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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19046845 No.19046845 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.19046852

Capitalism fails our kids once again

>> No.19046859

Clown world, slop country.

>> No.19046861

Can someone tell me why the hell things cost over $5 at the store for a few Oz of processed meat and crackers?

>> No.19046863 [DELETED] 

Where is the vegetable in the turkey cracker stacker? The turkey??

>> No.19046864
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>But the company had to reformulate the ingredients to ensure the products meet federal guidelines first.
People were already feeding their kids this shit for years, lmao.

>> No.19046868

Pretty sure this is in addition to a standard lunch, not replacing it. School lunches are federally mandated to have vegetables included

>> No.19046871

Why can't americans just cook their kids some god damn food for once.

>> No.19046872 [DELETED] 

goyslop is... LE BAD

>> No.19046874

only the best food for your kids, americans.
literal stoner munchies!

>> No.19046880 [DELETED] 

To be fair the federal guidelines are retarded. Tomato sauce is a vegetable

>> No.19046886

Forgot to add an archive link. Don't want some archive obsessed schizo to seethe about that.


>> No.19046893

we're too busy working for peanuts

>> No.19046900 [DELETED] 

You work for pee

>> No.19046917
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Americans, why are you like this? I was watching some modern American military MRE reviews the other day and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The "meals" are all junk food. American soldiers are being fed pizza, burrito bowls, and kool-aid as if they were kindergarteners. The side dishes were corn snacks and literal candy. Compare this to European MREs where soldiers are getting pâté, crispbread, stewed meat, all real food in MRE form. What happened to America to reduce the palate of the average adult to that of an early 2000s Chucky Cheese commercial?
And before any Americans get butthurt, I know you aren't all like this, but clearly a pretty substantial portion of your country is.

>> No.19046956
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Whenever I see an MRE video, I get disappointed whenever I see something that you can easily buy from the store like a granola bar with normal packaging.

>> No.19046967
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>Compare this to European MREs where soldiers are getting pâté, crispbread, stewed meat
Wow you guys get liver and hardtack? Lucky you, we only get beef and black bean tacos with spiced apple slices and cappuccino

>> No.19046996


Michigan there're $2.20, prob where you live :)

>> No.19047000

I'm american and if I saw this in my school I would literally poop in a Tupperware and then fill it with whole milk and yeast and hide it in different places around the school

>> No.19047003

Twix used to count as a grain because the cookie center is made of wheat flour and no I'm not lying

>> No.19047012

Its almost like being a soldier requires lots of manual labor and necessitates lots of calories that you couldn't get from whole grain bread, boiled eggs and apples, hmmm

>> No.19047014

Man, when I was in school they had a sandwich making spot in the cafeteria and would make anything you wanted. Get some fries or chips with some bad ass gravy with some fruit & veggies. All for like 2 bucks. Fucking loved those lunch ladies.

>Europoor SEETHING
Enjoy your catfood and crackers

>> No.19047034

Marketing groups have been steadily destroying people's perception of what proper food is for over a century. This is a global trend, but the US is uniquely susceptible to it due to being a young country at the advent of mass communication.
Any traditions carried over from an emigrants to the US were weakened and altered simply to survive in a new and foreign land. For people looking for direction in unfamiliar environments, advertisers claiming to know what foods are safe and good for you is a blessing. And when these advertisers can project this message across newspapers, telegraphs, radios, and ultimately TV and the internet, they control the narrative.
The US is what happens when you fragment a people, separate them from their ancestral lands and customs, and essentially brainwash them the minute they step off the boat.

>> No.19047044

Looks healthy to me if they get rid of the crackers and candy.

>> No.19047055
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>mash a vegetable into a liquid form
>this somehow makes it no longer a vegetable
You Europeans lack basic object permanence.

>> No.19047058
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>Its almost like being a soldier requires lots of manual labor

>> No.19047060

I'm not sure how to respond to someone on 4chsn Larping as if they know better

>> No.19047062

republicans unironically don't care if children starve and democrats unironically don't care if white children starve

>> No.19047064

Ah yes, vegetables contain large amounts of oil and salt. Just how God intended

>> No.19047070

>American soldiers are being fed pizza, burrito bowls, and kool-aid as if they were kindergarteners

American soldiers usually have an IQ comparable to that of a kindergartener.

