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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 164 KB, 605x946, 57661D49-362E-4EF8-8EAF-9A16F7821683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19076845 No.19076845 [Reply] [Original]

Seems like poors 110 years ago ate better than I do today.

>> No.19076849

1912 serving sizes are what a modern blob would consider an appetizer
probably a whole bunch of weevils in it too

>> No.19076904
File: 12 KB, 259x195, 798CA454-87A8-435F-8C2A-BB0D25180CC3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third class on Titanic was like second class on my older steamships of the era. Passengers would’ve saved for a very long time for the ticket, and for many it was their first exposure to indoor toilets and electricity. The food, by extension, likely would’ve been of higher quality and of greater variety than they were used to. Lower classes back then often had a very poor diet.

>> No.19076966
File: 101 KB, 605x885, 31702675-1E5A-48BD-827D-2E16D2B79F32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the food, by extension, likely would’ve been of higher quality and of greater variety than they were used to

Seems reasonable. Was it the same case for second class?

>> No.19076982
File: 31 KB, 447x360, 4958d32c363e9f7087b231ea8a5ff264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they didn't eat enough to become landwhales
>they ate zee bugz! we only allow 10% bugs by law now!
>lower classes ate poorly back then, thankfully now they can enjoy healthy, nutritious Big Macs
so much cope from modern age pissants lol

>> No.19076992

>probably a whole bunch of weevils in it too
hopefully the lesser of the two weevils

>> No.19077001 [DELETED] 

I just wanna say that the first time I saw titties in a movie was Titanic. I'm pretty sure my elementary school teacher got off on seeing little boys getting mesmerized by it. My heart will go on.

>> No.19077023
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>Cocoanut sandwich

>> No.19077038

I'm a NEET who lives off of $730 a month and I eat better than that, cooklets disgust me.

>> No.19077043

Wow you eat better than someone on a transatlantic boat trip 110 years ago? That's pretty impressive, anon.

>> No.19077147

I’d expect the serving sizes to be somewhat small if you’re eating 4 meals a day while just lounging around on a boat all day. What did third class have for entertainment, card games and booze?

>> No.19077211
File: 1.33 MB, 2048x1502, 1655567462044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good old fashioned tiki bar menu.
Pick your poison.

>> No.19077271

Mai-Tai, no question.

>> No.19077292
File: 1007 KB, 2501x3723, 1668775634962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back when they were the peak of American restaurants.

>> No.19077293
File: 658 KB, 1800x2492, 1671304455292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a bit later, right before they went under due to Prohibition.
Choose your menu for the night.

>> No.19077295


>> No.19077301

Why would I order this horseshit if I didn't know what the ingredients are? This goes against mixology culture. The ingredients are supposed to be listed. This is basic competence. This stuff could just be various kinds of dyed juices and rum in various combos.

>> No.19077307

> This stuff could just be various kinds of dyed juices and rum in various combos.
Thats what most tiki drinks were. Fruit juice, syrup, rum, with different dies.

>> No.19077333
File: 403 KB, 1440x1682, Beluik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1 toilet per street
1 water pump per street
open sewer in the middle

>> No.19077343
File: 87 KB, 736x1024, Beluik_Interieur.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inside: 1 room and a stove for 10-12 people. On the menu: stew in a communal pot. Everybody above the age of 12 had fulltime jobs and Sundays off.

>> No.19077348 [DELETED] 

no niggers, no trannies, no drag queen history hour, also no seed oils.

>> No.19077350

Learn to read you fat chink.

>> No.19077354

they had all of those things

>> No.19077365

Black latex gloved hands wrote this post

>> No.19077368
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They look tasty

>> No.19077432
File: 2.54 MB, 1894x2654, IMG_20230322_025515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1920s Saint Augustine Florida Menu

>> No.19077436
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>> No.19077459
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those descriptions remind me of those apple cabin grocer flyers.

>> No.19077539

These are so overwhelming, how did it work? Were you supposed to order everything at once or one dish at a time?

>> No.19078603
File: 86 KB, 640x427, C5CCF6A6-4257-4FD9-884B-E2FFBF4F4ACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kelbo’s around 1950

>> No.19078638

I'm guessing you watched the new tasting history video that busty dropped the other day?

