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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 281 KB, 350x370, Screenshot 2023-03-08 at 21.28.40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19024446 No.19024446 [Reply] [Original]

british food is shi-

>> No.19024475

ploughmans lunch is good. ploughmans sandwich looks questionable. far better to just take it apart as intended

>> No.19024481

That might be decent if it wasn't in a sweatbox. Can't stand Brit bread either.

>> No.19024483

Is this supposed to refute that argument?

>> No.19024485
File: 61 KB, 580x580, 3ADBFE73-921E-48F1-9776-67661A43D47A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of Limburger sandwiches.

>> No.19024530

Apart from the shitty oil based spread that looks good and hearty. Nice bread roll, slab of cheddar and some onion for bite. Imagine going for a hike for a couple hours, finding a spot with a view and a log to set on, and pulling that out. Heaven.

>> No.19024543

It looks like something you'd slide under door to a child molester in solitary.

>> No.19024560

When used in relation to food this word is synonymous with shit

>> No.19024615


>> No.19024634

At least it's not boiled in unsalted water, from the looks of it.

>> No.19024641

Bonus points for the cancer wrap

>> No.19024657

Southern Netherlands, East Belgium, North Germany
>Rye bread
Southern Germany
>700 km apart
Who came up with this nonsense?

>> No.19024870

That was me, sorry.

>> No.19024874

WTF is salad cream???

>> No.19024879

It's like ranch but more like mayo.

>> No.19024895

Hmm surprised it’s not a thing in America very curious

>> No.19024945

That's probably what miracle whip is, bit mayo on a salad just sounds disgusting

>> No.19025647

>salad cream
My nigga WHAT lmaooo

>> No.19025714

Was watching a YouTube video from britbongs, brand new. They had never heard of ranch dressing or blue cheese dressing. Holy fuck it's 2023. What the fuck is going on in that muslim shithole?

>> No.19025739

>salad cream
is this shopped?

>> No.19025753

for me, it’s the bacon butty, or cheese and pickle

>> No.19025960


so is shit like this, beans on toast, chip butty, that fuckin bread sandwich actually real?

>> No.19025967

Someone who lived after trains were invented?

>> No.19025978
File: 1.51 MB, 1080x1547, Screenshot_20230308-105244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one account has done the most damage to the British nation since the Blitz

>> No.19025982
File: 143 KB, 1500x1000, best-fish-and-chips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fish and chips and a pint in the pub you pooftas

>> No.19025993
File: 26 KB, 561x202, Toast-Sandwiches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19025997
File: 1.06 MB, 1000x1000, capps pub fries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always liked these as a bar snack

>> No.19025999
File: 410 KB, 1080x1668, crop_9540_Screenshot_2023-03-09-08-46-27-497_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently have got my hands on the Core cookbook and can conclude British haut cuisine restaurants are quite good.
Pleb shit like fish n chips is still meh.

>> No.19026009

Give recipe show us something good, why so vague?

>> No.19026014

Sounds like it came from Scotland

>> No.19026043

I haven't read whole book, but suppose it has recipes from all British isles.

>> No.19027195

>hot dog
kek, are brits really fucking retarded?

>> No.19027198

so it's basically a deathbed or prison recipe, makes sense

>> No.19027377

It's hardly a "British" recipe though.

>> No.19027633

Tell me you're supposed to broil these sandwiches, for god's sake

>> No.19027689
File: 69 KB, 781x365, heinz-salad-cream-overview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's light salad dressing, based on vinegar and oil with mustard and egg yolk, but watered down and thickened back to a sauce consistency with starch. It's much more strongly vinegar flavoured than mayo and I assume miracle whip. I've seen mayo and miracle whip used in quirky cake recipes, but you'd have to be insane to use salad cream like that.

>> No.19027699

Here's a classic ad for it.

>> No.19027706

dis nigga eatin' rape

>> No.19027726

Damn, that does sound good actually. I think I need to make this happen.

>> No.19027792

Huh. Seems pretty decent and surprisingly chemical free. Unexpected from Heinz

>> No.19027904

If you want to DIY, just make mayonnaise, but hard boil the eggs.

>> No.19028472

>here's a product for people who eat mystery food their gf left under the covers last week
Who approved this ad?

>> No.19028483

americans would serve this exact thing but with a smear of brown mustard and you wouldn't be able to question it without them clapping up a storm to drown you out

british people do it and they mock our country for generations

>> No.19028694

A fucking cheese and onion bap with salad cream? You're taking the piss, right?

>> No.19028695

Americans would put meat on it, or grill it. No American would eat a cold cheese and onion sandwich

>> No.19028710

How is it not? Everything in her restaurants is grown in the British Isles. Or do you mean it's not one of the 5 British dishes you've heard of?

