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18968362 No.18968362 [Reply] [Original]

Cow suckers on sudoku watch

>> No.18968370

Literally, unironically 1984.

>> No.18968372

What does that even mean in this context? Either they allow it or they don’t.

>> No.18968412
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I'm outraged! You promised me dog or higher!

>> No.18968449

For anons who won't read: no, this does not mean they will drop the "soy" from "soy milk". The FDA says there's no confusion to consumers because that discriptor exists. If it didn't, proponents to dropping the milk part would have an argument.

>> No.18968600

Almond milk has been 'almond milk' since before thing English term existed. Read the Bible dumbasses.

>> No.18968616

>buy milk
>100% real milk*
>*from bull cows
>it taste salty

>> No.18968619

>No cow needed: Oat and soy can be called milk, FDA proposes
The one and only time the FDA has ever done a single good thing. There's hope!

>> No.18968642

Milk will continue to be attacked because it's for whites. If blacks were the primary consumer, it would be hailed as a super food for those with the superpowers to digest it.

>> No.18968689

You can look at recipes from like 1400 AD and they call for "almond mylke" and shit. Its just a colloquial phrase, we all know its not real milk.

>> No.18968809

>(((they))) have been trying to implement the ZOG agenda since biblical times
tell me something I didn't know already

>> No.18968832

FDA enforces laws passed by Congress, they cannot create their own, which includes labelling. It’s a fundamental check on government power, one the ATF, for instance, ignores.

>> No.18968845

What a shit entity the FDA is.
Here Hellmans can't even be called mayo because its low grade goyslop, they don;t have "mayo" or god forbid anything more descriptive on their shitty little plastic jar here.
Same goes for Peanut Butter, cant even be called butter because it contains no bullerfat.

>> No.18968856

found this https://modernfarmer.com/2013/11/rat-cheese/

I am laughing my ass off, the guys behind the meme were pretty funny

>> No.18968867

Those are retarded quibbles. The FDA has far stricter regulations on ingredient disclosure than Yuropoors, which is actually important.

>> No.18968877
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>> No.18968954

So true bestie

>> No.18968955
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Im sure all those people are now going to suddenly come and pay more for shit that isnt milk

>> No.18969255


>> No.18969726

i think someone here said that oatly shit has more sugar in it than coca cola/

>> No.18969732

im pretty sure rat milk is toxic

>> No.18969781

I mean this is this the same ZOG third world shithole that considers pizza a vegetable soooo, like is this really far fetched. Oat "milk" is literally water all that shit is AT LEAST soy milk has some protein and fat granted its not a whole protein.

>> No.18969818

the FDA is mostly made up retired chairmen and executive positions of the food and pharma industry that talk back with one another even though insider trading is highly illegal and no one does shit about it.
They don't give a shit about standards otherwise most the slop in a grocery store wouldn't have industrial grade food waste in it.

>> No.18970132

Unfortunately, they get to interpret law whichever way they want in order to enforce it

>> No.18970136

Looks great because I really trust the government these days

>> No.18970174

the subversion of language is the subversion of thought.

>no goyim the price of MILK hasnt gone up on average, why look at this soy MILK, its price is the same :D

>> No.18970212

how would you even go about milking an almond in ancient times
lil niggas don't even have tiddies

>> No.18970220

For real europoor ingredient lists are just creepy with the (letter)[number] ingredients

>> No.18970230
File: 50 KB, 407x305, Fresh_Dairy_Milk-Byrne_Dairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not chocolate milk and you should feel sad

>> No.18970238
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>> No.18970572

Pajeets consume a lot of milk as well.

>> No.18970778

>Oat and soy can be called milk

What? That's dumb. What will we be referring to in the future?

"I can only drink milk bean milk because I'm lactose intolerant"
"As for my breakfast I eat a bowl of milkmeal with milk, with some chopped fruits"

>> No.18970783

just in, gas station carts are honey

>> No.18970802

They can call oat and soy milk, but they know damn well that they will never be a woman.

>> No.18970859

We can just use the words like we do now. Milk is cow milk, goat milk is goat milk, oat milk is oat milk etc. How thick are you?

>> No.18970862

Simpsons rat milk farming .

>> No.18970873

>Read the edited translation of dead languages
I work with a guy like you. There's not getting through to people like this.

>> No.18970876

But you can't milk plants!

>> No.18971445
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So what? Head cheese isn't made out of milk and coconut milk has been used to refer to pic related since forever.


>> No.18971497

Nobody buys head cheese in the fucking dairy section you nigger

>> No.18971553

idk what yall are on about. if you milk the oats you get oatmilk, if you milk the almonds you get almond milk. milk is a verb and the noun version refers to anything produced by milking.

>> No.18971588

Then just call it "cow milk" and I'll buy that when I want real milk

>> No.18971694

This. Unless it says "100% grassfed", it's soy-fed milk anyway. No difference.

>> No.18971702

Got it. Thanks for teaching me.

>> No.18971750

n-no this can't be happening! i'm in charge here!

>> No.18972092

white, opaque plant juices have always been called milk. It's not a new term

>> No.18972183
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This was always the most stupid, OBVIOUSLY manufactured outrage. People were calling soya milk "soya milk" for decades and nobody had any problems with it until the milk industry told them to.

>> No.18972424

> he doesn't enjoy chopped milk

>> No.18972430

Do spics really?

