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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.66 MB, 4616x3000, 1679864057328926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19096196 No.19096196 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

Our very own thread thumbnail edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, drink anything that cost over $200 per pound lately?
Previous thread:>>19078717

>> No.19096202

God damn she looks great in a singlet.

>> No.19096206

I don't get it...

>> No.19096208

is that the youtube coffee guy

>> No.19096218

coffeeboy looks like THAT when not interacting with coffee??!?!

>> No.19096223

are there any aliexpress hand grinders <$30 that would be better than a mortar and pestle?

>> No.19096224

Thats before he got hooked on the bean juice

>> No.19096231

like 15 years ago yes.
england went through a weird hair phase around that time

>> No.19096233

actually thats when he was so hooked on bean juice he became the world barista champion.

>> No.19096235

well they would just be skipping alot of the work that a mortar and pestle would do but it wouldn't be better.
honestly if you are that poor, a blade grinder(forgive me for uttering these heretical words) used to turn the beans into a really fine powder would probably be better if you wanted to make turkish coffee.
or you could use the mortar and pestle to make a cold brew because for that method its ok if the coffee is pretty coarse.

>> No.19096259


>> No.19096351

just got standart issue #30
even tho i only got #29 a couple weeks ago.
i thought this was a quarterly mag?
anyway it sounds more interesting than the last 2 issues.

>> No.19096381 [DELETED] 
File: 2.89 MB, 480x854, How I Started My Coffee Trailer.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't believe you've done this.

>> No.19096401



>> No.19096430

I need more pics of her please, ones like that

>> No.19096456
File: 113 KB, 500x375, 20230326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's go

>> No.19096704

Why exactly is espresso from large coffee chains (e.g. Starbucks, Costa, etc.) so bad? Presumably these large chains have the money to afford decent equipment, and they must sell enough coffee to go through their beans relatively quickly (so I would assume they're relatively fresh). Is it just because they overroast the beans? Or is it because the baristas are shit?

>> No.19096783

minimum viable product is very low for coffee.
99.9% of all baristas on earth are shit they are taught how to operate the machine and how to make the milk drinks and thats it.
yes they mostly use dark roast beans of poor quality and they are usually not roasted within 2 weeks of grinding.
another thing is most people that drink black coffee expect extremely shitty bitter burnt "strong" coffee
the other people only drink milk drinks which means to get that "strong coffee" taste they expect the coffee needs to be roasted to shit so that its so harsh that the dogshit flavor cuts right through all the milk and sugar and still tastes like "coffee"

making good coffee isnt worth it when people are ok with shit, look at fast food. clearly tens of millions of people around the world are 100% content with mcdonalds when it comes to burgers and nuggets and fries.
so why try harder? why spend more and profit less?

>> No.19096787

Over roasted cheap beans to make them homogenous, customers who exclusively want bitter coffee drown in 10oz of steamed milk, and wagies who are just doing what they're told.

>> No.19096841

They want to serve coffee cheap. If you wanna do that you're gonna get the cheapest coffee you can get your hands on (and then roast the shit out of it to hide the flavor) and have it prepared by the most unskilled people you can hire for rock bottom prices.

>> No.19096848

You're mostly right but comparing mcdonalds to coffee is wrong. Most people care about food, they'll eat at mcdonalds sometimes for the convenience but would much rather eat something else. On the other hand with coffee people basically don't believe that it can be anything other than the bitter sludge they get served.

>> No.19096953 [DELETED] 
File: 604 KB, 619x1023, How to Dial In the Mahlkonig x54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gooys do i beat the goffe merchant if i buy cheap goffe and eat a fruit right after sips?
I was thinking of trying with a raspberry and a lemon.
SOP ingredients:
instant goffee
10 raspberries
2 lime slices
Take a goffe sip.
Swallow said sip.
While gasping for air, insert 1 raspberry in mouth.
Chew said raspberry then swallow raspberry.
Now exhale thru nose.
Should be able to taste goffee with raspberry notes for really cheap. A merchant somewhere is feeling cheated.
Repeat for every sip.
The drinker should decide whenever he needs some lime acidity, to bite into one of the two lime slices.

The ingredients are not yet set in stone for this particular SOP.
Nonetheless feedback is welcome.

>> No.19096957

How much attention do you need pal?

>> No.19096964

we stopped giving him attention for his other schizo posts so now he haunts us with this...

>> No.19097010 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19097049

from the thumbnail it looks like she is naked because her face and the shirt are the same color(ish)

>> No.19097163

they serve the same coffee across all their cafes with all their staff, it needs to be consistent and uniform across ~16k stores in the US alone. imagine the logistics, price, complexity, etc. if instead of homogenous inoffensive (once accustomed to) dark blends from vast commingled regions, they were serving single estate coffees
compare a restaurant to a home cook: they can buy an expensive salamander broiler, their menu can take advantage of scale and reused ingredients, but you can put more time and effort into a single dish that would never be economical on that scale
hope you die desu

>> No.19097179 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19097201

>it needs to be consistent
I see this a lot wrt large chains and supermarket blends. Why? What happens if two starbucks taste differently but 10 times better because local roast. How would that lose them money?

>> No.19097210
File: 161 KB, 1000x1000, Arris_LS_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes you fat fingered cunt
also those mugs are disgusting.
imagine not exclusively serving coffee in wedgwood mugs, what kind of third rate shit hole does she work at?

>> No.19097221

>straight walled
Anon I..

>> No.19097275
File: 265 KB, 1000x1000, Wonderlust_LS_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go on, try to oppose straight walled superiority.
(oh and wedgwood does make non straight walled cups but they are advertised as tea cups not mugs, so i decided not to link them, but their tea range is much larger than the more traditional coffee mug shape/range. i got the Jasper Conran's Chinoiserie White Collection for my mother a while ago and they are very nice. the Wonderlust collection is also beautiful and reminds me of a set my grandparents had, many fond memories of sunday tea in their perfectly maintained tulip garden)

>> No.19097289

Wedgwood has been overpriced Indonesian made crap for over a decade now.

>> No.19097293

what's the forum that you can buy coffee beans? It was already posted here but I can't find it anymore.

>> No.19097309

Kek. Gotem.
>third rate shit hole

>> No.19097314

I can't vouch for them, haven't ordered yet. Let me know how it goes. Found them when I was looking for another group buy club after GreenCoffeeCoop shut down.

