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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 86 KB, 1200x1440, ALDI_2017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19044230 No.19044230 [Reply] [Original]

What's the catch?

>> No.19044248

The workers are allowed to be rude to customers because there are so few of them they actually need to work and ignore stupid questions

>> No.19044258

That's actually accurate. Also the shopping cart costs a quarter and they don't do bags you have to bring your own

>> No.19044264

So I have to not be a mindless automaton. Fuck that.

>> No.19044270

There's a lot more thinking involved, I always forget the quarter or the bags

>> No.19044280

Unironically my mom and I freaked out because we did the same last time.

>> No.19044297

ALDI is just a low quality version of LIDL because the management is completely out of touch. at least that's what it's like in germany

>> No.19044302

It's always funny shopping with mom cus she knows the price of literally every item in the store. Won't buy something if it's not on sale haha

>> No.19044308

Exactly the same in Italy.

>> No.19044317

Holy shit!
They sell the bags there too for 20¢
and any standard housekey works in the cart if you don't have a quarter--just make sure they don't switch carts on you at checkout.
The only other catch I can think of is that 3 years ago 90% of their foods were non-GMO.
After the gorrona-chan, bio-engineered shit has replaced a lot of the store brands' ingredients.
You just have to read the labels--like everywhere else.

>> No.19044330

It's german

>> No.19044359

You get the quarter back

>> No.19044363

the produce seems to go bad overnight
the meat will sometimes taste like literal shit

canned and packaged stuff is good though

>> No.19044378

>What's the catch?
I remember when Aldi and Lidl came to Britain, most of the stuff was labelled in German and you bought stuff based on the pictures.

Fresh produce and Meat was a no-go, as turnover was low.

It's better now, but there is no consistancy, what you buy one week may not be there there next.

I shop at Aldi to buy the bulk of my shopping but have to go elsewhere to get 'nice stuff'.

>> No.19044390

>have to pay for the cart
>they don't bag your groceries for you
>they don't even carry bags so if you forget yours or overbuy you're fucked
>understaffed by design so lines for the register are always long
>usually fully of black people
>shelves are always in complete disarray (totally no relation to the above point)
>constantly out of stock of key ingredients
>forget finding any sort of remotely niche ingredient
I drive 15 minutes to get my groceries from Wegmans instead of walking 5 minutes to the Aldi down the street. Aldi fucking sucks, and this particular Aldi is the worst one I've ever seen. When I first moved here I assumed it was closed due to how run down it was. There's a homeless camp in the back of their lot, and the few times I have gone there out of desperation I've been asked for money or to buy them beer.

>> No.19044396

Their cheap flash sales are badly configured. Their computers, bicycles, beach beds etc actually make you lose money in the long run aka they weren't built to last.

Their house brands are terrible as well. They're cheaper, but they're worse. Tobacco, soft drinks, pasta, that Trader Joe brand they run. It's all shit. And the proper produce you pay just the same as anywhere else.

It's a waste of time.

>> No.19044398

>they don't bag your groceries for you

Spot the Snowflake.

>> No.19044400
File: 3.65 MB, 4032x3024, B3E127AF-3E32-49A1-B662-DFE24ED7D293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got a 4.2 lb rack of ribs for fucking $10.10 yesterday. I fed 6 people, with a portion left over. They were amazing. How the fuck do they do it?

>> No.19044404

Hey there, princess. Looking for a strong man to help you get through the day?

>> No.19044422
File: 3.79 MB, 4032x3024, 36A64EF9-9210-4F2E-B899-ACFD46C848CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another shot of the ribbers,

Rubbed with onion powder, garlic powder, smoked and regular paprika, chili powder, cumin, salt, black pepper and olive oil.

Then broiled with bbq sauce, olive oil, fresh garlic, honey, and Worcestershire.

I’m blown away by how good a $10 piece of meat came out.

>> No.19044439

It's cheap

>> No.19044455

Ribs look good but your Spuds look anaemic.

>> No.19044459

the catch is that all their off brand shit is loaded with seed oils and hfcs. Their meat is sub-par compared to any normal grocery store. Their eggs are shitty (got some recently...just watery ew). Their fruits/veggies are worth it though, especially since it's all or mostly organic now

Aldi is also nice for getting some German/European brands

>> No.19044461

my sister made the spuds. She is disabled and not a chef. She tried though lol

>> No.19044469

>All their off brand shit is loaded with seed oils and hfcs
What, like their brand Oreos and chips and sodas? Yeah no shit, it's in the name brand too. What's your point?

>> No.19044471

>the sped made the spuds

>> No.19044488
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i'd rather pay $0.25 cent to leave it in the middle of the parking lot

>> No.19044490

There's stuff they just plain don't carry. Mine never has any fresh herbs, for example. Not even Cilantro and Parsley.

>> No.19044504

The produce is all 48 hours or less from spoiling

The store brands are inferior to other store brands like Great Value or Kirkland

They are the best place to get German stuff, especially around the holidays

>> No.19044515

>the produce seems to go bad overnight
its at least priced accordingly

>> No.19044518

>Perishables are perishable
>This is somehow bad
Just... eat them before they spoil?

