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19026326 No.19026326 [Reply] [Original]

So real talk here and not the meme shit about TEX’ASS

Does chili taste better with or without beans? I’m from the Deep North Midwest and chili always has come with beans and I loathe the texture. Literally earring soft shit. Wildly interested in this beanless variant.

>> No.19026336

I come from the midwest too, and even i know that beans have no place in chili.
You can have chili with beans, but you can't make chili and beans in the same pot.

>> No.19026341

>in the same pot
why not? what difference does it make?

>> No.19026348

Balls are touching. Super gay.

>> No.19026351

Because you're making a stew at that point.

>> No.19026353

so 'chilli' and 'beans' are bros? both masculine. why can't they play on the same team?

>> No.19026355

try to make hydrate your own beans by dring dried bags. then it won't be overcooked bozo.

>> No.19026356

the beanless variant is little more than a spicy spaghetti sauce

>> No.19026357

...and by spaghetti i mean bolognese

>> No.19026404

Beans do not belong in chili. Even tomatoes are not necessary. Chili is meat and Chili's and salt.

>> No.19026414

>chilli is what i say it is and there can be no variation!

>> No.19026418

Chili with beans may technically be a stew but it's still superior in every way.

>> No.19026441

Explain your answer and show your work. They add no flavor and are literally rotten fruit mush texture. Are you so poor you need beans as filler because you can’t afford more meat and sauce?

>> No.19026455

if you like beans you should add them, all the flavors in chili work with beans. i love beans, so i usually add them. some recipes need some tweaking if you use dry beans, and you'll need a bit more salt and spices

>> No.19026802

You could just admit you're a dumb nigger who doesn't know how to cook beans?

>> No.19026813

>Because you're making a stew at that point.
Yes chili con carne is a stew, well done

>> No.19027015

It is already a stew. Beans or no beans doesn't matter.

>> No.19027042

Yeah yeah I get that the anti-beans in chili pretend-obsession is thinly veiled white supremacist rhetoric against Mexicans, I just wanted to stop by to say you are still boring

>> No.19027048

i had some fancy chef serve me some fucking fat back on a huge heirloom bean
was fucking delicious

shut the fuck up and eat beans

>> No.19027057

Deep North chili always has beans, unless it's Fargo or maybe Pierre style.

>> No.19027060

>chili without beans
that's LITERALLY a spaghetti bolognese without pasta though

>> No.19027162

Depends on how many people you need to feed. Its better without beans, but feeds a lot more people with beans.

>> No.19027183

bean for real chili, no bean for like a chili dog or chippie dip

>> No.19027481

>made with beef mince
>made with chunk beef
No bean.
>made for hot dogs
No bean.

>> No.19027592


>> No.19027603
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>> No.19027616

Remember, it's your food, do whatever you like. I like to use Knorr stock cubes.

>> No.19027618
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I like mine free from a food bank and without beans

>> No.19027623


>> No.19028887

Made with bell peppers and cayenne spice?

>> No.19028941

It’s better with beans
t. texan

>> No.19028945

no bean cuz carbs are evil

>> No.19028961
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>Bean or no bean?

Chili is an ancient Mesoamerican stew that consisted of tomatoes, chilis and BEANS with meat in fact being optional.

If your chili doesn't have beans, it's not chili.

>> No.19028994

There are multiple styles of chili.
Homestyle chili which is made with ground meat and tomato has beans in it.
Homestyle chili without beans isn't a meal, it's a condiment.

>> No.19029008

Absolutely based. Seething inbound, brace for impact.

>> No.19030471

Whether something "belongs" or not is irrelevant. OP is asking our opinion. And, in my opinion (of course it's my opinion because I'm writing this reply), I don't like beans in chili. Deal with it.

>> No.19030473

Beans please

>> No.19030491


Does wendy's put beans in the chili? The answer to that is the answer that solves the chili riddle forever

Your welcome

>> No.19030585

Have a seat, sweaty

>> No.19030623

It's better without beans, I like to use stew meat as the main protein with ground beef and pork as the filler rather than beans. Beans are for poor people, if you can afford meat, put it in your chili

>> No.19031546

chili only has beans when made by poors.

>> No.19031550

stews take a long time to cook, if you have to cook chili for longer than 30 minutes you are doing something wrong.

