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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18969084 No.18969084 [Reply] [Original]

How real is the food they sell in the grocery store today compared to 50 or 100 years ago

>> No.18969109 [DELETED] 

It's all made out of bugs and beaner piss/spit

>> No.18969116


>> No.18969146
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50 years ago they mostly just sold the basics and your loving house wife would go and make actual food from scratch. Then after dinner you would push your beds together and have missionary style sex. They took this away from you.

>> No.18969176

It was worse both 50 and 100 years ago. They would put whatever in the food and claim everything is healthy for you. People are way more educated about what's healthy. People used to live off canned stuff.

>> No.18969191

50 years ago was the 70s, well after highly processed food became widespread

>> No.18969205
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>50 years ago was the 70s

>> No.18969442

this. all the /pol/troon tourists like >>18969146 will say it was LE BASED but like all of them they're completely ignorant of history. food safety has come a LONG way in the past 150 years. it's actually pretty interesting learning about how/why the FDA was even founded. we owe a lot to the Progressivists. and as it came at the end of the Gilded Age, we're in dire need of a 2nd Progressivist movement as we're going through the 2nd Gilded Age as we speak

>> No.18969459

Largely better. Even if some of it is still slop, the consumer has the tools to be more informed, and that alone has changed things.

>> No.18969465

yeah but the consumer is still the same

>> No.18969467

Thank Marx that our diets are so much healthier now. I mean just look at how healthy we all look!

>> No.18969472

Maybe, maybe not. I personally look at the labels of all my food, and am happy that labeling has gotten better in the last few years. The added sugar label for example really made slop peddlers angry.

>> No.18969474

OP asked about the grocery store, Chud. Fast food ballooning as an industry is a separate discussion.

>> No.18969482
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>people now have more choices than ever to eat as healthily or as poorly as they want
>chuddie over here seething about Marx out of nowhere

>> No.18969614

>People used to live off canned stuff.
they still do. there was that guy from a couple years ago that posted on here that he had eaten only chef boyardee beefaroni for several years and he took pictures of all the cans in his living room

>> No.18969615

this is some dogmatic, grim shit

>> No.18969689

It's not good to give humans choices if there's just a right and a wrong choice. Some people are going to make the wrong choice and have a bad outcome, and nobody gets any benefit from having gotten to choose. There is no ethereal, intangible benefit to giving people choices in and of itself.

>> No.18969898

Go fuck yourself faggot, the right choice for you is to eat a fucking bullet.

>> No.18970387

Looking at how food regulations develop over time is truly fascinating. Consumer awareness should be a mandatory subject in school, and these stories should be covered in detail.

>> No.18970395

how about I force you to consume my turbo, sucked straight out my asshole. No choice, FORCED

>> No.18971038

Flip side of that argument, americans were objectively thinner on average then and continue to get fatter every year now. The lack of availability of imported food meant people enjoyed fresher food because it wasn’t available otherwise. People ate food from scratch more often, people canned foods more often. That being said, people smoked significantly more, gasoline still had lead in it. Cancer deaths per year were on a steady increase until the 90s, since then they have declined 33%. That doesn’t mean our food quality is better, early onset cancer (before age 50) is steadily increasing in cases per year. The takeaway from this is that it’s been a steady series of improvements and mistakes in health regulation going forward and the FDA isn’t entirely uncompromised in its motivations for what it does and doesn’t choose to regulate.

>> No.18971112

I'm with you anon. The retards seething at you don't understand. Freedom is good, but the freedom to destroy yourself is a real danger.

>> No.18971120

>I have no willpower, therefore everyone should live under the thumb of the government

zoomers please