>> No.19078753
File: 1.20 MB, 2970x2295, waho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool bread. here's a 1955 waffle house menu

>> No.19078788

>lead with a mai tai
>follow up with a navy grog
>end with kahiki coffee grog
yeah we tiki in this bitch

>> No.19078796

It'd depend.
But I'd assume that it'd go you ordering the entire course at once and potentially a side dish here and there as you went.
This was eating as an event more than anything else.

>> No.19078813

You say "I'll have the chef's recommendation, and end with a Turkish coffee."
Then it's not your problem any more.

>> No.19078858
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>Cream of Lettuce with Cucumbers

>> No.19078864

No they were not, food was just ridiculously cheap back then because there was no fed so capitalism was working

>> No.19078876
File: 811 KB, 1789x1270, howard johnsons 1964.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19078888

The 3-D sounds like it fucks.

>> No.19078891

Also they didn't have to pay 15$ an hour for a employee to say "you want fries with that?"

>> No.19078896

god, just give me 10 pounds of fried clams and and an uber to the nearest crematorium

>> No.19078899

Food prices are like the one thing you can objectively say generally got lower with time.

>> No.19078913

fr fr? You spending less on food now than you did 10 years ago?

>> No.19078924

this is like a dude in 1943 raising an eyebrow when someone says mortality rates generally get lower with time

>> No.19078934

Mortality rates are going up now too. In the words of hans herman hoppe we have spent the surplus of the 19th century.

>> No.19078960

This bait, it is crap!

>> No.19078997

>capitalism was working
Their bread was made by 10 year olds and it had sawdust in it

>> No.19079012
File: 154 KB, 1024x683, 48872888816_40e99cbd1b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

becaue it's served in a polynesian totem, you knucklehead.

>> No.19079022

Get me a suffering bastard, extra strong, and a water for the lady >>19077301

>> No.19079236

There are like 20 different meats on there, did they use ice box type freezers to keep all that shit from rotting?

>> No.19079254

Yeah we should all be communists that way nobody will go hungry ever again

>> No.19079268

Yeah it became cheaper then it started getting expensive again
Grandma had it good and now she is enjoying a pension I have to pay for while complaining about how expensive shit is while I get paid less than she did
I hope she fucking dies soon I'm throwing everything she owns to the street cat included and turning her fucking luxury apartments into 4 one bedroom apartments
I hope a Mexican family with one of those hot Latina daughters moves in I'll take her for rides in my car and making her blow me in a parking lot

>> No.19079273

who's up for some MYSTERY?

>> No.19079304

The free market did away with nonfood stuff in food in the US. As for child labor, who is to say a child is better off not working? Public school is a propaganda tool above all and it doesn’t improve your life or society. It was conceived of as a propaganda tool, first by Martin Luther who saw it as a way to indoctrinate children away from catholic kids, then by American protestants to indoctrinate catholic kids hence the term catholic school being synonymous with private school in america, and it has always been a propaganda tool. We can even cite how it has harmed kids and society, sex ed for example only ever increased the rate of stds and teen pregnancy. Of course your leftist to that as always is that things would be even worse if not for your timely state action, but the correlation is always there. Public schools are only ever getting worse as well and homeschooled kids rapidly outpace them. A lack of early life education in any form would not doom the child to an unproductive life either, without state involvement in education schools could be more focused on training specific skills that industries would be more willing to subsidize since it is essentially otj they would have paid for anyway.

It is difficult to conceive of the power of capitalism to make us freer and happier and healthier I’ll give you that. Over a century of special interest propaganda, such as JP morgans puppet president teddy roosevelt attacking his rival rockefeller and fearmongering with the nonexistent threat of private monopoly (in the words of roosevelt: there are good trusts and bad trusts), has made sure of that. And as Carl Jung explained the death of god and christianity before the rational scientific worldview has left people feeling anxious and powerless and more likely to turn to the collective as a new religion and the state as a new god capable of doing in collective action what the individual is not.

>> No.19079312

What's the difference between dinner and supper? And why do they put meat in their tea? I can't make sense of any of this menu

>> No.19079448

500 years ago they ate even better except in times of famine.