>> No.19044525
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This is highly variable from store to store--
One of the main ways they keep costs down is to buy as local as possible.
Sometimes the local shit is just sub-par.
Also-I live in a place where the city is fuxxated--but strangely you rarely see many ghetto types there--
They seem to prefer the Dollar stores, Wally world and Spend-a-Lot.
Which, BTW I set foot in for the first time in like 7 years the other week. Save-a-lot was more expensive than 4/5 of the other major grocery stores--and their products were absolute off brand garbage.
NPCs must really love their "Brand affiliations" to not have noticed they're getting scalped on inferior shit--Hell, even the Dollar Tree had better shit for 1/4th the price.

>> No.19044535
File: 1.97 MB, 4160x3120, cart not incORRAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19044536

You can do the environmentally friendly thing and use their excess boxes to take your food out. It's what I do, anyway.

>> No.19044542
File: 59 KB, 614x410, 070918_aldi_store_slide_18_fs.max-784x410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and they don't do bags you have to bring your own
just grab a empty box off the shelves and stack your shit in it
i actually like doing tat more then bags, it fits better in my trunk and takes less time to carrying my shit in when i get home

>> No.19044549

>American Flavored Imitation Pasteurized Process Cheese Food.

I'm so glad I'm not American and don't have to eat this Frankenstein Monstrosity.

>> No.19044554

It's not Seditious Joseph's Food Emporium.

>> No.19044556

He did park on two lots. Fair is fair. Let nobody say Germans lack a sense of justice, or humour.

>> No.19044560

A keen Aldi shopper
The blueberry boxes are pretty good

>> No.19044640
File: 1.43 MB, 2560x2560, shit...literal SHIT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOBODY HAS to eat this, not even Amerilards
t. Ameritard, and yeah--seems like the Medical/Pharma industry and the Processed Food industry are in collusion.

>> No.19044641

how disabled are we talking anon?

>> No.19044648

>that pic
this is the first thing that made me laugh today

>> No.19044649

you got a fucking computer at aldi?

>> No.19044655

Just saying divided among six people that's a sad meal. Being able to only eat a couple ribs and not have any seconds is somehow worse than having no ribs at all. Awkward poverty shit.

>> No.19044658

This nigga trying to say feeding 6 people for $10 is anything less than an achievement

>> No.19044682

>soft drinks
their cola basically tastes the same as coca cola. their sprite is better since the real sprite lowered the amount of sugar to something that makes it taste like you're drinking a zero version of sprite
is just as shit as barilla but the organic versions and the special editions they do for special occasions like all sorts of holidays are definitely better because it's usually bronze-made but I'd still buy brand bronze pasta instead. their biggest mistake is sticking with trash like barilla as the "brand" option instead of offering something good like de cecco, rummo or garofalo

>> No.19044686
File: 80 KB, 1080x1138, 1674368191683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad to have been of service, anon.

>> No.19044687

When you have ribs you don't eat more than two?

>> No.19044700

I know it may sound surprising to an obese or overweight individual, but this along with corn, salad, rice, and potatoes was enough for everyone. Consuming in excess isn’t healthy.

>> No.19044714

Its where the beef is bitch, stop whining like a british bitch

>> No.19044750

Did you come across that while in school?
It comes across that way and you're parroting.

>> No.19044753

The type of man who blames his obesity on boogeymen.

>> No.19044806

Aldi Box Chads

>> No.19044834

lmao obese people are surprised a healthy family can eat what he eats all alone.

they really are disconnected from reality. This is what fat-positivity does to you /ck/

>> No.19045083

>did you come across the fact that gorging yourself until you're 600 pounds is unhealthy in school?
Yes, Cleetus, most of us didn't have the benefit of growing up under the front porch at peepaws dodging truancy officers. We actually had to do book learnin' down at the kid prison! Downright un-American, I know.

>> No.19045243

>muh GMO

>> No.19045269

Aldi is great for basics. I get my guacamole there because it's so cheap.

>> No.19045281 [DELETED] 
File: 190 KB, 600x800, 1622742141391a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our Aldi just introduced these new carts. Can someone explain how they work?

>> No.19045282
File: 216 KB, 1024x684, 1622754884799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the meat will sometimes taste like literal shit
Are you talking about the porkchops?

>> No.19045288
File: 344 KB, 399x512, 1622753782539.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the produce seems to go bad overnight
Yeah these avocados smelled a little funny.

>> No.19045295
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Some people also like their desserts.

>> No.19045303
File: 980 KB, 1053x1635, SmartSelect_20230313_183938_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$12 steak from Aldi's

>> No.19045314

>they don't do bags
They do, they just charge for them.
Their produce sucks because it's the stuff that didn't get bought by the other groceries, which also means sometimes they're just missing things if there's supply issues.

