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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18998998 No.18998998 [Reply] [Original]

Is Kingrinder K6 the most cost-effective technology to grind your coffee beans?

>> No.18998999

I bought a handheld ceramic burr grinder for $3 from one of those amazon returns resellers, that's a far better use of your money than whatever this shit is.
Actually, everything related to coffee on amazon has doubled or even tripled in price within the last 4 years because reddit wouldn't shut the FUCK up about grinding whole bean coffee at home.

>> No.18999000

>to do the same thing as a $5 rock

>> No.18999001

why do you need to grind?

t. instant coffee enjoyer for past 10 years

>> No.18999002

It is $99 on amazon and people say that it is like end game most of the time.

>> No.18999003


>> No.18999004

I wish they actually made electric burr grinders that weren't entirely made to grind themselves to bits within a year through the use of plastic gearing and nuts that become wobbly and make the grind size imprecise, even $300 to $400 electric burr grinders are like this

Coffee tastes better when you grind it shortly before brewing, whole bean lasts 3 weeks without going stale after you open the bag assuming you keep it in an airtight container.
Pre-ground coffee lasts 5 days at the most under the same conditions, it has far more surface area to react with oxygen.
Instant is swill, you drink it if you treat coffee like nothing more than a caffeine delivery method.

>> No.18999005

>developing an addiction to caffeine

Being naturally caffeinated has saved me thousands on a crop that'll become scarce in the coming decades.

>> No.18999006

Coffee is good.

>> No.18999007

It smells good. I'll give you that.

>> No.18999008

Tastes good too, but I don't know what shit you consume so wtv.

>> No.18999009

I had a hario hand grinder but it was so inconsistent I may as well have used a $5 blade grinder. Burrs don't mean shit if it's poorly made.

>> No.18999010

My gf has one but she's also a huge snob with a $2000 espresso maker.

>> No.18999011

I have a hard time imagining your gf isn't male.

>> No.18999012

My chink porlex mini make a same coffee fo whatever fancy grinder in your pic

>> No.18999013

The K4 is the best of the brand for espresso. K6 is like an all-rounder.

>> No.18999014
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Is your grinder in the museum of modern art?

>> No.18999015

If you put any more thought into your coffee than what size to ask for at the timmies, you might be a gigantic fuckin tranny queerdo, fr fr.

>> No.18999016

Isn't this a blade grinder?

>> No.18999017

yes, they suck major ass because it's just a scaled down blender, they chop up the beans unevenly, leaving both gigantic boulders and ultrafine coffee dust and this leads to both underextraction and overextraction, basically bitter coffee in both instances.

>> No.18999018
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>hand grinder
I fell for this meme and one day realized you don't need a busted arm and 30 minutes to grind coffee beans. Now I have an oxo burr grinder and just can't seem to stop winning.

>> No.18999019
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This is fine for a pour-over or similar, but for espresso, nah.

I have a Niche Zero, paired with my Decent Espresso DE1Pro.

>> No.18999020

you can buy paper dirt cheap fold some beans up in it and punch the wadded paper, far more cost-effective op

>> No.18999021

>$160 hand grinder
Hario Skerton is $30 and produces good enough grind for Aeropress. Can be modified for pour over easily. Small hand grinders are always going to have bad precision. If you're going to put money into it, go electric or counter mounted.

>> No.18999022
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For me it's hand grinder, french press and kettle to boil water. Let me guess, you need less?

>> No.18999023

I bought some electric grinder for like $10 and it works well enough

>> No.18999024

>bruh just follow these 24 steps to get slightly tastier coffee
No thanks, I'll stick to instant, spit it, and drink water instead (or cinnamon chocolate)

>> No.18999025

>these 24 steps
grind the coffee
boil some water
put hot water into your ground coffee
Wow, that was really hard

>> No.18999026

whod want to waste time and energy to grind coffee in the morning?

>> No.18999027

People say that it is Ok for espresso but K4 is better.

>> No.18999028

yeah just get an electric burr grinder and electric kettle. french press or aeropress are the final say in simple coffee techniques

>> No.18999029

>$160 hand grinder

Lol, it is $99 on amazon, and they have cheaper options like K1 for $30.

