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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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18953880 No.18953880 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18953889

sometimes but usually not

>> No.18953894

not until he dry ages an A5 wagyu in his own cum

>> No.18953902

you watch one video, you've watched them all. guy is trying to churning out videos for money. there's no passion.

>> No.18953901

He experiments a lot with flavours. Not something that you unrefined peasants would understand.

>> No.18954221

Old stuff is good and useful, but he's veered off into meme territory recently.

>> No.18954228

I enjoy the thought of some salt and pepper only steak guy watching his videos and getting mad
That’s the best part

>> No.18954244

>calls everything wagyu and msg
He's become a caricature

>> No.18954287

I don't like how half the video is food reaction and
>durr it's sooooo good right??? wow very good. muh flavor

>> No.18954306

I like his experiments and think the overall idea is cool but he and friends are obnoxious faggots when they actually talk.

>> No.18954607

angel is an annoying little shit, i like the guy with the beard though

>> No.18954650

steak wanker loves his fucking steak

>> No.18954870

>Today, we're going to be doing something completely differennnt...
>This is a steak, but we'll be aging it a little differentlllyy...
>This steak is going to be dry aged in fecal matterrr. Today I took a shit, and am going to submerge this guga steak into my fecesss..

>> No.18954871

He's fat. He cannot be based.

>> No.18955030
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How would you ever trust a thin chef? Are you a homosexual anon?

>> No.18955053

Based on what?

>> No.18955122

>So less dew iiiiiiiit

>> No.18955182

Shut up fatass. Fat "people" have blunted taste buds.

>> No.18955186

>drown steak under salt, pepper and butter
>Oh yeah that steak flavor is INSANE wow!
I probably couldn't swallow one of his steaks

>> No.18955574

I really like his stuff, makes me want to buy a huge grill

>> No.18955598


>> No.18955626
File: 26 KB, 422x201, gugasemen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18955665

>hello ewybodi
>today we're dry aging Angel

>> No.18955697


>Metallic flavor

I swear this board is full of faggots

>> No.18956385

>Duddee A5 WAGYU

>> No.18957625

bolsanaro supporter.

>> No.18957630

I know what I’m gonna make tomorrow with elevenlabs

>> No.18957747

Wagyu cum not his own cum.

>> No.18957820


>> No.18957827

Only people hating him seem to be mentally ill freaks obsessed with cum

>> No.18957878

His videos don't need to be as long as they are. Ok, we get it, this week you're trying to coat/dry age a steak in X and see if it's decent or not.
>6 minutes of explanation about what pineapple juice is
>3 minutes of looking at steak coated in silly putty
>let's doeeiiit
>repetitive, horrible royalty free music
>it's finally cooked
>"ok Angel, what do you think we have this time???"
>"lol actually, this one is regular dry-aged, but this one... you got a guess buddy??"
>"actually, I dry aged this one, ya ready for it, in Thompson's water seal!
If I do watch one of his videos, I skip around so it's about a 2 minute viewing experience.

>> No.18957889

Summary of every single video this fatty has ever made.

Today we're going to cook/dry age a steak in X.(Insert whatever you want, mud, shit, cum, butter, fish, whatever)
Overexplain everything to pad run time for youtube money.
Play terrible music during slo-mo shots of the steak cooking. (Reuse footage of steaks cooking to save time)
Eat a steak with friends and say "OH MY GOD ITS AMAZING, THANKS EVERYONE, NOW SUBSCRIBE"
Repeat until he dies from heart failure.

>> No.18958091
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>people really don't understand the fact that he has to monetize the video with longer than usual explanations to literally have a roof over his head

>> No.18958232

>smooth ASMR european voiceover for the first 80% of the video
>its a fat mexican at the end
if it wasnt for this his videos would actually be alright

>> No.18958233

hey that's my post...

>> No.18958236

>guy is trying to churning out videos for money. there's no passion.
i mean that's true for the entire modern internet
i wish we could go back to the 90s~2012 golden age of people making quality stuff just cuz its cool and fun

>> No.18958261

I hate his fucking voice. Just thinking about it makes me irrationally angry.

>> No.18958277

Some of his side dishes are kino. That's the lowkey most useful part of his videos. I'm not gonna eat A5 anytime soon but I could sure do some ez tacos or pasta like he uses for the side dish.

Some of his experiments are actually useful but some of them are a complete meme that no one sane would ever do.

The steaks have been more or less the same for a while

Maomao is his best video partner. The 2 nephews are a bit obnoxious

>> No.18958678

so true. I don't get the Leo hype, I don't like the way he talks. Angel is just a dude.

>> No.18958772

Oh yeah hes really hurting with his multiple channels of million+ subs

>> No.18959221

I find he just takes a simple idea and just drags it out for viewing hours, but it's relatively harmless and entertaining enough. I was actually super interested in his video on using baking soda to tenderise meat since I'd heard that a lot of Chinese takeaways already do that. From his video it seems like a baking soda marinade really does make meat juicier and more tender, however it comes at the cost of adding a weird flavour to the meat. Chinese takeaways probably get away with the baking soda flavour because they drown the food in all sorts of other strong flavours so you can't tell.

>> No.18959246

Fuck can't you tarded spergs keep this chatter in youtube comments? You bunch of bitchass mofos.

>> No.18959260

Opposite for me, Angel seems chill but the description guy should just shut the fuck up or better yet, disappear entirely. Unless you meant the mamau guy, he's ok.

>> No.18959264

Perhaps you should apply to be a janitor. I heard they also work for free.

>> No.18959266

You just rinse it off. He made a big video about that and didn't think to remove the bicarbonate soda before cooking the meat? Fucking hell.

>> No.18959452

>Love Guga, MauMau, and Angel.
Can't stand the milquetoast annoying "description" guy.

>> No.18959461

With that logic, we can assume that zoomers are good in assembly language because they use TikTok.

>> No.18959481

I'm watching his videos then hop over to sexmex and imagine his nephews fucking his wife.