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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 304 KB, 960x1280, 58A24B67-45DE-40D9-A887-BF3799918E63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18982675 No.18982675 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Dystopian food

>> No.18982677 [DELETED] 

How so?

>> No.18982679

Just Eggs is aome kind of jewish attack on our very reality

>> No.18982745


>made from peas
>an alternative to milk

no thanks,i'll continue drinking real milk from cows.

>> No.18982760
File: 90 KB, 300x168, image_2023-02-26_021247741.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nnnnature fresh milk.

>> No.18982767

Drink your pea, professor Anon...

>> No.18982768

but what is it
how do you get milk from peas

>> No.18982839

you emulsify and suspend oils in water to make a homeostatic oil-water mixture similar to milk

it's the exact same science behind almond and other nut milks

>> No.18982842
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If you want to see his w dystopian this really is, look up the interview Steven Colbert had with the inventor of this.


>> No.18982843

How dystopian*

>> No.18982854

Someone should make a meat based milk alternative. It could be so based.

>> No.18982857

What does that even mean. Milk is already liquid meat

>> No.18982862

You take meat and turn it into milk. Like a nutmilk process, but with meat. Imagine making chicken milk. Cook chicken breast, add water, blend, strain. That is chicken milk. It will make all vegans and vegetarians seethe uncontrollably!

>> No.18982873

So, broth

>> No.18982879

Noooooooooooooooooo, you can't make new products. You have to eat what I! eat

kys my man

>> No.18982882

No. You steam the chicken breast. Then blend it with fresh water. There is no cooking in liquid. Only blending and straining.

>> No.18982886

You might prefer the DUG brand potato milk just to the right of it.

>> No.18982895

that sounds vile. stop trying to mimic normal food ffs

>> No.18982898

The great thing about veganism isn't minimizing animal cruelty, it's making chuds like you be vegan too with imitation products

>> No.18982910

You pea it out.

>> No.18982914
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>beef milk

>> No.18982920

Fake highly processed chemical goyslop for weak soybois.

>> No.18982929

Perfect to accompany my milk steak

>> No.18982931

how very friendly

>> No.18982978

Sounds even more dystopian than Soylent.
>what do you mean you can't afford meat? Chicken sludge is only 3.29 a gallon!

>> No.18982995

Are you from Polynesia? The package is literally screaming "I suck."

>> No.18983141

more like dystopian packaging

>> No.18983153
File: 74 KB, 1200x900, hub_02_25_nofrills-PIVOT-LEAD IMAGE-Feb-2020-No-Frills-1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Canadian government has a brand of food called "no name." It's supposed to be cheap food for people on government assistance. Everything comes in a hideous yellow package and its dystopian as shit.

>> No.18983155

This board used to be good. When did it go to shit?

>> No.18983157

>Aaah blue diagonal stripes with plain font I'm gonna go insane

>> No.18983160


>> No.18983166
File: 325 KB, 496x445, soya milk pudding wobble wobble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay. And how is that dystopian? Is this dystopian too anon? LOOK AT IT. LOOK AT THE WAY IT WOBBLES. SCARY FUTURE.

>> No.18983167

loblaws isn't the government, it's just another store brand like "GREAT VALUE"
most no-name shit is noticeably low quality but some of it's alright and worth picking up to save some money

>> No.18983168

When /b/ stopped being the newfag landing zone and a certain other board replaced it. Now all the newfags think that all of 4chan is like that board.

>> No.18983172

>anon discovers the concept of non-name brands

>> No.18983173

You WILL eat the wobbly food

>> No.18983174

Nooooo! Wobbly food is pernicious, insidious, an attack against the White Man's proud and unwobbly cuisine. I will not eat the wobbly food. I will not bow to my oppressors. Wobbling is demoralization.

>> No.18983203

All you'll get is nasty water with chicken bits decanted
To make fake milk you gotta blend something that's mostly fat with water

>> No.18983221

I just want to know where everyone on eight chan (fuck eight kun and also spam filters) went

>> No.18983225

Webring. Not the same tho

>> No.18983228

Good morning moshe.