>> No.18999030

I am an American man, I don’t notice stale coffee. Onions drinking latte having homosexual.

>> No.18999031

me, I use my hand grinder while also doing other thing like looking at my laptop screen or keeping tabs on my breakfast on the stove at 6am or boiling my water for my coffee. It only takes like 2 minutes or so.

>> No.18999032

I'd be looking for a new gf if i were you.

>> No.18999033

what's the rush?

>> No.18999034

Put the coffee in cold water instead and then boil it. Watch it because it wants to boil over fast. Then let the coffee sink for maybe 5-10 minutes. Enjoy.

>> No.18999035
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I don't buy shit grinders

>> No.18999036

just drink instant coffee you're ngmi if you're grinding beans

>> No.18999037

Those are also a shit ton of effort

>> No.18999038

I buy coffee grounds. From Dunkin' Donuts.

>> No.18999039

I don't believe that /g/ consumes shit coffee.

>> No.18999040

>put instant coffee powder
>pour hot water and stir briefly
literally quicker than you molesting the coffee beans lmao

>> No.18999041

>not ceramic
what are you poor?

>> No.18999042

Ceramic is worse than steel.

>> No.18999043

timemore c3, it grinds really really fast

>> No.18999044

just buy a jura

>> No.18999045

no they're not
burr grinders are piss easy, both presses are just "throw coffee and water in, press to finish, and an electric kettle is easier than a retarded one

>> No.18999046

Cleaning the french press alone is like 10x the effort of just using instant coffee

>> No.18999047

run water through it
all there is
just water
you live in california or something? do they not have water where you're from? do you wash dishes with dasani?

>> No.18999048

I just throw my v60 filter in the trash, and I'm done.

>> No.18999049

That's too much effort

>> No.18999050
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>niggers feeding niggers

Oh am I supposed to be impressed?

>> No.18999051

You sure come off as a fag.

>> No.18999052

How do you find return resellers

>> No.18999053

>slightly tastier
More like 5x tastier.
Instant is okay but that's all it will ever be, it's mediocre.

>> No.18999054

try amazon bin stores, or swap meet vendors selling amazon returns

>> No.18999055

>this nigga grinding beans

>> No.18999056

>end game coffee grinder
you're a dumb bugman faggot if you buy into this shit. ohhh i can really taste the floral notes in this arabica it's so smooooth fuck off

>> No.18999057
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You might be confused by the hostile nature of these replies in relation to coffee, americans have this preconceived notion that black coffee has to taste bitter and it's not possible to have any flavor other than burnt or bitter in coffee, so they'll balk at any claims that coffee could taste or smell nutty, earthy, savory, cocoa-ey or floral or any number of complex flavors, calling you a fag in the process.

>> No.18999058

Kek this
Bought a 3 dollar electric grinder at a flea market and it grinds them perfectly with 0 effort on my part

>> No.18999059

Why argue about what grinders better? Theyre all chink made shit. I got an alpaca hand grind recently that does a good job, but I also make cold brew so i dont care about the cut quality much.

>> No.18999060

>alpaca hand grind
It is just a rebranded Timemore C2/C3.

>> No.18999061
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Let me guess, you need more?

>> No.18999062

>telling everyone you're both too lazy -and- too stupid to shake the grinder while pulsing the button
I know that's only a bandaid, imperfect.
But still, applying some technique to a cheap blade grinder makes it actually function for french presses,
And it only takes 5-7 seconds.

I did get a manual grinder, reluctantly, but only because as other anon said there's no fucking burr machine with all metal parts on precision bearings.
>eating plastic with your coffee
lol, lao mao even.

>> No.18999063

Ok, you do you Chang. Just spending >$50 on a hand grinder strikes me as really dumb.

>> No.18999064
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That's why German grinders are better.

>> No.18999065

I have a C3 max and I can grind 30g in like 20 seconds. It's amazing.

>> No.18999066

>grinds really really fast
It gets hot and that's not good

>> No.18999067


>> No.18999068

how is it any better than a cheap aliexpress one?

