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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19072197 No.19072197 [Reply] [Original]

>cooking board
>11 of the top 15 threads are fast food and chain restaurants
Was it always this bad?

>> No.19072203

Go back to reddìt

>> No.19072207

yes cu/ck/s have been addicted to goyslop for as long as i've been here

>> No.19072208

You post homecooked stuff and no one replies. You post discussion on cooking and no one knows what they're talking about. Only discussion that makes it are fast food ones

>> No.19072216

>Even animals are on welfare now

>> No.19072226

It wasn't always this bad but it also has never been very good. I've been here for 12 years and at it's qualitative apex it was still like 30% fast food threads on any given day

>> No.19072269

What’s on Reddit?

>> No.19072284

rangeban amerisharts and the board will become the best on this dogshit website

>> No.19072362

disgusting. i paid $0.99/lb the other day.

>> No.19072375

Do you remember the sogwich threads?

>> No.19072387

It's still a good board, I can ask cooking related questions and get useful replies
go to /v/ and it's all shitposting, go to /co/ and it's people fighting over politics
Art related boards are dead

>> No.19072393

If you have been here for 12 years then you must remember when this board was so dead we had a last meal general because nobody knows what to post about

>> No.19072406

>Post a picture of meal I cooked
>Ask for opinions or what other people cooked or whatever to try to start a thread
>Maybe get a hand full of replies, thread dies
>Seven taco bell threads a day though!

Yeah I don't really come here much.

>> No.19072846

>Was it always this bad?
I never come to /ck/ for actual cooking talk. Reddit is unironically 100x better.

>> No.19072850

>brine injected, water chilled chicken

>> No.19072872
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>> No.19072884

don't care, tastes good

>> No.19072905

so? been eating it all my life and no problems so far

>> No.19072910

Happy for you.
Sometimes having refined tastes is a curse, and having an elementary palate is a blessing

>> No.19072928

Your thread bitching, adding nothing of value discussion wise and knocking another thread off the board really helps anon; good for you, im proud and you arent worse than you bitch about at all. Kys

>> No.19073281

/ck/ is full of fast food viral marketing because this is a site for fat NEETs.

>> No.19073293

is whole foods worth going to? I already have trader joe's and Meijer

>> No.19073301

>youtuber brines chicken or brisket with le heckin science
>nice friendly grocer does it for you

>> No.19073314

Go back to McDonalds cooklet

>> No.19073379

>brining chicken under your conditions
>buying chicken with brine injected into it by a syringe

>> No.19073394

It is overpriced imo, but they have good stuff

Trader Joe's is trash outside of certain items. I went to get hot sauce once and they only had their store brand. It gave me the worst smelling farts ever

>> No.19073432

The price is well worth it on the virtue that you don't have to shop around riff raff.
My shopping experience is always pleasant compared to regular grocery stores.

>> No.19073453

>/ck/ - FOOD and Cooking

>> No.19073455

Sadly my local WF has riff raff. To escape them I need to go to Erewhon which is NOT gonna happen

>> No.19073482

>willingly living in LA

>> No.19073493

Yikes, it probably wasnt even animal welfare certified

>> No.19073609

It's bit better during euro hours when ameriburgers are asleep.

>> No.19073615

then why are you posting rn?

>> No.19073641

I'm euro doing night shift which is over in 40min or so.

>> No.19073682
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Can't afford to leave, and can't afford to stay!

>> No.19073757

Sorry faggot but this is a certified goyslop board if you want to be a health freak then go over to r/nutrition or some shit

>> No.19073774


>> No.19073853

It's gotten worse since /pol/ became those most popular board on 4chan. Those losers don't know how to cook and despite all their whining about "goyslop" they live on fast food, frozen food, and whatever their mom makes.

>> No.19073857

Worse. It used to be shitheads who couldn't cook giving each other advice

>> No.19073890

There used to be a lot more OC and off-meta threads. More weird stuff, more in jokes that weren't just forcing a term like goyslop. 4chan and the internet overall is more homogenized ad there's less one-off weird stuff.

t. guy who created this meme (and about 5 others based on it that didn't take off) on a lark in a thread about gorilla munch

>> No.19073894
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>this meme
fug, forgot to attach

>> No.19073896

People would go
We had this thread millions already, fuck off
Then they go ahead and repost jack in webm thread

>> No.19073903

you don't "make a meme" you tremendous newfaggot

>> No.19073919

I'm using the vernacular, that's what we called it in vulgate 4chanic