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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 473 KB, 823x1187, microbiome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19003959 No.19003959 [Reply] [Original]

Stop living on fast food and other processed garbage.
Stop doing meme diets like keto.
Stop eating exclusively refined carbs.
Stop fucking over your own gut like an idiot.
Starting cooking your own meals.
Start using whole grains.
Start eating more beans.
You already know what eating healthy is like. Just do it.
It is LITERALLY that simple.

>> No.19003963

i like doing what i'm doing. that's why i do it.
i'm going to keep doing what i like doing.

>> No.19003964

beans and grains aren't healthy though. are you some sort of Big Ag representative?

>> No.19003976

>wait my hot pockets aren't good for me? carbs are evil!!

>> No.19003978

Low carb has made my hair thicker and my dick harder. I will follow the mongol diet

>> No.19004001
File: 348 KB, 1301x837, latest_keto_advice_i.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19004002

Beaners don't know how to cope without their legumes

>> No.19004011

Ive done 2 day water fasts. Felt fine. Water is a meme

>> No.19004014

>water fasts
Ah meant dry fasts.

>> No.19004019

>when you're so shit at managing your diet you'd rather give yourself kidney stones and anorexia instead of just not eating trash
Why are people these days so fucking bad at eating? Like, you'd think that the act of putting fuel into your body is a life skill that you pick up instinctively but apparently not.

>> No.19004020


>> No.19004022


>> No.19004028

Meme diets have become cultist behavior. Keto is the epitome of this behavior as they think they need to save everyone else from le ebil carbs and le ebil water. It's reddit mentality.

>> No.19004030

>kidney stones
Nah you still piss. When fat gets broken down some turns into water. Read some guys have done a few weeks of dryfasting fine

>> No.19004034

More like retard mentality

>> No.19004040

>when you're so fucking fat that you can subsist entirely on the water that's released from fat breaking down with no extra intake

>> No.19004045

Anyone above 10‰ bf will be fine. Anyway everyone should do some fasts a few times a week. Best way to prevent cancer

>> No.19004070

Stop trying to tell others what to do you fucking cunt

>> No.19004079

watch your words anon, Big Aqua doesn't like it when people discredit the importance of H2O

>> No.19004086
File: 551 KB, 1280x1280, baked-beans-on-toast-2fd454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like beans

>> No.19004091

You come across as a faggot euro that can't shut the fuck up.

>> No.19004094

>everyone over 10%bf is fine if you ignore the acute long-term kidney damage associated with repeatedly dehydrating yourself 2/3rds of the way until death, even among professional athletes https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8229569/
feels like schizos are deliberately trying their hardest to un-learn the solution to a solved problem out of nothing except contrarianism and a need to feel unique.

>> No.19004099

I hope you'll have a wonderful day anon

>> No.19004102

Standard euro crap, doesn't think, feels.

>> No.19004104

Also ive cut basically all fiber from my diet and I've had the best shits in my life. Low carb low fiber do a dry fast once a week. I think this is really how God meant us to live bros. He even made fruit (carbs) evil.....

>> No.19004107

have a good day anon

>> No.19004109

Oh I will without you euros and asians.

>> No.19004118

>cultist who regularly starves himself to offset the negative effects of his shit diet accusing others of emotional-based decision making
mentally weak, spiritually defeated, running from reality to cope

>> No.19004124

Blah blah blah, as if we haven't heard that before from your eurasian cunts, now go eat your peas and curry.

>> No.19004131
File: 48 KB, 480x480, 1617553331037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm so fat the first thing I thought of when opening the OP's image is sour candy

>> No.19004146

I'm not eating the bugs Klaus

>> No.19004568

It must be nice to have that much fucking free time.

>> No.19004598

Whole grain is unhealthier than refined carbs. Everything you said so far and everything you believe in general is officially invalid since you fell for late 1800s teetotaler memes.

>> No.19004611

Literal goyslop.

>> No.19004616
File: 230 KB, 2048x2048, 1676874335075236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elective c-sections

>> No.19004619

HFCS lobbyists don't get to have opinions.

>> No.19004620
File: 149 KB, 1635x854, Ketoschizo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19004637

I eat red meat because vegans don't like it. I eat a lot of eggs because medical institutions tell me not to. I eat a lot of raw dairy to mog on minorities.

Literally just do the opposite of whatever fat weak sick people tell you. This isn't complicated. If I don't like someone I tell them I'm vegan to pull the ladder up with me, though. Feels good.

>> No.19004649

Learn to delegate. Too much work means room for jobs. Look around, hire people to do your work for you. There's absolutely nothing wrong with feeding other families if you can handle the responsibility.

It is LITERALLY that simple. You got 50 years left. Tick tock. Tick tock.

>> No.19004650

Was the transition to leading such a hollow, meaningless existence gradual or was it because of any one single incident?

>> No.19004651

absolutely based

>> No.19004652

>Scrolls phone
>Jerks off
>Opens Steam
>*ding* Hot Pocket's ready

Literally throw the shit in a crockpot and enjoy a week's worth of healthy food when you get home, you turd world coom brain zoomer

>> No.19004653

I drink fruit-scented cleaner because the label tells me not to

>> No.19004668

>carbon gets transmuted into oxygen when you fast bro


>> No.19004683
File: 303 KB, 960x960, 1677002363674406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drinking sugary søy and tapioca made by chink slaves is a personality trait to you and you would waste $20 for literal cafeteria food at Chipotle because you've only ever known cafeteria food prepared by immigrant slave labor.

You deserve every exploitation and deprivation that your only-son-raised-by-single-mother mentality will inflict on yourself, not only in your diet but in your personal life and development as well.

>> No.19004687

>t. voices in your head
I haven't eaten a non-homecooked meal in a month, faggot. Your projection is as worthless as all the rest of you. Did you know that the media doesn't want you to eat Tide pods? You should try it out just to spite them.

>> No.19004693

I literally only drink kefir and cheap wine. My gut biome is more diverse than art school.