110 years ago isn't a great example of good food, the peak of the rapid industrialization created a lot of malnourished people. Industrialized foods and concentrated populations actually decreased nutrition and welfare at first (and subjectively created the first true "poors" as a societal class), it wasn't until industrialization reached a level that allowed for fortified industrialized foods to begin to compensate.

this is just some weird half-chewed copium

>> No.19079803

>Pina Passion
>Enjoy your whole fucking pineapple
What a lawless world old bars were

>> No.19079809

In America hell no, but I do know that Weimar had even worse perversions.

>> No.19080040

Dinner is what they used to call the mid-day meal we now call Lunch. Supper is the last meal of the day, eaten in the evening, and we now call this Dinner. Similarly, Tea[time] is a snack time in the afternoon which is why tea(the drink) is listed under it as one of the offerings.

>> No.19080222

>Fish and potatoes for breakfast
>Gruel for supper
Shouldn't this be the other way around?

>> No.19080308

>tiki bar
>all your drinks use pineapple
>have dozens of unused pineapple shells
it's not that crazy a concept, anon, it's just a way to cut down on pineapple wastage

>> No.19080345

>mixology culture
the actually cool innovative cocktail guys hate that meme word and would only combine those two as a pejorative

>> No.19080364

this guy

>> No.19080371

this nigga never been to scandinavia

>> No.19080375

instant urge, thinking it can just hide down there all green thinkin i wouldnt see it
>tfw cant find anything online about what it really was

>> No.19080385

if you werent retarded you'd know when tiki was a big thing part of the flair was playing up the "mysterious and exotic" elements so keeping the ingredients hidden was playing into that

>> No.19080391

Hmm never heard of that but it sounds dumb. It's crazy how fast language can change in just 100 or so years. We're so used to the standard 3-meal breakfast lunch dinner, but it seems the old world used to have 4 meals? How are we more fat than them lol

>> No.19080394

3x1000 > 4x500

>> No.19080577
File: 166 KB, 737x760, EDC8FADC-CBD0-4210-8220-08691628A2C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did, I enjoy his videos but wish he’d invest in a better filming setup for cooking.

1880’s menu, omelette with jelly is one of the weirdest things I’ve seen on one of these old menus.

>> No.19080588

It sounds odd, but try a plain french omelette with lingonberry jam (or some other tart jam) sometime
You'll get it

>> No.19080916
File: 32 KB, 394x394, IMG_2107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19080922

$1 in 1917 is worth something between $23 and $30 today.

>> No.19080936

yeah.. fucking bleak

>> No.19080956

and also the Irish

>> No.19080968

Wouldn't $1 from 1917 be worth the same as $1 from today due to the elimination of the gold standard?
I mean, I suppose TECHNICALLY you could use it to buy $1 worth of gold, but that seems like an inefficient use of the currency.

>> No.19080970

There wasn't anything resembling a "mixology culture" until the past 20 years or so, dumbass.

>> No.19080975
File: 14 KB, 769x388, 1913-dollar-purchasing-power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19080983

A silver dollar is worth about $23 today. A $1 paper federal reserve note is worth $1. Silver is undervalued because of market manipulation.

>> No.19081013

>These are so overwhelming, how did it work?
The goal was not to provide an excellent culinary experience, but to provide customers with foods they couldn't get anywhere else.

>> No.19081018

Its 'undervalued' because no one gives a shit about it, lol.

>> No.19081032

That simply isn't true.
Nothing on the menus at either restaurant would have been too adventurous to the average patron.
Delmonico's was classic french cooking that anyone with the slightest culinary experience beyond boiled meat would have been familiar with. Just executed better than anywhere else in the country.
There are specialty items, like Baltimore Turtle or Long Island Trout, but most of it, lamb, poultry, beef, asparagus, potatoes, etc., would have been familiar.
The ices and jellies would have been the rarest offerings of any.

The size of the menu was because in a time before being able to provide a massive selection by buying premade food kits from Sysco or whatever, giving a lot of choice was a way to show the skill and ability of your chefs and the wealth of the restaurant itself.

>> No.19081108
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>> No.19081115
File: 417 KB, 1333x1938, oldmenuilovelolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1914, Long Island

>> No.19081162
File: 116 KB, 505x798, Taverne_Walsheim_17_Haute_Montée_[...]_btv1b10214676r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got some old school menus saved as part of a research topic, here you go.

>> No.19081165
File: 103 KB, 512x667, Vive_Coleo_le_25_Mai_[...]_btv1b102146274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is real old, 1870s. A lot of what I came across from smaller restaurants were entirely hand-written until the 1930s or so which made things real hard to archive/search.

