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19039262 No.19039262 [Reply] [Original]

They are making it impossible to cook meaty meals independently by eradicating cheap or under-utilised cuts from supermarkets. Independent butchers are no better. Since 2021 I haven’t been able to buy raw chicken wings which was the last straw, really. I also can’t get pork mince, pork ribs, lamb breast or shanks, beef ribs or brisket or skirt… nothing to make burgers with. Why can’t they offer a greater variety and let the prices speak for themselves?

>> No.19039282

they made the cheap beef more expensive when people figured out they could use that instead
now cheap beef is expensive but expensive beef is cheap since irt is within the 20-40% extra range fromhe cheap one
now your choice is between saving very little money or just buying the expensive one and at the end of the day why buy osobuco for stew when i can eat steak instead just by paying 30% more when 30% of the osobuco is just bone anyways so they cost the same
but the store would rather loose money on cheaper cuts than allow people o buy them for cheap

>> No.19039288

I would suspect the reason you cant find them is because burgoids and at this point westerners in general, are lazy and dont buy or use those cuts personally, so rather than having them sit around and take up retail space, they get immediately ground up or sold off to some other company that turns them into preshaped frozen Burger patties or taco bell fillings or something

>> No.19039297

What beef cuts have gone cheap?

>> No.19039302

Buy frozen shit online.

The issue isn't with the vendors, the issue is with the discernment of the customers. Normie cuts for normie customers, the niche for discerning customers is just too small to dedicate the effort for most vendors.

>> No.19039311

Grow a cow. It's really that simple

>> No.19039339

>by eradicating cheap or under-utilised cuts from supermarkets.
>I also can’t get pork mince, pork ribs, lamb breast or shanks, beef ribs or brisket or skirt
what shithole do you live in? i can get all that shit.

>> No.19039341


>> No.19039385

I agree with your premise, I can't get a lot of the good cheaper steaks.

But I live in a smallish flyover town, and I can get most of what you listed from local supermarkets. Where do you live?

>> No.19039390

There's no restriction, you're just poor.

>> No.19039394


>> No.19039403

Where the fuck do you live? Even in my poor ass latam country I can find all of these in the nearest supermarket

>> No.19039410

they made the cheap ones expensive but they didnt change the price of the expensive ones so now they are cheap
steak used to be wice as expensive as osobuco now i can find it 40% more han osobuco while osobuco is 30% bone so they cost almost the same
this makes the steak cheap

>> No.19039412

it's almost like the business stopped selling items that didn't sell very well and only focuses on selling the things that people really wanted to buy. it's almost like that's how most businesses operate in a capitalist society or something. it's baffling!

>> No.19039460

brisket been on sale at grocery stores around me for 3$ a pound for the past month, ribs are always on sale outside of summer grilling season. Publix has been pushing all cuts of lamb really cheap since last fall. Idk what the fuck you’re talking about at all besides wings. Wing market had been fucked but that’s about it. Everything else is kinda normal relative to the inflation

>> No.19039851

why are you on about osso bucco? I'm not even it's commonly sold where I live.

I don't see any expensive cuts of meat getting cheaper, quite the contrary ribey steak (on sale) was $1.97 per lb in 1992, now it's $5.99 per lb.

The cheapest cut of meat I know of was brisket. $.97 cents per lb in 1992 $1.97 in 2005, and now getting up to $4 per lb now. fucking hipsters and food network is partially to blame since most people barely knew about it before 2000.

normal prices are through the roof, normal ribeye is $12 per lb, prime ribeye is $16 or more and wagyu style ribeye is $25.

>> No.19039862

>ribs are always on sale
while tasty ribs are an absolute scam. when they have beef ribs at my store they cut as much meat out of them as they can and charge $2 to $4 per lbs. good beef ribs are $6 per lb (now). ribs are 60% to 70% bone they should be cheap because of that. but since there is less of them on a cow than any other meat they bend you over for it.

>> No.19039879

Where are all the wings going? Are people eating more wings in restaurants/fast food?

I live in a medium UK town with 4 national supermarkets. The cheapest meat is pork belly at £3/lb and that’s twice what it was a few years ago. You can get cheaper sausages but they have added rusk.

>> No.19039892

>Where are all the wings going?
same reason egg prices shot up. bird flu got to chickens and they culled thousands of them. no chickens no eggs, no chickens no chicken meat.

>> No.19039913

Not him. But why chicken drumsticks are cheaper then?

>> No.19039937
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>too retarded to buy basic groceries
lmao, even

>> No.19040032

i used o buy osso buco and make it braised and buy roast beef for stew
i had steak or burger once in a while but those two were my main source of beef intake
steak was twice as expensiive and prime cuts of takes 3 times as expensive
now cheap stake and roasat beef cost the same and osso buco is only 40% less but if you remove the bone it also costs pretty much the same
so braised beef and stew are no longer cheaper than steak
even worse, a stew made with tomato extract, dark beer, and store bought stock could be more expensive than a steak with salad or rice
of courrse im fucking pissed, they didnt make it more picey to make people pay more for it, people don know how to stew or make braised beef, they did it so people would buy steak and only steak and they can hrow the roast beef and osso buco into the trash so it doesnt compete with the products that make them more money
at this point is shoplifting wrong? they only stock it so people can look at it and hink woe steak is cheap, look at how much everything else costs
and of course local butchers either dont sell it or they price match the supermarket

>> No.19040244

>Since 2021 I haven’t been able to buy raw chicken wings
I can regularly find them here in Canada. Cheap too. If legs are on sale, there's definitely wings in the display. And I can find any of the cuts you give. Are you in the US?

