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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 360x531, how-to-cook-polish-sausage-need-to-know.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19054236 No.19054236 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.19054246
File: 39 KB, 720x405, 1652712015029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Andouille is Cajun
>Chorizo is Mexican
>Italians have no name for their sausage beside its nationality
was this image made by a fucking alien that failed human history class?

>> No.19054247

I like all of those, but if I could only keep one I guess it would have to be andouille.

>> No.19054251

Didn't know cajan is a country

>> No.19054252

this is pretty pedestrian as far as sausages go. lots of much better varieties.

>> No.19054271


>> No.19054283

Italian and Chorizo are the only ones on this chart worth eating

>> No.19054285

This chart was written by an American who has never set foot in the countries in the chart, nor has he ever eaten sausages from there.
It's all American sausages, with names that are exotic, seem cultured, and make americans think they are eating an "authentic" or "artisanal" product.

Bratwurst als "ingwerig" zu beschreiben ist komplett hirnverbrannt. Was eine richtige Andouille ist, wissen sie auch nicht. Kielbasa als süß zu bezeichnen auch

>> No.19054286

Cajun andouille and Mexican chorizo are completely different from their European counterparts. You should probably try reading a book once in a while.

>> No.19054288

It's clearly a chart of varieties most common in the USA.
Italian is just called Italian and it's a sweet variety. There's also "Spicy Italian." You're not going to find for example, Calabrese Sausage or any regional stuff in your average store.
Chorizo is Mexican, the one in the picture is clearly the Mexican and not the Spanish one. You're more likely to find Linguiça (I buy it at walmart) than Spanish chorizo.

>> No.19054289

All of the sausages in the pic have nothing to do with the countries they are supposedly from.

>> No.19054293

Space alien flying saucer sausages?
Fix that shit up with some onions and peppers and salt and black pepper.
Some people are just plain goofy.

>> No.19054294

Have you considered that you're just a plain homosexual that's jealous of Americans? Do you have anything better to do in life than be jealous of others?

>> No.19054298

spicy italian and chorizo are the only ones on worth a damn. non-spicy sausages are SHIT.

>> No.19054302

The only one that you could possibly argue is kielbasa, which can refer to a bunch of different things depending on where you live.

>> No.19054309

I go for the plain sausages myself, I add hot sauce on the side if that's what I want. I don't like it when assholes add it into sausages thinking that they know more than I do.

>> No.19054310
File: 85 KB, 780x583, Typical+american+family+outing_97e70b_5514533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao why would I be jealous of your 3rd world country full of inbred monolingual hicks?
What would I be jealous of? Your american sausages? lol
Just don't ever get a passport and stay where you are pls

>> No.19054311

Andouille is typically spicier than either of those.

>> No.19054313

I don't know, your the one that brought it up.

>> No.19054315

what causes this level of obsession in euros

>> No.19054316

Americans are monolingual because we natively speak the only language that matters. The one you're speaking right now, in fact. We have from childhood something you worked years to learn, and we will *never* have to expend the effort to learn your dying tongue because you'll speak to us in ours.

>> No.19054321

yep, I'm jealous of a country that can't come up with its own sausages or at least name the ones they copy properly

>> No.19054323

Jealousy, simple

>> No.19054327

Speak for yourself doe. Why do you say "we?"

>> No.19054329

You fucking freak, it's just sausages.
Do you want to start a war over sausages, what are you some kind of stupid eurocunt?

>> No.19054330


>> No.19054334
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>> No.19054343

I get very defensive over phallic objects
fucking kek, his arms are the same color as the sausage

>> No.19054348

That looks pretty good for a Thursday morn and a cool SA shirt too.

>> No.19054355

That needs a side of fries and some beers.

>> No.19054365

>We have from childhood something you worked years to learn
I learned English just like you. You do not know what being bi- or trilingual means.

>> No.19054508

you amerisharts can't even discern between 'then' and 'than'

>> No.19054575
File: 3.24 MB, 480x270, 1606781995390.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckers don't know about my salsiccia.

>> No.19054581

e vs a
Stop underestimating us. We matter too

>> No.19054586


>> No.19054589

being monolingual is no excuse for grouping huge varieties of sausage together
it drives me up the wall going shopping and having to guess what "italian" means

>> No.19054612

The part in parenthesis should read "American" for all of them.

