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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 590x350, Lidl-Vs-Aldi-904602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19068692 No.19068692 [Reply] [Original]

Which side are you on?

>> No.19068703

my town has 2 aldis and 0 lidls
take a guess bruh

>> No.19068714

How do you pronounce the first one? LIE-dull? LID-del? le-DUL? We don't have those around me.

>> No.19068722
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theres only one side

>> No.19068727

lidle like ladle but with an i

>> No.19068729
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>> No.19068734

Aldi is genuinely quite nice, cheap and good quality, Lidl is about as cheap but they don't put the effort in to the customer experience and result is a nasty end product.

>> No.19068736

Lidl had this retarded thing where they did not implement an area where you can place the items into a bag
They just expected you to like grab everything from side somehow
The ceo was a bit of a retard

>> No.19068737


>> No.19068748

long i as in high, or short i as in hit?

>> No.19068758


>> No.19068787

I looked for people saying Lidl on youtube and found this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vCay_FiCWgw

>> No.19068799

I have no Aldi in my country

>> No.19068809

LidlCHADS and AldiGODS stand united against their common foe, the eternal ripoff store menace

>> No.19068816

What about Rewe? They have good coconut milk.

>> No.19068945

They both cool I guess.
I rarely buy from them though. I dont like their products.
I live in Italy if that matters.

>> No.19068984

i've got a lidl dick and it hurts aldi time

>> No.19068988


>> No.19068998

Lidl for dat bakery. It's really sad when Lidl has a good bakery while all American chains have shit ones.

My fucking NEIGHBOURHOOD has two Aldi locations, each on either end of it, two miles apart on the same street. The closest Lidl? Fifteen miles away. Doesn't sound far, and it technically isn't, but that's 15 miles of either city traffic or on one of the five worst-congested highways in the US.

>> No.19069012

Properly, lee-dull is close. Americans say it that way because the stores constantly blare its own name over the speakers + the TV adverts shown here pronounce it that way, too.
Brits pronounce it like "little," only swapping the Ts for Ds.

>> No.19069026
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>Lidl for dat bakery
my nigga
i love these lil niggas like you wouldnt believe

>> No.19069032

trader joe's mogs them both
it's weird I have pretty much every grocery chain now
maybe goyslop is dying...

>> No.19069034

there's no lidl in australia


>> No.19069050
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That means you're a filthy northerner.

>> No.19069053

Meant >>19069032

>> No.19069062
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Always been more of a Kaufland guy myself, but they recently opened a Lidl right next to my place, so ive been visiting it more often. Its alright, but I feel like its more about "meme foods", like something you dont eat everyday and just wanna try out once or twice because of their themed weeks. Got some pretty decent indian tikka masala slopfrom their asian week few days ago, easy to prepare, just microwave it and wa-la
for everyday groceries I still prefer regular chains

>> No.19069077
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>My nearest Lidl is 1.5 km away
>My nearest Aldi is 2 km away
>The only two shops close to me are Norma and Rewe
It's over... isn't it....

>> No.19069104

Sadly, bakerybro, I live in the US so no hot dog rolls or sausage rolls for me, but the Lidl bakeries here sell decent baguettes with an actual crust (unlike the common "baguette" sold elsewhere here) on the cheap as well as pizza, calzones and other good shit.
I would fuck up dem hot dog rolls, tho.

As long as Anon's not from Hull, some town in the dales or, god fucking forbid, Newcastle, it's fine. Can't understand a lick people from there say. I have to really concentrate to get wtf Lucy Beaumont is saying at me when I watch Meet The Richardson's and you can forget about Geordies altogether.

>> No.19069105

have both in my town and both have different items I prefer, so no real winner. also both have meme so called "Restposten" area, so I can get funny items

>> No.19069109

We have 3 Aldis and 2 Lidls

I prefer Lidl

>> No.19069132

At least you have it in your country kek

>> No.19069139
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>Sadly, bakerybro, I live in the US so no hot dog rolls or sausage rolls for me
damn, that sucks, those weird small pastries and their donuts/muffins they sell are the best part about their bakery, perfect quick and cheap breakfast every time. They have those great mini """pizzas""" for example, which is basically some flat bread with some gouda, salami chunks and i guess some kind of tomato sauce, but they are great and cost a few cents, could demolish like 5+ at once. Not that much of a fan of their regular baked stuff(breads and whatnot), always preferred Billa for that one if its gotta be a supermarket, but those dont exist outside of some EU countries I think. Still, never as good as something from your local bakery, but im lucky that I have one right next to me

>> No.19069182

I went to Billa ONCE. Was visiting cousins in Altstaetten and we crossed the border into Austria because everything is cheaper. Was nice.
I'm from Italy, tho, and while I understand and can read German, I'm self conscious when it comes to speaking or writing it since the Swiss side of my family constantly take the piss out of me for how I say shit.
>great pizza for a few cents
Yeah, AmeriLidl has "pizza twists" which are also delicious and cheap. Most other things at Lidl can such a shit, but the bakery is superb.

