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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18996449 No.18996449 [Reply] [Original]

Should restaurant staff be allowed to sit when they aren't busy?

>> No.18996454

>sitting down in a kitchen
why the fuck would you sit down next to a grill or a pile of dirty pots?
im not even a boomer but this is some weird zoomer shit isnt it

>> No.18996455

I don't get it. What's wrong with sitting down next to a grill or a pile of dirty pots?

>> No.18996456

No. They're lazy enough as-is, doing the bare minimum like inputting my order and expecting a 20-30% tip. The last thing we need is these lazy retards to sit down all day long and refuse to get up and actually do what's asked of them because they would rather stay sitting.
God I hate service workers so fucking much. It always attracts the worst type of people with enormous victim complexes.

>> No.18996460

You got time to lean, you got time to clean!

>> No.18996462

clean them?

>> No.18996573

If there's nothing to be done, I don't see why not. I'll get to sit and eat with a coworker or two most weekdays because there's literally nothing to do except pretend to look busy. Then when 4 o'clock hits we're too busy to even get a drink for the next four hours

>> No.18996595
File: 8 KB, 269x211, 1675387875296615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In a fast food restaurant? Fuck no. There's a chair in the staff room, you can sit while you're on your break.
There's always something to do, if you can't find yourself a job I'll find one for you.
>help serve front counter customers
>help serve drive thru customers
>clean packing benches
>clean restaurant (clear tables, empty bins, clean bathroom)
>sweep the floor (front and back of house)
>empty back of house bins that are full
>stock up cups, boxes, drinks, etc
>bring some big boxes of fries from the back freezer to the small freezer by the fryers
>check the big sinks for dishes that need washed
>if there are still no customers at this point, go on a break
t. former KFC assistant manager

>> No.18996603

ive never worked at shithole places like that but even if there isnt anything to (yes there always is)
TRY to look like youre cleaning or being busy.

>> No.18996615

You get paid to work that hard, not regular grunt workers. You want to sweat it out sucking the colonel's dick go for it. And scrub some grease pans while you're at it "boss"

>> No.18996653

okay. just don't expect to get paid until 4 o'clock. why would you get salary for hours where you're not doing any work?

>> No.18996661

>okay. just don't expect to get paid until 4 o'clock
lol, yeah just try that shit anon, see how fast it takes you to get sued you moron

>> No.18996664

sometimes a boss joins us.

>> No.18996672

wage slavery is still slavery

>> No.18996673

Yeah sure. I'm not some corporate bootlicker who thinks that the employees should always be busting their asses. It doesn't matter how many times they sweep the backroom or flatten boxes, the boss isn't gonna pay them more. Might as well let em rest when they can. As long as my food is coming out at a reasonable pace as as i ordered it, I don't really care.

>> No.18996687

If your staff have nothing to do your business is failing or you overscheduled. When I managed a restaurant my kitchen staff were always busy. If they weren't on break I had something to do, and it was a cultural expectation in the kitchen that you not spend too much time idle. In return I did the scheduling properly, compensated them fairly, and helped out as needed if we were way over projections.

>> No.18996693

Who gives a shit, if I'm not employing them what the fuck do I care what they're doing, worse if it's some lame ass tip staff. They can all fuck off.

>> No.18996699

wait till you find out about paid vacations

>> No.18996700

How's that tip staff shit go if you're in a jet airliner, yeah if I tip you more you might get more a landing?
What a bunch of morons.

>> No.18996703

I love reading about these people as I continue making lots of money working from home because I'm good at my job

>> No.18996704

Kek, I got paid to 'manage' the store (eagle-eyed posters will have spotted the hint in the job title) ie decide what needed done when and who needed to do it.
You've clearly never worked in fast food if you think the managers are cleaning the toilets.
I might help out here and there if I had some spare time, but my army of wagies took care of most of the work.

>> No.18996709

You normally tip after service in a regular restaurant, what are you getting out of it there you actual idiot
What are you insinuating that after you pay and tip in a restaurant that the serving staff runs out and sucks you off

>> No.18996715

In any state I've lived in, employers aren't under any legal obligation at all to give you a single day of sick time or vacation.

>> No.18996718

If there's a cute girl and she wants to suck me off then of course I'll give her an extra tip

>> No.18996722

>Things that never happened

>> No.18996729

One has to try

>> No.18996732

>hat indoors
Yeah let's make this thread about sitting vs standing.

>> No.18996738

You know that many restaurants want you to wear a hat to keep hair out of the food right? I mean seriously, you’re not that dumb right?

>> No.18996741

nice thirldworld shithole you live in lel

>> No.18996743

In any line of employment not for retarded subhumans, they'll give you some anyway because it's a form of compensation.
Not what the contract says, shlomo.

>> No.18996744

Damn, son. It's a clear cut at kids born around 00-02 who have to discipline like the ones in OP pic. Yes, ngl, i've seen people like that in kitchen 15 years ago but it was not a.rule but an exception. Ofc, i understand that US service workers culture is different from my local slavlands' but zoomers are zoomers everywhere.
Man, i relly need to push myself to stop getting hard from looking at checklists. Damn i love the properly working system
t. hotel chain and a small local fastfood chain kitchen manager

>> No.18996751

>He thinks work means you are working every single second you are at the job
Oh man, I guess you don't take lunch breaks or piss, do you?

>> No.18996756

Then you live in shit tier states. Enjoy blowing through an entire paycheck when you want to take a week off

>> No.18996759

Holy shit the post that broke /ck/. Look at all the seething replies lmao

>> No.18996762

>Being objectively wrong and getting corrected suddenly means people are furious
Anon that was you that posted the original comment wasn’t it? Sorry everyone called you stupid

>> No.18996763

>having pride in being a former mcwagie mcwrangler

>> No.18996764

Nobody brought up the government mandated masks, follow the money

>> No.18996765

Zoomer doesn't apply to foreigners. No one gives a shit what some slavic 20 year old thinks or does.

>> No.18996766

Uncovered hair in my kitchen? Fukken never! I mean, there're strict regulation on how a cook should dress, hair length, nail, etc. It's basic stuff you learn at a first day briefing

>> No.18996768

wtf asshole

>> No.18996770

I didn't say that I didnt get vacation. I said my employer is under no obligation to give me vacation or sick time, and if you look up your local laws you'll find with high likelihood that yours isn't either.

>> No.18996771

What about the fauchi masks?

>> No.18996772

You'll be surprised by almost mirrored similarities

>> No.18996779

Tell me you've never worked in a kitchen without telling me you've never worked in a kitchen. There's literally always something to be done. If you have time to lean, you have time to clean.

>> No.18996780

>almost mirrored similarities
What is that mean?
Try to be specific if you can instead of relating from some ufo / space alien shit?