>> No.18983249

juice made out of peas? truly dystopian. we are truly fucked. thank god we still have fast food and frozen pizzas.

>> No.18983258

Enjoy the cow growth hormones anon

>> No.18983262
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Fucking demonic really

>> No.18983263
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>> No.18983266
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id say you sperging about the lack of marketing brainwashing is more dystopian

>> No.18983268
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Maybe using the same method to feed kids and prisoners isn't the best for society.

>> No.18983271

i unironically love it

>> No.18983273

>lack of marketing

>be very distinctive brand
>le minimalistic design
>people share it as a meme constantly

They are very good at marketing anon.

>> No.18983277


>> No.18983335

My highscool knew the school lunches sucked and nobody wanted to eat them, so they opened up a "student store" to sell regular food at 4x the price. Those fuckers did that for years and over a decade later, probably still are instead of improving cafeteria options.

>> No.18983361

Will I become a titcow, anon?

>> No.18983365

God, I hope so.

>> No.18983381

nice and yellow so everyone can see how poor i am

>> No.18983439

Reminds me of that Utopia show the BBC made about the vaccine rollout.

>> No.18983452

What the hell is that stupid ass L in front of the price

>> No.18983455

>the Canadian government
..would sell this but at a 3x markup

>> No.18983460


>> No.18983461


>> No.18983467

why are people on this board experts on nut juices

>> No.18983469

In Australia our store-brand products are packaged a little better than that, mostly to mimic the style of the brands they're mimicking.
And desu, after trying some out, a lot of them do just as well for like half the price.
It's after then that I started to realize how brainwashed I was to consoom things just because of what they're called or because others are buying it

>> No.18983471

You dont

>> No.18983475

It's not dystopian, not is it human food.

>> No.18983479

>Japs are not human
>is it because of the bugman eyes? The way they eat prawns alive? The war crimes?
>no! It's because they eat soya milk pudding

>> No.18983518

When the tranny jannies started scouring the board and banning people for posting those hopeless al/ck/oholic threads. Those brought in the good posters who actually cooked or worked in food related jobs. Now it's just shitposting bots and tourists

>> No.18983528

Store brand packaging in Australia used to be yellow and black or red and white. Then Aldi came along with their store brand packaging mimicking more expensive brands, and everybody was dumb enough to believe this meant it was better value than Home Brand. So the other supermarkets had to change their store brand packaging to compete.

>> No.18983531

Those threads attracted the shitposters from /b/

>> No.18983532

I miss this

>> No.18983536

You can milk my pea any time ;^)

>> No.18983563

Enjoy the bioavailable estrogen, I guess.

>> No.18983568

Based ALDI

>> No.18983825

Nah, I think we shouldn't have school lunches at all. Let the poorfaglets starve.

>> No.18983844

I used to add the powdered version to my smoothies. It was fine.

>> No.18983858 [DELETED] 

This is pretty classy actually. Somewhat IKEA-like. Not seeing something to sperg about.

>> No.18983867
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How the fuck is it made from peas?

>> No.18983883

for a half second I thought that was doge on the front of the machine

>> No.18983886

I love REAL mashed potatoes, if I had to eat this I'd probably cry.

>> No.18983946

are companies scared of calling it "Pea Milk" or something?

>> No.18983950

Watch it slowly become better than brand name products because they won't change the recipe while brand shit reduce the size and make their own shit cheaper to make and then watch it become more expensive than them

>> No.18983964

the man was always open on his old blog.
he is a weird autist who hates food and hates making food and hates eating food so he tried to make a nutritionally complete slurry that he could just drink and get on with his uni studies.

since going corporate, marketing has had to reign him in somewhat.

>> No.18983974
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>the Canadian government
it's a store brand you dimwit. same store also makes President's Choice.

>> No.18983983

looks comfy to me

>> No.18983993
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>contains no surgar

>> No.18983994

you would be able to discern the experts, wouldn't you

>> No.18984004
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>> No.18984128

eh? it's nearly the same shit

>> No.18984137

Euros are allowed to just label HFCS as sugar.