>> No.19069199
File: 44 KB, 480x345, lidl-pizza-twists-turkey-brie-1607509931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pizza twists
i dont think ive ever seen those in the lidl bakeries here, but if they are anything like pic related, that they should be pretty good. this shit is surprisingly good for a frozen slop factory food, the whole "Deluxe" lidl line actually is

>> No.19069212

Very similar look. I was even gonna describe it as a pizza version of Georgian khachapuri but figured few people know wtf that is. What you posted looks like Christmas dinner khachapuri.

>> No.19069222
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I take the third position

>> No.19069244

>I take the third position

>> No.19069890
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>Buy Lidl shoes
>Sell them
>Make over $500
You can literally make money of Lidl's deals, that's how good it is.

>> No.19069903

Ah, so the non-English i, as in Wii.
Thanks to all the pronunciation advice, I sincerely had never heard it spoken out loud before.

>> No.19069913
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for me it's Penny, the superior german discount store

>> No.19069916

Based and George Jenkins pilled

>> No.19069922

God, this place is absolutely fucking disgusting. Im so glad it went bankrupt in my country, literally didnt know a single person who actually went there, easily the worst germanoid meme chain from what ive seen

>> No.19069936

wal mart

>> No.19069946

It's a moot point now since Aldi are closing ALL their stores in my country, but I usually went to Lidl anyway simply because the prices are the same but the Lidl app sometimes gives me free stuff. I have literally filled my pantry with non-perishables that I got for free that way. For the coming apocalypse, you know.
I will say, that at least in my town the Aldi employees were a lot more competent.

>> No.19069952
File: 1.44 MB, 1742x745, lidl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He cute

>> No.19070115

in my country it's pretty good, very similar to Lidl and Aldi for prices and quality.

>> No.19070130
File: 208 KB, 1200x700, Lidl-Christmas-Jumper-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's missing the Lidl christmas jumper

>> No.19070194

it was supposed to be I guess, but it was always a fucking shitshow, dirty, products misplaced everywhere, etc
at least after they went out actually more lidls opened on their place, so thats good i guess

>> No.19070209


>> No.19070213

Please come to Canada.
I miss their cheap, fresh pastries. NoFrills only has packaged garbage.

>> No.19071042


>> No.19071049

Lidl, mainly for their pastries. Aldi has those 90 cents AHA pizza which are best in market for when you want to save money though.

>> No.19071071

No Aldi where I live but Lidl has some delicious ham and cheese Croissants. They are best when the store opens and they are still warm. Also Lidl has my favourite brand of Hummus

>> No.19071197

god fucking damnit

>> No.19071496
File: 271 KB, 1500x1500, 202111090120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aldi has excellent cheap aged Gouda, I periodically raid the stores and buy them up, hehe. Picture not entirely related, can't fine the Gouda one.

>> No.19071501

Lidl provides me with excellent chocolate, and chocolate coulants. There's no match.

>> No.19071613

>all these people going on about Lidl's various baked goods
They must be delicious. Shane no Lidl near me. : (
Can i suggest to the company they open one here?

>> No.19071752
File: 478 KB, 1504x925, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lidl more like slopl

>> No.19071802

I am not going to stand in line for ten minutes to pay for my groceries. Both are aweful because of this.

>> No.19071826

One day I went to lidl, I was really, really hungry.

>> No.19071827

I have no idea what LIDL is but Aldi is for poorfags. I go to Kroger.

>> No.19071832

>over sustainability concerns
Holy fucking shit. Get to know your local farmers, friends.

>> No.19071836


>> No.19071843

Get out, shart. This is a euro thread

>> No.19071847

I don't like poors or brown people so neither.

>> No.19071861

both are based. i prefer lidl for lunch their backingshop is superiour but i prefer hofer (aldi) for the weekly shopping since the food is higher quality from my experience

>> No.19071873

Aldi is a Euro thing? That explains a lot. They're disgusting.

>> No.19072000
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Best chocolate right after Lindt.

>> No.19073082

Wait a minute. Lidl is currently rebranding itself, especially given the new Lidl sneakers, shirt and slippers; they’re trying to insert themselves in the market in a similar way to TARGET in the US… where u go to find anything. This is related to the fresh juice squeezing machine.
Aldi…comes with many differences, especially the quality of products / per price. In Italy, product from UK US Belgium France and Spain are SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper in Aldi rather than in a Lidl

>> No.19073087

You’re a LIDL shill

How much does LIDL pay you?

>> No.19075029

Why is Germany trying to conquer the ghetto grocery market in the US?

>> No.19075280


>> No.19075286
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>>19072000 (witnessed)

>> No.19075445

I visit both regularly in a 4:1 ratio

>> No.19075558

i know them aldis are burning

>> No.19075647

A lidl.