>> No.19047073

>adding things to a vegetable makes it no longer a vegetable
This is what Europeans ACTUALLY believe.

>> No.19047079

gen x didnt teach their children how to make lunches, so millenials feed their kids ready made slop.

>> No.19047080
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>Its almost like being a soldier requires lots of manual labor and necessitates lots of calories

>> No.19047083

And what country are you from?

>> No.19047089

How did you think beef and beans was going to btfo him, private?

>> No.19047090

>woah dude are they sitting down to eat a meal? no way they do any work ever lol

>> No.19047098

>the American brain, already so accustomed to obesity, doesn't even notice how freakishly fat these "soldiers" are

>> No.19047103

They're wearing body armor, you fucking retard. Sorry your country is so poor your military can't afford plates.

>> No.19047105

NTA but I'm American and he's completely correct.

>> No.19047112

Crackers are not unhealthier than lunchmeat

>> No.19047141
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>europoor seething
Not the seething Anon you replied to, but we have similar shit over here aswell.

>> No.19047147

low IQ people cant into long term thinking, so they genuinely believe that fast food/premade food costs less in the long run

if you ask them, say, what costs more- a big mac, or the ingredients for making a hamburger at home
of course they'd say the ingredients
but if you asked them what costs more in the long run- buying the ingredients to make 2-3 meals a day for a week, or buying 2-3 mcdonalds hamburgers a week
they wont be able to rationalize how the former can cost less... they just... dont get it

this is genuinely a symptom of low intellect and this is how most of people now think

>> No.19047154

It's mostly just boomers who still think McDonalds costs what it did 30 years ago
There was a time when a McDonalds cheeseburger was cheaper than buying ingredients and making it yourself. With the prices of ground beef nowadays we might be getting there again

>> No.19047164

its really not tho, its mostly younger generations

unless youre a literal hobo out of the street whos gonna die of hunger if he does't eat RIGHT NOW, has no access to cooking and cant save money
its absolutely not rational to not just buy ingredients in bulk
esp when most people who order takeout now also do it with apps that nearly double the fee

everyone just wants to pretend to be poor and suffering
its all a big larp

>> No.19047167

>Muh politics
>Muh republican
>Muh dems
Literally fuck off to >>>/pol/ if politics is the only thing that's important in your life

They do this because it's better for the school.
>Less staff needed to distribute the food
Saving on wages
>Easier to manage/bulk order
>Easier to clean up after
>Simpler to decide what to serve
>Easier budget management
But most importantly
Goes to someone else now.
>Lots of kids get sick from the school meal?
Redirect your lawsuits to the manufacturer thanks, we don't make em and had no way of knowing they would make people sick.
>The whole school didn't get fed because our staff didn't cook the meal on time or burned it?
Doesn't happen now

>> No.19047176
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When America fails the rest of the western world will truly go to hell.

The future is in Asia.

>> No.19047178

But that's true, you fucking retard.
MREs are specifically made to be eaten when soldiers spend all day carrying heavy shit around in the field for miles and miles.

>> No.19047188

If you believe this is how most people think, you're the one with low intellect. Most people are aware of how shitty their actions are but for various reasons they are unwilling to stop them. The average IQ is 100. You'd do well to remember that.

>> No.19047190

Every kid's dream come true.

>> No.19047199

>They do this because it's better for the school.
Shouldn't it be better for the people, children, eating the food? Isn't that supposed to be the end goal that people get better products and services? I know it isn't in crapitalism but it should be.

>> No.19047211

You’re so fucking stupid it’s insane. You want skinny stick soldiers? Where do you live, Vietnam? Are you serious? You wouldn’t even make it a day in a combat arms MOS retard. Get a life loser, stop seething over America

>> No.19047213
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>> No.19047217

American schools focus on profit above all else. Its why standardized tests are so heavilly focused on. The better grades students get (regardless if they're actually learning or not) the more funding the school gets. Education quality is shit because its cheap, food is as cheap as possible, actual life skills classes (home ex, shop, etc) are electives that recieve only enough funding to get by. All in the name of profit margins. Teachers are paid ass and are expected to pay for most classroom materials out of pocket, and the superintendents and whatever office broads they fuck get paid the beaucoup bucks.