>> No.18984168

>our labels are allowed to include nondescript "spice" and "spice and herb extracts" therefore we are superior!
Imagine being proud of your government allowing corpos to lie through obfuscation

>> No.18984174

You can buy two different versions of heinz ketchup in america that use cane sugar, and one that uses honey as a sweetener.

>> No.18984207
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Americans coping about their goyslop will never not be funny to me. Americans literally just have fewer laws in regards to what is allowed in their foods

>> No.18984215

I had it. It tastes okay, but it gave me zits.

>> No.18984253

Spirit vinegar = distilled vinegar

>> No.18984262

>Americans literally just have fewer laws in regards to what is allowed in their foods
Oh the sweet irony.

>> No.18984272

Why are you posting that bullshit webm again.
Grab a few different slices of non-american cheese, it's probably going to light up too.

>> No.18984298

Apparently no company is based enough to use the level of marketing

>> No.18984340
File: 126 KB, 315x465, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what? Head cheese isn't made out of milk and coconut milk has been used to refer to pic related since forever. Words can change


Manchildren get angry when vegan products exist.

>> No.18984403

You stupid faggot.
The guy who invented it did so because he considers food a waste of time and he wanted to get back to working.
What makes it dystopian is that it is a flavorless nutrient slop so you can spend more time working.

>> No.18984419

>I want to be killed by a 600 dollar AR-15

>> No.18984445

That webm is full of bullshit and made by a social media farm like all the rest of those sourceless retarded videos titled lifehacks etc.

>> No.18984446
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Coconut doesn't count.

>> No.18984450

Reminder that a coconut is very close in durability to a human skull.

>> No.18984454

A bear couldn't do that.

>> No.18984606

Are those giant pasta noodles in the middle? Also lol for creating a machine that mixes Idahoan Instant Mashed Potatoes for you.

>> No.18984619

Yeah, it's shitty mac and """cheese"""

>> No.18984623

In ye olde English milk referred to anything squeezed out resembling milk. You could literally have poison weed milk if you could milk out a substance or the substances resembled milk.

>> No.18984637
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>> No.18984682
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>> No.18984695

you seem suprised every Walmart in america has three isles of cheesy poofs

>> No.18984806
File: 399 KB, 1908x1146, nofrills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black and Gold still exists and although Woolies did ditch Home Brand for a more colourful own brand (Coles also have a similar thing), they are still quite generic looking unlike Aldi products which are intentionally packaged to resemble the expensive brands.
Real niggas remember No Frills, well before Aldi was even a thing in Australia.

>> No.18984877
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>> No.18984931


>> No.18984933

dandelion "milk" or sap

>> No.18984950

You think they Trojan Horsed corn-based gloopliquid into it as "spice"?

>> No.18984952

i should lay down in a gorrila enclosure then

>> No.18984961


>> No.18984972

of course the American version is fatter

>> No.18985001
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>> No.18985037
File: 63 KB, 900x900, Greg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was hanging out with some mates and they were yakking about how they had some Greg last week. People out here r really resorting to eating greg o god save us all

>> No.18985043

Spurdo Sproud

>> No.18985045

this but unironically

>> No.18985069

I think that stuff was actually foods that came from China.

>> No.18985088
File: 1.58 MB, 780x1106, crunchy king.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm surprised that it that it only began recently. in the US, brand loyalty is so fucking strong that generic brands have always mimicked name brands in name and packaging. they'll even make up knockoff mascots and slogans to get consumer attention, especially for products geared toward children.

>> No.18985127

>making shit up

>> No.18985129

its literally a store own brand retard

>> No.18985157
File: 82 KB, 656x446, 1644462586232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake versions of real food should not exist. If you condemn yourself to a life of veganism you need to stick to your nuts and berries, not make chemical slurry abomination imitations to trick yourself into thinking you're eating something actually good.

>> No.18985176

>butter flavoured butter
Temporarily ignoring the fact it isn't actually butter, what is that even supposed to mean?