>> No.19081167
File: 90 KB, 512x737, Menu_18_Mai_1914_Spetz_Georges_btv1b10201390d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19081170
File: 117 KB, 510x798, Menu_du_dîner_de_la_[...]Sailé_Théodore_btv1b101121812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the art work on a lot of these

>> No.19081173
File: 204 KB, 694x1269, default.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19081227

>extra supplementaire
>boissons a discretion
neat stuff, makes you wonder how they printed these with the different fonts. What are you studying that you'd need old menus?

>> No.19081336
File: 822 KB, 1800x2345, 334854A7-66FE-4386-B310-EE130CDE3917.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Forbidden City, San Francisco, 1940 or so

>> No.19081356

Geography for one of my minors, figured it's something I can easily put to a map and timeline for a semester project and still be relevant to my degree.

>> No.19081365

You realize that human life expectancy peaked recently, right? In the early twentieth century they'd just figured out all their bread was adulterated with plaster of paris and freaked out a few decades prior. City dwellers ate slop. Spoiled milk reconditioned with borax, adulterated flour, slaughterhouses caked in filth, meat contaminated with excrement and the corpses of workers who'd fallen into the grinder. Primitively canned and jarred food that would leach metals or simply spoil. Plus refrigeration was yet to take off, so everything had to be kept cold on ice, making it significantly more expensive.

All your standard vegetables and fruits were less available, and excluding the tomato, of lower quality. Apples back then were prone to russetting, stored poorly, and simply didnt taste as good. Sweet corn didnt even exist.

On top of that, there was a health fad that really took root in Anglo and American culture at the time. Many people believed that heavily seasoned food was bad for you, and that the more something was cooked the healthier it was. The whole meme of white people not seasoning their food originates from that, and its why you see elderly people today refuse to season anything, and cook their mear until its leather.

Yes, someone who literally lived on a farm and grew their own food might have a good diet relative to today, but the urban poor certainly didn't.

>> No.19081371

It's crazy how Chinese-American food really hasn't changed in over 100 years. I saw a menu from a local archive of a Chinese restaurant opened by family members of those who moved into my area around 1905 for mining gold whose menu was nearly identical to that as well as a lot of what you'd see today (sesame chicken, sweet and sour pork, etc). If the thread is up by the time I get back to my work laptop I'll post it.

>> No.19081383
File: 1.01 MB, 603x829, sweetcorn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sweet corn didn't even exist.

>> No.19081388

meant for >>19081365

>> No.19081397

This post is so dumb lmao
>dude people were eating workers that fell into meat grinders, it was mad max bro

>> No.19081401

>tfw I've been trained not to even bother reading that because it's probably AI-generated

>> No.19081427


A true voice indeed Mr. Hollom

>> No.19081507

was it customary for children to eat at a different time than adults back then?

>> No.19081509
File: 144 KB, 618x597, 1676719206862542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>potatoes potatoes potatoes potatoes potatoes

>> No.19081525


>> No.19082027

The people who give a shit about it are the ones who understand that all markets are manipulated. All Ponzi schemes end because infinite growth is impossible. When they do crash normal people starve in the streets.

>> No.19082039

Kek, you cheeky bastard

>> No.19082046

Wasn't even a thing when this menu was drawn up. Just have a drink you wimp

>> No.19082052

AI generated post arguing for child labor. That's a new one

>> No.19082058

Your post is so dumb, anon. You've never heard of The Jungle? Meatpacking plants absolutely used to not give a shit if someone lost a finger in the machine; they'd just pack it up with the rest of the ground beef. Don't act incredulous about shit you have no idea about.

>> No.19082070
File: 943 KB, 1557x1512, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stumble across this resource a while back - killed some hours browsing old menus here


>> No.19082078

Fuck me.

>> No.19082081
File: 3.87 MB, 1366x1775, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luchow's in NYC - guessing 40's

>> No.19082101
File: 3.10 MB, 1351x1754, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cotton Club's Disco Breakfast, 1979

>> No.19082111
File: 7 KB, 250x246, 1652346127860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mixology culture
Rich people ruin fucking everything they touch.
Especially when they're retarded programmers or other compsci dumbasses that autistically obsess over shit and try and break it down to a mathematical equation because they're too unintelligent to understand shit any other way.
So now you have aspergers cases trying to approach going to the bar like its a business meeting. Mumbling to themselves about the 'science of the cocktail'. Saying shit about the 'mixology culture' because they follow every online drink mixing guide to the letter and think it makes them a genius.
Order a fucking drink you faggot.