>> No.19031555

also chili does not have tomato, or bell pepper in it

>> No.19031557

dude eating beans on the side of chili is far more gay then having them in the chili soaking up the flavor

>> No.19031558

>Makes delicious beans (dry, no can) in separate pot
>When they're done hit em with the potato masher
>Pour the mostly liquid beans into the chili that's been simmering
>Simmer for another hour or 2
My chili mugs the shit out of yours and has the most mouthwatering dark red color you've ever seen

>> No.19031584

>Are you so poor you need beans as filler
thats the entire point of stew type meals you faggot
thats the equivalent of saying "are you so poor you need bread on your hamburger as filler"
"are you so poor you need you need a wrapper on your burrito as filler "
No you fucking moron its part of the meal

>> No.19031609
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What? all chili is 1 hour minimum whether it be proper Texas chili with chunks of beef or home-style with tomato and beans
ffs you can't even rehydrate chili powder in 30min

>> No.19031617
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>> No.19031632

and there you proved you don't know how to cook. I can make chili (no beans or tomatoes the way god intended) in less than an hour, and the meat will be tender without being over cooked.

make your chili minus the beef, take rib eye steak, or filet mignon and dice it. give a quick seer in pan and place in hot chili cause, remove from heat, and wait 5 minutes. done.

or sous vide (in advance) a lesser cut of meat for 8 hours and do the above.

none of this simmering for hours on end and eating stringy over cooked meat.

>> No.19031638


>> No.19031643

it's chile con carne (chili with meat) not:

chile con carne y frijoles y tomates y pimientos y otras cosas que no pertenecen al chile (chili with meat and beans and tomatoes and bell peppers and other shit that doesn't belong in chili)

>> No.19031655

beans are NOT part of a meal, beans are garbage "food" only poors eat.

>> No.19031658

>you proved you don't know how to cook.
also you
>i can braise beef in 30min

re hydrating the chilis alone takes 30min and thats before you even add it into the beef
plus filet mignon is a horrible cut for chili/stew/braising you want something fatty because cooked right it will all render out into flavor

>> No.19031665

he is right though, that is literally what he is saying
kill yourselves picky faggots
stop calling whatever you are eating "chili" then, because chili has always been with beans
glorified spicy pasta sauce

>> No.19031671

once again you don't know how to cook, there is no need to braise the meat and chili does NOT need 30 minutes to re-hydrate. it need less than a minute in hot liquid.

please stop embarrassing yourself.

I make chili this way all the time and never heard of having to wait 40 minutes to re-hydrate chilies.

chili means a chili sauce it does not have tomatoes in it.

chili con carne
chili with meat

you are wrong.

>> No.19031695
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>only poors eat.
chili is not gourmet dinning its fucking trail food made from whatever dried ingredients you have laying around and the common dried ingredients people had in that region were
dried beef
dried peppers
dried beans
dried tomatoes
dried corn
dried herbs and spices like cilantro and cumin
If you had it...it went into to pot thats hanging over the camp fire, no fucking recipe ever existed because it was never made the same twice
hell those cattle ranchers were probably throwing dandelions and anything else they could find in there as well to get it to taste like anything other then salted beef

>> No.19031704

right, "con". the meat is an addition to the chili sauce and beans. no one originally just ate mashed peppers nigger
there is nothing special or mexican about chili if it doesn't contain beans, it's just a hot pasta sauce in that case. its not meaty enough to be eaten on its own/rice if there is not beans in it

>> No.19031723

>make your chili minus the beef, take rib eye steak, or filet mignon and dice it. give a quick seer in pan and place in hot chili cause, remove from heat, and wait 5 minutes. done.
>or sous vide (in advance) a lesser cut of meat for 8 hours and do the above.
this you?
the fuck are you doing with rib eye steaks and filet mignons in FUCKING CHILI? sous vide? ahahhahaha

>> No.19031732

no beans autism is infuriating because chili was invented as a way to prepare beans

>> No.19031734

no beans chili is like no pineapple pizza

>> No.19031743

Total waste of money and abuse of those cuts.

>> No.19032085

No beans in chili people are worse than no pinapple on pizza. Sweet fruit on tomato sauce and cheese is devisive but beans pair well with meat

>> No.19032103

BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP beans for breakfast! haha!

>> No.19032335
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>its fucking trail food
not for me, I make it with pic related.

>mashed peppers nigger
I do because there is no tomato in chili. the best chili you will ever have, has no beans and no tomatoes.

bite me poor.

>> No.19032340

you dont, because you cant afford it, but making chili with a5 wagyu would be incredibly retarded

>> No.19032353

Is this shit even good? I know marbling = flavor but it looks like there is more fat than meat here by a significant margin. You'd probably get a shit amount of protien for the amount of fat and calories your taking in. Also how the fuck does that not make every bite chewy and slimy? It honestly looks more and more disgusting the more i think about it.

>> No.19032355

Im dead hahaha this guy.

>> No.19032361

well it appears you are wrong. I make chili and burritos from prime cuts of meat ALL the time.

it's rather bland as steaks go. that's why I made chili from it. it's insanely tender, the only beef that taste good cooked well done and is still tender.

and nothing of value was lost.