>> No.19097338

oh but your coffee grinders and espresso machines are made from the finest metals forged by only the whitest hands in all the lands right?
sold for exactly what they are worth and not a penny more?
yeh didnt think so.
also, like i thought, no actual argument to why straight walled coffee mugs are bad.

>> No.19097357

>made from the finest metals forged by only the whitest hands in all the lands right?
Pretty close. My burrs were cast and finished in Zürich. My espresso glasses are European crystalline. My cortado glasses are Mino-yaki.

>> No.19097425

it's a product
they want to build brand identity in people's minds (I'm a diet coke guy, I'm a pike place drinker, it's always available), they don't want you tethered to any specific shop, with bigger variability you might get a particularly off day and not come back, a barista only has to learn to make a given coffee once (via instructions, not dialed in themselves), etc.
most people prefer (economically, even if they don't admit this) something consistent and familiar, even if worse on average

>> No.19097445

>still can't even attempt to create an argument against straight walled coffee mugs
anon, please stay on topic.
>ignores 2/3 of the topic to attempt to flex
>starts talking about 2 different kinds of glasses when glasses were never mentioned
your pivot technique needs work.

>> No.19097458

>>19097289 is not a response to >>19097275 or even nested in that reply chain.

>> No.19097472

Does anyone have any more pics of MorganDrinksCoffee not wearing that fucking black turtle neck?

>> No.19097487

Look at him schitz.

>> No.19097502

you are wrong and retarded
>no one talking about wedgwood
>someone talks about wedgwood
>someone else makes a comment that doesnt link the first comment but is clearly in response to that comment because there is nothing else in the thread about wedgwood
>this comment is somehow not a reply to the first comment that mentioned wedgwood
what the fuck are you smoking cunt?

>> No.19097506

no one cares

>> No.19097526
File: 521 KB, 1240x827, 190827-jakarta-water-levels-mc-902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what kind of third rate shit hole
They only employ the finest of straight wall bone china mug craftsman.

>> No.19097576

you know you are talking to each other pretending to be the schizo right?

>> No.19097582
File: 104 KB, 1110x692, 1679604567424935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe the real schizo was the accusations we made along the way

>> No.19097599

NTA but how do you get that cascading reply view?

>> No.19097608 [DELETED] 
File: 680 KB, 614x1030, 1679604567424932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop schizoing bros and make coffee.

You buy 4chanpass poorfag

>> No.19097611
File: 4 KB, 492x89, wedghizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(you) know (you) are talking to each other pretending to be the schizo right?

>> No.19097617
File: 103 KB, 640x800, u0rmac702jg91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon please, dont tell anyone about the tamp thing it just feels so good
>oh god just like that anon
>dont stop, im gonna
>BRRRRRRRRRRRR (sound of pump activation as she brews 36 grams of squirt in 29 seconds)

>> No.19097625

you know you are talking to each other pretending to be the schizo right?

>> No.19097643

what the fuck are you people schizing about in here?

>> No.19097649

Stock pictures of Sumatran made mugs.

>> No.19097660 [DELETED] 
File: 775 KB, 614x1090, 1679903935158692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just some schizo

>> No.19097674
File: 1.59 MB, 500x500, 1648240695196.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this might be the gayest ctg I've seen so far. I'm taking another leave. see you flaming homosexual bean juice junkies in a month or two

>> No.19097680

Go back and check that reply order again. I do not care about straight walls. They made some straight wall mugs when they were still made in England. I care that they became budget manufacturers and continued charging as though they were premium.

>> No.19097686

>tea fag pretends he is a resident here
another day another dingus

>> No.19097696

For me its the aeropress gang and my trusty Timemore c3.

>> No.19097713

i dont believe you.

>> No.19097733
File: 1013 KB, 3072x2304, o1d0KjS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I need a straighter mug.

>> No.19097738

You're not a true aeropresser until you've had at least one coffee explosion

>> No.19097786

were you brewing with charcoal?

>> No.19097813 [DELETED] 

who is girl

>> No.19097855 [DELETED] 


>> No.19097856 [DELETED] 

not the girl in the middle the one on the left

>> No.19097857

That's a drill anon

>> No.19097900 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 750x937, Caitlin Campbell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a dude bro

>> No.19097979 [DELETED] 


>> No.19098000

I either make Fulgers or will get a vanilla iced coffee from mcdonalds simple

>> No.19098031 [DELETED] 

Why are the last threads so focused on the cute lesbian and the fat lesbian?

>> No.19098033 [DELETED] 

same as anything on 4chan, nolife autists forcing memes

>> No.19098084 [DELETED] 

Pretty sure the fat one is spammed by one guy

>> No.19098284 [DELETED] 

anons are trying to ship them

>> No.19098310 [DELETED] 

The cute one has a husband

>> No.19098317 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19098366


>> No.19099145 [DELETED] 

How do I get a woman who looks like Morgan to have sex with me?
>t. incel

>> No.19099565

>the girl in the middle
Why you do the hoff like this

>> No.19099816
File: 481 KB, 2000x2005, 20230325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you like some milk, sir?

>> No.19099838 [DELETED] 

>cute lesbian and the fat lesbian?
what's the difference?

>> No.19099870
File: 60 KB, 886x428, 1678231195968357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are Aeropress filters so expensive in Canada?

>> No.19099873

its called the shit country tax

>> No.19099992

I can't imagine what Wedgwood mugs would cost up there.

>> No.19100025

depends on the year of creation and the collection it belongs to... i mean... uh what the fuck is a wedgwood

>> No.19100046

Sumatran made mugs

>> No.19100061

They make good coffee they should make good mugs too.

>> No.19100074

turns out both wedgwood and sumatran coffee are made in jakarta

>> No.19100087
File: 918 KB, 1920x1080, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god i hate moka pot coffee so much
the only reason i use it occasionally is because it's kinda fun to brew with it but the coffee it produces cannot remotely keep up with a good v60 or switch brew or aeropress brew

>> No.19100094

I love coffee and cumming bros

>> No.19100096

>X has shit results
>i hate X
>X is inferior to Y Z A
>Refuses to elaborate further

>> No.19100098

Just did the latter, will now do the former

>> No.19100132

>god i hate moka pot coffee so much
skill issue

>> No.19100137

>woke up after sleeping for 18 hours
>feel like i got hit by a truck
>crawl over to my gooning station
>goon for 3 hours
>crawl to the shower
>wash my self for 45 minutes
>crawl out of the shower and enter the drying room(its just 4 fans around a stool that air dries my without me having to do anything)
>crawl to the kitchen
>make a delicious moka
>crawl to my shitposting station
>time to get to work
>start thinking about gooning again...

