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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 76 KB, 220x291, irish-dance-irish-jig.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19062145 No.19062145 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.19062151

Irish are niggers. There were never any snakes in Ireland.

>> No.19062160

How did you do?

>> No.19062170

'bout a half a fifth of whiskey

I would chased the snakes out of my yard but I do that normally anyway so theres no snakes here

>> No.19062180

Get those snakes out man

>> No.19062216

how does one quantify number if drinks?
anyways drunkeness is our ethnic curse not a source of pride
saint patrick never intended this for us
God save our souls

>> No.19062223

Oz of liquor = 12 of beer

>> No.19062225

I'm not Irish nor Catholic so I'm not sure that I give a rats ass what Saint Patrick would think about anything. Any excuse to drink whiskey is a good excuse!

>> No.19062228

I'm at 40ozs of beer drank and I'm out of beer and weed now but I'm still highdrunk

>> No.19062232

This guy says weed. So degenerate

>> No.19062247

Two pints of 6.8% stout and about 5 long knuckles of whiskey so far, which I'll keep pouring for another hour or so

>> No.19062297
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10 at least. My friend's birthday falls on St. Patrick's day so we started drinking at her place around 1. I had like 3 shots of whiskey, 7 or 8 beers, over a dozen red bulls, and some weed. Then we went back to my place to grill burgers and I drank 6 mt dew code reds.

>> No.19062343

Your friend is a girl? You fuck her?.

>> No.19062344


>> No.19062356

it's all fun and games until you're burning in hell forever

>> No.19062360

I'm not sure which I would actually prefer more for eternity... I'm sure either would be more than my simple human brain can handle. Thus, the simple idea of any afterlife strikes me as a fearful endeavor. Best to believe in nothing than eternity.

>> No.19062361

It's all fun and games till a preteen girl is impregnated.

>> No.19062369

That's really depends on what do you drink. I suppose 0.7 of vodka mixed with carbonated beverage would black out anybody even with large amount of food (is there any specific English word for food you eat while drinking? Can't remember anything).

>> No.19062377

you feel that way because you lack understanding. you don't understand that God is love and that damnation is eternal alienation from that love, in which there can only be sin and agony and hate and darkness
God is light and there is no darkness in Him
yes that's generally bad. fine if she's legally married tho

>> No.19062380

That's true. 6 oz of candian whiskey made me vomit while 8 pack of Guinness has me just fine.

>> No.19062382

It's all fun and games *when you get preteen girl impregnated.

>> No.19062390

Whatever man you're just making stuff up. You have faith in what comes next, that's neat... I don't. Stuff that you say isn't convincing. I don't believe in heaven or hell, and I haven't heard any good arguments about why either of them is preferable to nothing. If only your god could speak plainly and explain things logically, right?

>> No.19062395
File: 42 KB, 640x511, Holy-Bible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If only your god could speak plainly and explain things logically, right?
but He has! haven't ya heard the good news?

>> No.19062398

Did they legalize child rape finally?

>> No.19062428

Have you read it? I have.

It's madness, friend. Madness.

>> No.19062444
File: 16 KB, 660x343, godvsatan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19062451

Funny because atheistic leftists are the child rapists
You haven't. I know you haven't and you can't prove otherwise.

>> No.19062454

you can't rape your legally wedded wife
i've read it multiple times and it make perfect sense to me
this image isn't entirely accurate, since God kills everyone, all death is the will of God, and satan only has the power to corrupt the soul, not to kill people

>> No.19062458

I wish alcoholic attentionwhores could just have their own board and could just make general threads for residents of their home board or specific country from /int/ and all the brits and aussies could be 80% of traffic and all just openly tripfag and suck each other off and be happy and I could stop seeing le epik alcoholism laddie threads every night on every board

>> No.19062460

Literally the same retarded shit from you white privileged retarded rich assholes.
>Hurr durr I've read the bible and you haven't!
You always hinge on the assumption people haven't read it so you lie saying you did. You've been called out retard. Kill yourself

>> No.19062462

I'm going to convert to Christianity
A lot of you deserve it

>> No.19062464
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>> No.19062466

Listen to God and you won't be killed. Makes sense most people follow evil rather than good, therefore get smited by God. Even in the sky argument rather than them metaphorical tied with biological, you still lose.