>> No.18999069
File: 1.39 MB, 2064x1560, 946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is coffee snobbery the new reddit trend
its becoming as insufferable as mechanical keyboards, vintage denim and AMP/DACS

>> No.18999070

Looks like you are right, but its also ~$20 cheaper so still happy with the purchase.

>> No.18999071

it's been a reddit trend for at least 5 years, about the same amount of time as DE razor snobbery.

>> No.18999072

basic newtonian physics, same principle as milling wheat

>> No.18999073

There's a cancerous coffee general on /ck/ now, it's just as bad, and probably why that board is totally taken over by antiwhites. /ck/ mods create antiwhite threads, ban anyone who calls them out for it, and ban anyone who remake the thread and replaces "white" with other races.

>> No.18999075
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its strange how all the new reddit trends revolve around consuming expensive products

>> No.18999074
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You should try going to a good cafeteria in your town.

>> No.18999076
File: 23 KB, 550x550, grindmaster-890bs-grindmaster-coffee-grinder-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being such a heterosexual and just buy this, you little faggot

>> No.18999077
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this hobby seems to be a white male soiboi thing though

>> No.18999078

Coffee is not expensive. I spend at most $40/month with good coffee.

>> No.18999079

A quick search gives this
"In theory, manual coffee grinders should produce slightly better tasting coffee than automatic grinders , because manual grinders don’t heat up coffee beans during grinding. Most automatic grinders grind at high speeds, and the friction slightly increases the coffee’s temperature for a short time."
There are probably better sources though.

>> No.18999080

The only thing in that image that matters is letting the grounds bloom. Reddit doesn't deserve to know about this.

>> No.18999081

The timemore c3 is a manual grinder dumbass.

>> No.18999082

The thing is that Timemore C3, as a manual grinder, doesn't have the speed to heat the coffee enough.

That's why people still prefer manual grinders to electric ones.

>> No.18999083

Coffee tastes like shit. All coffee. All variants. Black. Expensive brand. French press. Filled with cream or honey or whatever bullshit.

>> No.18999084

>because manual grinders don’t heat up coffee beans during grinding
Or you could rtfm on your electric grinder where every single model tells you not to grind for longer than a minute or so without stopping for awhile.

>> No.18999085

But does all shit taste like coffee?

>> No.18999086

You can just have fuckhuge burrs and grind very quickly without undue heating. This is every enthusiast / commercial grinder.

>> No.18999087

It costs double what you have to spend to get a good quality manual grinder, so no it's a rip off endlessly shilled /ck/ coffee general threads.
Typical amoral chinks not caring how much they have to shit up an area in pursuit of a few pennies profit. Just imagine the heavy metals that contaminate their metal stocks being slowly ground into your diet....
I would stop drinking coffee entirely rather than purchase one of their products.

>> No.18999088
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>> No.18999089

Reminder that using things like Nespresso costs you more than grinding coffee and doing better espressos.

>> No.18999090

Is there any point in getting an electric grinder without ceramic burrs ? the only ones available here are basically blenders and i'm not sure that's the same thing at all. Does it make a difference for the taste ?

>> No.18999091
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makes beans into grounds by the press of a button
coffee snobs really are the biggest group of faggots
they treat a drink like a hobby
nigger its burned bean water

>> No.18999092

>french press
Wut? It's one of the most reasonable ways of preparing coffee, for anyone that can't be arsed.

>> No.18999093

who do you think hates whites the most

>> No.18999094


>> No.18999095

Too uneven compared with even the cheapest of grinders, like Timemore C2.

>> No.18999096

tastes fine to me
its burnt bean water
while you are using your dick to measure individual grounds my dick is being used to fuck your mom

>> No.18999097
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Imagine being a coffee nerd, all I need is this desu.

3 teapoons into a cup, some hot water and I'm ready to code

>> No.18999098

the jew fears the crystal user

>> No.18999099

The jews love people that buy coffee from big corps and hates people that buy fine coffee directly from the producer.

>> No.18999100

shut up nerd
all he needs is a cup, microwaved water, and a spoon
you need grinder, frother, scale, some glass vase with titty tassles, special cone filters because for some reason the good old fashion ones cant be good enough for your flavor of faggotry, a stopwatch, a kettle, and onions milk
now which consumer does the jew like more?