>> No.19054648

You are so obsessed and angry, holy shit. Wow.

>> No.19054838
File: 30 KB, 513x513, 00000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>italian (italian)

>> No.19054849

jambalaya and gumbo
only for oktoberfest
for lasagna

>> No.19054894
File: 1.09 MB, 2560x1920, Ring of goodness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them sausage is awesome and very versatile in so many dishes or just ate alone with sauces

>> No.19054900

>which way
from the sphincter, due north

>> No.19054913

they literally all taste the same. if you were blind you couldn't discern any difference.
i buy bratwurst more often because it's cheaper

>> No.19054917

RIP your taste buds

>> No.19054922

>no cumberland
you don't sausage

>> No.19054930

Fucking learn English. Goddamn.

>> No.19054949

It's so funny watching yankoids order andouille in France. I mean these days waiters warm them, but the odd dickhead insists. Once.

>> No.19054952

That is english though. Punctuation shouldn't be punished, it's nuanced.

>> No.19054955

No only are you obsessed with Americans here you don't even pump the brakes in real life. Jesus fucking Christ weirdo.

>> No.19054960

all the way up my ass please

>> No.19055082
File: 3.32 MB, 2048x1536, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19055090

I haven't actually tried German sausage so I'm just gonna say all of them. Sausage is the king of foods. My evidence is that it is used in biscuits and sausage gravy, which is the god of all foods.

>> No.19055107
File: 216 KB, 825x475, kielbaski-morliny-z-kurczaka-300g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one for eating by itself/with condiments

>> No.19055113

It's only Americans who do it though

>> No.19055257

Breakfast :)

>> No.19055297
File: 65 KB, 700x693, 1670795644529091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them.

>> No.19055357

total unitedstatian death

>> No.19055369
File: 67 KB, 622x599, 1678188128115452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that is exactly why the us is such a cesspool of mutts.
>YEAH fuck your native countries, language, culture, cuisine... Subjugate yourself to the superior McCulture® where we speak the best language: Simplified English.
>Stuff your throat with the most well-known cuisine in the world: Fast food or Americanised (insert random country with actual food).

Uh yeah real jelly of the country-sized shooting range you call home

>> No.19055409

Why even keep the names if they fuck those types of sausage completely?
Judt call them mutt sausage.

>> No.19055736
File: 28 KB, 600x600, 1362376549834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Italians have no name for their sausage beside its nationality
Because the meme called "Italian sausage" found in the US is only found, you guessed it, in the US.
Any time you see "Italian flavor", "Italian food", "Italian Style" etc and the main flavor profile is "garlic" you can be 120% sure it's not Italian.

We don't use garlic as a dominant taste, ever, outside of select dishes known specifically for being smelly.

>> No.19055839

Go harass a girl on the street and eat a terrible pizza europoor

>> No.19055908

Ahhhh, the noble andouille. Made with intestines. The proper greasy ones.
The fuck you doin on a cooking board. Get out.

>> No.19055998
File: 49 KB, 600x600, 1652722222931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a dumb chart, especially the German one. Also BAUERNBRATWURST (ungebraten).

>> No.19056003

Similarly, just about any time you see "American" or "American style" in Europe, it's something Americans wouldn't recognize

>> No.19056005

american here. i only speak 2 languages. english, and bad english.

>> No.19056020

>"American style" in Europe
That probably would be some kind of swearing.

>> No.19056040
File: 189 KB, 900x600, american.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>picrel is an American sandwich in France

>> No.19056084

Nice hamburger.

>> No.19056094

Boerewors is the best sausage, others don't even come close. The reason is purely just the quality of meat that goes into it, it's basically steak in sausage form.

>> No.19056099

You will never be American dark skin.

>> No.19056105

europe is such a shit hole

>> No.19056131

Some things you keep off the internet. That's one of them.

>> No.19056426

I don't understand

>> No.19056444

Then maybe Americans should stop using names from european dishes for things that have nothing to do with the original.

>> No.19056450

For a moment I thought they were selling real Andouilles in America. That would have surprised me, given how special this dish is.

>> No.19056461

More people are familiar with Cajun andouille than the French version, and Mexican chorizo is...Mexican. And again, both of those were created by European immigrants who spoke the language. Read a book.