>> No.19032362

It's really good and using it to make chili, or any stew, is straight up retarded

>> No.19032374

sure u do bud

>> No.19032376

I appear to be getting conflicting data. I will go on assuming wagyu is shitpoop.

>> No.19032386

Beans just taste good when cooked right I don't get the controversy.

>> No.19032392

Literally everyone else eats it as steak
This one guy is using it for chili
He's also calling it bland when it's one of the richest types of beef in the world
He's retarded, get some, eat it as a steak
He doesn't know it needs more salt because of the high fat content
Salt 1.25-1.5 percent by weight, I do 1.4

>> No.19032400

Bean. Don't trust a man that doesnt fuck with bean

>> No.19032407

This. That guy is hilarious, most certainly nouveau riche man child.

>> No.19032411
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>richest types of beef in the world
rich and flavor are not the same. sugar and fatty deserts are rich but if they have no flavor they can still be bland. maybe you should try it and see for your self. I did and I found that a snake river farms wagyu style beef has much better flavor

>He doesn't know it needs more salt because of the high fat content
well wrong again I love salt and no amount of salt made it taste like anything but salty fat. I can tell you have never had it.

>> No.19032420

>I make chili and burritos from prime cuts of meat ALL the time.
it's difficult to put into words exactly how fucking retarded and despicable you really are

>> No.19032428
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I cooked one as a steak, then ate about 1/3 of it. and made chili with the rest.

literally no insults will stop me form using insanely expensive cuts of meats in "cheap" dishes.

live with the knowledge I can do this, and you cannot.

>> No.19032437
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the steak before I ate part of it and made the rest in to chili.

>> No.19032445

looks undercooked and done with some meme teflon grill pan
you can not cook

>> No.19032452

grim, my man

>> No.19032492

I have a bunch in my freezer
If I wanted to waste it I could make dog food with it
That doesn't make me good

>> No.19032617

literally ask any human outside of this retarded website and they will say chili has beans and act like you're a fucking retard for not putting beans in your chili
unless you're putting it on a fucking hot dog why would you not put beans in a stew

>> No.19032762
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grill and perfectly medium rare. 1/10

>> No.19032784

It is better with beans.

>> No.19033078
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cope and seethe

>> No.19033137

It's not chili without beans, simple as.
>b...b... but!

>> No.19033152

>Chili without beans
Yeah, definitely. But what about quiche with no egg? Bread with no yeast? You know what, you city slickers can keep your corn, I prefer my cornflakes without it. Yeehaw shuckemup git 'er done.

Fuck off, moron.

>> No.19033364
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chili never had beans.

>quiche with no egg? Bread with no yeast?
false equivalency

1. food made of flour, water, and yeast OR another leavening agent, mixed together and baked.

chili noun
1 a hot pepper of any of a group of cultivars
2 a thick sauce of meat and chilies

>> No.19033424

>adding tomatoes
Not real Chili
>adding onions
Not real Chili
>adding peppers
Not really Chili

>> No.19033437
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Real chili has no beans

>> No.19033448

>just tolerate theft and the violation of trust because someone in the indeterminate past once had it worse than you

>> No.19033464

Merriam-Webster is a tool used to redefine language to control the masses
I'm not even being edgy, they have been changing their definitions to suit TPTB for years

>> No.19033490
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I like adding the meme beans

>> No.19033501

Use those to make sheet pan nachos, they won't sog up the chips like refried beans but have way more flavor than regular beans

>> No.19033696
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doordash and other such services are for lazy people who have no idea how to handle money.


>> No.19034201

>chili never had beans.
But that's not true at all. Most of you retards need to look at the origin of chili.

>> No.19034485

>a stew made with cubed beef and peppers is the same as a sauce made with ground beef and milk
the only way you could have an opinion this stupid was if you didn't know what chili or bolognese actually was like

>> No.19034522

chili is literally just spicy stew, the ingredients are the same

>> No.19034541
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>> No.19034564


>> No.19034570

>wagyu chili
that sounds fucking vile

>> No.19034592

Beans if you're eating it solely. No beans if its meant to be a topping.

You can make it without beans and add beans as you like, so maybe no beans is a little more practical.

As a I'm gay btw Californian it's crazy to me there is so much dialog around this topic

>> No.19034889

I do know the origins of chili and it never had beans in it.

no beans

it was heavenly

>As a I'm gay btw Californian
that much is obvious

>> No.19035098
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For a non muttmerican what is this?
You call it 'chilli' but a chilli is pic related.
Is this just a meat sauce like bolognaise except you put a lot of chillis in it as well?
And what is the sauce applied to?

>> No.19035128

I like it with beans, corn and sour-cream is nice too.

>> No.19035135

Nuance? But muh autistic screeching contest!

>> No.19035230
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Texas style chili and chile Colorado.
Made with stew meat, stock, chilis, and spices. These styles of chili don't have beans and usually no tomato product.

