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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 584 KB, 1974x1322, Screen Shot 2023-03-06 at 00.58.14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19013201 No.19013201 [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck on this jalapeno things that you have to put on everything now?

>> No.19013212

A disgusting soapy beer that's also spicy? Christ

>> No.19013214

Jalalalalapenis are literally rhe worst pepper. They're bitter and ruin any dish they're added to.
Habs and scotch bonnets are where it's at.

>> No.19013224

I wonder if I have some genetic thing that makes jalapenos the worst tasting big pepper to me. Love me habaneros though.

>> No.19013248
File: 248 KB, 994x745, soy face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we are really giving boomers a run for their money to see who's the worst generation of all time

>> No.19013299

Imagine being such a cooklet that you don't know what the bitter parts of a pepper are.

>> No.19013630

It's a flavour that you can't really sub out (serranos... you can sub in serranos). I find that certain things like chili do need at least one in there, or the flavour will be missing something. That said, I don't see what use it has in beer.

>> No.19013726

What pepper do you make poppers with

>> No.19013747

Is this only getting big now? Literalwho Midwest breweries have been doing it for like a decade

>> No.19013893

Its part of the mexicanization of america. Mexicans basically caricaturized themselves by boasting about their love of peppers so much that it became a meme. And now everything has to have a fucking jalepeno on it

>> No.19014248
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Jalepenos are dirt cheap and grow like wildfire. Spicy is "hip" and "in" when it comes to food.

So that's why.

>> No.19014276

>spicy is “hip” and “in”
holy shit kill yourself, op’s beer looks terrible but come on

>> No.19014291

I miss hot sauce posting...

>> No.19014340

kill msyelf for recognizing that spice is a trendy fad? like it's good but it's a trend obviously. i don't say OHHH THAT'S HIIIIP. that's why i put it in quotes. i know it sounds stupid but it's true

>> No.19014356

If you want to have a lot of fun at parties get yourself a bottle of vodka. Then you want to get a whole bunch of the hottest peppers you can find although it doesn't matter how hot they are because you're just going to be soaking the peppers in the vodka. You want to soak the peppers in the Vodka for a couple weeks then you can strain them out so that it doesn't necessarily look like much. You can offer shots of this to people. It will cause hilarious convulsions.

>> No.19014432

If you tone it down a bit (one habanero, one jalapeno, one tabasco, bird's eye, smoked thing, or other kind of mid-rangey pepper) it's actually really good for Caesars/Bloody Mary's, or as a rinse in smokier Margarita and Martini variations.

>> No.19014704

improper syntax.
please learn american again.

>> No.19014708

>big pepper
jalapenos are medium sized peppers.

>> No.19014716

you're like a woman that hides things in her kids' food in order to get them to eat it.
people like you deserve execution and nothing but.

>> No.19015696
File: 112 KB, 1212x1138, Billionaire circus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you vill eat ze vegetables vithout ze ketchap

>> No.19015737

if you do that i will just gouge your eyes out while writhing in pain and blame it on the vodka

>> No.19016379

>volcano erupts in southern hemisphere and causes a year without a summer
>massive rain and snow everywhere
>fruit and graind production down
>lol lets start a war in ukraine too, pretend we are also at war with russia
>lose another 25% of the world's fruit and grain production
>year passes
>weather changes caused by volcano now effecting northern hemisphere
>lets set some trains on fire too
>lose another 25% of the world's fruit and grain production
>all thats left is lots and lots of green house peppers/equitorial peppers

enjoy your jalapenos faggots.

>> No.19016389

i like a mix of raw jalapeno and grilled jalapeno. cooking kills a lot of the spice which is why you'll see posers on this board claiming to like habaneros but always need to roast them and sedeed them and mix with extra sour cream or something.

>> No.19016516

The chances of him pouring you a shot of vodka would be slim even if you were in the same room. Plus anything infused with peppers takes on some color. Enhance your calm, Jimmy.

>> No.19016552

i'll bet you won't share an open bottle with a friend because he might have laced it with a drop of tabasco sauce

>> No.19016856

Roasting and seeding habs sounds like a lot of work. That said, they do make an alright... uh... chipotle? Habanero seco? They're great smoked.

>> No.19017638

cut the white part out before you put it in the food you stupid fucking clown

>> No.19017826

chillies grow great in every climate that isn't constantly snowing don't they? I barely maintain my plants and still have kilos to dry every year

>> No.19018055

This guy got tricked by his mom putting broccoli in mac and cheese and never recovered.