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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 18 KB, 474x318, F8ED7708-2D1D-4F31-9C2A-75389E6923B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19076005 No.19076005 [Reply] [Original]

>go to KFC for the first time in like 6 years
>no more potato wedges and no more popcorn chicken
Im fucking done, fuck you colonel sanders i hope youre deep fried roasting in hell right now

>> No.19076011

soulless square buildings

>> No.19076084

yea i think they got pics of him shlicking a 12yo or something

>> No.19076105

What I dislike the most about KFC is how it isn't even affordable unless you have EBT and can spend someone else's money.

>> No.19077594

I only make 50k a year and KFC doesn't seem that price prohibitive if I actually wanted it.
Though I support local chains which are usually better bang for buck anyway.

>> No.19077616
File: 100 KB, 1392x774, Kentucky Fresh Sanders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sanders hated what they did to his food after he sold most of his rights. I think he referred to the gravy as "sewer sludge." Don't put this on him, put it on soulless franchising.

>> No.19077649

Ay real talk? Colonel Sanders gotta pay for my hospital bills for making the chicken so delicious

>> No.19077677 [DELETED] 

Hot, post em

>> No.19077679 [DELETED] 

>no more potato wedges and no more popcorn chicken
Well I guess I'm never going to a kfc ever again, those were literally the two best things on the menu

>> No.19077680

Sorry poor fag here to fact-check you. But ebt tends not to let you buy hot food with your card. It's kinda like that to prevent you from wasting their money.

>> No.19077686 [DELETED] 

You can get away with it in certain cities. Frisco for example but only in the really poor parts, it's weird how it's legislated

>> No.19077739

Thats odd Southeast port townie here it is pretty dark and hood but I have never been able to buy hot foods. Like I can but a 711 cold sausage biscuit that you pop in the microwave 10 seconds but God forbid I get a taquito. I guess that's why they started selling the whole uncooked pizza.

>> No.19077751 [DELETED] 

>I guess that's why they started selling the whole uncooked pizza.
Yeah it's so fucking dumb. You buy it cold and they heat it after you buy it, and that's their big loophole. Bitch do that for the taquitos and hot dogs, just add a "frozen hot dog / taquito" item to your POS. Do these pajeets wanna make money or not? I used to buy weed over the counter in Brooklyn with EBT because they just rang everything up as one item and nothing was itemised.

>> No.19077773

I recall growing up people in my family with EBT would make legally grey to legally not-so-grey bartering and other transactions such that it would eventually wind up in dollars to buy the food they actually desired, often fast food. The obvious downside is a value loss that meant they were getting even less bang-for-buck, but in this case I think a good chunk EBT would actually go unused if someone like my aunt had to use it for preparing and eating a meal from relative scratch. so I can't be too mad at the recipient.

>> No.19077778

Too old

>> No.19077780
File: 30 KB, 545x545, (Skeletal dispair).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen them do Taquitos like that before and I loved it but they only did it for a week and they did it by the sixes. Still mad they did not stick with it it. Also, I'm a graveyard shift worker, so they are always cleaning their stove. aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.19077796

probably back when it was stamps though they still do it with the card. The rule of thumb is they give half the money they used in stamps back. Still not super worth it unless you need beer or toilet paper money.

>> No.19077809

>The rule of thumb is they give half the money they used in stamps back.
Assumed it would be a higher percent, but yeah makes sense when the options are limited and there really isn't any recourse for the best of the bad deals.

I could see my aunt agreeing with that - didn't use it for beer money but her vagus nerve condition meant she would often vomit out food that was too liquid-based or heterogeneous - especially fresh meat and veggies. So being able to hold down some mcdick fries or something was actually worth it. She wasn't picky - she loved my cooking at the time but after a few minutes she would start sweating bullets, her stomach would sound like it was in death throes, and she would have to hurl it up, like lactose intolerance but much much worse.
Fortunately surgery and medical cannabis improved her quality of life significantly and she was able to start a career, so no longer an issue.

>> No.19077877

glad your aunt is doing better.

>Higher percent
Maybe if we didn't trade stamps with nogs buying them and then having to chase them down to get the card back
>beer money
that's just me but my family would use it for diapers, wipes, and baby formula. Non-food essentials. yes I know it's fucked that baby formula is not covered by ebt.

>> No.19077900

You're bot looking hard enough, I used to know gas stations that would let you use it for cigarettes, booze; whatever. They'd just ring it up as milk and chips and shit

>> No.19078502


but its not someone elses money. its a safety net to keep people from starving. you do that in countries that are developed.

>> No.19078510


also just saying you cant buy fastfood with ebt, maybe like 5 states might let you and if so its a test of a program

>> No.19078520


I'm sure the fucking KFC employee will barter with you to buy a napkin. You fucking ACKTUALLYtards are so fucking obnoxious on every board on every website on every place on the internet.