>> No.19100171

>average moka poster
Here is the pourover chad morning routine
>wake up in waterbed, mouth dry from chain smoking the night before
>wake up the barista from last night with some analingus
>call her a cab and kick her to the curb
>put on one of my hawaii shirts, jorts and cologne
>theres still some goffee in the caraffe from yesterday
>take it cold to the balcony for a ciggie and the first shitpost of the day
>catcall barista as she gets into the cab

>> No.19100208

Here is the my french press routine
>6:00 don't wake up
>8:00 alarm goes off, don't acknowledge it
>8:10 alarm times out, still in bed
>9:30 sun hits my bed, warming my lifeless body

>> No.19100218

>Refuses to elaborate further
that's not what refuse means you didn't even ask for more elaboration

>> No.19100219

wrong schizo, schizo

>> No.19100221
File: 122 KB, 1200x1200, 20230218_201945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this place roasts on-site and offers green as well

>> No.19100226

i'm tempted to get a french press bros, should i get one?
are they good and worth it or are the stupid shit meme?

>> No.19100228


>> No.19100231

so they're shit, but i should get one?

>> No.19100234

Reading comprehension is not your forte it seems.

>> No.19100236

i have one and personally don't like it very much for three reasons:
>i drink small cups and only one at a time (~200 ml) - once i finished brewing that little in a french press, the coffee has gotten relatively cold because of the insufficient water mass
>even if you are insanely careful and use the right technique, you will always get a few grounds in your cup - doesn't bother me too much, but i'd rather not have it if it can be avoided,
- the cleanup is fucking annoying compared to the quick rinse of a v60 or aeropress
if none of this bothers you, get one i guess

>> No.19100287

yes but you might enjoy it
one man's trash is another man's aeropress!
make sure to get one that is a glass vessel with metal supports and handel and all that, the metal ones will impart a smell and taste to the coffee but glass won't do that.
obviously glass will break much much easier
but french press are really cheap.

>> No.19100288

>even if you are insanely careful and use the right technique, you will always get a few grounds in your cup
skill issue

>> No.19100292

physics issue

>> No.19100299

guess this is a fake video then?

>> No.19100315

fair enough, it's easy if you brew for 4 cups and then only pour one and that's the one you show in your video

>> No.19100328

I use my french press for cold brew

>> No.19100394

just adjust the values while adhering to the ratio in the video
i can't see why wouldn't be able to make any number of cups in the same way?

>> No.19100399 [DELETED] 

I want to fuck that boy (female) so bad.

>> No.19100410

it's easy to pour one sludgefree cup out of a french press filled with four cups worth of coffee as opposed to pouring one sludgefree cup out of a french press filled with one cup's worth of coffee, you're going to a have a tiny amount of grounds in your cup

>> No.19100416

They are catering to the 'idea' of coffee flavor in the collective unconscious, which was formed by very bad tasting coffee, unfortunately. There's constraints given the tiny percentage of each cup's price allocated to beans, but they're definitely worse than they have to be.

>> No.19100432

>it's easy to pour one sludgefree cup out of a french press filled with four cups worth of coffee as opposed to pouring one sludgefree cup out of a french press filled with one cup's worth of coffee,
how do you know?
this is at best an uneducated guess, and at worst a strawman.

>> No.19100438

Am I the only one who doesn't mind the sludge? I mean that's what you teeth are for filtering the sludge right?

>> No.19100441

... by trying it?

>> No.19100456

no proof

>> No.19100457
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>> No.19100460


>> No.19100464

god damn i wonder if she would squirt her breast milk into my morning coffee

>> No.19100705 [DELETED] 

>the wrong schizo, schizo schizo is posting

>> No.19100741 [DELETED] 

>THE schizo is trying to bait again
hold on let me get my wedgwood

>> No.19100817 [DELETED] 

Find another stock image. Can't be doxxing yourself with 1/1 Jakarta collections.

>> No.19100843 [DELETED] 

>the schizos are fighting again

>> No.19100868
File: 534 KB, 803x803, 003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to drink good coffee.

>> No.19100886 [DELETED] 

but honestly the schizo thoughts seem to stop when i drink a ton of coffee so i dont know whats up with that.
its a trade off
no more schizo thoughts
more memory loss.

>> No.19100903

Post mug. Timestamped.

>> No.19100914 [DELETED] 

>THE schizo still trying to bait

>> No.19101054

I started off with a small French press that I had lying around the house, but I eventually bought an Aeropress because of the same reasons that >>19100236
posted. Also, brew time is much quicker with the Aeropress, just 2.5 minutes compared to the 4+ minutes with a French press and I could get much more flavour from the beans with an Aeropress.

Although if you only have access to coarsely ground coffee for some reason (and you refuse to buy whole beans and a grinder) or you want to brew large quantities at once for multiple people, then maybe a French press would be better.

The Hoffmeme method for French press is just stupid. If you're not using the plunger in a French press, and you're just breaking the crust and letting grounds fall to the bottom, you're essentially performing the same process that people do in coffee cupping. So you might as well just not bother buying a French press in the first place and brew straight in the cup.

>> No.19101292
File: 998 KB, 250x251, 1461865865887.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is probably a thread for actual coffee, but what's the tastiest instant coffee?

>> No.19101376

The one you drink daily. Goes for (proper) coffee, tea, tobacco, wine, beer, tonics, chocolate...as well. The stimulant/drug is far more important than the (sometimes refined) taste and people adjust surprisingly quick to a new flavour, especially if it's offered for free for 2-3 weeks. Which is exactly what coffee brands do.

>> No.19101717

bros. I did it I got a moka pot for the first time after drinking pour over and french press for years, holy shit this is fucking amazing, like yeah it's 1.5 bar instead of 8 bar or whatever, but goddamn it actually is espresso in it's taste. Bros. reccomend me a good bean grinder, and I'm set this is it, Ive peaked. I was tired of getting my espresso drinks from dunkin so I figured out what oat milk they use and bought the beans from the dunkin store, and shit this is tasting realll fucking close. Fuck.

>> No.19101721


>> No.19101751

Kingrinder k4 or k6 are the poorfag's weapon of choice.

