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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19079078 No.19079078 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I hate this thing so much?

>> No.19079085
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because they are inferior to these

>> No.19079087

Because you are a chinless, Jansport backpack wearing, non-fitted jeans rectangular glasses, chinless virgin Nazi chud

>> No.19079107

I honestly don't mind this unless the person needs to help me and is retarded. It helps me feel less guilt when I steal food too.

>> No.19079113
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They can just spend $12 to get the display detached

The only reason to mount the 2nd display on the back of the stand is because you're cheap, or you don't have room to place it externally.

>> No.19079132

>/ck/ - food and cooking

>> No.19079140

I like these things. Everything is straight forward and fast, and sometimes you can even just use your phone so you don't even need to pull your wallet out. Fuck cash. I hope we never go back.

>> No.19079148

it's because it looks kewl

>> No.19079199

Because it removes only just enough of the human element to make the whole transaction extremely awkward and terrible. It's even worse when you have to press buttons to get through a bunch of useless screens and type in 0.00 for the tip. It's all a waste of time, I'd much rather look the cashier in the eye, have them tell me how much I owe, hand them my card, have them hand it back with a receipt, and close it out with a cordial thank you and you're welcome instead of staring down at some dumb screen while we both stand in silence waiting for it all to be over.

>pull out wallet
>grab card from front inner pocket
>put card and wallet away
>pull out phone
>type in unlock code
>navigate to wallet app
>log into app
>select card
>wait for it to load
>lock phone and put it away
I'll never understand why retards think the second process is more convenient. I can grab the credit card out of my wallet and tap it in the time it takes to unlock my phone, let alone getting out the wallet app and all that other bullshit.

>> No.19079207

LOL. I hope you like authoritarianism.

>> No.19079235

>I'll never understand why retards think the second process is more convenient
Because it's not?

On my Samsung phone even with the lock screen on, just swipe up from the bottom, press my finger against the screen, and tap.

That's it.

>> No.19079246

In my physical wallet, I just flip it open and tap the card. I don't even have to take it out unless it doesn't support tapping (which means it also wouldn't support virtual wallets anyway).

>> No.19079247

I like em because I don't have to carry my card around. Just unlock the phone and pay.

>> No.19079307

That's great for you, i'm just saying you don't need to make up some bullshit process that doesn't exist to use your phone.

>> No.19079322

just pay cash

>> No.19079327

My job doesn't accept cash anymore, we stopped entirely during COVID and simply never went back to it.

We'll accept cash as payment, but we have no cash drawer and simply tell customers to use exact change or consider any remainder a donation/tip, or to use a card like a normal human.

>> No.19079354

What do you do with your ID and insurance card? If you're carrying those in some way it seems like you could just carry a credit or debit card in the exact same way without really changing anything. I would never just remove my credit card from my wallet, that seems incredibly silly.

>> No.19079362

That process is exactly what the process is for every phone I've owned including my current one, I didn't make anything up. It's the reason I tried outt virtual wallets and then gave up, because I have to carry a wallet no matter what and I only have 1 credit card so pulling out my phone is equally convenient at best and much less convenient at worst. Then there are the times where I'm asked for ID when paying, in which case I just show my ID from my already-open wallet as opposed to juggling both a wallet and phone.

>> No.19079370

Would you like to tip the cashier 40% or 45%?

>> No.19079382

>communist judging someone for having a cheap backpack and work pants

>> No.19079396
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>you have to press buttons to get through a bunch of useless screens and type in 0.00 for the tip
>type in unlock code
Lol. What century are you living in? Those things are nice because it's literally 3 screens. One with the amount telling you to pay, one to add a tip (and there's ALWAYS buttons with suggested amounts and one that says "no tip", and then one to confirm. It takes 10 seconds at most. And who the fuck still uses a password to unlock their phone?