>> No.19078522

>goes to franchised fast food fry pit
>surprised food isn't any good
flyover logic

>> No.19079564

Don't be mad at me because you were too retarded to get KFC for free, I can see why you were retarded enough to need a stamp card

>> No.19079623
File: 23 KB, 320x320, 1657738191742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any money that comes from the government is money that belongs to taxpayers, not fat basement neets. socialism is systemized theft

>> No.19079854

>babbles about "socialism is systemized theft"
>while posting some faggot who defrauded massive amounts of taxpayer money with fraudulent bankrupcies
Yeah the USA might be better going back to rule of the strongest, Mad Max style.
Also reminder that Ayn Rand was the slut daughter of a jew who got assblasted that the Russian people claimed back their rightful property.

>> No.19079867

>popcorn chicken
Isn't it like tenders ? I'd rather have proper wings.

>> No.19079914

They were basically just fried batter with a teeny little bit of meat in the middle
Also heavenly

>> No.19079931
File: 1.34 MB, 3024x4032, F526B061-D0E2-4D30-8D56-F1F20A6717A7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s peak KFC right now just get the Double Down combo

>> No.19079957

That's one of the saddest things from a fast food place I've ever seen, and I'm American. Those lukewarm, square cheese slices hanging out... embarrassing.

>> No.19079968

Those wedges were so good.

>> No.19080598

>I'm sure the fucking KFC employee will barter with you to buy a napkin.
Oh my god yes that would be retarded. Where did my post imply that was the way to barter for EBT?
You are getting mad at a conclusion only you have reached.

>> No.19080627
File: 7 KB, 212x238, man..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to KFC for first time in years
>no more fried chicken livers
it's over...

>> No.19080660

wouldn't be surprised if larry fink held controlling shares in all of them, supplied all of them with the same slop ingridients, and cooked them all in the same cancer oils as part of his esg horseshit

wouldn't be surprised one bit

>> No.19081022

>wasting their money.
>buying soda and candy is ok
>buying a rotisserie chicken is not
Can't make this shit up.

>> No.19081039

What country? Mine still has popcorn chicken and KFC is probably one of the cheapest fast food places in the country.

>> No.19081066

You want wedges? Are you stuck in 1995?

>> No.19081219

KFC is usually subpar you are better off going to the deli or chicken shack
I stopped going after I got extra crispy chicken but it was so soggy the skin fell off when I picked it up.

>> No.19081392

Sanders was quoted as saying that the mashed potatoes were basically "plaster" which, after all these years, still holds true.

>> No.19082383

Someday, I will make pilgrimage to the Claudia Sanders Dinner House out in Kentucky, and I will taste the food that the good Colonel and his wife intended for their fellow mankind to enjoy. I owe it to him, and to myself, to experience an America that was and no longer is.

>> No.19082404

>>go to KFC for the first time in like 6 years
>>no more potato wedges and no more popcorn chicken
Goes to KFC for potato wedges and popcorn chicken
As a former KFC employee, fuck you, your taste is TRASH, drink a cup of GAY bottom cum and get AIDS and DIE

>> No.19082470

Where I'm from we still have popcorn chicken but no double down yet (gawddamn I want to try the double down so badly)

>> No.19082502

Maybe if you went when you had the chance they’d still be there

>> No.19082860

As someone who doesn't go to KFC, what are the orders to get for a GAY top with good taste, dispensing cum and in excellent health?

>> No.19082877

20 nuggets a large fry and soda costs me almost 15$ from mcdonalds but I can get a 5 piece tender combo meal for like 12$ here

>> No.19082918

is it in the KFC breading?

>> No.19082922

>what are the orders to get for a GAY top with good taste

>> No.19083221

>wake up
>maybe today will be different
>drive to KFC
>hope for success with potato wedges and popcorn chicken
>dutifully walk into KFC
>put potato wedges and popcorn chicken into respective hoppers
>the seconds, minutes, hours tick by
>anon never shows up
>dump unloved wedges and wannabe nuggets in the trash
>it's been over 5 years, how much longer can I carry on?

>> No.19083294

Did you think to tell him, retard?

>> No.19083623
File: 181 KB, 1200x630, 00449ad9-1d6b-434e-be78-ecabaefa129e-kfc-famous-bowls-3-limited-time-only-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why KFC will take away perfectly fine menu items and replace them with antediluvian monstrosities

>> No.19083634
File: 1.28 MB, 3024x4032, 0B741525-8931-46D0-9C1E-DD39CD4B7B31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s heaven

>> No.19083653

you posted these yesterday

>> No.19083659
File: 78 KB, 612x667, Shrek shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did they change their gravy recipe? It's not as good as it used to be.