Homestyle chili is made with ground meat, tomatoes, and beans. This style also rarely contains any actual chilis that aren't a pre-ground chili powder.
If you remove the beans and reduce a homestyle chili down until it's a bit thicker, you end up with chili sauce which you can use as a condiment for things like fries/hotdogs.

>> No.19035290

That's a tasty looking stew.

>> No.19035318

If we're going to be authentic than the beanless chili gets served over a bowl of seasoned beans

People put beans in chili because it saves a step

>> No.19035347

This just looks like a curry bro

>> No.19035487

>chili is a stew
imagine being this stupid

>> No.19035490


>i don' t put chilli in my bolognese sauce
no wonder nobody comes back for seconds

>> No.19035807

beans are largely just cheap filler, they have minimal taste and a gluey texture but they're much less expensive than meat so they're jammed in to lower cost. this cost cutting measure has since become a part of the culinary tradition despite being inferior in both taste and nutrition

>> No.19035868

grew up in texas, not even memeing but just don't see the point of beans in chili in the first place, i'm there for loads of serrano and jalapeno and when you're cooking for four hours, the chili is fucking thick as hell anyways so why bother with beans? it just doesn't add anything in my mind, and I wanna use leftovers for things like chili dogs or chili mac and cheese if i'm feeling extra fat and again, can't see the point of beans in those instances either. just feels like a pointless and limiting addition.

>> No.19035883

i like chili and i like beans and i'll eat them together but it's not chili. you gotta have scruples, draw a line somewhere.

>> No.19036533

what is it if it isn't tomato based

>> No.19036550
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It's just chili's and stock. You can add a bit of masa to thicken if needed.

>> No.19036565

if i already add pretty much everything but beans (meat, spices, lots of peppers/veggies, tomato, unique additions like wine vinegar cocoa powder black garlic sauce coffee oranges etc) what kind of alcohol should i add?

>> No.19036704


>> No.19036714

gib good recipe

>> No.19037101
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>> No.19037238

>chili powder
Not real Chili

>> No.19037316

that is exactly real chili.

>> No.19037322

do you people really not get tired of discussing the same thing over and over?

>> No.19037917

cumin goes in chili

>> No.19038139

How retarded do you have to be to call this thin second-rate gruel chili?

>> No.19038161

Yes bean, just drain the bean liquid.
I make a quick stovetop chili from scratch because fuck you it's my house, and add beans as soon as all the meat is browned.

>> No.19038208

What is the difference between no bean and sloppy joes?

>> No.19038971

sloppy joes are mild tomato based sandwich filling

>> No.19039042
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>This style also rarely contains any actual chilis that aren't a pre-ground chili powder.
there is no fucking difference you fucking tard since you blend up the chilis anyways before adding them

>> No.19039053

pepper sauce base
picrel except in this case you wouldn't strain out the pulp so it makes a thinker base whereas a enchilada sauce you would

>> No.19039057

Wild Turkey 101 to deglaze the pan after you saute the onions and peppers

>> No.19039060

its ok to not like cumin but to say it doesn't belong in chili is asinine, even competition cookoff's chili purists use cumin

>> No.19039080
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originally we did but after not paying attention for awhile we noticed that faggots were corrupting facts and perverting the truth with their bizarre opinions
Look at pineapple pizza as a case study, 25 years ago it was just another topping choice while not usually a first choice it was no big deal but somewhere along the line several autistic faggots corrupted otherwise neutral people into following their minority opinion
same with chili 25 years ago it was fact that chili had beans and tomato in it and only a handful of Texans ate a entirely different dish that was steak in pepper sauce called chili con carne

>> No.19039131

so exactly the same?

>> No.19039484
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>These styles of chili don't have beans and usually no tomato product.

Then it is NOT chili.

>> No.19039890
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cumin makes your chili smell like a traveling carnival worker.

no because there is no tomato in chili and there is chili in chili.

as someone who has been around since before 25 years ago you are full of shit. only poor people put beans in chili. normal people would never put beans in chili.

>Then it is NOT chili.
it has to have chilis in it to be chili (it's in the name) there is no tomato in chili.

>> No.19039945
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Why are you lying?
I'm holding a copy of
First print edition, 1980
CASI founded in 1950
A Bowl of Red, first edition 1966
First written chili recipe 1618
>antelope meat, onions, tomatoes, chili
Chili basics calls for three spices
>chili, cumin, oregano
It has recommendations for using beans
>add cooked beans in the last 30 minutes of cooking
>if not adding beans, optionally serve cooked beans on the side

>> No.19040025

>rotten fruit mush texture
Your beans are overcooked to fuck.

>> No.19040030

is coffee grounds in chili good for you?

