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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 144 KB, 1140x797, long-john-silver-1532298132-jpg-1-925015812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19091104 No.19091104 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel a strange affection for this place? Seems to fly under the radar, most people forget it even exists though will remember it if you mention it to them.

>> No.19091111

It smells like an actual sewer when I pass through the drive through to order. But nonetheless, I love their fish, shrimp, and chicken platter.

>> No.19091127

The one near me turned into a cricket wireless, there's no mistaking that building though.
We still have another one but it's half taco bell and they get pissed off when you order anything LJS at the shared drive-thru.

>> No.19091129

i miss it, haven't been in like a decade

>> No.19091140

didn't that place originally open up to launder drug money?

>> No.19091142

never been to one. we didn't have one nearby when I was growing up

>> No.19091205

brand has colonized your brain

>> No.19091206

really? lol that's baller

>> No.19091227

it could be bullshit, i'm not a burger and i probably saw it in some shitty youtube documentary

>> No.19091229

>be shopping on other side of town Im never really around
>need to get lunch
>decide on long john silvers
>pull up, ask for fish taco meal
>"yeah itll be a 45 minute wait"
>drive away

what the fuck? 45 minutes!? there was also a guy already parked up next to the window

>> No.19091257
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Yes a "strange affection" is what I would call it. I've always lived near fast food but Long John Silver's is rare, the closest one to me being.an hour drive. I like the fish and really like the chicken. I've never tried it, but I imagine using Buffalo Wild Wings spicy garlic sauce would go good with their chicken. Pic attached can get at Walmart. Also sour cream. Def an american treasure in my view.

>> No.19091262

4 to 5 minutes.

>> No.19091283
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>> No.19091325

It used to be good back in the early 2000s. Fried fish, fried chicken, hushpuppies, fries, they even gave you lemon wedges. I honestly like their chicken more than most any other fast food chicken place then ot started going to shit real quick.

>> No.19091340

Went there a BUNCH as a kid. Then there were none around and I missed it. Going to them now, it's overpriced TRASH. Also fuck cole slaw.

>> No.19091419

For me it’s the Deluxe seafood platter. Ketchup and lemon juice.

>> No.19091448

I just like the popcorn shrimp and lobster bites. Especially with tartar sauce and ketchup.

>> No.19091850

trips make it true

>> No.19092329
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We had a KFC + Long John Silver combo restaurant nearby that's been there since I was a kid. Both are gone, I never ordered from LJS but I always wanted to

>> No.19092417
File: 2.34 MB, 3024x4032, B6FF059B-F035-4048-8AD6-369CC2428976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love me some Long Johns the grease cleans you out too

>> No.19092426

How does it compare to red lobster admirals feast?

>> No.19092454

especially the flounder and the hush puppies
no tartar sauce tho :(

>> No.19092470

Wish I had some right now desu with a couple of those single slices of Edwards pie they'd sell for dessert

>> No.19092473

Americans can't make fish n chips

>> No.19092477

it's just bad compared to a proper chippy
and hush puppies are gross

>> No.19092485
File: 2.70 MB, 4032x3024, 410830DD-352A-4701-AAF8-37DDC50F560B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing compares to the Red Lobsta

>> No.19093200

It's been theorized for years that it's a front for money laundering but nobody has ever actually confirmed

>> No.19093223

I haven't been here in awhile, but I loved how you used to be able to order the deep fried breading by itself as a side.
If KFC did something similar they wouldn't even need to sell chicken. (I mean, a little chicken fat would be good, but...)

>> No.19093230

No trips

>> No.19093236

I thought I hated hush puppies because of this place. Ive eaten there probably 3 times in my life and all three times I remember feeling miserable the rest of the day.

>> No.19093887

It’s the grease. I ate there for lunch at work one day and ended shitting my pants and had to leave work early

>> No.19093925

since my mom hated fish, them and cap Ds were the only place I could eat seafood until I loved out on my own. So they'll always have a place in my memories. Too bad the LJS closed in my town.

>> No.19093965

Those are quads ya dyslexic cunt

>> No.19094011

That's hilarious. How bad was the blow out

>> No.19094074

I got out before it completely soaked through but I left shit filled underwear in the bathroom trash I felt sorry for the cleaning lady

>> No.19094295
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posted in another thread but they used to make a wrap in the 90's that is probably the best fast food wrap ever made. Combination of a po boy and a burrito with rice and those little crunchy batter gravel bits. I never forgave them for discontinuing it.