>> No.19082114

That's interesting, they made their almond milk fresh. Would try.

>> No.19082116

The Jungle was a good book, but it was not a documentary piece nor was it intended to be one.
It was deliberately exaggerated and played up to get attention towards the horrible working conditions of the meat packing industry. The stuff about the disgusting food quality was just for flavor and never intended by Sinclair to be a completely accurate recounting of conditions, nor to be a focus for readers.

>> No.19082206

sure, you're right, but where do you think you are? and by the way you write I can tell that you do it too.

>> No.19082210

>swedish bread
what is

>> No.19082215

Nurse=nanny. Looks like a fancy place, I imagine the adults didn’t want to have to deal with children around while they were socializing over meals.

>> No.19082260

So just sweet rye

>> No.19082288

>Hey guys! Look! I made a cheeky pun that adds nothing to the conversation but I just HAD to say it for those funny orange up arrows. Aren't I just the worst?

Here. When you retards piss and moan about Reddit being here, THIS is what Reddit looks like. Attention-seeking, low effort posts that add nothing to discussion but would get you special recognition points on other sites. That's Reddit, not "ahhhh he put a paragraph break in his sentence oh noooo spacing!"

>> No.19082319

You literally did the actual reddit spacing

>> No.19082330
File: 2.44 MB, 1688x1088, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet's Restaurant, 1961

>> No.19082656
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Old Raven Restaurant, 1956

>> No.19082835

>noone will ever know I complained about the gruel.

>> No.19082875

>, food was just ridiculously cheap back then
I hate communist so much it's unreal.
The last 30 years of food prices are the lowest in the history of humanity.

>> No.19083208

Pretty sure that guy is ancap

>> No.19083265

Hot buttered rum for the win!

>> No.19083297
File: 125 KB, 620x693, loonybinmenu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the loonybin , 1926

>> No.19083308

Odd that they would serve tea-cake but not tea during teatime on the second tuesday...

>> No.19083320

it says tea on every tea time its just smudged

>> No.19083388

Your dishonest revisionism will never be true.

>> No.19083406

Corn sways that too much to be a valid statement, especially with how versatile corn syrup is used in everything. And corn is a Fed crop.

>> No.19083432
File: 49 KB, 512x512, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That menu is NUTS!

>> No.19083442

It's a place for crazy people.

>> No.19083474

You got whipped, knuckled with the blunt part of a knife, sent down the coal hole, poured with frying hot oil down your collar. People didn't make mistakes. French cuisine had military discipline.

>> No.19083480
File: 137 KB, 1376x794, 1678338013477116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre an unironic retard. Go watch some kino boat cinema and come back here before you spout your reddit shit

>> No.19083484

Fantastic post.

>> No.19083511

If they ate so good why are they dead now

>> No.19083542

>imported israeli beer
weird, was that a big thing back in the day?

>> No.19083564

>zoomer who doesn't know that "mixology" was invented to make undrinkable homemade Prohibition liquor palatable with shitloads of sugar and fruit juices on ice

>> No.19083648
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>> No.19083655
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>> No.19084246

And how the fuck would you know that, huh? Are you 140 years old anon? You don't fucking know what their serving size is.

>> No.19084251

You learn to read retard, that's exactly what you were implying

>> No.19084293


>> No.19084384
File: 210 KB, 978x652, Screenshot_20230127_155118_AP News.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew there was a catch

>> No.19084407

I've never seen anything that makes me want to go back in time to the 60s more than this pic does

>> No.19084442

Frankly I'll take the trannies over God awful living conditions. Medieval serfs had a better quality of life than industrial revolution wagies for fucks sake

>> No.19084450

>half portions are intended for 1 person
What happened to America?

>> No.19084493


>> No.19085093

seeing tutti frutti on this old of a menu is funny

>> No.19085116

>These are so overwhelming, how did it work?
you've just been dumbed down.