>> No.19056482

Wow, real Italian food sounds terrible

>> No.19056582

I'd try it.
t. American

>> No.19056620

>More people are familiar with Cajun andouille than the French version
*More Americans

>> No.19056627
File: 3.31 MB, 2992x2992, Block-of-lorne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the Lorne sausage

>> No.19056630

linguica for me

>> No.19056656
File: 97 KB, 1024x575, 1625058131613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19056658

italian in america means basil + oregano + thyme

>> No.19056680
File: 101 KB, 1000x664, linguica-brazilian-2031689847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19056684

Based post

>> No.19056776

Chorizo is Iberian

>> No.19056791

It usually has (merguez) sausage rather than burger

>> No.19056796

>More people are familiar with Cajun andouille than the French version
More Americans, which is why sewing them order andouille in France is amusing.

>> No.19056801

Boerewors, easily. The texture is very different to sausage, much thicker and meatier.


>> No.19056809

Based boerewors enjoyer

>> No.19056812

What's the curry version of boerwoers? A couple of those and half a jar of blatjang with either stick bread or a damper used to be my camp supper when I stayed in SA as a kid.

>> No.19056818

Chorizo is Spanish.

Mexico doesn't native have any food besides corn.

>> No.19056871

Literal French and Spanish citizens named the Cajun Andouille sausage, Louisiana was owned by those nations for a long time and they didn't choose the name for marketing reasons, retard.

>> No.19056887

If every food lacking garlic is terrible to you I shudder thinking of the smell you must emit.

>> No.19056892

Have you tried not talking shit?

>> No.19056899

Italian-American food is beloved around the world, even the shittiest chain restaurants have spread around the globe and you come in here saying "acktually real italian food doesn't have the ingredients that make the food everyone likes taste good." You make your food sound bad.

>> No.19056900
File: 505 KB, 1024x1024, 1675724346997935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's the fennel

>> No.19056908

Chain "restaurants" are a fucking disease.

>> No.19056931

And still people around the world will choose to eat Italian-American food over their own cuisine, they might not be able to get it made fresh from scratch so they get it the only way they can because they like it so much.

>> No.19056937

>You make your food sound bad.
"Italian food" doesn't have a unified taste, there's a billion different things that all have a different taste you might like or not.
No cuisine in the world, something that people consume for every meal, could have a taste as unified and homogeneous as Italian-American, people would go insane like that.

Italian-American food is a novelty, something you choose when eating out every once in a while.
Italian food could be anything, because it's meant to be actually eaten every day.

>> No.19056946

Also fennel.

>> No.19056971

Swine flock to the trough

>> No.19056972

i had cevapi at my local mediterranean place run by eastern europeans (which i think is a front for trafficking) and the sausage was very tasty

>> No.19056990

Because you deride and condescendingly describe Italian-American food as a "meme." You distance your own food from food that tastes great and say your food is nothing like that. If you don't like Italian-American food you have shit taste and whatever you eat probably tastes bad too.

>> No.19056998


>> No.19057072


>> No.19057400

I guarantee you that more people around the world have heard of Cajun dishes like gumbo and jambalaya than have heard of your nasty ass butthole sausages.

>> No.19057415

That's true, french people made the Cajun sausages but they still disown it because of their massive raging butthurt.

>> No.19057429


>> No.19057441

Yes, your poopy sausages aren't really liked by anyone. You can find Uncle Ben's Jambalaya on every continent.

>> No.19057646
File: 42 KB, 1439x258, nojambalayahere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19057667

There's like a dozen recopies for jambalaya on that website you fucking dog cunt.


Let me guess, you like the taste of boiled anus better? That's not surprising,

>> No.19057676


>> No.19057697
File: 35 KB, 1082x345, orhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon not sure if you can count or read but there's actually only 5, as the rest are all fried rice recipes, and only one even has andouille as an ingredient. And that's only because it's literally scraped from some american based recipe mill lmao
that's all completely irrelevent anyway
>You can find Uncle Ben's Jambalaya on every continent.
is wrong m8

>> No.19057706

>Acktually your hyperbole was only 75% correct insted of 100% correct
Shut the fuck up and go suck down an anus you autistic faggot.