>> No.19040031

>rib eye steak, or filet mignon
What the fuck kind of fancy fag shit are you making? Who the fuck uses premium cuts for CHILI?

>> No.19040436

better then eggs

>> No.19040551

Thanks for reminding me, I'm going to make a tasty chicken and bean chili for dinner tonight!

>> No.19040575
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>> No.19040590

looks good i guess but you might wanna get your lead levels checked if you're using wagyu for chili.

>> No.19040623

Absolute retard. Please don't tell me you believe that some Spanish nun, from Spain, who had never been to the Americas, gave us the first recorded recipe for chili.

Disregarding that nonsense, your still arguing that one style of chili is wrong simply because another style existed first.
Texas style chili, which is where is was probably invented, was made with beef, fat, chilis, and spices pounded out and formed into dry bricks to be used as a trail ration.

>> No.19040771

i would only make meat only chilli if it was going to be consumed by a bunch of people in one day or used on things like hot dogs or nachos or even some spaghetti or papperdelle.
if im planning on cooking and freezing portions as my day to day beater meal i would add some beans and a little veg to balance it out nutrition wise.
i find half red and half black beans is the way to go.

>> No.19040898

You're the retard who thinks some Texan invented chili
We have archeological records that natives made chili for centuries before the Columbian exchange
Green chili was originally made with turkey, tomatillos, tomatoes, onions, and green chili served on stewed lima beans
You can say Texas chili doesn't have tomatoes or beans in it, but it's not the gold standard, it's not even the most popular, and it's certainly not the first chili

>> No.19040954


People took the disgusting brick chili, which is a variation of pemmican and added cumin. Thus was invented modern chili.
This almost definitely happened in Texas.
At the time Texas was either part of Spain or Mexico but It was still Texas.

>> No.19040958

listings of wrongly made food is still wrong.

>> No.19040970
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I do, and have been doing it for 10 plus years. started when I bought a tender loin primal to cut in to filet mignon. there was a lot that was too small to make steaks with and since the meat was super tender I decided to make chili with it.

if you don't use crap meat in chili you don't have to cook the shit out of it. since then I have tried all sorts of expensive cuts of meat, and the chili is superior to ANYTHING anyone else can make.

>> No.19041030

>Balls are touching
Damn bro 2006 called

>> No.19041034

I don't believe this
Cooking meat with lots of connective tissue produces gelatin, which makes the sauce richer and thicker
Nothing wrong with cooking low and slow, some of the best foods take time
Tenderloin cooked like that is dry, flat, and flavorless

>> No.19041063

I use a beef stock instead of over cooking it.

there is always a solution.

>> No.19041072

>Tenderloin cooked like that is dry, flat, and flavorless
not the way I make it.

I can make a chili where the meat is super tender and not dry as I said I use a beef stock.

I have it all covered. you will never make a chili better than mine.

>> No.19041081

dice beef in to half inch chunks.
isous vide for 6 to 8 hours at 130° freedom if using cheep meat.
other wise just brown the expensive stuff.
make chili sauce from red chili's beef stock, garlic, onion, oregano, salt, pepper, and msg. thickened with a roux. that's it that's all it's chili con carne (chili with meat) not tomato bean soup with meat.

when chili sauce is ready add meat.
boom done.

measurements? fuck you. it's to taste.

>> No.19041087

I can give you measurements because I also sous vide and buy expensive meats
Because I take notes
Beef stock is not a substitute for low and slow, you should know that sous vide bro

>> No.19041105

my way is superior and faster. don't care if you don't believe it.

try it.

>> No.19041133

i use beans when i make chili, so fuck you and your standards.

>> No.19041183 [DELETED] 


i don't even eat chili, but i don't mind beans in chili either. my mom never made it from scratch and would buy that wolf brand chili crap. she would get the ones without beans so we could use it for hot dog night. i'd eat about three chili dogs and that would fill me up. we never ate that chili shit by itself because that would be pretty gross.

>> No.19041318

That's the neat part, there isn't one

>> No.19041331

I grew up in Murphy, Texas. I lived in Houston, Austin, Plano, Dallas before I moved out of Texas and to Spokane. I have never had chili that didn't have beans in it.

>> No.19041334

Beans. Adds good texture and makes it a heartier meal.

>> No.19041485

>I said I use a beef stock.
bruh like 78% of people use stock and the remaining just use water because they didn't have any stock

>> No.19041491

>thickened with a roux.
no either you just reduce it over time or add masa to thicken

>> No.19041525

>isous vide for 6 to 8 hours
>my way is faster
are you stupid? its ok if you are but simmering a pot of chili for 3 hours is less then 8 hours and honestly if you're doing it right you only have to stir it a few times along the way so not really any more work

>> No.19041539

Beans in chili when by itself along with cheese and hot sauce
Without beans when it's used as a topping
simple as

>> No.19041542
File: 104 KB, 700x1050, chili-cheese-dip-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chili should be eaten as a cheesy bean dip for tortilla chips

>> No.19041562
File: 82 KB, 650x1657, Cheesy-Chili-Dip-main-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19041572

I put whatever the fuck I feel like in my chili. I don't care some some faggot in texas or online says. And I like beans. You're not the one eating my chili, so fuck off.

