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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19084132 No.19084132 [Reply] [Original]

Making things from scratch with whole ingredients? Or did she just microwave tv dinners and order Chinese?

>> No.19084134

i think she intentionally fucks everything up so that i have to cook instead

>> No.19084138

Wasn't bad but was big on slow cookers and stews (which are delicious when done right)

>> No.19084142 [DELETED] 

>I know a twenty two year old social studies major should be in charge of X
why do they keep letting this happen

>> No.19084156

>Was/is your mom a good cook?
No, she is a midwest Xoomer and was amazed when I could research recipes online and make passable Italian/French/etc. dishes

>> No.19084158 [DELETED] 

Are you implying that a politicians job isn't just to be a PR mouthpiece? You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.19084163 [DELETED] 

having a girl leader makes you look weak

>> No.19084168 [DELETED] 

To you.

>> No.19084172

No, dad cooked every night. Mum could make spag bol and that's about it. By her own admission she is a pretty shitty cook.

Weak to who? She already probably made Putin cry by joining NATO

>> No.19084187 [DELETED] 

>uhh don't you understand public relations... like at all??
Yes and most people.

>> No.19084347

Cooked from scratch. Only three things she made that i didn't were roast lamb (overcooked), fried fish (she used out fish for frying, which i dislike fried; frying oily fish like anchovies is traditional where I'm from so this isn't really on her and more on our culture) and octopus (also overcooked).
Everything else was good.
My dad, on the other hand, is half American and can't cook for shit.

>> No.19084348

I'm a very good cook but my mom literally mogs me when I send her pics of something I've made. She'll tell me something I did wrong or sends a picrel of something that she made that's way better. No complaints though because I ate like a king until I moved out from home, she does everything from homemade dim sum to homemade pizzas and tendies to rustic Hungarian stews.

>> No.19084362

>from scratch/while ingredients
Yeah, she was great at that. Never did it except for Christmas and Thanksgiving tho. Most of the time it was shake&bake porkchops with mac-n-cheese or some other hamburger helper chef tier food.

>> No.19084383

We were too poor to order so it was all microwave meals, now I have a total aversion to microwaves to the point I prefer to throw out leftovers

>> No.19084391

Yeah she's literally the second best cook I've ever met, after my grandma (rest in peace) who taught her

>> No.19084411

My mom was a pretty horrific cook of normal food. She had zero tolerance for any spice so everything was bland as fuck. All meat had to be cooked well done and veggies to mush.
But she was an amazing dessert cook. I kept telling her over the years that she should open a small bakery her stuff would sell like hotcakes. She has the biggest sweet tooth I have ever seen, it's too bad she never did anything useful with it.

>> No.19084423

She was average, mediocre. But she was atleast consistent. Idk why but her porkchops would always come out tough as bricks

>> No.19084575

Decent, competent, consistent and somewhat experimental. Ate over the other night and she made Dan Dan Noodles for the first time ever and they were delicious, She usually learns using recipes she finds and if people like it, then she'll begin to try to tweak it a bit. The problem becomes that she thinks that because people like it, she needs to make it once every 2 weeks in such massive quantities so that you're eating the leftovers for the next 4 days. If nobody eats it she gets pissed. not realizing that they're just tired of the same shit over and over. Hates going out to eat too, so often you'd get stuck with eating the same rotation of meals all the time. When I started working myself I would always try to eat out whenever I could just to get a break from the repetitiveness.

Still, the foods always decent and he random experimental dish here and there is nice. She likes to find new recipes to try along with her 2 best friends who are always hanging out. They love to make the same dishes together and see who can make the best one. She's usually in second place. Her Filipino friend always seems to do things best because she doesn't hesitate with certain ingredients and her other friend I don't think has heard of any kind of "seasoning" other than salt and black pepper. Even then she's reluctant to add more than a microscopic dash of each to a full pot.

>> No.19084579

My mom once made a 6-foot Eiffel Tower out of pate for a party
No one wanted to eat it because it looked too pretty
So she knocked it over and everyone started eating it off the table

>> No.19084583

Box foods. Stove and oven instant stuff. Not sure if that's much better than microwaved, but it felt like it's in the same category. Ended up 5'6". Both my parents and all my grandparents are taller than me.

