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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19073981 No.19073981 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: I make my own superior version of pic related.

>> No.19073985
File: 183 KB, 624x832, 01a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going with a pretty simple recipe. Just red chili beef with no beans because fuck beans. No fillers. Top round roast, onion, canned chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, and chili powder.

>> No.19073986

>ITT: I make my own superior version of pic related.
That shouldn't be too hard desu

>> No.19073990

>fuck beans
Fuck you, beans are delicious

>> No.19073993
File: 212 KB, 624x832, 01b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First, I cut the beef into more manageable pieces. I've got it on this rack because instead of searing it, I'm going to broil it.

>> No.19073999

I just don't like them though. You can do beans if you want. It's your choice.

>> No.19074001
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Top rack in oven, boiler on high.

>> No.19074007


>> No.19074010
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I like this brand of chipotle in adobo sauce. Embassa. It has a pretty clean label. I could use dried chilis and all these other ingredients, but the canned stuff makes it easy including it all.

>> No.19074014
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Beef is broiled, onion chopped, ready to go in the pot.

>> No.19074016
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It's important to use the right size pot, so that you can cover the meat with liquid. If the pot is too large, you have to use too much liquid, and you're left at the end reducing it a bunch.

>> No.19074017

For me, it's the kind they sell at Aldi

>> No.19074023
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Onions, chipotle w/ sauce, and 3 TBSP chili powder go in.

>> No.19074028

I don't have any Aldis here :[

>> No.19074030
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Covered and set on stovetop at the lowest possible setting for 2 or 3 hours, or until the beef is tender and comes apart easily.

>> No.19074033
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Here is 3 hours later.

>> No.19074036
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I removed the beef and strained the sauce to get all the seeds and stuff out. I'm going to reduce this a bit while the beef cools enough to pull.

>> No.19074041
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Here is the beef after pulling. The connective tissue has been broken down and it comes apart easily.

>> No.19074045
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This photo came out kind of weird. I added the beef back to the sauce and blasted it on high heat until it's tightened up. You have to be watching and constantly stirring for this step, otherwise it will burn.

>> No.19074049
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>> No.19074050 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 624x832, 01n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Red chili beef filling is finished, I spread it out on a sheet pan to cool.

>> No.19074057
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Red chili beef filling is finished, I spread it out on a sheet pan to cool.

>> No.19074063
File: 196 KB, 624x832, 01n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Putting together makeshift tortilla steamer. A big bowl and a ramekin...

>> No.19074064

>superior version
>literally making something entirely different and even removing elements in the name of the item itself

great youtube channel

>> No.19074069
File: 165 KB, 624x832, 01o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boiling water in the bowl...

>> No.19074070

>>superior version
>>literally making something entirely different and even removing elements in the name of the item itself
What do you think "superior version" means you fucking dummy?

Go make another fast food thread you goof

>> No.19074071
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Suspend plate of tortillas on ramekin...

>> No.19074075
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...then covered it for like 10 minutes. Worked great!

>> No.19074083
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Before folding, a moment about tortillas.

These are "golden blend" tortillas, half corn, half flour. You could use any kind, but I really like these ones. You'll notice that there are two tortillas and they look different. For anyone unaware, good tortillas are not multi-directional. You're supposed to put the filling on the smoother side, pictured on the right. This will prevent sogginess more and they will be more pliable when folding. Or so they say.

>> No.19074089
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About a 3 oz portion of beef. That's all. What can I say, I like 'em beefy.

>> No.19074091
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All folded. Next I wrap them tightly in that cling film to help them hold shape in the freezer.

>> No.19074094
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Ready for the freezer!

>> No.19074097
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I did all this yesterday while prepping for the week. Since they were freezing, I had a plate of some leftover filling with rice and eggs for dinner.

>> No.19074098
File: 12 KB, 201x283, 95424A27-8B9D-459B-8E5E-09478017D3CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would eat all that with you, bro. It looks good.

>> No.19074108
File: 163 KB, 624x832, 01w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here is earlier today, I cooked one from frozen in the oven. Turned out good!
A bit of info:
>270 Calories
>25 grams Protein
>~$0.90 each
Not too shabby. The El Monterey ones are
>310 Calories
>10 grams Protein
>$0.65-$0.75 each
You could definitely add some filler and bring them down in price. This is my second batch of these, the first ones had rice and beans in them as well. Next time I might add some queso. I might try deep frying a couple of these ones later as well...

