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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 125 KB, 1300x900, a-slice-of-raw-beef-liver-that-is-folded-on-a-white-background-CWGA6G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19072971 No.19072971 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true americans consider liver meat and other organs as poverty food?

>> No.19072980

Why would anyone care?

>> No.19072983 [DELETED] 

Is it true you haven't told your friends and family you suck random dudes off in public bathrooms and deposit their supermarket up your rear end?

>> No.19072984

So do I, a European incel.
I will never eat offal. I will never eat tripe. I will never eat organs. That's for dogs and Africans

>> No.19073046

More like acquired tastes for boomers

>> No.19073056

no one associates offal with poverty, they don't associate it with food at all. like people walk past that case in the meat section and wonder who the fuck actually buys that shit. poor people buy frozen pizzas and chicken nuggers and 48 packs of sprite with their $860 monthly food stipend

>> No.19073071
File: 160 KB, 1080x1080, Fried-Chicken-Gizzard-Easy-Recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who care stuff is good, win, win if it's cheap.
I hope no else eats it won't sky rocket in price like shitty spam did.

>> No.19073077

Tripe is delicious though

>> No.19073092

Poor boomers grew up on that shit. Now its an acquired taste. My wifes family orders gizzards at restaurants and I think its gross. Her mom grew up poor I did not

>> No.19073093

already happening, at least in my yuropoor country
offal or weird cuts like pig feet/ears/etc used to go for literal cents, I used to buy them for dog food, now they are basically half if not even reaching the price of regular meat, since its been becoming more and more "fashionable" to cook some old, "traditional" meals with weird cuts. Ive noticed that shit happening with ox tails first, shit was basically cheaper then chicken decade ago, nowadays hipsters made it explode in cost

>> No.19073095

This, they pretty much don't even sell it at all in most grocery stores where I live so you would have to jump through hoops to try to buy it anyways.

>> No.19073135
File: 251 KB, 1200x1600, pickled pigs feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jar of this, some crackers and chips and some beer

>> No.19073145

>happening with ox tails first, shit was basically cheaper then chicken decade ago, nowadays hipsters made it explode in cost
Literally only because of Pho lmao

>> No.19073163

No, thats not popular here at all, but all kinds of stews with ox-tail exploded in popularity for some reason and drove their price crazy...

>> No.19073302

Pathetic piece of shit. Even more worthless than being incel trash is that you call yourself European, instead of being proud of being from whichever country you come from.

>> No.19073311

it's something people pretend to like to act manly like hot sauce, beard oil, beer, etc.

>> No.19073621

found the shit eater.

>> No.19073639
File: 176 KB, 2560x1707, cow-tongue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got money but I still like this once in awhile
Is good meat and sometimes I crave it

>> No.19073675

kek probably the most disgusting cut of "meat"
i can only imagine the people who boast about liking these shit cuts are the same people who pretend to like coffee or onions and garlic and pretend NOT to like chocolate and ice cream. manchildren. incapable of doing any actual growing up so have to pretend to be adults by liking disgusting "food"

>> No.19073696

also i can imagine the liver and other organs of a freshly killed wild animal to taste good. not the organs of the kind of livestock who eat goyslop, live in shitty condition with hundreds of others, never breathing fresh air or seeing sunshine that you get at the supermarket.
people who pretend to like these shits are literally just posturing and larping as some sort of medieval peasants or something. it's fucking cringe.

>> No.19073709

no, most burgers don't even think about it all. it's a real shame that organs aren't really a part of our food culture.
we used to associate pigs feet and snouts with poverty (and being black) but that's a dated stereotype now.

>> No.19073787

cow liver and chicken heart are good, and thats about it

>> No.19073815

People do, but I've never been to a grocery store or market where some type of offal was the cheapest meat. I love liver, gizzards, and chicken feet.


>> No.19073854

I'm literally eating liver pashtet right now

>> No.19073859

liver is always frozen, its next to the fish sticks, etc

>> No.19073863

>$860 month

holy shit that's a lot

>> No.19073886

You just made an ass outta yourself but you're probably a bot.

>> No.19073889
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no. anymore dumb questions?

>> No.19073901
File: 376 KB, 2048x2048, Bhliverwurst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this on a sandwich with onions and mustard
Don't accuse me of larping or "pretending" to like it

>> No.19073905

>i have literally 0 rebuttal but i still have to posture
you don't have to pretend on 4chan. nobody knows who you are

>> No.19073909
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except the Florida sheriff

>> No.19073911

Yes, beef-wise anything that isn't hamburger and steaks is generally considered poverty food. Beef ribs are only slightly making a comeback.

