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19032214 No.19032214 [Reply] [Original]

Coffee Liqueur attempt #2

>1 cup ground coffee
>2 cups vodka
Gonna let her steep in the fridge for 7 days, do I need to worry about mold growing on the sides? The vodka is 40%, but I'm worried about the bits of coffee stuck to sides. After 7 days I'll strain through a filter and mix with an equal amount of simple syrup.

>> No.19032221

fucking hell man just put gin in your thermos, no one will smell it

>> No.19032230

Arent caffine and alcohol dangerous when consumed together? Like it can fuck up your heart or somthing?
Well whatever, hope it turns out good.

>> No.19032248

No, have you really never had coffee liqueur? Or mixed sambuca or whiskey into your coffee?

>> No.19032252

>Gonna let her steep in the fridge for 7 days
...why that long? cold brew coffee takes 24 hours or less

>> No.19032256

>After 7 days I'll strain through a filter and mix with an equal amount of simple syrup.
You could've just made strong coffee and added sugar to that then mixed it with the vodka and it would be ready now

>> No.19032259

No, it just never occured to me, i am young and new to drinking though. The whiskey and coffee sounds interesting. My grandad gave me a bottle yesterday so i might try it with that.

>> No.19032266

It takes longer in the fridge. When I make it in the fridge I give it at least 3 days.

>> No.19032267

>turns out good
you mean the flavored liquor?
you mean not dying from liquor with caffeine?
you mean drinking that concoction without puking?
you mean drinking that concoction without dying?
not sure what is the “good” you are referring to

but, coffee liquors, even vodka with high caffeine content energy drinks, is not uncommon., and enjoyed by many (some may have died).

personally… drink 2 energy drinks in morning and then switch to vodka during last or immediately after last. Yes, I start drinking vodka at 830 in the morning. The point being is that sure, drinking liquor and energy drinks may not be good, it makes my heart feel stressed, makes breathing hard, etc. me starting to drink at 8am should be proof enough that I don’t give a tuck (got a heater in my truck, and off to the rodeo, ye haw motherfuckers).

>> No.19032275

Yes and I'm not too sure this is how you properly make coffee flavored liquor
Op should've at least used decaf but he seems like a dumbass

>> No.19032279

It's only dangerous if you either drink a really large amount or you're a massive pussy.

>> No.19032282
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>> No.19032290

You're super manly and cool bro
Drink a ton of this coffee vodka then you'll be good

>> No.19032296

OP is calling this a liqueur. Most people don't drink large amounts of straight liqueur, it's a mixer.

>> No.19032298

i tried making some liquers over the holidays, some cocoa and cacao ones and some berries, berries worked much better, not sure about coffee, tho i don't like it anyway.

>> No.19032315

Post youtlr source for this image, dweeb.

>> No.19032322
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>> No.19032332

Damn OP, most disgusting shit I've seen on /ck/ all year. That looks foul.
Only coffee liquor I've had is that cheap brandy shit which taste like shit, and bailey's which also taste like shit. Every combination of coffee and liquor I can imagine seems vile.
If someone put a gun to my head to come up with coffee liquor, I would probably start experimenting with Jameson. I also feel like the whole "steep in the fridge" thing is going to make every one of your attempts taste worse.
What is the end goal as far as taste is concerned? Like dominately black coffee bitter? Is it more about the caffeine rather than the taste of coffee?

>> No.19032337

this guy gets it, its for mixing with even more vodka and a little cream

>> No.19032381

You are really really silly.

>> No.19032384

>you mean not dying from liquor with caffeine?>>19032230
>Arent caffine and alcohol dangerous when consumed together?

where do these memes come from?
espresso martinis, coffee liqours, jaegerbombs etc have been popular drinks for decades
just dont go full retard and have like 5 of em in a row

>> No.19032387

Dubs and OP doesnt die when drinking it

>> No.19032389


>> No.19032395

Why are you using dirt from your garden to make coffee liqueur? Coffee is brown, not black

>> No.19032408

Great post, good talk, nice rhetoric, fine conversation, informative and beneficial, all around superb contribution

>> No.19032423

Thanks, bud. You're pretty silly as well. Honestly, I think more people should be silly, goofy, and funny.

>> No.19032460
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Try orange coffee liqueur. Stab orange with knife, stuff with roasted coffee beans, steep with vodka for a week or longer.

>> No.19032478

this op just chug it you're a badass

>> No.19032556

No there is no chance for mold, it's fucking 40%. Let it steep under room temp as dissolving benefits from higher temps.

>> No.19032562

Forgot to add that you should give it a shake every other day.

>> No.19032667

Is it safe and does it work with ground coffee?

>> No.19032692

Yep, vodka works as preservative and do disinfection.
>does it work with ground coffee?
Dunno, never had tried that.

>> No.19032695

reverse image works btw.


>> No.19032752

>orange coffee
Orange and coffee is a vile combo

>> No.19032945

this would grant a rather weak coffee and orange flavor, tho that might be for the better

>> No.19033040

Why bother stabbing the orange and inserting the beans instead of just putting the orange and beans in normally?

>> No.19033578

The only danger is that caffeine makes you feel less drunk than you actually are so instead of doing 10 shots and passing out you'll drink 10 shots and 3 red bulls and think you're good to drive.

>> No.19033667

It's not really that bad for your heart, really the main risk of consuming too much of both is waking up in someone elses house covered in blood that isn't yours.

>> No.19033793
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I am good to drive.

>> No.19035250

Drunk driving is fine. Drunk crashing is the problem.

>> No.19035407

Imagine being so weak you can't drive drunk without crashing.

>> No.19035656

>Like it can fuck up your heart or somthing?
Not quite. The danger is from alcohol poisoning. Alcohol on its own isn't terribly easy to overdose on. Most people tend to pass out before they consume a lethal amount. Caffeine can keep you awake past the point you would normally have passed out. Which makes it easier to drink too much.

>> No.19035853

yes, additionally caffeine make it hard to tell when you've drank too much as it mutes the actual high of ethanol without actually lowering the amount in your system.

it's certainly fun to consume them together, all the perks of an ethanol high with none of the downside (until the hangover of course) but it's a bad idea

>> No.19036108

>anon is following my recipe
When I make mine I let it go for ten days on the counter. Once the jar is sealed, give it a shake. The alcohol will kill anything. Also, you would do well to throw in a cinnamon stick

>> No.19036112

Not as good