>> No.19079402

i work in a shitty hotel with paint peeling off the walls, a leaky roof and stained sheets and corporate is instead focusing on putting these kiosks in reception instead because it'll upgrade the hotel's star rating to 4 star (star rating isnt a measure of how nice a hotel actually is, its just a measure of how many facilities it has)

>> No.19079433

>Those things are nice because it's literally 3 screens.
That's 3 times as many screens as a standard register which just displays the total, takes a payment, and does literally nothing else.

>> No.19079435

I was describing an incel you chud

>> No.19079456

>a standard register which just displays the total, takes a payment, and does literally nothing else
Where the fuck are these magical "standard registers"? The older kind made you first select debit or credit, swipe your card, enter your pin or sign, manually type in a tip, and then confirm - all using those shitty punch buttons where everything is always in a different spot. And sometime there was extra bullshit like asking you to donate or whatever. The things in the OP are way faster and more convenient, and I'm starting to think you've never actually used one.

>> No.19079458

all the cool kids in my high school wore jansport backpacks THOUGH

>> No.19079461
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>30 year old virgin dresses like the cool kids did back in high school because he thinks it will get him laid

>> No.19079468

>Where the fuck are these magical "standard registers"?
All over the place around here. At grocery stores I go through the self-checkout where I just press "pay now" and then insert my card and it takes the payment with no additional input (I don't even bother to press the credit button, it just detects a card and skips that step). At smaller places like cafes I flash my card and they press the Credit button on their side, I swipe or insert, and that's it. I can't remember the last time I had to sign for a credit card payment outside of a sit down restaurant, those ones you're describing are ANCIENT. These Square shits actually remind me more of those ancient registers than the other more modern ones I use daily.

>> No.19079472

that's an awful lot of projecting you're doing there
all I said was that's the kind of backpack they wore in my high school

>> No.19079497

>sign for a credit card payment
that was some archaic shit, used to just draw a line and be done with it because nobody would ever check

>> No.19079509

Oh we check. Mr Line Signature Man

>> No.19079543

>the self checkout at the grocery store doesn't ask how much i want to tip

>> No.19079551

Do you have sex with the women sex trafficked from Eastern Europe that live there

>> No.19079556

Keep reading:
>At smaller places like cafes I flash my card and they press the Credit button on their side, I swipe or insert, and that's it.
More and more places are slowly implementing shit like in OP and I fucking hate it. No, I don't want you to e-mail me a receipt, no I don't want to tip, no I don't want to answer survey questions, no I don't want to give you any of my personal information, I JUST WANT TO PAY AND LEAVE SO LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE.

>> No.19079567

>they press the Credit button on their side
That's just a normal fucking register, dum dum. We're talking about one's where you pay yourself.

>> No.19079584

>That's just a normal fucking register, dum dum.
Yeah, that's what I fucking said, a STANDARD REGISTER. You asked, "Where the fuck are these magical 'standard registers'?" and I answered. I want to put a hammer to every single one of these pseudo-self-serve registers that require a human to run them and just add steps to the whole process for no fucking reason by asking you a billion questions (e-mailed receipt? tip? survey? etc) when you're just trying to pay and be done. I switched to being entirely cashless 15 years ago because it was faster and more convenient, but this kind of shit is starting to make cash look so much more appealing so I never have to touch these bullshit "smart" nu-registers.

>> No.19079637

nah hotel rooms are in such demand that we're still full of old rich boomers or big tiddie german backpackers every night

>> No.19079733
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>> No.19080090

these look like those shitty self checkout machines at kroger. those are the fucking worst. every other place like walmart and target has modern machines where you can scan your shit and put in in your cart or where ever and the thing doesn't tard out and scream "ASSISTANCE NEEDED". the ones at kroger fuck up all the time if you even think about putting your shit anywhere but the "bagging area". plus those don't even have the tap feature that all the modern POS machines do. gotta insert my chip like im living in 2014 or something

>> No.19080117

because the chip reader isn't behind the screen like they used to be, now they're above the screen.

>> No.19080133

That's a lost of phobias and isms there friend, would you care to sit down so we can unpack that comment and get to the root of your problem?