>> No.19094827

The ones in my area were good about 15 years ago but now suck ass. I want to say 2008 hit them hard, but it could also be the lack of care seen in most fast food places. There were 4 in my area: 1 closed down, 1 got shut down, one constantly gives people cold food and food poisoning, and the other's food is incredibly oily and not-fresh. All while costing the same in not more than a sit down restaurant. Its a shame because I miss how they were when I was a teenager.

>> No.19094854
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They went backrupt at the end of the 90's then got fucked hard by the merger with Yum! Brands. Of all those restaurants that got the "combination" treatment, Long Johns + A&W was probably the most unappealing. I mean, what the shit is this branding?

Also, the Big Catch was probably the single most unhealthy fast food meal ever invented. 33g of trans fat. They changed their recipe after getting bad press and it fucked them up more.

>> No.19094867


>> No.19094881

The one by me became a dunkin donuts to compete with a local bakery/coffee place and then a starbucks also opened next to it but the local place survived because the owner refused to close for memeflu lockdowns and even won his lawsuit against the governor so he's got a lot of loyal customers. Thanks for reading my blog

>> No.19094906

it wasn't a memeflu, it was and is a deadly threat to humanity. and trivializing it like you are just makes it more dangerous

>> No.19094924

That's why they treated it with remdezvir and breathalyzers and gave everyone clot shots which cause cancer
Instead of vitamin D and braunschweiger which we should all be eating on the regular

>> No.19094933


>> No.19094944

don't have it in my country

>> No.19094950

I didn't give you permission to reply. I'll let it slide just this once.

>> No.19094964

my mom used to work there when I was a wee babe and she always came home smelling of fish. I'm not sure if she hated it or not, but I do have that same odd affection. That said, I haven't eaten it for like 20 years.

>> No.19094999

sorry bro

>> No.19095057


>> No.19095426


>> No.19095453

I live on the gulf coast, so I can drive 5 minutes and get a fried grouper sandwich, shrimp, oysters, mullet, actual legit fresh seafood, so there's no need to drive an hour into town to go to a fast food joint.
Still would try it though.

>> No.19095519

Floridabro here. For me, it's a grilled mahi sammich with dill sauce and sweet potato fries. I'll destroy a bucket of oysters with beer, though. Love living in the freest state in the freest country on earth.

LJS had that crunchy gravel that was great, though. Miss those wraps.

>> No.19095556

yeah this is so important it needs a repost. a faded picture of some 30 year old fucking fast food special. you should actually kys you pathetic old cunt. gk inside whatever shack you live in, and shoot yourself in the head

>> No.19095616

It's relevant to the OP, retard. That's literally the only reason. You're trying way too hard.

>> No.19095633

doesn't matter, faggot. the sad old boomer lurker who sits around waiting for an opportunity to post his favourite fast food ad from 30 years ago is beyond pathetic. Both of you ought to kys

>> No.19095643

ohhhhhhhhhhh you're ESL lol

>> No.19095646
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>> No.19095651

If you weren't alive in the 90's you need to go to reddit

>> No.19095655

4chan is for young people. just like irl, stupid old fucks aren't welcome and should fuck off to who cares

>> No.19095666


>> No.19095673

Except that you're gay and also diabetic.

>> No.19095681

It's expensive ah hell and the fries are terrible. It's the only place around here where you can even get fried fish though and the fried fish is genuinely good.

>> No.19095683

who triggered the autistic tranny?

>> No.19095684

You can’t be gay and diabetic.

>> No.19095691

The only thing worth ordering there is the hushpuppies.

>> No.19095693

end your life phoneposter

>> No.19095715

There was one time the family was staying at a campsite near Panama City and we did a fish fry with spanish mackerel pulled up from the boat with trolling hooks earlier that day. Literally nothing compares to fish that fresh, it was unbelievable.

>> No.19095738

GTFO newfag, if you're not old enough to have been posting on 4chan since before the 2010s you don't belong here.

>> No.19095742

times have changed you dumb old faggot. did you not realise, or is dementia creeping up?

>> No.19095752

Nobody cares about broccoli headed people, go do tiktok dances and dilate.

Also zoomers can't cook or afford food.

>> No.19095786