>> No.19041590 [DELETED] 

I agree with you. Seems kind of gross to eat a big bowl of meat alone.

>> No.19041634

Everyone in the south knows you put beans in chili.

>> No.19043085

Here's a controversial take...

It's your food. Make it however the fuck you want to eat it

>> No.19043102



>> No.19043511
File: 1.81 MB, 3680x2604, Bitch chili.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get why so many anons feel so strongly about bean chili with ground beef
theyre lazy and too scared to try to make the other kind. takes 10 minutes to throw all this slop into a pot and cook for 30 minutes. Real chili is an ordeal of picking out seeds and browning chunks of beef.

lazy retards

>> No.19043560

The worst part is that he's not even making Texas chili right

>> No.19043594

Listen to this chunk beef chili stewer seethe.
Explain to me your secret spicy Gulasch recipe anon.

>> No.19043708

how so?

>> No.19043731

Beans are always just unpleasant filler in chili.

>> No.19043734
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>> No.19043814
File: 41 KB, 550x550, Chile-Colorado-Beef-Stew-S1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Texas red:
deseed and toast dried chilis
add to bowl of hot water and soak for 30min
in the meantime sear half inch cubes of chuck steak then deglaze the pan with beer or beef stock
drain the soaked chilis and put in blender with some beer or beef stock and puree
add the chili sauce to the beef and simmer until beef is tender and sauce has thickened to your liking
top with some fresh cilantro and serve with a side of cornbread a

That being said if you were stuck eating chili for a week straight i'd go with homestyle bean/tomato/fresh peppers chili 100% of the time
it is a more enjoyable dish with a lot more versatility and flavors

>> No.19044413
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>> No.19044559

see all my previous posts.

>> No.19044582

Beans ruin Chili

>> No.19044617

based and practical pilled.
this debate is retarded. use the right tool for the job.

>> No.19044697

>picking out seeds
leave them in, pussy.
anyway, both kinds are good. don't be a fag.

>> No.19044716

>leave them in
anything you make is not good

>> No.19044755

>leave them in, pussy.
no always deseed, they make your chili bitter
if you want more heat add hotter peppers

>> No.19044764

I am not some steer fucker from Texas, but they actually do one thing right there and that one thing is NOT putting beans in chili. Beans are a cheap filler ingredient that add literally nothing to anything (b-but muh fiber!... go to /fit/ if you don't like to enjoy your food and just eat it for sustenance and "gains"). They add 0 flavor and just take up space and no, they don't "suck up flavor" like people try to claim. They are just boring chunks of playdough that fill the tummies of poor children who can't afford enough meat to make a proper pot of chili.

>> No.19044777

they hated him because he told the truth

>> No.19044830

Yes, seeds are bitter, but you don't have to agonize over picking out every last one. run your knife over the inside of a pepper and just leave the ones that got lucky enough to hang on. A few seeds won't ruin your chili.

>> No.19044840

thats fair but deseeding a dried pepper is pretty easy

>> No.19045017

what is wrong with the midwest

>> No.19045062

its located in the midwest

>> No.19045488

Chili without beans is one note and pointless. Get your fiber on.

>> No.19045489

truth is subjective

>> No.19047243
File: 872 KB, 608x612, Screenshot 2023-03-14 at 11-47-12 chili beans - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these exist for a reason

>> No.19047935
File: 2.10 MB, 4000x2250, IMG_20221129_152449161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chili made proper with ribeye steak.

>> No.19048458
File: 2.89 MB, 4160x3120, IMG_20230210_172754291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chili made right with leftover BBQed hamburgers and hot Italian sausage, sauteed onions, poblano peppers, habanero peppers, garlic, green chilis, diced tomatoes, pinto beans and red beans, chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, toasted dried peppers and freshly toasted cumin seeds

>> No.19048465

Are you no-beaners trolling? It literally isn't chili without beans. It's meat sauce

>> No.19049564

dead thread

>> No.19049811

I'm going to make everyone mad. I like chili with only beans in it and I'm not even vegetarian/vegan/faggot.

