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19005645 No.19005645 [Reply] [Original]

What is this even for?

>> No.19005663

For people who like Gochujang.

>> No.19005674

like thousands of recipes, it’s not hard to find a use for it. you’ll find better answers by googling though, we’re all retarded here

>> No.19005681

I like using it for stew but also to cook stuff I might shove into dumplings

>> No.19005682

gochujang cream pasta is the only proof we have of a loving god

>> No.19005685

>find asian condiment/sauce
>one million grams of sodium per tsp

>> No.19006525

i have it just on toast sometimes with some melted cheese
spread some in a grilled cheese and toss a fried egg in there, best fucking shit ever

>> No.19006877
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>> No.19006885

It's good for a garbage bin

>> No.19006887

it's fucking foul

>> No.19006920

It can be used as a condiment, meat marinade, or even added to soups and stir-fry dishes for a spicy kick.

>> No.19006943

I added some to my frozen kung pao chicken this evening.

>> No.19007006

It's used in pickling for kimchi.

>> No.19007031

Try the Trader Joe’s version, it tastes much fresher.

>> No.19007198

I use it as a main ingredient in a bbq sauce I meant but I need to tweak my recipe

>> No.19007439

you can make a pretty nice sauce using it, with sake, soy sauce, garlic+ginger, white pepper, thyme, basil, oregano, black pepper, and a tiny bit of strawberry jam

>> No.19007480

for chinks

>> No.19007643

Used in cramming practices.

>> No.19007734

reheating fried rice with a spoonfull of this

>> No.19007745

Not OP, but I got a jar for Christmas -- still unopened -- and am wondering how I'm gonna use it. A lot of the recipes I found just said to mix it with mayo, lol. Also I'm hesitating because of how many anons have said it's too sweet

>> No.19008080

Look up Maangchi

>> No.19008104

Fry rice, marinate meat, soups like haemulthan.

>> No.19008117

Just taste a spoonful. It's very good, back of tongue sweet, dull spicy. Use it to make sauces like for bbq

>> No.19008157

>Brown rice red pepper paste
so it's literally just spicy mochi.
why not just get the peppers?

>> No.19008175

Got a recipe that uses it? I've never seen one that uses gochujang. Always uses gochugaru.

>> No.19008178

It's not common to use to make kimchee, you're right, it's gochugaru
Maangchi's like 65 BTW how does she even?

>> No.19008190

It's one of those sauces that's like "Nothing compares, if you aren't using it in your dishes then they just don't taste right".

>> No.19008219


>> No.19008684

I use it for bibimbap, bibimguksu, rabokki, tteokbokki, marinating, and I’ve heard some people use it along with miso for a spicier miso soup
I also get the spicy gochujang, not sure why they sweeten it up

>> No.19008800


>> No.19008812

No gcj in kimchi.

>> No.19008814

Mix with mayo. I use it in Korean bbq sauce. Use in meat marinades.

>> No.19008817
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Is it just me or does this stuff taste good by itself. Dont know why but i like the powderiness

>> No.19008965

i fry with it or put it in soup

>> No.19009342

it's one of 3 korean flavors

>> No.19009431


i eat a lot of korean food at restaurants and i love that style. im not sure if the things i get use it but at home ive never liked it. i might have gotten a bad brand but to me when i tasted it straight before cooking with it, it tasted like rice wine vinegar, and a pepper that wasnt spicy and didnt have much flavor besides like a semi-chili powder-esque kinda thing. im pretty sure you can make your own thats a lot better.


id start with this and make your own sauce.

>> No.19010859

Mabo Tofu, or just dip raw veggies in it

>> No.19010866
File: 89 KB, 1200x900, Rooster-Chile_Garlic_Sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not rooster and you should feel sad

>> No.19010867

Totally different condiment

>> No.19010870
File: 173 KB, 2000x1333, red_mill-masa_harina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This masa harina is really good in chile, only if done in a slurry otherwise it clumps up.

>> No.19010872

sodium is good for you

>> No.19010873

That's why it's really good on dim sum, like dumplings and wontons.

>> No.19010879

I like watching sodium and potassium tablets blow up in beakers full of water, always remember to wear goggles so if the glass explodes it doesn't hit your eyes.