>> No.18999101

I have the K0
For the $30 I paid for it there's probably no better grinder.

>> No.18999102
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I use this one.

>> No.18999103

The only electric grinders with ceramic burrs I've heard of are the really cheap shitty ones, or that one baratza grinder with machined ceramic burrs, which is quite expensive.

>> No.18999104
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>microwaved water
you fucking disgust me

>> No.18999105

>de razor trend
>last 5 years
Lol. Try 15. I'd been hearing about it since before I was 20.
Coffee is like tea, and yes it matters. Drip machines make bitter, underbrewed, flavorless shit and waste a ton of coffee.

>> No.18999106

Try the Hoffman french press method, and do pay attention to your grind size, water temp, and total brew time.

When you make a coffee right it isn't bitter, doesnt taste like burnt grass, or any of the shit most people are used to.

>> No.18999107

if you want cost effective you could get 2 rocks and smash the beans between them

>> No.18999108

4 minutes is enough.

>> No.18999109

yep can confirm, I don't even like coffee that much but brewing with his method made coffee drinkable even with no sugar which would be unimaginable for me in the past

>> No.18999110

kek this, it's like when you try to tell americans that they could improve they ways of life and they get angry and call you a communist

>> No.18999111

>I drink shit coffee and it tastes like shit
no way retard

>> No.18999112

i thought this too until i bought an aeropress and some decent coffee, most people live in darkness and consume sludge worse than instant coffee. they really have no idea.

>> No.18999113

>I own nothing and that's how I dab on jews
the incredibly low amount of self-awareness some of you guys have is insane. You own the jews by drinking literal definition of coffee goyslop. In a microwaved water. You don't even own a kettle. Amazing.

>> No.18999114
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I guess you need more

>> No.18999115
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yeah that's what they all say, then they offer me an example of what they think "good" coffee is and turns out they're always full of shit.

>> No.18999116

Coffee made by other people tastes like shit.

>> No.18999117

>doing this beard oil ass mumford and sons shit when pre-workout bevs exist
shaking my head to be honest my man

>> No.18999118

>microwaved water
amerimutt post of the day

>> No.18999119
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you guys drink coffee at all?

>> No.18999134

get fucked autists
who the fuck has 30 minutes every morning to spend on shit like coffee

>> No.18999184

what are some good instant coffees?

>> No.18999217
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>needing more than this bad boy

>> No.18999353

>I’m so tough look at me drink bitter water that contain fecal matter and bugs
You’re literally sheep faggot, kys immediately

>> No.18999440
File: 175 KB, 1500x1483, 71Fp6lsGyVL._AC_SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody try the K2?

>> No.18999443

I bought a Hario Skerton Pro a few weeks ago.

>> No.18999448
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>takes anon thirty minutes to grind beans & boil them

>> No.18999454

Sir please don't mock the cripple.

>> No.18999456

Only if your time has very little value.

>> No.18999483

I'm having a hard time imagining your gf exodus

>> No.18999489

He's important

>> No.18999490

Usually when you're important it's the others that rush. He's still a faggot though.

>> No.18999494

Because it's based

>> No.18999503

Sex with chilren

>> No.18999523

>rocks are free
>op somehow thinks this contraption is more cost-effective
>a $5 rock
why are you paying for free things?
that's like subscribing to a twitch channel.

>> No.18999769

I prefer using pre-ground coffee, make about half a liter of coffee with a moccamaster with a little bit of salt, then cool the stuff in water bath and drink it later with oatly and sugar to make it palatable.

>> No.18999958

Maybe work out if it takes you 30minutes to grind beans and make coffee you fat fuck

>> No.18999977 [DELETED] 

i might buy this. Other coffee grinders were like $100+ except for some shitty ones

>> No.19000087

i got one and found out I could attach a drill to the bit that the handle attaches to

>> No.19000140

commandante is overrated nigger tier grinder that is unfit for espresso thoughbleit

>> No.19000161

The best way to use french press is to use a big mug instead.
Plunger doesn't do anything except disturbing coffee particles which woul end in your drink.