>> No.18985178

Didn't he start buy adding a bunch of crap to soy milk?
It started as a garage shit literally dumping shit into. Big pot and stirring then they decided it was a meal replacement wathever that means

>> No.18985186

It's called bullion that's the closest you are going to get

>> No.18985190

So lard?

>> No.18985194

I'm glad we got rid of these motherfuckers

>> No.18985196

Okay and?

>> No.18985497

anything too separated from nature is dystopian

>> No.18985566
File: 474 KB, 3648x3000, 1674520670249674.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this really is the most dystopian webm
>absurdly large soft drink
>depressing mash machine
>big weird tubes
>chilli crab instant noodle
america is firmly planted under the jewish boot

>> No.18985608
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>> No.18985621

When it's in a glass we can it spround round.

>> No.18985656
File: 209 KB, 1024x698, 3358039577_cc0f894f7b_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it wasn't always like that.
in the 70s and 80s there used to be "generic" brands in plain white packaging.

>> No.18985659
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What's wrong with Land Value Taxes?

>> No.18985663
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Probably a popcorn fixing

>> No.18985664

Pea milk really doesn´t taste as it first sounds, it´s surprisingly good I´d say.

>> No.18985680
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meanwhile in japan

>> No.18985700

Reminds me of the products on L O S T

>> No.18985709
File: 26 KB, 471x471, Fme7dAWakAEhYC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The dystopian future I expected
Grimdark cyberpunk cities

>The dystopian future we're getting

>> No.18985715
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>> No.18985716 [DELETED] 


>> No.18985726
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>> No.18985728

just stop.

>> No.18985771


>> No.18985790

Haha. They can't even call it plant milk or pea milk. It's "original drink."

>> No.18985838

This is probably the least confusing and most honest product there. Maybe aside from bleach, assuming it's just high-concentration bleach.

>> No.18985853

what's confusing or dishonest about the others?

>> No.18985857

Dystopia is man's nature.

>> No.18985879

>(30% Apple Juice)
Some things never change. I kind of wonder what's in the "PEANUT BUTTER".

>> No.18985898

>(30% Apple Juice)
what's confusing or dishonest about that?

>> No.18985908

Is there a /k/ board on the webring? If so pls2send a link or at least a point in the right direction. I miss old /k/ so bad. No politics or current events nonsense, just funs

>> No.18985920

>Head cheese isn't made out of milk
And it's not sold as a cheese alternative, retard

>> No.18985927


Pea protein powder is fine for shakes although it's grittier than whey

My preferred milk substitute is oat

>> No.18985956

>Store brands/generic brands are now dystopian

Why are people on this board so fucking retarded? Why do I even bother coming here anymore. Is Malt o Meal also dystopian to you Ice-Rink-smooth brain?

>> No.18985980
File: 22 KB, 408x352, 1443702105479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture you're replying to is LITERALLY one from a Capitalist economy. Do you not realize that? The diametric opposite of Muh Gommunism.

>> No.18985996

wtf is that tin of grated cheese thing

>> No.18986027

Actually yeah that kind of shit is always shown amongst the elites in these fictions.

>> No.18986028

A fucking flan?

>> No.18986038


>> No.18986041

notice how the ingredients say "corn syrup" and 0 calories from fat, it's butter flavored sugar liquid

>> No.18986052

I love this shitty chinkoid webm
>"fake" cheese has burnable protein
>"real" cheese melts like wax and has char marks like plastic

>> No.18986078

I WILL prove you wrong.

>> No.18986277
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>> No.18986361
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bilk is a hops based milk alternative

>> No.18986516

Not especially. I was only making conversation

>> No.18986571

Don't you be fucking dissing no name you prissy yankee faggot.

It's not a government brand, it's the budget in-store brand of Loblaws, a pretty big grocery chain up here.

>> No.18986593

We literally live in a dystopian cyberpunk future, but with none of the cool stuff and twice the bullshit.

>> No.18986628
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Hey, as it turns out that happened once before already. Nothing new under the sun.

