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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19082593 No.19082593 [Reply] [Original]

I've realized that I no longer can eat just whatever I want.
Fried foods and pastas make me feel fucking awful, asian takeaway food is the absolute worst, same goes for multiple burger joints, BK is the only one that doesn't give that bloated feeling, same for my country's local burger place.
Can't eat ice cream without diarrhea ( can drink milk no problem )
Vegetable oils make me feel like dying.
Getting older fucking sucks.

Any food recommendations that are delicious, fun to make, nutritious, and doesn't make you feel like garbage?

>> No.19082631

Try this stuff:
Lactaid (for dairy)
Beano (for carbs)
Meclizine (for nausea and allergies)
Oatmeal (for fiber)

I only use the last 2 because I like oatmeal, and I sometimes feel awful after drinking too much booze

>> No.19082635

>Can't eat ice cream without diarrhea
You are not European show flag

>> No.19082637

>eat salty food
>drink water
>instant diarrhea

>> No.19082642

GO to the doctor

>> No.19082654
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I can eat a cone or two, no problem, magnum, classic sticks, buffet bars
When it comes to those blocks of ice cream where there's 1 liter of ice cream, eating half of it makes my ass spew liquid.

>> No.19082657

>GO to the doctor
There's clearly something wrong with you. Having issues with digesting carbs and dairy is one thing, but issues with digesting protein?
(Pretty much everyone feels queasy when they consume too much fat)

>> No.19082661

>when I eat 70g of sugar I shit my pants

>> No.19082662

hope you die very soon and very painfully

>> No.19082663

There's nothing a doctor would change. If you eat garbage food, you'll feel like garbage.
If you're under the age of 25, you'll not have experienced it yet. You will eventually.

>> No.19082664

Stop being fat.

>> No.19082668

meant for >>19082642

>> No.19082679

I'm not OP, but one of the few things I miss about being in the Army was being able to eat all kinds of crap while still being able to lose weight. I was almost certainly burning more calories than I was taking in, but it wasn't for lack of trying.
I miss being skinny. Now I have to rely on my personality to pick up chicks.

>> No.19082681

Fat? I've been a martial artist since age 6.
I've never been fat, I exercise regularly, I eat one meal per day.

>> No.19082688

I experienced the opposite in army.
Even when we ran every morning at 6am and did various drills throughout the day, I gained weight and felt bloated from the food we were given. Army food is absolute slop with tons of carbs and no amount of exercise changed a thing.
But that's probably because I've been doing OMAD for my whole life, now having to eat at least 3 times a day, it didn't sit well for my body.

>> No.19082695


>> No.19082718

>now having to eat at least 3 times a day, it didn't sit well for my body.
In most of the DFAC's, you can choose to take as much or as little food as you want. Same with the MRE's (you can toss the extra stuff in the trash or give them away to your soldiers). After a certain point, you are responsible for your own behavior.
On a related note, I noticed that punishments were less severe for stuff like NJP when people accepted responsibility for their actions.

>> No.19082731
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I was never like that
My metabolism was always slow and I am allergic to gluten

>> No.19082735

The corny, obvious, "basic" advice is usually pretty good if you take it seriously.
You are what you eat.
Want to feel good? Then eat well.

>> No.19082745

>I am allergic to gluten
Imagine never being to taste fried chicken, pizza, bread, or bacon.
I feel for you.

>> No.19082750

I tasted them, goy

>> No.19083123

Get some medicine to fix your fucked up system, retard.