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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19021516 No.19021516 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics.

Thats right its another fucking MOKAGANG edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz
If you're old and confused, drink anything italian lately?
Previous thread:>>19009618

>> No.19021523
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>> No.19021590

pissing out my ass

>> No.19021645

I caved and bought a brewler...

>> No.19021652

Is there any way to get a coffee taste without that buzzy awake feeling afterwards? Decafinated I can't drink.

>> No.19021669
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>> No.19021679

>Decafinated I can't drink
just get decaf from a good roaster

>> No.19021682

I know someone who gets buzzed all night on a sip of coffee, but I can down cups before bed without too much trouble. Sometimes its just a genetics thing.

>> No.19021827

Moka good

>> No.19021848
File: 3.01 MB, 4032x3024, E2B577E3-ADCE-45BE-8DA6-5965C27955E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just received my 18-cup moka pot in the mail today.
I’m genuinely somewhat in awe of the size of this thing.
Can’t wait to have some friends over so I can put it to use.

>> No.19021860

Wait is that an actual functional thing? They have that at the roaster place I use and I always thought it's just a decoration piece

>> No.19021891

Is Moka a real alternative to espresso?

Already tried espresso and I liked it, but never tried Moka.

>> No.19021906

it's a different thing but it's pretty good
takes some practice and skill too

>> No.19021965

Oh yes, it's fully functional and makes nearly a liter of moka in one go.
I believe it's the largest moka pot that Bialetti makes.

>> No.19021981

How many grams is a full filter basket? You should make a webm of it making a liter of coffee. Might be neat

>> No.19022006

I haven't weighed it out yet, but I can already tell it's more than I'm willing to hand grind.
Based on a typical moka pot ratio of 1:8 though, I'd guess it holds 90-100g of grounds in the basket.
I'll definitely record a video when I get the chance to make a test batch.

>> No.19022033

Are moka pot brews of lighter roasts worthwhile, or is that something I should just reserve for my french press?

>> No.19022106

I've never had much luck with light roasts in a moka pot.
Even the lighter end of medium is a bit dicey for me.
I honestly had no idea how sour coffee could be until I fucked up a light roast in my moka pot.
Like, I'm taking straight lemon juice, that's how underextracted it was.

Moka pots really shine with a medium-dark to dark roast, and can deliver a very strong but smooth cup of coffee.

>> No.19022136

>How many grams is a full filter basket
depends on the coffee.
moka fills by volume not by weight, which is determined by the bean and where it came from, how it was processed and how it was roasted.
and of course grind size which can vary based on the filter being used.
sadly E&B Lab does not make a 18 cup moka pot filter.

would be interesting to see how much it would cost to get one custom machined.

>> No.19022156

i did a light roast panama geisha in my moka early last year and it took a couple tries to get it right but it was extremely good.
a few months after that i tried a ethiopian yirgacheffe ultra light and man that was a bitch to dial in.
swear i went through almost the whole bag just to get a half way decent cup, but it was a fun experience trying to push a moka so far out of its comfort zone.

>> No.19022176

>sadly E&B Lab does not make a 18 cup moka pot filter
Indeed. One good thing about the 18-cup is that the filter and gasket are the same size as the 12-cup.
Unfortunately, they don't make a 12-cup filter either.
Given the relative simplicity of the part though, I wonder if would be possible make one using one of those desktop PCB mills.

Do you mind sharing your technique?
I was grinding nearly espresso fine and starting with hot water for maximum extraction, but the best I could get still tasted a little woody.

>> No.19022331

well honestly i just built up my technique from watching both wired gourmet moka voodoo series and james hoffmann moka series and doing a kind of hybrid.
and then just idk, with moka i feel like so much of it is just this feeling you get when something is right, like how with michelin star chefs they probably dont need to weigh or measure alot of things anymore because they just know that something is right.

im just using the E&B Lab 6 cup moka for reference.
sadly im a dumb fuck that doesnt take notes of what i do.
one thing i do remember though is on my final brew of the bag i had i'd say about 3/4 of the basket maybe 1/2 of the basket of coffee(reminder E&B Lab 6 cup moka has a slightly larger basket than bialetti 6 cup) and just said fuck it and brewed anyway and made sure i went really slow(making sure to not stall it), because in the past i had found that under filling the basket made the brew faster(when keeping other parameters the same) and often under extracted the coffee. and this seemed to work pretty well, very light, very "high" and "bright" flavors, no acidity at all which was very surprising for this kind of brew.
i was happy i got to taste such an interesting cup and such an incredible bag. but also sad that i would not be able to buy another of this coffee for some time, i dont have $800 to spend of coffee every week.

it is a shame you are using electric, you dont have the same temp control as with gas.
and temp control + time management are super important for consistently great moka.
well anyway, excited to see more of that monster moka :).

>> No.19022491
File: 1.64 MB, 576x1024, How to Brew With A Moka Pot.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad the goffee collective agreed that filtering the oils from the cuppa is a nono.
Started the day with a presso. 18 in 36 out in 27s. Medium roast. Life is gud.

>> No.19022642

i want to clone this fat cunt a billion times and then personally kill every single one of them.

>> No.19022667

she's definitly obese like her dad but how is she a cunt

>> No.19022732
File: 1.33 MB, 720x1280, Tulip Challenge.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my cuppiñha

>> No.19023062

she makes tictoks

>> No.19023067

oh and she is promoting the wrong way to make moka which means her fans will follow her video and make bad coffee and give the moka pot a worse reputation than it already has.

>> No.19023093

Can we have the webms of the cute lesbian barista please?

>> No.19023094

Thank you for sharing.
That actually lines up with my experience, although I never got such good results.
Underfilling the filter basket definitely helps with underextraction, but if you grid too fine it also dramatically increases the chances of channeling.
Maybe a filter basket reducer would help.

Also, I agree about the electric. Only so much you can do in an apartment though.
Usually turn the stove on a little bit before I want to get brewing so it has time to get to temperature, which lessens the impact of the coil cycling on and off.

>> No.19023107

>shows the wrong way to use moka pot to thousands of people
>people end up making awful coffee
>people hate moka pot
>moka pot is forgotten
Actually based tea bee h

>> No.19023112

i have never had a problem with grind size since i first got my grinder and first dialed it in to the right size.
my grinder cant really go espresso grind anyway so i dont worry about that, but im pretty sure my burrs are out of alignment which is probably creating some unwanted fines.

and for dialing in i bought fresh roasted pre-ground specifically for moka and then every time i adjusted the setting on my grinder i compared it to the pre ground and then once i got in range started to actually brew at that size which really sped up the process alot.
having a visual reference in those situations is a life saver.

i have been trying to save up for a new grinder + manual espresso machine(havent decided which one, the 9barista and the flair 85 both look really nice) but i have had a series of problems that need fixing so im not sure if i will be able to get it this year.
like in the movie up, they keep trying to save for a vacation to paradise falls but then they have to fix the roof and all the other stuff

>> No.19023183
File: 1.78 MB, 1080x1920, How to wing base!.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides a refractometer, ph tester how can i measure the extraction? Is there an IBU for goffee?