>> No.19047220

I literally do not know what this post is supposed to imply

>> No.19047222

This. Only big gay retards volunteer to join the US military vs other countries where it's conscription AKA an extra two years of high school.

>> No.19047224

This is literally fanfiction written by a foreigner who's only heard about America in movies and TV.

>> No.19047227
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>> No.19047228

Those aren't "real" pizzas, burrito bowls, kool aid, etc.
The only "real" items in MREs are tabasco. Everything else has been meticulously engineered to be shelf stable, provide optimal nutrition and electrolytes, and to avoid causing thirst or the desire to shit. The only reason they're in the form of these junk foods is because it's these are the most palatable due to the inherently off taste of highly engineered foods. But their form factor is only a disguise.
Also, MREs specifically refers to the packaged rations provided by the US Department of Defense. It's a brand name.
The Euro rations often contain consumer goods packaged in cans or heating pouches. Which is fine, but these weigh more and are not as shelf stable. They also provoke thirst and cause the desire to shit. They are not special-made for the armed forces out on patrol, go bad quicker, and will have a soldier taking a shit daily (whereas MREs constipate you during your mission by design). It's just stuff from the grocery store shelf in most cases.

>> No.19047230

Nigger I'm American, my mother is a special ed teacher, I've witnessed all of this first hand. Stay mad I'm telling the truth and berating your fantasy land where our schools are actually worth a damn.

>> No.19047234
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>> No.19047242

>To keep troops focused, Army bans Burger King
>photo of Burger King in Iraq base
So they need to be "focused" in Poland where there is no war, but having Burger King in Iraq during an actual war was fine?

>> No.19047255
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That's nothing, they had effectively a whole ass shopping mall there for a while, the Kandahar boardwalk.

>> No.19047262

i saw the mre burrito bowl it looked pretty good,
chicken rice, and its probably a little spicy
sounds like a perfectly good meal that will you full up and be flavorful

>> No.19047264

>all that and still no government-supplied prostitutes to fuck to bring the soldiers relief
America deserves to fall

>> No.19047285

>posts a literal Ukrainian pig

>> No.19047289

Honestly better tasting than what I would usually get in school.

>> No.19047299

You've never set foot on American soil.

>> No.19047319

>52% of students receive it as free welfare
>capitalism is le broblem

It's actually the opposite

>> No.19047327 [DELETED] 

>free goyslop is le good!
shut the fuck up

>> No.19047332

Just give up on it already. Just get kids to bring a lunch to school like every other country on earth. Your governments and school boards are far too corrupt to do anything right or good.

>> No.19047333

I don't care if strangers' kids starve. Get that right.

>> No.19047350

Because Nissan Altima Americans spend all their welfare on Airpods and Jordans, so the rest of us are forced to feed their kids lunch even though the parents are already getting food stamps as well.

>> No.19047360

Bringing home cooked food is banned in many American schools because they're worried about lawsuits over someone trying their friend's food and having a reaction. So students HAVE to pay the school for some shitty dog turd lunch or they don't get to eat at all.

Wish I was kidding.

>> No.19047367

But then the poor kids will starve!!!

>> No.19047374

Yeah! those kids should be starving instead! at least they wouldn't have to eat unhealthy goyslop then.

>> No.19047382

>Bringing home cooked food is banned in many American schools
That's blatantly untrue and you know it.
You're not allowed to bring home-cooked food to school parties where it's going to be shared with the class. There's not a single school in the country that bans students from bringing homemade lunches for themselves.
Stop misrepresenting facts and arguing in bad faith to score brownie points with Europeans on the internet.

>> No.19047383

My mom would make me lunch for school when I was a kid, even then you could tell school food was shit

>> No.19047394

this is so depressing
no wonder there are school shootings
these little goblins will be raised on goy rations and sneed oils

>why don't we just buy vegetables, flour etc. and pay people to cook food??
>no that's impossible!! idk how to cook or what food is

>> No.19047401

>let me just bend the definition of things so I can be right

>> No.19047404

That's... That's literally the opposite of what I said in that post. When people post pictures of the school lunches in places like Japan what they ommit is that in those countries kids who don't pay have to pack a lunch from home. Unlike in the states where it continues to drop in quality under the burden of the free lunch program.