>> No.19073922
File: 31 KB, 500x333, Fried chicken feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fry them chicken feet
good stuff

>> No.19073927

I don't know
My mom ate liver and tripe as a kid and disliked them, especially tripe, so I never tried them because I don't like a lot of the foods she did anyways.
I hear the texture of organs is slimier and also I would rather get my allotment of heavy metals from shrimp and tuna than liver.
Based take, this is me with pork and gmo veggies and meat in general. Please continue not to eat it so I can buy it cheaper.
The true frontier classic is headcheese
Yeah this is what "catch up to Europe" fags don't understand. Actually look at our tax brackets and you'll see why corporations and millionaires dodge taxes.
All of those quality of life indexes put in "income inequality" so they can score the US lower despite everyone here having larger houses and apartments than in Europe, cheaper food, literally one thousand safety nets and get out of paying ways to get muh free healthcare without even mentioning lawsuits, etc etc
There's a reason we have such a huge problem with illegal immigration

>> No.19074141

My parents think organ meat like liver is full of toxins.

>> No.19074152
File: 184 KB, 1500x1500, Natural-Goodness-Canola-Oil-5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But really it's the seed oils they're eating all the time that are full of toxins, it sucks when people you care about are so confused.

>> No.19074169

Yeah, I've found it's best to just keep the peace and let them stick to their boomer ways. They're good people and at least then I don't get written out of the will.

>> No.19074206

I used to buy it for my dog every once in a while until I realized it was cheaper and easier just to give her actual fucking beef.

>> No.19074240

Wow, look at all tastelets/manlets rage in this thread!!
Nothing wrong with offal, it can be pretty good if cooked correctly.
But, then again, what else would you expect from people that can't even boil water

>> No.19074248
File: 9 KB, 296x198, 1679383152620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.19074512

They literally are "poverty food", they're far cheaper than other cuts of meat

That doesn't mean they're bad

>> No.19074532

All delicious.

>> No.19074794

Your ancestors raped and pillaged and conquered on a diet of that and whole milk
You will never have sex

>> No.19074799

Why is that pig giving me the eyes

>> No.19074915

Enjoy your gut cancer

>> No.19074955

Kidney, liver, tongue and heart are delicious and I can't believe burgers will eat some of the absolute shit you serve up, yet turn your nose up at this stuff. Pathetic.

>> No.19075076

That's a good thing. If normalfaggots discover the finer things in life, the price will go up due to increased demand. You should only discuss it with fellow /ck/onnaisseures.
Protip: Ask your butcher to put a bit of liver into the meat grinder along with the cheapest cut of meat. Your burgers and meatballs will have much more flavour.

>> No.19075129

>Protip: Ask your butcher to put a bit of liver into the meat grinder along with the cheapest cut of meat. Your burgers and meatballs will have much more flavour.
Damn, never thought about it

>> No.19075189

Im black so no my ancestors did none of that.

>> No.19075194

I would rather never have sex than rape, pillage and conquer. Rape and looting is for niggers, we have ascended beyond that, only building now. And until women stop killing their unborn children, I don't want them.

>> No.19075196

They did all of that perpetually for millennia just without the diet part
They just failed to write most of it down
Because they were too busy fighting each other to come up with writing

>> No.19075202

What? No, they just think it’s gross and tastes bad.

>> No.19075209
File: 163 KB, 828x1035, B31F41B0-DE65-4837-8C70-327A81FEDB08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Liver filters trash out of your body. Do you eat your vacuum filter?

>> No.19075218
File: 1.52 MB, 1024x1534, omentata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's also a fatty membrane around the liver called a "caul" (or "omentatum" in Latin). You can use it as a wrapping for sausages or patties. Apicius recommends "Iscia Omentata" (pic related), which is possibly the first burger in history. If your butcher removes this from the liver before sale, it's worth asking how much he wants for it. You might just get a cheap casing that would have otherwise gone to waste.
>Im black
Your ancestors did a massive amount of raping and pillaging on a diet that probably included whole milk and blood. As a European mine did a similar thing, but we put the blood into oatmeal sausages.
If my vacuum sucked up the kind of vitamins that liver contains, I would gladly eat it.

>> No.19075247

yes and it's based because it keeps the prices down
>tfw ox tail and pork belly get memed and it becomes expensive
if you enjoy a cut of meat don't say shit about it

>> No.19075386

yes they did you dumbass nigger. learn your own history.

