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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19038247 No.19038247 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

Good 4chan form edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, drink anything hoff lately?
Previous thread:>>19021516

>> No.19038254

drink the coffee

>> No.19038287
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>coffee bar

>> No.19038324

>those colors
go back to your containment board.

>> No.19038341

Thats what tv looked like back in 96 zoomerkun.

>> No.19038404

>he doesnt know
good, keep it that way.

>> No.19038491

Will guests automatically dismiss my cappuchino as shit if I dont make flowers and hearts in the foam? Are milk drinks purely aesthetic?

>> No.19038519

why is coffee so horrible and filled with gearqueers

>> No.19038617

yes and yes.

>> No.19038718

Is 60g a day a lot?

>> No.19038801

depends on the brewing method.
and it also depends on much caffeine you are extracting.
but you need a refractometer for that. which is going to set you back at least a grand.
i have around 50g and people say i drink way too much but what the fuck do they know.

>> No.19038815

>refractometer for that. which is going to set you back at least a grand.
>which is going to set you back at least a grand.
>at least a grand.
Anon i don't think you're using real currency

>> No.19038837
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Excited about coffee.

>> No.19038842

nothing under $1k is worth buying.

>> No.19038845

you do drink midnight goffee dont you anon?

>> No.19038853

I chug starbuck cans and watch moka pot recipe videos till sunrise.

>> No.19038864

>be Midwestern fag
>drink Folgers all my life
>occasionally go to Starbucks but it tastes like shit
>life happens
>end up in north Africa
>local hijabi girl makes me coffee
>it's like heaven in a cup
>hits the throat like a cigarette
Bros I didn't know

>> No.19038871
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Good morning fellow faggots. How ya'll doing this fine day? I'm sipping pic rel since I got it on sale. Decent but not amazing IMHO, flavor is a little on the weak side

>> No.19038873


>> No.19038889

Folgers is good if you consume it before it goes bland.

>> No.19038890

Topkek, man all howard scenes are profoundly awkward

>> No.19038902

You were defeated by ISIS's deadliest weapon... modest tradwives that make good coffee

>> No.19038928


>> No.19038938

What the fuck are you talking about schizo

>> No.19038948

It's a local mating ritual, by drinking her coffee you now owe her at least 3 kids and if you back out her 12 brothers are going to hunt you down and break your shins.

>> No.19038986


>> No.19038989

picture for ants

>> No.19038998
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It's almost as good as real cheese.

>> No.19039116
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I just drank some Starbucks coffee I made at home. Starbucks is very strong. Also, I have a fresh barrel of Coffee Mate powdered creamer 56oz that I got from Costco.

>> No.19039128

Folgers is ASS. I drank Folgers for two years and it was the weakest crappiest tasting coffee I had ever tried. I switched to Starbucks recently and it's much better.

>> No.19039141


>> No.19039145

You should drink Maxwell.

>> No.19039249

Starbucks is great. Folgers isn't very good but not the worst. I don't care for obscure hipster brands.

>> No.19039422

If you do not get your single plant beans hand delivered (no bag) by the roaster himself while hes on a video call with the farmer (poor, doesnt understand your lifestyle) you are not drinking coffee, you are drinking trash (literal). I have 2 confirmed hoffman tattoos and have been to cuppings in over 12 countries

>> No.19039497

>Starbucks is great.
compared to folgers vending machine coffee is great.

>> No.19039551

Never had folgers but I don't believe this, vending machine coffee is worse than chugging sewage

>> No.19039650
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Fellas, I got myself some green beans.
How do I dry and roast them?

>> No.19039670

Best blend to into coffee? My parents are coffee nuts so we already have a grinder, MoccaMaster and an AeroPress but they drink extra dark coffee. I like the coffee taste you get from coffee flavored things. Where do I start

>> No.19039672

Remove water, apply heat

>> No.19039709

>coffee nuts
>extra dark coffee
no, your parents are retards who have never tasted real coffee a single time in their entire lives.

>> No.19039753

Thanks for the rec

>> No.19039789

no problem! :)

>> No.19039807

Just get any local roaster's cafe blend. It won't be terribly interesting but it will be fine.

>> No.19039835

>they drink extra dark coffee.
mmm big coffee flavor

>> No.19040261

For me its Monteblanco purple caturra nat today. Some real fine sippin spresso.

>> No.19040326
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What went wrong? I'm trying Hoffmeme recipe

>> No.19040333

The game was rigged from the start

>> No.19040337

Just passed 10 minutes now, still no drawdown

>> No.19040348

Well obviously grind coarser

>> No.19040363

What grinder, what setting?

>> No.19040399

K6, what's the equivalent? It was the 2-10 setting I think

>> No.19040422
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NTA but here's a kingrinder chart

>> No.19040447

K6 is a 1zpresso K with slightly smaller steps(16um vs 22um). You're way too fine.

>> No.19040451

I think by 2-10 he meant two turns and ten steps. Which would be 130 steps total, which really isn't that fine.

>> No.19040477

Even cheap coffee itt, Folgers/Maxwell, is greatly improved by French press imho.

>> No.19040485

Thats what I thought too, but he's supposedly at a burr gap of 2000+um and getting a 10 minute drawdown. Seems more likely to be 30 clicks but I can't tell with all that water on the bed.

>> No.19040489

Well yeah no shit, good technique is going to make bad coffee better. Just not necessarily good.