>> No.19047576
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>> No.19047582

lmao little bro think we out here in a nissan

bro got to at least have an acura TL whypeepo can buy the food lmao

>> No.19047589

>need to give kids lunch
>hire the company LUNCHables
Seems like a pretty obvious move to me

>> No.19047729

lunchables are basically crackers, processed meat and cheese slices, with a piece of candy. if you pay 2$ more you get a juice box. its utter dogshit for retarded parents.

>> No.19047986

I thought Lunchables took the candy away ages ago.

>> No.19048052

>You're not allowed to bring home-cooked food to school parties where it's going to be shared with the class
What? Granted I graduated high school in '02, but it sure wasn't that way in my day. Pretty much everything was homemade, because that's normal.

>> No.19048076

SWBB is one of the top 3 best MREs.

>> No.19048089

What do you care? You'll never have a kid.

>> No.19048101

For which pizza is classed as a vegetable

>> No.19048105

>Little Village
yeah no shit everything is banned at school, that area then was the hood, I'm not sure how it is now but the general consensus here in Chicago is the lower trust neighborhoods have more restrictions around everything while high trust (rich) neighborhoods have significantly more personal freedoms.

>> No.19048293

>We should feed our kids quality food
Ok how do we accomplish this without going over budget and not having half the food expire?
>We should give them fresh fruit with their food
Most kids will leave it or throw it away
>We should give them fruit anyways

I hate liberals
Unironically go with pizza is a Vegetable but put a shit ton of tomato in it
You have to hide the healthy food behind fat and syrup because these kids don't have real parents to teach them better

>> No.19048300
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>European MREs where soldiers are getting pâté, crispbread, stewed meat, all real food in MRE form

>> No.19048345

I've bought both US MRE's and French RCIR's from Ebay and the French food was way better. Tho that jalapeno cheese spread was pretty addictive. Went really well with the french crackers.

>> No.19048360

Kind of funny, but too soft on the spanish niggers. They're the worst combination possible: worthless but think they're hot shit. The only part they get right is the shit part.

>> No.19048377

I am here to shit on the ameripigs, but you're a fucking grade Z retard.

>> No.19048434

I'm not claiming that American military rations are any good but I tried the heat by boiling premade stew type food and it's made in the exact same made wet dog food is which I find extremely funny
It is the exact same thing seasoned differently

>> No.19048450

>"richest country in the world" can't afford to feed its kids a nutritious meal

>> No.19048500

>beef and black bean tacos with spiced apple slices and cappuccino
That's just for the enlisted men. The officer's pack is even better.

>> No.19048539

Everyone has a deadly allergy because of growing up inside so homemade food is banned at any group gatherings. You are only allowed to eat packaged corporate food product from approved vendors such as mcdonalds.

>> No.19048577

because they want busy worker bees instead of a thinking populace. why do you think our buses are yellow and black. i've learned more in the past year just reading books than the 12 years i was in school

>> No.19048589

>"something occurs"
>*show example*
yikes. just accept being wrong, it's far less embarrassing

>> No.19048600

1. Military contracts are a money printing machine
2. Most enlisted are poor who are used to poor quality food
3. Big contract goes to big company that already has the factories to produce it so it's cheap

There's more but this is most of it.

>> No.19048608

I’ve had coworkers in their 30s that would bring these things in for lunch, it’s weird.

>> No.19048653

It's not implying anything, it's just an MRE consisting of 90% candy being held in hands so meaty the fingernails are being reabsorbed.

>> No.19048668

Ha, love it brings back memories. The Canadian Tim Hortons was soooo busy and those Iced Capps would go like nuts.

My fav was the pizza hut. The subway meat wasn't made for my palate. The BK wasn't bad.

Miss that lil boardwalk like you wouldn't believe. Got some nice bootleg GBA games to pass the time (Mario&Luigi being my fav).

>> No.19048807

He's off by at least one generation, yes

>> No.19048899

Why whenever I try a Butterfinger it's rock hard and almost breaks my teeth?

>> No.19049010

Seems like a problem for people who hate their kids.
Not a problem in private schools.

