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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19084556 No.19084556 [Reply] [Original]

Why is every man who grills a fatass?

>> No.19084558

Y r u?

>> No.19084563 [DELETED] 

My cum hit my nose today

>> No.19084569

I'm actually just big boned

>> No.19084577

my dad grills several times a week and he's not fat. at worst he's just barely skinnyfat but the nigga's in his mid 40s so you gotta cut him some slack

>> No.19084596
File: 61 KB, 818x580, lets_see_who_finds_i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat makes you fat

>> No.19084602
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Thems good eatins

>> No.19084651
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I tried to grill this week but my chimney charcoal starter thing was frozen to the ground by 2 inches of ice so I gave up
this is my body

>> No.19084656

it's only natural, it's fun to grill and you're gonna eat a lot, not to mention all those beers if you're grillin with some cold ones on the side
but you can get pretty jacked since you're just grillin pure protein, lay off the beer and don't go overboard on the sides

>> No.19084659

And don't forget to toss some horse shoes while stuffs cookin

>> No.19084666

ooh that sounds fun
god I can't wait to grill again

>> No.19084693

>god I can't wait to grill again
Oh lawdy, wut do satin gots up him sleefs now

>> No.19084707

I don’t care about transgenders or Black Lives Matter, I just want to grill for god’s sake!!!

>> No.19084719

i hate nigs but i want a cute valid passeable trans gf at my side as i flip steaks (she can only eat hotdogs)

>> No.19084763

Disgusting dude, you want a man.
They feel like men under your touch, smell like men.....everything is male on them

Nothing about a man in skirt is valid

>> No.19084973

Ck is the chuddiest board for reals

>> No.19085000

Eating steak more than once in a while is fatty behavior.

Other fatty behavior: ordering two main course dishes, eating three square meals, drinking more than one beverage a day that isn’t coffee, tea or water

>> No.19085047

the mailliard reaction and "char" are two factors in turning your liveer fatty. also alcohol.

>> No.19085080

those thai ladyboys have insane quality
plus none of the bitching of the women here, heh

>> No.19085087
File: 2.03 MB, 1377x2958, dci_00 1231-down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of my meals I grill..
I'm not even close to fat.
theory blown..

>> No.19085097
File: 2.60 MB, 4032x1960, muh_ribs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I grill and I'm not fat.

>> No.19085100
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>> No.19085108

good living

>> No.19085110
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Heh. Cute physique, but you are no match for this.

>> No.19085119
File: 465 KB, 275x200, 1660031131864523.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw u leave gumby in water

>> No.19085151

every time i see this picture i imagine its a movie scene where everybody is gearing up for the big heist and the small short guy that handles the hacking and shit walks through the door like this and everybody is shocked

>> No.19085226

Post instructions/recipe?

>> No.19085277

Why is every man who grills a fatass what? You didn't finish the question