>> No.19075391

>Liver filters
>liver is no different than a vacuum filter because they both "filter"
the average IQ for this board drops noticeably by the day.

>> No.19075393

I eat them, but only in the offal, wurst situations

>> No.19075564

>whole milk
Ya no.

>> No.19075596
File: 424 KB, 2000x1333, 46F35369-ACC6-4175-B255-3A6557EDA652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not that guy but there are a shitload of cow herding tribes in east africa and milk makes up a good part of their diet. unless your >whole milk was meant to insinuate that there's no way their cows are well enough fed to produce 4-8% milkfat milk, maybe i can't argue that

>> No.19075607

Footfags are the worst

>> No.19075964

Go on, eat your water filter.

>> No.19076097


>> No.19076320

Most Americans also consider liver and even some meat cuts like neck to be poverty tier. Not just offal.

>> No.19076408

holy fuck this is the most cringey and american post ive seen in months

>> No.19076412

It's a weird thing, the poor immigrants and rich folk enjoy organs and shit while middle class people and poor Americans stay away from it. Except chitlins. Blacks love chitlins

>> No.19076504

Some of you faggots were raised like bitches and it shows. Here in Chile they sell cow asshole sandwiches in the street and everyone loves them. Glad to see most anons ITT aren't picky, though.


>> No.19076529

Holy shit grow up dude

>> No.19076564

>liver, tongue and heart are delicious
godawful, they taste like piss

>> No.19076598


>> No.19076599

No. They just don't consider it food period.

>> No.19076602

actual brain dead slobbering retard

>> No.19076695

organ meat is gross

>> No.19076698

i dunno liver and onions is pretty good once in a while

>> No.19076709

Offal meat is a very regional thing, and is more of a rural/urban divide than anything. I see a lot of offal served in high end restaurants but I also see it in rural cooking especially if they own the ranch themselves. Ranchers aren't exactly poor people in the US but they often eat every bit of the cow. Offal meat is very common in the Midwest/Plains states, South, and high end restaurants but in urban areas is more associated with Mexicans and immigrants.

>> No.19076725

Ironic, I thought the savages in Burgerstan loved eating the hearts of their enemies. Maybe they are evolving.

>> No.19076740
File: 41 KB, 306x408, 5554992-6331229-image-a-14_1540854157093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wh*te people do

Aka poor trash

>> No.19076816

nobody even sells it in the grocery where i live, best you can get is frozen tripe or if you're lucky chicken hearts
they probably put the rest into feed

>> No.19076823

A majority of us do, yes. Most of us were raised on baked/fried chicken, pork chops, bacon, ground beef etc. Organs to most Americans is a "ew isn't that like what they eat in south america and stuff?" sort of thing.
And thats fine by me, more cheap meat for me!

>> No.19076908

how do you eat this? like do you just gnaw on them or cut off slices?

>> No.19076934

>Be little kid
>Love eating liver
>Try to find it whenever it's an ingredient in the food I'm eating
>Love the texture and taste
>Be me a bit older
>Try eating liver
>It tastes weird and has a strong aftertaste
>Whatever it must be from the way it was cooked
>Try liver in another dish
>Tastes the same
>Tfw liver tastes terrible to me now for some reason
>Tfw can't enjoy it the way I used to

>> No.19077049

We have entered the weak men stage, the prophecy will continue.

>> No.19077071

I don't think it's gross I just think that shit is way too chewy, it doesn't even feel like meat.

>> No.19077073

>the people who boast about liking these shit cuts are the same people who pretend to like coffee or onions and garlic and pretend NOT to like chocolate and ice cream
I like all of those things but I dislike cow tongue, consider your world shattered young man.

>> No.19077106

well, they probably raped desu

>> No.19077386

reddit vibes

>> No.19077396

there are a lot of different livers out there. also calf liver >>>> beef liver. make sure you are eating calf liver.

>> No.19077407

source your beef liver from a cow that lived as healthy a life as it possibly could and include liver in your diet every now and then

make your own recipe, because it's still gross to me however i prepare it, but it's nutritious

>> No.19077415

I consider it old people food
Like my parents grandparents

>> No.19077812

It's only NOT considered poverty food by kitschy "health concious" silcali megafaggots.
Offal is a loanword that quite literally means garbage, it's throughout history recognized as something you only eat to not waste anything of an animal or something to fill your sausages with.

>> No.19077817

They're kinda like chicken drumsticks.