>> No.19080172

>use a card like a normal human
You are not a normal human.

>> No.19080182

Where did he say he's a c*mmunist?

>> No.19080397
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Probably because they have led to an over-tipping culture. They put common tip suggestions right up front and try to make you feel ashamed to not tip even if the person is only getting you something from the display.
Tipping has completely gotten out of hand since Covid. I've heard of clinics asking for tips now.

>> No.19080409

Why the fuck should I tip my cashier? These fucking places that don't bring you your food or offer any extra services think I owe them extra free money just because can get fucked.

>> No.19080597

>I've heard of clinics asking for tips now.
Somebody in their mid 70's with way, way more institutional power than any grandfather by rights should have saw those memes about how Americans tip everybody, and thought that sounded jolly good.

>> No.19080792

>says chinless twice
mans done replaced his chin with a projector

>> No.19081351

I do, as long as leftists aren’t in charge.

>> No.19081753

Tf is YOUR problem man?

>> No.19081806

cash is for emergencies
having to run all the way to an ATM when you're low fucking sucks

>> No.19081826

>order from McDonald's
>asks for a tip

>> No.19081829

i sell drugs so almost all of my money is cash anyway

>> No.19081840

> im too old and retarded to figure these tap to pay wallet apps out so instead I complain about how I'm unable to learn basic software functions and how to optimize them.

Wewlad, if you're under 50 you should be embarrassed.

>> No.19081849

it may not seem like it if you're a boomer, but NFC payment is actually the most secure method. phone is even better because it has a more complicated handshake. this is assuming you're not at defcon.

>> No.19081859

my phone unlocks with a fingerprint, or face if i'm unmasked with my hair down, or stays unlocked if my bluetooth receiver is connected (i leave that at home because i need to take out my wired IEMs to put on an ear loop mask)

>> No.19081868

Doesn't matter. If I have to either pull out my phone or pull out a wallet then what's the fucking difference? I'll always have my wallet on me, and like I said before if I also need to show my ID then my payment and ID are in the same place in my hand.

>> No.19081884

No because my cock is in your hand

>> No.19081901


Cash is more secure. Someone takes my phone and they can buy as much shit as they want until I can call (lol) my bank and report the theft. Somebody takes my wallet and they can only spend what's in it. I cut the wireless shit out of my cards because I'm not an idiot.

>> No.19081908

Yes, good goy!

>> No.19081936

the only downside is psychological. it's easier to spend with a magic wand than with cash.

>> No.19081955

for me, it's the intrusion of completely unnecessary proprietary tech into every fucking facet of human life.

>> No.19081967

android lets you pay from the lock screen if it's a small amount, you literally just take your phone out and press the power button, after that it's literally just unlock your phone

>> No.19081988

Why are the people replying to you acting like you're a communist because you don't like cash?
I hope they don't think cash has any intrinsic value

>> No.19082211

It's impossible to know what a /pol/tard is talking about if you don't keep up with the latest thing Tucker Carlson is telling them to be afraid of. The words they use don't actually mean anything; they're just regurgitating what's fed to them.

>> No.19082428

>don't like being tracked?

>> No.19082472

See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. It's like trying to interact with an AI that's 100 years away from passing the Turing test. It uses a very rudimentary algorithm to break down inputs into preset categories and then determines the most appropriate output from a finite set of predictable replies. The problem is that it doesn't understand any amount of complexity and has no capacity for self reflection or critical thought, so sometimes the output doesn't make any sense in relation to the input, and that's how you know you're not actually talking to a real person.

>> No.19082488

You can tell you're not talking to a real person when they admit to using credit cards. Fact is there aren't many real humans in the world. The population is mostly organic machines that default to the path of least resistance.

>> No.19082519

I have a credit card but I've never used it to buy anything. I have it set up to auto-pay a couple monthly bills and then my checking account automatically pays off that amount at the end of the month. It's dumb, but I have a great credit score.