>> No.18986657
File: 152 KB, 1242x1234, 79AABFDF-325D-4944-80D9-FF8B398A0577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of the short-lived walmart 'price first' generic. i remember thinking i liked their macaroni dinner better than great value, but it was all in my head, it just tasted better because it was $.50 cheaper

>> No.18987036

Captain Crunch
>grey hair
>only a captain
Crunchy King
>strong jawline
>full head of hair
>literally a king

>> No.18987084
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>> No.18987088

that earring means hes gay

>> No.18987093
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Janetty to Gorilla Munch

>> No.18987094

most people dont read the drank part and think its 100% juice

>> No.18987100

I remember seeing a picture of him and he has noticeable man tits

>> No.18987104
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He doesn't but okay

>> No.18987112


>> No.18987126
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>> No.18987135

I stand corrected wow okay

>> No.18987292

the juice percentage is right there on the lable, legible even in that tiny photograph.

>> No.18987358
File: 247 KB, 200x144, rumad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Across The Vast And Majestic Gulf Of Time And Space The Jimmies Rustle Softly

>> No.18987395

Tourists and newfags trying too hard to fit in

>> No.18987396

Prisoners get to eat this? Shit, I should go to jail more often. I miss my cafeteria lunch

>> No.18987553

in what way is drinking the breast milk of another species part of the natural order

>> No.18987574
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Not him but
>Is there a /k/ board on the webring?
>No politics or current events nonsense, just funs
AHAHAHA NO, don't even bother. Old /k/ is dead, and imageboards are dying.

>> No.18987587

well also the fact that it's literally named after a dystopian movie with charlton heston about the government giving food to people that's MADE OUT OF PEOPLE


>> No.18987592
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>> No.18987593

in the same way that eating the flesh and organs of another species is

>> No.18987608

they should bring this style of packaging back, new zealand had the same store brand.
everything is so over-stylized on shelves, id much rather just buy a bag of PEGS than some multicolored flowery packaging

>> No.18987616

When nature incorporated it into our genome with lactase persistence

>> No.18987618

Nobody hates you for being vegan, Everyone hates you because you're an annoying faggot. How dare you hide behind your diet annoying faggot! I know you're incapable of getting better but I felt it should be addressed.

>> No.18987621

>they actually used the "rustled jimmies" meme in a food package

>> No.18987623

I agree. If they want food their families should feed them.

>> No.18987624

we evolved to enslave other species.

>> No.18987625


>> No.18987626

>first 2 ingredients
>corn syrup
>high fructose corn syrup

wtf? is it butter or a can of soda?

>> No.18987654

you have it backwards

>> No.18987659
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saw this the other day, tasty.

Not a terrible price for canadian liquor though

>> No.18987667

All of 4chan is like /pol/ or is just a /pol/ colony though

>> No.18987674


>> No.18987675
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/pol/ is pretty schizo these days though, even /o/ has become pretty retarded in the last 10 years to today

>> No.18987680
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and that's an order

>> No.18987702

it didn't use to be, that's the point

>> No.18987704

When it comes to plant milk specifically it really brings out the /pol/tards injecting their headcanon ideology into every last thread about plant milks, yes.

>> No.18987710

Rural anglocanadians and Chinese immigrants are perhaps the most miserly fucks on this planet, and are drawn to the bright yellow ‘no name’ foods like moths to flame.

>> No.18987720

i'd fuck a plant if it had big milky tits

>> No.18987737

And that matters why exactly?

>> No.18988012

Only because of the tendrils of infection spreading their way into the other boards via newfags trying to fit in and ironically doing the opposite. Go on /a/ to see the closest snapshot to old 4chan you can.

>> No.18988015

go back

>> No.18988019

sounds like weeb cope, no offense bud

>> No.18988029

What do you mean

>> No.18988031

>imageboard based on japanese website dedicated to japanese culture
you are the weeb

>> No.18988049
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This takes me back. These were a common sight in many a Brits pantry.

>> No.18988083

>thing, japan

>> No.18988093

I just don't get the Asian diet. Imagine going about your school day and thinking "Man, I can't wait for lunch! I'm looking forward to half my meal being plain white rice!"

