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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 504 KB, 2560x1730, cricket_loud-bugs-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19010716 No.19010716 [Reply] [Original]

>high in protein
whats the problem again?
globohomo and soyposters need not apply

>> No.19010733

I’ll just *say* I’m Jewish. Works for a lot of stuff already.

>> No.19010741

oh dont worry they are going to shit this thread up so fast with their little antisemitic memes they get from grifters like nick fuentes and literal incels from pol
like this fucker

>> No.19010744

I'm Vegan.

>> No.19010755
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>> No.19010760
File: 1.44 MB, 2448x3264, eat the bugs vending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19010770

Your body can't properly process it you retard. Have fun with your health problems.

>> No.19010772

>>high in protein
I dont think bug protein is properly digested like animal protein

>> No.19010780

Great argument. Here's your (you)

>> No.19010784
File: 162 KB, 970x661, Bugs-In-The-System-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trust me! you can't even digest us- I mean bugs! don't eat bugs!

>> No.19010794

>turk arguing on 4chan.jpg

>> No.19010801

>one mistake and you unleashed the bugs and the harvest of vegetables is gone

>> No.19010803

>GMO them to only eat weeds
problem solved

>> No.19010808

I am not a poor third worlder who doesn't have access to real food.
You are free to eat all the bugs you want like the poor fuck that you are.

>> No.19010811


>> No.19010821

Next to zero bioavailability so the protein claims are extremely misleading at best. Its like claiming that tree bark is the best source of vitamin A+B12. Even if it were true the human gut can't digest any of it. It would matter anyways.

>> No.19010822

Shalom, rabbi!

>> No.19010838
File: 11 KB, 201x251, Shrimp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bugs are just land shrimp, never understood why people hate the very idea of having them in shop's food section.

>> No.19010849

if you can prepare them like shrimp sure ill eat them, but theyre all shell, fuck that I dont eat shrimp tails either

>> No.19010874
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Not a problem, since you will not be eating crickets. You will eat maggots, and be happy.

>> No.19010877

>op needs to state "what's the problem again", as already know what is the consensus
>We really need to put politics, racism and "incels" just at the start of this useless thread

The real problem is this. Is op, and you.
And chitin. humans cannot digest chitin but we cannot expel properly from our bodies as some other undigestable stuff, like cellulose.
So worms are good, crickets are not. When this notion will be common knowledge big studies will spam article about its not
Like >>19010770

You don't eat "Sea bugs" whole.
Why not eat rats, they are rabbit cousins.

>> No.19010885

Because anything being consumed whole, especially things that don't have multi-chambered stomaches...must eat human grade feed. Chickens per gram of protein vs crickets or mealworms consume the same amount of feed. Therefore the sustainable meme is skewed if you don't count in the cost and environmental impact of growing and harvesting feed. On top of that, there has never been at least a western nation that has fully switched to insect consumption. It's an unknown variable. Then add in the fact that insects produce vastly less fertilizer than traditional livestock? The "benefit" quickly becomes a problem.

>> No.19010890

There also is a vast infrastructure already in place across the entire modern world catering to established livestock. The reasonable solution is to improve the system we have developed, rather than switch to an unknown variable. It's an absurd and childish virtue signal. (bug consumption on a large scale)

>> No.19010910

Strangely supported, and for a single type of insect tho

>> No.19010918

But mushrooms are fine because?

>> No.19010920

Because you're not going to make 70% of your diet with those, even if your example didn't even get near to be a good counter argument

>> No.19010923

>Because you're not going to make 70% of your diet with those
I don't think anyone is planning on making 70% of their diet cricket, either.

>> No.19010924

The only reasonable answer is to increase the production of insects that can process waste products produced by agriculture. Then, feed THOSE insects to traditional livestock. That is more beneficial. As just eating filth eating insects full-scale is a recipe for disease. Why do you think pigs were taboo to eat until we developed modern farming/proper feed for them? The ignorance and smugness of folks is astounding. "Oh well...we can just eat the bugs, PROBLEM SOLVED...CHECKMATE WORLD HUNGER."

You're a moron.

>> No.19010927
File: 45 KB, 360x382, 1675057494963282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literal incels from pol
maybe if you take enough meds you will stop defining everything in sexual terms?

>> No.19010934

As people will use flours and meat substitutes, probably not the 70% but i say at least 60%

Livestock is the first pollution source, is not a taboo or solving world hunger

>> No.19010937

Third world eat cheap veggies and beans instead of high processed aspic

>> No.19010944

Incorrect. The number of cattle/methane producing chud chewing animals now vs in ancient times is relatively comparable.

>> No.19010945
File: 232 KB, 768x432, creature_from_the_black_lagoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you "people" realize that you're just fucked in the head?

>> No.19010949

so there was the same demand and the same intensive abuse of lands? are those actually all grassfed? What kind of drugs are you taking

>> No.19010953

Most people are total morons and overpopulate, that's the main problem.

>> No.19010954

And that's why intensive livestock are a big part of the problem

>> No.19010955

So niggers, that's what I wrote, overpopulation.

>> No.19010958

Overpopulation is one of the problems, you don't really want to discuss

Most of those third country people will never see those bugs

>> No.19010961

No. But the natural population of ruminants in less developed times is relatively comparable to modern times. Just because we weren't raising them to eat doesn't mean they didn't exist in large numbers.