>> No.19028718
File: 114 KB, 1000x1209, cheese-and-onion-sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No American would eat a cold cheese and onion sandwich
Don't they have these in American shops?

>> No.19028721

British Heinz is good. Rest of the world gets the shitty version

>> No.19028766

Nope, how is it made?

>> No.19028795

Oh, I dunno, our lack of wasabi plantations perhaps? It's fusion at which we excel. Our traditional food, I won't say "cuisine" because it's not, is truly shit tier though.

>> No.19028905

I love how you think these are the same sandwich, reaching much Nigel?

>> No.19028911

Cheddar, red leicester, red onion and spring onion. Grate the cheese, finely chop the onions and mix it all with mayonnaise.

>> No.19028939

id eat that

>> No.19028943

No, I've never seen a cheese and onion sandwich anywhere.
The cheapest sandwiches here are typically ham/american cheese with mayo.
Or for poverty children that can't pay for a lunch, american cheese on a bun.

>> No.19028944

id eat that too

>> No.19028972

yeah, and scotland is a part of britain. the scottish are british. genetically, theyre identical to the english, who you keep referring to as british

>> No.19029043

The most shit take possible

>> No.19029053

best food item itt

>> No.19029072

It was genius really. Most of this country has experienced a hungover slice of cold pizza with salad cream, somehow exactly what you need to settle the initial torment when you drag yourself out of bed after really overdoing it, and it makes you remember that sensation of relief.

>> No.19029080

I hope you get locked up and the guard loses the key

>> No.19029124

>red leicester
That's gonna be hard to find, but I'll try, thanks

>> No.19029312

>genetically, theyre identical to the english
Lol no. Some people are so distinctly Celtic you can tell them apart on sight. Scotland is part of Britain though, and people really should learn the difference. It would be like calling all Spanish people Castilians or something.

>> No.19029351

Thats just because Scotland is famous for great salmon and langoustines. And this is just a random unknown dish

>> No.19029392

How did you read that and think it said "they are the same sandwich"? Are you ESL or just retarded?
It doesn't have to be those specific cheeses, those are just what you'll typically find in the mass produced ones.

>> No.19029628

I'm more surprised by the garlic mayo hiding behind it.

>> No.19029653


No. Maybe in like one city with only 200k people they make that. No idea where you heard of that. Can you explain?

>> No.19029759

OK, I'll try it with Colby, then, thanks!
Mm, cheese sammy

>> No.19029776

The only thing I think of when I think of Scotland food is the munchy box.

>> No.19029891
File: 170 KB, 720x900, cheese-and-onion-sandwich-filler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can you explain?
They are the cheapest and most ubiquitous sandwich in the UK, and they are full of cheese. I never met an American who didn't like cheese, so I assumed they would have them too.
Should work fine, but you might have to adjust the amounts a bit to get it right. If you feel the "sting" of the onion, it needs more cheese.

>> No.19030049

>munchy box
That is just drunk food. Your blood alcohol content has to be over 0.15% to contemplate it.

>> No.19030386
File: 1005 KB, 3024x4032, faggots_and_mushy_peas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make all prison cooks British
>reoffending rate drops substantially
Sounds like a plan.

>> No.19030406

*rapes n sneeds ur mouth* Heh. Nothin' personnel.

>> No.19030863

What do you call that bread that has the swirls in it?

>> No.19030882

the fuck am i looking at here?

>> No.19030896
File: 3.24 MB, 3504x2336, Haggis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is responsible for this? I like it, I just hear different countries claim it

>> No.19030901

there you go anon

>> No.19030925
File: 532 KB, 2500x1668, full-english-7355w-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cousin lives in London went to visit very cool place, saw all the touristy stuff, tried not to get hit crossing the street(always looked the wrong way)
Went to pub was awesome got hammered, woke up next day, we need breakfast went out and got one of these, picrel
great experience all around

>> No.19030937

that's disgusting i want 3

>> No.19030939

what the FVCK

>> No.19030960
File: 65 KB, 720x405, Robert-Burns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face,
Great Chieftain o’ the Puddin-race!
Aboon them a’ ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm:
Weel are ye wordy of a grace
As lang ‘s my arm.

The groaning trencher there ye fill,
Your hurdies like a distant hill,
Your pin wad help to mend a mill
In time o’ need,
While thro’ your pores the dews distil
Like amber bead.

His knife see Rustic-labour dight,
An’ cut ye up wi’ ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like onie ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm-reekin, rich!

Then, horn for horn, they stretch an’ strive:
Deil tak the hindmost, on they drive,
Till a’ their weel-swall’d kytes belyve
Are bent like drums;
Then auld Guidman, maist like to rive,
Bethankit hums.