>> No.18996784

Anon have you ever worked before because you honestly sound like you have no idea what you’re talking about

>> No.18996799

I take pride in all the work I do, I'm the one doing it after all.

>> No.18996801

>low intelligence service workers can't identify bait

color me surprised

>> No.18996803

we get 5 weeks of paid leave BY LAW, not even counting sick leave
again, you just live in a shithole

>> No.18996804

For fastfood, fine dining, open behind-doors kitchens it came came and went away circa 2020-2021. For, say, a large boh food service like an outsourced school food it's a must as well as a different hat type and a mesh robe thingy at cold produce, meat and fish prep and the pick up zone. Two kitchens like the latter i've seen with my own eyes were more akin to a pharmaceutical factory workshop. Sorry for blogposting. Anyway, you're also expected to wear da mask if you're coughing or sneezing, etc. but staying at work, but that's common sense.

>> No.18996811

Sorry I called you out and made you get all defensive anon

>> No.18996817

up to the employer. when i worked physical jobs (not office jobs), I generally was standing at all times unless on my actual break/lunch

>> No.18996820

>doing the bare minimum like inputting my order and expecting a 20-30% tip.
thats just in the us, my country doesnt have a tipping culture and people here dont complain when other people are resting

>> No.18996825

I'll murder you and your entire family

>> No.18996832

not >>18996743, sorry

>> No.18996834

Goddamn I'd be left's chair all day

>> No.18996835

wtf dude why would you say that I'M ON YOUR SIDE

>> No.18996847

If you are going to categorize every place without mandatorily large quantities of paid time off as a shithole, then almost everywhere is a shithole.

>> No.18996850

I'm comparing them to the 16-20 year old who i've met along the career. Bear in mind, again, slobbish lazy workers always popped up here and there but not in these numbers.
- close to none work ethic, not responsing to briefings, 1 on 1 chats, poker-facing through and after any meetings
- absolute phone-addiction, but good thing a lot of places ban the phone usage for line workers and lower FoH. Had several people dropping out just because they didn't want to put their phones in the safe
- general slobishness, unifor always looks like ass
- needy and whiny, whilst not providing a proper service, not complying with the checklists and inner regulations
All of that and they still start crying "wtf unfair" when i'm laying them off at the third red card

>> No.18996861

>Waaaah I have nothing to do who cares if I'm just sitting there?
Then you walk into the establishment and the tables and chairs are sticky, the garbage bins are overflowing and the bathroom walls are covered in literal shit.

>> No.18996877


>> No.18996879

>hey minimum wage worker, why don't you do the work of three other people for no additional money ey?
Yeah, I believe you're a middle manager.

>> No.18996885

>covered in literal shit.
True story tho. Even check the cameras if maybe some drunk idiot or a sleazy-looking prankster was entering the wc and it's just a bunch of normally looking guests. Good thing we had two toilet room so we closed the shit-bombed one, took out eeverything not screwed into the floor and powerwashed it with soap with a karcher

>> No.18996919

That sounds like communism.

>> No.18996921

Not really 3 people. There are constantly active tasks in both back and front. A cook doesn't only stay in front of a grill. His "Cooking" covers some points that led to it and some that come after it or get influenced by it. Same with a front worker, it's not just delivering the plates. You have finished with your X and X2 doesn't appear right away? Ok, make sure your zone of rssponsibility is clean, prepared for the job to come. That aslo done and no X in sight? Ok, go take that dried broken croissant from behind the bottled drinks fridge, it's being there for two days. Go clean the walk-in, i've seen the mold reforming in the doorframe corner.

>> No.18996929

Imagine actually paying waiter a proper salary, not just a peanuts+x%

>> No.18996969

No, the pain and suffering makes the food taste better. Just ask the Chinese about how to cook a dog.

>> No.18996979

There’s this nice little Vietnamese cafe that opened up a few years ago in my city. They do the nice foam art stuff but the last few times my wife went in she said that the kids behind the counter are just sitting and having a conversation and look at any customer walking in as if they just interrupted their conversation.

My wife ordered their latte for dine in expecting her drink to be in a nice mug and a foam design, but they put it in a to-go cup. She now makes it a point not to tip when she sees the 2nd generation teenagers lazing about and will call out their laziness if they seem like they can’t be bothered. She’s starting to dislike any local places that are lazy in the same way and prefers going to places that give a shit even if they are chains. What is with the 2nd generation children? Why can’t they work like their parents.

>> No.18996982

If I run this image through tineye and find it's from a reddit up upvote farming thread I'm going to fuck your ass so hard

>> No.18996996

you're not paying for their work, you're paying for their availability. They agree to be available for 8 hours of their day, present at your business to fulfill any of the duties they are setup to complete. If you want to only pay for time actually worked then you also need to accept that your employees can leave the premises when they are "not working" and you'll have to schedule that between all of them on the fly and build in allowances for them to make it back to the job site on time. good fucking luck

>> No.18996998

Who gives a shit, I'm no busybody. I will say when I worked retail I'd get told to not lazy about when nothing was going on so I'd so lounge around by a register and look important.

>> No.18997004

I don't understand everyone except restaurant workers can stand for at least four hours without crying about it

>> No.18997033

It's nothing, one gets used to it. Sitting down writing code is easier at least to me but dealing with people is more fun and there are all kinds of hot chicks.

>> No.18997064

>dealing with people is more fun

>> No.18997092

I like it, we're just different.
Clash sometimes.

>> No.18997094

They give you clothes to wear there

>> No.18997098

We stab that shit from pitchforks like they're fucking savages. What are you thinking?

>> No.18997114

Not everybody has to be the same, regardless of what the weirdo whatever letter crowd has to think. Most of them suck, deal with it.

>> No.18997150


>> No.18997157

Yes, that's what he was getting at.

>> No.18997170

it consistently amazing how low income Americans side with the business elites in degrading their own work conditions.

>> No.18997183

Oh no, not a to-go cup! Oh god, a sign the workers are human? No tip for you! Get to work like a good little wagie in the cafe your family owns!
You guys sound like fucking pricks, they probably seem annoyed at her coming in because she's a cunt and they hate her but she spends money so they barely pretend to put up with it. Imagine being proud of going in to a place that actively upsets you and giving them money anyways lol. You are both cucks and should shut the fuck up as I'm sure neither of you have worked an honest day in your lives.

>> No.18997207

That wasn't me mr. low iq

>> No.18997212

You're the grown man who lives with his mom. Not me.

>> No.18997216

>customer complained
What the fuck would the complaint be, they were insulted by the sight of someone being seated?

>> No.18997222

How should I know retard lmao

>> No.18997226

I expect you to switch back to tiktok, post a comment asking, then return with the answer.

>> No.18997237

I’ve worked many service jobs and labor jobs in my life, for both chains and local places. I’ve never made the customer feel unwelcomed or like they were an inconvenience because that’s customer service 101.