>> No.18972451
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i like almond milk in my coffee and cereal but in terms of nutrition nothing will beat picrel

>> No.18972472

This can genuinely fuck with people who cook
>Buy "milk"
>"Milk" can't be used for the recipe because it's not cow milk

>> No.18972528

The eu produces all the worlds sneed oils so they have a long way to go to be based

>> No.18972539

This is the only acceptable skim cow milk. Where my dietbros at?

>> No.18972779

>he drinks "x milk"
>he doesn't drink whole milk
My state is working to allow raw milk to be in stores now as well.
Feels good to be a full fat connoisseur.

>> No.18973005

Do you have any idea how expensive good bullcum is!?

>> No.18973096

It definitely doesn't cook the same and I doubt they'd drop. the 'oat' and stuff label, it's part of the appeal.

>> No.18973489

They literally need to be killed

>> No.18973536
File: 16 KB, 320x180, 76F75A3D-96F9-497C-8D95-D4F81E3C4CBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

groids love milk and cheese and dairy though. i dont believe that statistic that says everyone in the world besides whites is dairy intolerant. spics pile cheese on everything blacks love fettuccini alfredo & cheesy grits and japs have developed their own subculture for presenting parfaits

>> No.18973608

You VILL drink ze oat milk
You VILL eat ze turkey ham
You VILL eat ze bug proteins
and last of all
You VILL be happy

>> No.18973634

The stats on their products are insane. AND it's fucking tasty to boot.

>> No.18973862

I'm outraged, this fake shit should be labeled faggotmilk instead.

>> No.18973890

The dairy industry tried to stop the food processors from relabeling almond juice as milk. Which is retarded. It is obviously a colloquialism. Fresh almond milk is amazing by the way. It was around before they started selling carrageenan as "milk". But that right there makes sense to litigate on. It is the bigger issue here. As the poison pill are these manufacturing plants that are selling ground up slop as "milk".
Yeah and the plant is a factory. Do yourself a favor and make it yourself if you want this.

>> No.18973895

Oat and soy milk is already called as such in australia.

I don't see the issue. The likes of rice, oat, soy, almond etc are largely used as alternatives to regular milk, so calling it all milk is just easy.

>> No.18973907

its lactose in milk they're intolerant of. theres very little lactose left in cheese/yoghurt/processed dairy products so anyone really can eat them unless they're particularly lactose intolerant

>> No.18973911

Oats are based, soy is well, the opposite.
I think oats are better consumed as classic, no sugar or flavor added cheerios with traditional milk however.

>> No.18973916

i'm at the point where i can't tell what's real and what's fake

>> No.18974000

>Retarded yuropoors still don't understand the difference between "contains a serving of vegetables" and "is a vegetable"

>> No.18974284


>> No.18975082

>not even A5 Wagyu cum

>> No.18975102

no, they've always been called "(plant) milk", like "almond milk" or "soy milk". never just "milk" alone

>> No.18975111

Read through it
It has to include "Soy" or whatever it says immediately before the word "milk", not just "milk" or whatever.
IF it passes which it might not.
Nothingburger because it's the same as it is now

>> No.18975154

You don't like milk sauce in your ramen?

>> No.18975161

>its lactose in milk they're intolerant of
untrue, sugary shitty cereals are a staple of american black homes and an american black home with about 3-5 kids is going to be stocked on sugary cereals and gallons of milk.
>source: my childhood

>> No.18975186

"real" milk is a lie anyway

they just dump it out at the bottling plant and mix white chemicals and water together

maybe they put a drop or two of real milk for flavor

>> No.18975187

*Dabs on you*
Wow nigga get fucked.

>> No.18975196

>have a soy allergy
>drink milk
thanks FDA

>> No.18975313

Milk is just a descriptive term for a type of substance. I'm not going to drink plant alkaloids just because they're referred to as milk either.
This is just to prevent retarded shit like referring to everything as a "Drink".

It's pre-digested. Your saliva does the same thing. Though obviously Oatly is slop.

Being unspecific is going to fuck with you anyway. A lot of people use a general category to refer to one example, look no further than salt or vegetable oil.

This. If you really want Oatly shit then either spit in your milk and add oil or purchase amylase online.

>> No.18975352

milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk, milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk.

milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk.

milk milk, milk. milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk milk. Milk milk milk milk milk milk milk?

>> No.18975503

>refugee milk

>> No.18976654

American food standards are almost non existent

>> No.18976672

You get that much milk from just 22 rats?!

>> No.18976697

What on earth do you expect? They can't cook properly. They don't even want to. They feed hormones to their cattle, spray their crops with oestrogen based pesticides and feed their children testosteron inducing soda (Pepsi, Coca-Cola).

Of course they'll try to sell cereals soaked in water as "milk". No wonder bug based diets are a thing there. They're almost as bad as the Russians.

>> No.18976703

Those fuckers can start letting me pay taxes in Monopoly money then.

>> No.18976705
File: 219 KB, 634x883, "milk".jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cow suckers on sudoku watch
Well we all know what nut water drinkers suck

>> No.18976711

What the fuck are you talking about? Take your meds

>> No.18976809

yes, because I sure as fuck would like to know if my food has copious amounts of trash in it like yellow 5, brominated vegetable oil, MSG and other USA special ingredients.

>> No.18977006

Milk is very clearly something which has been milked, as in the verb, from something. As plants are not milkable, as in the verb, nothing from them can be described as milk. You vegans are the most dishonest fucks.

>> No.18977008


Woof woof woof

>> No.18977259

Did everybody just forget that coconut milk's been called as such literally fucking forever?