Is there that owre his French ragout,
Or olio that wad staw a sow,
Or fricassee wad mak her spew
Wi’ perfect sconner,
Looks down wi’ sneering, scornfu’ view
On sic a dinner?

Poor devil! see him owre his trash,
As feckless as a wither’d rash,
His spindle shank a guid whip-lash,
His nieve a nit;
Thro’ bluidy flood or field to dash,
O how unfit!

But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,
The trembling earth resounds his tread,
Clap in his walie nieve a blade,
He’ll make it whissle;
An’ legs, an’ arms, an’ heads will sned,
Like taps o’ thrissle.

Ye Pow’rs wha mak mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill o’ fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware
That jaups in luggies;
But, if ye wish her gratefu’ prayer,
Gie her a Haggis!

>> No.19030979

>Can't stand Brit bread either.
If you mean that style of shitty mass manufactured bread roll then I fully understand, between that and the awful loaves most people buy I struggle to understand how anyone can even eat sandwiches in this country.
Anglo football stadiums aren't exactly the epitome of our culinary tradions mate.

>> No.19031010

American here, I've had a cheese and onion roll before and they're actually fantastic. The only thing that's on them is butter, onion, and usually a nice mature cheddar (thickly sliced). The rolls are much softer and lighter than your average hamburger bun. Great for a quick lunch and the flavors work really well together.

>> No.19031021
File: 155 KB, 800x800, Beef-Stew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beans on toast, chip butty
Those were luxury foods where I grew up. Usually we got boiled eggs for breakfast and beef stew for lunch.

>> No.19031147

A swirled, rolled, or marble(d) rye.

>> No.19031171

I eat these twice a week and have since I was a child

>> No.19031187

>Anglo football stadiums aren't exactly the epitome of our culinary tradions mate.
they are something far more sinister. It's like some sort of modern artist purposfully using bad technique to question art, but with food.
I'm fine with english food, it's actually lovely and well suited to the climate.
But you always end up finding some of these chippies or snack bar places, often around stadiums or train stations, that not only confirm many memes about anglo cuisine but also seem to go out of their way to deliver the shittiest product possible. Like that's actually what they were going for: not the cheapest product, not the quickest to prepare product, but the shittiest product they could make. It's astounding. Just look at the "hot dog" in >>19025978
and tell me this isn't the work of someone that wanted to make the shittiest hot dog possible

>> No.19031189

zoomie using nigger speech
Try going out in the real world and looking at real food

>> No.19031197

>cheese and onion cob.
I love sald cream so Id have it with or without.
Literally had stilton and onion snadwiches today for lunch

>> No.19031204

Football scran is hit and miss, Some places you get literal dogshit, others a pleasant suprise of delight.
I cant walk past a burger van if I get a whiff of fried onions though, its like an adiction

>> No.19031242

>They had never heard of <things specific to my location and culture>
No fucking way anon, really? Amazing, thank you for your insight.

>> No.19031244

You can also add some Stilton (not too much).

>> No.19031254

Gives you heart disease and cancer as well as tasting like shit. What's not to love?

>> No.19031258

>Gives you heart disease and cancer

>> No.19031259

Grilled sausage & bacon, dry fried black pudding, Grilled tomato, cooked beans mushrooms fried with egg.

Im pretty sure this is far healthier than 99% of American shyte.

>> No.19031282


The first use of the word haggis and a recipe that fits, is from an English 15th century cookbook, though the idea of chopping up spare offal and stuffing in casing so you can carry it around is so ancient noone can know what is its actual origin.

>> No.19031287


Yes anon, bacon, sausages, eggs, beans and mushrooms are all well known for tasting like shit.

>> No.19031300

There is a regional difference, I've found it to often be called cheese savoury in the north. Which I think actually sometimes has carrot in it and rarely anything green, as you'd expect.

>> No.19031301

That looks mostly ok but has tiny cuck black pudding. Also feels like something is missing but I can't tell what from a quick glance.

>> No.19031305

Toast/fried bread. Also a cuppa.
Dont fucking say hash browns.

>> No.19031307

Any asshole can make a full english. I have that in my fridge. They fed that to the peasants so they could man the copper and tin mines before they collapsed. It's a torture food. So.. enjoy.

>> No.19031313

Indeed the are. Even the stench of them is sickening. Slop for mongs.

>> No.19031315

>Toast/fried bread.
I was going to say that at first too but it's visible at the top. A bit wankery to keep it separate but not terrible.
>Also a cuppa.
Ah, that might be it.

>Dont fucking say hash browns.
Personally I like them on a full english but not so much with the other variants that come with something potato-based already as in scotland or a heavy bread like the irish prefer. However I'll agree they're non-traditional.

>tomatoes in your fridge

>> No.19031317


Yes anon. You're so cool and above it all. Please regale us with what foods you think taste good.

>> No.19031321

I don't eat processed animal fodder.

