> No.19109184

I scrape food into the garbage first. Sometimes I'll run it under the water for a second or three. But I ain't touching a sponge for anything that's going into the dishwasher.

>> No.19109417
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>You're wasting your time if you think working hard will make you a millionaire.

This is some awesome advice Im using this

>> No.19109441

Nah, Anon. He's right about the lucky part but he forgot the most important part. Trying hard gives you more chances to be lucky.
That being said, being a pretentious asshole doesn't increase that probability. Being an asshole can, but pretentiousness just makes you unlikable.

>> No.19109448

based on poo bucket hoarders level

>> No.19110065

Luck is when preparation meets opportunity but you're never going to 9 to 5 your way to being wealthy, it can only be through passive income.