My wife never did anything different, she’s a pretty sociable person, but when you act like you care about your customers and put in the effort to make shit presentable you get repeat service and customers.

My wife used to like to take friends that were visiting but we rarely go now unless asked by other friends.

We do like to go to this local boba place and tip everytime because we’ve been going since they opened and you know what makes that place so nice? The owner remembers our names and has since the first time we walked in. He cares, is respectful, timely, and you know what else? His kids are exactly the same way, they care and don’t act bothered when we walk in. We’re on a first name basis with each family member in that shop, and when they close for a few weeks out of the year to fly back to visit family in their home country we ask how the trip is and how their family is doing. When people show they care others tend to respond the same way.

>> No.18997239

>expecting a min wagie to actually work their whole shift
>in an economy where anything less than $25/hr assumes you'll be on your phone half of your shift

>> No.18997240

ok, so what happens when there are duties available during all of those eight hours but the employee refuses to do all he can and sits down instead?

>> No.18997246

i get 2 months paid a year plus 6-months Long service leave every 5 years
god forbid i ever have kids i even get a month's paternity leave as well
literally just dont live in a shithole and stop voting for retards

>> No.18997262

Not interested in your goyslop apps troon

>> No.18997265

You sounds like a lazy person.

>> No.18997276

>Says the guy who can’t even capitalize words

>> No.18997288

then you fire them??? what type of question is that

>> No.18997295


>> No.18997315


>> No.18997340

Ahh the type of guy who only posts in proper grammar and uses periods at the end of short sentences to sound more intelligent and authoritative yet doesnt know jack and is most likely 13 xDD

>> No.18997349

I thought you were taking the employees side but apparently you prefer them to be fired rather than having some of their pay deducted when they sit and do nothing. I think either is fine but to some degree depending on the situation and person

>> No.18997376

I'll just show up for rush then.

>> No.18997386

im 400lbs and cant really stand for more than 5 minutes

>> No.18997391

One of the many things I hated about washing dishes. Standing in one place for 8 hours sucks.

>> No.18997426


>> No.18997433

Service workers bitch about it but they will never EVER give up tips for a "living wage" because they make more in tips (that they underreport on their taxes anyway) than they would ever make from "living wage" without tips. Stop being a smoothbrain and realize that what they're actually mad about is that they don't get paid "living wage" PLUS tips.

>> No.18997456

>If you got time to lean you got time to clean
>There haven't been any orders since the last time I wiped down all the surfaces
>Then start deep cleaning
>lol okay nigger
>Customer walks in at while the grill is off
>Tell them it'll be a while before we can do their order
>they leave instead
The fucking business school middle manager mindset and all the foot shooting it it inspires made me understand the communists desu.

>> No.18997489

There is always time to do shit faggot. Prep, stock, dish pull, literally so much shit you could do rather than turning off the fucking grill and doing closing/opening shit during business hours. You seem like a shit employee with not forethought and your manager is a fucking idiot.

>> No.18997495

>be wagie
>boss wants me to do something
>tells me to clean
>"Clean anyway, faget. I'm not paying you to doomscroll Instagram"
>wagie turns off the the grill, aka the only way to make money
>business suffers
God I hate service workers so damned much.

>> No.18997515

>Prep, stock, dish pull,
Are you literally the only person in the kitchen? Do you not have a division of prep, line and dishwashers? Maybe the best thing to do in the moment is to take a rest before a rush, or build rapport with a team but thats not something that would ever occur to you hall monitors with Ramsey delusions.
>closing/opening shit
Lol, I have never had a store manager allocate time specifically for deep cleaning, every single one wants to try and do it between rushes because in their pea brains thats just efficient.

>> No.18997523
File: 1.91 MB, 1525x1135, OPN610C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are service workers so entitled, god forbid they had to do a real job

>> No.18997524


>> No.18997569

>keep firing people for retarded shit like sitting down when there's no work to be done
>can't find anyone to employ
>make post on facebook about how millennials/gen z/gen fag dont want to work

>> No.18997639


sorry sweaty, minimum wage, minimum effort ;)

>but you only get paid minimum wage because you're not trying!

I can tell mommy and daddy welfare paid for your expenses growing up. Flipping 10 extra patties won't increase their pay.

>> No.18997665
File: 29 KB, 378x487, 1640679286781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are boomers like this?

>> No.18997666

renting out dwellings is production in the same way a transvestite taking a shit is birthing

>> No.18997670
File: 1.75 MB, 792x888, 1662771431942782.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based landlord appreciator

>> No.18997811

>"Working class"
tell me you're retarded without telling me you're retarded.

>> No.18997828

You are paying them to be there, on call and available for WHEN a customer shows up.
As you can't schedule the customers to appear at set times (Though corporations are looking into how to "train" customers into this mindset), you NEED a person available at pretty much all time to handle this.

This is meant to be offset by managers and data tracking when customers show up and how many you will generally have on average at certain times and on certain days, but it is NEVER set in stone.
Hence, that employee has to be paid to be there and available. And, yes, if they having to be there, even if there's not a customer, they are still selling you their time to be their.

You'd be surprised. Some customers literally get off on the employees being the closest things to slaves they'll ever experience, because it makes them feel better as a person that they have someone they can look down on.
Hence seeing a happy or unabused employee just pisses them off.

>> No.18997843

didn't you pretty much already say this? not that it's wrong but I don't know why you're saying it again when they didn't seem to disagree in those two posts.

>> No.18997847

Based retard, You realise there needs to be workers in those sectors in order for society to keep functioning the way it does. If everyone was middle management and up things would cease to function.

>> No.18997852

I'm a newbie to this thread anon; second post.
I just did a light scroll before typing that post, so I'm guessing I'm repeating something another anon already covered then.

>> No.18997888

>Lower your tone if you talk to me when you work under 100hours a week (not as hard as you can)
What a gigantic faggot you are. Literal jew

>> No.18997894

Man you're way too adamant about all the "work" to do at such a pathetic establishment. If the whole team works twice as hard to make the place spotless, the shithole restaurant gets another 2% revenue and nobody except the owner sees a dime.
The reason you care is because you have nothing of real value to care about.

>> No.18998024

Reread the sentence you just typed out. You're soooo close.

>> No.18998027


>> No.18998029

It's a baitpost.

>> No.18998091


>> No.18998092

Nta, but imagine boasting about being a fast food manager, lol.

>> No.18998099

Disgusting human. I can just tell by your avatarfagging that you think you are some big shit ass. manager of a kfc woop-dee-doo.

>> No.18998113

>do all my prep
>do all my daily cleaning
>no orders coming in
>'lol stop being lazy just stand up for no reason'
Kill yourself chud.

>> No.18998165

>not taking a chair from one of the customers tables
Pussys deserve this.

>> No.18998182

>Should restaurant staff be allowed to sit when they aren't busy?
100% yes, anyone who says otherwise just wants people to suffer for no reason.