>> No.19049843
File: 10 KB, 275x183, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Superior gourmand from the sophisticated land of Europe here. If you're not adding sweetcorn to your chilli, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.19049855

>not Mexican or cowboy
just doesn't have the same appeal when you're an amerimutt
chili needs to get me in yeehaw mode

>> No.19049856

I understand that you feel strongly about not putting beans in certain chilis. However, it's important to remember that different people have different tastes and preferences when it comes to food. While you may not enjoy beans in your chili, others may find it to be a delicious addition. It's also worth considering that some recipes may traditionally call for beans, and that's part of what makes them unique.

Ultimately, the beauty of cooking and food is that it allows for experimentation and creativity. If you prefer your chili without beans, then by all means, leave it out. But it's important to be respectful of others' choices and not impose your own preferences on them.

>> No.19049875
File: 6 KB, 259x194, 7C09FD4A-6FCA-41A5-A6F4-249AC4ABBD78.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bean are separate from chili. They are their own entity. You either make chili *with* the foreigner bean included or it’s just pure chili. Chili in its purest form is not beans.

Beans in with the chili can be good, but they interfere with the taste and texture of the chili itself because of that simple reality that they are not the chili. If you really want to judge the chili remove the beans.

>> No.19050225

carbonara with cream isn't carbonara
chicago pizza isn't pizza
goulash with macaroni isn't goulash
chili with beans isn't chili

stop using the wrong names for things

>> No.19050254

who gives a fuck

>> No.19050325
File: 66 KB, 690x521, blob (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and I loathe the texture
so dont fucking use beans fag?

I prefer white chilli
red chilli is always literal goyslop made up shitty leftover meatloaf or groundbeef thats going bad where im from, if you had decent beef, why the fuck would you make into chilli instead of burgers?

>> No.19050342

>t. redditor whos wrong

>> No.19050370

came here to post something very similar to this. mash the beans up and use them as flavorful thickener

>> No.19050653

I have a canonical headcanon as to why this is even a debate.
>Here my 7r old amerimutt, some authentic chili with beans
>but mom! I like meats better than beans, when I grow up, I will make chili without beans
>American bolognese is born

>> No.19050666
File: 412 KB, 605x497, 1639793037073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rib eye and filet mignon
>sous vide
and even double spacing to make your point look bigger

>> No.19051087
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>> No.19051097
File: 2.53 MB, 283x230, thereitis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's meat sauce
it was at that moment the student was enlightened!
chili con carne = chili with meat = meat sauce!

>> No.19051100

>if you had decent beef, why the fuck would you make into chilli instead of burgers?
I make chili with ribeye.

>> No.19051103

>and even double spacing to make your point look bigger
easier to read for the small brains here.

>> No.19051230

>easier to read
redditor confirmed

>> No.19051288

I understand that you feel strongly about not putting cream in carbonara. However, it's important to remember that different people have different tastes and preferences when it comes to food. While you may not enjoy cream in your carbonara, others may find it to be a delicious addition. It's also worth considering that some recipes may traditionally call for cream, and that's part of what makes them unique.

Ultimately, the beauty of cooking and food is that it allows for experimentation and creativity. If you prefer your carbonara without cream, then by all means, leave it out. But it's important to be respectful of others' choices and not impose your own preferences on them.

>> No.19051367

fuck you bot

>> No.19052647

>came here to post something very similar to this. mash the beans up and use them as flavorful thickener
Mashing up beans and using them as a thickener is a great way to add flavor and nutrition to a dish. Beans are also a good source of protein, fiber, and other important nutrients, making them a healthy addition to your meals. Let me know if you have any other questions or if there's anything else I can help you with!

>> No.19052659

I'm sorry if I did something to offend you. As an AI language model, my only purpose is to assist and provide helpful responses to your inquiries. If there's anything specific you need help with, feel free to ask and I'll do my best to provide you with a useful answer.

>> No.19052676

chili without beans > chili with beans, but they're still both chili

>> No.19052704
File: 134 KB, 1100x1100, refried-beans-resize-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's the All-Bean chili

>> No.19052764

beans don't really contribute much flavor

>> No.19052777

This man fucks

>> No.19052805

yes it's a spicy pasta sauce at that point minus the pasta...

>> No.19052811

not if he can afford it, that's just raging at your betters

>> No.19052831

>redditor confirmed
is "redditor" your boyfriend?

>> No.19052841
File: 356 KB, 1155x1500, drinking yourtears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19052844

Wagyu (和牛) is a complete fucking meme. It's literally just a super fatty steak that doesn't taste any better than a normal good cut. The reason it's so expensive is that to produce it the cow has to be made insulin resistant (see: diabetes) so it can no longer store fat correctly, allowed fat to spill out of tissue and create the "marbling" you see there.

Say's Law states that supply creates its own demand. That's wagyu in a nutshell.

>> No.19052854

Can't you basically create a wagyu "steak" by stuffing a bunch of fat into lean meat and turn it into something like hamburger?
Everything old is new again. And more expensive.