>> No.19045322

I expected to see nicados asshole in this pic, was sorely disappointed

>> No.19045326 [DELETED] 

You're subliminally being converted to Scientology by reading signs in the stores

>> No.19045359
File: 110 KB, 515x800, aldi-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, better?

>> No.19045377

>t. tom cruise

>> No.19045482

My Aldi's has reusable tote bags you can buy right at the checkout lane for maybe 30 cents, and an insulated version for about a dollar. They've also implemented self checkout so I never need to wait in line for another employee to come open another register again. If you're too much of a brainlet to save money because you need to bag your own groceries, or you're a nigger who can't return a shopping cart, then good stay the fuck away from me and my superior grocery store.

>> No.19045487

Aldi pays their truckers like shit, here in australia a trucking company just went bankrupt because they couldn't keep up with inflation and Aldi refused to pay them more. so now there are shortages.

>> No.19045543
File: 120 KB, 682x1024, Keira+Knightley+Mark+Ruffalo+spotted+set+their+Ffo4ATwIEtmx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw Mark Ruffalo at an Aldi in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?" I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off.

When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen tins of "Northern Catch" smoked oysters with red chili pepper in his hands without paying. The girl at the register was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept asking her whether she really enjoyed the "She-Hulk" television program, but eventually turned back around and placed them on the conveyor belt.

When she took one of the tins and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any Gamma Ray infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each tin and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by muttering "Hulk Mad" while starting to visibly sweat.

>> No.19045574

Selection is pretty variable. There's a 1/3 chance my Aldi won't have Cilantro the week that I go to the store. Produce sucks sometimes.

>> No.19045585

Truck drivers are ripped off by everybody. I don't know why anybody does the job. You destroy your health for a pittance.

>> No.19046073

they had wasabi peanuts that were so good by I can't find them anymore

>> No.19046081

Meat from lidl/aldi goes off way quicker, often 1-2 days before the use by date on the pack.

>> No.19046237

Idk they are really leaky and creaky from what I have experienced

>> No.19046281


>> No.19046472

Witnessed an employee flat out tell 2 old ladies that they had higher priority things to do than get the flowers out right then and she wouldn't do it no matter how many times they insisted.

>> No.19046502

Are you kidding? It's impossible to get away with drug taking as a professional heavy vehicle operator. If you merely smoked weed a week ago it will be picked up by a drug test and you're fucked.

>> No.19046526

>0.25 cent
I see the problem.
They use bigger denomination coins in EU to make people return it.
if you had to use a $1 coin, you would get your fat ass to push it back the few steps

>> No.19046536

most things aren't really that cheap

>> No.19046606

You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.19046619
File: 86 KB, 720x720, 720X720-whatsapp-image-2019-04-14-at-19-33-25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't print his own shopping cart chip
NGMI senpai

>> No.19047015

There is none. They kidnap the CEOs of food products and them beat them into submission, giving them the choice to either produce a store brand generic version of their own stuff or sleep with the fishes.

>> No.19047036

the worst thing at ALDI is the customers tbqh

>> No.19047138

Stealth ‘Cado gem

>> No.19047197
File: 205 KB, 960x992, 1_V4dosxoSraGlwjd5SIpR1g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I hate going into Aldi and having to watch the cashier sit down while I bag my own groceries. It astounds me that our culture has degredated so much that people are ok with this.

>> No.19047216

Nigga you are just a lazy fuck. Grow up!

>> No.19047236

It astounds me that our culture has degradated into whiny little fags like you and people are OK with that.

>> No.19047238

idk wtf you're talking about but at the two different aldi i've been to bag/box my shit if i put them in the cart
also only a dult wants someone else to bag their groceries, guaranteed way to get a head of lettuce in with a bottle of beach

>> No.19047247
File: 34 KB, 720x679, IMG_20220415_213901_529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's astounding watching this board rapidly switch between
>Grrr, corporations bad! They put sneed oils in the soy paste to saved 12 cents a year!
>Yeah it's totally acceptable for a grocery store employees to act like they work at the DMV and treat me like shit and make me do their work for them because it saves Mr. Schecklberg a few precious coins. What are you, LAZY?!

>> No.19047313
File: 22 KB, 770x262, 1601186492055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to Plebbit then...
>doesn't knoiw that the main function of GMO is to accept being drenched in TONNES of glyphosate
>Eats anyway, cuz MUH SCIENCES!!
>Spends thousands on medications to fend off symptoms of failing: Liver, stomach, Pancreas, GI, etc...
Go VAX yourself, faggot.

>> No.19047322

I'd presume that this switch happens since Jewmerica working contitions and payment aren't the same compared to yuropoor working contitions and payment. For example: Over here in Germ land you get payed minimum wage, which currently sits at 12€ per an hour. With the people working at at supermarkets and discounters getting the short stick when it comes to payed working hours, least that's what I heard. Now I pressume that they get payed even less in america while they, at the same time, they have extra work like bagging costumers purchases or retrieving carts from the parking lot. We yuropoors aren't that lazy and we don't even have "to pay for the cart" since this shit is common and we all have chips or other means of unlocking said cart since we can get that kind of crap as a promotional gift from like anywhere.

