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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 264 KB, 1200x879, milk-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19099216 No.19099216 [Reply] [Original]

milk is so fucking delicious

>> No.19099224

I buy half gallons of raw milk from a farmer near me. Shit is so delicious.

>> No.19099225

Yeah, milk is great. Creamy and delicious. Often I drink milk because it's the perfect thing to wash down baked goods, but sometimes I like a glass on it's own just to savor some of that nice filling drink.

>> No.19099230

Sure it’s good but you guys are sort of creeping me out

>> No.19099250

It’s understandable. These faggots make their whole personality revolve around drinking milk since they have nothing else of substance.
Watch them call me a shitskin because i called them out on it

>> No.19099259

Hey friend, I just have to tell you about how great milk is! Not only is it packed with essential nutrients like calcium and vitamin D, but it’s also so creamy and delicious. There’s nothing like a cold glass of milk to quench your thirst and satisfy your taste buds. And the best part is, there are so many different types of milk out there, from whole milk to almond milk, so you can find the one that’s perfect for you. Trust me, once you start drinking more milk, you’ll wonder how you ever lived without it.

>> No.19099269

>call me a shitskin
Now why would we do that anon? You sound irritable, maybe a little gassy...lactose intolerant? What a sad and horrible existance it would be not being able to enjoy an fresh, ice cold glass of milk.

>> No.19099282

I bet i drink more milk than you but that would shatter your world view wouldnt it

>> No.19099288

Heh, I bet you don't drink more milk than me.

>> No.19099290
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raw milk is god's gift when paired with some dark chocolate and fruit

unfortunately im too poor and i cant really justify paying $6.50 for a half gallon of local milk. a 2 dollar bottle does the job.

>> No.19099292

I couldn't agree more with your post on how great milk is. Milk is truly one of the most amazing beverages on this planet because of its numerous health benefits and versatility in cooking. In fact, it is one of the few drinks that can be consumed by individuals of all age groups as it is rich in essential nutrients that are necessary for growth and development.

One key benefit of milk is that it is a great source of calcium, which is essential for building strong bones and teeth. As you mentioned in your post, it is also rich in protein, which helps in building and repairing tissues in the body. Additionally, milk contains other essential nutrients such as vitamin D, potassium, and vitamin B12, all of which are necessary for optimal health.

Moreover, as you pointed out in your post, milk is an incredibly versatile ingredient in cooking. It can be used to make a wide range of dishes including soups, gravies, desserts, and even drinks like smoothies and milkshakes. In fact, chefs and home cooks alike use milk in a variety of dishes to add flavor and creaminess to their creations.

In conclusion, milk is an incredibly outstanding beverage that offers several health benefits and is a versatile ingredient in cooking. As you mentioned in your post, it is one of the few drinks that should be a staple in every household's kitchen. Therefore, I encourage everyone to include milk in their daily diet to reap the numerous benefits it offers.

>> No.19099297

Try to befriend a farmer. I was talking to the farmer I get my raw milk from at the local farmers market and mentioned how much I love raw milk. He said he really doesn't sell it to many people, but if I wanted to give him a call, he would hook me up. I pay $3 a half gallon which I find more than fair.

>> No.19099303

>seething over milkchads
lol insecure little bitch

>> No.19099307


>> No.19099321
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Any anons drink the filtered milk with less carbs? Way creamier with a bit more viscosity. I buy it for the upped protein content to hit macros and bc im not really hurting for money. But I’ve gotten a taste for it. Reg milk just doesn’t do it anymore.

>> No.19099369

Thank you for your contribution ChatGPT

>> No.19099405

Can people really not taste the delicious milk flavor in skim milk? It's one my main drinks because of how refreshing it is.

>> No.19099551

They don't sell Raw milk in supermarkets in my country and I couldn't be arsed to commute to a farm just for milk. I make do with just buying unhomogonised milk: It tastes better and is better for you.