>> No.19049053

>couple pieces of crackers
>three pieces of baloney
>plastic cheese
>this is somehow considered a complete and nutritious meal by the schoolboard
I'm pretty sure feeding that shit to kids is some kind of human rights violation. Also out of all the candybars they could put in it had to be butterfingers. Fucking BUTTERFINGERS!!!

>> No.19049055

Pizza? That is a commercial shelf stable product, not an actual MRE meal type. You have been mislead. Pizza is not an official US MRE meal entry.

I've tried a few MREs from other countries, as well as plenty of the Army ones while I was in. Army MREs are hands down better for the overall system: you have a flameless ration heater, a spoon so tough you can kill a man with it, and a tough bag that lets you field strip (and trade with buddies) the things to shove food into a buttpack or other free space for field ops and training. Meanwhile, all other countries service MREs have a spoon that snaps in half when you sneeze at it, and half the time are just tinned shit from the supermarket in a cardboard fucking box. Watch enough of these and you will see ALL the reviewers shitting on the spoons.

Other countries WISH they had the options US troops had. The base set has 24 fucking meal options, the cold weather has 12 more, and that isn't all the options. Guess what other countries have? Like 2-4 options, if fucking that. Sure you can cherry pick US MREs: the vomlet is a good example of the shit you can get stuck with, or the 4 fingers of death. But some MREs are fucking amazing, like the brisket one, and don't get me started on the pound cakes. There is nothing like a pound cake out in the field as a pick me up. And yes, some come with ACTUAL candy, so fucking what? Your ass will be working that sugar off.

The only good thing about Russian MREs are the jams. America could replace the apple/grape jelly with a apple butter and that would be amazing. Also, that "crispbread"? Fucking stale as shit hardtack that tastes horrible. Give me MRE crackers any time, or even better, the MRE wheat bread is fantastic shit. Yeah, I know we have to cater to Paco with our taco MREs, it sucks, but it is what it is.

Also, US MREs have stew options. Beef stew, chicken stew, etc. The cold weather ones are all Mountain house freeze dried meals, and they are pretty darn good.

>> No.19049084

never ever forget that obamas manwife ruined school lunches

I was in school when the monkeys got in office they quickly banned good food for "healthy options" my highschool went from a lunch that had red barron pizza french fries fresh baked cookies cinnamon rolls pretzels cereal a make your own sandwich line. a meal of the day that was different everyday each month for the free lunch option. it was great food cheap prices. then obama came and it all got reduced to a single food line that every had to be baked. they literally gutted the kitchen to be just a big ass freezer and some ovens. it was really shit for that last year of school the food went from great to sucking ass

>> No.19049094

imagine this, you are working at burger king you hate your job so you join the army infantry. you get sent to iraq and are reassigned to the fast food division and have to work the burger king 12 hours a day

it really happened

>> No.19049095

Nah, the MRE contracts are actually a complex balance of nutritional needs, durability, shelf life, and cultural needs. Then the company tries to hit all the requirements it can.

The food has to be long term shelf stable, and the MRE kicks the pants off EVERY OTHER MRE in the world here. 1-2 years? Ha, try 5+ for the US at room temp, or indefinitely when frozen. When your canned shite is exploded from the heat, the US MRE will still be good.

Yes, the MREs are under spiced. That is so all the kids serving can eat it with little issue. Add the tabasco if you need it. The veggie options suck, but they are there for the veggie-only retards, and at least they have good sides to counter the shit main. Let's not pretend any of the canned shit in the other MREs are any better: I've personally tried them. The Russians just put fucking SPAM in one of theirs.

Funnily enough, these companies produced camping meals and shit after they developed stuff for the government. Which is what the gov't is good for: those sweet, sweet research dollars.

It is NOT the cheapest option. We could be serving ReadyWise slop to the troops and get away with it. That shit tastes like chemical runoff crossed with dog food. At least they get Mountain House. It's not PEAK, but it's pretty darn good. Turns out morale is highly influenced by food, and a reasonable hot meal when you are out in the shit makes all the difference.

>> No.19049101

This is NOT a US MRE. This is some ass wipe's attempt at a MRE that they self labeled and vacuum packed.

This is an actual US MRE. It's actually not all that bad, you can do worse out of the 24 available.