>> No.19101827

I can't I have to keep raving about the moka pot, holy fuck. My poorfag ass had an espresso machine, I bought from a thrift store, that I hit with like some fucking demineralizing shit, and still took an espresso shot from until I was disgusted with the patina of the drink, because the inside of the tank looked like someone dumped a funeral urn in it and the ashes fused to the side, but this, this moka pot my poorfag ass can afford, and it is CLEAN. Like fuck it's over, who the fuck even likes pourover that shit is watered down and GAY, but this it fucking SLAPS. I'm so done, it's over get this thing away from me I can't stop.

>> No.19102365

What do you recommend anon? Might get something from here. The Panama honey process looks good

>> No.19102456
File: 40 KB, 240x280, 607-4215533873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19102487

I will never forgive the PLA

>> No.19102987

Late nite spresso for me. Washed guat la esperanza. Drink anything comfy lately?

>> No.19103040

If you’re a caffeine fiend and brew all your coffee for the day in the morning to take to work, then yes. It’s just more convenient for brewing 3 cups in one go, but it requires more beans than the same amount of coffee made with an aeropress. Tastes pretty nice with med-dark roasts though.

>> No.19103232

Should I get an aluminum or stainless steel moka pot?

>> No.19103277

aluminium will respond faster to turning on/off the gas
stainless steel will keep the alzheimers schizos off your back

>> No.19104107

Steel is for grounded people, aluminium is for flighty people

>> No.19104116

Is hoffmann method the best for french press?

>> No.19104156

it's not like there's much variation on how to brew with a french press so just figure out whether you like using the plunger or not

>> No.19104354

I have a comandante and I brew v60. I like bright and fruity coffee and want good clarity. I only ever see reviews comparing hand grinders or comparing electric grinders in a similar price bracket, but I keep wondering how much improvement could I get for my v60 with a lagom p64 w/ unimodal burrs, DF64, or other flat burr electric.

>> No.19104485

I have an automatic espresso machine (Delonghi Magnifica)
A Niche Zero would be a good purchase right?
>able to do espresso (stretch goal of buying a real espresso machine)
>able to do pour-over
>able to do French press
It's more expensive than something like the DF64 but I like the way it looks and the potential versatility of it

>> No.19104496

There is a clear difference. Whether or not your brain will quantify that difference as an improvement for +$1400(p60) is another matter entirely. I went from a kinu to 80mm flats. Ignoring the workflow improvement, I'm making coffee I enjoy more, more often. Where there was a slight bit of effort dialing in with the kinu, it feels like my range for any brew method is about 4x bigger so tasty is effortless.
Niche has a better workflow than just about every "endgame" grinder, it's just handicapped with a shitty set of mazzer kony burrs. I'd say the df64 is way more versatile, but louder, messier, and less convenient.

>> No.19104860

K-cups are only $4 a box now for most generic brands

>> No.19104892

I use my Niche for espresso and I like it enough for that. It seems reliable and it's easy and pleasant to adjust the grind slightly.

But for filter I do not get on with it. I use my Comandante for that as it tastes much better. Others mileage may vary but that's what I found. I also did not like it for switching between brew methods. I had to go past the markings to get coarse enough for filter, and I much preferred keeping it dialled in for espresso preserving the micro-adjustments I'd made for that current espresso bean.

>> No.19104946
File: 309 KB, 604x604, 1461865458887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the GEVI 4 in 1 any good?

>> No.19105041

the lamp thing?

>> No.19105070
File: 73 KB, 1000x759, Wedgwood Kingcup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck is a wedgwood
an english porcelain company

>> No.19105266

Any good uses for used coffee grinds or do you guys just dump it when you are done with them?

>> No.19105285

I've heard it's good as plant fertilizer, but when I tried on my plants they got quite stinky after a while. I probably just overdid it, but you may only want to use it on outdoor plants.

>> No.19105323


>> No.19105328
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>> No.19105353

Owned by a Finnish company and made in Indonesia.

>> No.19105377

They're great for getting worms into your compost heap, which in turn is great for your lawn or vegetable garden. They're terrible fertilizers when used on their own.

>> No.19105386

RIP Wedgwood.

>> No.19105420

>Six years of losses drove Wedgwood to move all major ceramics production from Barlaston to the industrial outskirts of Jakarta, Indonesia.

>> No.19105657

What would be the cause if my brew turns sour very quickly? Like, it tastes fine right after the brew finishes, but it will turn bad in 10 minutes? I use Hoffman's aeropress recipe.

>> No.19105659

Coffee gets less bitter as it cools down, try drinking it faster or grind finer if you insist on drinking slowly

>> No.19105660

Brews taste more extracted early on and less as they cool. Usually it tastes more bitter initially and you want to wait for it to cool down, in your case it seems you've underextracted it to where it only tastes good when hot and then becomes sour as it cools. Grind finer or brew hotter.

>> No.19105662

I usually brew on boiling point, so it might be grind size issue then. Thanks fampai.

>> No.19106537

How in the fuck have Niche not thought to sidestep to a flat burr followup? I know saying "they'd make bank" is a bit redundant because they're obviously selling the Zero just fine, but with their workflow, a very unpolarising design, and a good set of burrs they'd utterly own the market.

>> No.19106561

Sheldon Wong is picking up all the slack. +$250 for a flat conversion with Faema MPN 54mm flats, +$395 for 58mm SSP MP. So you're looking at like <1k for an "endgame" niche? Guy sells higher spec motors for it as well.

>> No.19106573

if you are having explosions with your areopress you are grinding your beans too fine.

>> No.19106742

How am I supposed to make aeropresso with coarse grounds?

>> No.19106748


>> No.19106833

>Guy sells higher spec motors for it as well.
Oh that's interesting... I'd seen there's burr conversions available but figured it'd be making the motor work pretty hard. That is interesting

>> No.19106860
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Dunno the price, but you have to desolder and replace a couple diodes on the pcb to handle the higher current. Also I guess you can use 54mm ditting(mahlkonig x54) if you reverse your motor polarity to spin ccw.

>> No.19106887 [DELETED] 

turns out i got banned for the wedgwood schizo posting
also because i "talked shit" about the lesbian barista.
also my natty ethiopian were rancid when i opened the bag and now my day is ruined.

>> No.19106896
File: 1.27 MB, 841x781, PMC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It happens. I got 3days for posting old tits in a reflection and talking shit on the mokapotters.

>> No.19106899

How the fuck does a grinder cost $1k. If you are switching out the motor and burr, how can you justify paying $600 for a niche.

>> No.19106901

>talking shit on the mokapotters.
you get what you fucking deserve

>> No.19106914

I don't think people are buying new niches to mod, they're extending the functionality and life of their older units. The motor isn't necessary and the burr can be swapped back in minutes. 1k isn't all that much in the world of grinders.