>> No.19099558

An ice cold glass of milk after a steaming hot shower is the best drink ever. It's not even a competition

>> No.19099561


>> No.19099615

you will drink the milk anon

>> No.19099621

> bots are the now the biggest schizos on this shithole site
big wew

>> No.19099622

thoughts on goat milk?

>> No.19099823
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>> No.19100122

literally the GOAT, no hate to cows or sheeps (i find sheep's milk to be really heavy even though they're really delicious), i don't discriminate milk

>> No.19100123
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When I was a young lad I drank milk every day. A whole bowl in fact because it’s a godsend with cereal. Beautifully refreshing
Then after like 10 years there was apparently some bacterial outbreak in a milk farm in my state, and I’ve shat blood in the middle of the night, freezing and sweating. Constant unbearable pain, hospital visit

Appreciate the gift of milk, don’t be a glutton like me.

>> No.19100129

it's full of estrogen and puss.

enjoy your prostate cancer and type 2 diabetes, limp dick

>> No.19100160
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sounds like a (You) problem

>> No.19100181

Based frog

>> No.19100204

You want go preteen orgasm? Add Ovaltine.

>> No.19100211
File: 137 KB, 1200x900, 1668008752440951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s understandable. These faggots make their whole personality revolve around drinking milk since they have nothing else of substance.
Watch them call me a shitskin because i called them out on it

>> No.19100214

milk drinkers are pedos?

>> No.19100216

No. It feels good. Like preteen.

>> No.19100220

i'm lactose intolerant and i still drink a glass of milk with every meal.
sure i'll have to take a big diarrhea shit, but that's it, no big deal.

>> No.19100223

People who are intolerant piss me the fuck off. Kill yourself fascist.

>> No.19100227

*shits and cums*

>> No.19100972

Shitskin is milk too spicy for you huh

>> No.19100979
File: 2.50 MB, 1280x720, cheers.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can a simple nutrient filled liquid cause so much seethe among the corny syrup drinkers, cheers!

>> No.19100984

i've drank 1% milk my entire life and it turned me into hagrid from harry potter

>> No.19101211

>from whole milk to almond milk
>almond milk

>> No.19101217

>redditGPT uses reddit spacing

>> No.19101260

>there are so many different types of milk out there, from whole milk to almond milk
There are only 3 main types of milk people drink: whole cow's milk, whole goat's milk, and whole sheep's milk. There are a few other less common ones, but if it's not whole, it's not milk; if it's not from a mammal, it's not milk. Simple as.

>> No.19101266

Am I lactose intolerant? Sometimes I drink like a pint or two of milk and I might get gas. Does that make me lactose intolerant by technicality?
Also when I drink copious amounts of chocolate milk (like, a quart or more of it) I get liquid shits. But only from drinking chocolate milk. Never had that from regular milk.

>> No.19101458

i get insane shits when i drink skim milk but perfectly fine when i drink whole milk

>> No.19101463

Skim milk is a scam I'm convinced of it

>> No.19101468

i hadn't even tried it until i was visiting my sister and that's what she had and i couldn't figure out why i had just had to keep shitting for like 2 hours until i had some more the next day and the same thing happened
shit doesn't happen when i drink whole milk

>> No.19101478

It's just one of the many culinary equivalents of recycling. Like a hot dog.

>> No.19101481

I use 4 gallons of milk in ~10 days.

>> No.19101484


>> No.19101626

It could be mild lactose intolerance, or it could be that your body isn't used to that much at once. If you're not lactose intolerant but never drink milk then have a big glass of it, you might have some digestive issues. But it can go away if you regularly drink it.

Your issue from chocolate milk is most likely just too much added sugar. Too much sugar without enough fiber can cause diarrhea. Drinking a lot of fruit juice will do that too.

>> No.19101777
File: 30 KB, 403x402, 8a98a43af6242bf01ca844dce0a83e6b--pasteurized-milk-raw-milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could drink raw milk without stomach issues. Alas, I'll have to settle for my homemade kefir. Still pretty damn delicious.