>> No.19040548
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Is Verve any good? I’ve been doing Intelligentsia since I got started bc it’s close to me but some of their offerings look interesting. I’m thinking of getting their espresso subscription.

>> No.19040568

What are ya'lls preferred brewing methods? I usually just make instant because I'm lazy, but it taste garbo to me now. I want big boy coffee

>> No.19040571

grind is too fine or you manhandled the swirl and made the fines clog the filter up

>> No.19040637
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For me it's presso. 18=>36 in 30s. Sometimes go for dat syrupy ristretto.

>> No.19040681
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Is this the tard slaves? I've heard stories about boomers sheltering tards to mold them into perfect slaves for them. Anybody know if retard slaving is normal in the coffee industry? This particular one seems happy.

>> No.19040686

I'm a little bitch and hot coffee hurts my mouth and I struggle to enjoy it.
I don't want to have to make coffee then wait 5-10 minutes for it to cool down, nor do I want to have to add milk just to fix the temperature.
How do I become able to handle hot drinks?

>> No.19040692
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For filter: Clever
I also have a breville dual boiler for espresso.

>> No.19040713
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Espresso using moka pots

>> No.19040765

Origami or Switch for filter
Flair 58 for espresso or filter 2.1

>> No.19040820

Am I really only supposed to rinse out my moka pot? What other coffee makers am I not supposed to wash with soap and water?

>> No.19040825

Espresso. I usually shift into filter for a couple of months in winter - I live in a tropical climate - but for most of the year espresso is king.

>> No.19040838

V60 is my usual daily method for my wife and I before work, on weekends I might go for a french press or moka pot cappuccino depending on how I'm feeling that day. If I just want a single cup I'll usually go for the aeropress.

>> No.19040854

What's your preferred travel mug for taking your coffee on the go? Up till recently I was just using a cheapo insulated mug that I grabbed at a local discount store which was fine but not great for cupholders and kind of an awkward size. Recently decided fuck it I'll spend a bit and get something nicer, so grabbed a couple of the fellow Carter mugs with the slide-top lids, so far they seem really nice and well designed, the lids can be completely disassembled for cleaning which I thought was a nice design choice. Usually don't go for many fellow products due to them being overpriced as fuck but these were surprisingly reasonable for what you get.

>> No.19040863

I use a yeti tumbler with the flat magnetic lid.
It was a Christmas gift from my company.
It insulates fine but it leaks from the lid if the liquid within is steaming hot and you even remotely tilt it. I wouldn't buy it with this shitty lid.

>> No.19040883

You're supposed to clean it. You don't want rancid oil buildup flavoring the next brew. Don't listen to old italian wives tales.
One of my buddies was a yeti distributor a few years back so I've got a bunch of different sizes kicking around from helping him move. I had a nice zojiroshi insulated bottle back in college I really liked but some brazilian chick filled it up with corona and left it sitting over the weekend and I could never get the taste out of it.

>> No.19040891

Almost added that. Screwtop>slide lids if you're actually traveling or bagging it. Slidelids if you're drinking in the car. I guess they've got some new leakproof "hotshot" lids but I've never tried them.

>> No.19040916

Anyone know anything about these Chinese flat-burr grinders that are showing up as a v2 or "plus" version of the Turin sd40 (or iTop 40, what have you)? 64mm flat burrs, seemingly decent mostly-metal construction, about $330-340 or so. Look very similar to the sd40, just bigger. I'm curious but there appears to be very little info on them

>> No.19040978
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Too early to tell. Lance just bought one so wait a couple weeks for a review. They're blind(no screw) 64mm burrs. The OEM he couldn't think of for df64/83 is zhejiang feilai if you wanted to look them up as well.

>> No.19040987

Oh great, I'll hold out for his review. Unless my curiosity gets the best of me and I spring for one just to see for myself.

>> No.19041020

You clean it, the retards who say not to are fucking stupid
The slide lid on the fellow one seems pretty well designed, the way the mechanism works it actively tries to hold it closed and to slide it open requires downward pressure plus sideways pressure, I'd definitely still go for the screw top if I was gonna chuck it in a bag of something though, and thankfully the lids are all interchangeable so I got the screw top as well

>> No.19041255
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With the ceramic v60 and the box of 100 filters

>> No.19041303

That looks like ~1 full rotation from zero to me.

>> No.19041320
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Tighten it up as tight as she goes, remember where that point is. Thats your zero. It's probably not going to line up with the mark, but it doesn't matter. Its just a reference point. Try two full rotations(120 clicks) from that zero to see how that coffee drains, then go finer to tweak.

>> No.19041342

It's 4 clicks past 0, so pretty close

>> No.19041541

My friend makes his own chocolate after hearing how some parts of the world have been contaminated with lead and cadmium. He gave me some cocoa powder. How much chocolate is a good ratio for a brewed mocha?

>> No.19041620

Fellas I roasted my coffee, didn't came out right but now I need to separate the chaffs from the beans.

>> No.19041623

it is true that Amazonian robusta has "whisky" notes?

>> No.19041642

Shake them around in a metal colander. About to sip on some more home roast Columbian sprussy.

>> No.19041643

If I make iced coffee (sans ice cream), can I refrigerate it? I assume it'll taste worse but it'll still be drinkable, right? I made way more than I intended to and it's that or down the drain

>> No.19041644
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Already did that, maybe chaff is not what I mean.
What are the papery skins called? I need to get rid of those.

>> No.19041652

How did you brew it in the first place?

>> No.19041661

Essentially a shot of espresso + moderate amount of cold milk

>> No.19041662

Chaff or silverskin. Lighter roasted beans will expand and crack less than darker roasts, leaving more skin attached. Its not a big deal.

>> No.19041681

That should not go bad after just one night on the freezer.

>> No.19041710
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>Quit wfh job for office job that pays ~30k more
>Choices in office are either burnt on the bottom Folgers or K cups
>Non dairy creamer, nothing else
I'm not really a coffee snob but its undrinkable, so I'm just gonna brew my own coffee in the morning just like I had before but bring it in a thermos. My question is if its a problem to add the half and half I usually take my coffee with in the thermos as long as I drink it within like two hours? I'd rather not pay extra for shelf stable half and half packets...

Also any recs on roasters in Oklahoma? I've been sticking to Higher Grounds recently but if anyone happens to have any suggestions that'd be cool.

>> No.19041730

Try this. Sealing it off immediately should curb some oxidation and save some flavor.

>> No.19041740

>My question is if its a problem to add the half and half I usually take my coffee with in the thermos as long as I drink it within like two hours?
I've drunk day old coffee with milk sitting at room temp, there's 0 risk of a couple of hours in a thermos

>> No.19041786

I'd be concerned about the thermos getting really nasty if you can't get in there and clean it properly.

>> No.19041881
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keeps coffee hot forever, though slightly annoying to clean

>> No.19041996

I got a Zojirushi travel mug and it's unusable because it makes everything smell and taste like silicone after being in there for a few hours. Getting sick and tired of falling for (((Japanese))) scam products like this

>> No.19042053

It’s just present in light to medium roast, more of the silver skin gets burned off the darker you go. I have a wire/mesh tray that I like better than colander as it is not as polished and smooth, so it’s better scrapping off some of the chaff. If you finish grinding beans and there’s a shit ton on the surface, you can lightly blow on the grounds and it could easily get rid of some of the big pieces. Honestly it taste more or less the same.

>> No.19042107

how did you get this picture of my toilet this morning?

>> No.19042166

it all depends on how often they roast.
you want to find a roaster than will roast at least 3 times a week.
no reason to be paying premium prices for coffee that was roasted a week ago not including shipping times.

from their site
>We ship Monday through Friday. It may take 1-2 business days for your order to be picked up after your order is placed.

>Orders placed after 8 am PST on Fridays will roast and ship the following Monday. This includes any expedited shipping options.

1-2 days after its ready to be shipped? fuck off.
i wouldn't pay $20 + shipping for that kind of service desu.

>> No.19042171

>moka pot
go back.

>> No.19042181

but not all instant is bad.
last year i tried the best instant coffee in the world which is $1 per gram.
and wow its fucking amazing.

>> No.19042184
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tfw he still doesn't rest his coffee

>> No.19042192
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i clean it with hot water and dish soap and pic rel after every single use.
and about once a month a do a deep clean with diluted white vinegar and water and also a soapy rag where i spend at least an hour scrubbing off all the stains and built up coffee oils.
a moka can look totally clean and you can wipe it was a paper towel and it will be black with oils and grime that you cant see or feel at all.
the spout is the hardest to clean.
try not to use any like hard abrasive scrubbers.
in the pic i dont use a fresh scrubber i always use one thats almost ready to be thrown out so its not that rough.

>> No.19042194


>> No.19042199


>> No.19042245

Okay, I'll just blow the skin when i grind them.

>> No.19042247

Post your fucked up roast please.

>> No.19042253
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i rest my dick on your mums face

>> No.19042344

It's late, I'll do it tomorrow

>> No.19042446

go back where? be more specific

>> No.19042448

Read something about it on plebbit coffee. Looks like "Specialty" Robusta Coffee taste like oak and other trees that can be identified as "whisky" taste.

>> No.19042507


>> No.19042533

I like my coffee how I like my women. Hot and black.

>> No.19042536

I like my coffee how I like my women. Unwashed.

>> No.19042539
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>> No.19042541

I like my coffee how i like my women. Pumpkin and spice.

>> No.19042557
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>> No.19042562

>splashes around the rim
>macrobubbles in the crema
>not using a polished silver spoon
but did it taste good :)?

>> No.19042568

Tasted fine but as you saw from the bubbles it's still a little fresh for espresso so it'll taste better in a couple more days I think. Just arrived in the mail today so I usually dial in first thing after that.

>> No.19042580
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>> No.19042587

Amazonian Robusta (mu canephora) is a meme.

It is bad quality coffee sold as specialty coffee for no reason. Robusta=BAD.

>> No.19042599

i love getting my coffee in the mail.
it cant be delivered to my apartment so i pick it up from the post office which luckily is like 2 min walk away.
and they staff know me so well i just walk in and they hand it to me and thats that.
feels good man :)

>> No.19042601

Isn't it kinda messy to mail a cup of coffee tho?

>> No.19042689
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>> No.19042716

Yeah the roaster I use is really bankable on their shipping so I quite like lining it up to arrive on the day my last beans run out of the previous batch. Plus they've got a shitload more variety and are much better roasters than anyone local to me.

>> No.19042738

What is the best roaster in around Kansas?

>> No.19042743

is it true there is no uber is kansas?

>> No.19042817

I got Brazilian Mogiana and it's possibly the best shit I've ever had.

>> No.19042822


>> No.19042969

midnight goffee.
rwandan washed medium dark
its ok. has a weird astringent taste but like not in a bad way.

>> No.19043125

Any recommended roasters near the east coast? My go-to places are usually either counter culture or a local cafe that does their own roasting but I'm thinking about trying to mix things up and try something new soon.

>> No.19043346

The roasterie and parasi. Both in KC. Messenger is a nice little cafe as well.

>> No.19043455


>> No.19043482

Should have actually brought the youtubers on and eliminate them one by one throughout several rounds and the one who wins gets to live.

>> No.19043489


>> No.19043732
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It's terrible, some beans are burn on one side and others are undercook.

>> No.19043768

Is this french roast? Why would you not do a lighter roast anon?

>> No.19043781

It's supposed to be a light roast, it's just that some beans burn badly

>> No.19043796

Holy shit anon. Are you trying to skillet roast? Please don't even think about optimal chaff removal until you're able to get an even roast. Just buy a popper. They work great. I'm about to rip out the knobs of this and replace it with (finer grained) computer control, but it honestly works fine out of the box.

>> No.19043870
File: 1.60 MB, 2268x3346, 3e3200a5-55ab-4342-a2a8-8ac3913843ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First cup of coffee I've ever made :)

>> No.19043876

Looks like shit, we're proud of you. How was it?

>> No.19043889

Tastes like garbage, how do you people drink this asswater?

>> No.19043898
File: 1.28 MB, 3657x1107, e81e2d43-7e1a-47f9-a42d-a66aec42b8d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Floral honey my ass. Whoever wrote that should get his tongue cut off as it appears to be useless after years of drinking this shit.

>> No.19043903

>two qts will never feed you Tiramisu
I'm jealous

>> No.19043911

most people add milk and sugar.
but if you get really good at making it and you buy really good coffee you can make coffee that doesnt taste like shit.
probably the best coffee to drink black is pour over or espresso(espresso because even if you think its too bitter or whatever its such a tiny drink you can just throw it back like nothing)

>> No.19043917
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>> No.19043922


>> No.19043925

>milk and sugar
>if you get really good at making it
if i go to a coffee shop will i be able to taste what it's really supposed to be like?

>> No.19043932
File: 1.40 MB, 2268x2470, bcecc6dc-fa49-4f2b-be55-df490d86e648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will any of these taste better or is it all the same crap in different packaging?

>> No.19043935

What's the ideal coffee mug size?

>> No.19043938


>> No.19043950

How are you preparing it? Elaborate.

>> No.19043960

4tbsp of coarse grind + 1.5 cups of hot water into french press. Waited 4 minutes. Stirred lightly, then waited 9 minutes. Pushed filter to top of coffee, and poured into cup.

>> No.19043961

says what?
what does it actually say?
you just assume it is going to TASTE like the things it says on the bag?
do they make any actual claim that it does?

rule 1 of buying coffee beans, the flavor/scent notes are 100% bullshit and are not to be trusted or used as a reason for buying x bag of coffee beans.
dont worry anon, you are not the first and you will not be the last.

>> No.19043972

>hamburger patties at supermarket say "vegan" on the packaging
>theyre actually made from meat
>b-but we didnt say theres no meat in there!
kys. literally false advertising.

>> No.19043986

i was simply telling you that most people who say they like coffee only drink it with milk and sugar.

read through the pastebin first.
then come back and ask some more questions.
>if i go to a coffee shop will i be able to taste what it's really supposed to be like?

99% of baristas in the world are the equivalent of trained circus monkeys.
if you go to the highest rated cafe in your area you will get good coffee according to normies. but what a normie likes and what is actually good coffee are 2 different things.
you can make better coffee at home for less than $500(just for the tools, obviously like you will still need to buy fresh roasted coffee every week or so) and around 1 month (1-2 coffee per day practice) of learning than you will ever find in a cafe.

>> No.19043994

What grinder? How hot is hot water? You should be at a rolling boil for those more "modern" light roasts. It could be you're just more of a fan of easier to extract dark "traditional" roasts.
> the flavor/scent notes are 100% bullshit
Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.
Ignore him.

>> No.19043996
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you bought that coffee for a fucking french press?
are you fucking retarded.

>> No.19044002

>like you will still need to buy fresh roasted coffee every week
I'm drinking some Guji Allona Nat I roasted on 2/5. Its phenomenal.
Yeah he's going to have a rough time with it.

>> No.19044003

but vegan actually means something
slapping something 100% subjective like a fucking flavor or a smell is not the same as something that has a 100% objective definition.
nice comparison you fucking spastic.

>> No.19044006

>Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.
Just say you don't know what you're talking about and move on.
>Ignore him.
kill yourself.

>> No.19044011

I'm not interested in home roasting, it's that I was given some white beans and didn't want them to get wasted. I don't think I'll do this again unless I'm given unroasted beans again.

>> No.19044013

>didn't want them to get wasted
Task failed.

>> No.19044014
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So where can I taste PROPER coffee to find out if it's worth investing in?
>What grinder?
Vivaant Manual Coffee Grinder
>How hot is hot water?
Didnt check. However hot this Chefman Kettle from walmart gets, which is supposed to be boiling
Explain. Isn't french press the proper way to make black coffee?

>> No.19044016

>"honey" label on pastrami packaging
>tastes like garlic
>n-noo the taste is subjective fuck you youre crazy!

>> No.19044020

>6 precise settings range from extra fine to very coarse so it can be used for Turkish or espresso, all the way up to cold brew and anything in between.
There's nothing we can do for you here. The cheapest kingrinders have 140 steps. Stop wasting money on coffee.

>> No.19044028

now please explain how having a gorillion steps helps. if it's 0.00002 steps off, the coffee won't taste good? kek

>> No.19044032

nice date format you dumb cunt.
>Guji Allona Nat
that sounds pretty good.
i got this last week
>ETHIOPIA DAWIT DAGISO 100% Natural - JARC varietals from Shantawene Farm in the region of Sidamo region at an altitude of 1894 mas
im enjoying it alot
i had a string of a bad ethiopians so im actually really happy to have gotten this one.(and my roaster isnt stocking my usual natural process burundi.)

>> No.19044040
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>n-noo the taste is subjective fuck you youre crazy!

>> No.19044046

You're only able to make VERY wide swings in adjustment. You know how big of a pain in the ass it would be to watch tv if your volume steps went up by 45 each time?

>> No.19044048

More like 16
Anyways, i looked it up and the kingrinder needs to be at 140 for french press kek

>> No.19044053

Australia will forever be at the bottom of the coffee world. Get over it. inb4

>> No.19044056

>needs to be at 140
I don't think you understand how adjustment works. I'm advising you to stop throwing money away, but I can't stop you. Good luck.

>> No.19044059

How about you fucking explain what the difference in taste between 140 and 130 steps is?

>> No.19044069

>So where can I taste PROPER coffee to find out if it's worth investing in?
best i can say is maybe try and find a coffee tasting uhh(i dont know the word, day? night? event? class?) close to you.
also if you can tolerate youtube videos watch these.
also yes the french press sucks if you want to get the most out of coffee.
so you should either go v60 pour over
or moka pot

i am a moka enthusiast myself so thats where i have the most experience and im not going to try and give you much guidance with the other brewing methods, im sure others here can do that.

>> No.19044074

>he doesnt know about 6th wave coffee that only exists in the outback

>> No.19044108
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These go to 140. Yours only goes to 6. You can't go further than 6. The others go to 140. It's obvious innit.

>> No.19044113
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You're doing chemistry. Extracting "flavor" with a solvent(water). Its not a static process, your beans are continually changing. You picked some fairly light roasted coffee. Lighter roasts are harder to extract than darker roasts since the lighter roasted(denser) beans have expanded and cracked less internally. They require a finer grind (and hotter water) than something darker. You're grinding finer to increase the surface area of your broken up beans to expose them to more water. Its not a set and forget kind of thing. You don't buy a grinder and leave it on one setting, you use that adjustment you paid for to tweak your cup. You don't have that ability when your grinder has 6 steps between a 100um burr gap and a 2000um burr gap. Good luck. I brought up kingrinder adjustment because the k0 has the same burr geometry as your Vivaant, but much finer adjustment, for half the price. You got fleeced and no matter how much money you throw at beans, you're going to have a more difficult time. Try a darker roast.

>> No.19044173

Can someone describe the TASTE(not texture) of "good" black coffee?

>> No.19044191


>> No.19044197

Autismo, just go to some cafés in your area and see what a good african american coffee tastes. Don't listen to the jew who's trying to upsell you shit. His whole worldview are youtube vidz.

>> No.19044247

Why cant you explain in your own words instead of a 30 minute video?
Other anons said cafes are shit. Which is it?

>> No.19044278

Because the taste of "coffee" depends on varietal, origin, terroir(climate, topography, soil), processing method, and roast. Coffee grown at higher elevations develop and ripen much slower, giving you a denser bean. Some of my "good" coffees taste like fruit juice, others are a bit less bright. The columbian natural process I'm sipping on right now still has some fruity acidity in the background, but its much more molasses/caramel/slightly milk chocolately in the front. The exact same crop, processed differently, will taste wildly different. I had all this typed out to begin with but you're going to ignore it regardless, so I went with the video tuned for mouthbreathers. You want to know what coffee tastes like, theres a guy tasting a few coffees and letting you know.

>> No.19044295

>Other anons said cafes are shit. Which is it?
Same anon who's trying to steer you to the digital world instead of the real world.
Anon you go to a coffee shop. You order a black coffee. You decide if you like the coffee or not. You repeat the whole coffee ordering experience but this time at another coffee shop. Now hear me out you will repeat this coffee ordering process and try to judge by your standards what kind of coffees you like, those you dislike.
You will then know what good coffee tastes to you.

>You want to know what coffee tastes like, theres a guy tasting a few coffees and letting you know.
Most kosher point of view. Hope the tasting guy has my best interest at heart.

>> No.19044307

>fruit juice
in the same sense that what i got tastes like "floral honey" or you mean it LITERALLY tastes like fruit juice? or is it a "note" or whatever the fuck that means?
and for reference, how long have you been drinking coffee for?

>> No.19044315

will do. unfortunately i live out in the middle of nowhere, but i will head to dallas later this week and try out a few spots.

>> No.19044322

also, this is probably a retarded question, but can i ask them to use my beans so i know how mine are supposed to taste when prepared properly?

>> No.19044381
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This shit literally tasted like pineapple/guava/papaya wine. Most unique "body" of any coffee I've tasted so far. It did not feel like coffee in my mouth at all, it had a very weird(but incredibly pleasant) slickness to it. Ignore the price, thats some world class shit I didn't(and probably won't) pay for. It was delicious. Been drinking coffee 15ish years, this will be my 4th year roasting, and I bought an "endgame" grinder last may. The most expensive coffees I've roasted were some $18/lb geishas. The cheapest were some $4/lb brazilians. If you bought those same coffees from a roaster they'd be like $50/200g and $20/250g. Geishas were floral and fruity through and through, all my mid altitude brazilians are nutty/chocolately. I've got an organic semiwashed ruby that tastes like reese's peanut butter cups. I've also got a brazilian maragogipe thats straight hazelnut no matter what I do. I hate it, but someone else might go nuts(kek) over it. The columbian I'm sipping on gets way more fruit forward as it cools.

>> No.19044408
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>> No.19044426

NTA but when brewing you want the right balance of extraction, not overextracted (which tastes unpleasantly bitter) and not underextracted (which tastes unpleasantly sour). A variety of factors affect extraction, main ones are
Darker = more extraction
>water temp
Higher = more
More = more (duh)
>grind size
Finer = more

>> No.19044473

Here's a good simple explanation of extraction. Lots of pictures.

>> No.19044491
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Never drinking coffee again

>> No.19044495

Thank you anon, that's exactly what I wanted to know. So they're not all just bitter with different subtleties, but actually different tastes.
Now, I'm hoping that's not due to the fact youve been drinking coffee for 15 years, but I think some cafe hopping will help clarify that.
I have no problem spending money on top-shelf stuff if it means I get to enjoy natural caffeine intake with no additives.
How do you prepare your coffee?
I guess I'll spend my morning tomorrow just playing with the variables.

>> No.19044534

Got this expensive ass coffee:

How best to prepare it and make sure I don't fuck it up? I brew 30g at a go so I get 3 tries lol.

Also how best to store unopened bags of coffee to preserve freshness? Freezer?

>> No.19044595
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>but actually different tastes. Now, I'm hoping that's not due to the fact youve been drinking coffee for 15 years
Thats why I linked the tom scott video. The guy doesn't drink coffee, has nothing coffee related to sell you, all he can do is offer up his thoughts on whats in front of him. 10 of those 15 years was grocery store coffee ground weekly at the store, then a couple years with a $200 Kinu and "specialty" coffee before upgrading to endgame(whatever the fuck that means) 80mm flat burrs. You can get a very close chinese clone to that german made Kinu for ~$90 in the Kingrinder k4 now.
>I have no problem spending money on top-shelf stuff
Having greater control of your variables (weight, more precise grinder adjustment, temp control) will make those harder to extract "top shelf" roasts way easier to deal with. Its hard to justify spending money on good meat if you've got a shitty grill if that makes sense. Get something more usable then go nuts.
>How do you prepare your coffee?
Flair 58 for espresso, Origami or Hario Switch for pourovers, $9 french press I don't use, and a Hario Mizudashi for occasional cold brew.

>> No.19044605
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This brand good or is it meme "man" coffee?

>> No.19044657

Thats probably dirt cheap sumatra roasted to a crisp.

>> No.19044666

depends on the beans used
depends on the brewing method
depends on the specific technique used for that specific brewing method
depends on who made it

with no information given i would guess most people would just say nebulous things like "rich" "intense" "strong"

>> No.19044669

>fruit juice
i thought we banned this schizo.

>> No.19044684

they have big bean hoppers on top of the grinder(usually) that is full of beans.
you would have to empty that and then purge whats left.
i mean if maybe if you went to a really high end specialty cafe they might be able to do that but for 99.9% of cafes im gonna say no.

>> No.19044690

go back.

>> No.19044711
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>There's just no way depulped cherry seeds can taste like fruit

>> No.19044737

well i hope it works out for you.
once you open a bag its best to vacuum seal it
and better than that is sealing whatever you average dose is individually so for example.
3 30g doses vacuum sealed and stored in the freezer and then the night before you want to brew with those beans take 1 dose out of the freezer to thaw fully before use.
you dont want to freeze and thaw and freeze.
alternatively you could try a high humidity environment for long term bean storage.
this video has more information on that.

>> No.19044742

you already know the answer to that anon...

>> No.19044760

look at him melt

>> No.19044782
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>> No.19044940

what grinder for drips and pourovers. and also one for espresso and turkish. i want to try both of those. willing to spend on two grinders. would rather save by going manual on the grinder

>> No.19044947

total budget?

>> No.19044949

The kingrinder k4 and k6 can both do pourover and manual, the k4 is more espresso focused and the k6 is more pourover focused.

>> No.19044950

>pourover and manual
*pourover and espresso

>> No.19045021

its a meme.
even if you do get that and any other grocery store brand. never ever get a dark roast. since they (grocery store brands) already lean towards dark, anything actually profiled as dark for them is charcoal.
if you're going to go for grocery store brand coffee go for PC brand light/medium or farmboy brand breakfast or city roast if you those around you.

>> No.19045474

Makes me respect someliers and the wine world.
>floral honey? yeah no this cab sauv smells like graphite, leather, manure, or cat piss, and we're ok with that.

>> No.19045511

literally me every time i get a new bag.
>yep getting some hits of sulphur, oh a slight coal tar accent, oh wow major notes of a pile of mulch sitting in the sun all day and then digging a hole in the middle and taking a good ole whiff, and finally a lingering stench of graphite. alright let's grind this bad boy and make some coffee.
honestly those are my favorite coffees to experience.
its why i think washed are so boring most of the time. natural process are so consistently interesting to smell and taste.

>> No.19046062
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>i think washed are so boring most of the time. natural process are so consistently interesting
I hate to agree with hoffmemer, but its true that there are comfy coffees and there are interesting coffees. Its hard to find out what you like without blindly buying shit and just playing around with them. Sometimes you find something you love, sometimes you drink pisswater for a couple days trying to make it work. Just pulled the last of my frozen stash from fall. 320g of washed guat esperanza from a small co-op. Very comfy roast, I've gifted out a bunch of it because of how easy it is to get a great cup.

>> No.19046280


>> No.19046345

hawt cawfee

>> No.19046448

Is that shit about wating for 90 minutes after waking up to drink your cuppa true?

>> No.19046449

I'm a big fan of their Halo Hartume, it's very fruity smelling and has crema for days

>> No.19046454

Coffee is not meant to be like tea, James

>> No.19046670
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>> No.19046678

this thing in europe would be considered obese and unfit to work

>> No.19046684

Is agitation necessary for v60 and Chemex?

>> No.19046714
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? What's going on here ?

>> No.19046751
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>this thing in 44 different countries, totally the same language, culture, traditions, money, histroy by the way would be considered obese and unfit to work
Toh-dah for pointing the obvious.

>> No.19046878

It's an American thing. Boomers were the first generation of any generation anywhere to be subjected to television as a sort of daycare system.

Americans actually ENJOY watching advertisements. Their children are loved to the extent that they are a physical and mental extension of their parents. Humans are terrifying animals.

>> No.19046972
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>It's an American thing
Tard slaves is a stateless concept.

>> No.19047009

I always thought that James likes weak-ass coffee. Medium-to-light roast with only 60g per liter? Wtf?

>> No.19047026

just ask the hoff.

>> No.19047153
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I just brewed some Starbucks coffee. I recently bought a 56oz bottle of Coffee Mate. Feeling comfy.

>> No.19047159

Love from Kazakhstan

>> No.19047166

I bet you drink shitty tea too.

>> No.19047239

My mom ordered a bunch of coffee there for me, none of it is what I would have chosen, but it's the thought that counts I guess.
High humidity eh? I live in the humid subtropics and my house leaks air like a sieve, probably 60-70% humidity indoors. Guess I'll watch those videos.

>> No.19047496

For people that use an Aeropress, do you typically go for espresso blends/roasts or filter blends/roasts?

>> No.19047547


>> No.19047891

thats every hobby that is mostly artsy and opinion-based. you could say the same about barbecue

>> No.19048010

Is Hank Hill a gearqueer?

>> No.19048043

The kind to have 'tism fits about wich fuels are proper and wich are not. He most definitely was a faggot.

>> No.19048077
File: 3.01 MB, 1431x1075, HankGrill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's the only man to marry the cold precision of the Vogner Char King and the fiery passion of the Hoffman Meat Meister.

>> No.19048187

reddit is down

filter but the aeropress can do it all!

>> No.19048356

>used coarse grind
>left in boiling water for 4 minutes
>no stirring
ok this is actually bearable now. i wouldnt go as far as calling it "good", but i can drink this stuff without wanting to spit it out. it just tastes like slightly bitter water. maybe 1.5 cups per 2 tbsp of beans is too much.

>> No.19048433

Get a scale. Try a 1g(coffee):14g(water) ratio.

>> No.19048514
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I just brewed more coffee. Feeling comfy.

>> No.19048548

u wot
my current ratio is 1:36. Reducing it by more than half will probably be bitter as fuck.

>> No.19048550

Don't use boiling water unless you have a very light roast (you don't). Try like 80C.

>> No.19048580


>> No.19048595

i was gonna say 200 hopefully. but

these look good. can the k4 do turkish fine?

>> No.19048597

huberman said it, hes usually pretty on point, ive found his stuff to work. the wait 90 bit did work for me.

Also supplementing helps, changes things a lot. Theanine pills really do level out caffeine highs from coffee. Also NAC helps with if you want to stop caffeine, cuts withdrawals to almost nil.

>> No.19048601

My k6 can so I assume a k4 can too. Although the finer you go the more work it is to grind.

>> No.19048610

Yeah im retarded. The box the coffee came in clearly states 4 tablespoons for 1.5 cups of water. Dunno why i thought it was 2 lmao.
I should probably get a better kettle that actually allows to control the temperature.

>> No.19048612


>> No.19048614

Temp control kettles can be expensive. Before spending that much on one try just using a cheap kitchen thermometer and cut off the heat manually.

>> No.19048619
File: 300 KB, 7841x561, yoinkv10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah a better grinder than that shit vivvant is a much better buy than a kettle. Do what that other anon is doing and just snag a kin k6 for $100 and be happy for a couple years.

>> No.19048665

Is there a good grinder that looks as good as the vivaant? I hate that blue rubberized part on the K6

>> No.19048750
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Not for the price. You can just rip that rubber off and have an all aluminum body. K6 uses the same burr as the 1zpresso K. Its a bigger clone of the burr in the $325 comandante.

>> No.19048782
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A k6 without rubber just looks wrong.

>> No.19049021

I went years drinking garbage preground, drip coffee and k-cups blissfully unaware of what I was missing. Now if my pourover slightly under extracted my day is decidedly worse. I have a decent routine but having these minor mishaps nearly ruins my day
How do you fags cope with the suffering?