Here you go bruz

>> No.19023432

What is the lowest amount of coffee you would do a v60 with? Personally using April's method with 10g and it tastes quite good

>> No.19023482

I think you just have to go by weight in, weight out, time, and taste.

>> No.19023535

Ive been doing 10/170s on origami and switch.

>> No.19023623
File: 1017 KB, 576x1024, Where My Happiness Comes From.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The weight is obvious but taste is a sketchy way to measure.
What i'm talking about is an objective way to say if this meme method is better or worse.
Say if method A gives 9/11 and method B gives 2/11 you then blind taste both techniques. Technique A should be the bomb if the notation scale is proper and with the blind test one should always prefer it.
For now the whole scene looks like adiophoolery and their meme tricks.

>> No.19023771

i want to clone this fat cunt a billion times and then take over the world because I have a billion man(woman) nation under my command

>> No.19023778

Well, I never liked my eyes anyway. I can’t even remember the name of the cute tom boy barista, life is pain.

>> No.19023788
File: 2.81 MB, 576x1024, 10964116906216.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean Morgan?

>> No.19023796
File: 1.08 MB, 1080x1920, Only Coffee Fanatics Will Understand.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No i meant Sarah

>> No.19023797

Every frame of this is sexual

>> No.19023811

Thank you so much, I had a bad day and needed this.

>> No.19023818

just bought some bags from rouge wave. what am i in for

>> No.19023825
File: 1.38 MB, 720x1280, A bear-y good hot chocolate.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just remember it could always become worse.

>> No.19023845

she cute

>> No.19023846

bags of what?

>> No.19023862

Not really, if it’s gets any worse I’ll just punch my ticket out.
Coffee related: for some reason whenever I buy more expensive beans from a local roaster I find I have to use a courser grind in order to get a decent run through my espresso machine, with cheaper supermarket beans I can grind finer and tamp harder and honestly it’s a better coffee. Can anyone tell me why this is? I can’t think of a logical reason why older beans can handle a finer grind.

>> No.19023873

why is everyone who makes coffee androgynous?

>> No.19023879

who the actual fuck is this woman and why is she so attractive

i keep seeing her everywhere

>> No.19023882
File: 2.74 MB, 360x640, ☕ Turkish Sand Coffee.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is my observation that turkish coffee uses the least ammount of coffee/cup
It is my understanding that turkish coffee was brought to Istanbul by Syrian traders in 1555.
It is my recollection that Syria is the semite epicenter.
I have not yet come to any conclusions.

>> No.19023883

Coffee autists are the next evolution of mankind

>> No.19023886

Coffeetuber that anons latch onto because she has a weird charm.

>> No.19023909

nah she just looks like a kid
genuinely got the facial attributes of a 14 year old girl having her first perior

>> No.19023950
File: 987 KB, 720x1280, A tad bit full.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruz if you ever decide to finish your shift just become a less gay version of ricky gervais in After Life his show and see if you still don't like it here.
Birds can perceive a drought, dogs can too, so can plants & so can you. Birds cannot perceive financial strain, inflation or poverty. Neither do cats nor dogs nor plants. Some problems are real some others aren't.
To your question, it has something to do with CO2 in the beans degassing or some shit, go for what you enjoy, not what othes say you should enjoy.

She's built like a coffin. En route to become Caitlin it seems.

>> No.19023975

Awww sadge, she went the way of every hot lesbian ever.
Thanks mate, I don’t know exactly what you mean but it’s nice you bothered to type something out to me. For my first therapy session on Saturday, I guess I’ll be blaming everything on my father in no time.
Interesting about the beans, I’m going to do some googling and see what I can find. I’m tired of wasting more than half a £8 bag of beans trying to ‘dial it in’ before I can get something drinkable.

>> No.19023977


>> No.19023979

For my = got my

>> No.19023981

Are you suggesting it’s actually a boy? Or that she’s straight. Idc, both are fine.

>> No.19023982

She has a husband iirc.

>> No.19023987

Ok that wasn’t fine. Fantasy, ruined.

>> No.19024150
File: 1.39 MB, 720x1280, Small (2021).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have one last Morgan. Ask yourself if you would have wasted a bag of beans to dial it in if you had not seen all these goffee memes or if you've been influenced.
Look how ethiopians prepare their goffee. Absolute opposite of everything that's been peddled online, yet i'm sure it tastes incredible.
Therapy is a meme. Everybody copes. Find what you're coping for and better it. The seething is optional. Something other than uncle ted to make you think http://classics.mit.edu/Epictetus/epicench.html
Good thing you like goffee, you'll be able to prepare a propa cuppa for your husband.

>> No.19024159

Colombia - Ana Doney | Natural Anaerobic EF2 Castillo
Honduras - Benjamin Paz - La Orquidea | Honey
Mexico - La Joya Lot 2 | Experimental Natural
Colombia - Elkin Guzman | Cold Natural Striped Bourbon
Panama - Carmen Estate El Palomar Gesha | Washed
i'm excited for the gesha, haven't had one in a few months.

>> No.19024179

Decided to change up my water after soliciting advice a few threads back. Bought some big glass jugs and some of those gay third wave water packets because the cost is low and it keeps things consistent. One packet per gallon was too much, 1/2 packet per gallon of RO water worked great. Big, noticeable improvement in flavor of coffee, which means it's mandatory for the rest of my life. This has pushed the hedonic treadmill way along, I think I'll be able to coast off of this improvement for months before I have to fuck around with more variables.

>> No.19024182

Did you forget to take your meds again today cablebro?

>> No.19024223

I generally don’t get influenced online, this is the first time I’m posting in coffee general. I occasionally buy locally roasted beans but I drink too much to afford it more than once a month or so, so it’s annoying that when I do pay extra I always feel like I’m getting less (because I’m fucking it up)and the whole process frustrates me. However, I take your point about different prep methods, maybe I’ll get a mocha pot or an aero press or something to mix it up and see if I can do better than my Sage espresso.

Also, jokes on you, I’m a fag that crushes on girls and I’m already gay married.

>> No.19024225
File: 1.69 MB, 3512x2829, 9FCA4595-AABC-4C66-862D-5D44138251C1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This afternoon I went to my local roaster and bought their (((nespresso))) capsules for my parents and grandparents, also for a change I bought 250 gr of freshly roasted coffee beans 70% arabica 30% robusta from the same blend they serve at the bar and had everything grinded for the moka.

It was good bros, however the lack of crema from coffee made using the moka really is soulless.
I know I can fiddle with sugar and a spoon to make artificial crema but it’s not the same.

Once you go 9 bar, you can’t go back

>> No.19024231
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>> No.19024240

Is that steel or aluminum?

>> No.19024241

>It is my recollection that Syria is the semite epicenter.
I'm afraid you know too much, my little Germanic friend.

>> No.19024270

Sorry pal, my most recent posts were
Pretty sure morganschizo is the guy who posts gay reviews and I say
>Anon this is the gayest thing I've ever read in these threads.

>> No.19024279
File: 2.77 MB, 720x1280, Wake & bake with cannabis coffee ☕️.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking them now anon, my bad.

Cablebro, tell me why you're named as is an take med. Also no i'm not the anon you think of.

>> No.19024282

>coffee is a substance that alters the mind, and [weed] is also a substance that alters the mind, so why aren't they treated the same
how retarded can you be
>bro opium poppies are just a plant that alter the mind bro

>> No.19024303

Aluminium I think, it’s an old moka and I’m not sure.

Under the lid there’s written ST/02 near Bialetti and the stovetop symbol.

>> No.19024308
File: 3.74 MB, 480x854, How to make a cannabis infused coffee ☕️🍃.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>opium poppies are just a plant that alter the mind bro
Exactly bruz so nice to see another spirited individual agreeing they are all the same. Big love Bradaframanadamada enjoy the good frequency

Nice basketball themed goffee setup. Hope it was comfy.

>> No.19024324

We don't do aluminum in Europe.

>> No.19024333

Please fuck off with the Tiktoks my god

>> No.19024334

I like to equate anons who think timemore c2s are endgame with the same idiots who think skullcandy and beats headphones were good. One schizo in particular gets real triggered over it.

>> No.19024350
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one cawfee please

>> No.19024384

Made in Italy Bialetti moka is made of aluminium


>> No.19024394

>Once you go 9 bar, you can’t go back
Its about 1.5bar.

>> No.19024411
File: 1.77 MB, 720x1280, A roasters life 🔥.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like to equate anons who think timemore c2s are endgame with the same idiots who think skullcandy and beats headphones were good. One schizo in particular gets real triggered over it.
Based. Never stop.

Shut up gypsy. Go beg somewhere else.

ESL or tarded?

>> No.19024428

You're getting hard liquor and you're gonna like it you little brat

>> No.19024443
File: 419 KB, 1332x950, mokapressure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also like to tell the moka and estropressers how much pressure they're actually producing. 50lbs of weight on an aeropress nets you .7bar.
>On the other hand, the Moka uses a pressure of about 1.5 bars.

>> No.19024447
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>> No.19024479

instant coffee out of a jar and soy milk
there are infinite pictures and videos of titlets you can look up on demand any time, stop shitting up the thread

>> No.19024527
File: 3.75 MB, 720x1280, Morning coffee made by my mini🤎.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bruz basketball coffee anon >>19024231 here was saying that he has in the past tasted real espresso at 9 bar, but the cup he drank lacked crema, wich implies he is not getting to pressure. Furthermore he mentions his awarness for the fake crema in the moka pot but is aware of the illusion.
He essentially is telling us that his basketball coffee was brewed in a moka pot, that he is aware that the moka pot doesn't go to 9bars hence the lack of crema experienced in the cup. He laments his lack of espresso machine despite enjoying his cuppa. Moka is based but not espresso.
Estropress is a meme. it's a estroV902 basically a filter coffe as the plunger does fuckall to create any usefull pressure no different than a syringe. Also you estromaxx with it.

I hope you get to experience happiness one day in your life anon just so that you know how miserable your existence was.

>> No.19024549
File: 269 KB, 900x506, The_More_You_Know_0-0_screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My post would have been very different if I said
>Its about 1.5bar retard.
I'm just posting some back pocket info for his own reference.

>> No.19024582

wow she just keeps going
jealous of that flexibility

>> No.19024639
File: 2.32 MB, 1920x1080, neverforget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plump on that tiktok money.

>> No.19024694

>I hope you get to experience happiness one day in your life anon just so that you know how miserable your existence was
my existence is brighter when I look at a coffee thread and there's discussion of coffee, rather than an avatarfag. would you be happier if the thread was like 50 webms of fat gay men with an espresso machine running in the background? or exclusively videos of toddlers and kittens on the counter near containers of preground folgers, because "lol it's coffee"
if there's nothing to say, be silent

>> No.19024802

What is your go-to tiramisu recipe? I was thinking of trying it after finding my perfect coffee.

>> No.19024810

Wait another 6 months for the hoff to finish his tiramisu series

>> No.19024872

Oh speaking of recipes, Biscottinon are you still around? I saved that recipe you posted months ago and can't fucking find it now.

>> No.19024873
File: 25 KB, 458x531, 2C8F50AA-A506-473C-8617-381D6BFB69AF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the original top tier recipe from the place that invented it.


Enable subs.

Also, I had a dream where I imagined something that I would call 3 coffee tiramisù, which is a gourmet tiramisù that I would sell at my Michelin star awarded restaurant.

Picture this: some faggy design pretentious ceramic dish, there are 3 identical squares of tiramisù with some random garnishment of sorts and decorations.

So, a normal tiramisù then? No.

The savoiardi in each square of tiramisù are soaked in a different coffee, one is a light roast, the other is medium roast and the last one a dark roast, each tiramisu with its specific coffee would enhance a note, either chocolate, cocoa, vanilla, nuts and whatever.

I will ask 35€ for this and people will eagerly pay me this ridiculous amount of money for it.

>> No.19025136

Based sigma grindset goffee chef
Does the coffee really matter that much in terms of quality? People keep giving me pre ground and a nigga can only use so much cold brew.

>> No.19025154

how do ethiopians prepare their coffee?

>> No.19025193

Do you end up having to make a stronger brew? The original is chilled in the fridge overnight.

>> No.19025360

too much aeropresso

>> No.19025368
File: 2.73 MB, 3830x2872, C5CCEA84-0448-434F-A1B2-0DA15B4BE72D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope, just make a normal moka and you’re good.
Then, if you want to experiment further instead of making a big casserole of tiramisu, split it in 3-4 different containers and for each container use a different coffee or a stronger brew to dip the savoiardi in, so you’ll end with 4 tiramisu with the same recipe but different coffee profiles if this works as intended.

>pic basically related

>> No.19025375

itali is not euro
seems like some re-education is in order

>> No.19025382

sorry only gween tea!

>> No.19025391

vst cucks btfo

>> No.19025457

Only dipshits use tapered baskets.

>> No.19026082
File: 3.97 MB, 1080x1920, MegaMoka.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have completed my first brew with the MegaMoka.
It turned out pretty good, actually, which is a good thing because I have 850ml of it to drink now.
Fully loaded, the basket weighed in at 65g of coffee grounds.
Thermal management was definitely a little different. It took like 10 minutes before I had any flow, and it started sputtering more than I would like halfway through, so I'll need to work on the technique a bit.

Anyways, here's a video of it in action.

>> No.19026091

That's a 1.5L french press, btw, to help you picture the scale of this thing.

>> No.19026178

yeah that's the most annoying thing with the moka pot, getting it consistent... it's pretty much impossible if you bounce around between different types of coffee
it's why I just bit the bullet and got a machine

>> No.19026195

that grind looks a bit too fine
also please tell me im wrong but it looks like you did not put boiling water in the base?
and yeh that sputtering was nightmarish.

thanks for the video :)

>> No.19026211

Looks like he filled from a plastic brita.

>> No.19026434

what a waste.
also it could be just the size of the moka(and from using cold water) but those beans are not fresh enough, just look at the total lack of (i dont know if this is the correct word in this situation but it feels weird just calling it foam) crema at the start of the brew.
like i have beans roasted from 3 weeks ago that i grind fresh every morning (i ran out of my premium beans a bit early and had to get some from a cafe in town) and there is a ton of thick beautiful crema coming out of the funnel from start to finish. but in this video its just this black liquid almost the entire time, it looks like coke that has been left out with the top off for a couple days.

>> No.19026523

Not enough coffee. You need to ensure a seal to get pressure.

>> No.19026527

Y’all should try PBfit as a coffee creamer

>> No.19026533
File: 3.73 MB, 320x240, 1564266424523.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many grams of coffee did that need?
How long did it took to brew?
Did you drink it all?

>> No.19026623

redpill me on the clever dripper

>> No.19026632

I go to this coffee shop, and have had lattes she's made. They're very good. Since she's put up these lil videos the place is much more busy, which is good for them, but parking sucks

>> No.19026639

>have had lattes she's made
Did she stick her dick in them?

>> No.19026656

>Fully loaded, the basket weighed in at 65g of coffee grounds.
Plastic hybrid immersion dripper that uses kalita/trapezoid filters. Probably get a switch instead.

>> No.19026708


>> No.19026746

French press vs Moka pot
which one tastes better ?

>> No.19026763

Moka pot.
But french press is less of a hassle overall.

>> No.19026822

Brew a french press, then use the coffee to fill the moka pot instead of water and brew a moka.

>> No.19026850
File: 2.00 MB, 341x321, SesameStreet.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19026948

got new coffee today.
some natural process Ethiopian that smells like strong black tea which is interesting
and a washed Rwandan that smells like butternut pumpkin seeds which i have not smelled in coffee beans before.

excited to taste them tomorrow.

>> No.19026967


>> No.19027009

That's a very nice webm, anon

>> No.19027052

Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick, I have finally been entertained by that little boy.

>> No.19027056
File: 1.93 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20230309_134409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well well well, the m2 burr for my old encore arrived, lets install it and see if its worth the effort on an old mediocre grinder

>> No.19027061

Because one makes you more productive and useful to society the other one makes you more retarded and less useful.

Now I think all drugs should be legal for adults, it's your brain, your retardation. By equating weed and coffee is mega retarded.

>> No.19027078
File: 2.07 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20230309_134709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a pointless purchase. Even after 7 years of daily coffee, there are no signs of wear here

>> No.19027080

midnight cortado

>> No.19027085

how much was it.
also yeh, its just coffee beans. its not like you are grinding rocks.
BUT just because it looks the same to the naked eye it doesnt mean it is the same under a microscope or whatever.
like im sure the old burrs are "blunt" compared to the new burrs.

>> No.19027101
File: 1.84 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20230309_134905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah and thats just the outer burr, it was like 12€. I dont mind replacing it, as it has been "married" to the inner burr and when replacing one its recommended to replace both. My machine is hella dirty inside

>> No.19027104

how sore is your cranking arm

>> No.19027121

Wait the shills told me you dont get sore from "modern" hand mills

>> No.19027134
File: 60 KB, 979x1107, unbalanced.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that grind looks a bit too fine
Yeah, I agree. It's actually Bustelo.
I wanted something cheap to test with, but I thought it would be funny in the video to show how many grinders-full it would take to fill it.

>you did not put boiling water in the base
Correct. I find dark roasts usually wind up overextracted if I do that.

Like I said, it was just Bustelo.
Once I'm actually confident with the MegaMoka, I'll start actually using good beans.

Thank you!

See pic related.
In all seriousness though, it was just a bit of movie magic.
I have deceived you.

>> No.19027196

>See pic related.
>In all seriousness though, it was just a bit of movie magic.
>I have deceived you.
ha nice job

>> No.19027236
File: 1.76 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20230309_135813.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im so fucked up

>> No.19027409

Is there a way to get a larger collector for my K6?
I sometimes have to grind more than 35g of coffee when I make a larger amount with my Chemex. It would be nice if I could measure the beans, and then add them gradually to the top without having to empty the bottom. Seems like a dumb oversight to make it exactly the same size as the top bean holder.

>> No.19027455

>This was a pointless purchase
it's to upgrade the grind quality, not reset it to some initial state, no?
did you give it a try and brew some coffee?

>> No.19027476
File: 1.53 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20230309_140047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I meant the outer burr specifically was unnecessary. the inner one is different and supposedly an upgrade. Pic related a protip to unscrew the old burr without damaging it

>> No.19027517

Is the felicity arc good? I want to upgrade from my weightman because the 1kg limit is hindering me.

>> No.19027525

nice bench :)

>> No.19027532

>dark roasts
dark roasts should never be used for making coffee.
>it was all smoke and mirrors

>> No.19027536
File: 2.09 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20230309_140127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thx anon. Got this lil fucker out now, here you can see the different burr shape

>> No.19027548

oh yeah, it's good to have on hand though. I think those tabbed things are designed to fail first, sometimes breaking and throwing off alignment

>> No.19027562
File: 1.71 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20230309_141908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and Im afraid im gonna have to blueball you on the results. I got him seated and it grinds completely differently than before. I used to grind my drip on 10 or 11, and even 24 seems slightly too fine. Pretty sure this thing could grind espresso now.

Ive had 2 cups but its not dialed in yet to where I can confidently speak about the results, you are gonna have to wait a couple of days for that. Ill post again when I have tested thoroughly, I promise.

It grinds faster and sounds more healthy than the normal shrill encore gind noise but jury still out on the amount of fines

>> No.19027627
File: 114 KB, 300x300, e49da12c-4ab8-4fa4-a630-b64385a2cd2e-profile_image-300x300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I promise.

>> No.19027709

This was pointless all it does is give me a wildly different grind range, while being faster and less shrill.

>> No.19027731

What is this anon on about and impersonating me? Resident schitzo?

>> No.19027751

>Resident schitzo?
no that comment is not mine
im the other schizo.
i have been on vacation for a couple months.

>> No.19027761

These new tires look exactly like my old ones but I get better gas mileage, better traction and my car doesn't rattle any more. Fucking waste if you ask me.

>> No.19027769

Ok now im curious, where in my posts did I say the new burr is pointless? I just said its gonna be a day or two before I can say exactly how my pourover has changed/benefitted

>> No.19027777


>> No.19027781

Nice get, sorry about the retardation though

>> No.19027793

Quick question. Why do you think they sell flat burrs in pairs?

>> No.19027804

I'm about to buy a french press and my first bag of a normal coffee, I've been drinking instnat shite until now. What do I get? I used to drink like 2.5 tsp of instant coffee, black. I'm seeing plenty of Lavazza coffee, which one should I get?

>> No.19027869

kinggrinder k6
light or medium roast from local roaster

>> No.19028024

You're the bozo who bought that isomac huh?

>> No.19028027

don't go the aeropress route. you'll be a faggot within the year, unless you're into that.
Stick to the french press, and look for local roasters in your area, or look up craft roasters that will mail you beans.

>> No.19028078
File: 166 KB, 500x500, 1649865630602225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought a french press, some shitty grinder I'll probably upgrade sometime later and pic related, they had it on sale for 12 eurobucks . I already have a digital scale. Can't be worse than drinking that instant Jacobs shite I was drinking until now.

>> No.19028118

>Bought a french press, some shitty grinder I'll probably upgrade sometime later and pic related, they had it on sale for 12 eurobucks.
I'm proud of you anon. Enjoy the goffee voyage..

>> No.19028128
File: 359 KB, 800x1200, 1661175105896907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think of the cuties you'll attract once you're in the aeropress gang

>> No.19028173
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Did someone say aeropress cuties?

>> No.19028619
File: 1.28 MB, 1068x1764, 1678397649319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's unironically grocery store brand medium roast coffee.
Fuck third wave expensive shit.

>> No.19028649

Sad that slurping so many pussy juice makes girls fat.

>> No.19028663

Third wave shit is like paying $1 more for the producer and charging double for the consumer.

I would like to see someone to do a site to producers sell directly to the consumer without the "roaster" middle man.

>> No.19028664

I wouldn't have sex with any of the women in this picture

>> No.19028670
File: 254 KB, 1869x2048, https __pbs.twimg.com_media_FX1JhFEUEAEl30v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unfathomably based

>> No.19028760

>I would like to see someone to do a site to producers sell directly to the consumer without the "roaster" middle man.
RIP Green Coffee Co-op. You can try green coffee buying club but I haven't put in an order there yet.

>> No.19028794

there's probably a way to use coffee liqueur and burn off the alcohol but I'm too lazy to look it up

>> No.19028835

The problem with "medium" roast coffee from the grocery store is that they generally are not medium roast.

>> No.19028954

>Cold as fuck today
>job interview went terribly
>pass by my favorite cafe back home and have an americano
>Coffee is my only comfort

>> No.19028984

at least you tried, anon

>> No.19029241
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The one I buy is.
No oil on the beans, still a bit of chaff. It just werks on my BDB.
I used to buy (((third wave))) stuff but it was expensive and really worth it.
>Pilot, Hatch, etc.

>> No.19029246
File: 16 KB, 945x405, 1677998433907610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beer cheese sauce, bourbon caramel and other sauces brought to a boil and then removed from the heat typically retain about 85 percent of the alcohol.
>Diane, cherries jubilee and other recipes that flame the alcohol may still have 75 percent of the alcohol.

>> No.19029267

so is putting spices in coffee a meme for old ladies? just a way to make shitty coffee less shit?
i tried cloves and allspice with a blend im just trying to get rid of and just a single clove wasnt bad

>> No.19029274

may as well just add a shot of alcohol and call it a cocktail

>> No.19029287

you're making coffee, not soup. good coffee doesn't need herbs and spices. in fact no coffee needs herbs and spices. if the coffee is so bad that you need to mask how bad it is then it isn't worth drinking.

>> No.19029294

i mean good coffee arguably doesnt need anything but people still put stuff in it

>> No.19029306

that doesn't make it right

>> No.19029316

fair enough

>> No.19029354

I used to drink the great Canadian and loved it. Maybe I should revisit it.

>> No.19029370
File: 27 KB, 127x106, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic of the beans because this doesn't look medium.


>> No.19029449

>just a way to make shitty coffee less shit
pretty much

>> No.19029568

Why is French press coffee I make always too bitter regardless of the grind size, water heat, steep time or type of bean?

>> No.19029639

Oh, go be a snob somewhere else.
Coffee is good on it's own, but it also pairs well with spices, and sometimes the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts.
Cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cacao are all traditional spices to add to coffee.

>> No.19029784
File: 935 KB, 644x644, 1674965026923734.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go be a snob somewhere else

>> No.19029827

its pre ground anon...

>> No.19029832

bad coffee makes you comfortable?

>> No.19029833
File: 221 KB, 1440x1080, 1660354155730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19029837

>so is putting spices in coffee a meme for old ladies?

>> No.19029874

try the hoffman method

>> No.19030190

anyone use a 1ZPRESSO hand grinder for espresso? I just got a machine and I'm wondering how much finer I should go on my grinder settings

>> No.19030271

me here >>19030190
I found a good video about it if anyone was also wondering:

>> No.19030322
File: 43 KB, 540x360, cinnamon roll with coffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, and cacao are all traditional spices to add to coffee.
that's why people have a cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, or cacao pastry/doughnut with their coffee. but the spice doesn't go IN the coffee. it should only compliment the coffee.

you are, of course, permitted to dunk your cinnamon doughnut into your coffee.

>> No.19030345

Ethiopians and Turks have been adding that shit to their coffee for centuries, get off your high horse.

>> No.19030355

stop making things up to justify your poverty

>> No.19030358

imagine being so poor that you can't afford quality coffee making equipment

>> No.19030372 [DELETED] 

fat (butter, coconut oil, etc)

>> No.19030375



>fat (butter, coconut oil, etc)

>> No.19030395

Mocha (Coffee + Cacao) originated in Ethiopia, and Turkish coffee with cardamon is about as classic as you can get.

>> No.19030399

[citation needed]

>> No.19030416

Great Canadian is good value too imo. I like it but I slightly prefer the orange box.
I stole an image from Google. I get the whole beans. I have a specialita.

>> No.19030443
File: 53 KB, 856x434, pants on head retarded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mocha (Coffee + Cacao) originated in Ethiopia

>The name is derived from the city of Mocha, Yemen, which was one of the centres of early coffee trade.
>a chocolate-flavoured warm beverage that is a variant of a caffè latte (Italian)

>> No.19030577

And where did Mocha, Yemen get their coffee from?
That's right, Ethiopia.
Lots of goods are named after their port of origin, rather than their actual geographic origin.

>> No.19030584

are you seriously this retarded?

obviously you are if you can't make a decent cup of coffee. you need to put a fuckton of herbs and spices in it just to try and mask how shitty it is. it must suck being you.

>> No.19030592 [DELETED] 

but in this case the variation of coffee called a "mocha" coffee is named after it's place of origin. a town named mocha in yemen. i've already told you this but it doesn't seem to be sinking in. do you have a learning disability?

>> No.19030703

>No actual argument, just resorts to name calling.
I bet my coffee isn't half as bitter as you are.

>> No.19030707
File: 368 KB, 1109x1109, 1639263098722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ground cafe du monde (or preferred coffee. Cheaper coffees require no cold brew hot bloom and can be directly cold brewed).
>Star anise (~2 pods/1 teaspoon),
>Vanilla extract,
>Cloves (2-4 cloves to taste; you can always add more at the end but you can't take away!),
>Cinnamon (about 1/2 to 1 stick, or, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon ground),
>Ginger (4 teaspoons),
>Nutmeg (1 teaspoon. Remember that nutmeg is sweet and you're adding sweetened milk, this recipe makes 4 servings!) to taste,
>1/4 cup coconut cream (NOT CREAM OF COCONUT, that is sweetened), 1/4 cup sweetened condensed milk (total, so 1/16 cup or 1 tablespoon per drink, of each),

Cold brew, hot bloom your coffee: pour about 1.5 cups of hot water over the grounds, shove your spices and vanilla in while it's still hot, allow to bloom for 30 seconds, then pour over the rest of your water. Let steep in the fridge or at room temp--covered, obviously--overnight. Let those flavors get to know eachother and mingle. You can add your 1/2 cup coconut cream and 1/2 cup S.C. milk now, or 1/16 cup each, per drink, when you are serving it. I prefer now.

Take that bitch out, filter it through a fine meshed sieve. Drink it.

>> No.19030734

how about you eyeball the weight of your commingled low-altitude low-grade beans, roast them unevenly in a pan over a fire, grind them with a rock, and make cowboy coffee
bro it's the way people have been doing it for thousands of years, you can't expect anything better or have any standards

>> No.19030888

Man I wonder what he thinks of this place now

>> No.19030893

I use a JX Pro for espresso in a Picopresso when I'm away, and occasionally at home when I'm running two beans at once etc. It's genuinely not bad. You might find that the steps aren't fine enough to dial in but varying the dose by about 0.2g after you've got the grind as close as you can usually gets me sorted out. 16.5-17g of medium roast for espresso usually takes me about 35-45 seconds.

>> No.19030894
File: 1.54 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20230310_085404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delicious brew this morning, but worth the hassle? ...maybe, if you like tinkering like me, but id be hard pressed to say this is a needed or even recommended upgrade

>> No.19031000

what place.

>> No.19031004

The Four Chins

>> No.19031006

didnt you say it was $12?
sounds pretty cheap.
you could replace them every year.
sounds like a bargain.

>> No.19031012

Total coat with shipping was like 60€, the outer burr was 12 yes. But when judging the results I was thinking bore about the effort involved to source the parts and take apart the machine. Burrs dont need to be replaced every year, I wasnt replacing a worn part, I was changing to a different style of burr

>> No.19031070
File: 1008 KB, 1079x649, Screenshot from 2023-03-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waterbrain here. So pic rel is normal and not wear?

>> No.19031079

do you really think beans could get such an even wear on all sides, with a machine like surface?

>> No.19031081

Yeah the one you marked is stock encore and supposed to look like that. The replacement burr is different and supposedly more capable

>> No.19031098

Because im slow i thought the was trying to grind for turkish or stale espresso and the burrs touched at the top. The burrs looked similar at first glance except for the points of the hexagram. Almost all burrs i've seen, granted i haven't seen many, had points like the left burr hence my shit presumption. I'm slow but not to enough the point of thinking it was beans.

Thanks anon. Enjoy your rejuvenated grinder.

>> No.19031207

i kinda wonder with how chipped the top of the burr is, where do the metallic pieces go? probably just went in with the coffee grounds one day

>> No.19031208

Aeropress is an incomplete product.

>> No.19031213

What is it missing?

>> No.19031235

What the prismo adds. You can get by with the inverted method but the paper filter is a bit finicky when tightening the cap. Can be fixed with a metal filter holding down the paper though.

>> No.19031304

a gallon of horse semen.

>> No.19031470 [DELETED] 

What is the best method for using a french press?

>> No.19031482

How much coffee (in grams) do you drink per day?

>> No.19031511

Can somebody recommend a good recipe for french presses?
Not entirely convinced of Hoffmann's method.

>> No.19031534

coffee in
heat water, throw it in
stir it
wait a bit less than five minutes
poke all the floating crap so it sinks to the bottom
let shit settle and then plunge

*On plunging:
If you jam the plunger right into the grounds you'll stir up fines and it'll end up in your cup.
If you don't plunge far enough you end up with a bunch of water trapped between the plunger and the grounds. Too much of it and toward the end of your pour the seal will break and it'll evacuate kicking up a whole lot of fines and they'll all end up in your cup. So you want to really gently get very close to the bed of grounds without hitting it to get the sweet spot.

Start with like 16g for a one cup french french press (you're throwing like 350ml of water in).

>> No.19031684

It hasn't really changed much from the moment he left.

>> No.19031722

very nice. I can't seem to get my shots as viscous

>> No.19031728

18-20g. 18 if espresso, 20 for pourover

>> No.19031739

maybe ck but overall it's gotten a lot more political and a lot dumber. The mainstream attention killed any sort of nuanced discussion

>> No.19031764

2 6 cup moka each day.
each dose on average is around 25g

>> No.19031785

>be me
>coffee pleb
>decide to stop into local coffee roasters to buy some beenz for the first time
>dunno what to to get
>just get house blend
>make a cup as soon as I get back
>dis gon be good
>it tastes like mould
Bros what the fuck? The guy said caramel flavour which I can taste on the aftertaste, but the main flavour is mould. Did I fall for the artisan roaster meme? He said he roasted it yesterday.

>> No.19031800
File: 474 KB, 1080x1080, 1678464132669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he fell for the third wave coffee meme

>> No.19031802

it could be the prep or it could be the beenz -once you get into specialty blends you can find some pretty weird flavors that are wildly different from what you might expect from your regular starbucks or folgers. Try a different brewing method and if you still don't like it give a few other blends a chance before you make up your mind completely.

>> No.19031806

>house blend
aka shit they picked up off the floor.
also for fucks sake give us more details on how you made the coffee
>local roaster meme
i bet it wasnt even roasted this month.

>> No.19031819

i bought some coffee a while back that was some fermented anaerobic natural process light roast.
cost $50
tasted like the smell of the loo at music festival at the end of the day.
took 1 sip and poured the rest out and dumped the bag.
never again.

>> No.19031833

yea that sounds like ass but i've had coffee that tasted like fruit juice and some that's tasted like hazelnuts. Same with a lot of tea some of the most expensive pu-ehr tastes like mildew so not everything is for everyone you just gotta find what you like .

>> No.19031848

>fruit juice

>> No.19031880

Hmm ok I’ll try Hoffmanns french press method next and see what happens.

Good point. He had the lil roaster spinning away at the back of his shop so he obviously does it himself but now I think about it you’re probably right about him roasting it ages ago. The beans don’t look mouldy though.
I weighed out 13 grams and ground them fine-ish I guess in my tmore c3. Then brewed it with my cheap ‘espresso’ machine. The beans I get from Lidl taste fine using that method.

>> No.19032009

some beans just taste weird.
i wouldn't write off all specialty coffee from this experience.

my favorite beans are ones my mum and sister hate the smell of.
different strokes and all that.

>> No.19032027

>I just got a machine and I'm wondering how much finer I should go on my grinder settings
Depends on how many bars of pressure your machine puts out. If it's 9, the standard espresso, you should be fine. If its more than 10 bars of pressure, you'll need to go finer.

>> No.19032102

Another day, another poorfag who doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.19032146

What is her name?

>> No.19032200

Another day, another poorfag who doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.19032260

I put cinnamon in coffee during winter, and enjoy it very much.

>> No.19032393

there's nothing to argue about. you're just making things up to try and be right but the reality is that nothing you can say will change the fact that your burnt coffee taste like shit so you have to add flavouring.

my coffee will always be better than your coffee cocktail

>> No.19032454

Post whatever shit coffee you're brewing.

>> No.19032482


>conical burrs

>> No.19032490

do americans really drink soy sauce with cake?

>> No.19032523

No you don't understand. He's a tinkerer. Only the mechanically inclined could service such a finely tuned machine like the baratza encore.

>> No.19032534


>Which is better flat or conical burr grinder?
Generally speaking, flat burrs are more consistent and more expensive. Depending on the model, they can also be noisy and, unless there is good ventilation, heat up quickly. In contrast, most conical burrs are quieter, cooler, and cheaper, but less consistent.12 May 2020

>> No.19032560

actually thats Worcestershire sauce

>> No.19032668

My cones are much better than an m2 encore. My flats are much better than my cones.

>> No.19032678

How do we fund the CCP enough so they can give us cheap flat grinders?

>> No.19032727

They've already done it. DF64/83. Made by Zhejiang Feilai(or "FLcoffee") and rebranded to turin/g-iota/whatever the fuck you want if you're importing and reselling.

>> No.19032751
File: 1.79 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_20230310_224919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is this better it rattles like crazy and no noticable reduction in fines

>> No.19032831
File: 3.30 MB, 2953x2767, 20230310_161635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my decaf beans from a local roaster
I don't feel so good

>> No.19032836

drink it pussy

>> No.19032841
File: 145 KB, 368x478, 1521950313855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you brew it? did you just dropped a scoup on your mr coffee machine?

>> No.19032844
File: 1.58 MB, 3000x4000, 20230310_162421.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shhh it's brewing

>> No.19032848

50mm eureka burrs?

>> No.19032915

ahh bitter and roasted to shit.

>> No.19032926

Clean your fucking grinder.

>> No.19032943

>he didnt get the memo
we dark roast now, check any coffee influencer

>> No.19032984

its not that dirty tho?
really? i dont follow hoff or other coffee people. I just grind, drink and shitpost here

>> No.19033017

It came with all that oil and buildup in/on your adjustment?

>> No.19033032

there's bound to be buildup on the adjustment since that where you load it up bro.
plus its not even that bad. I will not clean it right now.

>> No.19033142
File: 1.62 MB, 3024x4032, 1678489555100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's filthy. Clean it. You're not 'seasoning' a mokapot.

>> No.19033157

No. I WILL not clean it in its current state.

>> No.19033212
File: 132 KB, 800x600, Moka-Pot-with-Patina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not that dirty tho?

>> No.19033436

>coffee influencer

>> No.19033594

Hmmmgh benissimo! Just like how nonna kept it as she beat me with the wooden spoon.

>> No.19033666
File: 2.69 MB, 1920x1080, twg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't know why you dipshits listen to the wired gourmet
>Really fluffy grounds there, just ignore the clumps

>> No.19034073

No thanks, Satan, I'll keep chasing microclumps

>> No.19034148

>struggle with new coffee beans channeling inside my moka pot all week after going coarser, the brew itself tastes fine if a bit too acid
>try going finer
>tastes really harsh and burnt, expect it to have channeled again
>no channeling, it even hisses as I unscrew it from how good the seal was, the leftover water at the bottom was clear
What did he mean by this

>> No.19034163

Looks good to me, just tamp

Coffee is sour and bitter, dont watch ao much youtube

>> No.19034290

do I have to be a fat dyke on tiktok to use one of these?

>> No.19034296

drink bleach faggot.

>> No.19034301

If I want to wake and bake I'll just smoke a joint with a cuppa before a shower, like my father and his father before him.

>> No.19034302

>he doesnt macroclump

>> No.19034308

list every step of your moka brewing process
i am 100% sure you are doing it wrong.
also we cant see the grounds you have so we cant really tell you finer or coarser.