>> No.19040460

No, UK. They were the cheapest meat by far but they are largely absent from supermarkets now.

>> No.19040475

you are a literal schizo and need to be locked ip away from society

stop posting your incoherent paranoia theories on the internet grandpa. The sky is not falling

>> No.19040633

all of those are available at the ralphs near me in LA, though last time I was there I couldnt find pork mince

>> No.19040659


>> No.19040704

chicken wings went from junk meat to prime meat in just a few years because they are great fried and drowned in a sugar based sauce

all those other cuts are automatically exported at the slaughter house

>> No.19041680

Yeah my go to for a long time was silverside, cheap cut of tough beef that turns out real nice in the slow cooker.
Supermarkets doubled the price shortly before just refusing to stock it altogether.
Most of the meat section lies untouched because it's all too expensive now.
No-one can afford beef or chicken at $25/lb.
All that remains is the imitation sausage product, which is basically 70% sawdust, air and regrets

>> No.19041712

My grocery store regularly has top sirloin beef on sale for $2.50 a pound. I generally buy 14lbs and freeze it. I also live in a metro that is over 7 milllion.

>> No.19041785
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Looks like black o sausage, which is amazing. Get on my level, yankee scum.

>> No.19041792
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>> No.19041803
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OMG prices went up over the course of 30 years!!!

breathe deep and relax. wings are still affordable. you just maybe need to find another store.

>> No.19041814

>new meat market opens up
>ask guy behind the counter if he's got chuck-eyes or hangers
>he doesn't know what those are and acts like I'm stupid for asking for them
At least it didn't take long to completely disregard that store. I'll just keep going to the deli where they think I'm buying offal to make dog food.

>> No.19041826

what the fuck buddy, go find an ethnic grocer or actual civilization.

>> No.19041842

In the past, there was a huge surplus of meat. So you'd get different animal parts for sale, and many different kinds of cuts.
I remember seeing brain in a grocery store 10 years ago. Not to mention tons of tripe, tendons, chicken hearts, duck necks, soup bones, etc. I can't even find lamb chops that aren't the expensive frozen vacuum sealed kind anymore.
Now you have to go to a specialty store for anything other than the ribeyes, 1 type of roast, and maybe a skirt steak if you're lucky.
This is because meat is now scarce. All those extra bits and low-end cuts are now being used in processed meat products. It's all getting blended together, reformed into garbage for fatsos, and marked up 200% for the colorful packaging.
You will NEVER experience the past where you can browse a large and affordable variety of meats at almost any old grocery store.

It's over

>> No.19041849

>OMG prices went up over the course of 30 years!!!
Yes... why are you acting like it's wrong to be shocked at this?
Meat isn't inherently more valuable today than it was 20 years ago, so why the triple price? The dollar didn't triple in value since then so it's not just inflation. Why are you acting like we should expect everything good to become inaccessible simply because time passes?

>> No.19041898

>we should expect everything good to become inaccessible
That's a good way to sum it up. There's still pretty good deals out there, though. I can get liver at Walmart for $2/lb, and grass finished hamburger for $5/lb. The liver's not a great price but the place I used to get it from is a way further drive and they freeze all their organs.

>> No.19042052

Everything you named I can get at my local Sam's Club for a reasonable price by today's standards, but I'm a Californian in a populous area. If you live in rural hell, there isn't a demand as other anons mentioned.
Given that inflation is as 500% right now, most meat is relatively cheap.

>> No.19042229

>OMG prices went up over the course of 30 years!!!
I think you added an extra zero there retard.

>> No.19042248

>liberals did it
No retard, supply and demand did it. Everyone wants meat, but producing the amount of meat that would fill the need is basically impossible because cattle need a lotta space and food(which ITSELF needs a fucking ton of space to produce.) and so the costs are going up. The fact that more western consumers are increasingly not okay with their meat being produced in a way that they find to inflict suffering on the animals that provide their food is also a contributing factor, though so is the fact that farm factories are efficient but far from clean and produce a frankly inferior product.

>> No.19042396

god fucking damn you retarded keyboard commies are insufferable

>> No.19042555 [DELETED] 

That's the thing about the two party system, they blame each other, rah rah rah or lizard people and flying saucers.

>> No.19042900

>pork mince
bong detected
burgerstan has plenty of ground pork

>> No.19043007

i never said liberals did this schizo
he store did this, consumers didnt do anything wrong

>> No.19043136

Who the fuck is "they?"
Be precise.
I'm not a psychic you see, so when you say "they" I expect you to be specifc before I can take you seriously.

>> No.19043142

This is stupidist thread that I've seen this week and It's only Monday. Morons basing opinons on OP's "they" but can't specify what "they" is.
How stupid can you be?

>> No.19043158

Given that you say "they" this, "they" that, were you one of those occupy faggots from a few years back?

>> No.19043162

They they they from "Why is there a progressive restriction on the variety of meat" what is that, be precise if you can otherwise according to you it's "they" and what the fuck is that?
It doesn't exist darling.

>> No.19043174

I think OP is dead from his "progressiveness" or maybe it got the full blown AIDS, who cares?

>> No.19043257

the people who own and control the supermarket

>> No.19043264

Ok so it might be one of us, "impossible" that OP buzzword for bugs, insects, and plants.

>> No.19043662

How stupid can you be to think it being only Monday amplifies your point instead of negating it?

>> No.19043672

Thin skinned faggots triggered over the word they, too stupid to infer that the supermarket corporate team are doing this.