>> No.19047372


>> No.19047413

aldi dont do tobacco in the uk. seems weird to think they do elsewhere
more like dumb entitled boomer. literally only america has people pack for you

>> No.19047464
File: 160 KB, 2092x1568, europoors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europeans make significantly less than most Americans and bear a much higher cost of living. Your post is mostly fiction.

>> No.19047472 [DELETED] 

And what is jewmaricas networth nowadays?

>> No.19047488

Completely different in my town. Aldi is actually the superior store because management gives a fuck. Meanwhile the Lidl looks like it got robbed by a bunch of niggers. Ich schwöre es sind hurensöhne die den Lidl betreiben.

>> No.19047490
File: 1001 KB, 2930x1349, 20230314_125506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America's net worth? Like our GDP? High. The highest. Do you mean like the average American?
The LOWEST median wage of any class of people in the US is people under 35 with a median net worth of $13,000.00 The average US family has a total median net worth of just about a quarter-million dollars.

>> No.19047501

Sorry, I'm retarded and don't know how to do math. The median total net worth of the average family is around $125,000.00, which is not a quarter million, I don't know why I said that.

>> No.19047536

I love Aldi, but the downsides I have noticed are:
>small stores
>have to pay for bags and bag your own groceries
>not a ton of selection
>produce is not always very fresh
>a lot of items are only there for a limited time

Hard to beat their prices though, and I like their pre-made food like their take & bake pizzas, dips, and snacks

>> No.19047620

>you have to pay for the cart
That is like almost every supermarket i visit.
Is this some stupid meme or something i need to be american for it, because i saw this "pay for the cart" thing there from them.

>> No.19048116

Yeah in Europa that's the norm

>> No.19048190

I see. I'm from EU so i found it weird that people were freaked out over this. Also many shops had given away "cart-coins" (coins meant for carts duh) and i still have a few around the house.

>> No.19048237

Don't talk sports to me

>> No.19048246

I like their milk but not much else.

>> No.19048248 [DELETED] 

euros are such jews. What a shit hole. >>19048190

>> No.19048253

I give the carts to homeless people.

>> No.19048262

Have you tried making a basket or buying a bag that costs less than a buck you lazy little nigger

>> No.19048658


But the cashier loads your groceries into the cart that the person in front of you was using

You dont leave with the same cart you came in with

>> No.19048667

low trust society niggas be like

>> No.19048745

He was talking fags working in retail, not the entire economy.

>> No.19048839

it feels fake.

>> No.19048882

I used to work at an aldi. The catch is that it's all shit.

>> No.19048992

It's a deposit you retard. You get the quarter back once you return the cart. And if you don't return it, a crack head will. Keeps the carts where they are meant to be without having to pay some room temp iq hillbilly to move them back all day long.

>> No.19049000
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>> No.19049074

>shopping carts cost a quarter
yeah, that's to make sure you're not a lazybones.

>> No.19049368

This is 100% bait. Here's your (You)

>> No.19050541
File: 59 KB, 650x650, large_c6c9a364-b907-4c80-8be2-d57973f4c956_650x650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love their corn dogs. Pop them in the air fryer for 12 minutes and they come out perfectly crunchy.

>> No.19050605

The median 20 year old wagie in the US is making almost double what the average European wagie of the same age is. Europeans are poorer by every metric possible.

>> No.19051444

No service. But what kind of dense motherfucker needs service in a goddamn grocery store, especially if you save good money

>> No.19051467

>corporations bad
>workers bad
Pick one retard

>> No.19051468

You are comparing the average American to some imaginary "average European" that doesn't exist in the real world. The difference between the average American and average Western Europeans is maybe a 10-20%, while it would probably be 75% when looking at Romania or Lithuania or some other post-Soviet wasteland.

>> No.19051476

>Europeans make significantly less than most Americans and bear a much higher cost of living. Your post is mostly fiction.
Ever heard of income inequality? America has a service industry wage cuck caste that barely scrapes by, while all the people with (useful) college degrees make six figures. In Western Europe, everyone just kinda earns between 30k and 80k no matter what they do. The only people earning six figures are doctors, lawyers, managers, engineers and tech people

>> No.19052150

That the stores look and smells like the 80's.

>> No.19052166

>The workers are allowed to be rude to customers
If you spent any time working in retail you'd realise that any customer that gets shit thrown at them honestly deserves it and probably much worse.

>> No.19052174

my local aldi employees have better manners than the kroger ones
kroger wagies are literally 5 minutes away from suicide or a mass shooting

>> No.19052565

I tried the self-checkout at an Aldi recently and it was slower than the staffed lanes. Usually I can scan things pretty fast but having to put things on the scale and then the cart interrupted my rhythym.

>> No.19052686

I assure you it's real. I've been there.

>> No.19052714

>bring your own bags
>pay .25 for a cart
>produce ripens quickly
>checker works crazy fast

there really is no catch if you're higher functioning

>> No.19052834

>Europeans don't know what "median" means
Every single time with these people.