>> No.18988095

>Mmm flavorless knockoff ""curry"" with extra sugar
>White rice
>Vinegar vegetables
>A fucking mandarine
90% of that meal is sugar. Sugar sugar sugar. I guarantee by the color its "sweet curry". Rice is sugar. The curry is sugar. The fruit is sugar. The milk is sugar.
There might not even be meat in that curry
No wonder j*ps are so short and weak

>> No.18988119

whatever works, works
nothing is sacred in nature

>> No.18988128

I think it's knock off maple syrup

>> No.18988143

>washing up liquid
why do brits name things like ESLs sometimes?

>> No.18988275

It's got yummy rapeseed oil, much better for you than yucky cow milk

>> No.18988320

What's dystopian here is you getting your little panties in a bunch over a brand that sells the same shit everyone else does but for cheap because they aren't bombarding anyone with ads.

>> No.18988356

Some of us went to the webring, though not many remain there considering how dead all the related sites are after all the drama. Some went to darkweb sites on TOR and IPFS, typically the /pol/tards. Some went to shitholes like 9 chan. I'd wager most of us came back here since there isn't a good alternative. Even 8 .moe is a corpse full of shitty retard admin decisions. Nobody's come along to make a good alternative, so we're stuck here.

The only thing bad about it is those generic brands are getting more expensive. I found it actually cheaper to buy a big bag of name brand cheerios than it was to buy a malt o meal bag of honey nut cheerio knockoffs. I'd gladly take even cheaper bland label stuff like >>18985656 for sure, but the nation is too full of corpo rats and related cattle that NEED the imaginary prestige obtained by owning and showing off expensive products.

>> No.18988366

Ants keep aphids as livestock and certain small spiders as pest control. It is natural and permitted to use other species.

>> No.18988455

>Polskie ogórki

>> No.18988463

/a/ has been thoroughly compromised by /dbs/ spics, it's not any better

>> No.18988482

That's not true. Shounen is impossible to talk about now because everyone treats it like a fucking /v/ console war with little incomprehensible proxy wars where everyone will be shitting on some anime and you'll be confused as to why until they say "because it's not as good as [popular shounen in the middle of a full blown culture war with another popular shounen made by a studio who also made this anime]" or something equally psychotic, but that doesn't make the board as a whole barren.

>> No.18988515

>literally named their product after a dystopian movie

>> No.18988671

Right, I can't believe I forgot to mention that part of it.

>> No.18988692

pea protein is a popular non-dairy protein powder option. i'm guessing it's just pea protein powder with water, basically

>> No.18989014

its a store brand you dumb brick
also, its stupid cheap and sometimes its actually pretty nice quality

>> No.18989018

Your homepage is google you stupid fucking retard. Start googling shit and you’ll be smarter.

>> No.18989023

this poster is alarmed by pudding

>> No.18989032

>trays are bad for society
bet the prisoners get fed water too

>> No.18989041

what the fuck is the point just buy some fucking maple syrup christ

>> No.18989074

>tfw you will never go back to the time before the summer

>> No.18989137

I’d rather buy a cup of powdered instant mashed potatoes and have the machine squirt the boiling water into it than this. I wonder why that is. What is the difference?

>> No.18989178

Damn I should've invested in peas

>> No.18989195

no, you'll just have cancer

>> No.18989292

Fuck vegans
Only horchata is rightful

>> No.18989321

Honestly it has SOUL, and as long as it's cheaper and not shit quality, why should I care? Big font, clearly legible, doesn't put the fact that it's cheap in the finest print to hide the margarine is cheap shit.

>> No.18989373

>no name
>Canadian government
Holy shit, you are retarded.

>> No.18989400

yeah i'm glad you can get healthy things in american lunch like... cardboard pizza, chocolate milk, bread, mac and cheese, pudding, a banana (generous), corn. lmao.

>> No.18989405

I love it

>> No.18989444

I'm not American
Nice try.