>> No.18998196

>No. They're lazy enough as-is, doing the bare minimum like inputting my order and expecting a 20-30% tip. The last thing we need is these lazy retards to sit down all day long and refuse to get up and actually do what's asked of them because they would rather stay sitting.
>God I hate service workers so fucking much. It always attracts the worst type of people with enormous victim complexes.
Strange how they're saying they hate service workers, yet they keep going to places where people work in service jobs, then the most ironic part is how they say it attracts the worst type of people, are they talking about themselves?

>> No.18998198

I got somewhere for the girl on the left to sit, coincidentally I also have a tip for her.

>> No.18998209

This whole thread makes so much sense!
>treat people like shit
>they all quit
>economy collapses
>world collapses
>aliens find our bones in a thousand years like "wtf happened here?"

>> No.18998212

this deshita

>> No.18998214

So true bestie

>> No.18998231

I work as a line cook (and backup prep cook) at a local takeout place. Employees are allowed to sit, get a drink, go out for a smoke, etc when we have downtime. I have coworkers who've been working here for over 5 years, and their level of experience keeps the business running smoothly.

>> No.18998243

t. triggered zoomers
I did not ever make up work for my staff to do that didn't need doing. There's a finite amount of work that can be done in a night, and it's mostly upkeep so that the store doesn't turn into a disgusting tip by closing time.
>hurr but it's minimum-wage so why should i put effort in
Because people can spot a lazy faggot from a mile away. Doesn't matter what you're doing, if you have a loser mindset making fuck-all at mcdicks, you'll have a loser mindset everywhere and nobody will want anything to do with you.
Call me a jew or a boomer all you want, unless you're going to overthrow capitalism, you have to work to survive.
Also, >>18998099, posting a reaction image isn't avatarfagging, you colossal newfag.

>> No.18998261

>There's a finite amount of work that can be done
True, but often corporate's tactic is to understaff so that your min wagers are forced to do the work o f 1.5-2 workers to offset this while corporate pockets the "savings" for the coporation (And their bonuses when they point to how THEY'RE the one's "saving" this money, not the mins)

>And its mostly upkeep so that the store doesn't turn into a disgusting tip by closing time
the people manning the register and fry baskets shouldn't be the one's allotted for essential upkeep: running back and forth between your assigned task and doing busywork just so corpo's can save some dough is bullshit.

wagie manager here too, and I can attest that 90% of the time when corporate wants you bitch at workers to do 2 jobs, its NOT in your store's best interest, its generally to the DETRIMENT of your location's performance, and only a policy so the suits who have no fucking clue how their business actually works can try and shave some money off the books for their own benefits.

>> No.18998263

>former KFC assistant manager

>> No.18998293

>>wagie turns off the the grill, aka the only way to make money
Do you want shit cleaned or do you want shit ready cause you only get to pick one nigger.

>> No.18998299

>if you look up your local laws you'll find with high likelihood that yours isn't either.
Nah m8 4 weeks guaranteed, though if I get a PhD it'll be 8 weeks for me. By law.

>> No.18998303

Zoomers are the exact same the world over. Thank the internet for that.

>> No.18998377

>corporate's tactic is to understaff so that your min wagers are forced to do the work o f 1.5-2 workers
This, this fucking bullshit is why I stopped caring. I've spent my whole life working in various fast food and retail because I'm a loser. But I saw a lot of things over my years, used to be everyone had a position and every position was filled. There were enough people if you needed to go to the bathroom you could get covered. If you got overwhelmed someone could step in and help carry your load for a little while.
But over time the margins got smaller and the only thing that mattered was labor and drive thru times. First you don't need a full time maint/clean crew. Then you don't need a full time fryer the runner can just step over and do that too. Now you don't need someone taking orders and money in drive thru the person gathering the food can do both.
And so on and so forth, my last job I saw us full staffed less than a handful of times in 4 years. It was particularly bad during breakfast. Often times it would be a skeleton crew until 9 or 10am and they were doing the work of 3 or 4 people.
All for no extra pay of course and if you said it was too much well there's the door some other loser will gladly take your place.
Everyone wants to shit on the losers of society but without them you wouldn't have any of your conveniences. There's a reason they are always low morale and often low effort. And it's not always because they are just shitty people.

>> No.18998386

I hear you, but at the end of the day, the work still needs to be done, corporate bullshit or no corporate bullshit. The faggots arguing with me are the type that want to show up for work, stand around with their thumb up their asses all shift and throw a tantrum when you ask them do not do that. They're not doing 0.5-1 worker's worth of work, let alone 1.5-2, and everyone else around them needs to work even harder to pick up the slack.
Not sure what you're implying mate, I left of my own accord because, as this thread has thoroughly established, working in fast food is awful.

>> No.18998388

>posting a reaction image isn't avatarfagging, you colossal newfag.
Yes it is. The image has nothing to do with your post, you posted the image solely to gain attention to your post.

>> No.18998392

>posting an image on an imageboard is... le bad!
7/10 made me respond

>> No.18998405

g8 b8 m8 8/8

>> No.18998410

you are a fucking faggot

>> No.18998425

I doubt you'll ever be getting a PhD since you don't understand the concept of likelihood

>> No.18998431

>I hear you, but at the end of the day, the work still needs to be done, corporate bullshit or no corporate bullshit.

okay, so corporate's fucking themselves in the ass by cutting their legs off and screeching that the wagies need to pick up the pace and save them from themselves...
and the wagies are supposed to care... WHY?

Don't give me a "the work still needs to be done!" shit when the workers are being undercut at being able to do that, and somehow expected to bear the brunt of corporate being retards.
If corporate is going to fuck the business, what they are being PAID big money to manage, and the wagies get jack and shit to fix the mess corporate is making (While also barely being given enough money to care enough if they were staffed PROPERLY), why is it their responsibility to keep the place from collapsing into a pile of dogshit?

Go ahead. Fire the wagies. Fire them. And then stand there with your dick in your hand while customers screech about not being able to get their burgers in less than 10 minutes because there's no wagies to run things because, hey, this isn't a slavery system, the business can't just go to market and buy a new slave to replace the wagie you fired, and nobody worth half a wet shit will show up if you're crushing them.

Its a give and take relationship. Managers who don't understand that their workers are people end up with businesses with no workers and then can't keep it running properly, screeching at them to work harder or not.

There will be shitty workers, yeah. You keep an eye out for them and try and cycle them out. But you have to, as a manager, UNDERSTAND your workers and know that they're here for money and JUST money. If you don't realize this you're going to end up with an unmotivated workforce who won't do jack shit without being whipped, instead of ones you can rely on, will be happy to be there and smile at customers, and do their job well just because its their job.

