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19099184 No.19099184 [Reply] [Original]

>be potato chips
>can’t be sold in calimexico

>> No.19099270

In before some cali faggots with stockholm syndrom start telling us how living in the most corrupt dysfunctional state union really isnt that bad.

>> No.19099298

>The most advanced state in the nation
>Isn't run by nazis
OMG, its so dysfunctional.

>> No.19099329

>runs out of water every year for the past 10 years because selling it all to almond farmers and nestle
>catches on fire every year because too dysfunctional to maintain aging power grid
>fires burn out of control because controlled burns were outlawed for not being "green"
>have to bail out your marijuana industry because somehow you managed to take the easiest, most profitable industry in the US and over-legislate it to death

>> No.19099342

Don't forget the disgusting amount of spics and the major cities overrun with niggers and the homeless.

>> No.19099346

Gas station down the street has voodoo, voodoo heat, and evil eye. California stay winning

>> No.19099371

I am sorry that you can't handle and advance progressive society. I guess enjoy using your horse and buggy to pick up some turnips.

>> No.19099373
File: 75 KB, 555x631, typical retarded maskie hey retard why aren't the homeless dying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19099532

I can buy voodoo chips at my local 7-11. It's probably that those bags don't disclose the fact that they have a carcinogen in them. We hold food companies to higher standards here.

>> No.19099538

Living in California is not really all that bad.

>> No.19099544

Can I live with you there?

>> No.19099566

I've lived in every region of the US and it really isn't.

>> No.19099580

You are right, its the best. Its sad that the rest of the country can't compare.

>> No.19099602

if you don't pay rent or taxes

>> No.19099631

The only important word in the California carcinogen warning is "may". Get boosted.

>> No.19099684

It's fine when you fags cry about soy or bugs or whatever, but if California is warning people about potential carcinogens then it's jewish globohomo propoganda trying to kill the white race.

>> No.19099700

Seed oil too lmao. The average anon is fucking pathetic and will change their views to fit their politics.

>> No.19100665

Try starting a business here, and then let the fun of over regulation destroy your soul.

>> No.19100669

ah, spotted the pleb

>> No.19102406

The whole problem with that is it's supposed to be carcinogenic, right?

>> No.19102433

The problem with these California carcinogen laws is that they apply them to every ingredient under the sun (except seed oils lol) and then also set the limits so unreasonably low that it's literally impossible to meet the standards. Like their requirements for labeling products that may contain lead are essentially that you have to have less lead in your product than is in the ambient environment in general, so it's actually not possible to meet the requirements therefore literally every single product must be labeled with the warning and then it just becomes meaningless background noise everyone ignores. When every single item you can buy has a cancer warning you just ignore it and then it does nothing but line the pockets of the people enforcing it without actually informing or helping the consumers it was created to protect.

>> No.19102446
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>using buzzwords you dont know the meaning of

>> No.19102979

That didn't take long. You're all so predictable.

>> No.19103772

Why? Is there not enough soy bean oil in them?

>> No.19103840

You can buy Zapps anywhere in California. They're just in a different bag that has that stupid prop 65 warning label on it, which is completely meaningless because it's on virtually everything. Zapps are kind of shitty either way.

>> No.19103895

Don't forget the street shitting and regular blackouts.

>> No.19103896

They sell Zapps in Cali, but that particular bag can't be sold there because of the labeling laws in Cali.

>> No.19103902

>post wojack
You shall be immediately disregarded as non-human.

>> No.19103905

are you watching a Kdrama?

>> No.19103906

I fucking hate almonds so much bro it's unreal

>> No.19103934

Almonds used to taste good until California started farming them

>> No.19103945

>Cali passes SB-145
>adult homosexual men can now have sex with minors
>doesnt have to register as a sex offender

>> No.19103968

why are leftists like this?

>> No.19104009
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I wish one day I am privileged enough to live in California

>> No.19104169

Your fuckin state is the reason I can't, in good conscience, call pajeets street shitters anymore. You fuckin suck.

>> No.19104174

so you guy's mostly work in the am

>> No.19104191
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>> No.19105144

I see that you have drank all the far right propaganda.

>> No.19105167

California is so great that Californians keep moving to the South. If I see one more California license plate in Nashville I'm going to have an aneurysm.

>> No.19105173

Post AR.

>> No.19105249
File: 762 KB, 1024x819, CALIWALISIRS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>san fagcisco is verifiably more poo than city


>> No.19105426

this list even includes wood lmao

>> No.19105433

So you prove its not right wing propaganda by spreading the pictured used for right wing propaganda.