>> No.19074110


>> No.19074135
File: 19 KB, 333x298, Sloppppy-Goyim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bio-engineered corn to accept gallons of round-up per plant
Sadly, It's getting harder and harder to find un-fukt foodstuffs anymore.
I've noticed since the Covid lockdowns, many previously "Clean" brands and products have "CONTAINS A BIOENGINEERED FOOD INGREDIENT" printed on it.
It's almost if...

>> No.19074151
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Probably could go cleaner if I'd picked out some stuff from this aisle at the grocery store. Although, I'd then have to make my own tortillas as well. And all that stuff is more expensive.

I just try to avoid the most heinous stuff on the ingredients lists.

>> No.19074170

cool it's nothing like the original and took four or more hours of effort for something i eat when i'm too drunk to even remember eating

0/10 get fucked OP

>> No.19074175

You kicked ass OP those are some good looking burritos.

>> No.19074183

It was really only 45 minutes or so I was doing other stuff while it was cooking. Now that they're in my freezer, I can get blackout drunk and microwave them and not remember a thing.

I have made a version that was ground beef with refried beans. It was better than the El Monterey ones, but I like these ones better. It's more protein, too, which is good because I lift weights almost every day.

>> No.19074193

looks sick as hell man, I've made a similar recipe with dried chiles re constituted in hot water, but your version with chipotle sounds even better. Also I have never tried those half corn half wheat tortillas, I'm gonna give them a shot. Thanks for sharing!

>> No.19074198
File: 380 KB, 624x832, Raped BURRITO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same anon--Don't get me wrong--Fucking good job on the effort thread.
I too am a massive advocate of making your own foods.
>I just try to avoid the most heinous stuff on the ingredients lists.
Really the best anyone can ask for--
Some bio-engineered stuff is pretty innocuous--like Sugar beet sugar; Others like Monsanto Soybeans, or the big 3 Sneed-Oils...
Those golden tortillas look breddy gud.
I panfry,(butter or olive oil--rarely coconut,) burritos fairly often. I used to just wet the fold flap, then switched to a little flour paste when I really started overstuffing them.
I was verr verr sad when the tostadas I used to like started printing the B.E. Food label-- I didn't notice until I'd eaten half the package.
Seriously--A few times won't fuck you up--but a constant diet of the stuff will destroy your gut flora. Notice all those IBS, EPI and various other GI syndrome medicines on the market now?
Your burritos look good though anon--Would RAPE.

>> No.19074223

Next time I'm going to throw some lime in there I think... or maybe instead of chili powder I'll use Tajin :D

>> No.19074227

Oops was meant for >>19074193

Thankfully I've never had too much issue with my guts, but I've definitely had issue with inflammation in my joints. Trying to eat as clean as I can, especially avoiding sneed oils, has really helped. Some people may think it's a meme, maybe it is and I'm placebo-effected, but I feel a lot better these days.

>> No.19074256

>Some people may think it's a meme, maybe it is
It's truly not.
There's plenty of good research out there that backs it up.
It's good not to buy into anything wholeheartedly, until you've really looked into it.
Of course, anyone can skip all the bluster and just eat the natural foods we've eaten for thousands of years.
Who knows--in another thousand years, humans could naturally adapt to sneed oils, just like we did with grains(before they started getting soaked in poisons.)
I'd hate to see what humanity looked like at that point though.
Keep up the cooking, lifting and SI, anon.
Off to RAPE moar good foods...

>> No.19074268

How's life in Idaho, opee

>> No.19074270

Probably pretty nice. I think Idaho is pretty based. I'm one state over, though :D

>> No.19074471

Let’s see you make a better cooking thread

>> No.19075122


>> No.19075133

>no beans
All that effort, wasted

>> No.19075138
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Good post OP. Looks good

>> No.19075152
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>> No.19075173
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Shhhht. There aren't any.

>> No.19075226

flour tortillas should really be cooked on hot comal, griddle ,skillet type surface, but i see you wanted full freezer style

otherwise, damn good thread m8

>> No.19075745

op making me clean my kitchen.. and buy a ramekin(?)

>> No.19075764


>> No.19075950

>fuck beans
Take the racism to /pol/ please

>> No.19075988

I changed my mind beans are OK I guess.

>> No.19075997

That steamer worked really well better than microwave/griddle/oven. Made folding the burritos really easy. If making fresh I would maybe finish them off on a griddle or skillet, though like >>19075226 mentioned, which will help keep the flap sealed as well.

>> No.19076068

a lotta peeps think a tortilla is some kind of pita
it needs to b cooked and to be warm and delicious!

>> No.19076346

Nicely done anon, I'll be looking to make this soon.

>> No.19076883

You dip you already messed up. It can't be pic rel because you can't make a burrito without beans

>> No.19077072

never knew o: