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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19070216 No.19070216 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19070224 [DELETED] 

Empty sink, rinse chicken, place on clean plate.... CDC are the same retards who said to get the jab and use a mask at all times. Fuck them and their zionist bullshit

>> No.19070226

Mmmmhmm aint that the same cdc that be saying the vaccine is safe for black folk?

>> No.19070229

>spread germs to other utensils
This is only a concern if you don't wash your other kitchen equipment. Put the chicken on a straner, wash it under running water, the faucet idc.

>> No.19070232

I use bleach and soap to wash my chicken. Then while my chickens be resting in the sink, I dump Lawry's on them lil enwords.

>> No.19070240

No. Never understood this. Any raw meat is gonna have a bunch of shit on it if it’s raw, chicken especially but still. All harmful bacteria is gonna get killed in the heat so I never got the point. Been a bunch of times when I leave kitchen on the counter, forget about it, lays on the counter defrosted and room temp for an unknown amount of time, don’t wash, cook and it’s fine

>> No.19070242

No. I also don't wash my hands after handling raw meat or cracking eggs. I'll wash my hands after I get everything where it needs to be and after I eat, but fuck it.I ain't washing my hands more than twice whenever I eat.

>> No.19070250

If your chicken is so nasty that you have to wash it what the fuck are you even doing. Buy better meat.

>> No.19070252

I wash my veg, I wash my meat. It all ends up on the same plate anyway. Simple.

>> No.19070257

What it of what?

>> No.19070264

But I understand people that do. Chicken from the store comes from a shit factory where its sprayed with antibacterial agents prior to packaging (at least in America). I understand why people would want to rinse off as much of that as they can.

People that actually "wash" the chicken with detergent are just retarded.
So are people that think they're removing bacteria.

>> No.19070265

That is the same CDC that wanted to job and mask every single person...unless you were illegal, then they would stay quiet.

>> No.19070272


Are there really people who interpret "washing chicken" as to actually wash it with soap and water?

>> No.19070284

Why wouldn’t you use soap? Don’t you want to kill the parasites so you can safely cook the chicken medium rare and eat it still bloody

>> No.19070286

>Wash it of what?

>> No.19070340

If meat comes in a vacuum pack I always wash it. For regular butcher pack like OP I never bother.

>> No.19070368

That's what the bleach is for, stupid yt people

>> No.19070372

There appear to be some. But there are also lots of social media faggots making videos doing it for a laugh.

>> No.19070380

Washing meat?
Is this really a thing, or is it just some fake fad to create outrage like rainbow parties?

>> No.19070396

>he wasn't in a rainbow party in hs
lol. I guess this is a late millennial thing, zoomers wouldn't understand

>> No.19070403

Silly whiteoids and cumskins will never understand proper hygiene
This is why Wakanda (which is a real country, BTW) will destroy Honkeyland soon.

>> No.19070404

Like all things CDC, it's flagrant bullshit.

>> No.19070408
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>> No.19070422

You know it is racist to show people of color doing things that person of color find embarrassing when they know wypipo are observing them doing those things, right?
I mean, they know it is wrong, but they keep doing it anyway, and it's only proper that we cover up reports of them doing those things because it would be racist if we were to say anything about how they can't learn from their mistakes.

>> No.19070438 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19070448

who does this
i have never heard of this in my entire life and i'm older than all of you

>> No.19070460
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>> No.19070461

People will wash their meat like they wash lettuce

>> No.19070508

imagine being this retarded

>> No.19070898

You cant tell me what to do whitey

>> No.19070908

>t. trying to contaminate my pureblood with your vaccinated chicken

>> No.19070914

Whenever “they” tell me to do or not do something, i do the opposite.

>> No.19070977

>Be agricultural man of long ago
>Slaughter chicken
>Cook chicken
>Eat chicken
>Lick fingers
>Contract salmonella
How did they do it?

>> No.19070985

Why are you even washing chicken in the first place. You are supposed to fry/cook it, which kills all germs.

>> No.19070988

*smacks lips*

>> No.19070991

He's not. Black people do this, sometimes even with dish soap, hence the thread. You will see this again in the future

>> No.19070998

is that a family recipe?

>> No.19071081

I don't, but I think I'll start.

>> No.19071094
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I thought you were supposed to wash it because meat manufacturing plants are disgusting hovels of disease and germs, and that FDA doesn't care because they get kickbacks for turning the other way?

These ARE the same people who said people should wear masks inside their own houses, or else covid will magically break in through the window and infect them.

>> No.19071106

No, because I’m not an Ameritard who is too stupid to learn how to cook.

>> No.19071107

Yes the chicken is slimy and it's good to wash it to rid it of debris, feathers, slime, bacteria ridden juices it was sitting in. Then blot dry with paper towels and use

>> No.19071115
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>I don't, but I think I'll start.
I don't, and I have no idea why anybody would.
You can only wash the outside, but every single cell MIGHT harbor some kind of microscopic nasty critter.
Washing isn't going to do shit.

>> No.19071123
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You're an idiot.
Why not just cook in in Nyquill?
Maybe drink some bleach while you're at it?

>> No.19071172

Yes, I use a chicken plucker.

>> No.19071175

>rainbow parties?
Of fuck. Thanks for making me go Google something...
Man FUCK YOU. Now I've got one more thing I wish was real, but obviously isn't.

>> No.19071181

>never heard of this in my entire life and i'm older than all of you
I'm 58, and yeah, I've heard of this.
Never underestimate the power of stupidity.
Most people are idiots.

>> No.19071189
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>FDA doesn't care because they get kickbacks for turning the other way
Do you think the Earth is flat too?
Who's giving NASA kickbacks?

>> No.19071192
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Where the fuck do you buy your chicken?
Out of some guy's trunk in a 7-11 parking lot?

>> No.19071961

This is normal especially with cornish hens

>> No.19071972

How about "pharming parties"? where kids would invite their friends over, empty the content of their parents' entire medicine cabinet into a bowl and then eat handfuls of pills.

>> No.19071981

NASA is literally broke and has to outsource everything to the private sector wtf are you talking about? They didn't even produce the new space suit they just recently showed off.

>> No.19071990

I don't wash it but it's always going into some kind of marinade that washes some of the yucky chicken slime away.

>> No.19071997

Yes, I just clean my kitchen sink and the surrounding area thoroughly

>> No.19072007

Once upon a time chicken was purchased with bits of feathers and chips of bone and other undesirable stuff on the outside. "Washing" was just the process of rinsing the stuff off, not necessarily sanitizing it. People are retarded though

>> No.19072029

>This is normal
No, it is fucking not.
Just stop living in ass-backwards part of central Asia the UK or Eastern Europe, or stop pretending your third-world country is the norm.

>> No.19072038

Also fiction.
Oh noes!!! I took Sudafed AND Allegra!!
Fucking people are idiots.

>> No.19072049

>NASA is literally broke
They're part of the Federal Government, so, yeah, kinda.
What's your point? Are you agreeing or disagreeing with me?

>has to outsource everything to the private sector
So they're NOT broke?
Talk to your handler before you post nonsense.

>> No.19072061

>yucky chicken slime
How fucking old is the chicken you're buying????
Where do you people live???
I'd expect even third-world folk would have access to fresh chicken.

>> No.19072063

Everyone used to do this prior to supermarkets, white people just forgot that they did. It's unnecessary but traditional from the time where you would buy a chicken from a dirty street market

>> No.19072073

>prior to supermarkets
>Once upon a time

What century did you people grow up in????
Unless you're hundreds of years old, none of this matters.
By the time the airplane was invented, everyone on Earth had access to chicken you could just fucking cook and eat.

>> No.19072076

Nah if whatever germs or bacteria can survive the cooking process it deserves to kill me.

>> No.19072082

Just a little baking soda and vinegar in an empty sink. Dish soap and bleach water afterwards.

>> No.19072085

Prior to supermarkets selling you chicken wrapped in plastic, you went to a filthy butcher or bought it from a dirty farm market. It had feathers and dirt on it. This is just history, Anon

>> No.19072133

In what third world shit hole would you need to wash something you're going to cook anyway?

>> No.19072145

In the first world? Where grocery store employees eat play-doh?

>> No.19072347

>Prior to supermarkets selling you chicken wrapped in plastic,
No one alive today should be able to remember such a time.

>> No.19072363

go to bed grandpa

>> No.19072366

Drink your bleach and be quiet, fool.

>> No.19072390

More like:
>Be agricultural man of long ago
>Slaughter chicken
>Cook chicken
>Eat chicken
>Lick fingers
>Be so unlucky that you actually contract salmonella, even though your immune system is a thousand times better than anyone born after 1765
>Feel a little bit ill for a couple of days
>Be completely fine afterwards

>> No.19072479

melanated people do it because of the raw chicken smell, thats it.

>> No.19072482

More like:
>Be agricultural man of long ago
>Slaughter chicken
>Cook chicken
>Eat chicken
>Don't lick fingers because you're not fucking stupid

>> No.19072487

no, I'm not black

>> No.19072711


>> No.19073070

>Take chicken breasts/tenderloins
>Put it in a bowl of cold water
>Rub it thoroughly with your hands
>Drain water, season chicken, clean up mess afterward
Obviously you don't run water on chicken for it to splash all over the place and too many faggots want to believe the detergent/bleach bullshit for their own amusement.

>> No.19073090
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spoken like a true king

>> No.19073097

people buy week-old chicken from walmart and let it sit in their fridge for a week and complain about it being 'slimy'
nigga it doesn't come off the bird slimy

>> No.19073149

So what brand of bath salt do you guys use for your chicken? I find that the ones for tender skin work best.

>> No.19073162

as opposed to what lawrys and lemon pepper? niggers are dumb as fuck

>> No.19073289

these are people that think meat doesn't have flavor. At first I thought their taste buds were just blown out by tons of sodium, hot sauce, and menthol cigarettes, but it's actually a racial trait.
It's the same reason why pajeets think all cooking must involve every spice they have; survival. The evolved in very dirty conditions, so the ones that added tons of salt and whatever else to their food, preserving it as a consequence, survived the longest and had more kids on average in their primitive lands.

People that had a written language like white people, knew early on how cooking/preserving/sanitation worked and imagine this- bothered to write it down somewhere. Fast forward 50k years, and niggers seriously think all flavor in foods come from "seasoning" (seasoning salt/hot sauce) because they are hardly able to taste anything without it. They are bragging about literally being handicapped.

>> No.19073386

You do realise to this day people still specifically go to butchers to get their meat?

>> No.19073531

>these are people that think meat doesn't have flavor.
I find Lawry's helps the texture of the outside of the chicken, not just the taste.
Probably the sugar.

>> No.19073552
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>Fast forward 50k years
You had me going until this.
Writing is about 5400 years old, max.
While your bullshit SOUNDS reasonable, now we both know you just made this shit up.

>> No.19073567

>people still specifically go to butchers to get their meat?
I haven't seen a butcher shop in years, and I've never seen one that sold chicken with feathers still on.
Aside from one shitty Chinese buffet, I've probably never seen a chicken feather that wasn't on a live chicken.
Side note: I have seen chickens eat kfc fried chicken.

>> No.19073618

Niggers will brag about washing their chicken as if their somehow above whites, despite their communities having the highest, murder, heart disease and single motherhood rate. BUT AT LEAST WE WASH OUR CHICKINS TAKE DAT WHITEY!

>> No.19073628

Where the fuck do you live to not have a butcher shop?

>> No.19073659

Wypipo be like I ain't nevah wash my foods. Literally you wash fruit and vegetables before you eat it, protein is no different. White People.

>> No.19073662

Don't care. Will continue rinsing my meat with water before cooking. And no i don't use detergent like lawrysamericans

>> No.19073698

What about washing with lime?

>> No.19073706

the people who cite these kinds of article to ridicule other people from doing something that their ancestors have been doing for thousands of years are the same people who want people lock up due to covid ie retards

>> No.19073738

I rinse off the saline or whatever the butcher had it in/the juices that show up when you defrost it and then pat dry with a paper towel - reason being I'm gonna oil it up to air fry and oil and water don't mix
worst case some germs get in the sink that is about to be full of antibiotic soap when I do the dishes, oh no

>> No.19073865

If it's a whole chicken, my mom would just put it in a roasting tray and let it go. Wings would go on a baking sheet. But when it comes to boneless skinless chicken breasts, she always had to run them under water while cutting off the white strips and cutting out the veins/dark spots.

>> No.19073878

Your ancestors have not been washing chicken for thousands of years.

>> No.19073884

Most chicken in Muttmerica is contaminated with salmonella. Putting it under water to “wash” it just splashes salmonella all over your sink and kitchen. Ironically, soap can actually kill the bacteria, but not well enough to be worth the fact that your chicken would then taste like soap.

>> No.19073895

Y doo u fink wee den cote it wiff lawrys?

>> No.19073900

why would they. chicken are naturally born wrapped up in styrofoam and plastic.

>> No.19073970

This isn't a problem in civilized countries like Canada.

>> No.19073982

This is a /fit/ post.

And fuck chicken breasts.

>> No.19074126

No, seems unnecessary since I'm gonna cook it.
But it probably also doesn't hurt anything like the cdc wants you to believe for some dumb reason.

>> No.19074323

>mixing baking soda and vinegar
One neutralizes the other, retard. just because something "foams" doesn't mean its cleaning shit up.

Just use vinegar, or even better, lemon juice.

>> No.19074355

>le "hide rotten meat taste with spices" theory
Food simply tastes better with flavor enhancers, salt being one. Every nation or empire that was able to procure spices did so in massive quantities. Even the ones that had no fucking reason whatsoever to use spices following your reasoning because their food would never rot due to the arid weather still used that shit massively.

Ancient Greece and Rome were discussing the benefits of flavored meat gravies far before your degenerate anglo ancestors who were polishing donkey cocks the british isles even had a word for "flavor", and it took centuries of rapes, cullings, and imported civilization before you were elevated to a level of sentience that even allowed for that.

>> No.19074372

i just mix some laundry flakes in with the flour

>> No.19074407
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>its sprayed with antibacterial agents prior to packaging (at least in America)
It is?

>> No.19074636

No, I'm not a nigger.

>> No.19074682

What fucking decade do you live in?
Are they still shooting episodes of the Brady Bunch?
BESIDES: I can't even imagine some butcher shop selling you a chicken with the feathers still on (unless you live in China).
Fuck's sake, what shithole do you live in?

>> No.19074689

>protein is no different
Yes it is, you absolute mongoloid.
I don't cook tomatoes, apples or celery.
Do you eat chicken raw?
Use your brain, or ask your handler to explain it to you.

>> No.19074693

>lock up due to covid
That was never an actual thing. You live in an anger/fear based fantasy land.
You shouldn't be allowed access to sharp scissors, let alone a ballot.
What a fucking world.

>> No.19074696

>cdc wants you to believe
[citation needed]

>> No.19074700

>Every nation or empire that was able to procure spices did so in massive quantities.
Jesus, some people just can't add up 2 and 2.

>> No.19074761

From what I can tell salmonella wasn't a huge issue with chicken until like the 1980s.
Japan still eats raw and near-raw eggs because they aren't experiencing the same outbreak as we are.

>> No.19074797

Lots of people eat raw eggs.
The real issue is you can't let them sit out at room temp too long.
And "near raw"? That's just over easy. Nothing wrong with that.

>> No.19074880

>The real issue is you can't let them sit out at room temp too long.
Where else are you supposed to keep eggs if not in room temperature? In the fridge?

>> No.19074892

Of course. Only a FOOL doesn't.

>> No.19074930


Yes, they are using soap

>> No.19074966

an ORANGE FOOL, might I add.

>> No.19074973

I do now. That'll show them.

>> No.19074979

Reminds me of that cooking video where the black dude's girlfriend gets pissed at him for literally washing the chicken with soap.

But in his defense, the word "wash" usually implies some sort of detergent. "Rinse" is the word everyone in this threat is looking for.

>> No.19074981

>secret non-white people season is just white people seasoning but with bleach and laundry detergent
Niggas fucking stupid as hell.

>> No.19075114
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Open eggs, no matter where you live. Unbroken eggs? Depends. Do you live in the "Only Country that's been to the Moon™"?
Don't forget, the fridge is your friend. YES keep anything as perishable as eggs in the fridge!!
Not sure what you Euros don't understand
about food safety.
Should I own a fire extinguisher? YES.
Will I every need it? Probably not.
It's like you don't understand what "just in case" means.

>> No.19075302

It's more about those habits of washing your meat being passed down from family elders. It's especially common among minorities.

>> No.19075339
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do whypipo really not be washing dey chicken???

>> No.19075365

You don't cook chicken in Nyquill, you do it in Robitussin.

>> No.19075377

It's so stupid

>> No.19075381

>open eggs
What? You mean eggs you've already cracked and haven't immediately used for whatever reason?
>keep anything as perishable as eggs in the fridge
But eggs aren't particularly perishable. They're perfectly good for at least a month, even if you keep them at room temperature.
The fridge is for things that actually need (or benefit from) refridgeration, like milk, open jars of jam, or potatoes.

>> No.19075384

yo this chicken be robibussin fr ong no cap

>> No.19075385

eggs taste better cold

>> No.19075389


>> No.19075437

>skinless chicken.
Do you city folks don't have taste buds?

>> No.19075444

can I ask why they allow selling chicken with germs? isn't the FDA in charge of making people selll clean food and not full of deadly bacterias, parasites and virus?

>> No.19075454

Slightly above room temperature eggs are the best

>> No.19075457

>your immune system is a thousand times better than anyone born after 1765

>> No.19075488

Any cu/ck/s ever watch Amberlynn Reid? I think she had a video of her fat black gf washing her grapes with soap kek.

>> No.19075725
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Jesus FUCKING Christ.
You probably like the smell of your own farts.
And yet you put 'taters in the fridge.
I hope you die of botulism.
Scratch that, I hope you don't kill anyone else of botulism.
Fucking retard.
Buy a fire extinguisher, put your eggs in the fridge, and throw away your sharp scissors.

>> No.19075734

>can I ask why they allow selling chicken with germs?
If it's raw, it's got germs. That's just reality.
Learn a book.

>> No.19075738


>> No.19075742

shut the fuck up schizo faggot

>> No.19075869

>Put the chicken on a straner, wash it under running water, the faucet idc.
You're braindead, this is exactly what causes the problem
When the water from the faucet hits the chicken there's gonna be tiny droplets of chicken juice splashing absolutely everywhere, most of which will be too small to notice or see, the whole fucking area is gonna get contaminated.
If you wash chicken at all (Which you shouldn't, there are no benefits to doing so unless your meat is rancid and you shouldn't be eating rancid meat, washed or otherwise) you do it by putting it into a bowl of water (You put the water in BEFORE the chicken) and then adding some lemon juice or something of that kind and just letting it sit in the water for a bit.

>> No.19075898

Just put it in the dishwasher

>> No.19075925

Continuing to do things that have been rendered unnecessary (And which are now in fact objectively harmful) is a sign of a culture that is intellectually bankrupt and lacks any introspection or curiosity. Blacks simply can't be bothered to stop for a second and ask "Why am I doing this and does it actually benefit me?" Even when provided with direct evidence that there are no benefits and that they are endangering themselves, even if only to a small extent, they will react with anger, not gratitude.

It's even funnier because American blacks will project this exact behavior onto whites in the most hilarious way.
Have you ever seen a Black person on twitter try to own whites by calling white people unhygienic or talking about that white people 'Don't wash their legs'?

To most people this just sounds like gibberish, but it refers to a real thing. In the 1800s the prevailing medical wisdom was that bending over forwards, in the way one might when washing ones legs with a cloth, was one of the leading causes of lower back pain (or 'Lumbago' as it was called) and as such doctors advised their patients to not wash their legs, since having dirty knees is better than chronic back pain.
White people at the time heeded this advice by-and-large, which blacks at the time found very funny, because to them, obviously washing your legs is good, who wants stanky legs? The whites were doing the obvious right thing and following the best medical information they had available, but blacks only saw 'White people dirty!'.
Then later, as medicine evolved, it was discovered that no, bending over for a bit every day to wash your legs isn't gonna destroy your back, doctors took back their outdated advice and white people started switching back. The practice hung around for a bit, mostly among the uneducated classes who had picked it up but never got the memo to stop, but by the 1930s it was more or less eradicated.


>> No.19075931

They didnt vaccinate back then. Humans or chickens.

>> No.19075948


And yet, in the year 2023, there are still black people on the fucking internet who have had this story about 'Silly white people not washing their legs' handed down for literally over a century trying to use it to dunk whitey, despite whites by now collectively having forgotten that not washing your legs was ever even a real thing.
American blacks will engage in any level of mental gymnastics to avoid introspection, they will repeat 200 year old stereotypes that they don't even remember correctly if it means they don't have to stop washing their fucking chicken in the sink.

>> No.19077011

i wash it if i left it in the fridge too long and it starts to smell kinda off / get a bit slimey, to wash off the smelly slime.

>> No.19077094

I dry brine mine. Does the same thing that washing ostensibly would do except it gives the chicken improved flavor and texture.