>> No.19075671
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>> No.19075765

My mother worked at Lidl in the late 90s, they had them memorize the prices because they didn't want to buy a fucking price-tag scanner.

>> No.19075794
File: 29 KB, 900x511, Meijers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which side are you on?

>> No.19075828

my local lidl always smells like shit, like actual feces. so i never go there.

>> No.19075834
File: 60 KB, 900x536, 45455_netto-store.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone in the UK remember the school-life death sentence shopping here was back in the 2000s? We didn't usually shop there but sometimes it was convenient and I refused to get out of the car

>> No.19075848

I love the LIDL water, just too good to pass

>> No.19076032

I go to ACME for the occasional 12 pack of bitch beer and deli meats/cheeses. I go to Aldi for literally everything else.

>> No.19076035

they have lidl in America?

>> No.19076039
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birch* though some of you may say it's for bitches.

>> No.19076111

I go to ACME for the occasional 12 pack of birch beer and whatever shit they give me in digital coupons. I go to Asian supermarkets for literally everything else.

>> No.19076152

Is your town Leighton Buzzard?

>> No.19076463
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>> No.19076517

It's freaky how much that guy looks like me, even down to the long eyelashes. Biggest diff is his curly hair. Mine is straight.

>> No.19076522

Lidl carries Murcian goat cheese, which is infinitely superior to any gouda.

>> No.19076528

Aldi for the smoked.tofu, Lidl for the vegan chocolate spread with ethicaly certified palm oil

>> No.19076551

lidl and aldi are less than a mile apart here
lidl looks much nicer, has a very good bakery, two aisles of dollar general junk, and routinely runs ads for really great deals without stocking the product
aldi seems cheaper overall, has fewer SKUs, and still does the cart-for-a-quarter thing even though nobody carries change

>> No.19076554

>ethicaly certified palm oil
they don't whip the trees if they under produce?

>> No.19076566
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>> No.19076571

>Aldi for the smoked.tofu
o shit, that sounds good

>> No.19076601

Yeah, it sucks though.

>> No.19076683

>Which side are you on?
Definitely Lidl. The parking lot is more convenient.

>> No.19077309

I don't know what either of those are

>> No.19077417

What"s that, some Europoor '"food" hovel?
Just go to Wal-Mart lmao

>> No.19077859

Pretty sure that's Aldi (hard white), which is also good, but nowhere near as good as aged Gouda.

Wall-Shart couldn't even make it in Europe because we eat real food in normal portions LMAO

>> No.19077864

>Pretty sure that's Aldi
idk if Aldi dies, too, but Lidl definitely has it. And Aldi is poopshits, anyway.

>> No.19077866

>Wall-Shart couldn't even make it in Europe because we eat real food in normal portions LMAO
Walmart is called Tesco in Europe.

>> No.19077889
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>> No.19077893
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>> No.19077896

>proves herself wrong
>Inexplicably giggles about it
Odd behaviour, homie.

>> No.19077915

1. Tesco isn't Wall-Shart
2. A bunch of stores in Czechia and UK = you are irrelevant

>> No.19077920

>Tesco isn't Wall-Shart
>Czechia isn't in Europe
Also false.

>> No.19077941

>Tesco isn't Wall-Shart
>Czechia isn't in Europe
Said nobody

Try again!

>> No.19077950

Tesco is Walmart. So are Coop, Biedronka, Fenn's and Carrefour.
>nobody said Czechia isn't in Europe

>> No.19077957

People always rave about Lidlington bakeries but everyone I've been too looks like a garbage dump of crumbs and fumbled pastries. I see kids just walk up lick donuts and put them back. I ain't touching that shit

>> No.19077965

Maybe where you are. What i am, the pastries and breads are good and parents don't allow children to lick things at random. Perhaps try living somewhere civilised.

>> No.19078008

>2km isn't close
lazy cunt

>> No.19078174

>1 mile away
That's like a 15 minute walk or a 5 minute bike ride or a 2 minute drive. How is that not close?

>> No.19078268

Lmao, I walk 2 miles just to get to work then 2 miles back, its nothing, I even enjoy the daily walks for the free exercise and it clears my head on the way back, nice after sitting on my ass

>> No.19078348

One mile for me, and I'm an amputee. People should try walking two miles daily with only one decent leg before complaining that something is too far.

>> No.19078590
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RIP king ;_;
Utterly shitmogs every store ive ever been to in my entire life and i had the honor of living by it for 6 years as a student. One year later and a move and everything costs twice as much.

>> No.19078664

LIDL, mostly because here ALDI stores are all 40+ years old with layout, decor, hardware and staff that reflects it.

>> No.19078750
File: 610 KB, 601x567, 1658344782876033.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hahahaha it's funny because lidl sounds like little and aldi sounds like all the so it's said like "I've got a little dick and it hurts all the time"!