>> No.19049106

oy vey goy i might get 3 billion instead of 4 billion think of my shareholders

>> No.19049110

I'd love to hear some stories, was it like a regular part of the base provisions or a special visit for off time? It sounds like such a mind fuck to have that in the middle of a literal war.

>> No.19049121

>why is feeding the 8 people in the Luxembourg Defense Force easier than feeding the thousand retards and housenigs in the United States military

>> No.19049141

The US is fifth in the world for spending per K-12 student, an average of almost $14,000 each.
It's the districts, schools, and administrators at fault.

>> No.19049147

they are too busy embezzling things like chicken wings to care anymore
its a free for all make yourself rich game now

>> No.19049158

Oh. So the richest country on earth can afford to feat their kids. They just don't.

>> No.19049180

holy shit, I hadn't even considered that. I guess at least the clientele are going to be less drunk and belligerant than average.

>> No.19049183
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>> No.19049267

Is this achievable natty?

>> No.19049362
File: 179 KB, 517x768, superlativelaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it do 4chinners who make 50k a year come on here a white knight and give it their all for Glorious Capitalism? You know you aren't just a Temporarily Embarrassed Billionare, don't you retard? They aren't gonna call or text you. You're probably such a massive faggot that you think the Fire Department is MUH SOCIALISM huh? Literal cuckhold mindset. Go on licking Elon's dig, I'm sure he'll tweet at you. Paste eater.

>> No.19049779

Not a chance, it's all SEAs like Tibetans working those jobs. I bet they hold their passports as ransom too. Same as in UAE.

>> No.19049806

Reminder that the divide isn't that much different between public and private schools, and no matter how much money their parents make children all have the same underdeveloped palates. The real problem is badly cooked vegetables.

>> No.19049827

I work in education and his story sounds both accurate and not even that interesting.
You seem like you don't want people discussing the poor quality of the system.

>> No.19049837

Your raids do nothing Ivan.

>> No.19049841

American public school teachers deserve to get fucked. 90% of them just want to brainwash and groom other peoples children.

>> No.19049850

That's not a military mre

>> No.19049854

If you cant afford to feed your kids school lunch, youre a shitty parent who irresponsibly had kids in the first place and its no ones fault but your own.

>> No.19049883

There were whores on bases in iraq, but they were foreign civilian contractors who worked it on the side to make extra money.

>> No.19049941

gommunism is not the answer and it never will be but dont support the epic shareholder kikes OK? capitalism can be better than this and you know it

>> No.19049948
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>in addition to other meals
That's what Americans really need
More food

>> No.19050197

Yes, who knew the people that claim to care so much about schools having their libraries closed and being able to teach LGB history don't know how to run schools.

>> No.19050227

>as free welfare
no fucking shit, the (((CEO))) doesnt even let their kids eat that shit

>> No.19050236

yes, but theres still risk of getting the Veggie omelette

>> No.19050261

>Can someone tell me why the hell things cost over $5
Inflation you retard. They used to cost 1-2$

>> No.19050283

mfs eating sliced cheese and crackers for lunch

>> No.19050354

peak reddit posting, even hit the randomly bringing Elon up out of nowhere just to seethe mark

>> No.19050464

I can't believe I used to think these were good as a kid.

>> No.19050683

I hate teachers of all races and nationalities, some of the most stupid and self-important assholes on the face of the earth. The only reason most of them get into teaching is because they hate real work and want to boss around and manipulate children, so fuck them and let them have their shit pay as reward

>> No.19050718

literally this

>> No.19050905

Enriched flour is literally just flour with vitamins put into it

>> No.19050977

How much of that money is being sponged by unions and the results of their actions?

>> No.19050985

>my mother is a special ed teacher
It's so great to hear that even with her special needs she manages to perform a teaching role.

>> No.19050995

It's tailored towards the nostalgia of the >poverty line crowds filling the ranks.

>> No.19051005

That's a box of drinking snacks, not a meal.

>> No.19051012
File: 269 KB, 1175x1600, obongo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tries to remove sugar and GMOs from school lunches
>conservatives lose their shit and respond by designating fucking pizza as a vegetable
the jews will stop at nothing to make sure our kids are obese and addicted to goyslop

>> No.19051013

And rye flour is flour with vitamins not bleached and polished out of it.

>> No.19051024

Unfortunately, healthy school lunches would require people able to cook them.