>> No.19107113
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the bitter smell discourages small animals

>> No.19107172

>1k isn't all that much in the world of grinders.
the more i get into coffee, the more i realize it's the same as with hi-fi.
people spending absurd amounts of money to have only marginal improvements, gaslighting themselves into thinking they really taste the difference to justify spending $10,000 on a grinder.

>> No.19107288

>the more i get into coffee, the more i realize it's the same as with hi-fi.
>people spending absurd amounts of money to have only marginal improvements, gaslighting themselves into thinking they really taste the difference to justify spending $10,000 on a grinder.

We are like that only. What you will do?

>> No.19107342

I only have cheap cooking thermometer. Can I put it all the way down inside the kettle or should I somehow keep it afloat?

>> No.19107343

You can just put it in. Assuming it's a meat thermometer it should be able to withstand at least like 200C

>> No.19107349

I assumed it would measure the kettle surface, not the water. Is that wrong?

>> No.19107352

>$10,000 on a grinder.
tbf i think the most expensive grinder is like $5k max and from what i have heard its really not worth it.
$1k is more or less the most you need to spend for a hand grinder
and probably $2k for electric grinder.
well for home use anyway.
(insert 2000 word rant about hifi comparisons to coffee being bad and stupid, i deleted it all because while proofreading it i didnt even understand half of what i wrote)

>> No.19107353

I mean yes but the kettle surface is going to be about the same as the water. In my experience it's like that anyway, I've tried floating it and it showed the same temp.

>> No.19107358

i mean...
is there a difference? if the bottom of the kettle is 99-100c then i would assume the water would be like 97-98c (if not exactly the same as the kettle bottom)
obviously dont touch the thermometer after inserting it, it will be extremely hot

>> No.19107366

I thought it would be much hotter like how electric stove worked. I'm dumb.

>> No.19107377

I've heard if you use a green sharpie on the outer edges of your grinder the beans become better.

>> No.19107537

Good morning bros, it’s coffee time. I’m a pour over man myself. What are you enjoying this fine morning?

>> No.19107546

Cheap storebought because I ran out of my good stuff

>> No.19107561

Duh, you need at least 150-200mg per each personality.

>> No.19107565
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Combost, it's feeds my carrot friends.
I like growing carrots anon, you get 50% more carrot per carrot compared to store bought.

>> No.19107587
File: 166 KB, 566x1422, 1663059252779350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice carrots. Here's a "thicc femboy" carrot I harvested last season. I also harvested a 470g (1 lb) carrot, it was really big, I gave it to my neighbour.

>> No.19107594

What varieties?

>> No.19107600

Does it taste like coffee

>> No.19107614
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>> No.19107643

He a big boy

>> No.19107819

>/ctg/ carrot time general

>> No.19107897

My $500 dac sounds better than my $100 schiit modi and allegedly compares favorably with stuff in the $1500 range. My $2600 grinder makes better coffee, easier, than my $200 hand grinder. Neither matters if you're listening to free Spotify or grinding peets. Find what you like and let it kill you. I've spent the past decade torrenting 24bit flac so I don't mind buying the hifi stuff that interests me and 95% of the coffee I drink is home roast. I think I'm in a good place for both right now. I'm dipping my toes further into 'endgame' and figuring out where I want to go next.

>> No.19108204

In pretty much every hobby, there is a point of diminishing returns and there is a point where humans objectively cannot perceive the difference in a blind test. Ultimately, all that matters is whether you're enjoying the end product. If not, then it would be worth spending more money.

>> No.19108301

Even if it's not objectively measurable i believe it.
It was my imagination, and in my mind, I believed it. Even now, I believe it.

t. rationalist

>> No.19108327

>Cables and burrs don't make a difference some youtuber told me so

>> No.19108338

Go back to >>>/g/iemg

>> No.19108364

One of the most anti cable hifitubers just realized cables make a difference. Why would I need the /ctg/ of iems to weigh in on that? They're running timemore c2s into their ears.

>> No.19108391

Thoughts on moka pots?

>> No.19108412

Check back in a while, we've got a dedicated moka schizo on patrol.

>> No.19108503
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Is 3 mokas a day too much?

>> No.19108519

1 is too much

>> No.19108617

Bought a bag of brand roasted beans at a big chain grocer. It's so bad.

>> No.19108634

3 is tipping point f dangerous

>> No.19108707
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1 is my max

>> No.19108728

>cheap cooking thermometer
like a thermopop or one of those slow metal ones with the dial?
if your kettle's on the stove, I would keep the thermometer off the bottom of the kettle, if the tip of the probe is the sensitive part it'll read higher than the water
you can do blind taste tests pretty trivially, I think almost anyone could tell the difference between coffee from the same beans ground on either a ~$150 baratza encore and a grinder 4x the price+
espresso becomes even more objective, because you can look at things like channeling and flow rate without subjective opinion coming into it at all

>> No.19108820
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>either a ~$150 baratza encore and a grinder 4x the price+
>espresso becomes even more objective
Just to add on to this, here's a picture of two pucks dialed in at the same puck resistance. One is off an EG-1 with SSP ultra low fine burrs, the other is a Niche. Those two grinders will produce very different coffees off the same beans. Seeing is believing or some shit I guess.

>> No.19108848

how is moka considered so strong if it is 1:10? I already did some immersion brews with 1:10.

Espresso at least is 1:2 or 1:3

>> No.19108882
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>> No.19108917
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The difference is he rigged up a way to not use the weber blind shaker. He's grinding directly into the portafilter+funnel on both. That's not going to change the particle spread.

>> No.19108923

When will manlets learn?

>> No.19109199

How necessary is it to season a new grinder? How much should I spend for that before I make a cuppa?

>> No.19109210

Zero. The effect of seasoning is minor if existent at all, just make your fucking coffee and let it come naturally.

>> No.19109739

Don't waste anything nice. Just recognize there's going to be a slight drift for a while. Seasoning doesn't exist for a cafe who will go through 15kg of beans in a couple days, it will for someone grinding 30g in their kitchen for months.

>> No.19110152
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should i get one of these /ctg/?

