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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 307 KB, 800x525, 59D341BE-014E-4D54-B1DE-F89EC7941CCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19037274 No.19037274 [Reply] [Original]

>grew the herbs
>made sauce from scratch
>made meatballs (ground the meat and made breadcrumbs from bread I baked)
>made the pasta with pasta extruder
>managed to plate it without it looking like hot garbage and took a decent pic

I is prood oh meself.

>> No.19037280

You should be, that's an achievement
Puts the global supply chain into perspective

>> No.19037284

Nice slopa anon

>> No.19037296

That looks lovely, anon! Does grinding the meat yourself make much of a difference?

>> No.19037300

Looks good. Was it worth it? How much better does it taste for the amount of time / effort / cost?

>> No.19037301

Good shit fren. Looks good

>> No.19037302

>didnt raise the cow
>didnt grow the wheat
You didnt make the pasta

>> No.19037335
File: 303 KB, 800x600, 595E2CF8-9FFF-4821-9774-F7B95F50840A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, frens!
I’m not sure. It saved me money and I knew what went into it, tho.
I think it was worth it! Was fun and relaxing. And the local restaurants suck.
Yes I did.

>> No.19037380

Greta thread OP. How did it taste? How many hours would you say you put into the dish?

>> No.19037429

Gross. That looks like store bought flour.

>> No.19037434

Pics of your flour mill

>> No.19037467

Not many hours, because it is multi-tasking. For me it tasted great because I made it how I like it. It might have been too spicy for others. Usually when I have marinara sauce I think it is too sweet or too salty. The meatballs made a big difference because I could season them. I think probably a LOT of restaurants use generically-spiced frozen meatballs. Well, the ones around me do. Maybe I live in a shitty area but I see no reason to go out to an Italian restaurant. They charge a lot and don’t make their pasta.

>> No.19037472

Looks real nice, homie

>> No.19037501

>op singlehandedly attempting to reverse thousands of years of evolution to pre-barter system

>> No.19037523

Looks amazing OP. Congrats and great job. Did you share with anyone? I'm jelly, i get anxious and nervous when cooking new shit, esp if others will partake.

>> No.19037534
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>> No.19037604
File: 10 KB, 167x213, 1595377873981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job anon.
I hope you continue to eat well and get better and better at making it.

>> No.19037605

>didn't mold his own plate out of clay
You were so close anon
The pasta looks nice, and I bet it tasted amazing since everything was fresh

>> No.19037627
File: 13 KB, 250x250, 1584233552092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore the haters--They're all retarded, skill-less fast food eaters.
*Threadly reminder: Those who make their own food and post pics are VASTLY superior on an image board, than some rando-troll who has produced nothing in their life but dirty wrappers, cans and boxes.

>> No.19037633

Great job, fresh pasta is a meme though

>> No.19037643

I'm proud of you too, OP. 11/10

>> No.19037648

Nice work anon. Reminds me of the first time I made my own ramen broth and chashu.

>> No.19037658

I have thoss same plates nigga

>> No.19037785

Blue Willow chads rise up.

>> No.19037798

I have a question though OP.

I'm sure it tastes a lot better than not doing everything from scratch, but was it better enough to justify all the extra time and work? Was it worth it?

And before you answer, "worth it" doesn't mean "better." The answer to "is it worth it" isn't an automatic "yes" just because the thing is better. We're taking into account work and time vs reward. Like doing 20,000% of the work for something that is only 200% better probably isn't worth it compared to not doing it from scratch for something that still tastes great.

>> No.19037879

I think so. The bread I used to make the crumbs was getting on the old side. That took pulsing for about 30 seconds in the cuisinart. I grow my herbs, which grow like weeds. The meat I ground I bought on sale. One reason why I wanted to try making my own meatballs is all the ones I used to buy from SAMs have all switched to adding soi as a filler to keep their prices low. (Check the ingredients, always! “Shrinkflation is a sneaky thing.) Marinara sauce is easy to make. I didn’t roll out the pasta. I used a cheap pasta extruder. Now, I live in an area with an Olive Garden and a couple of “Italian” restaurants, so getting a quality Italian meal is either leave town or DIY. Maybe you live in a better area. I do believe we can “dress up” canned sauce or frozen meatballs or dry pasta with skill but at the end of the day it was cheaper to make it myself. It didn’t take long, because multitasking.

>> No.19037913

Asking questions like these indicate that you are missing the point. Of life.

>> No.19037964
File: 473 KB, 839x768, 1674964864196356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where's the other 3/4 of the serving, though?

>> No.19037967

Stop shitting up the thread.

>> No.19038314

Pretty cool OP. I shredded my own cole slaw mix for the first time in my life today. Definitely better, not 20 minutes of my life better but eh.

>> No.19038320

That's a cool ass endeavor. I appreciate the time and the dedication you invested into this and hope it was a rewarding experience for you.
Great job, anon.

>> No.19038344

Great job OP, it looks great. I wish I had green thumbs so I could grow my own herbs

>> No.19038368

Sounds like fun times. I don't ground my own meat, but homemade meatballs are definitely better than storebought.

>> No.19038385

nice work OP. I don't think I've ever done anything quite so earth-to-plate, I don't think I have it in me.