>> No.19010919

Fun fact - Siracha is considered overpriced shit in Vietnam.

>> No.19010921

Not really. You need very little sodium. The more you eat, the worse it is. Because water retention, kidneys, blood pressure, heart and veins.

>> No.19011262

>You need very little sodium
perhabs with a sedentary lifestyle. anyone who pulls a sweat from time to time or pisses a lot needs a moderate intake of sodium to have a functional brain and to not die. That is the main reason why salt trade used to be really big and profitable. Its the only essential nutrient that a farmer couldnt pull from his fields, not because muh preserved meat

>> No.19011272

Fun fact - sriracha originated in Thailand

>> No.19011294

anyone who is pissing a lot is drinking too much water

how are Americans so fucking retarded they can't even get their basic hydration right?

>> No.19011322

are you retarded? drinking and pissing are essential for a functional organism.
Drinking less to avoid the urge to urinate can manifest in countless of symptoms, like fucking your intervertebral discs or kidney stones

>> No.19011678

I bought this stuff once and tried it and it was gross AF. It tastes absolutely fucking alien. And the texture is disgusting. It reminded me of gak.
I don't want to eat something which has the texture of gak and the taste of an industrial byproduct. The first step to knowing how to mix something into other dishes is to figure out how it tastes. But this was so nasty I couldn't get past stage one.

I don't believe in hell, but I think that anyone who would put this stuff in potato salad would be going there.

>> No.19011721

And they still live longer than we do

>> No.19011824


>> No.19011841

Actual Korean here, honestly I dislike the taste of this on its own (hate when "fusion" places will just put gochujang on a taco or something) but its great for making a sauce when mixed with other shit. Buldak in a cast iron with a fuck ton of mozzarella melted on top is a great recipe for it.

>> No.19011860

That's the view I have on srriacha aswell.
I don't know how people can coat wings with the shit, it's way too garlicy.
But that makes it a fantastic ingredient I use for sauces and dishes.

>> No.19011885

are you upset that Americans go piss? what the fuck is wrong with you at this point.

>> No.19011891

he knew

>> No.19012024

Why not fry chili and add good quality miso later? Gochujang is low quality.

>> No.19012027

I use it in my chicken wing marinade. It works great.

>> No.19012100

So I'm not weird for not liking it on its' own? How am I supposed to know what it would be good to mix it with if I hate the taste of it by itself?

>> No.19012120

No you are, you're a fucking freak.
That's like coating fries in worcestershire sauce or fish sauce

>> No.19012140

You ever done, and I'm going to get this spelling wrong, doek beokki? Try that as an easy dish that uses a gochujang based sauce.

>> No.19012143

He's bulshitting you
People use this stuff like any other condiment
Go to a Korean barbecue, half the people there will be dipping their cooked meat in it

>> No.19013937

600+ lbs combined in these 2 posts alone

>> No.19014769

sounding lube

>> No.19014772

Fuckin anything savory. Gochujang is one of the best flavors out there.

>> No.19015312

One million grams is a thousand kilos tranny, it won't fit in a spoon

>> No.19015742

If you're not using a little gochujang along with all of the gochugaru in kimchi you are fucking missing out, especially when it's fresh.

>> No.19015993

Are you actually living in Korea?
I know its something entirely different from actual Buldak, but it's become impossible to find that spicy Samyang Buldak Ramyun in my local ''''Asia'''' markets. Is there some nationwide shortage or something or am I just getting fucked out of these tasty noodles?

>> No.19015995

>ching chang chong
Why do asians do this?

>> No.19016081

They're smart enough to be able to read your language without thinking it's gibberish, why aren't you?

>> No.19016185

For korean niggers who like to cook (unhelathy) based menus

>> No.19016211
File: 45 KB, 540x557, 1673507215113871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ten year old sister was in her room using her 6 inch battery powered Gochujang I bought her for her secret birthday present.

>> No.19016585


>> No.19017999

this is true

>> No.19018356

Creator is Vietnamese, you fucking retard.

>> No.19018432

cute kitten

>> No.19018484

probably because it's fucking shipped from LA instead of made locally dumbass

>> No.19019295

Nope, Asia has record numbers of stomach cancer and they all die at 55 to 60 because they smoke

>> No.19019308

I like to spread it on a slice of bread with butter.