>> No.19034312

i put my moka pot in the dishwasher and now my coffee tastes like stainless steel again. i forgot why i never washed it. oh well.

>> No.19034341
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Its a log vape and espresso kind of night. Drawing up the wiring for a new roaster and I need to be in the right headspace.

>> No.19034371

I'm this anon. Just tried my first real cuppa made in a french press. It could be a bit stronger. I used 400 ml of water and about 20 grams of coffee. How much more coffee should I use?

>> No.19034381

Try a ~1:14 ratio. You're way off that. 30g to 400ml.

>> No.19034389

this is ragebait
there is no way you are actually this mentally retarded.

>> No.19034399

This is /ctg/ - we midiclumps here

>> No.19035246
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Ever put the tamp in your butt? Be honest

>> No.19035483
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Just got a shipment of Coffee Mate powdered creamer 56oz. Feeling comfy.

>> No.19035494

i wash my work boots in the dishwasher

>> No.19035495
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Show me your bubbles. Bitch!

>> No.19035500
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Origami BTW

>> No.19035514

Fucking unbased

>> No.19035517

thanks for letting us know Michael Scott

>> No.19035636


>> No.19035642

Aka the highway bypass

>> No.19035810

Post yours then

>> No.19036146

She has a husband. Motherfucker bones this little flexible woman.

>> No.19036165

My wife does too, but they have tits and ass, so it's good combo.

>> No.19036169
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Well ok. Still had some espresso water in my kettle from last night. I call it gamispressoception.

>> No.19036574

Ginger and nutmeg are great so long as there isn't so much that it overpowers the taste of the coffee itself, imo

>> No.19036662

what are the hario switch alternatives?

>> No.19036673
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Wow that's beautiful!
Gami gang 4 L!

>> No.19036747

clever dripper, glass clever dripper, discontinued bonavita porcelain dripper, and that's about it

>> No.19036748

The nintendo switch

>> No.19036756

Goat story gina if you want to pay $200 for a shitty integrate scale.

>> No.19036806



>> No.19036864

I think I saw a review for this and it was dogshit

>> No.19036883
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How do I remove these oxidation (?) spots from the inside of my moka pot?

>> No.19036909

barkeeper's friend?

>> No.19036940

Nope, not on aluminium.

>> No.19036974
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>> No.19037098

Tried a Rwandan for the first time today. When it hit my lips the first thing I thought of was curry for some reason. This is fucking wild

>> No.19037131
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I kept your reply in mind when doing today's brew and kept note of everything I do in quantifiable terms.
1) Here's a picture of my grounds, at 80 clicks in my k4 which is same as I did yesterday on my first post.
2) I use 120 ml as per the manual that came with the pot, hot from the tap since I live by a lake and the water tastes good straight from the tap. It was 150 F (65.5 C) coming off of the tap.
3) Screwed it and placed it on medium heat, yesterday I set it on my stove's "6" but today I went back to my baseline of "7", idk how to measure that but it's basically one setting under "high".
4) I pull it out at the first loud whistle. I usually just pour it immediately rather than pour cold water on the boiler bc I figure that's faster. I thought you'd criticize that so I poured cold water over the boiler today, it felt longer than me pouring it immediately.
5) The final yield was 60 ml, with 10-15 of foam on top. So 120 ml in, 60 ml out. That's what it usually is always.

The end result was very intense in the cup but very mellow and tasty in my usual latte. I like sipping it first to find how I did and then add the milk to drink it slowly during the morning. Yesterday it tasted harsh and burnt even after the milk.

>> No.19037227
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This is how it looked once it cooled down and I put it apart for cleaning. Does it mean it channeled? I'm a tastelet and a noob so it's entirely possible I ruined the brew I outlined above, and can't tell.

>> No.19037297

Rinse it with coffee and let it season.

>> No.19037580

bro that pic is making my head spin.
feels like one of those optical illusions where the picture moves.
first off i am assuming you are using a bialetti style filter.
that looks a bit too coarse to me.
>I use 120 ml as per the manual
the ml doesnt matter as long as it touches the bottom of the pressure release valve no more no less.
of course it is good to measure water anyway but i wouldn't just go off a specific ml.
>(65.5 C) coming off of the tap.
better than cold but not good enough, it needs to be straight off the boil for optimal results.

are you using an electric or gas stove, sorry but those numbers dont mean anything to me.
and yes gas vs electric/induction does matter.
>I pull it out at the first loud whistle
no no no.
a perfect moka brew should be totally silent.
no spurts, no gurgles, and absolutely no fucking whistling
>The final yield was 60 ml
given everything i have just read this is the most surprising part. that seems really really low.
you are using a standard 6 cup moka pot correct?
>foam on top
please for the love of fuck dont tell me you are using one of those dogshit Moka Brikka

>> No.19037592

sorry i didnt see this picture when i was replying.
if you are curious about how the puck performed you should tap it out onto a plate or something and use a knife to gently take it apart and touch the different sections to see if some are wetter than others, this can give you some insight on if you have channeling or not.
maybe its just the light or the beans or something but it looks like it is dryer on the side closest to the camera.

>> No.19037628
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Why is Melitta ignored or almost despised by coffee snobs??

There's no "Ultimate Melitta Technique" by Hoffmann, for example.

>> No.19037651

why bother.
i already melodrip over my lilydrip over my origami

>> No.19037681

Look at him schiz.

>> No.19037684

Their paper filters are dirt cheap compared to V60.

>> No.19037836

See >>19037797

>> No.19037900

once it starts pouring out the top, try taking it off the heat to slow the flow. if slows down too much, put it back on the stove partly.
try to stop the brew before it whistles (?) or spurts out that last bit of water.
i get about 90-105ml out of 140ml with a 3-cup.

>> No.19037928
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>bro that pic is making my head spin

>> No.19037935

it's good form to wait until like archive to make a new thread for a general, we're not at image limit or anything

>> No.19037958

Nah, wait until page 10 and link the new one here.

>> No.19037961

it's good form to wait until like tomorrow to make a new thread for a general, we're not at image limit or anything

>> No.19038085

Yeah, it's a brikka. I got it bc it brews at a slightly higher pressure than the normal model. I'll try going a bit finer.
Thanks for the tip, I'll try that too.

>> No.19038113

wired gourmet did some videos on the brikka.
also he did 2 good videos on the moka.

im not a fan of his off and on approach to temp control but with an electric you dont have much choice.
also its good to look at the message and not exactly the content of the videos.
he can do some weird stuff with his techniques.

>> No.19038248
