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File: 10 KB, 122x400, E3298442-8328-43D6-A86E-B810097D3E28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19013609 No.19013609 [Reply] [Original]

probably the best beer in the world

>> No.19013620
File: 41 KB, 546x1114, 517318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hits gnarly kicker
>360 corks over your head
>hockey slides a bunch of fresh pow into your glass
someone say "best beer", brah?

>> No.19013664

love me some vitamin R

>> No.19013710

my nigger. bayreuther is also gret
>t. augustiner dunkel enjoyer

>> No.19013729
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>Seattle fags

>> No.19014151
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I know of no better beer.

>> No.19014184

How old are you?

>> No.19014194
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It is dogshit though

>> No.19014207
File: 1.04 MB, 271x336, 1676366519233669.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's a everyone posts the most obscure beer they can think of just to appear like they're sophisticated thread

>> No.19014214

>inb4 everyone responds to this thing saying x beer isn't obscure at all just to further the eletist LARP

>> No.19014346

Thomas Hardy's is obscure in 2023 I will very much admit, but back in the day I could find it in 4 packs at most liquor stores. I avoided trying it because it cost like 20 bucks for a 4 pack which seemed ludicrous at the time, but one Christmas I got a bonus at work and tried it. Shit was amazing so I would buy a 4 pack once a year and drink a bottle every few months on a holiday or when I took vacation. They discontinued it for awhile and now it's really hard to find.

>> No.19014422

Not at all. Helles in general is basically just like sweet lite beer. Both the most boring styles in existence.

>> No.19014434

I've never had OP's (I can't even read what it is), but sometimes you get a Helles or other boring beer that is just perfectly in balance - or slightly skewed in an interesting way, at a perfect temperature, even served with a perfect meal or at a perfect time of day just to help you remember this beer as the most perfectly beer-flavoured beer you've ever had.
I like a lot of beer more than I like Hacker Pschorr's gold lager, but it's my go-to for crushing cans.

>> No.19014750
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stand aside.

>> No.19014760
File: 252 KB, 1500x1500, Suntory Master Dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty sure this is the best right now
Japanese never heavily push a bad food product

>> No.19014808
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>> No.19014862

If you can find them, you might like Schloss Eggenberg's Urbock and Samichlaus

>> No.19014901

based and basedpilled

>> No.19014909
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For me

>> No.19015005
File: 39 KB, 960x743, 08ACE573-4B3E-4479-8237-31D0DC0C48F7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German beers are boring Hans.

>> No.19015027

I like Rolling Rock, Grolsch and Sapporo.

>> No.19015620

In what sense?

>> No.19015657


>> No.19015665
File: 89 KB, 800x1200, Schlenkerla-Rauchbier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked ipafag.

>> No.19015670

it's not even the best beer by augustiner

>> No.19015671

I prefer my smoked meat and beer to be separate.

>> No.19015701
File: 251 KB, 300x701, belgh-brasse-brewery-mons-abbey-blonde_1529358786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stand aside

>> No.19015710

My fucking nigger. I got my whole town hooked on this. The store can't keep it stocked.

>> No.19015713

This is a very good brand. I've tried a few of them and they were always good.

>> No.19015747

Nta but i think theyre generally good but lack a lot of variety. The Reiheitsgebot has been holding them back for centuries. There's only so much variety you can do without breaking basic beer recipes.
I have been hankering a proper hefeweizen for a bit though

>> No.19015783

Not an abbey beer and not Belgian. Get out with these surrogates, you're wasting our time.

>> No.19015981

They've definitely got their flagships, and tend to rely on hops more for a balancing act, but they've done a lot with a handful of simple ingredients - pale to dark, sweet, sour, smoked, dryer lagers, fruiter ales, squeezing a bit of citrus out of noble hops from time to time, or straight up adding citrus for a refreshing stick of the dick in the main loophole of the RHG - If it's not called "Bier" it doesn't have to obey the beer laws.

>> No.19016003

NTA but Mons' surrogates, and Unibroue's, can be pretty on the ball. Hardly a waste of time.

>> No.19016114

>not Belgian
fake country anyways

>> No.19016180
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Ah yes the classic loophole that facilitate the abomination of pic related

>> No.19016191

Where can i get this rare Belgian rapist beer?

>> No.19016198

why do you waste your beer all over your hands? is it such low quality that it literally doesn't matter?

>> No.19016267

I live in Erding, home of the Erdinger Weißbier, and it feels like literally 95% of all glass beer bottles that i see dumped by the roadside on my bicycle tours in a 20 mile circle around Erding are Augustiner Helles.

>> No.19016859

Go to the most German sounding goth club you can find. Wait to see how many men are holding hands or dancing together. If it's at least a dozen, order a Diesel from the bar.

>> No.19016924
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>> No.19016953

that’s why i posted it. it’s probably the best beer in the world. i’ve left a few bottles over berlin myself

>> No.19017006

is it even available outside of japan?

I tried asahi the other day and it was interesting but I wouldn't buy it again

>> No.19017010
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I have yet to get sick of this. It's not going to blow your mind, but God damn it's good when you're on the lake and the fuckers ice cold

>> No.19017109
File: 28 KB, 193x515, helles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks tasty op

>> No.19017136

>It's a tastelet posts the most generic macrobrew they know just to be more contrarian post
mein neger

>> No.19017767

Vitus is good shit.

>> No.19017779

Almost the goat. Schlenkerla Rauchbier is amazeballs.

>> No.19017818
File: 316 KB, 540x1040, beer_delirium_tremens_bottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19018502

Tremens is good Nocturnem is great.

>> No.19018573

Great beer.

>> No.19018582
File: 2.26 MB, 2621x5494, KiwandaPour_E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it is neat.

>> No.19018758

Kiwanda forever

>> No.19018771

this shit gave me the worst hangover of my life, it tastes like nasty cream cheese too

>> No.19019011

Either you need to get checked, or you have amazing cream cheese.

>> No.19019029


The most basic Kölsch in Cologne.
Even the homeless are drinking this

>> No.19019144

Pretty good. I tried the red one for the first time recently and it's also heavenly. I think la Chouffe cherry is better but Delirium is easier to find imo.

>> No.19019404

No, that would be "Augustiner Edelstoff", the one on your pic is Helles.

>> No.19019555

i always forget other countries also drink our beer haha

>> No.19019590

they only export the edelstoff and one other to america. the helles is their best beer

>> No.19019944

They like it so much in Quebec, a bunch of breweries have started making their own.

>> No.19020145

Is this the easiest Pepe edit of all time?

>> No.19021406

wrong, yuengling

>> No.19022846
File: 108 KB, 802x592, oettinger tank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True. I love it.

Pic related is underrated tho.

>> No.19022948

haha, my dad actually had one of those drink can openers, used to keep it next to the regular can openers in the kitchen drawers.
i have many a memory of trying to open soup cans with it because the regular can openers were at the bottom of the dish pile in the sink.

>> No.19024335

Based REINHEITSGEBOT dabs on retards who want to shit up beer by making it all weird tasting candy fizz