>> No.19084604

My mom isn't the best cook, but my Grandpa was. He passed about a month ago and I'd give anything to have his homemade biscuits and sausage gravy one more time.

>> No.19084616

Sorry to hear that, fren
You should try to replicate it, take your time, keep notes, they really do help
Then post it here to scare and confuse the Commonwealth citizen

>> No.19084628
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My mom was a good cook in the sense that she could pull whatever she had available and make a good meal.(we were poor)
Lot's of goulash and casseroles, stews and fresh veggies we grew

>> No.19084642

I've tried - it just isn't the same. I do every now and then when I have time in the morning, though.

>> No.19084645

She is pretty bad considering she considers herself a good cook and a foodie. Growing up we ate a lot of extremely dry chicken and a lot of pasta but she worked a lot so I can’t judge her for that. Nowadays she makes traditional gross health food like spaghetti squash and mushroom risotto with like equal parts rice and spinach, it would actually be pretty wholesome if she used any salt at all.

>> No.19084653

No, and neither was dad. Grandma was a fucking wizard in the kitchen though, and I always made sure my parents knew it.
... Maybe they sucked to spite me?

>> No.19084672
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Not really, typical suburban boomer who just followed recipes she found in Good Housekeeping. Desserts were always the pre-mixed Betty Crocker shit. I'm unironically probably a better cook than her already

I still call her for cooking advice when I'm stuck though

>> No.19084675

Fuck I forgot I wasn't on /tv/

>> No.19084686

but my aunt was better

>> No.19084701

Let me guess, you originally came from r/thedonald. were introduced to /pol/, discovered a year later that other boards exist, saw /tv/ and though "wow, i have no interesting hobbies, so ill discuss how i hate seeing black people in movies, finally found /ck/ and figured it'd be a great place to discuss your favorite fast food, but you don't use it enough to actually learn that spoiler tags are not a common board feature throughout the site.

>> No.19084709

mjaaaay oon kissa :3

>> No.19084714

Ywnbaw buddy

>> No.19084717
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I've been on 4chan since George W Bush was in office. You're probably not even that old

>> No.19084724

yeah, mom can cook. boomer trad wife type

>> No.19084728

She is, but a kot of old folks dont realize big brands dont make actual products anymore.

She says vegetables tasted better. The stuff at grocery stores is too watered down. The sour cream she had was bought directly from cattle farmers. She always complains cream isnt what it used to.

My grandpa used to make fantastic bread, but nowadays he fucks up every time, despite using the same ingredients. Id say its due to age, but he expects flour to be flour, and not "00 strong bread flour that costs 3x more"

>> No.19084730

My mom cooked occasionally but I can't recall anything spectacular or memorable, not that it was bad though. I enjoyed my dad's cooking more because it was pretty much always grilling, so that meant steaks, burgers, etc. I grew up with a Filipino maid that cooked for us the vast majority of the time and she was pretty good. She would cook simple stuff or homecooked American food though so I never got to experience Filipino food until I tried making it myself.

>> No.19084736

Holy projection batman. That's gonna be a double yikes plus.

>> No.19084740

Nobody cared if you wanted to get married. Stop telling children to slice their genitals off.

>> No.19084751

She was pretty good, if uninspired. Especially considering her overall lack of genuine interest in preparing home meals and time to reliably dedicate to it daily.

>> No.19084752

My mom passed away last month, leaving me to scramble to learn how to cook. She offered to teach me several times but being a lazy neet I always turned her down.

You would call her food bland probably, she was the definition of the 'white people can't handle spices' meme. She didn't even like pepper on her food. Still to me it always tasted great, and now I would give anything for her one of her meals again.

>> No.19084762
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Bumper sticker I got while attending the RNC in 2000 :)

>> No.19084822

She was pretty shit, by her own admission. Couldn't not overcook meat (a common fault among boomers), didn't make a big variety of meals, etc. Terrific baker though, she was great with desserts. She could follow a recipe to a T, and on the very rare occasions where she did, it always turned out well.