>> No.18998451

When I worked as a line cook, I didnt have any need to sit down

>> No.18998474

I don't know about your personal situation, but do you know who had to pick up the slack handed down by shitty corporate decisions in my store?
The managers.
Personally, I would work upwards of 8 hours a week of (unpaid) overtime in order to help get my staff out on time. People liked working with me because I could step in and fill gaps where they appeared.
I'm all for cultivating a set of staff that are happy to be at work, we're on the same page here. Realistically, shitty workers make up like <10% of the employees that come though. But they're the ones that bitch and moan about not having chairs to sit in when everyone else is busy working.

>> No.18998481

if youre not actively working, you should take a seat. the expectation to forcibly stand the entire shift sans break time is fucking retarded.
cashiers should be on a stool. they dont need to stand whatsoever.

>> No.18998518

Lazy cunt.

>> No.18998532
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Okay Steiny.

>> No.18998536
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>you posted the image solely to gain attention to your post.
first time on 4chan, redditor?

>> No.18998561
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>> No.18998565

>Just become a doormat and do everyone else's work, bro
Kill yourself.

>> No.18998571

yeah, I wonder what kind of urban apocalypse there would be if we didn't have burger flippers, barristas and people who serve us so we don't have stand up and, God forbid, walk to the counter

>> No.18998576
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You say this, but boomers were literally screaming and shitting their pants when covid happened, people started dying the labor shortage started.

>> No.18998596

Feet tired.
Pots can wait 5 minutes.

>> No.18998662

As someone who has held multiple kitchen manager jobs and two executive chef jobs I can safely say that the "if you have time to lean" bullshit is for bootlickers who insist on working people who are already one bad day away from quitting to the bone. Socialization and freedom to just chill occasionally us extremely crucial to team building and maintaining a healthy work environment. No one likes a tyrant or a fucking dweeb that makes sure everyone is constantly staying busy for 8+ hours

>> No.18998715

Literally kill yourself you faggot candyass ass boomer

>> No.18998746

>We told wagies to throw himself at the floor in despair and he actually did it the absolute madman

>> No.18998748

What kind of shithole wouldn't allow employees to sit down?

>> No.18998749

it's bizzare.
grocery store clerks, fast food work etc have stood for decades but now that zoom zooms are in the work force it's a major problem

>> No.18998762

More like everyone else gets a chair for their job but the second someone at McDonalds decides they might want to give their legs a break while manning a register everyone has a problem with it.

>> No.18998767
File: 80 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They honestly should be allowed to sit while they cook and prep. No reason to need to be on your feet to watch onions sweat or peel and dice mirepoix.

>> No.18998816

They all should have walked out.

>> No.18998882

Why do you think you deserve better than the millions who did these jobs without complaint? Go on. I could use a laugh.

>> No.18998891

Almost every minor convenience people take for granted is propped up by minimum wage workers, and while you say this it doesn't take a genius to see how many people can't even cook for themselves let alone deal with large grocery chains becoming inoperable due to lack of workers.

>> No.18998897

>I have been abused so why shouldn't you

>> No.18998995

My chair at work costs $2500, I have access to multiple LaZBoy chairs as well. We have a full size commercial kitchen, an on site gym and sleeping facilities.

If your work conditions aren't enjoyable, why the fuck are you still working there? It's a job seekers market - leave and find somewhere with better facilities and conditions.

>> No.18998996


lazy subhumans get the rope

>> No.18999314

>when they aren't busy
Not how a restaurant works. When you aren't busy, you're still busy because there's constantly shit you can and should be doing. If you truly aren't busy at a restaurant, clock out and fuck off.

>> No.18999318

bitch this ain't your fucking hair salon. stand up and do your job

>> No.18999322

You can automate those jobs. The only reason we don't is because society needs to give retards something to do or else they fuck shit up because idle hands. It's literal busy work.

>> No.18999330

a lot of mind broken wage slaves itt
take better care of your bodies, you get no points for hurting yourself.

>> No.18999480
File: 288 KB, 960x992, 1_V4dosxoSraGlwjd5SIpR1g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europoors let store cashiers sit down and they don't even see why it's an issue.

>> No.18999488

I’d prefer you did that actually, in fact I welcome it because the settlement from the lawsuit would let me NEET for a year or two.

>> No.18999493

So then start by roping yourself, subhuman

>> No.18999497

Nope, I get guaranteed sick/vacation leave in my state. 14 days minimum.

>> No.18999509

>Wtf why would you post an IMAGE on an IMAGEBOARD
anon you're a fucking idiot

>> No.18999513

You say this but then would seethe uncontrollably if you couldn't get your Starbucks slopdrink in less than ten minutes

>> No.18999514

>all these wagies seething

>> No.18999517

>People in the past were too pussy to say how they felt so that means you have to do that too
I'll take that chair while I'm ringing you up, thanks.

>> No.18999518

>Samefagging to save face

>> No.18999570

people don't allow others to do things.
people just do things.
why are you so weird?

>> No.18999572

i'll manage my own time, anon.

>> No.18999585

sitting down can be a health and safety issue because in a kitchen you sometimes need to gtfo the way of people carrying big heavy pots and hotel pans full of boiling hot stuff. not only will it take longer for you to get up off your ass but the chair is also an obstruction/trip hazard
not always the case but some kitchens resemble a shoebox or rats maze

>> No.18999587

our us gov gave away most the meaningful jobs overseas and the only jobs left are middle management and service industry
vote red or blue and nothing else, pls

>> No.18999588


>> No.18999619

im kinda curiois about this two weeks paid vacation.
i always figured amarricans only got two weeks of vacation then learned its two weeks of paid vacation.

what if i want to take six weeks of unpaid vacation, can i do that? i was educated for a forty/wk type of office job where your visiting projects in summer and planning projects in winter. can i just ask for two months of vacation (unpaid) and be cool! i always assumed thay would be a big no no in the corporate world.

i also dont understand how people can work day in and day out and not afford to take a month off? i guess people like to spend money as soon as they get it?

>> No.18999646

the employer will fire you if you do that

>> No.18999655

Paid vacation also means when your kid is sick and you need to take care of them or your car breaks down or you have an appointment during work hours, you have to use your vacation time.

>> No.18999667

Do cashier have to stand in Murica? I have been in various countries in EU as well as in many chains in mine and I doubt I saw single one where cashier stands, it is standard here

>> No.18999718

Yes. People over 40 see it as disrespectful when cashiers sit.

>> No.18999725

>they don't even see why it's an issue.
Why would it be? Your cashiers are still morbidly obese despite standing all day.

>> No.18999747

Did you flunk out of preschool?