>> No.19077358

Shut the fuck up with your Reddit paragraphs

>> No.19077515

Rent free you triggered little sweetie

>> No.19077522

Blacks are subhumans what else is new.

>> No.19077529
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Yeah I use this bad boy to wash away the impurities.

>> No.19077562

If you buy enough chicken you're bound to get pieces that have pin feathers that get through the cracks, especially around joints. I've bought chicken in Publix that had feathers, and when I moved to Wyoming I've had some local butchered chicken still have a couple feathers especially around the wings and legs. It's not the end of the world, takes an additional couple minutes to get any remaining pinfeathers out with kitchen tweezers.

Idk how you've never seen a butcher shop, when I was at Norfolk they had several. You just seem like a zoomer who doesn't bother looking for any stores besides basic grocery stores.

>> No.19077568

bleached chicken is nigger finger lickin' good!

>> No.19077693

it's actually washed with ammonia

>> No.19077961

>wash off the smelly slime.
That slime is toxins produced by decaying meat.
The toxins are inside the meat, not just on the outside.
Time to throw it away, but instead you're playing Russian roulette with expired chicken.
Please never feed that shit to anyone.

>> No.19077967

>buy enough chicken you're bound to get pieces that have pin feathers
NO, you third-world Mong. I've been buying/cooking chicken for the last 40 years, NEVER seen a feather.
Maybe things are different in Bangladesh, Cairo or whatever shithole you're from. It's just not a thing in the civilized world.
>you've never seen a butcher shop
I never said that. But they are (more or less) a thing of the past. Doesn't really matter since I've never heard of a butcher shop doing such a shitty job that there are feathers on their chicken.

>> No.19077985

No, and I swear not all of us do that, please don't let bunch of dumbass niggas to change your mind. I have no idea where that trend came from but I assure you a lot of us just ignore or mock those who do.

>> No.19077987

NTA but I have it happen, but only rarely. If I get chicken from Wallymart it's really poor quality meat but there's never any feathers. Whenever I get them from the grocery store on the corner, on the odd occasion it'll have maybe one or two feathers to pluck out of an entire roaster.

>> No.19078046

Seriously 40 YEARS, and I've NEVER seen this.

>> No.19078198

>Be agricultural man of long ago
>Slaughter chicken
>Cook chicken
>Eat chicken
>Lick fingers
>Contract salmonella
>Immune system kills it before you even notice because you've contracted it hundreds of times already and your food is more nutrient dense so your body is stronger and healthier
That's how.

>> No.19078215

this is a bot

>> No.19078221

yes i wash and wet brine my chicken

>> No.19078394

I rinse most stuff off before I eat/cook it. Fruit, vegetables, meat, rice, etc.
The CDC can kiss my ass, if they say something is bad, it's probably good.

>> No.19078616

I didn't used to but if the CDC recommends not doing something, I'm gonna do the exact opposite.

>> No.19078942

don't most anons wash rice and potatoes already? The hell is this, "oh no water molecules that have touched chicken will aerosol spray your house!" nonsense.

I raised chickens for 12 years growing up, and when it was time to slaughter, we'd do the final fine-tuning in the kitchen sink, trimming, removing the feathers we'd miss during the initial plucking. We'd rinse off the birds in the sink and bag them. And cook one for dinner. We never sprayed down the kitchen with bleach, nor did I ever get food poisoning as a kid. Are immune systems these days really that shit?

>> No.19078945

no, but i do wash my hands after urinating in the kitchen sink.

>> No.19078981
File: 57 KB, 832x638, 123142342423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe these faggots could actually start selling grass-fed chicken instead of grain-fed trash?

That'd be nice. Fuck Canada.

>> No.19079001
File: 3 KB, 150x150, nails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dem wypipo don season they food lmao

>> No.19079683

I mean, the process gets rid of the slime and stink. That's all I care about. Not about to brine my chicken in vinegar. But ok lol

>> No.19079692

Yes I put it in the dishwasher
Durr Hurr

>> No.19079698


>> No.19079889

there are still butchers in every country in the world

>> No.19079955

I raise chickens for eggs when a hen stops laying I string her up by the feet and slice her throat, let her bleed out in a pan
Have big pot with hot water and dunk it in to help we defeathering
after all it is all dressed I usually make stew
Not sure if that is "cleaning" my chicken

>> No.19080105

Trust those who push science on (you)