>> No.19049169

Taste every bad cup of coffee you make, and learn from it - ie, learn why you fucked up and how to ameliorate that, and also what over and under tastes like in different beans, roasts, preparations, etc.

>> No.19049171
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Use my aeropress or clever.
V60 is too much hassle for a decent cup.

>> No.19049186


>> No.19049506
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>reddit is down
how would you know?

>> No.19049516
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>How do you fags cope with the suffering?
like this
but the honest answer is i use that suffering to inspire and push me forward to make better and more interesting coffee tomorrow.

>> No.19049519
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>> No.19049977

I had a very unusual coffee. The first few sips were absolutely tasteless, but the last couple were really good and different.

>> No.19049983
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>> No.19049985

Skill issue

>> No.19050127

>he didnt mix it

>> No.19050512

Anon wasn't kidding, the drawdown on these cafec v60 filters is nuts

>> No.19050546
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>> No.19050557

the person who made those things needs to be sent to jail.

>> No.19050559

>wholemeal scone

>> No.19050576

Just learn to get off on suffering.

>> No.19050872

>4 tbsp coarse grind
>1.5 cups of 80°C water(measured with meat thermometer so might not be accurate)
>1:16 ratio
>timer set for 4 minutes
let's see how it goes

>> No.19050885
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Huh, not as awful as expected, I can drink this for today. But it's a little salty for some reason?

>> No.19050893
File: 698 KB, 1768x1821, a422cbe0-561c-4ff7-9739-4eeb6bc4fe47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe i just dont like this coffee's flavor. Gonna switch up to this one tomorrow.
>deeply sweet
we'll see about that

>> No.19050921

I dunno, you do the same thing day in day out, mishaps are incredibly minor and doesn’t really affect the cup all that much. What are you even messing up on… you could always get a switch or something.

>> No.19051001
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Got some beans from a new roastery, roasted 5 days ago and I had to adjust my grinder by a crazy amount to get sensible shot times. Is it the freshness of the beans, the natural processing or roast level that effects grind size the most?

>> No.19051018

they look a little dark anon.

>> No.19051117

For recipes that call for a specific water temperature, is that usually for water inside the brewing vessel or in the kettle?

>> No.19051124

What's the difference?

>> No.19051148

Kettle so basically the actual temp at which the coffee is extracted could be anything. Temperatures in recipes aren't more specific than "very hot", "hot", "not that hot" or "not really hot at all" even if they give you ten decimal places.

>> No.19051166
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For me, it's
92c for medium
Boiling for light

>> No.19051429

Ideally they should be the same. That's why you preheat shit.

>> No.19051566

How the fuck do you make coffee

>> No.19052203

Best grind for french press?

>> No.19052365
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made this in my aeropress, was very nice

>> No.19052382

No one knows

>> No.19052609

That's why this thread exists, we're trying to figure it out

>> No.19052622


>> No.19052652

Go back.

>> No.19052814

>tamping on to a granite counter with the pressure on the spout

>> No.19052863

blood magic.

>> No.19052892

i aint even an espresso fag but i noticed that too.
also my mans KNEW she wouldn't have drunk it in that cup. should have made it directly into her travel mug or whatever.

>> No.19052905

In fairness, he's a drug addict.

>> No.19053148

Jesus that looks like arse lol

>> No.19053208
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>four months into owning a machine
>thought I was making double shots
>wondering why they taste so astringent
>17g basket, 34g drink in 30s
>finally measure it because the yield seemed small
>1 oz
>been pulling single shots with a double basket this whole time
I'm such a fucking retard

>> No.19053218

>I'm such a fucking retard
I bet you think cucumbers are the same as pickles.

>> No.19053235


>> No.19053241

How much coffee a day is too much? I realised that I'm drinking 5 cups of coffee a day.

>> No.19053240

Someone spoonfeed me the cheapest electric burr grinder that I can depend on. Your pastebin sucks.

>> No.19053244

Thats only like 300 MG of caffeine, if that's what you're concerned about.

>> No.19053282

>Your pastebin sucks.
Didn't write it. Buy a Capresso Infinity.

>> No.19053288

bad extraction and bad milk steaming.
no love or passion.
and we know why. he is a tea drinker.
and not just a tea drinker but a low quality tea bag drinker.
pretty cringe.

>> No.19053302

>spoonfeed me

>> No.19053307

>5 cups
what does that actually mean?

>> No.19053523

baratza esp. gimme money

>> No.19053812
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aight, bros.
i have carob coffee maker, 20bar, steam, im happy, even when trying clean this pressed shit from holder.
always buyin picrel already milled coffee.
its tastes good, smells good.
before carob, i had some generic delonghi coffee machine (phillips i guess), this shit was required real deep clean, tubes has inside brown tint on it. and once some little plastic shit near pump was broken, and costs me around 50$.
that it, my whole story,
before all of it i had a lot of stuff, copper cezve, steel cezve, geyser coffee maker, french press.
also, last one, is was shatterred, cut my nerve on big thumb, and i still barely feeling with it.

maybe later i'll post some pictures of mine alchemy

>> No.19053823

do NOT engage with the schizo

>> No.19053912

It looked horrific lol

>> No.19053946

Look at him schiz.

>> No.19054191

14. just right sumatra

>> No.19054338

i put little kurieg pod into the machine and it makes decent coffee. then i throw those little pods in the trash without peeling them cause fuck the environment i didnt tell them to dump my trash in the ocean.

>> No.19054352

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