>> No.18989459

in my high school there was this janitor lady and she (rightfully) hated all the students for being little fuckheads and and she had a permanent scowl while she bussed the cafeteria tables and me and rodney used to call her The Waitress

>> No.18989460 [DELETED] 
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cope. gorillas are just niggers in suits
pic related. i recorded it. you can see the local zoo nigger in a suit being scared his disguise might not work

>> No.18989468
File: 575 KB, 2816x2112, 1675722643104281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, an ocean away...

>> No.18989471

look up helvetica syndrome. i learned about it from the show Look Around You

>> No.18989519


>> No.18989584

Paranoia 1.0

>> No.18989640

It's the same thing...

>> No.18990080
File: 147 KB, 679x968, Generic-Packaging-Design-Retail1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The generic food craze was huge in the late 70s-80s in the US. There used to be entire aisles of these yellow packages.

>> No.18990195

In Canada we have a store chain called No Frills, which have large yellow storefronts, in which yellow No Name products are commonly sold.

>> No.18990205


Unironically comfy

>> No.18990239
File: 31 KB, 720x720, 1660104357823196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liquid for washing up
>called washing up liquid
What's the fucking issue here mate?

>> No.18990257

It tastes good.
This plant shit doesn't taste good, though. Why do vegtards try to mimic meat? Would you eat liquid soy paste by itself?

>> No.18990268
File: 311 KB, 1920x1080, 1676279582178970.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at all the poor fags getting triggered by Canadian soylent green.

>> No.18990289

>no name®

Ironic that "No name" is a registered name brand

>> No.18990313

In most places things are simply named what they are or do. It's really only here in the states that we come up with all kinds of names that "sound good" instead of calling a spade a spade

>> No.18990324

he saw people he didn't like talking about it so he automatically hates it. i guarantee that anon doesn't have a clue what they are

>> No.18990329

If Just Eggs and True whatever are allowed as fake substitutes, NoName isn't much of a stretch; quite mild, by comparison, actually.

>> No.18990339

It's called blood.

>> No.18990388

It already exists, retard, it's called "milk". Milk is evolutionarily modified blood.

>> No.18990404

In that sense an apple is just modified leaves

>> No.18990407

>Plant based cookies which are supposed to be infinite times better for you than regular cookies
>Has more sugar than said cookies
Lenny and Larry are both kikes.

>> No.18990413

what site did you find it on? tried looking around with no luck

>> No.18990424

Newfag detected /a/ is completely unrecognisable.

>> No.18990447

/r9k/ is unironically almost like old /b/

>> No.18990458

Apples and leaves (the few types that humans eat, e.g. lettuce) are broadly similar in nutrition value. If humans didn't get the dysgenical mutation that disabled our innate vitamin C production, then the contrast would even be starker.
If you made that observation because you intended to show how such statements like I did are "obvious"/low-value, then I would say you need to think about this more. For example, it's correct to say flowers, fruits, etc. are just modified leaves, so you could get the impression "well, everything is a modified leaf then!". But compare it with a statement like "flowers are just modified fruits". That is incorrect, and shows how making such evolutionary statements are still interesting.

>> No.18990495

Idiot fool, I didn't say that /a/ hadn't changed, I said that it was the closest board to old 4chan. I think the most visible example is that they ban you for posting pepe or wojak.

>> No.18990509
File: 67 KB, 1200x1794, 1648613150832552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JUST fuck my shit up senpai

>> No.18990528

old /b/ wasn't 90% posts riddled with cringe incelspeak

>> No.18990558

It's also called "one point o" 2004 film

>> No.18990566

not even remotely close and you've exposed yourself as a newfag

>> No.18990573

Shoo Korean, shoo before I get the bug spray.

>> No.18990617

I can tell you came here in 2016 lmao. the closest we have to old 4chan is unironically [s4s] and that board went to shit years ago

>> No.18990627

Well, you're completely and totally wrong. So wrong that I basically assume you haven't really ever been on /a/.