>> No.19031323

aha I missed it sorry. Although it looks like theres a beer. Probably Stella.
Im not one for beer with fry ups. Love them both but seperately,
Tomato wise for me Id take tinned peeled plum ones over fresh

>> No.19031329


>still not answering the question

OK retard cunt, what DO you eat?

>> No.19031331

Beer is incorrect since you should be eating it probably hung over early in the morning yes.

>tinned tomatoes
I'd agree as long as they're still fried. However those also would not belong in a fridge. In general tomatoes in the fridge is how you spot a retarded cook.

>> No.19031334

I don’t see any problem with a cheese and onion and mustard sandwich. Didn’t know there were even variations on it, looks good

>> No.19031341

It probably all tastes like sour grapes right? You never wanted them anyway.

>> No.19031349

aye tomatos and eggs, neither belong in the fridge.

>> No.19031359

What kind of asshole has chosen not to refrigerate their tomatoes? I mean christ. I heard this from my Aunt out west. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.19031363

Enjoy your shit eggs and shit snotty tomatoes. If you walk to the 'store' every day then fuck yes, but fffs stop it.

>> No.19031366

kills the taste. and fucks their structure.
Then again yours are probably full of chemicals so knock yourself out.

>> No.19031367

>Enjoy your shit eggs
Anon you're the one refrigerating your ruined eggs

>> No.19031369

"I heard this from my Aunt out west." so he's apparently American, and we can't really blame him for having to put all his low quality expensive food into the fridge before it rots into black mush, or his washed-in-chlorine eggs go off.

>> No.19031370

Eggs are sold at "stores" on the shelf not from fridges.
They last a week or two so whats the issue?
Probably trolling as nobody is this retarded.

>> No.19031371

You stupid asshole. I GROW vine tomatoes every year. They're amazing, but the shit I bring home from the grocery in winter is ass to begin with. Just learn your veg ffs.

>> No.19031373

its a fruit.

>> No.19031375

American fuck up their eggs on purpose before the ship to them to the store, so the poor things have to keep them in a fridge otherwise they'll kill them when they eat them.

It's makes no sense but its what they do.

>> No.19031377

Are you learning disabled? If so, I'm sorry. Otherwise, eggs are expensive due to avian flu and I bought 30 for 9 bucks and that was fine. Yes, refrigerate them, LIKE THEY DO IN THE FUCKING STORE. God, you fucking crystal worshipping assholes need to just die from covid.

>> No.19031381

No shit asshole, but it's commonly referred to as a veg. I love the pile on kids.. keep it up.

>> No.19031384

Eggs can be refrigerated as long as you bring them up to room temperature before use. If they are refrigerated before sale you must keep them the same way at home because if fucks with their protective lining or something but otherwise it only shortens their lifespan down to like 3+ weeks and is more convenient. If you aren't using your eggs in that time you're a retard.

Tomatoes, on the other hand, just objectively taste inferior if refrigerated. If you keep them in the fridge you're a mongoloid.

>> No.19031386

Sounds pretty good actually

>> No.19031387
File: 222 KB, 1460x976, 1539205442942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But they don't refrigerate them in the store. Why would they do that?

>> No.19031392

>Yes, refrigerate them, LIKE THEY DO IN THE FUCKING STORE
This is not done in sensible countries. In a similar way to the fact sensible countries don't have shitty laws for poultry safety because 'lol we'll just fix it with a chlorine wash'.

>> No.19031397


Dude, all winter shit tastes like shit if you above the 49th parallel. I have no idea what you're trying to say. It's just goddamn nonsense.

>> No.19031399

Go eat your tofurkey like a good drone

>> No.19031402

If you put tomatoes in the fridge they will taste worse when you eat them. How is that hard to understand?

>> No.19031405

I guess you boring cunts have it all figured out, like my crystal loving idiot aunt and he child. I love you fuckers, I know how low it gets.

>> No.19031410

Also did you know if you put a banana in with tomatos it will mae them ripen quicker

>> No.19031411

I grow tomatoes, I don't need your stupid ass to explain anything. Enjoy your west coast food you didn't grow yourself.

>> No.19031413

>Being right about things is boring
You must live such an exciting life.

>> No.19031424


>> No.19031429

That cheese & onion sandwich spread must be universal. Its disgusting yet I still buy those now and again,
When im sat there and my stomach is burning I always regret eating them.

>> No.19031443
File: 124 KB, 1600x1067, cherries1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, who fucking cares. I grow shit, I know I'm right and assholes on this 20 something board can learn or not. I honestly don't give a rats ass. I hope they die in pain.

>> No.19031451

Just so you know, you're all pieces of shit until you put your hands in the ground and GROW YOUR OWN. Honestly, you're pieces of shit.

