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19077832 No.19077832 [Reply] [Original]

Pies are delicious, what's your favorite?

>> No.19077844

Pumpkin pie, I can't bake and can't find it outside america :(

>> No.19077849

Steak and cheese

>> No.19077862

We always had lemon meringue pie during holiday dinners

>> No.19077868

>captcha mea4gt

>> No.19077873

The filling is so easy, you could probably do it with a pre-made pie crust.

>> No.19077984

cheesecake is a pie

>> No.19077991

Used to love getting a slice of the Edwards Hershey's chocolate pie from LJS when I was a kid...perfect way to end the meal!

>> No.19078009
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Sundae pie

>> No.19078014

I've always been fond of key lime.

>> No.19078025

Based. Came here to say this.

>> No.19078053

I second this. Your taste is immaculate.

>> No.19078097

pumpkin pie is stupidly easy. you can do it.

>> No.19078102

I can't find pie crust T^T

>> No.19078160
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Sacher cake is my favorite.
its a calorie heavy chocolate cake with a layer of apricot jam
One big piece would even fill up the biggest gourmand

>> No.19078165

Steak and kidney

>> No.19078202

same as pavlova

>> No.19078214
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Tried raisins pie for the first time recently and it was kinda bussin ngl

>> No.19078219

Pumpkin pie always sounded really good to me but I'm not a fan of baking either. It sounds pretty piss easy for a complete novice to bake though. I should probably finally try it if I can find the filling somewhere. They sell the authentic 'murican canned stuff during halloween here but not sure if it's really available outside of that.

>> No.19078262

Banana cream

>> No.19078386

Steak and bacon or steak and pepper pie

>> No.19078398

those weird clear ones the japs make

>> No.19078406

Super easy, just get canned pumpkin and add allspice, nutmeg, cloves, and cinnamon

>> No.19078408

Thirding. Bonus points if they also use lime zest rather than just lime juice.

>> No.19078411

sweet potato/key lime

>> No.19078414
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Nutter butter
Either that or apple with caramel drizzle.

>> No.19078633

Those are tarts though

>> No.19078645

>t. Argues with strangers on a cambodian river fishing forum that meat in a grilled cheese makes it not a grilled cheese

>> No.19079054

Oreo and Hershey one are both god tier

>> No.19079077

>Pies are delicious
Except none of these are pies.

>> No.19079769
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>> No.19079780

Cheesecake, which is obviously a pie and not cake, is my favorite

>> No.19079783

no sour cream in the filling?

>> No.19079952

My grandmother used to make me a chocolate custard pie every year for Christmas. That was my favorite pie.

>> No.19081556
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Baked goods

>> No.19081577

Agreed and I really should make pumpkin pie again soon. It's so fucking good.

>> No.19081578

The pie on the plate satiates the hunger

>> No.19081584

Use chef john's pumpkin pie recipe. All you need is some eggs, a can of sweetened condensed milk, a can of pumpkin puree and spices

>> No.19081628

Why do americans insist on drowning everything in ketchup

>> No.19081911
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>meat pies arent American
>Brits put butter on literally everything A-OK
>Italians put tomato sauce on 99.9% of food and nobody says a thing

>> No.19082026
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For me it's pepperoni, cheese and tomato sauce pie. Can't beat it.

>> No.19082064

A fennel heavy sausage is superior to pepperoni.

>> No.19082067

I don't like it. Tried deep dish, couldn't really get used to the sausage.

>> No.19082082

You can have sausage on regular pizza Anon.

>> No.19082486

Hair, and/or Fire.

>> No.19082490

Utterly based answer

>> No.19082585

Coconut cream > Pecan > Dark bing cherry > Chocolate cream > key lime > everything else
Assuming good quality this is the objective GOAT list and undisputable. Anyone who says otherwise has never tasted a good quality version of said pie.