>> No.19110164
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>> No.19110230

You have lost it anon, all coffee is subjective. Flow rate variation is fine for example if you cannot taste the difference. The reason more expensive grinders exist is for reliability and yield which are important in a cafe. For pourover you never need anything more than the encore for example

>> No.19110262

thanks for making it clear that I can completely disregard your opinion

>> No.19110359
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Hey /ck/
Looking for my first moka pot and im stuck on sizing.
I drink too many energy drinks and Im very tempted to megamoka.
Plan would be a hand grinder + mokapot + new larger coffee thermos.
Bonus if anyone has a thermos to recommend that I can strap sideways to my shitbike.

>> No.19110367

that looks pretty cool ngl

>> No.19110583

12 clicks on C2 equal to how many clicks on K6?

>> No.19110585

Get a small one for single cups, and a larger one for multiple cups

>> No.19110608

Its not for you, just being a voice of reason for others as a counteract to your frothing gear autism. If you cannot make good coffee with 300€ in gear, you should not be allowed to upgrade until you can. Its like buying more expensive art equipment and jerking off to rare pigments when you cant draw a simple figure

>> No.19110657
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Horrible analogy.

>> No.19110665

>force tamper
Got a GCP for less than his tamper.
Totally not like audiophoolery.

>> No.19110702

You don't see how a calibrated tamper could be useful for ensuring consistency when you're measuring shit?

>> No.19110747

Too poor for a puqpress?

>> No.19111136

>Too poor for a puqpress?
That's what your mom calls my dick

>> No.19111176

Right, the question is how much bigger to go. Ideally id like make a bunch, drink some, drink more when I stop for gas, etc. Huge one seems to be the answer but ive only ever used a 2cup model before and that was way too small.
Half of its purpose would be getting me home once I start trying for longer distances this summer.

>> No.19111327

I never do anon i never do

>> No.19111354

What is a good grind setting on the Kingrinder K6 for French press?

>> No.19111357

is this a mongolian basket weaving joke?

>> No.19111363

How fine am I supposed to grind my olives?

>> No.19111433

Like 120+

>> No.19111436
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>Kingrinder K6

>> No.19111462

>Reee $200 is too much for a temper buy a $1000 autotamp instead.

>> No.19111480

>If you cannot make good coffee with 300€ in gear
this is not remotely close to what you said, you specifically named the baratza encore, which I already named the price of (hint: not 300 euros)
>The reason more expensive grinders exist is for reliability and yield which are important in a cafe. For pourover you never need anything more than the encore for example
both of these statements are false

>> No.19111522

Get out of your own head anon. Why are you still talking about that baratza grinder? Its ok but my point was that you should be able to make good pourover, moka or french press with any grinder in that price bracket. If you cant, spending more wont fix your skill issue

>> No.19111548

I LOVE COFFEE! it allows me to spend more energy on wagecucking and less energy on my hobbies :D

>> No.19111570

Different schizo, schizo

>> No.19111582

Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.

>> No.19111597

Im guessing you dont actually own all this expensive gear and just want to rile people up (like those "internet trolls" from the 2010s)

>> No.19111648

Actual real life retard

>> No.19111671

Because their beans are burnt shit and they use push button superautomatic machines that brew shit espresso so that wagies who know fuckall about coffee can make it.

>> No.19111687
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Add it up. I never bothered to. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts or something.
>You don't see how a calibrated tamper could be useful for ensuring consistency when you're measuring shit?
>Equipment used: 2 X Smart Tamp tamper to standardize the pressure applied to the coffee (accuracy verified with a scale)
You see how they were doing an experiment, and wanted $280 of calibrated tampers to ensure consistency?

>> No.19111695
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>Why are you still talking about that baratza grinder
because I had it as my sole grinder for a few years, and I a/b tested it with the next one I got, and the difference was immediately clear
I'm still talking about that random ole grinder because you said
>For pourover you never need anything more than the encore for example
which I know to be very bad advice from my own experience. it's not like photography where you need to refine your technique over months, most of it is a function of your grinder. I don't care if you're just trying to make a point, you either don't know what you're talking about or would rather prove a point than tell the truth
>Get out of your own head anon.
don't do this dumb shit

>> No.19111700

>Discussion about drip coffee, posts dirty pile of espresso gear
I already know youre a schizo but damn. You live like that?

>> No.19111702
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>Tamper pressure is irrelevant
>Anon do you not see the NEED for this $200+ coffee tamper. It's CALIBRATED.

I kneel in front of your retardation.

>> No.19111715

>+2k$ grinder in pic
I get the cope now.

>> No.19111719

So should I ask them to grind at the roaster since they have more expensive gear than wha I could ever dream of? Just trying to get a baseline understanding of how important the retail price of the grinder is for my morning up of joe

>> No.19111722


>> No.19111725
File: 3.95 MB, 500x375, signal-2023-03-31-191718_002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moka is love, moka is life.

>> No.19111729
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>> No.19111730
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Filter burrs in the grinder, Matt Winton won the World Brewer's cup with the "espresso" italmills in the kinu. Turns out wdt isn't just for espresso either.
>>Tamper pressure is irrelevant
So there's no point in consistency huh? Also they're running boomer shots at flat 9bar. Makes sense for an article from 2015.

>> No.19111734
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>tfw too lazy to foam the milk and just straight poured it fridge cold over the cofee

It was good.

>> No.19111738

Such is life for moka sippers that dont have steam on tap. Looks cozy af though dont get me wrong

>> No.19111739
File: 1.68 MB, 540x960, coffee tutorial.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife suggested that before I spend $1,500 on my first espresso machine to see if I actually like espresso. We went to our local coffee shop and they made me a lovely double shot. My wife said it had an excellent crema on it and was very well done (she used to work in some hipster coffee shop).

It was only ok but I could only detect a single note, extreme coffee "bitterness". So I will not be buying an espresso machine. Maybe I'll be back next week to try another shot and see if it is an acquired taste.

>> No.19111743


I have a Nespresso Aeroccino which does a very nice job foaming and heating the milk, however lately I'm enjoying drinking "cappuccino" like that.

>> No.19111745

>Maybe I'll be back next week to try another shot and see if it is an acquired taste.
Its most definitely an acquired taste, at least for Americans since all they know is sugary beverages, they're not exposed to bitter flavors on the daily.

>> No.19111750
File: 115 KB, 296x265, huh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there a drop on her ass? What is it?

>> No.19111753

>Its most definitely an acquired taste, at least for Americans since all they know is sugary beverages, they're not exposed to bitter flavors on the daily.
I thought it wouldn't taste as strong to me because I think 10 cups of black coffee every day. This was certainly stronger than my average cup of black coffee.

>> No.19111770

If you think about it it's like a really small cup of black coffee.