>> No.19031458

I do grow my own tomatos, but theyre seasonal here.
Also once theyre grown & ripe they dont go in the fridge.

>> No.19031460

>Dude, who fucking cares.
You apparently. You're spending enough time whining.

>> No.19031480

Fucking NORMALLY.. but when it get into winter. Fridge. What form of asshole doesn't get this? Tomatoes are refigerated even at the grocery store. Oh God I hate all of you fucking left coast cunts and I'm as liberal as it gets. You people need to grow the fuck up.

>> No.19031490
File: 461 KB, 1280x926, tomatoes-2927757_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tomatoes are refigerated even at the grocery store.
No they're not. Why do you keep imagining things are in fridges?

>> No.19031502

Growing tomatoes is a different skillset from storing them retard.

>> No.19031512

>Tomatoes are refigerated even at the grocery store
No, they're not. Are your shops selling you tomatoes that are like a day away from rotting or something that they need this treatment?

Next you'll tell me potatoes belong in the fridge stored in plastic bags full of condensation.

>> No.19031522

Live your worthless life the way you want. I'm game. You just sound like a child to me.

>> No.19031529

You cannot beat the smell of being in a greenhouse when the tomatos have been watered on a red hot day.
Always reminds me of when my grandad grew them all those years ago

>> No.19031539

Tell you what anon. Go google this shit then try for yourself keeping some tomatoes from the same batch on and out of the fridge for a few days then compare the results. Ideally get someone to help make it at least a little bit of a blind test.

You can then trust your own tastes.

>> No.19031564

Oh FFS, I already said that fresh is better, but from the fridge lasts longer, can you not fucking get that?? I live in southwestern ontario. I'd fucking freezing here. Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.19031572

Like talking to dead Lobster here. Honest to god.

>> No.19031599

>Lives in the Nigeria region
>Can't preserve tomatoes
What the hell are you doing with your life? Growing sour grapes to sell substandard wine to Dillon's, hoping they'll turn it into shitty brandy?

>> No.19031642

Why do we have a canadian boomer losing his shit about tomatoes at 9 in the morning?

>> No.19031738

He was probably short a few hundred Loonmarks for a loaf of bread - had to sell the last of his tomato crop to Heinz.

>> No.19031742

lol no it's not. you're famous for some weird soda and having incredibly dumb political opinions, that's it.

>> No.19031783

You can hear the vegan's body shutting down through the screen

>> No.19031883

>British people: ew ranch is nasty
>also British people: salad cream and garlic mayo
nigga you eatin ranch

>> No.19031956

He grows his own tomatoes and they impart god's wisdom directly into his brain when he eats thenlm

>> No.19032166

Buns with a slice of cheese and onion are sad.
Making the slice of cheese and the onion thicker doesn't make it high cuisine.

>> No.19032175


Which British people say ranch is nasty?

>> No.19032183

so not Jews then.

>> No.19032209


>> No.19032237

It’s Rye and Pumpernickel Swirl. They call it a deli swirl where I’m from.

>> No.19032364

Thanks Anon.
Good idea!
Only if you fry it in butter. If you see a cook using rapeseed oil, run the other way.

>> No.19032433

>ew ranch is nasty
No one has ever said this.

>> No.19032502
File: 285 KB, 1148x1862, Henderson&#039;s_Relish_bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the story on this stuff? It's one of the few British food products that I can never find in any international store.

>> No.19032505

Curious about... well... how this site thinks.
Are you worried about the Omega 3 vs 6 offset, or the trace amount of hexane?

>> No.19032521

I've always just subbed in vegan worcestershire. Apparently it's a bitch to get outside of Yorkshire, but it does make its way out here to the colonies sometimes.

>> No.19032583

No one except the USA refrigerates eggs.

>> No.19032591

Canada, too, I think

>> No.19032601

Half of the patrons only want beer and are hooligans so the moment somebody sees a green olive instead of a green packet of space raiders, or a freshly squeezed orange juice instead of a capri sun, there will be a fucking riot

>> No.19032613

Commenting on my own post to say this became more true to reality after re-reading it than when i thought of writing it

>> No.19032615

Yep, we wash our shells the same way, and as a result have the same risk of bacterial contamination

>> No.19032647
File: 164 KB, 1400x600, 234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chiming in here to say that I tried Branston pickle with a 'mature cheddar' (got both from a specialty UK store here), and the combo was far better than it had any right to be. Addictive.

>> No.19033171

Nicer worcestershire sauce. Use accordingly (think stronger soy sauce/super concentrated beef stock).

>> No.19033173

I hope you used chunky pickle not the modern smooth abomination. But yes it's essentially a sweet + sour combo and cheese, historically a decent way to make food. Assuming mature cheddar here means the sort with the weird gritty texture and proper taste.