>> No.18999753

>fat boomer accuses people who contribute to society as having a victim complex
>has a victim complex himself
Lmao you’re a fat boomer who’s gonna have a stroke in a few years. Probably can’t even remember the last time girls showed interest in you

>> No.18999754

fucking zoomer faggot cant stand on his own legs while working
if youd stop sitting at your pc so much your weak little drumsticks might be able to stand for more than 10 minutes at a time

>> No.18999758

I was a cashier for a year before I got promoted. Couldn't move away from my register anyway, but I couldn't sit either. It's bullshit, is what it is.

>> No.18999778
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>>18996825 >>18996832 >>18996834 >>18996835 >>18996847 >>18996850 >>18996861 >>18996877 >>18996879 >>18996885 >>18996919 >>18996921 >>18996929 >>18996969 >>18996979 >>18996982 >>18996996 >>18996998 >>18997004 >>18997033 >>18997064 >>18997092 >>18997094 >>18997098 >>18997114 >>18997150 >>18997157 >>18997170 >>18997183 >>18997207 >>18997212 >>18997216 >>18997222 >>18997226 >>18997237 >>18997239 >>18997240 >>18997246 >>18997262 >>18997265 >>18997276 >>18997288 >>18997295 >>18997315 >>18997340 >>18997349 >>18997376 >>18997386 >>18997391 >>18997426 >>18997433 >>18997456 >>18997489 >>18997495 >>18997515 >>18997523 >>18997524 >>18997569 >>18997639 >>18997665 >>18997666 >>18997670 >>18997811 >>18997828 >>18997843 >>18997847 >>18997852 >>18997888 >>18997894 >>18998024 >>18998027 >>18998029 >>18998091 >>18998092 >>18998099 >>18998113 >>18998165 >>18998182 >>18998196 >>18998198 >>18998209 >>18998212 >>18998214 >>18998231 >>18998243 >>18998261 >>18998263 >>18998293 >>18998299 >>18998303 >>18998377 >>18998386 >>18998388 >>18998392 >>18998405 >>18998410 >>18998425 >>18998431 >>18998451 >>18998474 >>18998481 >>18998518 >>18998532 >>18998536 >>18998561 >>18998565 >>18998571 >>18998576 >>18998596 >>18998662 >>18998715 >>18998746 >>18998748 >>18998749 >>18998762 >>18998767 >>18998816 >>18998882 >>18998891 >>18998897 >>18998995 >>18998996 >>18999314 >>18999318 >>18999322 >>18999330 >>18999480 >>18999488 >>18999493 >>18999497 >>18999509 >>18999513 >>18999514 >>18999517 >>18999518 >>18999570 >>18999572 >>18999585 >>18999587 >>18999588 >>18999619 >>18999646 >>18999655 >>18999667 >>18999718 >>18999725 >>18999747 >>18999753 >>18999754 >>18999758


>> No.18999784

holy 'ku fail

>> No.18999786

manager-sama, I kneel....

>> No.18999815
File: 46 KB, 415x604, 1670153995782352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if they clock off. Poorfag wagies are not payed to sit.

>> No.18999860

Grunt workers get paid to work, retard. If you could command the ability to sit down and wait for something to do you could command better hourly pay rates. If you're minimum wage the only thing you actually have a job for is the promise to work the full shift. You don't deliver on that you don't keep the job because you'll be replaced by another skilless fuckhead who will instead. Then you'll cry to your le ebil landlord about how capitalism and society is why you can't pay rent instead of you being of no worthwhile value and expecting to just leech off of everything others have built.

>> No.18999876

We were able to increase productivity and employee satisfaction at work by doing exactly this and moving shifts around busy times, but without any cut in pay.

>> No.18999889

this. productivity increases from some downtime and leeway. you can get better work and the same work done in less time vs shittier work spread out to fill a longer time

>> No.18999899

no. wagies owe their lives to me

>> No.18999923

enjoy the spit-flavored pizza

>> No.18999927

enjoy the cum flavored dental floss nigga

>> No.18999932

I dont think I've ever seen a cashier sit in america outside of small gas stations/liquor stores that are probably self-owned by the person working the register. most cashiers would probably have to cite the americans with disabilities act to get that kind of "accommodation," and even then they would probably actually need some kind of referenced disability. then you take into account they could probably get fired in retaliation and not have the money to sue for the place violating the ADA because the national minimum wage is like $7

>> No.18999960

Americans just hate minimum wage workers. Rights to anything except guns and the freedom to call yourself American are taboo as far as I can tell

>> No.18999980

i would never be at a job so low trust they wouldn't trust your judgement of when and when not to sit. there's a labor shortage dont put up with this crap

>> No.19000010

zoomers are trash

>> No.19000024

>Waah, nobody wants to work
How can employers be such retarded niggers with rules like these?

>> No.19000096


>> No.19000156

So the guy who just wrote a whole faggy paragraph about people sitting down isn't triggered? Have fun doing my work while I sleep on shift kek

>> No.19000241

Yes. Its just fking stupid to stand for an 8hr shift if there is no practical reason to do so.
t:registered nurse and i sit wherever and whenever i can, and no, im not a fat ass. im fit.

>> No.19000273


>> No.19000424


>> No.19000589

yeah it's awful because of people like you

>> No.19001111

I'm a cook, hire a cleaner.

>> No.19001608

minimum pay = minimum effort

>> No.19001786

I mean if I get my food and it's made hygienically I don't give a shit if they're back there filming their onlyfans. Literally who gives a fuck if the product doesn't suffer, why get mad for the sake of getting mad; your platitudes mean nothing

>> No.19001867


>> No.19001887

When I was working, I'd stand in front of and work a tablesaw all day and stack wood too.
Even when I took breaks they would only be half hour sitting breaks on the concrete, no food.
Not everyone could tolerate that, and, I see the need for most people to have seats for breaktime.
I see no reason to deprive them of that, however, it's clear some workers would abuse it too. So you have to make sure they know they have to stay attentive and not get too distracted by their phones.

>> No.19001956
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lmaoing @ this whole thread

>> No.19002695
File: 85 KB, 491x414, bettyraugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is... that a wagie... sitting down? OH MY GOD IM GOING INSANE, MANAGERMAN PLEASE COME HELP ME
I'm not sure if this is an american or big city or whatever thing, but I sure am glad I've never seen that kind of retardation live.

>> No.19002713

lmao you are in for a rude awakening for last last 3rd of your life.

>> No.19002727

For some reason Americans get into an absolute shitfit whenever they see a worker sitting down.
Which is why cashiers don't have any chairs either at almost every grocery store chain, somehow it triggers Americans even though its normal in the rest of the world

>> No.19002736

The rest of the world is full of lazy commie fags.
Were the best and most powerful nation on Earth became we aren't like you.

>> No.19002793

>I'm a (manual worker)
>hire a (manual worker).

uh, I already did. it's your job, either do it or find another career.

>> No.19002825

I've always thought the notion of "look busy" was retarded. There will always be a period of time at any restaurant where there will be nothing much to do. Making employees just waste time by wiping down some random window for the 200000th time that day or making all the menus face the right way isn't actually doing work.