>> No.19084826

>Couldn't not
Fucking zoomers.

>> No.19084836

>complaining about grammar
>sentence fragment
Fucking boomers.

>> No.19084970

She still is, but my MIL is the "I cook instant mash potatoes, and only for holidays" type. Had to cook-pill my wife, who made me a very nice pie today.
Life is nice anons.

>> No.19085016

>his homemade biscuits and sausage gravy
sounds delicious, sorry he ain't around anymore

>> No.19085036

she was a good cook but was an abusive cunt. i moved out when i was pretty young and started to cook for myself. between that and working restaurant jobs, I got better and better. I used to miss family cooking, not just from my mom but from the rest of my family that I was estranged from. I did see some of them for the first time in about a decade a few years back, and I was happy to try my grandparents' cooking before they passed away.

>> No.19085056

Jesus Christ you spoiled cunt, how the fuck do you grow up with a literal maid and still end up posting on 4chan?

>> No.19085059

sorry to hear anon, my dad is going downhill fast and he can’t cook anymore. I wish he could make a steak like he used to. carry on for them.

>> No.19085060

Maids are very cheap. My family had one as well. No more expensive than daycare/babysitters.

>> No.19085076

My mother is a very good cook.
She loves cooking and instilled that same love in me.
Some of my best memories are sitting at the kitchen counter while she made dinner.

>> No.19085147

amazing when she was sober, horrifying when she was drunk.

>> No.19085826

Most people in my family can, I `m also ok :)

>> No.19085876

This thread reminded me that I still hate my dead mother for doing her best.

>> No.19085880

stop blaming your shit genetics on your mother anon

>> No.19085883

She was terrible at it and only knew a few meals. She also didn't know what portions to serve so I went malnourished for many years

>> No.19086040

She was good and learned an entire new cuisine from my grandma (my mom was an immigrant to my country of birth), cooked us a meal every day before she headed off to work, had to wake up at 6am.
Meanwhile my current GF has cooked me 1 (one) meal in 5 months, despite her own mom being a decent cook. What's happened to women?

>> No.19086069

no, she follows rules that dont make sense and will tend to just slow cook everything

>> No.19086195

Some stuff is OK, some isn't. It's also getting worse.

>> No.19086274

Both let's say the first since I went to highschool and I told her "your cooking sucks"(yeah I was a angsty teen 15yo who was rebelling against the parents, the answer back was "If you don't like you cook" so I done that I was the guy who cooked for myself, I learned from internet and my borther which is a chef), I mean when I was a kid I loved my mother cooking even if she didn't had time for me, she was a single parent, so always out late to work so we had frozen dinners or just soups, but after she remmaried and got a part time job, she started cooking for the family and she improved over the years, now she's a really great cook, now she can make stuff from scratch and make a lot of new recepies, sometimes we cook together and sometimes I teached her how to cook. But there was one food that I loved since I was kid that she made till even today.
>pasta with canned tuna, fresh mozzarella and tomates with some minced garlic.

>> No.19086314

My mother is a decent cook. She's a boomer, but she's not an American midwestern boomer, so she never made those atrocities I read about in these threads. She's just not adventurous at all, chronically undersalts stews (at least she salts the vegetables/meat so this can be easily rectified at the table), and she's generally terrified of making anything new until I show her how to do it.

>> No.19086336

I also had housekeepers growing up (we didn't call them maids), many of whom were Filipina.
They're not expensive unless you have an actual MAID maid... like, works exclusively for you and/or has a full work week with you and/or they're a live-in.
In adulthood, I've personally had an Algerian, a faggot, a Puerto Rican, an extremely stupid guidette and a white trash American woman. Guess which one was the worst?

>> No.19086342

My mom was an alright cook, could make good pasta dishes and big portions of foods for holiday meals, but she got really lazy as she got older. Lots of cooking dessert cakes from boxes and not from scratch which kinda sucked. My parents getting really into buying everything from Costco ruined them.