>> No.19033180

Oh, I was wondering why they have FUCKING EGG CONTAINERS in my fridge. I guess I'm retarded. You fucking people with your food. Put your goddamn lettuce, tomatoes and eggs in the fridge ffs. Stop being a giant left coast cunt.

>> No.19033229

You have to
They wash them so the protective coating is gone
Without refrigeration they'll rot

>> No.19033231

Stop refrigerating your tomatoes. If you're not going to eat them fresh before they go bad, do something with them. They get shitty before they even hit fridge temps.

>> No.19033251
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>> No.19033261

What's wrong with the smooth? Just bad texture?

>> No.19033902

Just not traditional I guess. The texture is wrong yes and I think it tastes milder somehow. Maybe more homogenous.

>> No.19034506

most bri'ish condiments are good because they just use sugar and not HF corn syrup. i have a suspicion its more about availability than any sort of 'integrity'

>> No.19034510

yo dont refrigerate your tomatoes.

>> No.19034537

It’s not really like mayo, it’s more vinegary.

>> No.19034644
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Some countries have laws requiring you to wash eggs before sale. This removes the cuticle, making it easier for bacteria to penetrate the shell. You then have to keep the eggs refrigerated to prevent food poisoning.
In other countries the law requires you to give your chickens a salmonella vaccine instead, which negates the need to wash the eggs. The eggs retain their natural disease barrier, so you can keep them at whatever temperature you like.
Pic related shows the difference between bare egg shell and shell with cuticle.

>> No.19034647

>stomach is burning
Have you talked to a doctor about it? That shouldn't happen from eating a bit of cheese and onion.

>> No.19034672

Omega 6 and overall balance of fats. Ideally I would do everything in coconut oil, but it's expensive and some foods just taste better in butter.

>> No.19034952

It's like smooth vs chunky peanut butter. Crunching it just enhances the flavour somehow.

>> No.19035011
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Saw this at a store and was intrigued by it. What do I use it with?

>> No.19035014

sit* on

>> No.19035063
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>> No.19035068
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>> No.19035069

It's basically just relish.

>> No.19035105

a swirly bread

>> No.19035176

Baby food?

>> No.19035364
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>> No.19035367

goddamn that chunky digit

>> No.19035372

Easy there, Herschel. Don't overwork yourself - it's the sabbath after all.

>> No.19035387

Thanks to this thread I went and bought a red onion, some cheddar cheese, and some nice sourdough bread. I'm gonna make a sandwich like OP's picture for lunch. I don't even like raw onions. Maybe I'll soak the steak slice of onion in ice cold water for a few minutes to leech off some of the sulphur.

>> No.19035402

Good idea, sometimes you get a red onion that absolutely blows your face off raw.

>> No.19035420
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Anyone still eat this? Sometimes I have it by itself on bread.

>> No.19035520

Shut up you pedantic retard

>> No.19035524

shut up you tomato

>> No.19035536

It’s a slightly different relish to Lea and Perrins . Far better I. My opinion but I’m from Sheffield. Can be put on or into any dish .
Stuff great you should get some

>> No.19035543

It’s also good with jacket potato’s and omelettes .

>> No.19035716

I don't think I've ever seen that on the shelves. Is it like chopped up cole slaw? Because I put that on my sandwiches sometimes.

>> No.19035949

I eat meat, just not shit tier, processed meat.

>> No.19036787

no meat?


>> No.19036799

I would eat that, but I've never seen one here in the states. that includes eating at several Brit Ex-pats that have opened pubs here.

>> No.19036826

I love Salad Cream but I find sandwich spread way too vinegary for my tastes. Would rather just use coleslaw.

>> No.19037081

>Most of this country has experienced a hungover slice of cold pizza
That would imply that I have pizza left over.
That would be wrong.

>> No.19037086

>beef stew for lunch
Beef stew can be wonderful.

>> No.19037118

>mature cheddar
You realize that "mature" cheddar is only a mid-grade cheddar? It gets stronger and more awesome. The best ones aren't that far off a parmesan in strength and taste, but you don't find them like that often. So very very good.
There's a few other English cheeses that sometimes get the same level of maturation, and what starts as a mild and boring cheese when it is young becomes an awesome delicacy after a few years of proper storage. (I'm still looking for another supplier for cheshire cheese of that grade. Used to get some and it was wonderful.)

>> No.19037181
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A delicious apple crumble to help Americans cope after they find out that most traditional British recipes pre-date the USA.

>> No.19037348

shit* on

>> No.19037349

Which means we have them, too

>> No.19037373

Reporting back. It was palatable, but after half of the sandwich I just had no desire to eat more.

>> No.19037375

Which does not exclude it from being a vegetable. Vegetable means edible plant, which includes fruits

>> No.19037389

>I’m from Sheffield
Ah bad luck, Anon, sorry to hear that.

>> No.19037775

A grateful welcome upon your return, lieutenant. You have once again contributed valuable intelligence in our glorious war against the Picky Eater Empire. Would that I could offer you more than a salute as reward.

>> No.19038982
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Is this what I’m supposed to put on chips?

>> No.19039002

It's a mustard based relish that is normally paired with cheeses & meats

>> No.19039008

I always thought it was a British thing but it turns out it's so popular in the Netherlands they have multiple fucking versions of it.


>> No.19039010
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I’m kind of fascinated by regional British dishes and I wonder how often people from other regions have them. Like how often does someone in Brighton have Lancashire hotpot? Is Cumberland sausage available all over the country? Etc.

>> No.19039026

Yeah if you like, that & salt.

>> No.19039059

Britian is small enough that pretty much everything you've heard of is available everywhere. There might be some *very* local things that aren't available widely, like a type of pie made by one butcher in 4 house town in Sheepscrape, Fuckshire, but those types of things exist in every country.

>> No.19039357

this entire board talks shit on ranch

>> No.19039675
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Is this brand well regarded over there? I found this in the international aisle, but it kind of seems like something that is exported but never eaten natively, like Foster’s lager

>> No.19039691

I have cumberland sausages frozen in my freezer right now and I am not even a normie, last time i had a hotpot was years ago but its absolutely a thing people eat as a normal week meal

>> No.19039947

Cheese and onion sandwiches are delicious but a bit fattening and of course raw onion will make your breath stink. You can just use cheddar or any cheese really but its a lot better grated and with mayonnaise or salad cream.

>> No.19039968

it's fucking $6 for that bag and apparently it's worth it according to my cowoerkers

>> No.19040000

Are you dense? It means something that is savory and filling, like fried rice, thick beef stews, spaghetti bolognese, chow mein, and the like.

>> No.19040010
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I mean, how bad can it really be?

>> No.19040081

Cumberland sausages are probably the most common type of sausages I see in the supermarket, they're basically the standard British sausage.
Supermarkets here cater to everyone, you can buy tons of spices and cooked meats from everywhere so for me personally I don't tend to cook a lot of traditional English dishes apart from the odd roast dinner and beef stew. This week I made a curry for a few days, fajitas and a chili, I like spicy food so most weeks I make dishes with a lot of sauces, Chinese, Indian, Mexican, pizza etc.

>> No.19040087

Never heard of it but I'm fucked if I'd pay that much for a bag of salt and vinegar crisps.

>> No.19040147

good ole ploughmans.
personally I prefer mine with a little dry lettuce and ham but you can't go wrong with a good cheddar / branston combo.
I went to cheddar gorge years ago (where the cheese originates from duh) and found out they grow the cheese in a cave, was $20 for a little box of it and had a weird smokey taste.
at least I've had the definitive cave grown cheddar now.

>> No.19040161

kettles are the "fancy" crisps of choice here and they are worth it.
never heard of burts.

>> No.19040175

I'd eat that over the quick and cheap sandwich you find in US grocery stores.

>> No.19040231

>fries, not chips
>whatever the fuck they did to that batter for it to have so few bubbles
>seems to be served on a shelf

>> No.19040247

Been a while since I had it but it's similar, just with a smaller proportion of veg and a more tangy taste.

>> No.19040314

You may have an onion sensitivity or possibly an allergy. I eat food with raw onion ingredients sometimes but it can be pretty harsh in larger doses, especially if it is grown in a high-sulphur containing region. White onions are particularly bad, Walla Walla sweets are more mild. Cooking/ sweating mellows it quite a bit and helps with digestibility.

>> No.19040325

I just though you were using British English and using "set" to mean "to sit upon."

>> No.19040331

Based OED owner

>> No.19040366
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>what happens when the stockholm syndrome kicks in

>> No.19040481

Had a cheese and onion toastie on brown bread today from a small cafe for lunch on the side of a canal. There's nothing better. It was heaven.

>> No.19040515

Commandery Cafe?

>> No.19040526

Regular reminder that the "ploughmans lunch" was made up in the 1950s to sell more cheese after rationing ended.

>> No.19040534

Yes but that's not a specifically British thing, just this board. Because ranch dressing is literal child tier.

>> No.19040549
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>> No.19040553

same thing with milk in america in the 20s/30s/40s. excess of cheese left over from the world wars and not wanting to hurt the dairy farmer's feefees

>> No.19040583

Gongoozlers Rest

>> No.19040911

who asked

>> No.19040982

>Cumberland sausages are probably the most common type of sausages I see
Nah. The pink goo suasages are the most common.

>> No.19041688
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We have pimento cheese sandwiches which I would say is a reasonable equivalent, but not onion and cheese sandwiches.