>> No.19111772

$1799 before burrs, tax, shipping, and customs. Ditting 807 LS were $3400 at the time so I still saved a bit.

>> No.19111774

Ahh, well if you don't acquire a taste for espresso; Maybe do a pour-over set up instead, it'll be cheaper, and you don't really need bulky appliances for that, and might be a bit easier to get into. I use a scale, v60, a cup, handgrinder and an electric water kettle

>> No.19111778

I like ice coffee so I'd try the frappe machine for sure.

>> No.19111804
File: 523 KB, 1105x946, blind taste test, n=12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>should I ask them to grind at the roaster since they have more expensive gear than wha I could ever dream of
what you should do is stop giving advice itt
yes, 3 day stale ground coffee from your roaster's grinder will outperform an encore's fresh grinds (blinded, brewed identically by a machine, ~12 taste testers)

>> No.19111813


>> No.19111828

Oh boy hes losing it. In his mind hes holding the fort against the dark encore owners of mordor

>> No.19111829

Anon I dont have an encore I just wanted to know how important you consider grinder retail price to be versus other factors. You tell others not to give advice, lets hear your advice

>> No.19111830
File: 300 KB, 7841x561, yoinkv10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA, buy a kingrinder k6.

>> No.19111842

Thats way under 300€ I dont think the schizo will let me buy that

>> No.19111857

what are the different colours suppose to mean?

>> No.19111861
File: 2.60 MB, 2126x1048, 7cores.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shits all over the encore. If you want a 300€+ motorized version of basically the same burr geometry, grab a lagom mini.

>> No.19111873

>Shits all over the encore.
How so?

>> No.19111881

It doesnt really mean anything he has some kind of encore paranoid delusion so he has to mention it in every post

>> No.19111887

Random arbitrary comparisons to the specs around them. Don't think about it too much. The kingrinders are on there twice because of weird global pricing. K6 is a "better" grinder at the $99 us amazon price than the €139,00/$150 price at sigma coffee. K4 is a cheaper, smaller stepped version of the JX etc.

>> No.19111925

Its a $100 all metal 48mm clone of a comandante, with smaller steps. Stupid value, if you absolutely need an electric grinder it works out of the box with a drill. There's a reason all these chinese hand grinders copy the Comandante and Italmill(Kinu) and not the Baratza. The only good grinder that used something similar to the Etzinger designed Encore burrs is the (discontinued) 1zpresso ZP6, but it used a very different outer burr with massive outfall to drop the % of fines it produced.
You understand more than one person in the thread can shit on encores right?

>> No.19111947

not the same guy you're trying to convince to buy the kingrinder k6 but thanks for the info

>> No.19111955

>There's a reason all these chinese hand grinders copy the Comandante and Italmill(Kinu) and not the Baratza.
What is the reason?
You're talking about the burrs?

>> No.19111956

Just dont buy chinesium and youre good

>> No.19111979
File: 3 KB, 93x65, 1648940257993355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just wanted to know how important you consider grinder retail price to be versus other factors
I don't consider price a direct proxy for quality, at the midrange, cheaper handgrinders will outperform more expensive electric ones. I don't own a $2000 grinder, I mostly use a hand grinder on this list >>19111830 (and not the hg-2), and think that's good advice
I'm not prescriptive about having to spend x amount of money on a grinder (though I think it's stupid to be cheap if you're regularly buying $28/lb specialty coffee to grind with it), the reason I'm coming back to this is that you're railing against something you don't understand but want to pattern match to other disciplines. 99% of people buying the grinders you're complaining about are doing it for espresso, where you can actually taste the difference between flat and conical burrs, a $300 grinder and a $1k grinder, etc. I've done blind taste tests with friends, it's not like buying shielded gold cables, it's just a stupidly expensive hobby
>I dont have an encore
don't say that it's the only grinder you'll ever need for pourover just because you want it to be true then
that's not even me. I owned the baratza encore, it's completely fine for what it was, if you're ok hand-grinding it's not a good idea to get one, and the fines and inconsistent grind will become annoying if you care about your coffee. it's significantly stranger to shit on strangers because I don't trust the advice of someone who says cafes buy more expensive grinders only for reliability and yield

>> No.19111992

Anon obviously you need a more expensive grinder for espresso thats why I specified pourover in all my posts. Ok it was just a reading comprehension issue I get it now. Guess you will apologize and move on?

>the grinders you are complaining about
I think you got me mixed up with someone else

>> No.19112038

>Guess you will apologize and move on
lmfao you got me fucked up
pretty sure this is you
>all coffee is subjective
what does this have to do with objective metrics of the process of brewing? one of the things I said you could look at when comparing grinders was channeling during brewing which is something that causes issues, not something that you resolve for its own sake so a graph looks nicer. maybe coffee is so subjective that you shouldn't be using a scale for your beans or water
>Flow rate variation is fine for example if you cannot taste the difference
you were talking about flow rate in pourover here then, despite me only mentioning it in the context of espresso?
>The reason more expensive grinders exist is for reliability and yield which are important in a cafe
>For pourover you never need anything more than the encore for example
why don't you recant these statements in one of those struggle session hats, and maybe then I'll think about it

>> No.19112052

Correct. Some burr sets make better(or different) coffee than others. We're at the point where any company can knock off anything. Ditting lab sweet geometry has made great coffee for like 40 years. Option O and SSP just started making clones at 64mm 80mm and 83mm. SSP is also cloning comandante.

>> No.19112066

olive oil bros!

>> No.19112107

Anon what posts are you quoting? Did you just start replying to some other discussion when you realized you messed up?

>> No.19112122

Hi fi is a solved science. A 99 cent class D chip will put out the same quality as a $500 Samsung if you pair great drivers. You can get contact drivers and turn a sheet of pink insulation into a masterpiece of a speaker.
With coffee you can improve your own palate. Learn what to expect from single origins. Master different brew methods and roasts. I make consistently good brews, but only really great once in awhile.

>> No.19112125
File: 151 KB, 1024x1024, Compak-E10-Coffee-Grinder-Blades-K03078C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it always the encore and SGPanons schizing.
And just to tone down the comandante dick sucking a bit, its not even their design. They just scaled down and tweaked a 68mm design from compak.