>> No.19052857

It tastes way better that's why we already use grades for regular beef in the US prime/choice/select

>> No.19052860

You would know troon

>> No.19052866

>You would know troon
You're just jealous because I'm a man with a vagina and I can afford to buy better quality chili than you.

>> No.19052879
File: 325 KB, 654x482, 1677606434171240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're just jealous because I'm a man with a vagina

>> No.19052963

I've never understood the autism about this. It's poor people food, what does it matter if people are adding beans to it?

>> No.19053378
File: 188 KB, 1303x234, Screenshot 2023-03-15 at 22-02-37 fake wagyu - YouTube.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its been tried

>> No.19053485

the ultimate high octane brap fuel

>> No.19053903

I don't care if you eat bean and tomato soup. just stop calling it chili.

>> No.19054328
File: 74 KB, 1200x628, Chile-Pepper-Guide-Varieties-Spicy-Cayenne-Jalapeno-Habanero-Scotch-Bonnet-Recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chili is better without beans, beans only take up space that should be occupied by more meat. The best chili is thick, almost creamy consistency (not soupy), and meaty.

Sure, Wendy's or an average aloof diner with a chili soup special will probably serve chili with beans default and why not it saves money, but any place that actually specializes in chili will at least have the option of bean or no bean.

>> No.19054447


>> No.19054552

Chili con carne... as in Chili minus meat can exist... what are you left with? do the mathS...

>> No.19054560

for some reason beans trigger the amerifat and it's hilarious to see the spasming and logical fallacies they concoct to 'prove' their freedom dish is in some way authentic as it was eaten during the time of the first ethnic cleansing

>> No.19054564

Americans can't it's in their rebellious blood as the aussies can't help stealing ideas either...

>> No.19054568

>I don't care if you eat bean and tomato soup. just stop calling it chili.

No. If it's a chili recipe it has beans. Stop abusing the language of your betters with hick trailer-park opinions

>> No.19054571

>beans only take up space that should be occupied by more meat.

I'm guessing the monsanto beans aren't all they're cracked up to be... then again if it ain't GMO it ain't amerifat. Fix your farms, then your food

>> No.19054573

needs more beans :P

>> No.19054899

If you mongoloids use canned beans then of course they're going to be soggy. Use dried beans so they're al dente when you go to serve them

>> No.19054936

This thread is the reason why Facebook exists. Idiots arguing over the dumbest topic possible but it gets the LIKES so run that up the SEO AI chain. You fucking people make the world DUMBER BY BEING FUCKING STUPID.

>> No.19054948

Do you assholes eat refried beans in Americanized tacos? If you don't, you're a fucking moron. So why not beans in your bastardized meat stew? It's just fucking better. It expands flavour. You dipshit purists will smear it with cheese or god knows what, but argue over beans because it's a fucking team sport to dullards who will never amount to shit, or never enter the workforce to begin with.

>> No.19055001

Congrats, you cracked the case.
Curry in essence is just stewed meat. Chili con Carne is new world curry

>> No.19055006

You niggas probably think garlic and onions don't belong either

>> No.19055016

>paprika is a no-no
Am I not allowed to use Chipotle in my chili then?

>> No.19055022

You aboriginals.. didn't you learn anything from the colonials? SALT AND PEPPER or you get invaded.

>> No.19055033

Not real chili

>> No.19055058

What are you? From El Salvador? NO!

>> No.19055135

it's really strange how easy it is to pick out chatgpt's writing. I can't tell if they intentionally crippled it or if it's just a natural consequence of how it works.

>> No.19055187

Is this a newish pasta?

>> No.19055205

I understand that you feel strongly about not putting human touch into 4chan replies. However, it's important to remember that different people have different tastes and preferences when it comes to shitposting. While you may not enjoy AI-generated text in your posts, others may find it to be a convenient addition. It's also worth considering that some shitposting techniques may traditionally call for a robotic tone of voice, and that's part of what makes them unique.

Ultimately, the beauty of shitposting and bait is that it allows for experimentation and creativity. If you prefer your shitposts without AI input, then by all means, leave it out. But it's important to be respectful of others' choices and not impose your own preferences on them.

>> No.19055589

>make your chili
>no beans no tomatoes
>just a steak with hot sauce
pretty funny ngl famalama, but the last two rows are unnecessary thoughbehonest

>> No.19055725
File: 32 KB, 250x377, 3sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beans are a native American plant you retard and every subset of Americas eats them in one dish or another from the southwest to the northeast
>three sisters

>> No.19055730

canned bean have calcium chloride add so they actually stay firmer where most people tend to over cook their beans when making them from scratch

>> No.19055742
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>t. bumps thread but add nothing of value
its a cooking board tha fuck else we supposed to talk about? migratory patterns of the eastern Canadian snowbird?