>> No.19052871

push her chair off that platform, completely unacceptable holy shit wtf. :@

>> No.19052877

what country is this location? Somalia?

>> No.19052883

Europeans invented Americans. Your culture is just our culture after its been butchered and degraded.

>> No.19052884

europoors are beyond retarded

>> No.19052887
File: 7 KB, 229x220, 12asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your culture is just our culture after its been butchered and degraded.

>> No.19052931

lookit them. I could wreck a rack today, but I'm pretty sketch at any cooking that isn't on a range.

>> No.19053074
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>> No.19053085
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>> No.19054763
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>> No.19054766

Everything they sell is shitty

>> No.19054889

Wait a minute... I recognize this anus

>> No.19055291

Is this an american thing? we've had aldi in bongland for a long time and its lacking in a few things like a bakery section but the meat and veg are better than stuff like asda and tescoes which can come into the store rotting let alone when we buy it and the german, polish and swedish imports are really nice quality. The only complaint is that they get stuff in, its fucking amazing and then they sell out and never get it again. They used to do these jalapeno burgers in a black box that haunt me to this day.

But i hear american friends go "so i was shopping at all-dee the other day" and its like some kind of fucked up culture shock because its not walmart.

Question is where do they get the stock from? if its european food its got to travel further and seems more at risk of spoiling. Hell even in america fish, chocolate and breads are pumped full of cancer causing preservatives just to get them to last the transit from one side of a continent to another. Is it just manky by the time its on the shelves or just a case of "h'what in tarnation? a knopper bar? this aint no snickers muh daddy fed me as a youngin!"

>> No.19055313

fucking classic

>> No.19055359

>I recognize that fruitbowl

>> No.19055381

People working at Aldi are actually happy here. This confuses the American who lives in a plywood house, eats plastic and spends his life driving a metal box to and from wageslaving in his cubicle. The thought of people at work sitting down is too much for his capitalistic brain. The American perceives people only as asskissers or to-be-asskissed. Seeing a wagie sitting on a chair that isn't sloped downward for maximally efficient toilet breaks angers him, as it demonstrates that he has been thoroughly domesticated by money. His proudly proclaimed freedoms no more real than his dreams of owning a home in a crime free neighbourhood.

>> No.19055389

>having to put things on the scale and then the cart interrupted my rhythym
How else would self checkout work? Are you telling me Americans still have a bag boy waiting at self check out?

>> No.19055466


>> No.19055567

>the meat and veg are better than stuff like asda and tescoes
no they aren't, the veg in particular.

>> No.19056202

Why would you?

>> No.19056209
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>> No.19057531

>go to aldi's
>see a bunch of carts in the parking lot
>bring them all back to the corral
>make a few bucks in just a few minutes
it's like free money

>> No.19057632

This but unironically. They aren't assholes unprompted but if a customer starts being a dick they don't get in trouble for fighting back. For some reason old faggots over the age of 65 can't comprehend that they don't warehouse goods and if it isn't on the shelf, they don't have it.

>> No.19057638
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...I have gone to Aldi four times and didn't know that, I assumed they had a special key or something to pop it out

>> No.19057643

Their produce is consistently fucked, like they aren't rotating it enough. Weirdly enough the other frozen shit is always fine.

>> No.19057658


I spent $3 getting 3 reusable bags and I can haul everything from my car to my house in one go.

>> No.19057662

this shit right here, I feel like a hobo doing it but every time I go I just return a couple carts if fatasses left them outside and buy a drink with the money

>> No.19057665

Don't ever eat Dollar Tree food. I ate a frozen burrito from there once, it tasted terrible and I shat blood afterwards. Not even joking.

>> No.19057674

A lot of self checkouts at places like Giant or Walmart still have a single wagie sitting there to help all the old fuckers that cant figure it out.

>> No.19057679

probably because Aldi starts at $18 in a nation where most grocery employees make like $13/hr at best.

>> No.19057684

They source from relatively local farmers. All of the chicken at my Aldi (east coast) comes from Illinois for example.

It also legitimately is a culture shock thing because they carry a lot of European shit you can't get at other Amerifat stores, they don't bag your stuff for you and you have to rent the cart for a quarter. Tons of morons go there for the first time and don't have change, then get to the checkout and have no idea how to get all their food into the car.

>> No.19057741

To satisfy my hunger.

>> No.19057757

in my country not even in the fanciest supermarkets they bag your groceries for you

>> No.19057795

>can't figure it out

I refuse to try. I do not work at the store, I am not receiving a pay check for playing at being a cashier for them. The self checkout machines do not exist to me. If there is no cashier available when I am done shopping I will tip the fucking cart over and walk out. They wasted my time, I'm gonna make them waste theirs. If they don't like it they should tell corporate to hire enough people to run their store.

>> No.19058109

publix bags for you but half the time i just start grabbing my stuff and bag it myself that way its bagged properly

>> No.19058176

Are you surprised you have to cook the food you buy?