>> No.19051029
File: 186 KB, 398x398, 1673806165045750.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Enjoy your catfood and crackers
nigga that's what YOU have for lunch

>> No.19051218
File: 3.94 MB, 1280x720, ballistic shelter.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in the 12-gauge cage and eat your Lunchables, Billy.

>> No.19051260
File: 633 KB, 820x713, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one here who's mother loved me enough to make me a lunch to take to school every day

>> No.19051269
File: 135 KB, 597x432, 1670465513748028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shes got a dump truck

>> No.19051357

of course not, not all of us are americans, most of us have parents that actually care.

>> No.19051382

Slaves don't have the time to cook or the money to buy healthy ingredients. America is a failed state.

>> No.19051390

>If you take Lunchables apart, the most healthy item in it is the napkin.

>> No.19051402

Jesus fuck, "well see daddies needs to be able to buy a pee-pee extender and a thousand rounds on a days notice and that's why each classrom now needs a fold-out bunker installed".

>> No.19051413

some of them include bottled water now, apparently

>> No.19051426

Well sure, they got a great deal on cheap water from east palestine, heck they're almost paying them to take it away.

>> No.19051442

>noguns yuropoor thinks theres no gun laws in the US

>> No.19051447

hannah's bologna sandwich is not love

>> No.19051461

fucking pottery

>> No.19051485

are the kids okay?
I honestly can't imagine growing up in a world feeling like you can get shot and die at any moment.

>> No.19051492

man, being a zogbot sounds great if only for the long term gooberment benefits. already know some BPD dipshit who managed to lie through the psych tests to be a fucking submarine member, so getting in doesn't sound too awful.

>> No.19051495

considering the first mass shootings started around the nineties and now we got all these zoomie spergs shitting up the internet, no
they grow all kind of fucked up and we haven't even seen the worst yet

>> No.19051499

Money is sponged through the entire process, even the bottom-line lunch ladies yoink the leftovers for dinner. Sorta like trickle-up economics.

>> No.19051500

I'm sure there are, there's also a lobby industry dumping GDP's worth of bribes on politicians, employing schools buddies of judges.

There's a system and parts of it parts that are not falling apart from disuse and underfunding are bypassed easily as long as you're enough flags and cash wads to stand on.

When fines and lawsuits are business' "expenses" and not a 3 strikes system it's not gonna get better.

>> No.19051504

I liked when mommy packed me lunchables, especially the pizza kind

>> No.19051517

there's still some well adjusted socialized kids, but i've seen so many silent zombies made-introvert thanks to the tablet they've become addicted to, courtesy of the parents.

>> No.19051538

Just hearing the ludicrous 60% that think they'll make it as steamers/youtubers.

>> No.19051581

Look at russian mres.

>> No.19051597

>shut-in kid whose never seen the exterior of a national forest let alone the local park is gonna have a shining personality for streaming
if anything it'll be like that retard XQC where people only watch him to hear him splurt out raw ignorance

>> No.19051600

In my experience of them, they're pretty decent. Less processed than the Western ones

>> No.19051634

Vomlette was cut in like, 2008, anon
>junk food like pizza, burrito bowls
Protein, fats, nutrients, carbohydrates. Are you retarded? Pizza is fine if it's not literally all you're fucking eating, which is why it's fine in an MRE. You have prescribed sides that all come together to meet your nutritional needs. There is literally nothing wrong with a burrito bowl, rice, beans, and meat is absolutely fine.
What, do you think a ration is just the fucking entrée?
I'm unaware of any reasonable rations that don't have some sort of electrolyte beverage powder
Saffies have super-c sweets, Germans used that caffinated chocolate, etc. Find me a fucking ration that doesn't have a candy in it, retard.
hell, the ration thread on this very board has a fucking aussie ration that's got fucking m&ms in it. Are you so fucking dense that you think soldiers shouldn't have access to a quick sugar source?
The French ration with pate literally has duck sausage and beans, a pear jelly bar, liver pate, and fucking regular grocery store vanilla pudding, along with a commercial fucking chocolate bar
How are you this retarded? How could God have allowed this? Who did you pay to type this for you?