>> No.19101811

Yes, it's literally the most watered down bullshit possible to improve profit margins. You're paying for milk-flavored water at that point.

>> No.19103323

Yes, absolutely
I live with a bunch of flatmates so I can rarely fit a big jug in my fridge, it fucking sucks buying it so frequently

>> No.19104173

I bought milk today and I found that there was already a 4 L jug of milk in my fridge, so what the fuck do I do with all this milk? That isn't sexual, I mean.

As for milk, fuckin love it. Could drink it all the time. I love Lactose. I love being white lol.

>> No.19104194

GOD I fucking love milk, I always make sure to have 2 gallons in the fridge in case I get the craving for some

>> No.19105133
File: 54 KB, 640x674, milk4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i drink 5 gallons of milk a week

>> No.19105154

>not 7

>> No.19105159

If it's whole milk, you could make yogurt, kefir, or cheese. Or just drink it all.

>> No.19105164

right? that's just 1700 calories a day, he'll starve eventually

>> No.19105171

Cow milk is for baby cows

>> No.19105174

You could try by making leche frita (fried milk), or desserts like cakes and home-made ice creams

>> No.19105178

t. baby cow

>> No.19105216
File: 439 KB, 778x1070, 1616783907588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whenever I drink milk I imagine I'm sucking it out of breasts of a pretty girl

>> No.19105224
File: 105 KB, 1500x941, Grass-Fed-vs-Organic-Milk-9fff118133c14e578c2379ed86888817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Losing weight here so I try to avoid drinking my calories but when I have 100-150 calories to spare at the end of the day a refreshing glass of milk is usually my go to.

>> No.19105245

sexo with goodnight moon ASMR

>> No.19105246

>Organic raw milk is so fucking delicious

>> No.19105383

only one reply with puss so far, this place is healing

>> No.19105688

I prefer skim milk that's also been filtered to have a higher protein to sugar ratio. It really tastes much better than regular whole for me.

>> No.19105710

all women should look like this

>> No.19105740
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faggot can't even handle what babys drink daily, grow up

>> No.19105745

lol u must be a 50 pound girl

>> No.19105747

It's not great. I prefer drinking water. Or beer. Or coffee. Or tea Or pretty much anything besides milk.
Milk is great for baking and cooking though, so I often have some in the fridge.

>> No.19106953

Fat retard

>> No.19107161

It's better than homo milk, but now better than raw.

>> No.19107309
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>> No.19107328

For me, it’s the milk at the local farmer’s market. It’s become a habit to sample the milk before I buy it. The staff is so friendly and more than willing to oblige.

One time I asked for samples of white, chocolate, and strawberry milk and I said, “Wow, three samples for free!” The friendly clerk laughed and said, “I’m going to call you 3-for-free!”

Now the staff greets me with, “Hey, it’s 3-for-free!” and ALWAYS gives me three samples of milk. Sometimes they give me extra. It’s such a fun and cool atmosphere at my local farmer’s market; I go there at least three times a week to buy milk, 1-2 times on the weekend for breakfast milk, and maybe once for dinner when I’m in a rush and need a cool refreshing drink that is fast, easy, and matches my nutritional needs.

I even mix the milk samples in front of the clerk sometimes and we all laugh uproariously. Milk is so great.

>> No.19107376
File: 66 KB, 506x282, NTBWFDM DONWZNK 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls go wild over milk

>> No.19107452

I love milk. I decided to stop buying it because whenever I had milk I would make a midnight trip to the fridge and drink the entire bottle before going back to bed and it was making me fat. I'm still fat but it's not because of milk now. Milk remains pure and guiltless.

>> No.19107625

Pasteurization and homogenization are two things that damage the milk in different ways, so yeah getting pasteurized but non-homogenized milk is certainly an improvement. It's also better to have standard pasteurization over UHT pasteurization. Generally, the less adulterated the milk is, the better.