>> No.19002909

Nope. If there's genuinely no work now, by all means, sit and take a breather, you'll be more useful when it actually matters later on. But as a guy who owns a restaurant, I will replace your ass with Juan immediately if you get uppity about your compensation or you start lacking because you feel you're not being compensated fairly. The sole reason he's not in your position right now is that I like white people better, but ask for more money or don't put in the effort and my kitchens are gonna sound a lot more brown real quick, that's why we have a Lorenzo and a Jorge right now. I already pay 20% above the typical hourly for back or house around these parts, so that's already 20% more than what they're worth.

"But somebody's gotta do it and the pay is still shit and I'm only able to cover rent and the bare necesites", yeah, that's called having a fucking skill issue, as in try having some actually high paying ones, or starting a business like I did, or be mad at your parents for never being able to support you through school or whatever. Society is one big competitive game and you're losing at it, take someone else's job and they'll have to be where you are now, that's how the cookie crumbles. If you decide to leave, I genuinely wish you good luck, but there's about a few hundred Mexicans in town who'll do your job for the same pay and be happy for it so don't think for a second I won't. I'm not gonna actively make work harder for you, it's not like I get any joy out of it, but holy fuck have I had to dealt with some angry retards that I got to quit by fucking with their schedule and giving them the worst possible jobs, all because they thought they were gonna be paid to goof off in the middle of an actual dinner rush.

>> No.19002917

you are a fucking idiot, there are no 'skills' anymore, you still get paid shit. our economy is fake and gay and every job that hasn't been shipped overseas is a fake job for minorities, gays, and women.
You aren't going to start a business when everything has already been consolidated by the monopolies of the industry that own our politicians and our government appointees. Literally I would have sex with your anus until it bleeds, then tell you to suck it up buttercup.

>> No.19003063

>on ck
>has never had gook food take out

>> No.19003081

customers should never have been able to see the staff making the food to begin with. its largely what gave such jobs their poor/degrading reputation to begin with

>> No.19003113

>not wasting as much time and cleaning products as possible.

>> No.19003117

Yes and no. If there's nothing to do then you should be allowed to sit, but in a restaurant there's always something to do

>> No.19003135

No. When it's not busy, you should be cleaning, restocking, prepping, doing what needs to be done so when it is busy you can handle it. Anyone working at a restaurant should only sit down on break or when doing accounting/paperwork/etc, otherwise you're a lazy prick and shouldn't be in the kitchen.

>> No.19003138

I've I'm caught up on my duties on a slow night in going out back to sit down for a few minutes. Morning shift can do their own jobs

>> No.19003240

>when they aren't busy
This is the crab in a bucket mentality that gave corporations so much power
Who tf complained about people sitting inside restaurant kitchens
Eat the rich

>> No.19003263
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>> No.19003285


>> No.19003290
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, 1652774027917099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are people falling for this obvious bait.
wait. maybe it's so obvious that people are replying with their own obvious bait that just looks like bait
Am I falling for obvious bait?

>> No.19003292

if you're in a normal country you use sick leave for that.

>> No.19003299
File: 8 KB, 300x222, 1639024109103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what happens when you allow weebs to get jobs, they eventually peter principle their way up to positions that have a modicum of power. god help us all once they make it into governments or fortune 500s

>> No.19003308

>This is the crab in a bucket mentality
this, i've worked standing jobs, its hell to be on your feet for 8 hours/day, especially standing still in place.

>> No.19003356
File: 112 KB, 1024x684, people-996759_1920-1024x684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dey tuk ur chairs
Then sit on the floor by squatting like a proper humans. But of course they can't because they're too fat and weak to sit down and be able to stand up again.

>> No.19003485

Working in open view kitchen made me quit the career.

>> No.19003731

they bought a how to draw anime book and now they own a BK franchise
how many small businesses do you own?
do some self-reflection before commenting like this next time

>> No.19004627

Just admit you were trying to take a picture of her ass

>> No.19004834

>>they all quit
>>economy collapses
you braindead poverty retards voted to open your borders to your replacements already, dumbass. the economy will keep chugging along with cheaper slave labour and you'll just get evicted and starve.

>> No.19004879

Service industry is still servant class, not working class. And the jobs are not an indispensable sector, they can be cut out entirely and the regular people will just do them for themselves. They are a convenience, nothing more.

You are not the workers storming the Czar's palace, you are the fucking palace servant cleaning chamberpot screaming your head off in paralytic panic because the entire foundations holding up your life are crumbling while you're probably about to get bayonetted.

>> No.19004884

>grocery store clerks, fast food work etc have stood for decades
This is an American thing actually. In other parts of the world the shopkeeper is allowed to sit because it literally makes no difference.

>> No.19004929

pretty sure not being able to quit is one of the basic requirements of slavery zommie faggot

>> No.19004941

left berry dick king arthur

>> No.19004966

yes human beings should be allowed to sit.

>> No.19004974
File: 26 KB, 500x349, letdown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, give those people a break, they won't get motivated because it is shitty low satisfactory job but it is a job that someone must do nonetheless so let rest if there is nothing to do, mindless tasks just to not have a downtime are just silly
I often see that people call chinks bugmen due to lack of empathy but people in murica really "chase" that ideal of theirs

>> No.19006304

Then wear a hair net you gorrila nigger retard

>> No.19006357

As someone who worked at starbucks for 2 years >>18996456 has some truth to it. My coworkers never did fucking anything if they weren't constantly being hounding by my supervisor or manager. We had so much leeway with being able to get away with anything, I was the only good worker they had because I just wanted to pass the time and I like busy work (I was also too old to make friends with the younger employees and too young for the older employees so I never really gossiped or made friends). Manager kept begging me to be a supervisor, but I didn't want the responsibility or have to be in charge of these lazy cunts, since I was only working there for the college benefits.

>> No.19006371

>Wow I'm rich now

>> No.19006415

My family is full of lawyers so I don't have to worry about that

>> No.19006424

In the future there will be mind scans so they can tell when you aren't thinking of working

>> No.19006432

It's not a worry if your entire job is prep work or manning the frier

>> No.19006441

I know the exact type of person who drew this. She is some fat mid 30s landwhale that will be a cat lady for her entire life. Laughs at the stupidest shit. Her style of dress she herself would refer to as "lesbian kindergartener" with a bunch of cutesy graphic tees with overalls and fugly dresses, sort of like if Phyllis from the office was a millennial weeb with colored hair. She will have thick framed glasses that may or may not be prescription.

That person was sitting there drawing this image, giggling to herself in hysterics over how silly and quirky she was being. And then she proudly showed it to all her employees who pity laughed and clapped for her as she put it on the window extremely excited like a downie kid showing off something they are proud of.

I had that manager. I hate that manager.