>> No.19051815

>ceo is rich
>makes food for poor people
>wants his kids to eat like rich people instead of poor people, probably gets them $150 meals three times a day
>brainlet thinks the food is poison

>> No.19052283

>I work in education
why do people do this? there's no shame in saying you're a janitor at a school, or a bus driver or whatever. those are salt of the earth jobs.

>> No.19052319

Allergies are more common now because it's not a death sentence to have them. Those kids that would have died became adults, then had children of their own and passed on the allergy. Miss me with whatever eugenics bullshit you were going to spout off, children not dying is a good thing whether you like it or not, cuck.

>> No.19052348

My mom tried but the school food was so good and free that I refused to take home made

>> No.19052419

White America has the same gun crime rates as European countries.

>> No.19052495

>Allergies are more common now because it's not a death sentence to have them.
Yeah it's partly that, but also for a few decades they used to advise parents to avoid introducing kids to potential allergens in their food when they were very young, based mostly on fear of babies dying. Then it turns out that made a fuck ton of people grow up to have allergies, so now the advice is generally to start introducing things early and often. We're just starting to see the prevalence go back down.

>> No.19052542 [DELETED] 

>Join army
>Free candy
>Get to kill niggers
>Can rape and beat my wife and blame it on the PTSD
Sounds great

>> No.19052684

Bath School disaster had 44 killed in a bombing in 1927
Charles Whitman killed over a dozen in 1966, it was at a university.
There was a San Diego elementary school shooting in 1979 that left two dead and nine wounded.

>> No.19052689

Yet more American fanfiction from foreigners.

>> No.19052696

They literally can't help being obsessed.

>> No.19052721

They have dunce rooms now?

>> No.19052736

neither one of them are fat lol
there are plenty of fat fucks in the US military to choose from

>> No.19052759

Its the opposite actually. Force kids to buy lunches at school, at least in high school. Then maybe parents will actually feed their kids and they'd have to serve good meals or lose money.

>inb4 but what if they eat nothing but fried chicken
Even if a kid bought fried chicken every single day it would be 100x more healthy then whatever goyslop shit they serve now.

>> No.19052771

Nobody thinks pizza is healthy you fucking basement dweller. Go outside. Not even your fat fuck 200 pound piece of lard you call a mom.

>> No.19052793

Again its entirely the fault of the media. Chances you are going to be in a glownigger operation are next to 0.

Zoomies watching videos of people being beheaded and tortured to death on the internet when they were 5 years old was probably much much worse.

>> No.19052803

Pizza is in theory fine because it's just bread, tomatoes, and cheese. All of these things are fine UNLESS THEY'RE PROCESSED GARBAGE WHICH THEY ARE MOST OF THE TIME

>> No.19052818

American's really don't give a fuck about education or schooling

>> No.19053582

Hyphenated Americans you mean.

>> No.19053614

>be disingenuous
>people call you out
>well im right but not to that degree so YOURE WRONG
kys my man

>> No.19053628

>american classroom
>60 inch tv to feed 4th graders the finest goyslop
>ballistic shield

>> No.19053715

Nah that anon is right about certain schools. They pass kids just so they can get funding for next year. Reality is shit sometimes but hiding from it is what bitches do

>> No.19053718

Kek nice one

>> No.19053756

looks like its better than lunchables

>> No.19055526

so they can justify charging the schools $7 (don't worry, taxpayer money is infinite)

>> No.19055712

>there's also a lobby industry dumping GDP's worth of bribes on politicians
To support gun control, yes.
The ratio of lobbying dollars between pro and anti gun is about 1:10 in the US. It's obfuscated because pro guns lobbies are often nothing but, while anti gun lobbies are just an appendage of a multi armed monstrosity with its fingers in countless other pies.
What you're probably thinking of is military and police contracts.

>> No.19055924

This is just like Hormel donating to the military during the world war, there's nothing new about slop food corporations contributing to public services, we do live in a capitalist country. The meals will probably be more nutritious than the standard lunchables fair. This website is full of reactionary people idk.

>> No.19056134

>providing an example that was asked for is "disingenuous"
retard and faggot. all you will ever be

>> No.19056194

Yeah I don't see why it's a laugh either. I don't doubt that Lunchables knows a lot more than some democrat politicians

>> No.19056211

still less than $3 at winco and i live in WA