>> No.19058180

Seriously why are all the aldi employees such dicks? It feels like every time I go there the employees have major sticks up their ass.

>> No.19058274

It's a German company. Aldi employees are considered friendly in this country.

Americans can't seem to deal with blunt honestly from strangers. They have a 'face' culture almost as bad as the Japanese.

One time Walmart tried to muscle in on the German market. They invested, built huge stores, plastered their name everywhere and introduced the American shopping experience. It failed miserably. Nobody liked going there because the wagies had to smile and be friendly. Outside of Fastnacht! (carneval) Those put on smiles and the plastic mood weirded everyone out. Nobody believed that Schakeline (communist bootleg of Jaqueline) was happy to work changing shifts for minimum wage for the amerikanische Schweinehunde (polite way to adress a group of Americans)

>> No.19058287

This in an English board, post in English, please.

>> No.19059281

Isn't it weird that Germany and Japan have a higher gdp than India? There are 1.3 Billion Indians why are they so lazy?

>> No.19059410

Aldi is great. Good food for good value + they have an aisle that is always the most random things ever to gawk at. Probably one of the best places for a home chef to do their grocery shopping and also better than Lidl

>> No.19059707
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Yeah, I'm ubercareful about what I buy there--You HAVE to read labels.
There used to,(before the covid lockdowns,) be about twice as much decent Non-GMO shit. Now, for whatever reason, they don't carry a lot of that shit anymore.
99% of the shit in the freezer/coldcase is a NOGO--
And ANYTHING grown or fished from China is out too.
Otherwise, they still have enough decent stuff, it makes it worthwhile to stop there still.

>> No.19059870

>and also better than Lidl
in what country is this? can't be germany

>> No.19059911

I don't know about you, but nothing that I would consider eating from dollar tree is even a good deal anymore. Those tuna/chicken salad on crackers kits are $1.25 at dollar tree, when you can get the proper Bumblebee version for $1.49 at a normal grocery store.

>> No.19060112

ahh ze coinslot

>> No.19060123

So what is the reason people are so interested in a fat dudes buttom half they feel the need to post it many blue board places?

>> No.19060337
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Yeah..them's the facts.
About the only things I get there anymore are the soft pretzel 6 pk. and the Idahoan instant potatoes packs, which strangely, even with the Smartlabel™, aren't GMO.
But thos are usually just an "Emergency-I don't wanna really cook tonight" kinda thing.
Aldis has the same ones--and a better selection even, for 3¢ more.

>> No.19060350
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It's a you-Tuber LOL-Cow who is trying to eat himself into a grave---really.
You know these boards have been overrun by trannies, right? That's probably the root of the issue.

>> No.19060367

they are docked for scanning items slow so they are constantly on the edge.
the prices are good but when I go I'm happy just to get someone who's indifferent and not having a power trip

you can report them for really egregious stuff but even the feedback phone number is full of dicks.
I saw a employee scream at a little girl in the face and when I called in to let them know and asked if they were gonna follow up on it with me the guy taking the report was all incredulous like "uhhhh no." bunch of fucking bozos

>> No.19060376

>mashed potato machine
I wish I could buy a machine that made oatmeal for me...
Hmmm, I suppose I could use a cheap coffee maker and quick oats.

>> No.19060402

Wait until you find out how cheap it is to get your own hotdog roller...
>tornillos and chillidogs you NEVER have to wonder about...
*(Clean URL)

>> No.19060451

most upscale rice cookers have an oatmeal function

>> No.19060454

>doctors, lawyers, managers, engineers and tech people
that's all the useful degrees covered right there

>> No.19060469
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>most upscale rice cookers have an oatmeal function

>> No.19060570

Chef Boyardee and Spaghetti-0s are $1.25 there but $1.10 at Walmart.
Soda and candy may be the only good deals.

>> No.19061173

Dollar stores have always usually been bad deals when you break the prices down per weight. Inflation has shown their hand because they can't fall back on an economy of scale to mitigate it.

>> No.19061401

I have been yelled at to "STOP SHOPPING" bye a hateful umpa lumpa young nigress afro and all, after being let in 5 minutes to close. Had this at Walmarts too. They aren't smart enough to realize it customer poison and get some adult hours and let people give them money. They wanted to pretend that at 9pm everyone evaporates and the pay stops, so they got even stupider and went to 830.

Also suprisng amount of stuff from india, like pickles. Nothing should come from india in any sense. NOTHING.

They copied Sparkling ICE for half the price, which was the only thing worth going their for, but it looks like they are phasing them out. Their vegan cheese was good, but then they changed the recipe and too much cargeeenan make it smell like cinnamon.

>> No.19061484

>the workers are allowed to be rude.
Isn’t that just because it’s a German company?

>> No.19061597

It's mostly niggers cause it's low skill. Some hot girls work there in the nicer areas.

>> No.19061605
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ALDI filters the weak from God's strongest champions.