The gases produced by livestock DO have a noticeable greenhouse effect....on the surface. But you must also consider the previous fact, and the natural order of fertilizing land for crop growth. It becomes a negligible amount when offset with the benefits. You will NEVER make enough fertilizer without livestock to support large nations. Plus I'm sure all the majority of bug farms using plastics en masse would also be detrimental. There's not a one size fits all solution to the problem. Bug consumption is an infantile small-brain solution to a very complex problem.

>> No.19010964

We have to discuss that on a food & cooking board, duh? Water too.

>> No.19010972

What the fuck

>> No.19010977

Nice caps there "DO" do what? That's not proven out except to promote some twats politicial agenda and you know it, about the same way as vaxxing.

>> No.19010987
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>> No.19010988

Fertilizing to the max is just industrialization, we still produce 4x times food than what we eat, so food prices will grow or they will use vegetal fertilizers to continue to produce

proving what? pollution? Even without that, we need a shitload of clean water for meat

>> No.19010991

Wear some masks, that'll protect you from the evil virus. Governments tell you to do so, why not do what some government tells you to do?

>> No.19010996

Why people give this same response? Even in other language imageboards

>> No.19011010

"Vegetable fertilizer" is a misnomer. Majority of them still use eco-intensive things. Or just fish. Not sure how they get away with that bit, desu. It's not nearly as scaleable as animal shit, and also is not part of a natural cycle. A cow chewing cud then using their waste to grow crops makes far more sense than growing feed, to feed fish, or grow kelp. Both of which need much more temperature control. Eliminating the "greeness" of it all.

>> No.19011012
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>> No.19011016

I don't really know what fertilizer is, i was just the entire production is something structured to be profitable than livable

>> No.19011017

Stop that, discuss instead, we're not on huffington post

>> No.19011022

Animals eat plants that we generally don't/cant, They are developed to process and extract nutrients from them via multi chambered stomachs. They poop out the excess, while still growing usable protein, we use the poop to enrich the soil with nutrients so we can grow more feed/human food.

>> No.19011028

And that's used as manure, i know this.

>> No.19011042
File: 159 KB, 1024x1024, 1663437468873049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do niggers and specially gay faggot niggers the ones that push this "alternative progessive diet"? Let people eat what they really want ffs

>> No.19011046

bumping samefag

>> No.19011071

https://youtu.be/L8e0pU92dmI 'nuff said

>> No.19011073

There's nothing inherently wrong with rat meat either, it's just the poor living conditions of the average rat make it unsafe to eat

>> No.19011084


>> No.19011147
File: 16 KB, 375x230, 1677832171449423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's just the poor living conditions of the average rat make it unsafe to eat

>> No.19011503

OP here. Thanks for the insight into the chitin/bioavailability aspect.

>> No.19011547

its just gross to me, simple as

>> No.19011743

>whats the problem again?
leaves eggs in your intestinal tract.
riddled with parasites.
if it ever drank polluted fluids you will receive no protein and you will die smelling like the garbage juice they drank.

>> No.19012238

>high in protein*
>* only if you feed it premium livestock feed that use to be cheap because it was a surplus product but is now in short supply

kill yourself and become the bugs you love so much.

>> No.19012265

>whats the problem again?

If you're a normal human, it should simply disgust you. If not, you have been reprogrammed, congratulations.

>> No.19012279

Based came here to post this

>> No.19012281
File: 111 KB, 800x533, grasshopper-fried-25960516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't any. Grasshoppers fried in peanut oil are delicious, they're like meaty potato chips.
The single argument I've ever heard against it is /pol/tard screeching, since they're too pussy to eat something with a face on it but don't want to admit it

>> No.19012312
File: 1.07 MB, 300x300, 1676347265732746.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just won't eat them, but i will buy some for you my friend. yummy yummy yummy get those bugs in your tummy as they say no. i will ofcourse laugh behind your back about it. it's going to be great.

>> No.19012320

This brand of smugness is really diffused by the fact that I know 90% of people itt are going to close the thread and go back so swilling corn syrup water and stuffing their face with bleached wheat byproducts

>> No.19012335
File: 87 KB, 900x900, 1635351523747267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'll buy you some too if you like my good sir.

>> No.19012357

but all "normal" humans eat pig's anus and hooves and whatever shit they put into "ground" beef and processed foods. it feels more like an argument from ignorant people not knowing what their regular "meat" is

>> No.19012377
File: 35 KB, 740x739, 123819441_1464541673737822_4278389997409272405_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll buy you some too
No thanks

>> No.19012380

I'm not paying twice the price of filet mignon for dry and tasteless substitute for ground beef when I can barely afford ground beef.

>> No.19012400
File: 37 KB, 640x640, 1677770045965525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad to hear it, now let's enjoy a steak.

>> No.19012411

Steak and the like is fine.
The problem is that meat is so heavily used in goyslop, who gives a shit if your greased and salted protein slurry is bugs, macerated male chicks, or rendered cow meat. It's a waste, and incentivises brhues to torch rainforests.

>> No.19012439

My Rabbi said its not kosher so I can't. But goyim can and should, for the enviroment.

>> No.19012765

I just dont want to try it. I wont try escargots, squids or bunnies either. Scorpion, gator and horse Im interested in trying tho

>> No.19012773

Squid and rabbit are awesome
Snails are a meme