>> No.19086425
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>generations of Italian cooking passed down to my Mom
She is the best cook I know

>> No.19086656

She's good at some things and bad at others. She makes Persian-ish food a lot, often vegetarian but not always, and she's quite bad at that. But she's good at more classic European dishes.
I would say that in many areas I am now better than her, although IDK if I could cook for a family of four at my standards either.

>> No.19086671

My parents would cook almost everything from scratch, they'd order in every so often and cook some things out of the box, the issue is they are just very bland cooks

>> No.19086683

The leisure class were the original channers, pre-internet.

>> No.19086707

she's okay at it, but I did have to explicitly tell her one time to cook my pasta for 10 minutes and not until the water has boiled over.

>> No.19086710


>> No.19086725
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Unfathomably based. r/the_Donald and /pol/ election tourists ruined this site.

>> No.19086762

We had a Filipino woman whose kids took me out to get dolly mixture and who I really liked but who probably saw me as That Annoying 3 Year Old, and then we got a Ukrainian woman who always called herself Russian and became one of my mum's best friends because she couldn't connect with any of the middle class people around us (she's working class background).

>> No.19087022

Use your oven/stovetop to reheat meals

>> No.19087052

She can cook Western dishes really well but her Asian and Hispanic food is bland and lame as fuck. She's also great at baking. Overall a solid 8/10.

>> No.19087055


>> No.19087069

I don't remember asking for your opinion.

>> No.19087093

She started off as a home cook kept improving to a great home cook and then went to culinary school and worked at Michelin star restaurants.

>> No.19087110


>> No.19087190

My mom can't cook anything more complex than a grilled cheese and has no interest in cooking because she's a picky eater. My dad cooked all the meals because he enjoys cooking and testing new recipes

>> No.19087542
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She was a great cook

>> No.19087550

who is that

>> No.19087599


>> No.19087610

sanna whomb?

>> No.19087618


>> No.19087625

>we trannies are the real 4chan spirit, take the vaccine btw

>> No.19087628

My mom is a god of cooking. Her mom was completely incompetent, but her grandmother (my Mamaw) was born and raised in the Appalachians and make fried rabbit, chicken and dumplins, beans 'n greens and all that good stuff. I learned to cook from them and have been unironically thankful every day of my life for it.

>> No.19087630
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My mom is dominican and she cooks some amazing food, I need to ask her to teach me more stuff
Pic not hers but she makes a killer asopao
Also makes a lot of flan and quesitos

>> No.19087637

damn that soup looks good

>> No.19087640

My mum taught me to cook. There was a lot of packed sachets for stroganoff and nachos, but we always did it together.

That time gave me the passion for cooking, and I do everything from scratch now.

In her last year, I cooked her every dinner, and she helped me when she could.

>> No.19087660

My friend is Italian, his mom lives in the kitchen, surprised he isn't 300 pounds
Walk in the door and first thing she says is are you hungry? Every time, if you don't eat it would be an insult, always do always great stuff

>> No.19087668

my mom's cooking is Jack tier

>> No.19087886

No, not really. She wasn't a BAD cook, but she wasn't particularly good. Very bland and was one of the types that would recoil at the thought of having steak if it was anything less than well done. I hated pork chops as a kid because she'd always cook them until it was like eating sawdust and they were always just done with Shake n Bake as a coating. We definitely had a lot of frozen/premade meals when I was growing up and we ate fast food too often too.

She was a product of her time though being born in the 50s and her mom, who is still alive, is the epitome of bland cooking. Once I got older and took on all of the cooking responsibilities my mom actually got to eat better food though since I pretty much taught myself through experimentation and getting tips from the internet.

>> No.19087907

My mom is weird in that she has a great palette and she isn't too afraid of new foods but she just went the path of least resistance. she would experiment sometimes but it would flop a lot. We liked the tried and true family pleasing dinners. She discovered fresh guac when I was a preteen and she went through a phase of making it like 3x a month and it was super good. My mom is the type that is really good at baking too. If you give her a recipe she will make it perfectly first try even difficult pastries like we made a raisin bread that had a cross section to look like watermelon and it came out better than the example pic. She has a good bakers/cooks instinct but lacks confidence and self esteem

>> No.19087913

i made my mom a cook diploma when i was 5 or something and she can't shut up about it when i confront her with how dreadful her cooking can be and often was in the past.
She can do better though, just not been open to it. WHich is really the worst.