>> No.19061639

ALDI actually has a training program NOT to do that but for some reason a culture has formed with the cashiers to do it quickly for 'cred' in the staff room. Like it's literally part of the training 'don't go to too fast'. They still do though. You can complain if they do and they get in the shit.

t. knower

>> No.19061642

>t. knower
Don't you have some kids puke to clean up near the dairy section, wagie?

>> No.19061681

they have the labor force of a convenience store and stock unsold private label shit
it's the Big Lots of grocery stores
sound business model if cost is your only concern
and you don't want to be nigged at walmart

>> No.19061749
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You may be a good customer but did you get one of these?

>> No.19061755

Shave your legs, you cargo-shorts wearing ass colouring book having ass man-child.

>> No.19061777

>buying the aldi frozen burritos instead of the superior jose ole frozen burritos for $2 more

>> No.19061834

>cashier scans your shit quicker than it took the conveyor belt to get the items to her
>immediately demands payment
>stares at you for not packing your stuff in less than 5 seconds and holding the line
based german autism I'll never forget my visit there

>> No.19061846

college towns simple as

>> No.19061858

What I hate about aldis is their frozen section fucking rotates weekly. Other than that it's fine, cheapest place for meat and produce, but gotta go to walmart if i want my goyslop

>> No.19061886

the only time I got peeved about this was when I used my key instead of a quarter so I needed to keep the cart I walked in with instead of letting the guy swap the carts at check out, I asked to keep it.
The guy couldnt handle it and got pissy at me

But then another time I bought 4 dozen eggs and a few other things and my total was $14.88
When the cute alt female cashier read that to me I swear I heard "Little Dark Age" and I almost spurged out

>> No.19061903

Aldi scum are so annoying. Shit food and you’re surprised it’s cheap. I’m not a rich man but I shop at Waitrose and it’s worth paying a little bit more (not even that much more)

>> No.19061904
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>Had this at Walmarts too. They aren't smart enough to realize it customer poison and get some adult hours and let people give them money.
English motherfucker, do you speak it??

>> No.19061923

You can buy paper bags but they will not tell you where they are and glare at you in disgust while they wait for you to figure it out. Haplned to me my first time. An old man behind me pointed them out. I guess there's a sign way at the front of the aisle but I was too dumb to see it.

>> No.19062053

If the box is wide enough, you can do the same thing without being smug, Anon.

>> No.19062146

Lads, what are the best aldi snacks? salty and sweet please

>> No.19062325

>Paying $2 more
What are you even doing in an Aldi thread?

>> No.19062367

You might have to buy an offbrand which comes from local white farmers instead of a known unknown from Bangladesh that's been frozen for six months.

Also I watched a few videos about what to buy and what not to buy at ALDI, let me save you 40 minutes or so, here's a list of "avoids":
>northern catch pink salmon
>brookdale pork luincheon meats
>simplynature lentil soup
>casa mamita refried beans
>sweet harvest mandarin oranges
>brookdale chili with beans
>simplynature chicken noodle soup

and here are some of the ones people said are good
>sweet harvest peaches
>fit and active creaqm of mushroom
>"" chicken noodle chunky style
>brookdale corned beef
>bakers corner cherry pie filling
>simplynature tomato basil soup
>any actual german sausage brands
>the spices they sell are repackaged leftover McCormick for a fraction of the price
>they often have great prices on fruit in the weekly flyer
>often good discounted baked goods still fresh
>they have special deals online that are often better than in-store but you probably have to print the coupon or something
>generally good deals on wine, meat, cheese, chocolate, baking stuff, milk, most canned food
>simplynature peanut butter
>aldi brand peanut butter cups that come in a big bag
>simplynature pasta sauce
>last and MOST RECOMMENDED, everyone says Dakota's Pride Grill Style Beans are amazing. I'm thinkin about thos beans but I haven't tried them yet myself.

LAST TIP: Shop on Wednesdays, apparently that's when they do all the discounts and deals and get new deliveries, Wednesday morning or something at most stores.

>> No.19062381

Americans do not care about one euro.
Source: I went to Germany and found it cringe that despite supposedly being enlightened and socialist, the rare public bathrooms had an old woman standing there in the hall listening to me shit and thanking me as I left with a basket of change for me to toss my euro coin in as apparently her wage. I will proceed to assume it was her entire wage and she's an independent contractor since Europeans find the concept of tipping predatory and heartlessly capitalist :^)
After a few bathrooms I noticed most of the coins were one of the smaller denominations but I kept throwing euros in because I didn't want the toilet witches to starve and if it's not a bill I cannot be fucked to care about the denomination.
I was a broke student at the time but still, a dollar is just a dollar.
Unless they've converted to making 10 euro pieces or something, the coin offers no real incentive. I would return the cart because I'm white but don't care about the money.

>> No.19062393

Based beyond belief. The customer is usually wrong and should shut the fuck up.
Everyone at my ALDI has always been polite though because it's in a white area and I don't flail around, I just check out and leave.
Dear god no not MUH SITTIN DOWN ON MUH JOB, no please don't make the lines run faster, oh dear god I can't put my own food in bags, this is the downfall of civilization!
All the years I've had to endure of foot pain from never being able to sit down even for jobs where it woiuld obviously be faster, like assembly, only heighten my hatred for you.
No one, regardless of their retarded socialist politics, actually likes people who "want to FEEL SERVED". Hence the brainrot "Karen" meme so liberals can also experience the catharsis of hating stuck-up cunts, but throw in some anti-white bullshit to make it "righteous".