>> No.19085414

>You realize that human life expectancy peaked recently, right?
Life expectancy at birth peaked because child mortality throughout history was shockingly high. For a better understanding of what it was like if you made it through childhood, you need to look at life expectancy at 5 years or older. In Victorian England if you made it to age 5 you could expect to live into your 60s, or even 70s by some estimates. You'd arguably have the same healthspan as today, and a lifespan that wasn't much shorter.

>> No.19085731

>its just smudged
By tea.

>> No.19085769

I think people nowadays dont realise how much money even poor people have nowadays compared to back then. 50 years ago in my cunt people spent half their money on rent, and the other half on food. Going out to eat at any restaurant was a special occasion, and you were happy to get a sweater at Christmas, because you couldn't afford to just buy clothes all the time.

>> No.19085792

Supper in 1910 was a light meal eaten at like 6pm
Gruel is literally oatmeal
What you're complaining about is that they got an end-of-day meal of oatmeal with crackers & cheese. People only see gruel as bad because of oliver twist.

>> No.19085847

>vodka, sherry wine, tropical juices
sounds dangerously based

>> No.19086163

Average rent in my city is >$1kUSD
Average income is $42kUSD.
So rent moved from 1/2 to 'just' 1/4th-1/3rd.
Hardly a great improvement.

>> No.19086210


>> No.19086234

we can't even eat half this shit anymore. the only animals they let us eat are chicken, pork, and beef. and due to overfishing you'll never taste a real fish or shellfish, just tiny overfarmed sickly crap. same with veg. the veg now are just watery mush-shit, no flavor.

boomers fucked us

>> No.19086251

i've made lettuce soup before. tastes like onion soup, except it's green. dumbfuck roommate bought a ton of romaine i had to figure out how to use up.
still wondering why celery is a side dish, you can't pay me to eat that shit

>> No.19086257
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>> No.19086262

Damn I'm really a sucker for the Edwardian period's aesthetics

>> No.19086284

what is swedish bread?

>> No.19086329
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Lake Mohonk Mountain House

>> No.19086339

>fard dates
i prefer shid dates, myself

>> No.19086408

>fish for breakfast
nah, I'm good. I'll have it for lunch or dinner tho

>> No.19086416

Oh, blow it out your ass Howard.

>> No.19086420

I'll have the pigeon and peas, good sir. Cool Bronx style.

>> No.19086437

>tongue sandwich

>> No.19086445


>> No.19086470
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>> No.19086481
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>> No.19086486
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>> No.19086526
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needs more salt!

>> No.19087162

Mate, Jerry Thomas wrote the first book of cocktail recipes in 1862. People still use it. American "cocktail culture" died out during prohibition because there was no experienced bartender teaching young ones. The modern revival,with fresh squeezed juices and hand cut ice was birthed at The Rainbow Room with Dale DeGroff behind the stick. Dumbass

>> No.19087166


>> No.19087186
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>Ice Box Pie
Frigid wife for dessert.

>> No.19087223

They were serving champagne with langouste (spiny lobster)?
Also 54 year old port, wew.

>> No.19087551

yeah man oatmeal and bread is really hard to come by

>> No.19087582
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>> No.19087642
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not that old
the source restaurant in la

>> No.19087882
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10 year's later on some special occasion

>> No.19087896
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much later but not sure exactly when

>> No.19087903

You sound like an election tourist with how contrarian you're behaving

>> No.19087942

Fucking hell, didn't expect to scroll down and the Sambo face.

>> No.19088008
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>> No.19088013
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>> No.19088145

A lot of people ate like absolute shit from around the time the industrial revolution kicked off up until after ww2. Tons of famines and shit too, like in the 1840s. America was somewhat of an exception and you can see this in the average American being much taller than Europeans of the era, a gap which closed post-ww2. Medieval peasants had far better diets than the migrant generations of Euros who were forced out of rural life and into work in the shitty unregulated industrial sector.

>> No.19088463

>died out during prohibition
Anon it's not like that was several generations or there weren't illegal bars operating

>> No.19088474

Oliver twist was written like 80 years before the Titanic sank

>> No.19088506

Good thread, friends. Restaurant history is an under-explored topic.