>> No.19082689

Strawberry rhubarb, banana cream, coconut cream, pecan

>> No.19082911
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On a hot summer night, few desserts are as satisfying as hot peach pie topped with a scoop of vanilla or pecan ice cream. I used to be big on cream and custard pies, but switched to fruit pies in my mid-twenties.
As for savory pies, there's nothing quite like a pizza pie with sausage, anchovies, green peppers, and onions. Having said that, steak and kidney pies and chicken pot pies are nice, too.


>> No.19083774
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>> No.19083801

Banana cream and apple

>> No.19083804

Roast butternut squash for the filling

>> No.19083807

This is sinply the best

>> No.19083827

Rhubarb has always been my favorite but you never see it outside of bakeries and farmer's markets and even then not very often. My grandma made it when I was a kid.

>> No.19083834

I can't force myself to see those type of pies as pie. Its more like an open face cake. If the filling isn't at least 50% natural than it feels too sugary and processed to be pie.

>> No.19083844


>> No.19084197

Peach pie is my favourite, apple is a close second.

>> No.19084212
File: 8 KB, 275x183, Apple pie and cheddar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warm apple pie with a slices of extra sharp cheddar cheese on the side

>> No.19084220


>> No.19084226
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I like all pies except keylime and the kind with dicks in them.

>> No.19084227

The oreo or hershy pies are pretty darn good, really any mousse-based pie works for me; but I am not a pie guy. Rum cake (specifically chocolate) is the best of the dessert options. The Tortuga ones are pretty good, but homemade is even better.

>> No.19084360

lemon meringue and pumpkin

>> No.19084550

blueberry is underrated.

>> No.19084629

My grandma made strawberry rhubarb pie. So good with ice cream. And to your point, so rare.

>> No.19085075

Pumpkin and Key Lime.

>> No.19087272


>> No.19087412

apple pie for sweet and steak and mushroom for savoury

>> No.19087595

Steak and kidney

>> No.19087827

chicken pot pie

>> No.19087857

I wish I could buy a pie filled with chocolate, real vanilla, bacon, apple, beef, chicken, salmon, pork, and sugar.

>> No.19087982
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>cambodian river fishing forum

>> No.19087985

meat in a grilly makes it a melt though.

>> No.19088157

I made a pecan pie from the last thread
>I ended up using the recipe from the back of a bottle of Karo
"it's better than my mom's pecan pie"

>> No.19088158

the cream pie

>> No.19088175


>> No.19088428

Fruit pies (apple, blueberry, strawberry rhubarb etc.)
Pretty much in that order
And you're totally right. They are so totally and utterly superior to cake that it's frankly ridiculous

>> No.19088534

Rhubarb pie

>> No.19088536

Good. You should be making that yourself.

>> No.19088541

>with a slices of extra sharp cheddar cheese on the side
What the fuck is wrong with you contrarians? Nothing beats the contrast of vanilla ice cream with apple pie.

>> No.19089937
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>> No.19090005

never understood cake. the icing is disgusting

>> No.19090011

If it's a cream cheese or just plain cream """icing""" then it's good, but otherwise I agree.

>> No.19090235

Apple pie is always a top choice for pie.

>> No.19090553
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The icing isn't actually horrible. It's the best part of cake. But the fact that icing is the best part of cake actually proves that cake is inferior.

What is the best part of cake?
> Frosting
What is the best part of pie?
> Filling
What has more of its best thing? Cake or pie?
> Pie
Ergo, pie is superior to cake. Q.E.D.

>> No.19090691


>> No.19090713

only good answer

>> No.19090930
File: 41 KB, 512x380, gooseberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gooseberry. Grammy made rhubarb too but I always found it a bit too tart and preferred the gooseberry which was more of a sweet-tart.

>> No.19090933

Outside of quiche, pie crust is fucking disgusting.

>> No.19090940

i dont eat pies
why should i eat processed sugar combined with fat?

>> No.19090955
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