>> No.19062409

I've been bagging groceries quickly and efficiently since checking out with my mom at Hannaford's during busy times when they didn't have enough baggers on shift. The cashier would always apologize even though it wasn't their fault and then compliment me on my bagging and say maybe I should come work for them. Consistently, everyone would start clapping and the store's eagle would swoop down and perch on my shoulder and nibble my hair.
I may not have grown up to be a bagger but I defy any ALDI fucking shit to outpace me. Arms were made for bagging, not hanging limply while some NEET soycuck they're attached to drones on about how the cashier isn't being fwendly enough and making everyone else in line wait so they can feel speshul. Unless you're literally disabled you should not even be slightly bothered by bagging your own groceries - you're just waiting around, anyways. A little mild exercise won't kill you and you can personally make sure everything is correctly bagged and stacked to preserve its coolness or delicate structure.
The downfall of society is the presence of non-baggerfolk. Women too. Anyone can bag. Everyone should bag. If there are no carts, carry your bags without complaint. This is basic and fundamental to human existence to move and handle your food this tiny bit at least.
Non-baggerfolk get the rope, as the Hannafords eagle always used to whisper in my ear, although it was not company policy.

>> No.19062482

There's no catch. Almost everything is expired/rotting and it's entirely your own fault for being an amateur shopper.

>> No.19062489

Where the fuck do you live?
Even my Dollar Tree doesn't have expired food.

>> No.19062530

Aldis nuts kek got em

>> No.19062728


Aldi is based. Really chill in my area and prices are cheap staff is friendly too.

>> No.19062914

The till tyrant has precisely as much power as you allow him to have, i. e. none.

>> No.19062925

their bread and dairy is shit compared to lidl but their alcohol is far superior

>> No.19062945

>a special key
yeah, it's attached to each cart

>> No.19063287
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I used to shop at a niggerfied Aldi in a niggerfied city. The other clientele often asked me questions about the stock since there are no workers on the floor. Two that I remember:
>yo this margarine?
While holding a box of imperial margarine.
>where the big juice?
After some additional questioning, we found the big juice. It is Hawaiian punch in gallon containers.

>> No.19063338

Lidl is just like any other supermarket in France now. Barely lower prices. At least it drains all the muslims away from Leclerc.

>> No.19063388

Working there?
>no music, nice and silent all the time
>insurance is cheap as fuck
>cute customers
>hot MILF customers
>no departments so you'll do something different every day if your manager isn't retarded
>random aldi finds every week
>cheap alcohol
>don't have to work past 9pm
It's a pretty comfy job if you don't take it too seriously.

>> No.19063462

Peanut butter pretzel bites. No seed oil. But weed killer filled non-organic wheat. Sam with most of their cookies.

>> No.19063467

Masterfully, you toddler. Hate Shakespeare? Pychon?

>> No.19063485

The only thing you are master of is bating.

>> No.19063516

> I will proceed to assume it was her entire wage and she's an independent contractor
These people can be both contractors and employees. In both cases they receive a wage or payment that must meet minimum wage. Currently 12 €/h. The tips are tax free extras.

>> No.19063680

report it

>> No.19063699

They scan fast because they're targeted to scan a certain amount of items per minute.


>> No.19063706

>apply for job at aldi
>overqualified as fuck
>make it to a "video interview"
>nailed it
>get turned down
Only later did I see that I did not tick the box to agree to a police background check in my application, or maybe it was the entire page dedicated to "Do you identify as a Xe/Xir/They/Them and tell us all about your diversity" that I ignored as well.

>> No.19063908
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I like their Choceur peanut butter cups and chocolate bars, tortilla chips with their 4-pepper salsa. During Christmas they have these really good chocolate hazelnut praline things

>> No.19064606

Cant be used for all your groceries, no plastic bags now, only paper ones

>> No.19064641

No Aldi here, only Trader Joes.
Too white.
The Mexican towns to the south of me all have their Aldis.

>> No.19064822

You stack your groceries tightly. That way the cashiers need to spend time milliseconds looking for what to scan next instead of simply grabbing what comes next. Produce that needs to be weighed or baked goods they need to count also gives you a second or two to catch up. If you are good you can get your wallet out while the cashier weighs the last item.

Protip: Paying in cash is quicker than with your bank card.

>> No.19064846
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Nice Effortpoast, Anon..
Thank you for your service.

>> No.19064857
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>Consistently, everyone would start clapping and the store's eagle would swoop down and perch on my shoulder and nibble my hair.
I kek'd.

>> No.19064873
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>The Crying of Thread 49

>> No.19064886
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>Too white.
And how is that a problem exactly?

>> No.19064936

no I simply won't shop there