>> No.19006469

>30% of restaurants close in the first year
>Most don't become profitable in 5
>Why should I allow my kitchen staff to sit? The ones who aren't busy should be getting in the way of the ones who are, stress makes the best food
>Why should I let my kitchen staff have any input on what we serve or how it's made? They are just the people making the food
>High turnover rates is good, I will just ask for three years of experience for my minimum wage position, that way I won't have to constantly train my staff every three months because they keep quitting
>Medical insurance? Why should a place were food is made make sure their employees are not sick or injured?
And that's why there is no money in it and most people just work in the industry a couple of years before moving on to something else, the best jobs are gatekept behind culinary degrees nowadays anyways so you aren't moving up, you aren't getting a raise best possible outcome is getting even more work once everyone else quits
An industry of retards, people will keep going to the place they know even when it goes to shit because trying something new is a gamble you are going to loose anyways, I have had good food at a place I didn't previously know or got recommended by someone in ten years, it sucks every time, not even pizza is good l. The whole country is going to become one big franchise because at least fast food is consistent

>> No.19006478

Good to know you don't see them as human

>> No.19006514

>dude everyone does it so therefore it's okay!
I'm thinking you're the newfag here if anybody

>> No.19006530

If we could automate those jobs boomers would have implemented it long ago rather than putting up with the zoomers wagies they complain about so much. I think you're lying out your ass

>> No.19006568

Nene husband not inteligent but he likes nene, so big boobs, he smart.

>> No.19006941
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stfu weeb
>own a BK franchise
>how many small businesses do you own?
they own nothing, merely a wagie with a different name badge

>> No.19006956

It's the only reason they get my money. I love leering at teenage girls while they assemble my burger.

>> No.19007160

I got laid off from my oilfield job from sustaining a back injury, and since Biden's 'booming economy' job prospect have dried up. I decided to do pizza delivery while I was on the mend and searching a new job to have income. Literally zoomers are so fucking worthless, always complain about not getting tips and think that I am getting favoritism because they take 5 minutes to pack up their pizza, and another few minutes to actually drive off the lot, forget things that they have to drive back and get, then they drive like grandmas and have the personality of a fucking rock. I'm averaging ~$22 an hour while they are making like ~$14 an hour.

>> No.19007167

Instore workers and managers are usually females, and you are an oilfield chad. I would think favoritism as well.

>> No.19007172

I've got a real nice place for that girl to sit.

>> No.19007190

You smashing bro?????

>> No.19007215

I dunno, I just figured out an efficient way to get work done like I have my entire life.

>> No.19007226

How many times have you feared for your life during a delivery? Whether it be car accident, shitty weather conditions, or being in a bad neighborhood. Also how much of your time is dedicated to working at the store itself in between deliveries?

>> No.19007238

I don't fear for my life, I did two tours during the bush wars and then worked on oil rigs, I also carry even though it's against company policy. it's about 50/50 in store and road time.

>> No.19007243
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shitty weather conditions, you just drive a lot slower and don't let yourself be in a hurry that could cause an accident, if you fuck up your vehicle on the job it's on you, I will straight up tell the manager that I will not take a delivery if it's unsafe.

>> No.19007385

Would make a quapa with the qt on the left.
Damn straight.

>> No.19008180

Bitch, when you're on the fucking clock, unless you're on break, you're on MY FUCKING TIME! Get back to fucking work, wagie.

>> No.19008239

I'm just realizing how much hell a fast food job would be. Starbucks and the CostCo food court are probably worse.

>> No.19008243

costco food court would be leagues comfier than fast food or starcucks

>> No.19008368
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>> No.19009518
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>> No.19009578

>should humans be allowed to rest after standing for long periods of time

>> No.19009801

he said restaurant workers

>> No.19009869

They don't give 2 shits about my order either way so fuck em, make em stand.

>> No.19009882

fuck the customer who complained, theyre the one who should be no longer allowed to sit instead

>> No.19009974

how are 20 somethings unable to stand up for a work shift? if you're sitting you're a fucking pathetic dipshit. do you see the guatelmalan kitchen staff sitting?

>> No.19009988

also i should add that if i'm not moving around constantly my whole body fucking hurts. if you're comfortable sitting for work then fuck you and i'm a geneticist.

>> No.19009999

I bet the customer was upset that he couldn't see much of her body while she was seated.

>> No.19010426

I always figured they did this for the same reason you're not suppose to sit down in a lab. Tripping hazard, risk of spillage, etc.

>> No.19010438

>There's a chair in the staff room, you can sit while you're on your break.
There were no chairs in the staff room. The owner had left only a single chair between front and back of house.
They're actually in pretty good lawsuit basis. They're state requires chairs be available for work that can be done reliably while seated.

>> No.19010567


>> No.19010717

Restaurant staff could rape children for all I care, as long as my food is well made and tastes good.

>> No.19010970

I'm a closing driver in a small town, we get a maybe few deliveries after 9 and I refuse to do fucking anything but carryout window and occasionally answer phones and get up the rush drivers ass to do dishes, and answer phones. fucking rush drivers are worthless and don't do shit, once they are gone I'm usually left with all of the work they didn't do as well as all of the closing duties. the only ones more worthless than rush drivers are opening drivers and I let them know.

>> No.19011032
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>muh zoomers
Imagine having no achievements in life apart from your birth year. At least in Europe cashiers tend to sit down.

>> No.19011038

I think it's a good thing to be uncomfortable sometimes, especially for extended periods of time. It's obviously preferable to choose to do something uncomfortable, but if you can take your ego out of it and happily go along with punishments like that then it does a lot more to spite your punishers than impotent whining.

>> No.19011062

that Asian can sit on my face and nestle my nose into her warm, moist asshole

>> No.19011085

In my store you can raise and lower the register I'll you want to stand or sit. Most people change it up after a while

t. Manager

>> No.19011107

Boomers are just pussies with no spines who let authority walk all over them. Zoomers will tell their bosses to fuck off, boomers will get on their knees to suck schlomos dick, thank him for the opportunity and then start a massive coping larp about how they're a real man for being a cuck.

>> No.19011492

Holy shit, rollers on a elvated platform. That's asking for trouble.
Our cashier chairs are attached to the station and can swivel around.

>> No.19011753

>staff lazy
>boss takes staff's chair away
>lazy staff takes photos of themselves being lazy and playing on their phones

>> No.19011782

She should get fired for this

>> No.19012515

>Oh man here comes order #56047 of the day oh man im gunna make it with so much love man im I'm gunna looooove

like complaining the kid who made your shoes didn't care, only way your gunna get something with care is if you make it yourself

>> No.19013256

>resting your laurels on [current youngest generation] that pretty much at the age where "gaming the system" seems like a biological imperitive.

you brought this on yourselves.
when you depend on child labour
you expect them not to grow up.

>> No.19013266

this is the true power of food deserts