>> No.19088598

>behind the stick
Are you this insufferable in real life? Also cocktails were huge during prohibition, since people were mostly drinking (often rough tasting) spirits rather than beer and wine so they looked for inventive ways to make them more palatable

>> No.19088614


>> No.19088616

you made the faggots squirm with this one

>> No.19088621

reddit is here to gaslight us guys we should be humble

>> No.19088626

why are liberals on a weird brigade with these hall monitor esque posts

>> No.19088674
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This, occasionally I try making things from these menus and even when you can find a recipe it's very often things that are very hard to find or prohibitively expensive. Especially with different kinds of game.

>> No.19088855

A hamburger with lettuce & tomato is 0.35, while a BLT is also 0.45. How expensive was fucking bacon compared to ground beef back then?

>> No.19088892

>I hope a Mexican family with one of those hot Latina daughters moves in I'll take her for rides in my car and making her blow me in a parking lot
You have inspired me to sexually harass the possibly underage Latina who works at my local Walmart. I have had my eye on her for a while but am afraid to approach women in public especially since she might be a teenager.

>> No.19089152
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>> No.19089155
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>Pluto Water

>> No.19089164

Imported from where? As far as I know, it's a traditional American drink. It's extremely rare pretty much everywhere else.

>> No.19089194

fuck off faggot

>> No.19089201

>reddit spacing
No 4chan gold for you.

>> No.19089561

Pretty much. Maybe beating the shit out of each other and theft.

>> No.19089572

You're not gonna do it

>> No.19089915

Incredibly based, boomer genocide NOW

>> No.19090839
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New Year's Eve menu for Maxim's, Paris, France, December 31, 1937.

>> No.19090857

Spanish Flu was a government psy op to keep controlling the population after the war was over.

>> No.19090860

does that make Pluto Water Hydroxi-Chloriquine or Ivermectin?

>> No.19090897
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These are in cents by the way not dollars. lol

>> No.19090904

Forgot to add that this is the Cosmopolitan Restaurant in 1890.

>> No.19090912

Wow. Great. You wouldn’t even be allowed to look at the ship if it was 100 years ago. They’d spit on you. Even the 3rd class women would laugh.

>> No.19090934

Gawking at rich people getting on ships was a legal and popular form of recreation amongst the poor, actually.

>> No.19090992


>> No.19091001

3 fried eggs cost as much as a steak? weird

>> No.19091048
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>> No.19091081

Chickens had not been developed into the horrific industrial animal that they are now so chicken and eggs cost a lot more to produce

>> No.19091112

they really needed a different typewriter guy, typos all over the place

>> No.19091113
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I drank out of a pineapple at a hotel bar in disney world it was pretty good

>> No.19091174
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Joe's Restaurant, Brooklyn 1938

>> No.19091698

A lot of beef tongue in this thread. Why don't people eat that as much anymore?

>> No.19091787

Tongue is an underrated cut. Tender beyond belief. People are just dumb now.

>> No.19092042

For whatever reason, chefs insist on cooking beef tongue in a way where you can tell it's a tongue. I feel like it'd be a lot more common if they served it sliced thin or cubed or something to disguise the shape. Maybe call it beef languette or something equally pretentious to further obfuscate it.

>> No.19092058

Weird post. Tongue tastes alright, but it's one of the toughest cuts.

>> No.19092069

because its a offcut and offcuts get shipped overseas or sold to dogfood plants if they are not up to quality to ship overseas

things like livers and kidneys accumulate all the toxic shit that is fed to livestock

>> No.19092074

>half broiled chicken
Stop, I'm getting spring PTSD. People who visit restaurants are goddamned retarded these days and think a large cut of meat like that will magically cook in under 25 minutes. I mean, we were smoking them for over a little over 30, but could rush them. I got tired of customers being mad half a fucking chicken wasn't ready in 10 minutes.

>> No.19092348

I'll have a Spanish omelette please. It's impossible to find anyone who will cook a international style Spanish omelette anymore. Eggs, onions, peppers and probably tomatoes. I wish someone would do a youtube vid.

>> No.19092515

>500 years ago they ate even better except in times of famine.
Mmm I love gruel

>> No.19092929
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>> No.19093155

beef broth
shad and roe hook me the fuck up
buttered carrots because i eat potatoes every day
a bunch of ox tongue with horseradish sauce
buttermilk to wash it down
then a pint of whiskey for dessert

>> No.19093181
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in here we eat tongue vinagrette and is pretty good

>> No.19093194

>90 years ago
>printing a menu involved having to get it typeset and printed by a print shop
>they printed daily menus
>printing a menu involves clicking an icon
>no-one prints daily menus

>> No.19093203

Everyone has already looked up the restaurant's menu on their phone by the time they arrive anyways.