>> No.19000172

what the fucking fuck is wrong with you

>> No.19000194

I heat the mixture in microwave

>> No.19000452

To be fair they hate the french press and Delonghi as well. The only cost effective tools accepted are v60 and aeropress.

>> No.19000523
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no, he comes off as a sensible male
seriously stop being so precious about coffee
its not a good look

>> No.19000545

I have a hario hand grinder
even though it's just a minute of grinding, it feels like a long time to do that for every drink.

too bad the cheap electric ones grind continuously in one compartment. why don't they have a fixed grind and expel it like a hand grinder

>> No.19000623
File: 296 KB, 1200x1517, 19-13-42-Knock_Aergrind_Coffee_Grinder_La_Cabra_Coffee@2x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knock master race reporting

>> No.19000624

what's this piece of shit's capacity? 50 grams?

>> No.19000747

a good de razor is like 30$
and the faggot coffee trend has been a thing for 10 years at least

>> No.19001157


>> No.19001183

lol, a Kingrinder K1 would be a big improvement over the hario.

>> No.19001204

>big improvement
I doubt it

I guess there's a new market in recent years for the r*ddit figurine collecting type with disposable income

>> No.19001368

The whole point is that it's not bitter if you make it right. Not everything is a crisis of masculinity, faggot. If you're that insecure then go suck a dick and see if you like it.

>> No.19001373

>Being naturally caffeinated
what do you mean?

>> No.19001393
File: 186 KB, 1080x1081, Screenshot_20230303_101527_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Breville is doing just fine after 4 years of daily use

>> No.19001403


>> No.19001456

If you are happy with Hario, K1 would be better, and you will not need more.

>> No.19001475

how come I cant find any videos on youtube of grinding coffee beans with a pestle and mortar?

>> No.19001481

Because apparently you somehow suck at searching for videos

>> No.19001486

fuck off shill
I used a cheap ceramic burr grinder for like 2 years, and getting a metal burr one with a nice crank and handle definitely makes it easier and quicker. That being said there's no noticeable difference in coffee quality and I wouldn't spend more than like $50 on one.

>> No.19001511

post body

>> No.19001515

but is it healthy? no.

>> No.19001530
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>> No.19001537

Neither is posting on 4chan but here we are

>> No.19001538

Post nudes

>> No.19001541

>You don't even own a kettle.
post hand

>> No.19001542

No YOU post nudes buster

>> No.19001543

stfu u dunno shit. america runs on coffee.

>> No.19001549

>america runs

>> No.19001550

>Not everything is a crisis of masculinity, faggot.
you will never be a man

>> No.19001553

lmao u got the one female model

>> No.19001556

Oh true I noticed this one has a vagina on it instead of a cock

>> No.19002431

why is metal better than ceramic?
I thought ceramic was even harder than steel

>> No.19002613

Are you retarded? Do you not understand how instructions from an electric grinder run by a motor that grinds at several thousand rpm is not relevant to a hand grinder run by a human's hands that is not capable of spinning the burrs anywhere near as quickly? Do you understand what heat and friction are and how they might correlate in some way to the burrs' rotational speed? Do you understand that your mother is a whore who should've learned to swallow and spared us all your retarded ramblings?

>> No.19002660

Small piece of steel is easier to machine, and can retain sharp edges while ceramic can’t, if ceramic does have sharp ridges, those would probably be susceptible to damage due to its brittle nature. I think there are high end ceramic flats but conicals are mostly shit and just mostly crush beans instead of also shaving and cutting

>> No.19003001

I'd only recommend once or twice, but that's because that's what I do with the week's less than 200 micron grounds. I can't toss the .06 gram per gram of my grounds.

>> No.19003028

heeey! I use an even older type of filter than your "good old fashion ones", cotton, in my glass vase with titty tassels, that sits on my scale/timer.
Have you ever drank a percolated coffee? That's old school. How about a moka pot? Older still. Coffee siphon? That's almost 200 years old now. We can go on.
Your instant coffee consumption shows us a clear lack of discipline and laziness. "Da jooes" are still getting their money from you. If all you care about is caffeine delivery, just get caffeine pills. They're cheaper.
I pay 6$ per pound of green coffee, shipped. How much is your jar of evaporated coffee?