>> No.19057715
File: 961 KB, 1149x570, 4546546541516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is it with seppos and being completely unable to admin they're wrong lmao

>> No.19057725

No? You aren't going to suck down your anus sausage? Why do you even defend it then, you should be proud to suck it down, you have American recipes all over your grocery store pages and you pretend to love french anus sausage but you won't suck it down? What's the problem you cunt? Swallow that shit.

>> No.19057730
File: 699 KB, 760x383, avomitetoast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seppoanon you seem very upset, and are weirdly focused on anuses. Is there anything you need to share with us?

>> No.19057742

You don't even know what Andouille is, you are a worthless subhuman, but at least you can look up American recipes on your grocery store website, maybe one day you will evolve into a human being.

>> No.19057754
File: 217 KB, 1144x967, 1679007715041861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knowing that this is probably what you look like kinda diminishes any impact your insults mighta had lol, sorry seppobro
Maybe take a breather and go for a walk, this directionless anger can't be great for your heart

>> No.19057768

>directionless anger
I'm directing my anger to a retard that pretends to love anus sausages without even knowing what they are. Very bizarre behavior from an attention seeking autist but you are australian after all so it's to be expected.

>> No.19057775
File: 137 KB, 1200x992, pngkey.com-omegalul-png-148559.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

again with the anuses
really makes you think

>> No.19057783
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Queen of sausages stepping through.

>> No.19057786

corn, vanilla, tomatoes, some beans, sweet potatoes, and to a slightly lesser extent peppers and chocolate

>> No.19057788

Yes, non-American Andouille is made from ass meat and smells like shit. The Australian government should pay me for educating its retards.

>> No.19057796

oh I don't really care what frogs eat lol
if they like it then good on them
but you are really caught up on this anoos thing mate
I'm sure you have someone in your life you can turn to and talk it out, you don't have to be angry online about butts lol

>> No.19057806
File: 2.08 MB, 1600x1053, 1677630902561729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 year olds shouldn't be posting on this site

>> No.19057819
File: 2.51 MB, 1006x1341, 145435454523.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still obviously malding about some underlying issue with butts
heh.. got his ass

>> No.19057827

My issue is I don't want to eat anus, which is why American jambalya is popular around the world and also why nobody wants to eat french Andouille.

>> No.19057835

this guy looks like a fucking bug

>> No.19057850
File: 26 KB, 972x730, doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>which is why American jambalya is popular around the world

stop being mean to my favourite centre-left podcaster

>> No.19057854

Jambalaya recipes are all over the website you posted, what don't you understand about that?

>> No.19057857

>haha I'm going to say a bunch of racist, sexist, homophobic garbage and then call myself center-left, that will get them!
So lame

>> No.19057909

kek based, fat fuck mutts seething in the replies

>> No.19057910
File: 35 KB, 607x347, genuinequestion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've got a funny definition of "all over", considering there are five recipes for it.
half of which were web scraped from some recipe mill
and you cannot even buy the ingredients for it.

Me being doubtful was being nice lol, you're actually completely wrong but that's ok, I know you guys have issues owning up as such

>> No.19057923

You have 5 recipes for a random regional American dish on the website you posted to prove that there was no jambalaya in your country, now count the mcdonald's in your town too and then count the number of french anus sausages you have eaten and then shut the fuck up. American food reigns supreme.

>> No.19057936

Where can I find boerwors and how do I best prepare them?
Also, recommendations for sides?

>> No.19057946

prob the chorizo but want to try the cajun as well

>> No.19057976

>12 year olds
He's just Australian. He could be 45 and still sound like a 12 year old. He basically admitted he has no clue what andouille is, and is just shitposting because
>hurr durr 'muricans!

>> No.19057985
File: 54 KB, 554x554, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which way sausage man?
Belutak (Brunei)
It is made with minced beef and tallow, marinated with garlic, salt, chillies and spices, and stuffed into cow's or buffalo's small intestines.

