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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 600x600, butter-ball-product-600x600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19049247 No.19049247 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point?

>> No.19049262

a ploy to sell less butter for more money and prey on retards.

>> No.19049263

My family gets really mad at me leaving bite marks in the normal butter and orders these every week (subtracted from my allowance)

>> No.19049276

do americans really use butter balls?

>> No.19049282

to prep your butthole

>> No.19049289

To make foreigners piss their pants with excitement for something else to use in a "do americans really?" post.

>> No.19049293

no. have never seen these in my entire life

>> No.19049310

did americans really create butter balls to bait anons on 4chan into asking "do americans really"?

>> No.19049311


>> No.19049316


>> No.19049327

For dressing up your thanksgiving feast, you retard.

>> No.19049331

Most of this fucked up food you will only see in certain areas where there's a demographic that will buy it

So not fake you just aren't the target audience and probably not a ruralcel either

>> No.19049354

like this anon said.

>> No.19049397

It's pretty, dingus

>> No.19049399

This. Just pop them bad bois in. Like tide pods for the bootyhole. If you hit it real hard using this method it smells like a delicious pork roast.

>> No.19049413
File: 24 KB, 176x185, if only you knew how bad things really are.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My family gets really mad at me leaving bite marks in the normal

>> No.19049447

There is none, they're balls.

>> No.19049461

you don’t snack on balls of butter? you’re missing out

>> No.19049478

Balls I do. Butter no.

>> No.19049490

americans eat them raw like that

>> No.19049637


Bots are on the mark for once, you won't catch me at the bus stop without a butterball in each cheek.

>> No.19049766 [DELETED] 

>probably not a ruralcel either
This seems 100% targeted to niggers and TikTok obsessed urban women

>> No.19049774

Im just glad they finally got rid of the indian. I was tired of her sitting there on the package mocking me while I make toast.

>> No.19050711


>> No.19050778

I wanna deep fry one of those.

>> No.19050783

Fuck you, I haven't been able to fap in the morning ever since they took the sexy Indian lady off the butter package.

>> No.19050798


>> No.19051099
File: 85 KB, 1200x752, f020a3625bfaa5bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*smug NDN watches you try to smear cold butter on your burnt toast

>> No.19051128

portion control
higher price
makes 3rd worlders seethe

>> No.19051140

Typical whites. They kept the land but got rid of the indian.

>> No.19051162

>some black drug addict died in police custody so therefore we have to remove the drawing of an Indian woman off the butter package
What did they mean by this?

>> No.19051378

I've only seen these in exactly one place: a wedding party at a resort in Baja California.

>> No.19051387

I mean yeah they are obviously made for restaurants and caterers so they can have a uniform portion of butter on every platter. No one buys these from the local grocery store. I've never even seen them irl.

>> No.19051431

I saw them at Walmart not thirty minutes ago out here in Ohio.

>> No.19051522

The pre-balled butter and container make it easier to pour in the milk and eat it as you normally would, fucking idiot

>> No.19051592

I used to work for a catering company and they used these all the time.

>> No.19051760

It's literally not

>> No.19051777

"we now have an excuse to save ink"

>> No.19052065

fucking retard

>> No.19052075
File: 168 KB, 976x850, 1678910502743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want me to waste time balling my own butter?

>> No.19052118

This thread reeks of thirdies who cant recognize class.

>> No.19052146

What situation would you use a butter ball in?

>> No.19052156

He is not wrong faggot.

>> No.19052169

Butter bowling and butter billiards of course.

>> No.19052171

This is actually a good idea. Gets rid of that dirty knife that I only used to cut the butter

>> No.19052185

lol they rremoved the native girl

>> No.19052194

unironically for cramming

>> No.19053190

What's the point of shredded cheese in a bag?
Easy mark up

>> No.19053205

Preportioning is a hit with the unskilled millennial/zoomer dipshites who buy those stupid pre-programmed toaster ovens with the prepared food.

>> No.19053220

It can go in a cold salad.

>> No.19053572

I wasn't aware they left a blank silhouette outline where the indian used to be. Interesting, do you happen to have a picture of this it would be amusing to see.

>> No.19053580

>europeaans call a bowl of butter a "salad"
And you think you have any right to make fun of americans. top kek

>> No.19053618

Kids used to call me butter ball

>> No.19053626

Can't you just let butter reach room temperature then freeze it in one of those creative shapes ice cube molds?