>> No.19003096

What a miserable existence you have
I bet that you are a virgin.
Drink coffee, fuck fat bitches without condom, live life and do drugs
>inb4 degenerate
Imagine living life trying to please a bunch of bitter virgins on a vietnamese drafted beer forum

>> No.19003411

then why did you post a pic of a commendante

>> No.19003791

Even if ou can't taste the difference it's still worth getting a high-end grinder because it will last you a lifetime. If you do this with all your cookware, just a few but quality items, in the end you'll save money + lots of space in your ktichen to put ingredients instead.

>> No.19003795

useless with out the red clix though, overpriced for the full purchase.

>> No.19003809

Unless you use instant, I guarantee I'm faster at making coffee than you.

>> No.19003859

I'm not sure how much milk to put in my latte. Do you measure before or after you steam?

>> No.19004078
File: 1004 KB, 1013x1038, Screenshot from 2023-03-03.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need a tutorial for X+${amount.of.coffee} = ${cup.size} ?
"X" being the amount of milk if you had any doubts.

>> No.19004198

Well I'm making it with a 3 cup moka pot. I tried watching the videos in the OP but he never says how much milk he is using, I'm guessing like 200-250ml?

>> No.19004671

I have it and it's pretty great. Build quality is unbelievably high

>> No.19004700

Maybe this is just me, but I feel like grinding the beans first makes a huge difference to taste with the moka pot.

>> No.19004715

I've considered quitting coffee for this reason. Nicotine was too weakening to my strength and hair and skin, so I stopped. Alcohol made everyone foolish and weak, so I stopped. Now, I'm looking into writings on the link between caffeine consumption and the Enlightenment, the rise of capitalism and the industrial revolution and I have once again discovered another chain of slavery to cast off. I do like the taste though.

>> No.19004719 [DELETED] 


>> No.19005686

>its burnt bean water
Yes, you keep describing the swill you make, but some of us here aren't masochists.

>> No.19005734
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I would love to drink instant coffee if I could, but unfortunately the freeze drying process imparts an after taste in the coffee that is tolerable in small amounts but builds up and becomes gross the more you drink. Even decently expensive instant brands still suffer from this, though I've found I don't notice it quite as much when I use it to make iced coffee, particularly with this brand, which I always keep in my cabinet to make a glass in a pinch, but hot it does not suffice.

>> No.19006360

why the fuck did you type Onions? Soy is uncensored here

>> No.19006673
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This is why people use white as an insult

>> No.19007771
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I don't care about race, everyone deserves a good cuppa joe

>> No.19007827

couldn't of said it better my self

>> No.19007891

>applying some technique to a cheap blade grinder makes it actually function
Wish more people would understand this. You can get as good a result with a blade grinder in less time and with less maintenance

>> No.19008347

Coffee grinders need a general on /g/.

If dildos and vibrators can have one, why not coffee grinders, that are clearly technology?

>> No.19009572

are these timemore?

>> No.19009603

i grind the night before and put it in a mason jar. too lazy in the am to grind coffee and this is marginally worse.

>> No.19010056

I'm important, so I hand grind my coffee slowly while my coworkers wait for me to respond on Teams

>> No.19011120

This piece of shit has a plastic burr holder. It will inevitably crack when a grinder that costs this much should last a lifetime.

>> No.19011130

China is the biggest steel manufacturer in the world. 99% chance the steel stock that was used to mill the burr that ends up in the commandante was cut in the same factory from the same stocks. Mostly beause they're the exact same burrs. Just keep throwing your money away no one cares.

>> No.19011213

>99% chance the steel stock that was used to mill the burr that ends up in the commandante was cut in the same factory from the same stocks
what kind of retarded statement is this?

>> No.19011311

coffee fags are worse than craft beer fags

>> No.19011672

>steel burr grinder
lol it's going to be dull within a month of use

>> No.19012259

It makes me more productive and I want to stick it to my employer

>> No.19012385

anyone have a recommendation for a $20 grinder from ali express?

>> No.19012680

It is pretty sad that Kingrinder K1 is $30 on Amazon US, and it is more expensive on Aliexpress.