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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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19014025 No.19014025 [Reply] [Original]

So I was finishing off a block of parmesan cheese that I had put in the fridge for a while, and eventually I worked my way down to a part that tasted a little off: that distinct blue cheese tang on a type of cheese that’s not supposed to taste that way. I look down an bam, theres fucking blue mold specks on the cheese. I spit that shit out and try to throw up to no avail. Am I going to be ok?

>> No.19014027

lol you fool, mold is GOOD for you, it makes you smetter, trust the word.

>> No.19014029

Say your prayers and write a goodbye letter. Who will you leave your Funko pops to?

>> No.19014030

Lmao this nigga eating blue cheese. I bet he stinks like cheese

>> No.19014032
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>> No.19014037

Most likely nothing will happen to you unless you managed to consume a large quantity of mold (like, 50 to 100 grams), though it's possible you'll get a little tummy ache and maybe some loose stools. Go to the hospital if you feel short of breathe, start running a fever, or you get hives.

>> No.19014063

shout us out when you appear in the next chubbyemu video

>> No.19014091

I will dream tonight of the farts that are brewing.

>> No.19014123


>> No.19014150
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>> No.19014219

You will be fine. Most of the molds in your environment you're constantly inhaling anyway. Your immune system deals with them. You would only have to worry about something like this if you are severely immune compromised. However in your case, you've probably had more pipe laid in your ass than New York city.

>> No.19014489

You'll be fine. Blue molds on cheese are always Penicillium sp.

>> No.19014497

But the green mold will fuck ya up.

>> No.19014502

The risk of mold is overstated. You have a very low chance of actually getting ill from it, and due to modern medicine your chance of being seriously ill is next to nothing.
The only reason they say not to eat mold is to stay on the safe side. It's the same with leaving meat out, etc. You'll be fine.

>> No.19014507

Nobody wants too much penicillium lest get some weird over resistance, listen to MDs for that one.

>> No.19014514

Generally, you'll be fine as long as it's not yellow, black or red/pink unless your immune system is fucked.