>> No.19093206

I've been getting into pre prohibition cocktails and would be nice to try some with some meals from the era as well. Is there a good source for these menus with some pictures from restaurants of the era as well?

>> No.19093212
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Cavanagh's, New York, January 2, 1936

>> No.19093430

pigs feet in sauce with sweet potato.
holy fuck sign me up.
we have fallen as a nation.

unironically would.

>> No.19094276
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>> No.19094281
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>> No.19094388

a dozen of each oysters clams half a grapefruit and a pint of gin with limes my good sir

>> No.19094467

>frog legs in a paper bag
is it cooked in a bag to make it more moist or do they just hand you a paper bag full of frogs legs and ask you to leave?

>> No.19094517

i had someone get impatient with me because they wanted egg salad from scratch, they didn't seem to know that eggs take about 12 minutes to boil and then they need to be cooled

>> No.19094554

Thank god I spent most of my career in 3 kitchens that all handled banquets as well. There was almost always hard-boiled eggs around either for an upcoming event or leftover from one. No one is going to cry if I take I take an egg because we go a few percent over just to be safe.

>> No.19094557

are you hallucinating again?

>> No.19094576

Always more popular in China.

>> No.19094901
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You mean ligma?

>> No.19095717
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>> No.19095726
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>> No.19095732
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>> No.19095740

I'd eat here

>> No.19095741
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>> No.19095919

Is the "kahiki mystery girl" underage?

>> No.19095928

based and truth pilled

>> No.19096046

>french chestnut ice cream
holy shit this sounds so good, why don't we do this flavor anymore

>> No.19096138
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>> No.19096144
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>> No.19096147
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>> No.19096151
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>> No.19096155

This made me laugh harder than it should’ve

>> No.19096195
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are you mentally challenged?

>> No.19096199

>you see, I am a true member of the 4chan society for I am here solely to exchange erudition in meaningful discussion

>> No.19096213

You will never be a Janny

>> No.19096309

>THIS is what Reddit looks like
how do you know, anon?

>> No.19096322

From what I've read the vast majority were poor as shit working under farmers who actually owned the land.
Just that no one who matters cared unless they were actively stirring up trouble.

>> No.19096336

I happen to have the 1782 meal plan for the swedish navy in a book I'm reading right now.It looks insanely bland. Roughly:
>Every day
625g of dry bread
0.4dl of oats
2.9dl of barley
8cl of liqour
~60g of butter. Some days half that.
6.5dl sauerkraut
210g pork
320g salted meat
1.8dl peas
1.8dl peas
105g salted herring
6.5dl sauerkraut
210g pork
1.8dl peas
320g salted meat
1.8dl peas
105g salted herring
320g salted meat
210g of wheat flour for pudding
33g extra grams of butter for the pudding of which a fifth was expected to be used in the batter.

If they were out of sauerkraut. Peas were instead served. If possible the salted meat was replaced with fresh, but good luck doing that after months at sea. Same with fish if the price allowed.
In addition to this every man was allowed salt, at most 13g per day. 10g tobacco, vinegar (or in good cases more liqour) for making the water more palatable.
During harsh weather, double rations of meat and butter. Along with an extra 4cl of liqour.
It's not really a "menu" meant for people to actually enjoy. But a menu nonetheless.

>> No.19096347
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>You realize that human life expectancy peaked recently, right?

>> No.19096352

Only good thing to ever happen in Portland I'd imagine

>> No.19096361

This is actually pretty hilarious. Thanks Mick.

>> No.19096373

this cannot have happened......

>> No.19096413

>American "cocktail culture" died out during prohibition because there was no experienced bartender teaching young ones
Lol, cocktails were extremely popular until the 90's. Back in the good old days home bars were the norm and cocktail shakers were ordinary household items.

>> No.19096495

These are great anon

>> No.19096768


>> No.19096832
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>> No.19097153

holy shit he locked the door behind him as he left a burning building? And his employees and patrons were still inside? What the fuck? Was he some kind of sadist? Was this some sort of hollywood illuminati ritual murder attempt?