>> No.19041779

>bongs seriously defending cold cheese and onion sandwiches
the germans aren't flying overhead anymore, you guys can eat whatever you want
do you have anything with flavor?

>> No.19041783
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Name an American who would turn this down.

>> No.19041811

a cheese and onion sandwhich with an old cheddar is extremely flavorful, sorry it's not full of lawry's seasoning salt and tajin.

>> No.19041851

luvs me FC
luvs me island
luvs me king
luvs me sosig rolls

Simple as

>> No.19041854

Do these goofs really eat raw onions and unmelted cheese?

>> No.19041867

never brought that stuff up, seems to live in your mind.
a grilled chicken breast with lemon is an insanely flavorful dish and doesn't need much

>> No.19042213

Is that an enormous box of savory pies? Do you Brits serve that at a funeral? It looks like a funeral home.

>> No.19042219

Bong here, what the fuck am I looking at? If I saw that for sale I'd immediately leave the building and never come back, dis-gus-tang.

>> No.19042242

You're right, American breakfast staples such as carb pancakes and sugar cereals washed down with orange sugar juice is FAR superior.

>> No.19042266

>Always fresh, always tasty

That's funny. Greggs has to be the worst baker chain on earth, fucking terrible food and they run out of stock at 11am because they're popular to tastelets.

>> No.19042875
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Greggs is ridiculously overpriced for what you're getting but as far as chains go it's decent enough at what it does, though a local place will still blow it out the water in every way so long as people running it have a faint idea of what they're doing.
>Only if you fry it in butter
Butter's for toast you numpty, proper blokes fry with dripping.

>> No.19043723
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There's a store in my NYC neighborhood called Myers of Keswick and they make their own sausage rolls. Far pricier than you'd see in the UK, I'm sure, but so good. I enjoy both those and the Australian ones I get from the Bourke Street Bakery, which has a few locations around the city.

There's also an Irish grocery store over in Queens called Butcher Block that makes them fresh at the back counter. Their sausages are different vs. Myers vs. Bourke Street, but they're great too. Frankly a sausage roll would have to be pretty bad for me to consider not eating it.

>> No.19043749

Average ck poster knows nothing of British cuisine, their entire worldview based on TV or some shitty tourist places around Leicester square

>potted shrimp
>ham & picalilli
>pork pie
>scotch egg
>pickled herring
>smoked eel
>deviled kidneys
>kippers/arbroath smokies
>ox tongue
>watercress soup / muligatawny / cullen skink
>dressed crab
>welsh rarebit

>ploughmans / salamagundi
>steak & kidney pudding
>steak & oyster pudding
>assorted short-crust pastry pies (game, hunters, mutton, hommity, balti)
>fish pie
>sausage & mash
>ham egg & chips
>jugged hare
>roast grouse/pheasant
>roast brill/skate/turbot
>battered cod or haddock w/ tartare sauce
>mince & tatties / mince on a fried slice
>roast lamb & mint
>roast beef & horseradish, yorkshires
>pork chop
>liver & onions
>beef wellington
>haggis, neeps & tatties

>cheeses (berkswell, cheddar, stilton, stichleton, tunworth, ticklemore, yarg...)
>bakewell tart
>eve's pudding
>trifle / eton mess
>steamed ginger pudding / steamed marmelade pudding
>queen of puddings
>rice pudding
>treacle tart
>clotted cream / custard
>Sticky toffee pudding
>christmas pudding
>cream tea

>> No.19043770

glad you posted this. I'll shit on the British for plenty of reasons but their food is not one of them. they excel at comfort food, cheese, desserts, tea, plenty of things

>> No.19043778

That looks decently authentic if towards the higher end of quality/cost vs the UK where sausage rolls are a cheap pastry while those look more like handmade ones. The lattice-on-top pies are a bit less normal though.

Not a surprise it differs from the other ones though as even within the UK pies vary heavily in each area. It's one of those things like fish and chips which are surprisingly regional but often that variation isn't noticed since locals don't move as much out of their area unless it's to London for work and London is a cultureless hellhole.

>> No.19043783

By which I'm saying I don't think the prices are actually as far off as you think it's just closer to a posh bakers than a conventional one. Probably the sausage rolls aren't so greasy they make the bag see-through for example.

>> No.19043798
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Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me, it's a rather posh neighborhood. I enjoy their pies as well, and it's been fun figuring out what to put on them (Colman's, HP, Branston, hell I even tried Geo Watkins mushroom ketchup on the steak and ale pie). I also found out that some of them, like the pork pies, are more commonly eaten cold. Good stuff.

>> No.19043807

Yeh the classic pork pie is a cold snack and maybe a little smaller than that as they're very dense. Other pies you can go either way really if it's decent quality, except sausage rolls which tend to be a bit shit if not hot.