>> No.19112183

the post I'm quoting, giving commentary on espresso, written by the same person as
>just being a voice of reason
>my point was
and further
>I specified pourover in all my posts
>For pourover
>you should be able to make good pourover
are there 2 rat condescending fucks itt who like to call people "anon" apropos of nothing? I doubt it

>> No.19112205

Still have no idea what you are on about. I am saying you can make good pourover with a budget of 300€ and you have been tardsperging since

>> No.19112246

Thanks for elaborating.
If i may ask a follow up question. Keep in mind this is purely theorical and unpractical, if one would change the burs of the grinder getting shat on with better ones, would that suffice to reverse the shart direction? As in the only gripe is the burs, not the motor, plastic housing and so on?

Calm down don't have neither of those grinders. Wanting to know the "why" is not a schizo feature.

>> No.19112361
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I'm both of those lol. I'm just elaborating on the various designs.
>if one would change the burs of the grinder getting shat on with better ones, would that suffice to reverse the shart direction?
Tossing in different burrs is akin to making a completely different grinder, regardless of the motor strength, adjustment, alignment etc. Encore had the m2 burr upgrade.
K4 and K6 use the exact same body and adjustment, but one has the italmill "espresso" burrs and one has the comandante "filter" burrs. I keep mentioning those because they're the sweet spot for performance/value. You can pick up alot of the different hand grinder burrs on aliexpress and swap them in depending on your body. It just seems dumb to cheap out and pay $80 for a K2, and $20 for the other burr style. Sure you get "two" grinders for the price of one but you get stuck with a smaller capacity, slightly bigger steps and less convenient adjustment.

>> No.19112363

Can't decide between getting the stovetop Hario Buono and the electric Stagg EKG, I know the prices are radically different but is the EKG much better than anything else out there like every article seems to say?

>> No.19112404

Both use good steel so you're fine there. Price of convenience vs reliability. I've had my ekg for 2 years no with no issues, you might not be as lucky. Replacement bases are $80, but at least they're available.

>> No.19112408

Thanks again for elaborating. Much better laid out for my smooth brain and am able to understand.

>> No.19112424

Thanks, that helps a lot actually. I saw a lot of people in Amazon reviews saying their kettles were poorly made or only lasted ~4 years, so that's what's been keeping me from pulling the trigger. I've been using a cheap $20 electric kettle for pourovers for the past 3 or so years, so really anything will be an upgrade, but I do like the temp. control features of the EKG a lot, especially for tea as well.

>> No.19112449

I used to be able to drink coffee like it was no problem but now if I have it I get sweaty and shaky and my mind races. Any idea what could have possibly caused this change in me? Because I fucking miss enjoying coffee.

>> No.19112483

Dunno if youre willing to mcguyver it but I use a cheap glass kettle and an ir thermometer, temp control for like 50 bucks. Plus its a mini game when to switch off the kettle to hit the exact right final temp

>> No.19112507
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No problem. I'm just trying to keep people from wasting their money if they don't want to. If you want the "premium" Kinu with excellent alignment and stepless adjustment you can get it. If you want something very similar in a cheaper chinese body for half the price, the K4 exists. The last couple years have been wild for hand grinder value. Couple guys post here with expensive shit who also have cheaper hand grinders. We all like them both lol. The whole gimmick of that $1800 grinder I posted earlier is you can swap in burrs from a couple "endgame"/commercial grinders. Instead of paying $2000 for a Weber Key or $4000 for an EG-1 I can just swap in the burrs in a couple minutes.

>> No.19112534
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Don't drink on an empty stomach.
Could be medication lowering tolerances too.
Or maybe your particular coffee has more caffeine in it.
Or you could just be a WIMP

>> No.19112546
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to all the gear dorks and shills arguing about overpriced hand grinders for their bean juice itt

>> No.19112559

did you take the vaccine?

>> No.19112584
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>> No.19112585

Light roasts that aren't quite like passenger coffee?

>> No.19112586

caffeine nicotine and noids are a nice combo.

>> No.19112599

Sey, Proud Mary,Regalia, Flower Child

>> No.19112629
File: 296 KB, 1450x1088, P23_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting this next week. What will I think about it?

>> No.19112715

come on anon we all bet on a fart and lose

>> No.19112733
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Let me guess, you need more?

>> No.19112744

Nope, no vax here.
nothing changed as far as I know, wasn't on any meds, the coffee was just standard dunkin donuts iced coffee, something that never gave me a problem before. i'll look into you wimp claim but that won't answer my question tho desu.

>> No.19113131

>Nope, no vax here.
oof, that might be why

>> No.19113372

Why is this shit even more expensive than passenger coffee

>> No.19113476

I need an espresso machine, my lavazza espresso point kicked the bucket, it made good espresso and was convenient. Help me? I'll spend up to $1,500 on a grinder and machine. What's good?

>> No.19113484
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the tamp thing. im guessing she put it in her butt in his story

>> No.19113491

>not just cutting them out of regular filters

>> No.19113492

Gagguino+Zerno Z1

>> No.19113686

Anyone order a Niche Duo?

>> No.19113723
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>> No.19113743

based. kinda want to suck on his pecker now.

>> No.19113766

what a cuck

>> No.19113785

Holy fuck that's got to be April Fools, right?

>> No.19113789

Fucking communists

>> No.19113809

You'd think so but apparently the orders are going through and people are getting confirmation numbers. 2x 83mm mazzer flats(~$90 each) for about 1k all in? Toss on the ssp lab sweets(probably ~$550) when they come out and you're in business under 2k.

>> No.19113833

Yeah it's fucking very, very compelling. I'd pretty much sold myself on a DF83 but... I think I'm changing my mind

>> No.19113863

>$1079.82 after shipping and conversion. No VAT.
Burrs are seemingly Mazzer 151A and G but not the coated/"special steel" versions. I tried to figure out flat mazzer 83s when I was ordering a wug and there was like zero info on them so I just went with the more hype lab sweets.

>> No.19114149
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Comrade Hoffman

>> No.19114442
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Got me sum beanz.

>> No.19114455
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witaj młody miłośniku kawy

>> No.19114477

d-dlaczego młody?

>> No.19114502

double triple dubs, o kurwa!

>> No.19114523
File: 449 KB, 855x565, 1657536555113144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babcia, jeśli wolisz

>> No.19114620

Based hoffer

>> No.19114778

anon i...<div class="xa23b"><span class="xa23t"></span><span class="xa23i"></span></div>

>> No.19114880

Golden foam espresso martini

>> No.19114950
File: 42 KB, 894x736, 719Tjx4rr5L._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fellow Fisher Price Chads... we can't stop winning!

>> No.19115309

Enjoy your microplastics

>> No.19115409


>> No.19115515

New thread