>> No.19057987
File: 49 KB, 893x613, sausagesizzle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>recipes exist so you guys have to eat it!!
well I guess you weren't smarter than a 5th grader after all

>American food reigns supreme.
lmao the cope is unreal
pretty embarrassing that you're proud of the fact your biggest food export is fast food chains
your food is the shit I eat in my car on a road trip when I don't want to pull off the motorway lol

>Where can I find boerwors
there's a few speciality afrikaaner butchers in my city but there's heaps of saffas in Aus so not sure if that'll be the same where you are. Not sure what your options are desu.
>how do I best prepare them
grill in a spiral until done on one side then flip to the other. Do not pierce the skin or let it rupture, it's juicy as fuck and you don't want that leaking
>recommendations for sides?
Boerewors is braai food so just whatever bbq sides you want.
Maybe it's just aussie fusion but I generally just slice a chunk off and have it with onions on a slice of bread. That's how the kids like it too

>> No.19057991

>no pork in ingredient
it's not a real sausage

>> No.19057994

>your food is the shit I eat in my car
You actually eat that shit? Of course you do, holy fuck you are stupid

>> No.19058029

what, maccas?

>> No.19058091

Maccas is decent enough for a quick bite. I usually get a large McChicken meal and a cheese burger with extra sauce on the side if I'm hungry.

>> No.19058147


>> No.19058168

Beef > Pork
And fun fact: Beef sausage is the standard in Texas.

>> No.19058233

While in actual countries that are famous for sausages use pork or veal/pork blends.

>> No.19058244

fuck the usa

>> No.19058249

What is the point of this post? What have you added to the discussion besides injecting it with your off-putting, time-wasting, smug demeanor?

>> No.19058288

Ok rabbi.

>> No.19058323


>> No.19058380

p based internet fight ITT

>> No.19058453

>but in muh cali 2

>> No.19058499

all are bad

>> No.19058503

did you learn about sausages from a book you smarmy nigger

>> No.19058583

yeah let me just go down to the library and check out THE sausage book that everyone but me has read

>> No.19058672

>he doesn't have his own personal library of sausage books
>he didn't get a copy of the Weiner Codex
>he doesnt stay up-to-date on the latest weinee periodicals

>> No.19058814

Brats and chorizo suck
Everything inbetween is great

>> No.19058826
File: 49 KB, 400x266, Hot links.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So good

>> No.19058832
File: 288 KB, 1600x1238, smoked-ham-bacon-sausages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19058999

also most american whites are from german immigrant background.

>> No.19059348

Iam polish and for me kielbasa slaska,podwawelska (most common) is only good for grill or campfire when most fat melts away. Also dont ever buy kielbasa in big stores in poland its beyond shit mass produced garbage.
My go to are usually bratwurst, thuringian or Nurnberg bratwurst they're not as course and dont contain as much fat as kielbasa.
Choriso with rice, tomatoes and veggies or Portuguese style choriso with peppers,cilantro and porto wine is also amazing

>> No.19059381

Make chart then nazi

>> No.19059636

> italian (italian)

>> No.19059644
File: 1.01 MB, 1560x2080, kielbasajerky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19059814

>all of them are Carcinogenic

Neat, cancer!

>> No.19059815

so is your post

>> No.19059830

>Poorest American household

>> No.19059865

fogo de chao has some really good sausages. if i go there, i'll only eat their picanha and links. i wish i knew what they were called and where to buy them. i think they might call them languissa?
i grew up eating italian-style sausages. they're more or less the same as the sausages i've eaten in italy, but the american ones really dump the fennel in there.
some southern bbq style sausages are god-tier. others are like vomit.
lap cheong in eastern rice dishes/buns is god-tier, but i don't think you can eat it like you would a western sausage.
lately, i've been getting knockwurst or kielbasa if i'm gonna be grilling anything.

>> No.19059931

Linguiça is somewhat broadly available. Try your local latino or international food store if you can't find any.

>> No.19060051

First of all: a "German bratwurst" is like you would say "John" if asked if there's a person of interest out of the US. There are at least 45 to x variations of accepted sausages while every region makes their own of one (or many) of them. A sausage type 1of45 is different than a sausage of another 1of45 in a different region. I think it's the same in your country. And I would definitely eat all of that pic. A good sausage (not by industry like 100000 per minute ) is craftmenship and a sign of love to the product.

>> No.19060066
File: 107 KB, 900x900, Boudin-Noir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no blood

>> No.19060089

Except "Italian" all those names are the correct ones from their fucking countries. I'm sorry we don't have a million esoteric kinds of sausage full of blood and offal and shit that your ancestors invented when they were starving so now it's "traditional" fuck your tradition

>> No.19060099

I'll make it just fine without your nasty turdlets