>> No.19088029

My mother is absolutely a good cook but she insists on making really bad traditional meals.

>> No.19088115

My mom's cooking was OK. Mostly premade boomer stuff, but it was pretty tasty overall. She was a single mom who worked full time as a foundary worker while taking care of 3 kids, so I don't blame her. Since she retired though, she's become a pretty good cook, although she only really cooks over Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Her cheesy potatoes are excellent and she also makes really good pickles and fresh salsa. She makes good deserts too.

My father is probably the better cook of the two. Loves to grill burgers, brats, and chicken. His food tastes pretty good overall, fresh with a good amount of seasoning. He also makes pretty good breakfast hash.

>> No.19088121

your little gay ass wasn't accredited anyway

>> No.19088128

at age 5?

>> No.19088197

>Making things from scratch with whole ingredients?
She buys the components from the store, puts them together, overcooks it. Bon appetit.
Bonus: to be sure that she and dad don't suffer from high blood pressure, she does not add salt to anything. This woman is a menace and I don't understand how she never considered that things can be better.

>> No.19088313

That's the best kind of Mom food.

>> No.19088322

Nope, she hates cooking because she resents *having* to cook, like a damn roastie. She is pretty good at accepting her condition otherwise except for cooking, she does it dragging her feet and cursing all the time. You can imagine what kind of food that produces.
Also, with absolutely zero self awareness, she didn't permit her sons to learn how to cook because "that's for women". As soon as I moved out, I gained like 20 pounds just from cooking for myself in college. My brother is still useless tho.

>> No.19088335

she was a great cook and it always made my father seethe because nobody wanted to eat his shitty fish pies. he's big on his english "culture"

>> No.19088338

*is, my mistake. god bless my mother

>> No.19088369

Wasnt a bad cook, but she barely ever seasoned stuff, low salt seasoning and only ever used oregano, cumin, garlic and MAYBE onion powder
she finds pepper spicy, that should tell you enough

p good baker tho

>> No.19088375

are you my brother or something?

>> No.19088399

my ma was a decent cook, she never cooked for me because the food she made was always gross, but the food i enjoyed that she made was okay. though when i hit 9 years old she started forcing me to cook for myself because she's a lazy bitch.

>> No.19089151

My mom was a terrible cook as any women or man in family. Not their fault they lived in combination of communism, peasant traditions and no Internet.
Thank God for YouTube and internet chefs otherwise we would be cooking slop all of our life.
Also, one benefit of globohomo globalism is that I can buy imported spices.

>> No.19089177

Yeah. Salmon and rice, casseroles, burgers, steaks, chili, chicken, spaghetti and meatballs, brunch food, etc

Though my dad was better at the grill

>> No.19089179

Wasn’t on here back then but knew of it. I voted in the 2000 election

>> No.19089190

i can't remember my mom's cooking

>> No.19089334

No, but she has a few signature dishes that taste better than any comparable ones by others. Also, I only ever eat the cake she makes for my birthday.

>> No.19089369

no, but she wasn't awful. unless she was making spaghetti bolongaise or beef goulash. couldn't stand those.
it didn't help her that she has to cook for 7 people.

>> No.19089393

>she'd always cook them until it was like eating sawdust and they were always just done with Shake n Bake as a coating

>> No.19089476

no she also hates cooking so much that every night it was a passive aggressive game of hers to appear as pissed off as possible to get my dad to capitulate and go buy some pre prepaired stuff at the grocery store
he would just refuse to eat dinner then

>> No.19089480
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I'd eat her flan out, if you know what I mean?

>> No.19089519

can you not read one fucking sentence?

>> No.19089525

based pasta tier post (pasta = /ck/ relevant btw)

>> No.19089989

Made everything from scratch
Never liked outside food
Still haven't tried a burger nor a pizza In my life