>> No.19062472

God makes me want to rape little girls not Satan.

>> No.19062476

As in God do you mean Dr fauci? Okay noguns, incel

>> No.19062485

Actually you make yourself like that because you're a disgusting reprobate who CHOSE to lean into that conditioning when you encountered it on 4chan. And you could choose to stop and reverse course at any time but you'll say you were "born this way" or "it's too late" because it's more emotionally convenient for you.

>> No.19062497

>white privileged retarded rich assholes.
> assumption people haven't read it so you lie saying you did
I did read it. And I was forced to study it in Sunday school my entire childhood. I don't take anything back. It's fucking madness, and requires all sorts of ridiculous mental gymnastics to make sense of it in relation to the modern world.

>> No.19062502 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19062506

repent of your sins my man

>> No.19062514 [DELETED] 
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>> No.19062520

Give me one good reason why I should believe you.. because all my friends that went though Sunday school with me understood it too and we all ended up before it.

>> No.19062522
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>> No.19062526

>we all ended up before it
you what now?

>> No.19062527
File: 263 KB, 640x480, Screenshot_2020-03-03_at_7.38.34_AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based map chud

>> No.19062531

You have the right to end your own life, pedophile.
>all my friends stood up to the heckin white privilege and then everybody clapped!
you too

>> No.19062535

Post income. Now. With proof.

>> No.19062539

What white privilege? Do xtians actually believe that non-xtians are privilege?

That is hilarious. No. You are the privilege you skyman worshipping retards.

>> No.19062540
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>> No.19062543

I don't hate nobody :D

My conscience is clean can you say the same christfags?

>> No.19062551
File: 147 KB, 680x680, 1657291685683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clean as a whistle.

>> No.19062552

You live in your head. seek counseling

>> No.19062559

No you illiterate retard you wrote this faggot shit
Go back to Tumblr you deranged tax drain

>> No.19062561

Nothing wrong with counseling, as long as they keep the xtian horseshit out of it. Everyone could use some. You certainly could.

>> No.19062562 [DELETED] 

Fuck your class bullshit you nigger.
I make just enough to survive because I'm not interested in funding your thieving kike bullshit.
Just die you evil piece of shit.

>> No.19062563

You're confused bro. It's OK. :D

>> No.19062564
File: 240 KB, 750x588, D4FB8F9E-FCFE-4EC9-86E0-4019489A3715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>potatoes rot
>stop fishing (?)
Are irish people retarded?

>> No.19062566
File: 22 KB, 938x561, main-qimg-237690b1e8980a1960d863d576254a03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19062578

Yeah, thats why God had killed all newborn babies during great flood, they didn't listen to God.

>> No.19062583
File: 69 KB, 750x600, 8cdc36998332129eb0be4dd93a96d7f37b94fe5793f610f37f781c1953722d2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If everyone just listened to Liru the world would be a better place.

>> No.19062591

If you wanna blame the Jews than that's another story, but Jews killed Jesus

>> No.19062594

You're just ignorant. It's okay

>> No.19062601

>You are ignorant, it's ok to kill people

>> No.19062612

It's ok to kill antis

>> No.19062615

Tell me how many people nihilists have killed. Wait you can't, because you're ignorant.

>> No.19062708

> Thread started by a 1/65th "Irish" American.

>> No.19062716

>This thread and no mention of Irish Stew Guy.
How fooking new are you arseholes?

>> No.19062718

>nihilists kill people so it's ok to do that too
Nice whataboutism bro

>> No.19062719

>Irish Stew Guy
Never heard of 'im. Shoutout to Irish Stew Guy, I guess?