>> No.19053653

Shhh don’t let the goym know

>> No.19053676

Anon that takes effort and intentionality
The target demo for this shit are lazy boobs who need butter balls NOW

>> No.19054429

I will bet you my life savings keto people buy these and eat them

>> No.19054451

that's snacking butter

>> No.19054494

It enhances the ligma

>> No.19054498
File: 26 KB, 500x500, 266609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, what's the point?

>> No.19054525

who the fuck is Steve Jobs?

>> No.19054548


>> No.19054558

Ligma balls.

>> No.19054577
File: 690 KB, 498x371, pepe-middle-finger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yea real fucking class with your bag of land o lakes there buddy
stop trying to be such a contrarian reddit faggot

>> No.19054745

I can't remember the last time I saw a sugar cube, but I see their usefulness. Drop one or two in your coffee if you take it that way. What's the comparable situation for a butter ball?

>> No.19054747

Lazy fucks + novelty. If my dad saw these he would buy 5 packs so he wouldn't have to wash a knife to scoop some butter into a pan.

>> No.19054823

Drop one or two on your toast if you take it that way.

>> No.19054829

I bet they are great for pelting the homeless

>> No.19054832

The problem with that is you can't spread cold butter. So you drop one on your toast, mash it around as it rips holes in the bread, then you end up with big chunks of butter and 80% of the toast unbuttered.
>the heat of the toast melts the butter

>> No.19054865

The heat of the coffee melts the sugar cube.

>> No.19054891

a way to take pre-measured hits of acid if you don't have blotter paper

>> No.19054897

>The problem with that is you can't spread cold butter
You can if your toast is warm. You do eat warm toast, don't you?

>> No.19054985

>Cut thin slices of butter
>Spread them over the bread
Works for me

>> No.19054988

Convenience and presentation.

>> No.19055008

freeze them
egg wash
deep fry

there you go. Heart attack in a ball.

>> No.19055018

Why bother when you can just buy them?

>> No.19055079

If you're going to cut the ball into thin slices, why not just cut some off the stick in your butter dish?

>> No.19055122

For those who have no real balls.

>> No.19055212

No I meant from a stick. As an answer to cold butter not being spreadable in general

>> No.19055243

Oh. I get you.

>> No.19056015

Ohio isn't real faggot

>> No.19056022

butt her balls? butt i barely know her!

>> No.19056029

>resealable for freshness
jargon for selling rancid butter

>> No.19056075

Yes, it's our only kind of real butter. Everything else is margarine.

>> No.19056300

How is this still a thread? You have a restaurant. Either you
a) put a quarter of butter on each table and ditch most of it
b) pay someone to portion butter all day
or c) actually save money by buying pricy, personalized butter portions

>> No.19056308

We imported the idea from France

>> No.19056333

Putting them on top of a steak or lobster for serving.

>> No.19056378

Use them to stuff a butterball turkey

>> No.19056439

that is an 8 oz package of butter.

typically butter for land o lakes is sold in sticks with a total of 1lb, or tubs of butter that do go down to 8 oz sizes.

my guess is that its cheaper pakaging, or the process of making balls of butter is some how more efficient than sticks?

>> No.19056538

Oh listen to Mr. Sophistication! "Typically butter is hurt dur muh expertise". I have a suggestion, as it were: kindly shove a package of frankfurters up your behind.

>> No.19057165
File: 317 KB, 1080x1265, BE8EAEDD-5249-4733-931A-E4703E89AA65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I want to suck these out of a twinks puckered bussy so fucking bad now. Maybe we could load him up like a bussy butterball Pez dispenser and he could shoot them into my mouth

>> No.19057187

>butter dish
hi gram gram! great to see you on 4channel!

>> No.19057310

what the fuck else would you set it on

>> No.19057325

I used to work at a fancy club and when they served bread they gave them a butter ball to use

>> No.19057336

she wasn't a real pesron, you know

>> No.19057340

its cute

haha just imagine handing somebody a baked potato and a cute little ball of butter is ontop! what!!!

or when you ask for the butter, you are given a pile of round butter balls! this family knows how to have fun!

>> No.19057361

portion control.
3 balls is easier to measure than 3/2 tbsp

>> No.19057436

I like this poster

>> No.19057452


>> No.19057463

i slice sticks of butter into 1/4inch pats and keep it in covered dish for whenever i need some. saves me from having to clean a knife every time i want to cook with some butter.

>> No.19057467

We pay someone to scoop butter.
It's cheaper than the preportioned balls.