>> No.18990882

>racism against bugs
not cool
praying mantis are awesome

>> No.18990886

yo now youre getting it

>> No.18991113

shit makes me so angry
first time i saw it was at the vegan section of whole foods and was kinda confused
that shit has to be some kinda false marketing or something

>> No.18991254

The inventor is literally autistic.
>hates eating food
>didnt like tasting things
>wants a nutritionally complete meal that takes as little effort to consume so he can go back to programming
>invented it and called it soylent as a joke homage to that movie
>turned it into a company

Just an autist being an autist, im more surprised it caught on.

>> No.18991292

How often do you think those nozzles get washed?

>> No.18991377

Did it though? I Mich it certainly has a niche, but amongst autists themselves. You dont really see people drinking this for every meal nor normal people using it

>> No.18991382
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I love it in fruit salad.

>> No.18991393

What the fuck is washing "up"? up could mean anything. Sounds like ESL speak to me.

>> No.18991400
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>> No.18991403

>proudly carbon neutral
Maximum normie retard level.

>> No.18991407

Only when it breaks.

>> No.18991411

Brits unironically make fun of Americans for shit like sidewalk...

>> No.18991436

I mean*

>> No.18991464

>Sans nom
But I want nom! >:3c

>> No.18991504

Yet this is something you would only say if you're new to the language and trying to mentally transliterate every word back into your native language to make sense of it.

>> No.18991531

>he fell for the bait

>> No.18991541

>we paid some faggot for a tree he may or may not have planted
>we installed some solar panels on a roof to heat up water at the shitter sink

>> No.18991702
File: 1.64 MB, 498x371, kirk3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck is cleaning "up"? up could mean anything

>> No.18991706
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Poor cope and seethe
Enjoy your rice Chinga Linga ding ding!

>> No.18991750

Where the live seafood

>> No.18991780
File: 487 KB, 1226x1500, 1614405187263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a similar physique and I'm always worried my own man tits are really obvious
This photo confirms they very much are

>> No.18991783

They literally sell it at walmart
it's mainstream now

>> No.18991789


>> No.18991801

>16 bucks for generic vodka
damn shits grim

>> No.18991803

wait what do brits call it? a walkie path?

>> No.18991824

They call it the "pavement" because that's the only part of their roads that is paved.

>> No.18991837

But now let's stop talking about /vt/

>> No.18991905

why not all of the above?

>> No.18991958

Thats cheap, here in ontario the cheapest is $28/750ml, thank government owned liquor stores

>> No.18991992

4chan was never good bucko

>> No.18992007

It was better.

>> No.18992011 [DELETED] 

Fuck canned tuna and all fish

>> No.18992035

Since only jews own land in burgerland...

>> No.18992102
File: 1.94 MB, 480x480, It's Bugsnax.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18992146

You totally ignored everything I said but okay

>> No.18992229


>> No.18992514

Based retard

>> No.18992629

I would buy that cereal.

>> No.18992726
File: 92 KB, 720x640, pepe-the-frog-to-sleep-perchance-to-meme-003-2b8877-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that margarine ?

>> No.18992762
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I loved picrelated in the 90s and early 2000s, can't find them anymore. My piss was smelling like smoked bacon for two days.

>> No.18992787

It's either butter or (more likely) margarine softened with seed oil.

>> No.18992853

imagine taking the time to go online and look retarded on purpose

>> No.18993070

its called detergent, washing up liquid is baby speak

>> No.18993310

Yet they live longer than us

>> No.18993323

canada has heavy sin taxes on liquor.
$16 only gets you a pint normally.

>> No.18993848
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>mfw americans eat kidneys, spaghettis, and elbow

>> No.18994116
File: 31 KB, 612x108, detergent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Detergent can mean any number of cleaning products intended for different purposes. For example "Laundry Detergent" you would use in washing clothes.
Washing Up Liquid is a specific kind of detergent for washing up dishes, it says it right there in the name, no confusion, you get what you paid for.

Olive oil is synthetic liquid fat but it's not marketed as such, it's not baby speak to specify in the name what a product is/and is used for

>> No.18994137

damn, where I'm at in the states I can get a 750ml of Stoli for $16 and I live in a state with a liquor monopoly.